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Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Word Dragon does come from the word "Drakon" Of Ancient Greek, which is a cloak word for saying "Serpent". In other words, Dragon does literally mean Serpent, and within symbolism, it's entirely the same meaning.

The Dragon survived as a mythical creature, symbolic of the Power of the Serpent. The fact that Dragons fly is essentially to show the meaning of raising the Serpent to the "Heavenly Realm" which is the Crown Chakra.

Dragons are a mix of species pointing to reptiles, which many have erroneously and for purposeful deception tried to relate to "Reptilians" and to claim that Satan is a reptilian or something. As those who understand the enemy, they always try to ridicule things, while their profane materialism is just another way to attack Satanic spiritual concepts.

The symbolism however behind the eyes of the Dragon and it's "reptilian" features, is because reptiles do possess excessive fortitude, energy, they change their skin, and they require a hot climate. The energy nature of the Serpent can also be shattering, violent and powerful, but "reptiles" also possess extrasensory abilities.

The agitation of the Serpent happens with and produces within the alchemical fire [Dragon Breathes the Fire], as with physical Serpents do become "Active" on a hot climate or during the hot months of the year. The Fire the Dragon breathes is the firey force meditators fell. Dragons also in some myths reside in a place no different than "Hell", with fire, brimstone and coals, another relation with the element of Fire. The Dragon also commonly resides beneath ground in some myths, where it has it's "Dragon Nest", the "Hellish" base Chakra.

The choice of symbolism of a snake is nothing strange here, as the Kundalini Serpent behaves, moves, and operates a lot like a "Snake". This is simply why everyone related to the Kundalini Serpent as a Snake. The energy moves in a Serpentine fashion, how a Serpent moves. The concept is based on nature.

Dragons, ie, Serpents, were looked upon always as positive entities, bringers of omens, protectors of households, and never had ominous content until the ascent of "Christianity". From there on the Dragon was called negative, cursed, and many other defiling names. Dragons are linked to enlightenment and understanding. Due to their terrible power, they are also linked to destruction and damnation. Saint Kike George is a myth about how the "killing" of the Dragon is to commence. This is blasphemy.

Tales of Dragons have dominated both Chinese and European history. Dragons exist in endless European crests, and are symbols of power, authority, and strength.

Chinese kings and many others have made numerous myths on how one will "Ride the Dragon", all symbolic of abilities the Serpent bestows. Except of massive wisdom, it does bestow the ability for easier astral projection, which is called frequently by the words "Flight". The reasons for this should be understood by people who astrally project. The Serpent helps the soul raise in vibration and out of negative gravity, so one can effectively "fly" in astral projection. This is pretty uncommon in normal projection. More details on another post about that.

Many Xians due to excessive ignorance, are afraid of things like the "Book of Revelations" and other stupid materials. These materials are badly written, and jewdized versions describing Kundalini ascent, filled with negative subliminals, fears, and in particular tales of damnation for the unknowing populace. None of this is "Prophetic" and none of this is in anyway spiritual, other than that it uses strange symbolism to evoke deeper fears in mankind.

Due to spiritual illiteracy [caused by outlawing of spirituality under the penalty of death] many people are afraid of these things, and they cannot understand them, or even worse, assume that these materials are "prophecies" about the material world. This is done by the jews who like to keep people in a perpetual state of neolithic fear, ignorance, and blindness, so they can lead the blind "Sheep" into their slaughter. Especially true is also the case in Islam and all of Abrahamic "faiths", which are only systems for enslavement, pretending there is anything spiritual in them whatsoever.

In all Pagan mythologies the Dragon appears in the last stage of the myths. If we are to get more specific, in the Herculean Labours he appears after the first few myths. The Dragon is not only positive or only negative, it is both, and is both helpful and aggressive. Hercules suffers from "reptiles" in his first labors, but manages to come into control of them in the last. This is symbolic of realising how this force works.

