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Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Here are a few resources, in case anyone is wondering. Yes, Satan is literally Zeus.

For reasons later on explained in the topic, Baal and Satan are overlapped under the general title "Satan and Devil". Of course, there is more into this, but the facts below are undeniable. They overlap it all and confuse it, but the point stands.

The Pergamum Altar - the Temple of Zeus that Adolf Hitler restored in Germany and transferred it there...

"But I believe in Zeus (Satan)"

"Zeus and Baal the Prince of Rome"

https://www.academia.edu/39252068/Satan_Zeus_Baal_and_the_Prince_of_Rome [Satan, Zeus, Baal the Prince of Rome...]

"Where Satan Lives?"


What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Magnificent news, HPHC Sir! I’m looking forward to this and all our future endeavors and prosperity! Gods bless you and JoS! Satanas and our True Gods be praised and observed forever!
The Golden Age

I swear to you, High Priest, I was not so MUCH happy even in your sermon on the logo. I am literally overflowing with joy, I am overjoyed. I recently made a new donation and set aside money for some of the upcoming ones and I am HAPPY to see HOW MUCH these personal financial sacrifices were INVESTED IN THE BEST WAY, never spent money better. THANK YOU! Personally, I have loved Egypt since childhood (Greece too actually, though less so) AND TO SEE THAT I AM FINALLY GOING BACK TO THOSE TIMES, NOR, THAT THOSE TIMES ARE GOING BACK TO US... it is beautiful, it is no longer a sweet nostalgia, it is really an ancient dream come true. All wonderful, hardly you or anyone else can give me better news after what you said today hahahah. THANK YOU!
I swear to you, High Priest, I was not so MUCH happy even in your sermon on the logo. I am literally overflowing with joy, I am overjoyed. I recently made a new donation and set aside money for some of the upcoming ones and I am HAPPY to see HOW MUCH these personal financial sacrifices were INVESTED IN THE BEST WAY, never spent money better. THANK YOU! Personally, I have loved Egypt since childhood (Greece too actually, though less so) AND TO SEE THAT I AM FINALLY GOING BACK TO THOSE TIMES, NOR, THAT THOSE TIMES ARE GOING BACK TO US... it is beautiful, it is no longer a sweet nostalgia, it is really an ancient dream come true. All wonderful, hardly you or anyone else can give me better news after what you said today hahahah. THANK YOU!

I agree, all the investment of my existence, finances, time, energy, thoughts, spirit, everything, is also on the best place I could ever ask for. It has made my existence valid and true. I could never think of anything that was a more high quality endeavor to do than devote everything to the Gods and their people either. Thank you!
We're moving into the Age of Satya.

India shows their/our Gods and Spirituality proudly and openly to the World while having millions of muslim monkeys inside of it.
India keeps building temples and their gurus share their presence and spiritual knowledge openly.

The western world has to grow some balls and do it as well. There are no excuses anymore.

India shows their/our Gods and Spirituality proudly and openly to the World while having millions of muslim monkeys inside of it.
India keeps building temples and their gurus share their presence and spiritual knowledge openly.

The western world has to grow some balls and do it as well. There are no excuses anymore.

I am done with the "Satan is great but yeah I know you unknowing NPC brainwashed folk are afraid of it, but we are not evil, it's truly Satya, stop being afraid goy" and having to consistently confront the enemy's worthless interpolations, lies and dog-sh*t about the Gods.

The association with the enemy doctrine is keeping us back all the time. I cannot spend 500 hours to explain to every programmed folk out there that Satan is nothing bad in the end; if they cannot get it, that's fair enough. We will bypass it.

For those who want to dwell on byproducts of Jewish lore, either for romanticism reasons, or whatever, do it. It's allowed by us (part of our history nonetheless, that we survived the enemy's siege even in the form of "evil Satanists!"), but that will NOT be the future of this place. We will adopt and love our past, but we are moving forward from this.

