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#406 A virgin; a strange man; problems in relationships with girls


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am considered very strange sometimes even a crazy person when I try to get close to girls.

My questions and my behavior are considered strange, although I behave within the bounds of decency.

It was the same at school, at the institute, about 10 years ago.

I do not have any psychological or mental problems, because in my country the education system immediately identifies and separates such people from everyone else (they are placed in special institutions), but I have always been considered strange and treated as abnormal, while doctors did not identify any psychological or mental problems.

I am a virgin and I confidently communicate with people, but people do not want to communicate with me, especially girls avoid me, I have changed my circle of environment many times, but this attack overtook me.

I try my best to be successful with girls, but I always remain a black sheep.

Will clearing the basic and sacral chakras fix this problem?

Will fully open and purified basic and sacred chakras solve my problems with attractiveness to the opposite sex and attracting girls?

I try to behave correctly, but no matter how correctly and correctly I behave, I am considered a strange and eccentric.

I am a very calm and polite person, but I don't like calm people, I am attracted to bright and sexy girls.

Despite my calm nature and temperament, I dream of being a different person who hangs out in clubs, although everyone tells me that it doesn't suit me, that I'm supposedly a different person, but I disagree with that.

In terms of girls, my parents tell me that the beauty will never date me, because she needs a strong and brutal man, not a nerd.

Despite the fact that I go to the gym, they tell me that I will never become a brutal man because I missed my time (it was necessary to start swinging at 16, not at 29).

At the same time, I really noticed that the girls I like, these girls like brutal and bad guys, the truth is that I want to be this guy, but only because I want to fuck all these girls.

I am ready to become anyone, as long as these girls like me and fuck them all, I want to solve my problems with attractiveness and sexuality, I am ready to become any person, just to get the result I need.

The people around me tell me 1000 reasons why the girls I like won't live with me, I want to get rid of both internal and external constraints, I want to break the matrix in which I'm stuck. I want to get a result - sexually attract girls, like girls, fuck them. How do I do this?

My problem is also that I had unrequited love many times (more than three), I really fell in love with girls and I ran after them for years.

Now I have changed my worldview and try not to fall in love with them, not to feel love for them and pink snot to which I am inclined according to my temperament (I am already afraid to fall in love, girls see this and consider me weak, and when I confessed my feelings, it did not help me), because all alpha males (brutal guys) as I found out, they never fell in love with them (they told me so themselves), but at the same time all these girls flowed from them and fell in love with them.

When I tried to behave like an alpha male, to copy behavior, girls began to consider me a woman-hater, although this is not the case, because before I cried at night and suffered from unrequited love and was ready to do anything to make the girl I was in love with happy.

When I try to be myself according to my calm temperament, I am called a nerd, spineless, crybaby and just a weak person.

When I try to copy the behavior of an alpha male, I am called a woman-hater, a psychopath, an evil, bad person, a maniac.

And in all cases, I am called an egoist and a narcissist, but at the same time I am considered a good guy who I don't want to be because beautiful and sexy girls don't sleep with them (according to my observations).

What am I missing and not understanding?

How can I become sexually attractive and make girls fall in love with me, or at least just attract them for sex and callously fuck them if I am such a bad person and unworthy of love?
Stop being fake.
Tough guys are tough because this the personality they genuinely developed, they didn’t do it to get girls.
Girls are good at sniffing out fakes.
Also stop being negative.

Online pick up gurus are for the most part liars. Don’t be mean, “nice guys” try to 180 and start becoming douchebags. Girls don’t like douchebags, they like guys who make them feel right and guys who aren’t pushovers, especially pushovers who fake niceness for sex.

Just be honest about it. Become physically attractive and make it clear you just want to fuck around. Be genuine and direct. You’ll attract those kind of girls into your life(for better or worse).
A volte vengo considerato una persona molto strana, persino pazza, quando cerco di avvicinarmi alle ragazze.

Le mie domande e il mio comportamento vengono considerati strani, nonostante io mi comporti nei limiti della decenza.

La stessa cosa accadeva a scuola, all'istituto, circa 10 anni fa.

