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Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Page Has Been Updated:

Beelzebul's Page: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Beelzebub.html

Advanced information in regards to Beelzebul: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/BeelzebulHC.html

Beelzebub: Hieratic Information

The knowledge presented in this page is advanced and contains information for those who want to get to know Baalzebul more in depth. There is also the containing of hieratic [deeply spiritual] knowledge such as the Divine Names of Beelzebul.

In regards to additional information on Divine Names, these are Names which are the numerologically sound Divine Names to use for Summoning and Invocation:

Divine Names:

[*]Baal-Zebul [Pronounced Va-AL-ZeBul]
[*]Baal-Zevulon [Pronounced Ba-AL-zevulON - such as the word nebula, but as zebulon]*
[*]Baal-Al-zevul [Pronounced Ba-Al – ALZEVUL]

Divine Numbers and Attributes:

Numbers: 40, 50, 60*
Runes: [In that order of importance]: Thurisaz, Tiwaz, Sowilo.
Zodiac Sign of Power: Aries
Divine Animal Symbol: Hawk and Serpent

Psalm of Beelzebul:

Honorary/Invocatory Psalm to Beelzebul

Other Names:

[*]There is no problem to also casually refer to him as Beelzebub or Beelzebul in linear speech, or even as Zeus. However, the hieratic Names are above and will give the best contact for spiritual works such as summoning.
[*]Beelzebul has went by many other Names in many different Pagan Pantheons, such as Perkunas, Thor, Zeus, all similarly related Names. All of these, relate to Law, Heavenly and Earthly Order, a strong leadership figure, but mainly Thunder. In India, Indra lives on the highest top of the Meru mountain [as Zeus does in Mount Olympus], is the wields the holy Thunder of Varja, but his Name also is the root relating to "Rain".

In addition to his Eastern Origins, Beelzebul was one of the most important Gods in the Greek Pantheon, under the name of Zeus. Later on, this was reflected into the Roman Pantheon, which as it's well known did stem out of the culture of the Ancient Greeks. The high esteem is present in the Norse Pantheon, but also in the Slavic. The general term “Bel” or “Baal”, meaning King, was a title of honor to show supernal power, and spiritual dominion. Even today, in the Middle East, the title relates to identical meaning. The word "Baal", in Ancient Greek is related to the word "Basileus" which means the very same thing: King. The face of Zeus as a result [The Basileus] was frequently put on all objects related to the Kings: Coins, Shields, Inscriptions and so on.


In contrast to the modern interpretations of spiritual myths, Zeus was a most important God and symbolic of the Crown Chakra ["The Heavens"] on the top of the head. Enlil was a syncentrism of the identical symbol of the deity. For this very reason, the association of Beelzebul with the "Heavens" and the "Bestowal of Rain" or how he "Sends Thunderbolts Onto His Enemies", is syncentric with the qualities of Zeus. Zeus is also called the bestower of rain, which is symbolic as the energy flowing down from the Crown Chakra, which can feel as if one is showered with rain. The Thunder, on the other hand is related to the feelings of getting "zapped" by the bioelectricity when one meditates, feeling a lot like actual electricity. The symbol of the thunderbolt, is the rune of Thunder or Sowilo.

The modern titles given to Beelzebul, do show a pattern of thousands of years of cultural spiritual warfare from Abrahamic religions. The amount of slander and disinformation is great, but also even in this slander there is undeniably the light of grace, extreme spiritual power, and highest authority. Even the enemies of the Gods did realize this. Beelzebul went from “King of the Gods” in his identity as Zeus, to “King of the Demons”. In Greek, the word Daemon means “God”, and therefore, his title still remains of the same content. He is indeed, the King of Demons. This reality is reflected on many enemy grimoires, which describe him as having "unending ranks" under His command. [1]

Psychologically, Beelzebul/Zeus symbolizes the utmost of masculine strength, as such he was said to have fathered Hercules and other Heroes of the old times. As a symbol, he is the God of Paternal Order. The power of Beelzebul was renown everywhere in the Ancient World, and he was globally recognized as a most powerful God. Even the Bible, equates his power to that of Satan, mentioning in the Revelations: 'This was the place 'where Satan's throne is' (Rev. 2:13). What this refers to is the Ancient City of Pergamum in Asia Minor, or Turkey. The Pergamon Altar is an archeological wonder. This Temple has been salvaged and was saved, currently residing in Berlin.