We are no longer the "fallen Satan" and the "rebellious loser". We are the Authority of the Gods as it existed for 100,000 years on the planet. I don't care what Jews wrote a few years ago or the opinion of someone who wants Satan for being cool with heavy metal; I appreciate and love our lore from this time, but we have to move forward and be very direct here.

We cannot be answering enemy's argumentation all our existence for the sake of the past. It's a trap for us.

The final stage of our revolution is this: We will completely be original and outside of their context, as the Jews never existed on the planet whatsoever.

We know who Satan truly is and he is unrelated to the jewish gimmick, and we also know his Ancient and True Identities, so there is no point of us having to adopt anymore the "Yeah, let's prove to you NPC's that Satan is not evil" and having to confront the jewish walls of lies on their head all day long.

The wise people here know about this, and everyone will know about what we were before, but people will be able to make instant adaptation of clarified things, without us having to resort to the same shit of the enemy all the time to "prove our points".

You know the Gods directly; our Gods are the Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Norse - all the Gods of the Gentiles. I am done with the Jewish contexts of having to go into them and explain these are "Actually the Ancient Gods!". We will just relate the Ancient Gods DIRECTLY, and screw the jewish context. It's defiling, delays us, and wastes our potential to even answer the enemy.

We will skip this long talk and go instantly to these: Satya and Zeus.

I will therefore make and take it upon me to make major changes in the JoS, who will directly show the Truth, and delete any Jewish context that we constantly have to answer like we are retards to humanity and society (wasting our time, energy, and only meeting with dumb NPC's that are programmed by fear).

We will be represented by Zeus and Satya from now on (Beelzebul and Satan respectively, in pure forms) and we leave behind the era that we couldn't even exist socially or had to confront black metal, wanna-be "Muh Satanist Ritualists!!" and any other worthless lie that came as a result of us honoring the Truth but regardless being in a context which the enemy controls and lies about all the time.

It's time to show the pure Truth and just dominate from now on.
Jews are nobody's authority. - we got to keep this as present tense since it's Satya.

I see and I understand , we've reached far , all of this struggle for so many lives times has finally paid off , I never doubt the Gods , regardless of how much 'time' it would had been taken , this was impossible to be stopped and now are are in the Aquarius Age where we are of Satya [The one's of the Truth] and we will restore order and true justice.
but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.
I understand why is that the case, the Jews can't contest the ancient God Zeus which existed long before Hebrew and the Jews and as for Satya this is even older then that so it make sense that will obliviate the lies of the jews.

You all shall be grateful and happy and stuff but myself I keep ferm and calm on my positions , I am not saying that I am not happy , I am , obviously , otherwise I wouldn't had fight so many lives times for the Gods but I simply hate to say that I have done that and that (as In I've done that for the Gods where's my reward? "No", all I've done I have done it because it felt as right thing to do, saving lives, spreading truth and light, those are divine and GodLike things and in the eyes of the Universe Satya that's seen, I have fought and continue doing so for an eternity, I love the Gods and I couldn't wait the day where I can say this very thing out loud without being looked as a " evil Satanist" since the enemy corrupted loads of knowledge.

I am open on receiving the gifts and blessings of the Gods but I've just wanted to say that all I've done was because the Gods made me (and as per all of you) and not only that but they've literally gave us freedom, free will and even knowledge and guidance onto becoming as Them so I am eternally grateful and no matter what I would do in an infinite amount of "time" I feel like it would still not be enough time to ever pay Them back. That being said Hail Father Satan! Hail Beelzebul!

There's great times coming right up and we will finally have our peace, prosperity and moments of finally relaxation and being at ease, obviously that would come once the truth goes up to the surface entirely, till then, the work has just started and everyone should be on their positions, may the Gods unite all of us and finish what the enemy long time started once and for all!
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Does this include the website adress, for example instead off joyofsatan.org => joyofsatya.org ?, if so we should redirect from the old to the new one, as much effort for advertising for the old one was done.