Over all these years in books I have never really found anything more revealing or important than the very obvious mythology in front of us. However, many things have been lost in the exact details of said myths. Yet all the existing myths are enough to lead someone as is to the raising of the Serpent and understanding of the hidden connotations.

In regards to the "destruction" of Gentile culture, there has always been a problem to the enemy: how does someone destroy the culture one has stolen from, and has dominated the whole planet? You simply cannot do that. Because every research and future discovery is going to bring it back up. Therefore the enemy went on the route of defamation and slander.

Dragons were kept at the center of this slander, but also became core symbolism in Europe. While the enemy consistently whined about how Dragons are negative creatures, deadly and so forth, most of our popular culture in Europe has had Dragons at the center. Dragons appear as extremely old, wise, and in some myths are aggressive to the hero while at other myths they help.

In the same way Satan detests people who are unwise and overly deceived, Dragons appear to be "attacking" people in myths such as the myths of Merlin or Hercules. Merlin is assaulted by the Dragon and also Hercules is assaulted. Why this is the case? Because they are retarded, and Dragons act as guardians to knowledge and understanding. The above also has to do with the premature rising or agitation of the Serpent when one simply is clueless about things. The Dragon "strikes back".

In the famous myth of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthurian Legend, one king was called Uther Pendragon which is very close to Pandragon. The etymology is admitted to be related anyway despite of the worthless vowel changes of E and A.

Pan and the Dragon or Kundalini Serpent, are closely related. Pan is the fertility and Nature God of the Greeks, and Dragon is fairly obvious. The fusion of the two is a mysterious subject, because Pan also deals with "Everything", but also on the "Highest Form". In the Ancient Satanic Schools, the levels of the adepts were structured and organized, and the head of these was called "Pendragon", or the highest Dragon.

Much if not of all this symbolism has survived, because our "species" is Satanic, even through the Middle Ages. On one hand one had the enemy program rampaging, on the other, nobody could let go of the old cutlure. We never stopped believing in these things, because we always knew that they were true.

Nowadays, Dragons are submerged in wonder, respect, and most movies that hit all time highs in views, have had dragons and other major Satanic symbolism into them. Without these nothing is interesting.

Satan's equation with the "Great Dragon" and specifically the "Great Dragon of the Apocalypse" is really revealing, because it's the enemy's way of extrapolating on their fear of the rise of Satan, in a metaphor of the rise of the Serpent in the spiritual practitioner.

The so called "Apocalypse" is nothing but a stolen and manipulated text [past recovery and enemy infested] of the rising of the Kundalini Serpent. It was filled with strong negative subliminals to dissuade people and scare them, but also a copious amount of curses in it to impede humans from the process itself. We have been undoing this worthless blasphemy with our Rituals. There were similar books before and actual myths which describe the spiritual holiness of this undertaking.

The enemy had to manipulate these to get into our culture for their reasons of corossive destruction, and Christianity and Islam became the first "Dragon hating" cultures, as they became the first "Satan Hating" cultures.

In regards to this "attack from the Dragon" which ended up in Dragons ending up as cursed by the enemy, the enemy always wanted Satan's secrets, and all the enemy is, is just an attack towards Lord Satan and his gift of bestowal on mankind. In this case, they attack every symbol associated with Satan with the highest slander.

Satan and those whom are under him always will rise as Dragons and turn the enemy to ashes, from ashes to the starry realms.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject
DezFranky said:
Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject

Update now, althought, it was on the part about the Alchemical fire. It should be clearer.
Concerning the wings of the Dragon and other symbolism of the risen serpent...

Wings have always meant freedom, just like the eagle.
In mythology freedom had a deeper meaning. That of liberation from ignorance as well as from mortality and the cicle of death and reincarnation.
Other symbols of the risen serpent are the reys of the sun as seen on the Statue of Libertas; or just a sun like in Egyptian heroglyphs, often encircled by a serpent; or a shining star like the one put above the Yule tree. This because achieving the Magnum Opus is related to a brighter shining soul.
The tree is our soul. The eagle above Yggdrasil symbolizes the same thing.
It seems that the crown once symbolizes spiritual masters whose serpent was risen and ruled over the common people.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Concerning the wings of the Dragon and other symbolism of the risen serpent...

