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Henu the Great
Henu the Great
I honestly have some form of dislike for gym apparatus. Free weights and calisthenics are right up my alley though.
I like all of them, until last week I only did calisthenics for the past few months
Hidden Warrior
There are pros and cons, like everything. Gym apparatus may help in guiding you through a specific movement, or if you want to train a specific muscle.
Cali requires a certain degree of experties. Even the pushups that may be simple require quite a few adjustments to be done correctly.
Anyway nothing againts your preference @Henu the Great of course :D
¡Oh noche que guiaste,
Oh noche amable más que el alborada;
Oh noche que juntaste
Amado con amada,
Amada en el Amado transformada!

"Oh, night that guided me,
Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,
Oh, night that joined
Beloved with lover,
Lover transformed in the Beloved!"

"Ah, bana rehber olmuş o gece,
Ah, şafaktan da sevecen olan o gece,
Ah, Maşuğu Aşığıyla bir araya getiren,
Aşığı da Maşuğunda dönüştüren o gece!"


What does a Christian do for life's advancement other than make it eternally stagnant in eternal fear, eternal degeneration of soul, eternal damnation?

Christians pretend to have good values, good morals and that they are needed by civilizations to progress. In reality, they pretend to be good people and souls, as they stay in comfortable slumber created by their system, they never challenged their existence and moral fibers.

Sheep under unholy forces pretending under the veil of "good". Angels as their epitome of good instead are unholy. Weakness as a toxic element is celebrated, values of strength inversed. Nature and reality is incessantly unbending to retards and slaves. No prayers for the wicked. We say no to toxic elements of creation.
If Humanity is subjected to social engineering by it's Enemies all the time,
than the positive and opposite force of this is more than legitimized to take this role in the near future and do something good.
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Infinite Sun. Higher Power. Incarnated Light.
I've changed my profile picture many times this past month, but my current one will likely be permanent.
परित्राणाय साधुनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थानार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥ ८ ॥

"paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām dharma-saṁsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge"

"In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium."

"Dindarları kurtarmak, zalimleri yok etmek ve aynı zamanda dinin ilkelerini yeniden ortaya çıkarmak için; binyıllar boyunca kendimi adıyorum."

Bhagavad Gita 4.8

What kind of tool would ease your Journey?

A magick working tracker? A planetary working tracker?

What about your meditations?

A trance trainer? A visualization trainer? (in-work right now)
I've started a project a bit bigger than the "JOS - Pocket Truth".

This one is gonna be helpful to us, to the actual community only and it's gonna exist only here for all SS who will find it helpful.

Until a full release, I will take smaller steps with it, giving myself the chance to learn from it.

First release it's gonna be a simple app to practice visualization interactively, available both for desktop and android devices.

Expect a thread soon.
Satanic «Digital Photography» (Artificial Intelligence) ⌨️
Historical «Photography» 📷

Physical Development for a Man, Beautiful Body, Sport 💪


Every man can keep his body in attractive physical shape with the help of sports training and it is not necessary to be an athlete for this.

First of all, physical (sport) activity is necessary for men to maintain health and develop male hormones, as well as pheromones responsible for joy, self-confidence, inner strength and attractiveness in the opposite sex.
It's never too late to start exercising and sports training, it's important to start and stick to the plan.

In my experience:


For beginners, people who have never gone to the gym and have not taken on physical activity, I recommend starting to practice at least 1-2 times in the first 2-3 weeks, then when the muscles and body get stronger from sports exercises, I recommend going to the gym at least 3 times a week and gradually increase the load on all muscle groups as they strengthen.


I talked to athletes (a man and a woman) who regularly perform at sports events from a multibillion-dollar corporation, each of them visits the gym three times a week, she runs lawyers, and he is a sales manager, each of them works in the office from 9 to 18 five days a week, and each of them has a family and the children. Even if you don't have much free time, you can always find time to practice and get stronger and more beautiful every week.


Adolf Hitler inspecting one of the 'Silver Arrows' developed by Mercedes and Auto Union.

German race car champions on Silver Arrows dominated the Grand Prix circuits in the 1930s.
German car companies were struggling and in the in 1932 year, 4 firms - Audi, Horch, DKW, Wanderer - merged to create Auto Union, the predecessor of today’s Audi with its 4-ring logo.
National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), the country’s motor clubs association trained legions of men in motor skills, eventually forming the core of the Wermacht’s mechanized army.

All race car drivers was members of the NSKK.