Due to His extremely high authority, he has been the leader of the Greek Pantheon [and many others], and is a symbolic of the Paternal, Firm and Justice oriented ruler-ship. While Satan rules the internal function of Pantheons and the Mysteries, Beelzebul has frequently came to be a ruler of the visible or the material realm, with Satan holding always the highest authority. Zeus was also called "The Father of the Gods", because he has fathered many other Gods, but has also been related with many earthly heroes and Demigods, such as Hercules or Alexander the Great. In regards to Humans, Zeus was also called the “Decider of Fates”, and also “Father of Humans”, for his very important role in assisting in the creation of humanity. [2]

His relation with the "Lord of the Flies", is a blasphemy on his Name by his enemies. The source of this is from an epithet of Zeus, which was called "Zeus Myiagros", or "Zeus who drives the flies [Pestilences] away". The word for "Flies" in Ancient Greek is the word pronounced "Mye", which was perverted by the removal of a letter and reduced to "Myaros", meaning "He of the flies", or “The defiled one” instead. [3] [4]

The same removal of one letter was done by Hebrews to change Beelzebul’s Name into Beelzebub, which is explained in the previous webpage. Frequently this practice was done to many Pagan Gods, to pervert their Names and effectively blaspheme them in Hebrew. Their crimes against him do not end with merely changing the words of His Name, defamation, slander, and portraying Him in the lowest way possible, of course. Beelzebul is frequently mentioned in awe and fear by the enemy in the Bible, mentioned directly in the New Testament as being an opposed enemy to the hoax of “Jesus”. So vast was his influence and power, that when “Jesus” was doing his so called “Miracles” of healing, nobody believed this was done by him but everyone said it came from “Beelzebub”. Commonly, Beelzebub was a healing God in the region, who was doing extreme miracles of healing. While this story and the bible itself is a fake, it goes on to display how much the enemy understands the extreme high rank of Beelzebub, and his extreme capacity for healing, but also dominion over all Demonic entities. Like Satan who scorns the sorry Nazarene in the Bible, Beelzebul's Name shrinks the existence of the sorry hoax of the Nazarene, even in the enemy's fraud infested works. The only one above Beelzebub is Satan Himself. [5]

The attacks against Beelzebul have been systematic, by both Hebrews and Abrahamic zealots, continuing to this very day. In 2015, these zealots and destroyers of human history, have destroyed the Temple of Bal in Palmyra. The great power of this God has been so great, that like Satan, every attempt of the forces of decay has been done to eradicate his legacy from the history of Humanity. Obviously, they have failed miserably.

The vastness of the power of Beelzebul, being only secondary to Satan, is encapsulated in the statement by the enemy. The Hebrews recognize in entirety that all these attacks they have committed against Beelzebul are coming from them as a collective of religious people. Notice the language of Spiritual Warfare being used:

“Powerful waves of spiritual warfare rose against Baal that would tear him down and turn him into an arch-demon, an antithesis to God. The attack on Baal came through the writings of the Old Testament, primarily to discourage Hebrews from worshipping Baal and unifying them under the sole sovereignty of Yahweh. […] Baal was a specific name of a living god with explicit powers. Like a universal god, Baal was much more complex than a mono-dimensional deity. […] By the time the New Testament was being written, Baal had been firmly associated with dung, filth, and sexual perversities and was known as Beelzebub in Hebrew circles. ” [6]

To note, many Hebrews constantly attempted to betray their petty fake “National Gods” and infiltrate the Pagan religious movements even back in these times. In contrast to Pagans, Hebrews did this willingly, because they were, powerless, wanted to infiltrate, and by nature traitorous to their traditions. Pagans, on the other hand, rarely if ever did this, but only after they were collectively massacred in all cases or after mass genocide took place to make this happen.

