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JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone of our SS,

I am writing this because the JoS needs to be edited. I think the best way to do this [the volume is simply insane] is for us to go and find the link with a mistake, and then post it here, and then we'll get in and fix what needs to be fixed.

To note, this is not to fix things that need updating, but solely editorial. Grammar mistakes, syntax mistakes, the list goes.

Anyone who finds a mistake, broken link, or anything of the sort, please post below. This way we will be able to fix things in due time. The JoS main has to be immaculate and without any said errors.

Thank you all.
If click on Satanic Symbols it does not work, this is the broken link http://ww6.evilgoy.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666//dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html
The link from this page:https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/S_Resources.html for the 5 tibetans does not work anymore, this is the not working link https://www.lifeevents.org/5-tibetans-energy-rejuvenation-exercises.htm. The pink lotus site does not work too https://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.

The 5 tibetans can be replaced with this https://www.healthline.com/health/5-tibetan-rites#safety.
This link for pinklotus works http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.
When your on this page, https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Transformation.html and try to click the link about Gopi Krishna to learn about his experence with his Kundalini the link is broken.

I've been wanting to re read that page for a while. I hope the info still exists.

Hail Father Satan
In the sacral chakra page, the element needs to be changed from earth to water. I would not want anyone to be confused and invoke the earth element in their sacral chakra https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Sacral_Chakra.html.

Some immages are missing from the chakra page https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html, if needed the images can be found on the italian jos site https://www.itajos.com/X%20SEZIONE%20INTRO%20MEDITAZIONI/I%20CHAKRA.htm.
For the king and queen meditation, the 6th chakra is given the outdated mantra AUM


Other writing from a HPS Maxine on these meditations confirms this. If you believe it is intentional then obviously leave it, but I think the actual Sanskrit mantra would be Thaum?
luis said:
This link for pinklotus works http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.
For me not. Your link here works, but the link I clicked on the JoS article does not.


Anyway. I will look into this and provide more when I spot some. I was printing JoS meditation page yesterday and I think I spotted something. I need to look into this again.
Henu the Great said:
luis said:
This link for pinklotus works http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.
For me not. Your link here works, but the link I clicked on the JoS article does not.


Anyway. I will look into this and provide more when I spot some. I was printing JoS meditation page yesterday and I think I spotted something. I need to look into this again.
Yes, I found a working link that can be used to replace the not-working link on Jos.
The youtube video has been made private. It was ok last year.


The informational article about AUM in the following link directs into wayback page when satanisgod page is up and well.


ChronosXP link does not work

Broken: https://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/ Working: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/


Same link as above works on this following page - WEIRD


More info about chakras link broken


The text in fourth paragraph gets highlighted like a weblink beginning after the link. Same for the fift paragraph before the link.


The link into article about AUM directs into wayback page


This article has "p>" written in the very left upper corner of the page


Info about merkaba link is broken


Using words of power link broken at bottom of the page - Waybacked link does work: https://web.archive.org/web/20170301125247/https://eridu666.webs.com/Words-of-Power.htm and I just noticed that the article is up on JoS so that works also: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Freeing_the_Soul_2.html


Back to home page link does work, but the image is broken


Invoking fire link is waybacked when the JoS page is up and running


The link for chronosxp is saying connection error here aswell


Kundalini yoga link broken here


Audio links are broken (angelfire site)


Circulation meditation link is broken (angelfire site)


In the following page has all the chakra pages listed, and in which solar plexus and third eye pages show copyright logo properly, but the rest read as "Š"


The following link is waybacked, maybe you could update the page?


Same for this page


And this


Money spells pdf is waybacked, and works but maybe host it in your page?