Non ho problemi psicologici o mentali, perché nel mio Paese il sistema educativo identifica e separa immediatamente queste persone da tutti gli altri (vengono collocate in istituti speciali), ma sono sempre stato considerato strano e trattato come anormale, mentre i medici non hanno riscontrato alcun problema psicologico o mentale.

Sono vergine e comunico con sicurezza con le persone, ma le persone non vogliono comunicare con me, soprattutto le ragazze mi evitano. Ho cambiato il mio ambiente molte volte, ma questo attacco mi ha sopraffatto.

Faccio del mio meglio per avere successo con le ragazze, ma resto sempre una pecora nera.

La purificazione dei chakra basilari e sacrali risolverà questo problema?

I chakra basilari e sacri completamente aperti e purificati risolveranno i miei problemi di attrazione per il sesso opposto e di attrazione per le ragazze?

Cerco di comportarmi correttamente, ma non importa quanto correttamente e correttamente mi comporti, vengo considerato strano ed eccentrico.

Sono una persona molto calma ed educata, ma non mi piacciono le persone calme, mi attraggono le ragazze intelligenti e sexy.

Nonostante la mia natura e il mio temperamento calmi, sogno di essere una persona diversa che frequenta i locali, anche se tutti mi dicono che non mi si addice, che presumibilmente sono una persona diversa, ma non sono d'accordo.

Per quanto riguarda le ragazze, i miei genitori mi dicono che la bella non uscirà mai con me, perché ha bisogno di un uomo forte e brutale, non di un nerd.

Nonostante io vada in palestra, mi dicono che non diventerò mai un uomo brutale perché ho perso il mio tempo (era necessario iniziare a fare swing a 16 anni, non a 29).

Allo stesso tempo, ho notato che le ragazze che mi piacciono, a queste ragazze piacciono i ragazzi brutali e cattivi, la verità è che io voglio essere questo ragazzo, ma solo perché voglio scopare con tutte queste ragazze.

Sono pronto a diventare chiunque, purché piaccia a queste ragazze e me le scopi tutte, voglio risolvere i miei problemi con l'attrattiva e la sessualità, sono pronto a diventare chiunque, solo per ottenere il risultato di cui ho bisogno.

Le persone che mi circondano mi raccontano 1000 motivi per cui le ragazze che mi piacciono non vogliono vivere con me, voglio liberarmi sia dei vincoli interni che esterni, voglio rompere la matrice in cui sono incastrato. Voglio ottenere un risultato: attrarre sessualmente le ragazze, piacere alle ragazze, scoparle. Come faccio?

Il mio problema è anche che ho avuto amori non corrisposti molte volte (più di tre), mi sono innamorato davvero delle ragazze e le ho rincorse per anni.

Ora ho cambiato la mia visione del mondo e cerco di non innamorarmi di loro, di non provare amore per loro e il moccio rosa a cui sono incline in base al mio temperamento (ho già paura di innamorarmi, le ragazze lo vedono e mi considerano debole, e quando ho confessato i miei sentimenti, non mi è servito a niente), perché tutti i maschi alfa (ragazzi brutali) come ho scoperto, non si sono mai innamorati di loro (me lo hanno detto loro stessi), ma allo stesso tempo tutte queste ragazze uscivano da loro e si innamoravano di loro.

Quando ho cercato di comportarmi come un maschio alfa, di copiare il loro comportamento, le ragazze hanno iniziato a considerarmi un odiatore di donne, anche se non è così, perché prima piangevo di notte, soffrivo per un amore non corrisposto ed ero pronto a fare qualsiasi cosa per rendere felice la ragazza di cui ero innamorato.

Quando cerco di essere me stessa, rispettando il mio temperamento calmo, vengo definita una nerd, una persona senza spina dorsale, una piagnona e semplicemente una persona debole.

Quando provo a imitare il comportamento di un maschio alfa, vengo definito un odiatore di donne, uno psicopatico, una persona cattiva e malvagia, un maniaco.

E in tutti i casi, vengo definito egoista e narcisista, ma allo stesso tempo sono considerato un bravo ragazzo che non voglio essere perché le ragazze belle e sexy non vanno a letto con loro (secondo le mie osservazioni).