If possibel could you somehow mark the changed parts on the sites. And store all the changed ones, as pdf. So it is more easy to translate the changes into different languages?

Like this Satan.
Satan can be several things ?

Is this God we find on the page still him, right?
An alien from Orion

But he is also The God of Heaven, and therefore extremely powerful
Almost as if he were omnipotent

He is also Satya, the truth, what sustains space, time, chance


I believed that there was something non-Jewish in the name "Satanás" and that we could find it.
But it seems that you have actually admitted that the name has been distorted by the Catholics.
But for some reason it was a useful name all along, because when someone wanted to talk to the Satanas that Maxine mentioned, he sometimes appeared, making himself evident.

Replacing the words myself is like ripping a piece out of me.
Why "Satanás" as "Satya" now is strange, since Satanás is an individual Being

And Satya is Being as Being The world

I want to make that distinction between the two.
When doing research, the Pergamon passage stuck in my head. The obvious elements of Poseidon, Dionysus, and then Shiva [as related to Zeus] in the Indian pantheon also rang true.

I have always been an advocate for a Hellenistic basis to what we do. People like Boccaccio, Plethon, Ficino and others did many things to instill this spirit to Italy, as Nietzsche said, blatantly erecting the Temple on top of the Roman synagogue terrorizing the Europeans for 1,000 years.

Hellenism makes it obvious too that we are NOT in religious format 'different' from India or China or Japan or any other pantheon across the world. There is no frozen, walled-off and barely literate 'outpost' of limited comic book Gods in Europe. There is everything, it has just been buried.

Via Greece and Rome, we revive Egypt and even the Phoenician, Mesopotamian, Arabian outlooks by extension. The basis of what happened in Iran since the time of Cyrus is understood more. The keys to other European creeds, African belief and the traditional religions of America are understood more, not less.

I will continue to put references to the worthless Jewish filth and slander in the Gods' articles, but only to educate the people on how they have nothing of their own.

1. How many translated texts are needed to correct after reforms?
2. In general I support this reform but I am little bit critical. I think that presenting JoS as ancient-pagan religion instead of "satanism" is fair and right and make it more socially acceptable. But I think that it is not good if JoS totally lost it's "dark satanic" imago. Why... Because many "dark satanic" symbols are strong symbols that help lead people into spiritual truth. Baphomet, Sigil of Baphomet, 666, Black Metal etc. It's good marketing strategy for people for search something stronger and more occultist than usual paganism. And for teenagers with rebellious souls.
I think that it is good if JoS can be presented both way "paganic" or "satanic". Depending on context. Depending on people.
4. I think that JoS should never be softened on it's anti-abrahamic and pro-racialist viewpoints. It's make JoS JoS. And it's natural law. This is one reason why I am here not somewhere else.
5. What be our new name for our religion. It's was "Spiritual Satanism". Is it changed or not?
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I will try to build the Golden Era brick by brick every day, no matter how high the pyramid may be 🔨
Gonna start calling myself a Satyist now to avoid anti-"Satanic" attacks and prayers. Good news, lovely sermon. Thanks for all of this and to the other members of the JoS for fighting so hard.

May the Gods reign on Earth again eternally. Hail Zeus, Hail Satya!
The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

All your words are crystal clear and very common sense based yet the last part of this sentence triggered a memory of the future.

Perhaps the details of this vile manifestation of evil that we call the enemy, will be erased with time but we will have a myth / a story that reminds us of this period which will then be an obscure and distant past, when an existential threat presented itself before our kind and was dealt with by us (however they choose to describe us). It is important to be remembered until the time comes for another yuga of darkness when we'll forget again and be faced with evil only to triumph against it just like before.

I'm thrilled to observe it and take part in this growth and progression of our community and the world as a consequence of it.

Thank you for everything.
Awesome news HP Cobra! Please lets us know if the website address does change so we can all make the appropriate bookmark changes. I look forward to seeing the new changes made and know that the gods are thrilled with this. we move one more step closer to the golden age.