Best wishes, AristocraticDragon666
Aristocraticdragon666 I always enjoy looking and reading your wonderful posts, the digital art work is magnificent and also for the knowledge and good information it’s always a pleasure to see and read, thanks for the wonderful work 🥰
Agreed, also do not forget the need for bio-electric energy training as well. At the base a human being should at least have the ability to generate a visible field of energy between their hands. Honestly even more, while I myself am too weak to do it now. I have done it in the past on accident when I was 17 years old. So, honestly there are no excuses for me, I need to train! Especially if I ever hope to be a God at some point in my existence granted by the Gods.

Thank you for the motivation! Hail Satan! 🔥
I wonder if it's a good idea to have rituals that curse "holy" jewish places, Like the western wall. Wouldn't that do some damage especially if they're constantly kissing it?
I can't see why not? 🤔 I would do it, in a heartbeat.
i agree with @Hellenic SS energy working with places is nothing like working with yourself or other people
It would be pointless to do so , why bother wasting energy , time and effort to curse just one single place as such when we could curse and finish the enemy from it's own very source?
The rituals ,RTS , cursing YHEV and destroying the enemy from within. That's the best plan of action.
Destroy the enemy directly and those place that you're talking about will have no more power and influence , SORTED, Done.

Also , the more people we wake up , the more enemy is getting fucked , they lose power by each day .
In 2016 one day was just one day but now in 2025 one day is as 100 and we gain more and more power.
Tales from the Andrapodlands:

A rapper from Germany, who is a white Muslim migrant, found out that his wife was cheating on him with his best friend, who is a Jewish rapper from Germany.
After finding out, he questions his whole life, his faith, his social circle and even the children he has with her, as they may turn out to be from this Jew.
"It is in thy power to live free from all compulsion in the greatest tranquility of mind [...]"
-Marcus Aurelius, Mediations
From https://islamicevil.com/islam-sex-and-the-west-intro/

"Most successful female rulers in history have been autocrats or queens. Women are in general better suited to this type of rulership than ‘democracy’.

Beyond that, women were meant to have authority figures in themselves. The mother’s word was law, so were those of older women and of a higher social status. It is only really from woman-to-woman that traditions can be passed down to girls and how girls are trained to become an adult woman.

In Christianity, Islam and in the modern world, the status of older women has been systematically destroyed. In Christian times, old women were treated with contempt and referred to as a ‘pile of sticks’. They were subjected to the Inquisition and witch trials at higher rates, particularly widows. In Islam, older women only have ‘role models’ like Khadijah. Although older women managed to gain some esteem and authority in the Victorian period (unfortunately often through the vehicle of Christianity), in the modern Western world, youthful looks and sexual appeal are equated with being female, while the older generations sense of wisdom barely comes into anything, complicated by some of the foolishness of the GI, Silent and Boomer generations giving a negative impression to the young."

This was wonderfully written by @Karnonnos [JG]. Women need female role models, and these role models must be true women of wisdom and feminine power. Not jewess hollywood actresses or the common social media influencer.
Have any of you made the switch to Dvorak keyboard layout? Evidently you can type up to 30% faster and it is more intuitive, having all the most used keys on the middle row. Wrist pain also decreases.

If you've switched, would you recommend it?

I also read from one person, another perk is that nobody else wants to borrow his computer anymore, lol.

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This day marks the completion of the 14 day purification cycle.
I experimented with this cycle but it paid off as at the end of it I had a perfect meditation which I enjoyed a lot.

At the end of cycle the purification went like this (also I will be very glad if anyone shares some tips or if something works better than something else):

Started by raising energies with 666 meditation,
Opened with prayer from returning curses 1,
Cleaned my aura with Suryae x7,
(I removed the part where i clean each part of my body)
Then cleaned each main chakra with x7 Suryae,
after cleaning one chakra, i sort of experimented breathing in it for 3 breaths and spinning it faster with each breath,
finished with one last cleaning my body x7 Suryae,
Then asked Demon to take the energies, only visualized them sending away from me and immediately i felt at peace and lighter,
Used breathing for 3 breaths to draw fresh white-gold energies (I wish i did this outside but it is considered for next purification cycle) while programing it to empower my aura.
After, I used my will and intent (still trying my best) and vibrated RAUM x8 (i used 8 because i remembered that when turned side it looks like infinity, if anyone has better number, please share) in a ball of energy in front of me, and asked Father to take it and deliver it to the Demon that has helped me as a token of gratitude, as I visualized it being sent I felt at peace again.
Lastly I meditated on my aura and energies for a few minutes.