This page is waybacked aswell


Money spells pdf is waybacked here aswell


I think that does it for now, you're welcome. :)
1. Bifrons's sigil is missing - https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/

2. Stray "P>" at the bottom of the page - https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONSII.html
In Turkish library, some workings' links are mixed up. E.g. Satanic Telepathic Communication is mixed up with invoking water. If I download telepathic communication, actullay downloaded pdf is invoking water. There is another links like that one.
Inversion of mantra between the soma chakra and the anahata chakra
This only affects the Full Chakra meditation page:
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart666Chakra.html
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/6th_Chakra_Meditation.html

Necronomicon mantras related to the anahata chakra and the vishuddha chakra
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart666Chakra.html
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Heart666Chakra.html
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Necronomicon_Meditations.html

Planetary mantras related to the anahata chakra and the vishuddha chakra
:arrow: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html

:arrow: Dubious about the mention of earth for autumn and water for winter, since ice is represented by earth in many hermetic texts as ice is the solid state: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Rotating_Elements.html
:arrow: Step 12, Projection, is missing here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Circulating_Elements.html
There is something I noticed recently, when following the latest RTR schedule.


In the 72 names RTR, the underlined THs (TH) are supposed to be pronounced as a hard TH, while the non-underlined THs are supposed to be pronounced as soft THs, as instructed at the bottom of the page itself.

However, on this page, none of the THs are underlined. There are no underlines at all.

In the old RTR Veteran app, the underlines are shown as they should. I also have an old printed A4 page of this ritual where the underlines show as they should as well.
luis said:
The link from this page:https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/S_Resources.html for the 5 tibetans does not work anymore, this is the not working link https://www.lifeevents.org/5-tibetans-energy-rejuvenation-exercises.htm. The pink lotus site does not work too https://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.

The 5 tibetans can be replaced with this https://www.healthline.com/health/5-tibetan-rites#safety.
This link for pinklotus works http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini%20Yoga%20kriyas%20english.htm.
I just noticed that I'm using the Joyofsatan.org and not the satanismo.org link for jos. Some things are missing from the first link and not on the second. The Satanic symbols page works for the satanisgod.org link https://www.satanisgod.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html.

The not working links for the resource page are not working anyway and can be replaced with the links i posted a ovest https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/S_Resources.html.
Meteor said:
I pointed this one out a while ago but it seems it hasn't been fixed yet.

For more information about the chakras, PLEASE CLICK HERE
The link where it says PLEASE CLICK HERE is missing an l at the end, resulting in a "Not found" error.
The link currently leads to https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.htm, but it should be https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html.

Furthermore, one of the images on the latter page seems to be missing. The URL for the image is https://www.joyofsatan.org/web.archive.org/web/20150915002942im_/https_/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Soul_made-of_Light.gif which leads to a "Not found" error. I don't know what it's supposed to be.
luis said:
If click on Satanic Symbols it does not work, this is the broken link http://ww6.evilgoy.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666//dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html

That image works correctly on satanisgod.org: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/The_Chakras.html
But not on joyofsatan.org. The Satanic Symbols link also works on satanisgod.org, but not joyofsatan.org. The .htm typo exists on both sites.

As I learned while making the Tor mirror, joyofsatan.org has a slightly different version of most pages than satanisgod.org. However, satanisgod.org seems to have fewer issues, so I used it whenever there was a choice.
Stormblood said:

You can find the same error in the pages of the Kabbalistic squares of Mercury and Venus: in the one of Mercury it is written that it empowers the Vishuddha Chakra, while in the one of Venus it is written that it empowers the Anahata Chakra.
The error is towards the bottom of the page.
Stormblood said:

Excuse me, what exactly was wrong with the mantras, specifically the Necronomicon ones? That was what I was using for the full chakra meditation. Thanks.

For the King and Queen Meditation page:
  • Should be a comma after "The Seven Towers of Satan" before Anton LaVey's quote starts.
  • On the steps to unite the King and Queen, number 3 says "Be=froe doing this," should say before.
  • Add a period at the end of step 1.
  • For the vibrations, might look better to remove the Chinese characters and replace them with dashes, and then putting them in quotations, maybe. If the Chinese characters are purposeful or for aesthetics, ignore this.