Beelzebul can drive away all sorts of pestilence, be this in the form of physical illness [as his healing capacity], social perils [restorer of Justice], or other spiritual curses. In reality, the meaning of the relation with flies and the word “Myiagros”, but is correlated to sounds of buzzing, hissing, and loud sounds, all of which correspond to chanting and vibrations, cleaning the soul and removing curses afflicting the soul, healing it.

Except of entomancy, there is a hidden connotation about Zeus and his capacities to send "flies", or the sensation of bioelectricity or Vril, which feels like "insects" on one's skin [produced by the buzzing sounds of the mouth, chanting, as explained above].

The healing capacities of Beelzebul as the Healing God of Ekron, and His healing abilities, were symbolized by the rising of the power of the Vril, which creates the sensations of crawling ants on the skins of practitioners.

Zeus, in the Greek Pantheon, also symbolized the unrelenting, all powerful force of necessity, a fate from which beings could not escape. But at the same time, Zeus was the one fought Kronus or Saturn, and established himself as king, defeating the strict limitations of human nature and karma.

As his associations of the God of Thunder for reasons explained above or those of weather alteration, Beelzebul has been related to the Norse God Thor, who is the wielder of the Thunder. The Rune corresponding to the force of Beelzebul, is the Rune Thurisaz/Thor, which is related to the Thunderbolt. The secondary Runes for him are Sowilo and Tywaz. Even today, the grand importance of Beelzebul is seen is that this title of Thor has survived in the modern Name for the word "Thursday", or in plain, the Day of Thor. In his hidden kingship, he has also been associated internally with the Sun, or the Sun King. Additionally, the Rune Tyr is symbolic of the decrees of Satan being imposed through the hand of Beelzebul, and in his symbolic issuing of Justice.

The Weapon of Zeus, that of Thunder, named "Keravnos", is correlated to the word "Keruvim", which is a jewish and christian ripoff. The hebrew word "Cherub" is used as a word to relate to the highest spiritual rank and power for an entity, a situation which should show the extreme strength of Beelzebul in this case. Zeus in the orphic mysteris has been constantly revered for his ability with “Thunder”. This thunder, is supposed to bring the soul back to life from it's passive state of lethargy.

Beelzebul/Zeus was the Guardian Demon of Alexander the Great, who conquered almost all the known earth at the time. Alexander believed and had openly declared that he was a son of Zeus Ammonas, related to the Egyptian God Amun [Not to be confused with Amon Ra, which is another God, or Marduk]. Beelzebul is the bestower of good fortune, invulnerability, and good fortune in times of disaster. When Alexander entered the Middle East, he was recognized as the son of “Baal”, while at the same time, he was recognized as the Son of Zeus Ammonas in Greece. Alexander was commonly called "Basileus" which in the East was "Bael", both meaning King and Ultimate Ruler.

Below, there is the statue of Zeus Ammonas, and the coins minted for Alexander the Great. As one can see, the resemblance is striking, in particular to the horns, as a sign of ultimate dominion. Alexander the Great was believed to have been a descendant of the God Beelzebul/Zeus through his mother Olympiad, which was of Royal Ancient Greek descent, and was accepted widely during his time on Earth as a physical incarnation of the power of the God by all the Pagan civilizations of the time. His mother, Olympiad, was also a deeply spiritual woman and practitioner of occult rites and meditation.

Lord Zeus/Enlil/Bael

Alexander The Great, King of Macedon

The word "Amen", with which Christians finish off almost all their prayers, is stolen from the word Amon, an epithet also of Zeus.

