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Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

1. Method One: The Spiritual body is immortalized, and one can depart the world at will, with a sudden "death", literally leaving the body behind. Yogis in the East have wrote extensively on this and about that topic, in occult terminology this is someone who will "Not taste the second death" and will not reincarnate, among endless other perks.
I thought you always have to have a body and without one no spiritual advancement can occur. I've seen it said before to shoot down this notion of having MO without a body.
Is a method 1 attained soul unable to reincarnate even if they want to?
There is one thing that is not clear to me, Most Great High Priest, if one reached method 2, for example, could one then decide not to be satisfied and continue up to method 3? Thanks so much for your patience!

Yes, and by then, the mind and what one knows and understands is completely different. Everything is different at these levels, so certain decisions are affected by understanding which is extremely extensive.

i concer this. When I was doing the Thoth ritual a while back he told me "Meditate for a thousand days and you will know" that is all he said. and that simple sentence keeps a spark of curiosity in my mind an ongoing question of what is it that i would know?

Thank you HP Cobra.

Hail Father Satan

The Gods only say the Truth on these topics, they are not here to toy around with people, but to turn them into self sufficient Gods in their own right, eventually. So that is perfectly normal.

One might ask things of the Gods and they will tell you you need more knowledge. That is totally normal and proper for them to do.

I would love to hear more about the early Sumerian age or the Golden age or the time the Gods were on earth. Please make a topic of what you know about that time .I always wondered, what happened? Did the jews Gods flood the earth and reset everything? Were there a sci fi war with advanced weapons? That would be a very interesting topic, talking about human race history. Thanks for all the sermons 🙏

That is something I have planned for sure, but the situation is also, that when people are told about Greys, Aliens, Reptilians, prehistory etc, they do not always understand these are matters of the past, or not that pertinent to the present.

They develop strange ideas around these and if there is a tendency to insanity, they can carry these in extremely misguiding avenues, which only end up hurting their logic and their mind, such as people thinking it was a Reptilian or a Grey that made them make their cooking recipe incorrect on that day.

For that reason, I take very high caution on these subjects. If I had to choose, I would wait until people were at least 10 years into the path to say these, because one's mental immaturity can have damning consequences for these. On the other hand the facts have to be mentioned, but people have to have logic on these topics.

In terms of modern Buddhism, isn't it's the absolute death, dissipating into the ether?

Basically yes, they self-dissipate themselves (which is not really possible) out of being totally misguided about what they should be doing. It's the defeatist and life hating mindset that has creeped it's way into Buddhism, which comes from the enemy.

There are accounts of Buddhists where they have been warned by the Gods on the Astral to not do this, but they are taught in Buddhism that these "Demons are there to trap them in the realms of desire" and other nonsense, which prompts them to ignore all warnings and go straight into deleting themselves.

Desires are not a problem. If they are mastered, one has nothing to fear. The Gods preach mastery, not castration. Buddhists castrate themselves completely and then kill their own selves via these spiritual midirections. It's a very sad occurrence. Some are very evolved and could do wonderful things, but they instead destroy themselves.

First they advance to a very considerable extent, and then they are simply conned into deleting themselves off of existence, which is the epitome of idiocy and exactly the opposite of what one should be doing.

Nirvana and all these states are accessible for many reasons, and certainly not for reasons related for one to simply delete themselves off of existence.
She reached the "method one" or in other words, the first part of Magnum Opus.
As she advances further she will reach the next level and so on. Theoretically every human is able to reach these levels of advancement if one is willing to. One doesn't settle permanently on a level of advancement, there is always a way to up and down, you can always advance further into infinity.
нет, ты не совсем прав, будь внимательней. 1 отличается от 2 тем, что в первом есть физическая смерть, а во втором нет.
There are 3 ways to complete the Magnum Opus. At the current level of existence and how the world is with the enemy, one understands were not in a perfect world or anything like that.

1. Method One: The Spiritual body is immortalized, and one can depart the world at will, with a sudden "death", literally leaving the body behind. Yogis in the East have wrote extensively on this and about that topic, in occult terminology this is someone who will "Not taste the second death" and will not reincarnate, among endless other perks.