Cosa mi sfugge e non capisco?

Come posso diventare sessualmente attraente e far innamorare di me le ragazze, o almeno semplicemente attrarle per fare sesso e scoparle senza pietà se sono una persona così cattiva e indegna di amore?
ciao fratello, prima di tutto vorrei iniziare col dirti che non sei strano o niente del genere. È giusto essere calmi ed educati. Inoltre se stai cambiando solo per gli altri e solo perché vuoi finire a letto con una ragazza, sappi che non è una cosa intelligente da fare, anzi, ti stai abbassando al livello di tutte quelle persone che non ti amano veramente per quello che sei.
A livello spirituale posso innanzitutto consigliarti di fare il programma HoodedoCobra di 40 giorni (se non lo hai già fatto) e poi ti consiglio di respirare energia verde se vuoi un amore sincero e anche sessuale. Ovviamente devi creare un'affermazione basata sui tuoi desideri e bisogni.
Se vuoi cambiare, fallo, ma fallo per te stesso e non per gli altri. Inoltre, fallo usando il tuo cervello e la tua consapevolezza.
Ti consiglio anche di smettere di ascoltare le voci degli altri, la vita è tua e devi decidere tu, non i tuoi genitori o le persone che dicono di essere tuoi amici ma poi ti dicono come devi essere.
Ci sono un sacco di ragazze là fuori che ti accetterebbero per quello che sei veramente, ne sono sicuro. Non ti renderà più sexy se passi il tempo nei locali a bere tutto il giorno e cambi ragazza ogni sera. Inoltre, concentrati di più su te stesso e amati di più perché non è giusto "copiare" altri ragazzi solo perché vuoi scopare con una ragazza. Ti consiglio di crescere di più in questo senso perché, ti svelo un segreto, ma non a tutte le ragazze piacciono i ragazzi alfa. Io per prima adoro i ragazzi che apprezzano la cultura e la letteratura. Questo era solo un piccolo esempio per darti un'idea di dove voglio arrivare. Essere un nerd non è sbagliato.
Padre Satana, gli Dei e noi della famiglia JoyofSatan ti ascolteremo e ti aiuteremo a risolvere questo problema. Nel frattempo, ti auguro buona fortuna fratello.
I understand your frustration, but don't be discouraged and don't do things that are unhealthy or harmful to your person just to achieve your desired goal.
Below I suggest some readings on the subject. I hope they help you.

From High Priestess Lydia: Dating: Lies Told to Men
From High Priestess Maxine Dietrich: Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul
From High Priest Hooded Cobra 666: How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple

From The Alchemist7 [JG] (here):
Hello. If you want to become more attractive and charismatic, the way you are describing is overly simplistic I would say. Attractiveness and charisma are personality traits that humans develop after years of social interactions, maturation, taking on various responsibilities, taking on leading roles or positions etc.

Since this is not exactly an easy process especially if you are someone that completely lacks those traits, you are not going to get them "overnight" by merely programming your aura. Yes the Venus square can be great to accelerate the process and to positively affect your personality to be much more receptive to these changes, but you also need to go out and do the activities mentioned above, in order to "plant the seeds" in your personality to develop these traits faster. A spiritual work can do wonders to speed up the process but it won't manifest it altogether without you putting in some physical work beside the spiritual work. This goes for virtually anything.

From Blitzkreig [JG] (here):
Sexual energy pertains first to Martian energy, which rules lust and action, but we know women are also defined by Venus and the yin element. So Thurisaz applies directly to men, whereas Kenaz shows the action of female sexuality more clearly, yet both relate to fire energy, as Kenaz is like an "oven" which receives, but has its own aspect of fire.

Notice the shape of both Thurisaz and Kenaz runes, respectively:

As Pluto is the transcendental form of Mars, it has incorporated aspects of water into it. This is why Pluto rules the sexual organs themselves, which have elements of both yin and yang, even for men. Pluto directly pertains to the Kundalini, and we know that the Kundalini is a hermaphroditic energy which moves from the base chakra (masculine) to the crown chakra (feminine).