His mysterious death at the age of 33 [nobody knows what exactly happened to him by any detail], is connotative not physical death, but the a striking possibility of him having completed the Magnum Opus at the 33rd year of his life, where his life ‘ended’. The stories about drunken poison and death do not appear to hold much merit either. The myth of his birth was related strongly in the imagery of the symbol of Thunder, and that his mother was “impregnated by thunder”. Plutarch writes that Alexander was always respectful of other Pagan cultures, and perceived that the same Gods were present in all of them. Alexander, being taught by Aristotle [the top hierarchy teacher of His time in Macedonia, Greece] was instructed and well versed in the Spiritual Practices such as Alchemy. [8],[9],[10]

About the lie heaped on Enlil for the "Flood" that sunk “humanity in the Sumerian Epics

In contrast to petty fraudulent claims by the Hebrew Zecharia Stichin, Enlil [Beelzebul in Sumeria] was never in a “rivalry” with Enki, nor did Satan and Beelzebul ever have such petty things happening between them. These are gross Hebraic interpretations of spiritual mythology, meant to vilify the Gods and in particular dissuade people from any spiritual understanding. No, Enlil never did drown "humanity".

The so called “flood”, that “destroyed humanity”, which is a common spiritual myth in all Pagan culture, the myth is significant to both Enlil and Zeus, showing another direct link to Beelzebul. The Flood is one of the most important spiritual allegories to ever exist, no different than the Garden of Eden. While Satan holds the Myth of the Garden of Eden [to be explained in another in topic in depth], Baalzebul holds the most important myth of the "Flood".

From this myth, we have the theft of the Noah’s Ark by the religions misinformation of the Hebrews. Noah and his “wife”, were stolen from Deucalion and his wife “Phyrra”, the Name of which means “Fire”, who saved humanity during the flood ‘created’ by Zeus. As explained above, the “flood of water” is that of the Crown submerging the body with the downwards spiritual energy, submerging the body in the spiritual energy. Fire is symbolic of the Kundalini Serpent that empowers the human being.

The Myth of the Flood relates to the drowning of the impure elements inside man, and their replacement by Divine spiritual energy and the higher dignified nature. This is achieved by meditation and soul empowerment. The "Flood" is a spiritual allegory alluding to this spiritual fact.

Ida and Pigala [the fire and water aspects of the Serpent] do work for cleaning the soul. The “Flood” is symbolic of the flooding of the soul with the water element [a necessary state which will happen as a default], which will submerge impure elements, while Phyrra is symbolic of the purifying fire that follows after this, saving humanity from the flood. These are also important preparations for the Magnum Opus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


1. Dictionary of Ancient Greek, J. Stamatakos
2. Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology, Luke Roman and Monica Roman
3. In the general works of Pausanias, Zeus is referred to as the “Fly remover”, meaning he warded off pestilence and curses. More on this on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myiagros
4. Ibid., 1, “Daimon” section
5. Hebrew Bible: Matthew 12:24, Mark 3:22, Luke 11:15 and so forth.
6. “Beelzebub: An Unfairly Demonized Deity?", Huffington Post, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/beelzebub-an-unfairly-dem_b_9759936
7. Ibid 2, Entry for Zeus.
8. Plutarch, Greek Lives.
9. “Alexander the Great as a God”: https://www.ancient.eu/article/925/alexander-the-great-as-a-god/
10. Few surviving examples exist, most of the declared to be “fake”, as they were confiscated by the Christian Church which rewrote history. An example of these texts is Secretum Secretorum
11. Ibid 2, “Deucalion and Phyrra” section

*From lord Beelzebul directly to High Priest Hooded Cobra
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[*]Beelzebul has went by many other Names in many different Pagan Pantheons, such as Perkunas, Thor, Zeus, and called by many other similar deity Names, all of which relate to Law, Heavenly and Earthly Order, a strong leadership figure, but mainly Thunder.