The powers one had when they were alive, are transferred with them and one can continue in all ways to exist on the Astral. One can do many things Demons can do with this level and they could also do this while alive. They can communicate at will with the living and do other supernatural things.

2. Method Two: Full immortality. Physical and Astral. Death is not always a necessity. This means you will not age and you will always be approximately around 30 or 35 years old in physical appearance. That method was practiced in the Ancient Past, and many people lived to be 800 or 1000 years old or even more. That is fully possible and many in history have done it, like Chinese Emperors or Pharaohs.

One can continue at some point to this level, whether they do this directly or via Method 1. But there are many parameters cannot be disclosed now.

3. Method Three: Ascent. This is where one simply...Ascends. At this point one is a God and not anything of the above, with powers that borderline these of movies. Not to be expanded upon here.

All the three above are valid, and in all cases, one has attained a level of the Magnum Opus. All of these topics further are highly secluded and occult topics, and they are not meant for just "satisfying curiosity". In order to start understanding in the first place, one has to be on the level even for the basic understanding, higher than this, many things become as they should be, incomprehensible at the current state.

That's why the Gods say on all of these, "Silence is Golden" and let those who understand, understand. Those who understand, will uphold this adage. This Ritual is just a formal introduction to these processes, which while presently in that era difficult to understand, were actually the reason the Gods established spiritual civilizations and prompted humanity to proceed in spiritual development.

There is a reason this is called the "Great Working Of Occultism", is not going to be expanded of the present means of "knowledge", nor by anyone simply because of arrogance or any other related human whim or understanding.

It is a mysterious gate that will only be opened by those who will devote themselves truly to the statuses of the Gods. Yes, quite a few have successfully done these in the past. Yes, humans are perfectly able no matter whom to do these things, provided they follow the path. Yes, that is the Great Work for humanity.

One will know more after they are on these thresholds, directly from the Gods.
Greetings HP.

I was having a conversation with someone close to me regarding the purpose of Spiritual Satanism, one of them being spiritual advancement in particular.

In order for one to advance spiritually, they have to engage in meditation, yoga and to learn about the nature of our reality from an occult perspective.

She then asked me if it can be possible for people who were born with disabilities to progress spiritually, as they might not be able to meditate, do yoga or even learn about the occult as a result of some mental disability that affects learning.

I did not know how to respond to the question so I was wondering if it's possible for such people to advance spiritually or if it's simply impossible for them to participate in and benefit from Spiritual Satanism.
Thank you HP Cobra. Now I just have to keep reminding myself and motivating myself to meditate so I can figure out one day what dear Lord Thoth was hinting at. I understood right away why he had said it that way because of my sheer curiosity and deep desire to learn. i know it was him speaking due to the energy coming from his sigil during the ritual but thank you for confirming that the Gods are known for doing little things like this.

I know this may sound odd but I hope your getting rest.
thank you for all the work you do HP cobra.

Hail Father Satan.
Greetings HP.

I was having a conversation with someone close to me regarding the purpose of Spiritual Satanism, one of them being spiritual advancement in particular.

In order for one to advance spiritually, they have to engage in meditation, yoga and to learn about the nature of our reality from an occult perspective.

She then asked me if it can be possible for people who were born with disabilities to progress spiritually, as they might not be able to meditate, do yoga or even learn about the occult as a result of some mental disability that affects learning.

I did not know how to respond to the question so I was wondering if it's possible for such people to advance spiritually or if it's simply impossible for them to participate in and benefit from Spiritual Satanism.
They can still advance in smaller and slower steps. Mental disabilities are an unfortunate occurence, but it's just for one incarnation. The soul isn't affected much by the disability itself, but rather by how this affects their overall life and how their overall life affects their souls in the end.
Greetings HP.

I was having a conversation with someone close to me regarding the purpose of Spiritual Satanism, one of them being spiritual advancement in particular.

In order for one to advance spiritually, they have to engage in meditation, yoga and to learn about the nature of our reality from an occult perspective.