Everything else looked fine to me.
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:

Excuse me, what exactly was wrong with the mantras, specifically the Necronomicon ones? That was what I was using for the full chakra meditation. Thanks.

Nebo/Ninghizidda is Mercury/Thoth, and thus to be used in the anahata chakra. Inanna is for the vishuddha chakra. It seems fixed, except in the Necronomicon meditations page.

Xon said:
You can find the same error in the pages of the Kabbalistic squares of Mercury and Venus: in the one of Mercury it is written that it empowers the Vishuddha Chakra, while in the one of Venus it is written that it empowers the Anahata Chakra.
The error is towards the bottom of the page.

Great catch
Keep it up guys, because we need to fix these. Then, we will mirror it properly, and then start anew implementing updates.

Anything one catches, please post here. We need to get it the closest to 100% accuracy and editorial perfection.

Thanks everyone for helping.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I want you to know that it seems like there was some glitch or problem here. I wrote a comment on this topic
And my comment did not go through moderation. As soon as I clicked Submit, the comment was immediately added to the topic.

You know I have good intentions. But if this happened to someone else who has bad intentions, they could post pages of bad things.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I want you to know that it seems like there was some glitch or problem here. I wrote a comment on this topic
And my comment did not go through moderation. As soon as I clicked Submit, the comment was immediately added to the topic.

You know I have good intentions. But if this happened to someone else who has bad intentions, they could post pages of bad things.

This is not a glitch you were granted posting privilege as I wrote to you in an e-mail, because you're a trusted and good person who has helped too many people here.

Others have it also and the number will keep increasing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I want you to know that it seems like there was some glitch or problem here. I wrote a comment on this topic
And my comment did not go through moderation. As soon as I clicked Submit, the comment was immediately added to the topic.

You know I have good intentions. But if this happened to someone else who has bad intentions, they could post pages of bad things.

This is not a glitch you were granted posting privilege as I wrote to you in an e-mail, because you're a trusted and good person who has helped too many people here.

Others have it also and the number will keep increasing.

Congratulations to you guys. The changes under the new era of ourselves look promising
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not a glitch you were granted posting privilege as I wrote to you in an e-mail, because you're a trusted and good person who has helped too many people here.

Others have it also and the number will keep increasing.
Okay. Thank you. I didn't see that because I never look at that email.
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And it just happened again. That comment here wasn't approved either.
Chill, you're obviously one of the good ones. *high five*
Yay. I'm a bad one. I have to be pre-moderated! Oh, wait - I am not a masoch[r]ist anymore. Now me haz a sad... :(

For "Transformation Through Meditation: The Serpent of Fire",

  • Seizure is misspelled as "siezures", use control + F to find the errors.
  • "Some which are quite unpleasant," add "of" between some and which.
  • "Inflammations, eruptions, burning sensations and so forth are the most common," missing a comma after "sensations."
  • "You can only move foreward," change the last word to "forward."
  • "Spontaneous physical/electrical energy surges can Cause jerks, twitches..." "Cause" should be lowercase.
  • "Increased sensory awareness- heat, cold, sounds, Strong tastes, odors, heightened sense of body image Or absence of such, feeling a strong burning aura, Disturbing thoughts [this is why void meditation is Necessary to banish them as is a strong mind]," strong, or, disturbing, and necessary should be lowercase.
  • "One woman did not sleep For 5 months" is missing a period at the end and "For" should be lowercase.
  • For number 4 of the list, "Communication" and "Increased" should be lowercase.
  • "The external environment does not have any affect- People getting angry, you remain calm," "People" should be lowercase.
  • "Much wil depend upon the individual," missing a letter on "will."
  • "Ones health and any former meditation done in the past," add an apostrophe to "Ones" to create "One's."
  • "A Warm sensation at..." make "Warm" lowercase.
  • "This indicates your kundalini," capitalize kundalini.
  • "One must stay focused and direct the energy out the crown chakra," add "of" after out.
  • "The kundalini will sometimes crackle and roar as it Flashes like blinding white lightening as it hits the 6th chakra. This can be brightness beyond anything you Have ever experienced or seen in your life," "Kundalini" needs to be capitalized, "Flashes" needs to be lowercase, "lightening" needs to be corrected to lightning, and "Have" needs to be lowercase.
  • There are a few instances where "Kundalini" is not capitalized, hit control + F to find them. Kundalini needs to be capitalized.
  • "Kundalini is individual for everyone," add "The" before Kundalini.
  • "People talk that they want extra-normal ability ad power," "ad" should be fixed to "and."
  • Link to this website, at the bottom of the page: "https://www.om-guru.com/html/saints/gopi.html", but the page does not exist anymore. Up to you how to proceed.