Looks like a Perun connection to me. I did always strongly suspect that Perun was Beelzebub's Slavic identity; the association with the sky and thunder is again seen.
Awesome information! I knew another name for him was Thor. If I recall correctly some cities in Lebanon were named after him such as Baalbek and Tyre..my grandpa was born there. I have been very drawn to the Thor rune for cleanings and it gas had awesome effects.
From reading this, is it safe to assume the current entry on one "Mammon" will be struck from the record?
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[*]Beelzebul has went by many other Names in many different Pagan Pantheons, such as Perkunas, Thor, Zeus, and called by many other similar deity Names, all of which relate to Law, Heavenly and Earthly Order, a strong leadership figure, but mainly Thunder.

Looks like a Perun connection to me. I did always strongly suspect that Perun was Beelzebub's Slavic identity; the association with the sky and thunder is again seen.

Most definitely, thanks for this. I've read on Perun, and it is undeniably the same. I will include this also before it's finally uploaded.
Tyliron said:
From reading this, is it safe to assume the current entry on one "Mammon" will be struck from the record?

Mammon as a Demon does exist, the issue with Mammon is, that his Name is only a title which was used for many deities, because oftentimes, the actual Name of the Demon was blotted out, and then only a title was used for them.

Mammon definitely exists in his own right, but the Name is just heavily cropped.
Cool this is very interesting. Thank you for the information. This just proves even more that Baal was the one helping my girl. My parents unfortunately tried to get her into xtianity unfortunately. I was trying to convince her it was wrong this was back in 2019. So I said instead of Jesus try one of the names of the Gods in your prayers. She chose the name Zeus she liked that name. I find that interesting since I know Baal was the one helping her. Later on he actually appeared to her a couple times even before she dedicated. He was very nice. I am thankful for him. He also bought me back to Satanism myself when I was confused for a bit thinking the Gods abandon me and I had to serve the enemy or something horrible would happen to me so I was with them for a bit but hateful of the enemy a lot and scared of them at the same time. This was a lot due to xtian programming when I was younger which I did many workings to fix the last couple years. I am much better now.

Baal also helped me in a way in finding a place to live at the end of 2019. I am sure he had something to do with it long story he knew I had that problem cause he was there when I was having a conversation about needing a place to live. I didn't ask for help or hear him but I know he did.

So yeah Baal is really helpful.
Thank you for sharing this HP!
It is always nice to read more things about our Pagan Gods and learn more about the meaning behind the allegories of our past civilizations!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[*]Beelzebul has went by many other Names in many different Pagan Pantheons, such as Perkunas, Thor, Zeus, and called by many other similar deity Names, all of which relate to Law, Heavenly and Earthly Order, a strong leadership figure, but mainly Thunder.

Looks like a Perun connection to me. I did always strongly suspect that Perun was Beelzebub's Slavic identity; the association with the sky and thunder is again seen.

Most definitely, thanks for this. I've read on Perun, and it is undeniably the same. I will include this also before it's finally uploaded.

Happy to help, trying to flesh out details on the Slavic pantheon's always been an interest of mine that I've wanted to pursue; it'll be neat to see if more of the new Demon information can be used to find connections. Another member and I did discuss once that we had hypothesized a lot of the known Slavic gods are likely multiple variants of the same God or Goddess.
Incredible post. Thank you. Looking forward to more like these.
This is a great sermon!
Mercury is also symbolic of the crown, him being the messenger of the Gods; this meaning that he gives way to man to enter in contact with divinity.
The Norse equivalent of Hermes/Mercury is Odin who seems to symbolize the same thing. In the east Odin was Buddha (meaning enlightened). Odin stabbing himself with the spear is the serpent arriving at the crown.
The symbolism of Odin is also found in Athena but she is more symbolic of the entire process of deification. Pallas means "to shake" and shows the increase of bioelectricty when the serpent (one of her familiars) rises through the sushumna (symbolized by the spear) and her golden helmet is the mind getting enlightened by kundalini.
Thank you HP Cobra for this update. This clears up many things. I was always confused as to who Thor was, Zeus as well.
May i know the manifestation of Beelzebul in Hindu mythology, if it's known?
Perhaps the Hindu manifestation of Beelzebul is the Hindu God Indhra?
How makes that sense that Mammon is Zeus also? Did I miss something?

