Is there any significance to my chart ruler being Mars in retrograde? Is there any significant differences compared to having a normal Mars as my chart ruler? Or are they still similar?
Are there any positives to having a retrograde Mars?
Greetings, Brother / Sister!
Yes, I think you can sublimate and make a beauty out of this, depending on the sign and house.
As well as such things as Mars in hard aspect to Saturn, I notice this can give rarely peaceful nature, inability to hurt or do evil, in combination with extreme intensity which is very beautiful. For example, we sometimes can observe conflicting patterns: Mars in Capricorn, aspects to Saturn and Pluto, signs of extreme power, and in the same time Mars Rx. This can give beautiful resonance of extreme chivalry, insane intensity (depending on other factors) and martyrdom of peace in the same time. Mars is realization of beautiful male energies in their highest forms which can be traced into the stars shining to the better worlds such as Lord Baalzebul. We all strive to reach these heights and to engage into these star energies that nothing is more beautiful then. Desire to save the world.
To give example of Martial expression there was a girl in my school. She had grand cross (great thing for self-realization) with Mars and Saturn (if I remember, there was also Pluto). She was the most graceful ladylike noblegirl I ever known. For 13 years I knew her she never said a bad word, let alone fowl one. She never used vulgar speech or dressing. Her manners were always ideal (she of course had those other positions for this too). She never fought, never confronted and never did or say anything that would trespass her highest courteousness. Princess-likeness, insane grace. And this is despite not possessing any super appearance, just her royal behavior alone made her a Queen. She also had ideal figure because from earliest childhood she practiced any and all types of dance, bally one first and foremost that demands insane dedication and self-sacrifice. And she became a dancer and singer of Ancient European music. She was an artist in soul and totally sublimated her cross into hardest work and dedication to art. Mars was direct, I think.
Rx gives maximum Martial power "freed" from "standard" social realization and secluded inside to be spread into the inner world - occult, study, any self realization that person themselves chooses. in severe cases this might even play out as a Gentleman in a wheelchair (this might demand some bad degrees as well) when bedridden disease gives one "free time" to spread your major intensity elsewhere then in traditional things people of your gender and age usually do (this is only an example of how it may partially play, depending on other aspects, there are numerous ways). Such situation might be used to become great [in some Zevist profession] and do a lot of hard work for Zeus. Or find yourself in hard intellectual work and channel your Martial energy elsewhere.
A lot of planets retro, especially Mars and Pluto, give opportunity to internalize extreme lots of things, that society usually teaches people to express out. These people might need time to find their path and the way to express their intensity in the enough noble and beautiful way they themselves demand out of themselves. This might be relative in nature to how Saturnian aspect to both might play, especially if one karmic or else actually is present in the chart as well, especially if also Rx.
I saw some opinions in the internet that these are dreamer cases where all Martial energies are spent in dreams and fantasies. Well, not sure whether this was but one example, but even if so and even if all other chart proves this, then why not to use this for self-expression in some dream-related art talent such as writing? A lot of fantasists predicted actual scientific innovation done much later. And a lot of innovators were ex-dreamers and ex-fantasists. Dreams are base of any and all evolution.
Depending upon your choice gigantic amount of self-realizations, from any special dance (or any extremely beautiful peaceful practice needy of training) for women to any hidden secret inner-style warrior practice for men (or according to whatever choice), and to any and all occult might be open to you with this. Key here is this should demand Martial level of dedication and preferably somehow related to chivalry for the Martial energies to be pulled into sublimation.
This can be very naturally realized as occult talent because when such personages as Mars and Pluto see that they are dealing with a non-warrior delicate case they naturally start realizing themselves in the occult field. Because this is their natural field when dealing with beauty-related lifeform. This is why black traditionally Martial stones such as hematite are known as warrior initiation stones and witches' stones in the same time.
See it as raw power given to you as extra talent. Mars is energy. His main goal is to be used for a noble purpose. This is the only condition. This can be done not only the mainstream way. When either all chart (or all post-Jupiter chart) or Mars and Pluto are Rx, it means that gigantic amount of raw energies are directed within, internalized and accumulated. If this builds up and includes stress energies (and it does in case of everything post-Jupiter Rx) it might create health problems if person does not find the prominent professional or other worthy sublimation / riverbed for this. Treat this as stagnated talents. Ethereal raw essence of Mars is "freed" for you now. Of course this "freeing" costs something, i.e. difficulty to perform "standard" realization. But you can utilize this energy to make a talent out of this.
The best way to overwrite the so called "standard sublimation" is to make your own more beautiful. I think it's because karmic reason of Rx might be there as well - of the High Self demanding of you to make it more noble and beautiful.
A lot of Rx also might love to look into the past for the lessons of their Rx planets. In Mars case this might be spiritual chivalry and Knighthood. They were secret spiritual orders, going back to Druids. Page-Knight evolution is Druid / Thuata de Dannan originated. True manhood might be found in the Immemorial Past also known as
The Dreamtime as well as rituals of our Warrior Gods.