Hail Father Satya!!
Although change of this kind always feels weird, this is clearly long due.
It makes not much sense to lock us into a framework set up by the enemy past the point where that framework was the only one we had.

It was always awkward having to explain "We are Satanists but basically we are Pagan because the Demons portrayed as evil by the church are actually our Gods etc", what was the point of calling ourselves as such, if not to rally us against the enemy? Now that the rebels and fighters have joined and fought, we need to expand to the big chunk of Humanity.

There's no reason to go through all that previous mental gymnastics to explain that our being Satanists basically means that we are followers of the Ancient Gods of Humanity, or more commonly "Pagans", although this term too might not make too much sense past a point.

For everyone who feels resistance to this change, think about it: do you imagine the Ancients, like the Egyptians, the Greeks, etc... called themselves "Satanists"? They of course did not.
Why should we now? We did it only because we were finding out the Truth, piece by piece, starting from corrupted knowledge.
This has served us well in the end, and I hold it dear in my heart, in some way.
But now we know better.
Now we ARE better.

No more black metal? Why? Some of us happen to like that genre of music...
Wait, HP didn't say you mustn't listen to black metal. It just doesn't have to be linked with us.
It's just a musical genre, not "our" musical genre, as those who are without tend to believe.
Your musical taste is your own and your 100% free to listen to what you want.
My only question is, does it still make sense to change our name to Joy of Satanas? After this sermon, it almost feels like a too small change.
Like, I'd expect us to become Joy of Satya, or something like that.
No more black metal? Why? Some of us happen to like that genre of music...

It's a metaphor about us having to still "fit into a category".

Of all these years did you ever see any musical restrictions?

1. How many translated texts are needed to correct after reforms?
2. In general I support this reform but I am little bit critical. I think that presenting JoS as ancient-pagan religion instead of "satanism" is fair and right and make it more socially acceptable. But I think that it is not good if JoS totally lost it's "dark satanic" imago. Why... Because many "dark satanic" symbols are strong symbols that help lead people into spiritual truth. Baphomet, Sigil of Baphomet, 666, Black Metal etc. It's good marketing strategy for people for search something stronger and more occultist than usual paganism. And for teenagers with rebellious souls.
I think that it is good if JoS can be presented both way "paganic" or "satanic". Depending on context. Depending on people.
4. I think that JoS should never be softened on it's anti-abrahamic and pro-racialist viewpoints. It's make JoS JoS. And it's natural law. This is one reason why I am here not somewhere else.
5. What be our new name for our religion. It's was "Spiritual Satanism". Is it changed or not?

1. Reclaiming the most powerful symbolism, is not wrong. Who do you rather think is the most powerful symbolism, a Goat or literally Zeus the Master of the universe? I love Goats and know of their significance but some things are what they are.

2. There won't be any changes in "watering down" anything. Does Zeus upon the throne look like a softening? We are "softening" or we are empowering?

3. We are not sacrificing the "dark aesthetic" or a lot of these things, nor they will be removed.

4. Who said anyone is watering down anything? Nobody.

5. We will inform about any new things. These will improve on anything, not reduce anything.

Spiritual Satanism is still what it has always been and us in the inner circle will be called Joy of Satanas and so on.

I want to remind that never, in the history of any update on the long history of the JoS, we ever had anything negative happen or anything bad.

Does this include the website adress, for example instead off joyofsatan.org => joyofsatya.org ?, if so we should redirect from the old to the new one, as much effort for advertising for the old one was done.

If possibel could you somehow mark the changed parts on the sites. And store all the changed ones, as pdf. So it is more easy to translate the changes into different languages?

Like this Satan.

We will update in the future about this. Don't worry about this at all. Of course we are keeping our same domains etc.
My only question is, does it still make sense to change our name to Joy of Satanas? After this sermon, it almost feels like a too small change.
Like, I'd expect us to become Joy of Satya, or something like that.

