This day marks the completion of the 14 day purification cycle.
I experimented with this cycle but it paid off as at the end of it I had a perfect meditation which I enjoyed a lot.
At the end of cycle the purification went like this (also I will be very glad if anyone shares some tips or if something works better than something else):
Started by raising energies with 666 meditation,
Opened with prayer from returning curses 1,
Cleaned my aura with Suryae x7,
(I removed the part where i clean each part of my body)
Then cleaned each main chakra with x7 Suryae,
after cleaning one chakra, i sort of experimented breathing in it for 3 breaths and spinning it faster with each breath,
finished with one last cleaning my body x7 Suryae,
Then asked Demon to take the energies, only visualized them sending away from me and immediately i felt at peace and lighter,
Used breathing for 3 breaths to draw fresh white-gold energies (I wish i did this outside but it is considered for next purification cycle) while programing it to empower my aura.
After, I used my will and intent (still trying my best) and vibrated RAUM x8 (i used 8 because i remembered that when turned side it looks like infinity, if anyone has better number, please share) in a ball of energy in front of me, and asked Father to take it and deliver it to the Demon that has helped me as a token of gratitude, as I visualized it being sent I felt at peace again.
Lastly I meditated on my aura and energies for a few minutes.
With all this combined, it took me anywhere from 25-40 minutes, depending on the day, sometimes I feel dead tired after work and that is when I do everything, but in more shorter breaths, not drawing them for too long.
Next purification cycle, which will be in November, is noted and I won't miss it, the goal for next one is to work outside (may not be possible due to being November), to work on all 13 chakras and to try and program the energy myself and send it away. Problem with all 13 is that it would take much longer so if anyone has any suggestions, they are more than welcome.
Hail Satan!