Rank: Treasurer of Hell
”Mammon" is not his real name. "Mammon" is a Hebrew word for money and nothing more. How this name was applied to a Demon/God was through misinterpretation and ignorance. We found in our workings with the Demons, the Greek God Zeus answers to "Mammon."
Zeus has short platinum blonde hair with waves and very light bluish-grey eyes. He wears a laurel crown, a white toga and is built stocky.
– High Priestess Maxine
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In addition to his Eastern Origins, Beelzebul was one of the most important Gods in the Greek Pantheon, under the name of Zeus. The general term “Bel” or “Baal”, meaning King, was a title of honor to show supernal power, and spiritual dominion.
wait, so, if lord beelzebul was/is zeus, then what about lord zeus? Was he apart of the greek pantheon as well, or am I missing something, why do we have 2 zeus' ?
A bit of interesting information from my own researching, regarding ancient Greek.

For anyone who knows, the precursors to the more widely known classical Greek Pantheon and Theology is the Myceneans, and the Minoan civilization. Most people generally know of the Minoan civilization only in regards to their sudden disappearance (which I won't speculate on here). However, some of their beliefs and practices were actually more evocative of Mesopotamian ideologies than they were classical Greece.

Like stated, for classical Greece, Zeus was considered King of the Gods. However, in Mycenean Greece (a trend likely stemming from Minoan Greece), Poseidon was considered King of the Gods.

The reason this is important is because its reflective of Mesopotamian beliefs in particular, and the dichotomy of Enki/Ea and Enlil/Elil. As has been discussed, we know of Enki as Satan and Enlil as Beelzebul. In this system, Enki/EA was considered King of the Gods. Enki and Poseidon both are divinities associated with water. Whereas Zeus/Enlil are associated with the sky.

This also creates more of a clear line with Norse Pantheon with Odin as Satan and Beelzebul as Thor, as part of Odin's ascension involves him drinking from the waters of Mímisbrunnr. Poseidon's trident also mirrors Shiva's trishula, his trident, so I'd speculate further and refer to Satan as Shiva, and Beelzebul as Indra respectively. One of Shiva's tributary rituals in the modern day is the offering of water from a vessel, same as depictions of Enki holding a vessel of water. As someone stated earlier, Enlil is also Perkunos in Slavic theology. I'd speculate that Satan's depiction in Slavic mythology is the deity Rod, as he has the same iconography as Enki of standing atop a fish in some of his depictions.

Obviously there's a little more nuance to it, as there are other deities who are associated with the water, much like there are multiple deities associated with the sun (Azazel/Shamash and Ra/Marduk). For instance, Dagon is heavily associated with the water and ocean, but is a separate deity to Enki. I'd personally associate Dagon with the Norse deity Njord, for example. As both are deities associated with fishing and crop fertility. This is unimportant to the point above, but to any budding researcher who's going to begin researching this themselves, just remember there's more minutae than simply what element the deity is principally associated with.

Hope I helped.

Since he is associated with the crown chakra and with thursdays, is he also associated with the planet Jupiter, or with Jupiter as the Roman God?
Thank you so much for this incredible research. I had my own beliefs about this that tie into this post. Mainly because vibrating BAALZEBUL or ZEUS created energy in my Crown Chakra.