She then asked me if it can be possible for people who were born with disabilities to progress spiritually, as they might not be able to meditate, do yoga or even learn about the occult as a result of some mental disability that affects learning.

I did not know how to respond to the question so I was wondering if it's possible for such people to advance spiritually or if it's simply impossible for them to participate in and benefit from Spiritual Satanism.
There are eight limbs to the eightfold path. Having physical limitations could limit some use of the limbs, but not completely.
They can still advance in smaller and slower steps. Mental disabilities are an unfortunate occurence, but it's just for one incarnation. The soul isn't affected much by the disability itself, but rather by how this affects their overall life and how their overall life affects their souls in the end.
They'll have to deal with a harsh reality of living with mental disability for an entire lifetime huh?? Thank you for your response.

I'm honestly still left wondering if Spiritual Satanism is inaccessible to them on account of their mental disabilities or if there can be some sort of way for them to overcome such karma. The Gods surely care for such people in some way as I know They want all of us to advance. I'll continue to study the sermons in more depth and hopefully the "mental disability" question will be answered in that way.

Thank you once again🖤

Avanza desde los métodos del JoS hasta que puedas obtener una guía clara de tu Demonio Guardián y sigue sus instrucciones y orientación. El camino de cada uno se adapta a él, todos somos únicos y tenemos nuestras propias situaciones en la vida. Nuestros Guardianes nos guiarán de la mejor manera para nosotros.

No te concentres tanto en los métodos amplios o generales de Magnum Opus, sino enfócate en tu camino, paso a paso. Esto te llevará a tu destino.
thanks for the great advise
The question is whether I can try those stages of Magnus Opus that are on the site in the meditation section, say just as an experiment or to feel something.

Or should I not touch them until I am ready?
The question is whether I can try those stages of Magnus Opus that are on the site in the meditation section, say just as an experiment or to feel something.

Or should I not touch them until I am ready?
Those are preliminary steps for the Magnum Opus. I don't fully know if someone who is a beginner should have any benefits doing them but they are in the advanced section for a reason. You want to do the Magnum Opus? Clean your soul, empower it, open your astral senses, learn how to control your mind and do yoga for flexibility and energy circulation. These are the most important things.

Obviously there is more but it will all be clear when you can comunicate with the Gods. It's a long process. I've not be consistent but I know after many years those are the things you need to master if you want to advance, trust me.
Greetings HP.

I was having a conversation with someone close to me regarding the purpose of Spiritual Satanism, one of them being spiritual advancement in particular.

In order for one to advance spiritually, they have to engage in meditation, yoga and to learn about the nature of our reality from an occult perspective.

She then asked me if it can be possible for people who were born with disabilities to progress spiritually, as they might not be able to meditate, do yoga or even learn about the occult as a result of some mental disability that affects learning.

I did not know how to respond to the question so I was wondering if it's possible for such people to advance spiritually or if it's simply impossible for them to participate in and benefit from Spiritual Satanism.

The path of Spiritual Satanism is a difficult path for everyone but it is also the path "anyone" can choose to walk. This is especially the case for us as we are the creation of our Heavenly Father, Satan. Even if one finds themselves disabled physically, emotionally, or mentally they can still choose to walk this path. This has always been the case.

One needs to simply employ common sense and reality to their development program. This means taking into account the current limitations and employing what they can while healing and overcoming said limitations. If one is mentally handicap one simply needs awareness of how the handicap works, what it does and what it doesn't do and then create a program to overcome it. If one is physically handicap then there will be definite limits in the physical aspect but once one reaches a certain level then regeneration and healing will fix things.

Spiritual Satanism is the path to godhood. No one is born a god. Not even if the Gods have a child would they be born a God and they too must take time and effort to reach Godhood. But by walking step by step to towards Godhood would one slowly yet most definitely overcome all previous limitations until one truly becomes without limitations. The Gods will always be there to give guidance to those who seek this path.
The path of Spiritual Satanism is a difficult path for everyone but it is also the path "anyone" can choose to walk. This is especially the case for us as we are the creation of our Heavenly Father, Satan. Even if one finds themselves disabled physically, emotionally, or mentally they can still choose to walk this path. This has always been the case.