We also see how Venus relates to sex as well, which is the desire for union, closeness, and harmony with another person. Venus wants to create love, and having sex ("lovemaking") is a good way to do this, although it is not the only way. However, the Mars energy drives the lust which creates these Venusian energies after intimacy is had.

The energetic exchange facilitated by the love of Venus is shown in the Gebo rune. We know that sex is one way for energies to exchange between couples, ultimately leading to feelings of love and the resulting actions we do for loved ones.

We can see the process of orgasm and union represented by Dagaz and the number 8. The mixing of yin and yang creates the orgasm in the sexual organs, yet also flashes of intuition in the mind. This shows a basis for creation, as we can see how productivity is a combination of energy plus discipline to make something. An easier example is also the yang energy of the man applied to the yin sexual organs of the woman, resulting in a baby.


Therefore, sexual energy can be seen as a direct mechanism for creation, whereas the Sun is more like the fuel for all of life to happen. The Sun also rules recreation, which can lead to lovemaking. It also fuels the Martian energy in the first place. The Sun works more with the moon in regards to its yin/yang cycle, which is not directly sexual like Mars/Venus.


The sacral chakra is most related to sexuality. The base chakra pertains more to survival, which can include reproduction, but not as directly.

Both Mars and the Sun pertain to the vitality seen within the body. While the Sun is the source of life, Mars provides a "pumping action", such as with the muscles, blood pressure, aiding peristalsis, etc. Mars also rules blood, and we can see the Kidneys are active in the creation of blood, in conjunction with other organs. Mars creates blood and action, Venus neutralizes and cleans blood, also working in conjunction with the Moon to develop the yin element of the body.

Therefore, sexual energy is an aspect of vitality, although it is not necessarily the source of it, like the Sun. Sexual energy directly spreads life however, and we see this through the movement of the seed from a man into a woman. The Sun handed Mars the fuel, and Mars created the seed, then drove the sequence of events which delivered it accordingly.

There is no need to do this. If you want to drive actual mental progress, you can use Munka to remove any negative karma pertaining to both sexual hangups and negative expressions of sex (porn or attraction to dangerous people).

In regards to the body, you can see this clearly within the span of one week. Going beyond this won't produce anything beyond the first week.

Physically, you will see that the Kidney Yin and Yang energy is increased as it is does not have to rebuild after ejaculation. This will reach its peak in about a few days, although it depends on the rates of exertion and other aspects of health. Those with a stronger Mars can replenish this more easily.

After a point, one may become exceedingly horny, and this is the point which you do not want to suppress yourself. This would be the natural time to express oneself, not restrict. Unlike the earlier period of abstinence, now the sexual energy has built up to a large degree. In some people, this may even result in wet dreams, as the energy wants to move.

If someone gets tired after ejaculation, then it is fine to reduce the frequency of this. However that is the extent of restriction here, and this extra energy should be spent working on one's soul, including the martian aspect of their soul which is responsible for this in the first place.

The above applies to women who may also have problems with the sexual organs, or experience weakness after their period (a loss of blood). Work on your Mars and restore yourself to a state of health.

For those who have additional insight, please share your thoughts below.

From here:
Yeah, you have to use Tinder or other fast hookup apps and keep your intentions clear. You need to focus on pure sex appeal to make sex happen within on first contact. You should not to do anything for them in terms of gift giving, multiple hangouts, or anything romantic or friendship-oriented for sex to happen. If you do these things, it will confuse your intentions and make you seem desperate because you have to resort to other measures for sex. Don't do these things.

To get sex within the first contact, you need to have the raw sex appeal. The date itself is just a means for you to further attract the person through this sex appeal. With this in mind, you have to focus on masculine traits and how to increase them. You should focus on developing your physical masculinity, mental masculinity, and general cosmetic improvements. Masculinity is obviously both physical and mental, but it helps to view them separately for the sake of analysis.

Physical masculinity means your androgenic profile and testosterone, your clothing, your mannerisms and body language, musculature, and hair style.

