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Relationships #76490 My taste in man


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
After the post that was made about the girl who fell in love with her teacher, I got to thinking, I know that our love and sexual life is our business and we can do whatever we want, except pedophilia, bestiality and those bizarre things...
I am a young woman (20 ) but I like older men, +30, +40, +50
I can't feel attracted to guys my own age, it's a total turn off. But since they are already in other phases of life and have already passed the intensity that youthfulness has, it would not be recommended ?
I think it's relative and you like the idea of older men.

You can look for a man with the male qualities that you like, more presents in mature men from what I can see.

But that's not allways the case, not every older person is mature and not every young person is a child.

Knowing this, you have to understand the qualities that you are looking for, and be open to attract that kind of man, regardless of age.

However it's not a problem to date older people.
Just remember that as a younger female (who is also a Spiritual Satanist) you must take all the necessary precautions to stay safe. You are in the most vulnerable position as someone more experienced and stronger can easily hurt you. Keep your beliefs to yourself (you mentioned Muslims earlier) to avoid any potential harm in that regard, and otherwise be cautious about potential abusers. Here an aura of protection comes to the forefront: It can massively mitigate, and even completely save from harm's way.
Hah, that conversation derailed to the use of A.I., but it's good that you, OP, took it to the heart.

Apart from what @Henu the Great said above, YES, it is normal for a young female to be attracted to older males. They can provide for you and care for you - they usually have more experiece and less youthful quirks. Also, should you wish to become a mother, you can rely on them. If you are not tainted by feminism, 'I don't need no man, I'm a strong, independent woman' and want a husband, an older guy should be good.
To quote High Priestess Maxine:
"We all mature at different ages. Some may be mature early and others take longer. We are all individuals."

Older men tend to be more experienced, in both good ways and bad ways, so be wary of manipulators and players. Also keep in mind that due to being in different stages of your life, you may have different priorities (and if a long-term relationship is considered, different lifespans). That said, it's okay for people to be different in relationships, and a relationship doesn't have to be permanent to have merit for as long as it lasts. As long as you are mature enough to understand those differences, there is nothing wrong with it.
Your tastes are your own tastes, that's how life is. Many younger women are attracted to older men because of advanced masculine characteristics, stability and feeling secure (I mean relatively here, not grandpa like some old rockstars or actors would like to think).

But as others said just beware of being used, some older men are big players and go through young girls as objects. Others are psychologically frozen or dangerous.
The important thing is to find a man who genuinely attracts you.
If you don't feel secure with that, look for a beta provider, or a useful jester.

An older person with life experience, if they are intelligent, perceptive and free
That is, to have a spirit of his own and not to base his life completely on a relationship and focus on other things in life that will give him satisfaction of spirit

With this wisdom and freedom, he can give a young woman help and wisdom.
Prevent bad choices, like a host of immaculate reason.
I'm not the girl who posted about the teacher or anything like that, I'm a person completely disconnected from the discussion of the actual post they made and I'm just wondering about my "problem"
If you are an adult and its consensual then there is nothing wrong with it. Especially if you want to have kids and family it can be easier as women with someone older. Life is too expensive these days. There are a lot of older men who never got a chance to have kids its hard when women's fertility drops 80% by 30. If you are getting someone older then just be careful they might only want you for sex and to be fair a lot of younger guys are the same way. Its been normal for most of human history for younger women with a older man due to the difficulty of raising a family. At the end of the day its up to you and your potential partner. Focus on a quality relationship.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