One needs to simply employ common sense and reality to their development program. This means taking into account the current limitations and employing what they can while healing and overcoming said limitations. If one is mentally handicap one simply needs awareness of how the handicap works, what it does and what it doesn't do and then create a program to overcome it. If one is physically handicap then there will be definite limits in the physical aspect but once one reaches a certain level then regeneration and healing will fix things.

Spiritual Satanism is the path to godhood. No one is born a god. Not even if the Gods have a child would they be born a God and they too must take time and effort to reach Godhood. But by walking step by step to towards Godhood would one slowly yet most definitely overcome all previous limitations until one truly becomes without limitations. The Gods will always be there to give guidance to those who seek this path.
That's a beautiful response. The person I was speaking to was looking at things from a lens of "fairness". So from her perspective, it isn't fair that people with disabilities have certain struggles where Spiritual Advancement is concerned.

I honestly however, feel like a lens of "fairness" isn't a helpful way to look at things as we all encounter a variety of hiccups or hurdles that hinder or even delay our spiritual advancement. What's considered fair can be subjective as we all live individual lives and encounter many different problems.
That's a beautiful response. The person I was speaking to was looking at things from a lens of "fairness". So from her perspective, it isn't fair that people with disabilities have certain struggles where Spiritual Advancement is concerned.

I honestly however, feel like a lens of "fairness" isn't a helpful way to look at things as we all encounter a variety of hiccups or hurdles that hinder or even delay our spiritual advancement. What's considered fair can be subjective as we all live individual lives and encounter many different problems.
Thank you, I hope that friend of yours would have a more positive outlook when it comes to advancing as each person is individual and therefore both the methods and time needed will differ. Yet the path and goal is still the same regardless.

In regards to "fairness", what does it mean to be fair? It essentially boils down to the question of "Is everyone involved affected by the same rules and therefore following said rules?" The answer to that question is always yes. That is because regardless of ones situation, the universal rules apply equally to everyone. For example, whether it be humans, plants, or birds we all are affected by gravity. Yet leaves flow in the wind, birds soar through the air and humans are stuck on the ground. Does that mean there is unfairness? One's perspective on life will be how one answers that question.

The more knowledge one gains and the more one understands life and the universe, the more ones perspective shifts. To someone young and ignorant, watching a bird fly and seeing themselves fall to the ground will of course make them feel that it is unfair. Yet to a knowledgeable person, they instead build a plane to fly. This is because even if humans aren't born with wings the rules behind flight remain constant and the human has the choice to either stay on the ground or learn a different method to fly.

Everyone who has embarked on this path come from different walks of life. Some were poverty stricken, some where born from violence, some where born with a golden spoon (To those that don't know what that means, it means ones grew up with riches and fame from their family or circumstance). Yet all the same, this path gives everyone that chance to become a God in their own right.

In reality, fairness and unfairness boils down to knowledge. Those who know more will do more and those that know nothing will see the world as cruel and unfair. Satan has given us the means to peer into the mysteries and deepest secrets of the universe. Satan has given us a path that leads to the highest of honor and values. Satan has created us with that potential. As long as one keeps that in mind, one should understand: The Universe is both cruel yet fair but Father Satan is the reason we can fly without wings, swim without gills and be born mortal yet strive to become Gods without worry.
Thank you, I hope that friend of yours would have a more positive outlook when it comes to advancing as each person is individual and therefore both the methods and time needed will differ. Yet the path and goal is still the same regardless.

In regards to "fairness", what does it mean to be fair? It essentially boils down to the question of "Is everyone involved affected by the same rules and therefore following said rules?" The answer to that question is always yes. That is because regardless of ones situation, the universal rules apply equally to everyone. For example, whether it be humans, plants, or birds we all are affected by gravity. Yet leaves flow in the wind, birds soar through the air and humans are stuck on the ground. Does that mean there is unfairness? One's perspective on life will be how one answers that question.