  • Androgenic profile: Increasing your testosterone can happen through many avenues. You want to think of boosting the androgenic activity and minimizing the estrogenic activity. Boosting it involves eating enough saturated fat, drinking enough water, getting enough proper sleep (before 11pm, minimize blue light), exercise (prioritize yoga, then do others), eating enough veggies/nuts for proper zinc, magnesium, selenium, and other nutrients, and overall minimizing stress. From a TCM perspective, you want to focus on kidney health, specifically kidney yang. Anything that boosts or protects kidney yang will give you more testosterone. Last, but not least, consider supplementing boron (about ~9mg per day) to increase free testosterone in the blood. Boron alone will produce a noticeable effect and I would recommend trying it.

  • For minimizing estrogenic activity, your primary opponent is the xenoestrogens (chemicals that mimic estrogen) that pervade the clownworld we live in. Your main exposure to them will be through the water supply (both drinking and bathing), any hygiene products, soaps of all kinds, plastics or any petroleum products, any cleaning products, all non-organic foods. Smaller sources include the treatments on leather and carpet and other household items. With this in mind, you will want to install filters on your showerhead or any tap you drink from. You will want to replace all your hygiene and cleaning products with organic/clean/eco-friendly alternatives, with some being easier to replace than others (might have to try multiple products). Lastly, try to get organic food as much as possible.

  • From a TCM perspective, the liver is responsible for removing excess estrogen in the body (especially purely toxic xenoestrogens). If the liver becomes stagnated, this will impede the removal of estrogen from the body. Minimize heavy meals near bed time, keep up the exercise, and include lots of green vegetables in your diet to support the liver. If you are of the kapha dosha, you will want to do extra to fight against this and all stagnation forms.

  • For clothing and hair style, favor things that focus more on dominant items. You don't want your clothing to be cute or funny, or paint yourself as weak. It can be hard to logically delineate between what is flashy and what signals femininity. Go further than searching just "men's fashion", but search like dominant male clothing or hairstyles. You don't need to adopt flashy gangster clothing; rather your look should be simply mature and in-control. Do the opposite of reddit soyboys.


Mental masculinity involves adopting or promoting the behaviors and mannerisms associated with dominance and low stress. To summarize it, be direct in your actions and speaking. Know that you are important and your thoughts are worth listening to. You don't need permission by anyone to walk towards something, reach for something, relax, or speak out on something. Think about how you act when you are at home or by yourself, which should be comfortable and confident.

The summary of these behaviors is just about placing high value on yourself. Some degree of this can be highly exaggerated, like seen with rappers and other degenerates, however a big part of it is feeling stronger or more worthy than what reality may suggest. The reason for this is because people pay attention more to what they think you are willing to do, not the total effect. In other words, if you are willing to get up and leave, or willing to fight, or willing to argue, this is more important, even if the other person knows you may not win the fight, or if your role is insignificant.

You might be thinking like why does this matter? It matters because people place subconscious importance or value on these sort of behaviors and they respect them. Friends will look up to you and for your support. Women will be attracted to it and want to spend time with you. In a business setting, both coworkers and opponents will think you hold more value or will do more damage than you might be capable. They will listen to you more readily.

Take time to read about this, then try to force some of these things into habit. These behaviors will happen more naturally the more you increase your physical testosterone. Also, don't smile like a retard for pictures or for people you just met. You don't have to be bend-over backwards friendly to people you don't know. You don't need to smile in a picture just to prove that you are there and part of the group. Giant smiles might make you seem friendly, but they also make you seem weaker, gullible, naive, etc.

Take note of the men in my profile pic and gif. They are not smiling like children and waving up and down for the camera.


General cosmetic improvements are those that are not necessarily gender-based, but will improve your appearance overall. Most are synonymous with regular hygiene, but you should go above and beyond in some aspects, "detailing" your body to make it look better.

  • Any hairstyle or facial hair style you choose should always have the look of being well-kempt. Go for a shorter look if you are unsure. Beards do not look good when they are giant crazy hives. Women like hair density, not hair length. Hair length stops being useful and starts looking unkempt when the length of the follicles doesn't "add" any appearance of density. In other words, grow it a little bit so it covers patches, but not so it hangs off your face.