Also, in a Horary chart, whenever a planet is making applying aspect to Jupiter at the time of the question and either/both are in a moist/wet sign, it means BIG rain. That accounts for the massive importance of Jupiter in the kinds of star observations that farmers would use and ties into the symbolism, since the rains were life or death. This physical manifestation of Jupiter as a planet seems to tie into a lot of the cult titles of the God too.
:O I never took any time to talk with Beelzebul until a couple days ago!
The top of my head became filled with energy!
How wonderful to read this post :D
That part about Alexander's death is interesting. This is same as the association of Neptune over the deathly affairs in astrology. Mystery, elusive, poisons and whatnot. There are similar rumours with Hitler about poison and we know he did the Magnum Opus too.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
[*]Beelzebul has went by many other Names in many different Pagan Pantheons, such as Perkunas, Thor, Zeus, and called by many other similar deity Names, all of which relate to Law, Heavenly and Earthly Order, a strong leadership figure, but mainly Thunder.

Looks like a Perun connection to me. I did always strongly suspect that Perun was Beelzebub's Slavic identity; the association with the sky and thunder is again seen.

Perkunas is a main god name of the Baltic or Romuvan distinction from the Slavic branches for anyone interested. There was a difference in the culture from the other slavic groups that recently has been related to a closer similarity with the migrating of Indo-Aryan and Dharmic traditions that at some point moved westwards. Supposedly better preserved maybe? The head God of Romuva paganism is Dievas which sounds etymologically pretty similar to a bulk of other terms within the Hindu beliefs.

The new additional name of PIR BUB probably links to Perun/Perkunas. Dievas might be Shiva which is Satan if I remember right.
MAMMON is basically an entry that relates to the epithet of Zeus AMMONAS [and epithet for the deity]. The enemy added a M and called him Zeus MAMMON.

As HPS Maxine writes, MAMMON is not his real Name there. Please read the provided source links on Zeus Ammon.

The enemy for whatever reason isolated this and simply called the Treasurer of Hell Mammon. When this Name is used for communication, one will essentially tie into Zeus as a result.

Serpentslight8 said:
How makes that sense that Mammon is Zeus also? Did I miss something?

Rank: Treasurer of Hell
”Mammon" is not his real name. "Mammon" is a Hebrew word for money and nothing more. How this name was applied to a Demon/God was through misinterpretation and ignorance. We found in our workings with the Demons, the Greek God Zeus answers to "Mammon."
Zeus has short platinum blonde hair with waves and very light bluish-grey eyes. He wears a laurel crown, a white toga and is built stocky.
– High Priestess Maxine
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Shouldn't be this corrected? :

"...He was Prince of the Seraphim..."

New people may be confused...

All these orders have had to be replaced for years, we knew that. These "orders" are merely the enemy using their own Names, in a ranking system.

As explained in the entry, even "Cherubim" [one order they have been using] is used to falsely describe a supernal reality. For example, "Cherubs" or "Cherubim" are extremely high Ranking beings.

These will be fixed too in the update.
Big Dipper said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In addition to his Eastern Origins, Beelzebul was one of the most important Gods in the Greek Pantheon, under the name of Zeus. The general term “Bel” or “Baal”, meaning King, was a title of honor to show supernal power, and spiritual dominion.
wait, so, if lord beelzebul was/is zeus, then what about lord zeus? Was he apart of the greek pantheon as well, or am I missing something, why do we have 2 zeus' ?

MAMMON is a hebrew word for money and nothing else. However, it's stolen from the word AMMONAS which was a main epithet of Zeus, Zeus Ammonas. This ended up in the grimoire like this in a corrupted version. By Alexander's time, Zeus was syncentrized with AMMONAS ZEUS, which is how this ended up in the Grimoire.
Blackdragon666 said:
Beautiful :D
Hail Baal-Zebul/Zeus!

Do you think you can help in anyway with the African Pantheons, or if you have any extra input about this?

