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Eos with your rays of knowledge
Bring forth the wise and the just.
In your light, we seek to flourish,
As shadows fade, we place our trust.

Darkness no more, it was said from above.
As humans, we struggle, cry, fight, seek and grow
For touched by your grace, we learn from mistakes,
Simply obstacles not mirage.

Truly blessed is the being close to you,
Queen of the Dawn!

I am on day 6 of 40 day program. I feel really good about this. Focus has been a crutch and it getting better.

I can begin to feel more in control if the mind ever so slightly. Before I’d have to spend an hour thinking about random shit before I really got down to business, now it’s only taken half an hour to do the beginner program.

My goals are to improve senses in my dreams, I may have to say good bye to caffeine for awhile and start practicing yoga to let energy pathways travel u hindered especially for sleep.

Thank you to the active members of JoS keeping this dream alive
So I meditate and I fall in this space/void I get in this space and I get stuck why I try to focus on my breath it’s difficult
To breath sometimes it like I can’t move past that state of quietness
What is it I suppose to see in the void
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Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
Don't focus on seeing nothing, just imagine yourself looking out of a pitch black window.
I just see myself looking a black pitch window
"...When we keep looking at the problematic and corrupted sides of so-called Jewish religion we can see Asherah. Asherah is originally a Pagan Goddess (Known as Astarte, Astaroth, İshtar etc as well). In Ancient Times, Jewish people did worship her as the “Wife of YHWH”. Then they demonized the same Goddess they worshiped, and turned her into a Demon called Astaroth.

Some Jewish Scholars says YHWH and Asherah had 70 Angel Children, just like Asherah and Pagan God El had 70 God/dess Children...

Jews are people who do not even respect the Gods they worship..."
"Jewish God is the God of Abraham. Which means it is an Abrahamic Religion (specifically first Abrahamic Religion). His name was never written down because Jewish people believed that this was a “sin”. This is why we only know four letters of his name; YHWH. Some accounts says it is Yahweh or Jehovah but we never will be know for sure.
YHWH has several other names, such as Shaddai and Tzevaot. Most of the names of YHWH are coming from Pre-Abrahamic Pagan Gods, such as; Baal, El and Adonai. All of these three names are the names of Ancient Pagan Gods. We even can clearly see that YHWH cursed God Baal in the Torah even though it is his name as well.
We can see this in the names of Angels as well;
El is an Ancient Pagan God. Jewish scholars say, for example, SamaEL means Venom of YHWH. But the origin of the name El is older than the existence of YHWH and Jews."
I think I'm lacking feelings like friendship or love at this stage of my life. I’ve had many friends up until now, but I’m not sure if I ever felt a healthy emotional bond with any of them. I’ve always had a protective instinct toward them, but I don’t know if this is something that arises from emotions or if it’s just instinctual.

Love is a different matter; I’ve never experienced that feeling in my life.

A friend of mine who is older than me once said something like this when talking to me about my ‘lack of social interaction’: People’s foolishness stems from their search for love. The love they seek is empty and only satisfies the ego. You’re not foolish, and you’re not in search of love, but you are the only person I know who truly needs love. A friend’s love, a lover’s love, or the love you’d feel for them.

I have always feel close to HPS Lydia, I guess this is the reason. Opposites attract. The closeness I feel toward our emotionally strong and mature high priestess. confirms this.
Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
HP Cobra once stated that Love is one of the 4 pillars of Spiritual Satanism. Use it wisely.
There are friendships and then there are acquaintances. Friendships, like courtship, should have a balance of give and take. You should not always be the giver, nor should they always be the receiver. Alot of people that say they have lots of friends really just have acquaintances, they are not truly with you. True friendship is priceless.

It is worth studying your chart to see your social karma and beginning spells to attract positive relations with others and attract good people into your life. Love is necessary for everyone, but some need it more. You should also do rituals to Astarte, she has helped me see the sweeter side of life.

Some people are so pleasant they're hard not to love, and it's unfortunate to hear that you've never found anyone lovable. You can change this, and it is so worth doing.

Yoga para Principiantes​

Si bien hay muchos recursos en internet para aprender X u Y habilidad, es muy posible que en medio de ese proceso de busqueda te pierdas en ello, esto es más común de lo que se cree, ya que la información abunda por todo lados.

Esta vez quiero traerte un programita de Yoga básico de un canal de youtube que en lo personal me ha ayudado a construir fuerza en todo mi cuerpo para mantener ciertas postura de Hatha Yoga y para poder tener mucha más flexibilidad en el camino, si bien el programa por si solo te ayuda con ambos, dejaré otros videos de la misma autora pero enfocados a la flexibilidad que han sido de una ENORME ayuda.

Si usted es de la personas que tiene mucha rigidez en su cuerpo, esta publicación es para usted, mi amig@.

Quiero contarte un poco sobre lo que puedes experimentar al principio de esto, hay efectos como dolor al dia siguiente que podrían ser frecuentes, no se preocupe eso quiere decir que está entrenando musculos que antes no habia ejercitado.
Además de esto notará con el tiempo que es más fácil para usted hacer ciertas posturas y su composición corporal cambiará un poco cuando se mire al espejo.