Those are the only typos I saw. Should be fine once fixed.
FancyMancy said:
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And it just happened again. That comment here wasn't approved either.
Chill, you're obviously one of the good ones. *high five*
Yay. I'm a bad one. I have to be pre-moderated! Oh, wait - I am not a masoch[r]ist anymore. Now me haz a sad... :(

You'll need to check email and reply to it to get the post privillege so you can at least say yes at least.

Actually you are part of a project that will come up but I didn't mail you because it is not ready and will probably be early summer.

Ill relate details soon.
I know you probably already saw this post but since you made a special thread for this I'll post it here. :)

friðr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
friðr said:
I feel like this has been covered already but my memory fails me.

In the Blood RTR in the first affirmation where it reads
"...has become toxic to enemy..." the correct affirmation is in fact "...have become toxic to the enemy..."

Since in the second paragraph it is worded that way.
Right? :?:

Both are speaking of present tense, as in Has Become (meant now but also linking to their shit raised in the past) which is implied. It contains a conclusion, present and past in it.

Everything would fit instead of things pointing out or focusing only on the past.

What is your language? There can be gaps in understanding present, and present perfect. In many cases present perfect is important to magick.

First of all, thank you very much for the swift reply Commander!
My first language is French so maybe that's why there's a gap in my understanding.

I understand that everyone must use the same affirmation for the workings but I was just wondering if the one written in the ritual is the correct exact one.
(Sounds kinda stupid put like that.)

The first affirmation is:
"• The blood and lives of both human beings and animals has become toxic to enemy alien agenda and the Jews."

1st: "The blood and lives..." = They? They has?

2nd: "...toxic to ___ enemy alien agenda..."

Shouldn't it be "...toxic to the enemy alien agenda..."
"Determiners are required before a singular noun but are optional when it comes to introducing plural nouns."[size=1]https://grammar.yourdiction...ouns/what/what-is-a-determiner.html [/size]

Also, the second affirmation is worded this way:

"• The blood and lives of both human beings and animals have ceased to be effective and have lost all of their power for the enemy alien agenda and the Jews."[size=1]https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html[/size]

At first I thought it was probably already addressed that these were just typos and not being able to remember made me doubtful.
I am a bit confused now and I really wanna make sure I use the correct affirmations. :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Henu the Great said:
Chill, you're obviously one of the good ones. *high five*
Yay. I'm a bad one. I have to be pre-moderated! Oh, wait - I am not a masoch[r]ist anymore. Now me haz a sad... :(

You'll need to check email and reply to it to get the post privillege so you can at least say yes at least.

Actually you are part of a project that will come up but I didn't mail you because it is not ready and will probably be early summer.

Ill relate details soon.
Were other people conctacted by email? I'm saying this because not everyone chek the emails and/or has used a email that they don't use a lot for the forums.

