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Working During Mars Retrograde

Jan 22, 2025
Can you do workings of banishing during Mars Retrograde that involve the use of Saturn, and if you banish the planetary influence of Mars beforehand? I have thought about using the Planetary Seal of Mars to banish Mars Retrograde influence so that I can do a hot foot working. Tax season is coming up starting Jan 31st, and I really don't want any illegal or nefarious stuff to happen in my neighborhood.I'm not superstitious by any means,and don't believe that simply thinking or having emotions show up can manifest a destructive outcome in an instant, but certain things can give me intense agitation almost OCD like where I go back and forth constantly trying to make a decision. I figured the bad planetary influence can be banished with the Seal of Mars when more wrathful workings are needed as Mars Retrograde doesn't end until Feb 24th of this year. People on the BALG forum have told me to completely ignore planetary hours and retrogrades as they can be an obstacle.Thoughts? Sometimes you can't not to do something just because of a retrograde because they can last several weeks or even months. Void Moon is different because it last no more than twenty four hours. Though Void of Course negative effects should be banishable with the Planetary Seal of The Moon. Thoughts? I also know that you cannot do whatever you want unless you know Chaos Magick really well. They appear to makeup their own rules about everything and even use pop culture deities. Can't say nothing though, I once built an entire magick based on the Legend of Spyro video games using the Golden Dawn system as a template,creating a fully functioning outer,inner, and secret order for the system. Too bad I deleted that content I worked on though. I had like 1500 pages of content madefor it too!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