  • You should floss and brush daily, of course. Use an automatic brush to better clean all around. Get a mid-range one (~$30-40). The cheap ones are garbage, but the expensive ones are gimmicky. Consider oil pulling while in the shower, which will prevent bacterial plaques, such as behind your teeth.

  • Consider whitening your teeth. I am not convinced the toothpaste and mouthwashes do that much for whitening. Hydrogen peroxide or other peroxide-based agents will work well. Best method would be the custom-made trays for your teeth which you then add a whitening agent to. Wear them while doing chores or trimming your facial hair or something.

  • Make sure your finger and toenails are kept clean and short. Cut them, them file them briefly. If you have gunk in your toenails from socks, make sure to remove it, perhaps with the file.

  • Trim all body hair such that it is neat. This means trimming the nose, ears, even eyebrows if you must. You can leave chest hair, but maybe trim it down a little. Keep genital area clean, use a manscaper or small trimmer for testicles and other delicate areas. Trim unsightly parts like shoulders or where ever.

  • Shower at least every couple of days, going based off body smells. Use deodorant daily. Don't use antiperspirant, however, as this is unhealthy (and wouldn't be included in any natural products anyway). You can use cologne, but this is not as mandatory.

  • Launder and dry clothes so they don't smell at all. Turn inside out and wash on cold so they don't get faded or destroyed.

Anyway, I definitely wrote too much, but hopefully you learn a thing or two. Obviously your spiritual advancement matters way more than this stuff does, just use this as a guideline to make sure you are not making any considerable errors. Good luck.

Read this threads too:
Advice on seduction and with girls
Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working
Satanic Self help about love/relationships/getting laid(For men.)
You haven't told us how good-looking you are. Confidence is only confidence when practiced by a handsome man. Ugly men with confidence is considered arrogance. Being playful as a good-looking man is considered flirty, being playful when you're ugly is creepy. Looks is the only thing others see at a first glance in you, and if all you want is casual sex, that is arguably the only thing you should ever work on. While it is also the primary factor for general attractiveness in women, it's not the only thing they'll consider if they're looking for a long term thing. Also, it doesn't matter when you swing, males usually peak in looks in their 30s, so if you go all out on it I think you can make it. You don't have to be ultra big or deadlift 150kg, aesthetics are more sought after. Propotions, nice sculpted body. If your face is weak genetically, mewing is considered great, but is only supported by anecdotal evidence (a lot of it). If you're short, do what you can to make yourself a bit taller, but I advise against surgeries cause you might not walk properly again if you do something to your legs. Get a nice haircut that compliments your face, keep nice hygiene, wear clothes that are suited to you and your style and if you look good enough, you're pretty much done. GG, well played. You can be confident now.
Confidence is only confidence when practiced by a handsome man.
Can you stop with this black pill shit? Confidence is confidence regardless of outlook because it radiates from within...
You haven't told us how good-looking you are. Confidence is only confidence when practiced by a handsome man. Ugly men with confidence is considered arrogance. Being playful as a good-looking man is considered flirty, being playful when you're ugly is creepy. Looks is the only thing others see at a first glance in you, and if all you want is casual sex, that is arguably the only thing you should ever work on. While it is also the primary factor for general attractiveness in women, it's not the only thing they'll consider if they're looking for a long term thing. Also, it doesn't matter when you swing, males usually peak in looks in their 30s, so if you go all out on it I think you can make it. You don't have to be ultra big or deadlift 150kg, aesthetics are more sought after. Propotions, nice sculpted body. If your face is weak genetically, mewing is considered great, but is only supported by anecdotal evidence (a lot of it). If you're short, do what you can to make yourself a bit taller, but I advise against surgeries cause you might not walk properly again if you do something to your legs. Get a nice haircut that compliments your face, keep nice hygiene, wear clothes that are suited to you and your style and if you look good enough, you're pretty much done. GG, well played. You can be confident now.
This is completely false. Fake confidence is always noticeable even in handsome normie men. As Henu said, it comes from within. An ugly soul will always have a strange vibe to them picked up by many even if ignored.