I bolded the errors so that they are easier to see and fix; you can still copy the quote to find it on the webpage.
For "How to Clean Your Aura,"

  • "Negative thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy and/or anger of others attach to one’s aura and invite misfortune such as accidents, illnesses and so forth." The first "and" should be changed to "are." There should be a comma after "jealousy." There should be a comma after "illnesses."
  • "When there is illness" "an" should be added before illness.
  • "As with physical viruses and physical germs, the astral body can be vulnerable to negative energies, and then manifest in illnesses, accidents and so forth on the physical self." Remove comma after energies. Add comma after accidents.
  • "as with illness" add "an" before illness.
  • "For an audio Mp3 of Surya, please click here" Missing period, add a period after here.
  • "For an audio Mp3 of RAUM, please click here" Missing period, add a period after here.
  • The vibration "SUUU-RR-YAH" has no period at the end, but the vibration "RR-AHH-UUU-MMM" has a period at the end. They should both be formatted the same. The vibration is more like instructions, so I don't think it needs to follow any grammar rules. I would remove the period. I think it is more aesthetically pleasing without, decision rests on you.
  • "Please Click Here for an Mp3 Audio of Both R's" Make click, here, audio, and both lowercase. Remove the apostrophe next to "R." Add a period at the end.
  • "This can be done every day, if one so desires." Remove comma after "day."
  • "Visualization alone, oftentimes, is not only very difficult in cases where one is very ill, but" Remove comma after "ill."
  • "Because the soul is made of light, the Sun contains all of the visible colors of the spectrum and in addition, light that is invisible to the naked eye, which is also an integral part of the soul." Put a comma after "and." Put "the" before light.
  • "Take extra immune boosting vitamins" add hyphen between immune boosting.
  • "In some of the old grimiores" Grimiores should be corrected to grimoires.
  • "Light is Power" --Lilith Remove the extra hyphen, or keep it if the extra hyphen is supposed to make the quote seem more alive and like its being said to you, for reflecting on the statement. I don't know if I'm thinking too much into this. I'll let you decide.
Everything else seems fine, now to go clean my aura.

For "Joy of Satan E-Groups,"

  • "has been replaced with christian related" "christian" should be capitalized.
  • "behind the christianity hoax " "christianity" should be capitalized.
  • I don't respect this religion, for obvious reasons, but grammar rules have you capitalize them. I will just report the error and it will be up to you if you capitalize them in the end.
  • "this unfortunatly has not" add an e to unfortunately to correct the spelling.
  • "The enemy has controlled, corrupted and disrupted communications for centuries" add a comma after "corrupted."
The September 2013 update is a long paragraph; I think it could be beneficial to break it up. I would make "Given the availability of information" a new paragraph, "Please excuse the" a new paragraph, and "All we can do" a new paragraph. Your choice where and how to break it up if you choose.
Meteorite said:

For "Joy of Satan E-Groups,"

  • "has been replaced with christian related" "christian" should be capitalized.
  • "behind the christianity hoax " "christianity" should be capitalized.
  • I don't respect this religion, for obvious reasons, but grammar rules have you capitalize them. I will just report the error and it will be up to you if you capitalize them in the end.

  • The lack of capitalized letter shows lack of respect to xianity, which is why it is lower case. Just letting you know so you don't waste your time posting more of the same. Like how xian writings write "gods" when referring to Pagan Gods, we do the same to them. xianity has no right to be respected enough to have the C capitalized. It is done on purpose.
On the section about planetary rulerships of the Azazel's Astrology for Satanists:

it is written that the area of the soul ruled by Mercury is the throat Chakra;

the information regarding the area of the Soul ruled both in the Venus and in the Saturn page is missing;

the same information is also missing for the Pluto page, I write it separately not knowing if it rules an area of the Soul;

in the Mars page instead of "Area of the Soul: (...)" is written "Chakra: (...)" it is not very important but it is just to maintain consistency with the form that was used for the other descriptions.

These are errors that happened to me accidentally while reading these pages, so if anyone wants to check for other errors on the Azazel's Astrology for Satanists they would do well to do so.
Lydia said:
The lack of capitalized letter shows lack of respect to xianity, which is why it is lower case. Just letting you know so you don't waste your time posting more of the same. Like how xian writings write "gods" when referring to Pagan Gods, we do the same to them. xianity has no right to be respected enough to have the C capitalized. It is done on purpose.