We are not making any changes for the time being.

It's like re-painting a house; nothing changes past this fundamentally for us, besides of the fact we won't have to answer all day about enemy's worthless argumentation and be able to push with force forward with a clear message.
It will all make sense in the end; so don't worry because of misplaced worries. If there are any, please relate them here for explaining.
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a awesome sermon
And to the point thanks again
Hail Satanas And the Gods!!!!
We will skip this long talk and go instantly to these: Satya and Zeus.

I will therefore make and take it upon me to make major changes in the JoS, who will directly show the Truth, and delete any Jewish context that we constantly have to answer like we are retards to humanity and society (wasting our time, energy, and only meeting with dumb NPC's that are programmed by fear).

We will be represented by Zeus and Satya from now on (Beelzebul and Satan respectively, in pure forms) and we leave behind the era that we couldn't even exist socially or had to confront black metal, wanna-be "Muh Satanist Ritualists!!" and any other worthless lie that came as a result of us honoring the Truth but regardless being in a context which the enemy controls and lies about all the time.

It's time to show the pure Truth and just dominate from now on.
Beautifully said and great idea, commander.

As someone who is hard at work in Outreach and brings in large audiences to our doctrine, having to answer endless questions about these things to people who would otherwise agree with us is tiring, and limits us.
A change like this is likely very delicate, so as to not forsake our essence, but I'm sure you and the Clergy will handle it in a great way.

I'll be waiting in excitement to see how these changes take shape.
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Understood. Let’s walk forward and spread the light and truth; make our enemy cower as they won’t be able to use that anymore. I also think it’s an easier way of reaching more people.
Hail Zeus Hail Satya
What has been called now "Satanism" by the enemy, all of us here, we know has it's roots in basically the core Ancient Religion that the Gods have given on earth. This includes all philosophical, spiritual, and developmental knowledge of mankind. All the Ancient Gods are included.

The head God as summarized, has been always a centrism between Father Satan and Beelzebul; these two beings have been interchangeable and in the enemy's doctrine, they ended up as Satan and Beelzebul respectively.

The enemy cuts all corners when they say that "Satan has his Throne in Pergamum" in the book of revelations, revealing who they mean is "Satan". Pergamum at the time of writing their hoaxes, had Zeus's largest temple built there, so they call him "Satan" in that context.

Beelzebul, or "Baal Zevul" (Lord of the Heavens) has went by many Names in the Ancient World. The identity that they used for the ultimate evil in the enemy doctrine was called "Satan", a bastardization of the Ancient Term of Satya.

Conversely, Zeus and Satya, are interconnected and one. While Zeus implements divine Justice, Satya or The Truth is the basis upon which all of existence runs. The internal aspect of existence, the "Invisible, Eternal" and the "One God Of The World" - Inner and Outer World. Satya or who was later called "Satan", is the primary Truth in the Universe, and Zeus is we could say, the "God of Gods" or the "Heavenly Father".

The enemy does not spend any time quarreling around these; they call Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebul one and the same, the "Devil". This has it's origins in the Vedic term for the Deva, or God basically. Further, the word Devil, which is from the Ancient Greek Dia-Valein.

This word has many cryptic connotations; but one hidden meaning in it, means literally "He who instills Zeus", or "He who puts Zeus inside (the soul"), as Dias/Zeus were the Dual Names of Zeus in the Ancient World. The word Dias comes from Deus which literally just means God (the "One God") and further, is related to the word Deyus Pater in Ancient Sanskrit, Roman and other languages, meaning the Heavenly Father or literally just God.