Wings have always meant freedom, just like the eagle.
In mythology freedom had a deeper meaning. That of liberation from ignorance as well as from mortality and the cicle of death and reincarnation.
Other symbols of the risen serpent are the reys of the sun as seen on the Statue of Libertas; or just a sun like in Egyptian heroglyphs, often encircled by a serpent; or a shining star like the one put above the Yule tree. This because achieving the Magnum Opus is related to a brighter shining soul.
The tree is our soul. The eagle above Yggdrasil symbolizes the same thing.
It seems that the crown once symbolizes spiritual masters whose serpent was risen and ruled over the common people.
I forgot to say about the Red Phrygian Cap.
These symbols were used during the Satanic revolutions of the Enlightenment just like the serpent. The don't thread on me flag and the US seal also have the serpent.
I have thought for a while now that the Dragons depicted in art were a composite of the snake, goat head, and peacock wings and talons. Perhaps I was wrong.

Very lovely post. And of course Dragons depicted on mountain tops must be symbolic of the risen serpent.

There are quite a few sects today that use this temer. It's coming back into fashion in the occult.

I'm thinking in particular of the sinister order of Drakon Covenant. Or the order of the Red Dragon of the Swede Thomas Karlsson.

There is also the shamanic order of the Black Dragon of Nyarlathotep which is very secret, and whose main goal is spiritual immortality with the construction of the body of glory. They are mainly based on Chaos magic, and some tantric methods (as explained by Julius Evola in his excellent book "The Yoga of Powers").

Most of these orders are sinister, and use vampirism by abusing sleeping NPCs with no occult knowledge.

Where the Taoists take this symbolism as pure wisdom and dedicate themselves to the use of telluric energies to achieve enlightenment and immortality (formation of the spiritual fetus).
To unite with the princess in the tower, the prince must defeat the Dragon, in other terms, he has to master the force of the Kundalini and become wiser, only then will he be able to unite with the Princess, or in other terms, the female energy Ida, that is the union of the female and male aspects of the soul, the raising of the Kundalini.
DezFranky said:
Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject

The Dragon's breath is mainly the vase breathing (complete) of the Tibetans and related by J.Evola in The Yoga of Powers. It is necessary to pace the breathing (2t - t - 2t), the time to enter in trance, and then to visualize a flame which rises more and more from Muladhara.

It is also possible to do the work with fire breathing.

I also know another Dragon Breath, which is in fact a method to get into trance very quickly, once it is well mastered. I must warn you that this one can be very destabilizing at the beginning, when you are not used to it. And this practice is a way to get in touch with your shadow aspect (so be carefull).

Concretely, this is how you should proceed:

Begin this meditation by breathing normally and observing the breathing pattern - meditate on the air coming into your nostrils, into your lungs and filling your body - making it light and relaxed. Then slow down the pace of the breath and breathe deeply until you are totally relaxed (you can also combine this with your favorite relaxation exercise).

Now begin to breathe in the reverse pattern - visualizing that you are breathing in as you exhale and breathing out as you inhale. Stay focused on this visualization until you are no longer sure how you are actually breathing and you go into a trance, which will allow you to continue the work.
When i first found Satanism i bought this random blank black book online to write stuff in just in case, and when i got it, i looked at it closer and saw that it had two dragons on the cover with thier tails kind of intertwined like the serpent coils. i believe Satan just led me that that particular book haha. its a beautiful little piece of artwork.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Beautiful sermon. These satanic allegories and symbolism and are all so very important, it's very exciting to learn more about them, thank you.

I noticed at least with my personal experiences with the serpent, that sometimes urges to make these noises, or uncontrollable growling, primal/animal like noises occur.