You're new and obviously lack real world experience. Your comment makes me believe this in an objective manner so this isn't to be rude.

See things from a SS point of view from now on. We don't care for false logic made up by weirdo influencers.
An ugly soul will always have a strange vibe to them picked up by many even if ignored.
Development of the soul is reflected in the person's beauty, so it's not likely that a beautiful soul will be in an ugly body, if that is what you mean by "strange vibe". And I never said anything about fake confidence. I said that it is considered fake by others depending on looks. You can be perfectly comfortable in your own skin no matter how you look, but others will only see the exterior, which doesn't change no matter how confident you are. Ergo, when you behave confidently when you're ugly, it causes a dissonance in others. Besides, even if we ignore the confidence thing, what I replied to OP holds true. Maybe I overstepped on the confidence thing, but my point was that 90% of it is looks. I wanted to say that when you look good, confidence follows suit, not the other way around.
Development of the soul is reflected in the person's beauty, so it's not likely that a beautiful soul will be in an ugly body, if that is what you mean by "strange vibe". And I never said anything about fake confidence. I said that it is considered fake by others depending on looks. You can be perfectly comfortable in your own skin no matter how you look, but others will only see the exterior, which doesn't change no matter how confident you are. Ergo, when you behave confidently when you're ugly, it causes a dissonance in others. Besides, even if we ignore the confidence thing, what I replied to OP holds true. Maybe I overstepped on the confidence thing, but my point was that 90% of it is looks. I wanted to say that when you look good, confidence follows suit, not the other way around.
You have many misconceptions in your mind based on this post of yours. Maybe when you advance yourself you'll begin to see below the surface. The solar plexus radiates irrespective of how you look and will influence how people perceive you because people do pick up on vibes. You know, we have six senses, even those who have dysfunctional higher functions.
Development of the soul is reflected in the person's beauty, so it's not likely that a beautiful soul will be in an ugly body, if that is what you mean by "strange vibe
We are getting into the realm of opinionated points on what we both might consider "beautiful"

One doesn't have to be beautiful by the truest definition of it to catch a mate.

I highly doubt someone who not only works on their soul but also their body (inlcuding hygiene ) will have a an objectively difficult time finding a partner. The problem here is self-confidence (or lack thereof), being sorrounded by low quality people or at worst, being waaaaay too picky.

I would need more objective info on the OP's case to give a better direct response to them.

As for us, I think we both agree for the most part but to not to the extent I feel you believe someone needs to be in looks.
What I say is what I've seen happen. No one sees the within and no one cares about it. That is all.
That's fine, but you must realize that your view is limited and does not present what happens in the world as a whole.
Take in consideration the escorts, basically they are the same of the club hoes.

But I'll do a re-check of my desideres and priorities.
You have many misconceptions in your mind based on this post of yours. Maybe when you advance yourself you'll begin to see below the surface. The solar plexus radiates irrespective of how you look and will influence how people perceive you because people do pick up on vibes. You know, we have six senses, even those who have dysfunctional higher functions.
That's fine, but you must realize that your view is limited and does not present what happens in the world as a whole.
I'll take into account what you say since you tend to know what you're talking about, but I have not seen what you say reflected in reality, or at least in my immediate surroundings.

We are getting into the realm of opinionated points on what we both might consider "beautiful"

One doesn't have to be beautiful by the truest definition of it to catch a mate.

I highly doubt someone who not only works on their soul but also their body (inlcuding hygiene ) will have a an objectively difficult time finding a partner. The problem here is self-confidence (or lack thereof), being sorrounded by low quality people or at worst, being waaaaay too picky.

I would need more objective info on the OP's case to give a better direct response to them.

As for us, I think we both agree for the most part but to not to the extent I feel you believe someone needs to be in looks.
There is no catch-all definition but both men and women tend to look for certain things even if we don't realize it. Things like face symmetry, height, frame, we pick up on those things and we can tell when they're off. And I do think your opinion is more balanced, but I still stand by my "overestimation" of looks. I have not found evidence that suggests the contrary to what I think is true. Maybe I live surrounded by shitty people, as you say, but what are the odds. My reality might be vastly different than yours guys.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