With all this combined, it took me anywhere from 25-40 minutes, depending on the day, sometimes I feel dead tired after work and that is when I do everything, but in more shorter breaths, not drawing them for too long.

Next purification cycle, which will be in November, is noted and I won't miss it, the goal for next one is to work outside (may not be possible due to being November), to work on all 13 chakras and to try and program the energy myself and send it away. Problem with all 13 is that it would take much longer so if anyone has any suggestions, they are more than welcome.

Hail Satan!

My heart doesn't squeeze when I see you like it used to,
I never think of you anymore,
I don't shed a tear when I see you,
I don't write poems to you anymore,
I don't want to know what you're doing anymore,
I don't look at you and wander away,
I don't think about what happened,
I know I'm better now,
I know I don't love you anymore.

But I also know that all these things are lies.

अपा॑म॒ सोम॑म॒मृता॑ अभू॒माग॑न्म॒ ज्योति॒रवि॑दाम दे॒वान् । किं नू॒नम॒स्मान्कृ॑णव॒दरा॑ति॒: किमु॑ धू॒र्तिर॑मृत॒ मर्त्य॑स्य ॥
अपाम सोमममृता अभूमागन्म ज्योतिरविदाम देवान् । किं नूनमस्मान्कृणवदरातिः किमु धूर्तिरमृत मर्त्यस्य ॥

"apāma somam amṛtā abhūmāganma jyotir avidāma devān kiṃ nūnam asmān kṛṇavad arātiḥ kim u dhūrtir amṛta martyasya."

"We have drunk the soma; we have become immortal; we have gone to the light; we have found the gods. What can hostility do to us now, and what the malice of a mortal, o immortal one."

"Biz soma içtik; biz ölümsüz olduk. Biz ışığa gittik; biz Tanrıları bulduk. Şimdi düşmanlarımız bize ne yapabilir? Saldırgan bir ölümlü, bir ölümsüze ne yapabilir?"

Rig Veda 8.48.3

The Pearls and the Sharks​

Out of all the times I've sunk, I've never noticed the sun's rays still reach me even in the darkness of the ocean floor.

I see now the pearls scattered about as far the sun will tell and the sharks that drift cautiously among me in my deep-dark waters.

I would cherish my pearls, but I want nothing more than to kill these kings. Those tyrants threaten me in my own waters. I would have my pearls when I please when I'm King of my Seven Seas.

But for now, I kill the Kings in the dark with the pearls and the sharks.
Happy weekend everyone!

What are your plans for this weekend? As for me, I'm going to work on streamlining our translation process to make it more efficient and save time.

If any translators have any advice or recommendations, please feel free to share. I would really appreciate it!
Tips based from recent experience:
  1. Focus more on quality of your meditation, not on quantity. I have almost the same level of progress when I do 2 hours of meditation instead of 5.
  2. Do not get burnout! Its best to adjust things little by little until you can do it comfortably.
  3. It is very important to meditate when you have done any working. Tune in yourself, Feel the buzzing of energy, feel the changes in your soul and body, resonate!
"Life is in the Breath" - Thoth
Regarding the new chat, everyone, be careful. Don't slip into feeling too cozy and giving away too much personal information. Yes we are comrades here, but that doesn't mean you should give away a lot of personal information. Better safe now, than regretful later.

And if anyone asks you personal questions, do not feel obligated to answer! You are your own person, nobody needs to know anything about you. No legit member will get mad at you if you refuse to tell them anything.
Satanic «Digital Photography» (Artificial Intelligence) ⌨️
Historical «Quotes» 💀

Ancient Greece,
Alexander the Great, Beauty of the White Race.


"Greatness is not achieved through comfort and complacency, but through overcoming challenges and pushing one's limits"
"You shall question not, find a way to the top if you diligently seek it; for nature hath placed nothing so high that it is out of the reach of industry and valor"
― Alexander the Great


"Glory crowns the deeds of those who expose themselves to toils and dangers"
"Toil and risk are the prices of glory, but it's a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving everlasting fame"
— Alexander the Great


"Fortune favors the bold, and I am determined to seize every opportunity that comes my way"
"There is nothing impossible to him who will try"
― Alexander the Great


"For my own part, I would rather excel in knowledge of the highest secrets of philosophy than in arms"
— Alexander the Great

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