I'm sure exactly why or how, but there was a few times when intensely working with the energy things like that occured, at least for me.

Is there any sort of symbolism regarding this, or exact reason this occurs?
I always knew never to connect the Serpent with the enemy ets but I did wish to know more of the Serpent and why Its used besides that the helix DNA looks similar and how the Serpent moves up the spine like a snake climbing a branch.

Amazing post. I'll distribute it around when possible. It's annoying seeing the "I don't believe in xianity but..." people who insult the Serpent.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DezFranky said:
Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject

Update now, althought, it was on the part about the Alchemical fire. It should be clearer.

Very hot! 🔥 🔥 Thank you, it clicks for myself now
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The choice of symbolism of a snake is nothing strange here, as the Kundalini Serpent behaves, moves, and operates a lot like a "Snake". This is simply why everyone related to the Kundalini Serpent as a Snake. The energy moves in a Serpentine fashion, how a Serpent moves. The concept is based on nature.
Thank you for such an interesting sermon! :)

I'd like to ask though... I remember other SS here saying that they talked to their kundalini and got an answer of some sorts (like, asking about a particular situation and getting an answer in feeling perhaps?)... It had (and still has) made me confused.

I am just curious about the details of the kundalini... From what I understand, it is an energy that was given to us from Satan. I know what it can do (at least, partially?), having read HP Maxine's sermons in the site.

But I've seen (read) people here treating it like a separate entity. They refer to the kundalini as "she", because it's a feminine energy.
But is it... well, is it an 'entity'? Not a physical entity (obviously). What I mean is, does this energy has a consciousness?

By the way, I've read your other sermon on the kundalini (Dealing with Astral Entities - The Serpent) and I've also read HP Maxine's sermons on the site, but I can't recall an exact explanation about this.
Can we talk about the North Node (Caput Draconis/Head of the Dragon) and the South Node (Cauda Draconis/Tail of the Dragon)?

Let's keep opening the Gates of Satan, so that his invincible and supreme power can purge the Earth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above also has to do with the premature rising or agitation of the Serpent when one simply is clueless about things. The Dragon "strikes back"

So the people who've posted "You don't raise the kundalini, you prepare the temple(mind, body, and soul) for it's ascension" are correct?

In other words "forcing" whatever that means or matters is not to be done rather you prepare yourself for it at some point in your future several years in the future?

Apparently there's also other people whom have stated the dragon should ideally be raised past a certain age. IF the Gods children are so advanced, wouldn't they activate and "force" or allow to raise the kundalini quite early in their life? I understand humans have issues mainly lack of meditation, curses etc.etc. but for the Gods isn't the fact they are so advanced and so pristine clean(spiritual cleanliness) that they raise it earlier in their life? Or do the Gods practice limits and raise it when appropriate?

Also what exactly IS the kundalini besides being a force of nearly limitless energy alchemically wise? What I mean is what EXACTLY does it do to the person. There are people who've risen their kundalini or work with it in certain parts of the World, look at Gopi Krishna here and he didn't seem all the enlightened or extreme. I assume it makes it easier to learn things but just having the kundalini isn't a sign of wisdom, is that correct?
In celtic mythology dragons are also considered the protectors of spiritual and physical treasures. Now this may sound familiar in a sense as many gods protect and give us spiritual knowledge which we in turn use and continue to protect from spiritual indoctrination through spiritual advancement. Physical treasures, I believe, is the manifesting of the spiritual and objects/symbolism in the physical plain. For example the Magnus Opus for immortality. This works towards the immortalization of the soul but also of the body as evident of 'de-aging' and restoration. With objects and symbolism this can be the necessities of life or culturalism, possessions that are extremely important to us. People or pets that we treasure. Its very broad in this aspect and leave it to your self reflection. But it makes sense as Satan and his demon are in one aspect protectors among being teachers and leader in an oversimplization

Another thing about dragons in celtic mythology is the use in symbolism in the creation of ley lines, lines of spiritual energy in the Earth. There is a mythos where dragons, in the imagery of looking like giant serpents, borrowed under the Earth and affect the ley of the land and created pathways of energy. Where two dragons crossed paths creates areas of strong spiritual energy. Druids marked these places with stones.