I read an Encyclopedia for African divinities before, and I know for certain that Satan was the head God of Africa, with His well known symbology of the Snake, Mercury etc. Common myths of the birth of humanity refer to the Mercury/Snake myth as with everywhere else, in Africa also.
Arcadia said:
Obviously there's a little more nuance to it, as there are other deities who are associated with the water, much like there are multiple deities associated with the sun (Azazel/Shamash and Ra/Marduk). For instance, Dagon is heavily associated with the water and ocean, but is a separate deity to Enki. I'd personally associate Dagon with the Norse deity Njord, for example. As both are deities associated with fishing and crop fertility. This is unimportant to the point above, but to any budding researcher who's going to begin researching this themselves, just remember there's more minutae than simply what element the deity is principally associated with.

Hope I helped.

You and Pogan are onto some very important observations, but that would be self evident. I'll explain more details as we go with this, although I think the gist is already observed by many.

For example, Neptunus or Poseidon, takes many many roles in many epics. In some creation myths, he is refer to as a Creator too. We have to draw the lines between spiritual mythological interpretation of the Cosmogony [how nature came to be] and written internal texts about the soul [Neptunus here may have a negative or positive character] and the actual reality of who a Demon was and what role they played in the actual past of humanity.
Just wanted to add that I suspect that Taranis/Tuirenn is the Celtic equivalent here. 'Taran' is the ancient Brythonic word for thunder, while 'torann' is the ancient Irish word for thunder.
In the Greek pantheon, weren’t Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades all brothers? If Poseidon relates to the planet Neptune, Hades to the planet Pluto, then shouldn’t Zeus relate to the planet Uranus since the other two deities are associated with outer planets?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Beautiful :D
Hail Baal-Zebul/Zeus!

Do you think you can help in anyway with the African Pantheons, or if you have any extra input about this?

I read an Encyclopedia for African divinities before, and I know for certain that Satan was the head God of Africa, with His well known symbology of the Snake, Mercury etc. Common myths of the birth of humanity refer to the Mercury/Snake myth as with everywhere else, in Africa also.
Most definitely. I made some nice discoveries about Satan in my personal research which I had shared with HPS Shannon some months ago. I will compile a post and list the sources as well. Satan was a head God in many African tribes.
Legendary Creature said:
In the Greek pantheon, weren’t Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades all brothers? If Poseidon relates to the planet Neptune, Hades to the planet Pluto, then shouldn’t Zeus relate to the planet Uranus since the other two deities are associated with outer planets?

The question is: Why are you confusing planets with deities?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Shouldn't be this corrected? :

"...He was Prince of the Seraphim..."

New people may be confused...

All these orders have had to be replaced for years, we knew that. These "orders" are merely the enemy using their own Names, in a ranking system.

As explained in the entry, even "Cherubim" [one order they have been using] is used to falsely describe a supernal reality. For example, "Cherubs" or "Cherubim" are extremely high Ranking beings.

These will be fixed too in the update.

I see. Ok!
That is so cool I love history and finding more about Alexander the great is awesome because one of his trusted general's Ptolemy is my ancestor. my mom is a family history nut ever since she got hurt in the job anyway she did the history look up etc shows that i am related to
Ptolemy. Man learning new info is great they say Alexander was killed or poisoned but learning more about the gods thanks for the info Hp hooded cobra

Hail satan
Stormblood said:
Legendary Creature said:
In the Greek pantheon, weren’t Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades all brothers? If Poseidon relates to the planet Neptune, Hades to the planet Pluto, then shouldn’t Zeus relate to the planet Uranus since the other two deities are associated with outer planets?

The question is: Why are you confusing planets with deities?

Isn’t that what the Romans did? I’m not actually all that familiar with the Greek/Roman system.
This cleared up lots of questions I had ! I thought Father Satan was Thor and Zeus until now, I remember Mageson specifically saying that Satan is Zeus and that the reborn god is Dionysus or Agathodaemon. So would this mean that Dionysus is Beelzebul as well or does Father Satan retain that role ?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