The more knowledge one gains and the more one understands life and the universe, the more ones perspective shifts. To someone young and ignorant, watching a bird fly and seeing themselves fall to the ground will of course make them feel that it is unfair. Yet to a knowledgeable person, they instead build a plane to fly. This is because even if humans aren't born with wings the rules behind flight remain constant and the human has the choice to either stay on the ground or learn a different method to fly.

Everyone who has embarked on this path come from different walks of life. Some were poverty stricken, some where born from violence, some where born with a golden spoon (To those that don't know what that means, it means ones grew up with riches and fame from their family or circumstance). Yet all the same, this path gives everyone that chance to become a God in their own right.

In reality, fairness and unfairness boils down to knowledge. Those who know more will do more and those that know nothing will see the world as cruel and unfair. Satan has given us the means to peer into the mysteries and deepest secrets of the universe. Satan has given us a path that leads to the highest of honor and values. Satan has created us with that potential. As long as one keeps that in mind, one should understand: The Universe is both cruel yet fair but Father Satan is the reason we can fly without wings, swim without gills and be born mortal yet strive to become Gods without worry.
I'm at a loss for words really... It almost feels like the Gods were speaking through you to give me the answer to this burning question. I honestly can't thank you enough.

I'm going to read this response again, hold on to these words and have the conversation with her again. There's no possible way for her to argue with everything you shared with me because she asked about the kind of rules we follow as Satanists.

I am not excited about finding the answer to winning an argument here😂 I'm just really happy for this deep insight. I'm sure we all know the excitement that comes with finally being able to see something clearly.

Thank you once again
I found this earlier great post too, from HP Cobra, explaining the levels:

"...Anyhow, to dispel some confusion in regards to the Magnum Opus, there is no "singular" Magnum Opus, in the sense that, the level of advancement down this path has broadly three levels. There are levels in between but the case is to explain this with easy understanding.

In Level 1 of the Magnum Opus, one can expect the following:

-A decent connection of the soul to the body
-Siddhis and Powers
-In regards to body and youth, slower [but still progressing] ageing.
-One will still physically die, but one will be more advanced in the union of body and soul.
-The soul at this level needs to be reincarnated to be re-instated into a body, so that it doesn't run out of energy.
-In regards to wisdom, a low but decent level may be present.

An example of this level: Gopi Krishna.

In Level 2 one can expect:

-A very good connection of soul and body
-More Siddhis and Powers [some of which can appear miraculous to others, such as extreme ESP, premonition etc]
-In regards to the body and youth, very graceful ageing. In the case where one grows "old", one will still have virility and capacity of a very young person. At this point, the body can be increasingly rejuvenated by the soul to a powerful degree.
-One may physically die, but one's astral body is "Completed", also called in Pagan Cultures as: "Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Temple of the Sun, Eternal Body" and so forth.
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".

Examples: Francis Bacon.

In Level 3 one can expect:

-An "almost total" connection of soul and body
-Extensive, or extreme Siddhis or Powers. [Miraculous powers]
-One may regularly age but one can stop ageing, and if achieved after one is of physical age, reversing their physical age is possible. Physical immortality long story short, or extensive capacity to keep the body alive and reverse the ageing clock. All of this is possible.
-Despite of if one will die, one will certainly exist in the "Rainbow Body". Destroying said individuals is closely to an impossibility as far as spiritual means go.
-Reincarnation can still occur, and in some cases of far advancement at will. There were Yogis in the East who instantly reincarnated themselves in another fetus, on will, or who can die at will.
-Extensive wisdom and knowledge of miraculous proportions.
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

These will probably clear misinformation so further knowledge can be based on understanding these precepts. Of course there is not a necessity to see this in "Three Levels", one can also see this as a linear line towards advancing. However, I made this broad categorization to help in understanding the difference between these levels. As far as I can see, these levels can readily be seen for what they represent and as clear "Checkpoints" in the soul's way to the Great Work of the Philosophers."

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
O zaman HP makine fiziksel olarak şu an dünya da hayatta değil mi ? Öteki aleme mi gitti

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