Btw here a link to my source and more info to read that aligns with what was written here. Also to prevent all of you to suffer through my ramblings any longer :lol:
Awesome!!! 🐍🔥 Thank you for sharing that!!🐍🔥💞
One time I remember, I asked my guardian demon to show me, unfiltered visions, of what the enemy does to worlds, when he visits as he usually does.

It is definitely not for sensitive souls, or those faint of heart, I was shown the most difficult scenes to process and tolerate, I saw nuclear devastated planets, beings chased down and assimilated, extreme suffering and things beyond comprehension to most people, in terms of the depravity, and pure unbridled evil they do.

The pollution, cybernetic augmentation, castration, mutilation, its beyond evil.

What the enemy does to worlds, species is beyond comprehension to rational, natural beings.

Thankfully im not a very emotional person.

The truth is, this war against the enemy is so crucially important, not just for US and our world, but for ALL worlds inhabited by NATURAL beings seeking to advance and live.

The enemies existence is a literal crime against nature. Nature doesnt distinguish in what it creates, but what the enemy does is so unnatural, evil and depraved, we are justified in wiping their entire collective and their slave race, out of existence.
Great post.

I wonder if there are Astral entities that resemble dragons, like certain elementals or fascinating Astral creatures that maintain our Nature.
Brilliant HPHC

In China the serpent must be very revered even the food places over here especially the good ones have this symbol outside.

History is amazing thanks.
Welcome me demonasi anika kundaline le La Crimitonisia Lamanicicia .

For Luma,

Lord Crimna Koverti,
The Koverine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I had in fact a vision of a menacing crocodile between my legs which I believe is related to kundalini. I also sperimented a red "atmosphere" rising from the waist and an impression of what it seemed to be a man dancing in a tribal fashion while playing the rattles.
Excellent post, no wonder I've always been so fond of dragons. I'm actually looking forward for that deeper information about Dragon's Flight and Astral Projection.

I haven't successfully astral projected yet (can't wait but I just collected failures so far), but once or twice I had a decent attempt, in which only my astral head headbanged out of the body before giving up, and this other time where I would feel myself as "swimming" inside my body, like a writhing snake wanting to exit the physical body. I always thought that the action felt more like a swimming fish, but it definitely also reminds of a writhing snake.

I've been studying something called "indirect techniques" (for astral projection) that basically suggest to visualize and feel oneself doing something physical, but without moving.. actions can be moving the limbs, moving a finger, rotating out of bed, somersaulting, swimming, walking and running, crawling.. I haven't really tried this much as I get pissed because at some point I feel my physical body having strong muscle spasms and it makes me frustrated, but always found this idea interesting.

I wonder what it really takes to astral project. Always believed I would be able to boost my spiritual evolution by many times if I managed to do this one thing at will. Can't wait for that future post, Commander.

Also, glad I have noticed a lot of those 'allegories' in mythology as well. Greek mythology especially (probably my favorite and best known) has been shining a lot of light between some of our Gods' identities and an enormous amount of symbolism.

Very interesting, thank you HP.

The Irish mythology concerning serpents unfortunately involves the shitty saints of the enemy spearing and murdering them or claiming the ancient warriors like the Fianna's 'job' was to kill serpents.

In Welsh mythology the original regard of dragons is often more preserved.

When one reads these sermons one realizes how psychologically deranged trash like revelations is and how people connect into it incessantly with their apocalyptic mindsets.