Exposingchristianity and the JoS welcome page capitalizes both of the words. He can take it or leave it.


For "The Inquisition: A History of Christian Torture Mass Murder and Destruction of Human Life"

  • "Between the years of 1450-1600, the Christian Church was responsible for the torture, and burning of some 30,000 alleged "witches."³" I would remove the comma after torture because the sentence flows better without it.
  • "papal bull of March 25th, 1199.7Innocent declared "anyone " Put a space between 7 and innocent. Put a comma after declared.
  • "R H Robbins" add period after "R" and "H"
  • "Heavy objects were also be used." Remove "be."
  • "The Rack, aka the Ladder was another device that was used extensively." add comma after ladder.
  • "Immersion in scalding water laced with Lime." uncapitalize lime
  • "Stocks which were fitted with iron spikes" add period after spikes
  • "Salzburg, Austria, 1677-1681 over 100 murdered" add period after murdered
  • "Twenty of the youngest children, all under the age of 9 were whipped on their hands at the church door for 3 Sundays in succession." add comma after 9

No mediators:
  • Put a space between Satan's quote and the paragraph above.
  • "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature" add quotations around Satan's quote.


Welcome page:

  • Could add a centered title that says welcome or something similar.
  • "The Bible is NOT the word of "God" but was created and has been reinforced by human beings who have usurped ancient spiritual knowledge [that's why the Bible has numbers], and have used this knowledge to become as gods, themselves and to enslave humanity." "to become as gods" reads weird to me. Changing "as" to "like" might be better, up to you. Add a comma after themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Henu the Great said:
Chill, you're obviously one of the good ones. *high five*
Yay. I'm a bad one. I have to be pre-moderated! Oh, wait - I am not a masoch[r]ist anymore. Now me haz a sad... :(

You'll need to check email and reply to it to get the post privillege so you can at least say yes at least.
After re-reading my reply above, I realise I was being too subtle. I was actually being silly. To be fair - I still do make mistakes in what I say, so... Also I realise that saying "in my experience" and similar things is very important. I didn't know you emailed me.

Actually you are part of a project that will come up but I didn't mail you because it is not ready and will probably be early summer.

Ill relate details soon.
Oh. Well, OK. Fair enough.

Back on-topic - you might not reply to this, because I am just wondering, more for you to decide if you haven't - this might be just a question for your own consideration, so you might not reply - how strict would you want the language to be on the sites? I maintain words such as "improvise" with the S rather than Zed is correct (especially when e.g. Satan's Library says "English" but has the American flag rather thant he English flag); what about in an example sentence (courtesy of TBBT) - "I'm the guy from whom you're trying to get away" or "I'm the guy you're trying to get away from"; "To whom shall I speak?" or "Who shall I speak to?" (or with)... (Yes, I'm being pedantic or "grammar Nazi-y". Maybe it's important.)
Lydia said:
Meteorite said:

For "Joy of Satan E-Groups,"

  • "has been replaced with christian related" "christian" should be capitalized.
  • "behind the christianity hoax " "christianity" should be capitalized.
  • I don't respect this religion, for obvious reasons, but grammar rules have you capitalize them. I will just report the error and it will be up to you if you capitalize them in the end.

  • The lack of capitalized letter shows lack of respect to xianity, which is why it is lower case. Just letting you know so you don't waste your time posting more of the same. Like how xian writings write "gods" when referring to Pagan Gods, we do the same to them. xianity has no right to be respected enough to have the C capitalized. It is done on purpose.

  • Funny, in our translations, when ever the name of our Gods are referred to as „he“ „she“ „they“, I always used capital, to show respect lmao xD

    (Or at least I tried to do it always, I probably missed quite a few tho)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