As a result, we have five things branded as evil in the enemy doctrine:

1. The Ultimate Eternal Truth of the Cosmos (Satya - transfigured into the character of Satan, the "Rebel against the Jewish order")
2. Zeus, the "Father of Gods and Men", Head God of the Ancient Pantheons appearing in many Names- The King of the Gods, Justice, Order, Power and the Lord of Truth
3. Devil - Who as explained above, puts the mind to "doubt" and to eventually instill in it the Truth (One must doubt to reach the Truth - One must instill the Truth within - all hated by the enemy)
4. Lucifer - He Who Brings Light and Enlightenment - The opener of awareness, another fatal thing to the enemy.
5. Demon - Literally means in Ancient Greek, the Knowledgeable One, the Wise Ones, the Teachers, the Gods and the higher intelligence of the Cosmos.

In the future, we will move to further the full adaptation to the above, so the power of the Gods can shine directly without any Jewish impediments.

Jews branded us like "Satanic", "Evil" and many other things, only to impede us from reaching out to people. By assosciating us with evil, they managed to essentially cut humanity off from the Gods, and only some people can see through this pretty basic manipulation. We will therefore, remove their manipulations wholly in the next site update, so they can never affect us through this gimmick.

We will be completely re-framing the context of our religion. This means the CONTEXT, not the ESSENCE or the KNOWLEDGE of it.

This means, the above we will make very evident, straight, and discard completely any obsolete Jewish lies where we constantly have to answer if we are blood sacrificing maniacs to the public. The Gods want humanity to advance, connect to the Gods (which have been falsely branded as monsters) but I will throw this false branding that impedes the minds of humans of evolving, out of the path of the Gods.

Many of us here who have been here for a very long time, we have had a situation that we had to reach the Gods through unfortunately, poisoned enemy context. Black Metal, Left Hand path, looking into selling souls to the Devil, and endless other buffers and gimmicks which have served their time to keep the memory of the Gods alive, but now, all of that is going to be removed and this context will be a part of our history under the enemy.

Our future is the future where none of this will exist. It is no longer necessary. Our display will be DIRECT and nothing will be related even indirectly to the enemy anymore. Nor words, nor nothing.

I am done answering the Jews and having to convince everyone for 40 paragraphs that "Satan is not this, Satan is not that, it's not Jewish". We spent centuries enough having to answer from the 15th century that we are not "Satanic Maniacs!".

We are moving past this endless cement wall of lies, and going straight to the point with them. The JoS will undergo changes that are positive, WITHOUT CHANGING ITS ESSENCE BUT BY EXPANDING ON THESE to reflect the DIRECT power of the Gods.

The JoS will go through a change where the Truth of the Gods will be evident. We will no longer say "We believe in Satan (Jewish start of the argument) and then have to defend ourselves with "which is Satya", but we will instead just directly say "We believe in Zeus and Satya". Direct. And somewhere along these lines it will be explained that Jews lied.

By reframing this to reflect the TRUTH, because this is the TRUTH, we will avoid the heap of lies and interpolations of the enemy, and put an end to their disgusting contexts once and for all, burying them in the sands of time as an elapsed era where they had some power. The Golden Age won't be an age where we will have to answer about jewish mythological characters, but where the Gods since the inception of Mankind will reclaim their throne, and any and all contexts of the enemy will cease to exist and even be remembered past a point.

We want to be part of this Golden Age transition and herald it as it's bringers, and I officially declare, that anything that represents the enemy context will progressively disappear. We must refuse to dwell on anything that has it's roots on the interpolations of the enemy. That is not even romantic; it is suicidal.

Our history of the era where we had to be under enemy fire and mask ourselves as "Satanic" or "On the side of evil" (Which was truly, the GOOD SIDE), has come to an end. I will no longer hide my Gods or my people beneath their context. All of it will be banished and the Gods will be displayed directly and proudly like Ancient Greece and Egypt, without leaving the enemy no space to dictate a single thing.

Jews are not our authority.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I really like this I can't
Wait I'm in awe and happy
About this change
Let's go for it
Hooded Cobra high priest
Hail Satya and the
I could feel it, I came to the "knowing of it" and it was very much clear after the clarification of the Clergy recently, that there's a very big shift into our true nature of absolute Superiority.
This is the best time to be alive now. I'm truly grateful to every comrade and to our Leaders most especially for leading the us into brighter times of consciousness.