One also realizes the point of xianity is to reverse the meanings of certain mythology. The Sebastos title for example, the Greek form of Augustus, seems to be a Solar or Apollonian related thing. The enemy forged this into their myth of 'Saint Sebastianus' shot by arrows on a tree (Apollo and his bow, the daphne tree) and clubbed to death by Augustus Diocletianus. 'Saint Sebastianus' absorbed Apollo's cult factions as warding off disease and pandemics. This is a clear mockery of Apollo and Rome's pagan rulers.
jrvan said:
I have thought for a while now that the Dragons depicted in art were a composite of the snake, goat head, and peacock wings and talons. Perhaps I was wrong.

I have written something about this before, I believe. Not sure where.
CuoreNordico said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I had in fact a vision of a menacing crocodile between my legs which I believe is related to kundalini. I also sperimented a red "atmosphere" rising from the waist and an impression of what it seemed to be a man dancing in a tribal fashion while playing the rattles.

The crocodile is another similar symbolism, like Sobek. The Egyptian Sobek was symbolic of the Base chakra.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above also has to do with the premature rising or agitation of the Serpent when one simply is clueless about things. The Dragon "strikes back"

So the people who've posted "You don't raise the kundalini, you prepare the temple(mind, body, and soul) for it's ascension" are correct?

I was the first one to even say that, before it was just retards trying to do this only to get mentally wrecked and then be rallied at a hospital.

The rest was nonsense about "raising" it while nobody even understood how or timing or method.

And yes, "these" people are correct.
I've noticed the Welsh Flag has a dragon on it. The flag for Wales is pretty much just a great big red dragon.

Also historic flags from the Tatarian civilisation that's now lost are of a dragon. And also on other historic artefacts that one can come across have serpents and dragons.

Yes the enemy has tried to squash humanities spirituality and wipe it out with the three Abrahamic religions and their crusades/ inquisitions/ witch trials and what have you.

I'm so sorry to have seen that some of our members have taken this so called medical procedure vaccine.

Okay who knows what's going on? Who can know for sure with all of the fraud and lies going on. But what I do know is that a person cannot trust either the mainstream media or politicians.

Let me share a link of David Icke's most recent podcast:


What I want to draw your attention to is between the 30 minutes in and last 20 minutes mark. So a 10 minute segment.

Here David Icke talks about how the cult is trying to steal our soul with this so called vaccine medical procedure.

That it's designed to loosen the etheric body from the physical body so that people get separated from their soul. And become automatons stuck in the material five sense reality with no other sixth sense antenna being cut off spiritually. And that it's done with a vaccine.

He mentions a report sent in to him of a French energy healer that saw a client. And the differences in the clients energetic body after she had been injected with that synthetic substance.

That her astral body had become loose and detached and had a very heavy energy to it.

They're trying to steal our very souls with this vaccine.

And they're vaccinating babies now as soon as they're born.

What kind of horrible society will we live in if people have no souls because that's where compassion, empathy and kindness stem from. The good nature in lovely people stems from the soul.

George Orwell predicted that in the future humanity will have no loyalty or compassion for others. Only love for themselves, big brother and the state.

Could this vaccine change humanity to be cut off from the Gods which the enemy has always been trying to achieve?
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I was the first one to even say that, before it was just retards trying to do this only to get mentally wrecked and then be rallied at a hospital.

lmao, thank you

I found out the hard way from personal experience, which was totally unnecessary, in a time where people were going YOLO and IQ 25 on all these things, so excuse me if I'm sometimes I'm stern on the subject.
Personal Growth said:

If Icke is so alarmed over this, he should come here and meditate alongside everything else.

While he does something important, him not meditating and only writing bullshit about "Love" and "DMT" is not helping him have a more proper relation to his soul.

I'm certain he reads these boards and we know that he reads our material.

So one has to tell David, to please go there and meditate.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I was the first one to even say that, before it was just retards trying to do this only to get mentally wrecked and then be rallied at a hospital.

lmao, thank you

I found out the hard way from personal experience, which was totally unnecessary, in a time where people were going YOLO and IQ 25 on all these things, so excuse me if I'm sometimes I'm stern on the subject.

Most kids at 13 years olds have 25 IQ as I've been, so there's no need for excuses.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