Hail Satanas.
It is no coincidence I have been feeling a strong pull towards Zeus recently.

Even if I didn't believe the lies of Satan to full extent before SS I did remember that the enemy did trick me in the way to view Zeus. The sick and outright stupid lies about Him.

I am all in for the restoration of the honor of Zeus on this planet.
It is no coincidence I have been feeling a strong pull towards Zeus recently.

Even if I didn't believe the lies of Satan to full extent before SS I did remember that the enemy did trick me in the way to view Zeus. The sick and outright stupid lies about Him.

I am all in for the restoration of the honor of Zeus on this planet.

As we clear all the enemy's curses and power, the beings that have been underneath them [Satan/Zeus/Baal - all our Gods, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Hindu and what-not] are bound to re-emerge in their actual identities.

The enemy's context is no longer valid or existing. Adoption of a false and dead context in anyway, is simply dwelling in the past.

The enemy knows better than anyone what I am doing here, they cannot stop it either.

We are actually bringing back the Gods in pure form; not in anyway as the enemy wanted this to be. The enemy wanted us to be in their context, for of course, their usual lies, deception and control.

Satan can be several things ?

Yes, the entity we call Satan or Satanas is many things; for one, he is the incarnation of the Truth. Past that, He is an entity, but above all, he is also an essence of Truth itself. The name Satan has it's source in the Satanama and Satya mantra; the literalization of this was called before Zeus or Dheus Pater, or simply Truth.

Jews took this out of context and made it into some evil character in the Bible, who nevertheless, they reveal was the Head God of the Romans, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and basically everyone else predating them.

Replacing the words myself is like ripping a piece out of me.
Why "Satanás" as "Satya" now is strange, since Satanás is an individual Being

And Satya is Being as Being The world

I want to make that distinction between the two.

Behind the general code-word for the essence, there are many things. There is nothing abnormal with any of these distinctions. The general concept of Sa or Sat [Truth] divides itself in many ways. The concept of Sa and Sat [existing in Ancient Egypt & Sanskrit very evidently] does divide into many things later on.

This is like saying Bob is a father to someone, but Bob is also a construction worker, Bob is also a tax payer, and Bob is also wearing clothes; all of these things are real in the same time. It's still Bob or Truth in that case, simultaneously fulfilling many tasks and roles.
Satan can be several things ?

Yes, the entity we call Satan or Satanas is many things; for one, he is the incarnation of the Truth. Past that, He is an entity, but above all, he is also an essence of Truth itself. The name Satan has it's source in the Satanama and Satya mantra; the literalization of this was called before Zeus or Dheus Pater, or simply Truth.

Jews took this out of context and made it into some evil character in the Bible, who nevertheless, they reveal was the Head God of the Romans, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and basically everyone else predating them.

Replacing the words myself is like ripping a piece out of me.
Why "Satanás" as "Satya" now is strange, since Satanás is an individual Being

And Satya is Being as Being The world

I want to make that distinction between the two.
Behind the general code-word for the essence, there are many things. There is nothing abnormal with any of these distinctions. The general concept of Sa or Sat [Truth] divides itself in many ways.

This is like saying Bob is a father to someone, but Bob is also a construction worker, Bob is also a tax payer, and Bob is also wearing clothes; all of these things are real in the same time. It's still Bob or Truth in that case, simultaneously fulfilling many tasks and roles.
Yes! I've been looking forward to this ever since I got here. I was always confused why we insisted on using the very same names and words that were used to insult and blaspheme the gods instead of using their actual divine names. This is great news and a much needed adjustment. Thank you HP I hope to learn more in depth about Satya and Zeus in their uncorrupted forms and how they relate to the Vedic religions and Shiva and Vishnu.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