Tanto la Movilidad como la flexibilidad son dos pilares importantes y si a estos dos le sumas fuerza, pues obtienes 3 beneficios en una sola practica.

Aquí más abajo dejaré los enlaces y como los llevé debidamente, es importante que anote todo lo que vea para que de esa manera pueda saber su avance, además recuerde anotar la fecha de inicio, ya que cuando lleguen esos momentos entre comillas malos o quiera rendirse, vaya a su diario y vea cuanto ha avanzado.

En si el programa consta de 8 videos, mas o menos de duración entre 25 a 35 minutos. Es muy posible que al principio usted, según en el nivel que esté, haga solo 10 minutos o llegue a 15, no se desanime y sigue con el programa, verá que al cabo de una o dos semanas podrá completarlo debidamente, aquí la clave es ser persistente y constante en ello.

YOGA: Nivel Básico









Por otro lado aquí dejo un programa de Flexibilidad, no toma más de 20 minutos, puede hacerlo como calentamiento antes de su práctica de yoga, es muy buena para las articulaciones y como tal el fortalecimiento de esta.


Lo invito a que exploren ese canal, para mi ha sido de gran ayuda, además que cuenta con muchas otras opciones, como el Split para aquellos que quieren lograrlo.

Es bueno que con el tiempo vuelvan a esta publicación y comenten sus experiencia con este programa...

Con amor
Before this journey, every small fall or deviation was a condemnation for me. Now I read pain differently.
I know that the value I want to bring requires me to be a different person.
In error sincerity is sacred.


Sobre los enlaces caídos o búsquedas por internet infructuosas​

Buen día Familia SS...

El día de hoy quiero compartir algo con ustedes de manera explicativa, ya que quizá algunos no sepan de este tip o recurso y de paso añadir uno nuevo que es de gran ayuda.

Quizá muchos de ustedes hayan accedido a la biblioteca del habla inglesa y hayan encontrado muchos enlaces rotos o caídos, estas publicaciones o enlaces como si NO HAN DESAPARECIDO, se han mudado o alojado en otro sitio, lo mismo con algunos sitios o sermones del habla hispana.

A continuación dejaré varios enlaces que ayudarán en la búsqueda de aquello que por alguna razón "ha desaparecido de la Web" lo pongo entre comillas ya que NO es verdad, solo es una metáfora.


Este primer enlace almacena aquello que no aparece con el enlace normal, entonces lo que tú tienes que hacer es copiar y pegar ese enlace, aquí debería aparecer ya que está guardado en este biblioteca.

Les mostraré un ejemplo en un video:

Después de lo anterior lo mismo se puede hacer para libros, en Alegria de Satanás hay un enlace que lleva a la Biblioteca del Nacional Socialismo, aquí les dejare el enlace:


Aquí hay muchos libros que si dan click, ya no aparecen, entonces ustedes se van al aparcado de Books, allí ponen el nombre en el español y el libro debería aparecer, acá les mostraré un ejemplo en un video:

Con lo anterior usted ya se dará una idea de como funciona y que tanto uso le puede dar.

Espero esto sea de gran ayuda para todos ustedes, un abrazo caluroso para todos...

Con amor
The next donation will be in October 2024 and I will then upload the receipt as a jpg to josdonors.org. Now I have understood this step too.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Greetings Brother/Sister. I have actually struggled with this for a little while. Indeed, it seems that the type of file we need to upload is an image file. But what kind of "receipt" are you talking about? In all my crypto dealings so far, I have not gotten a JPG receipt or anything. Do you just take a screenshot or something? Thank you in advance for your response.
Historical «Map»♟️
(Part II) The Satanic Viking Civilization 👑


Vikings enjoyed leisure time as much as any other culture and played sports, board games, and organized festivals. Sports included mock-combat, wrestling, mountain climbing, swimming, javelin-throwing, hunting, a spectacle known as horse-fighting.
Vikings played games such as dice, games of strategy along the lines of chess, and chess itself.


The Vikings founded Dublin, the capital of Southern Ireland, owned Normandy in France, and founded towns in Great Britain and throughout Scotland.
The main Viking settlements were located in Iceland and Greenland.
The Vikings established their settlements in North America, the most famous was the Newfoundland site of L'Anse Aux Meadows.


Map illustrating the global scope of travel of Viking raiders, explorers, settlers, and merchants between the 8th and 11th Century.
(Part I) The Satanic Viking Civilization 👑


Vikings were actually quite refined and paid a great deal of attention to hygiene and appearance.
Viking often wore silk and expensive jewelry, they braided their hair, were well groomed, and wore fine cloaks and intricately-crafted jewelry in the form of necklaces and and wrist.
The Vikings were True Aristocrats by nature.
Women had greater freedoms in Viking culture than in many others state.
In christian countries, women had no rights and were severely restricted in the freedoms that were available to pagan Viking women.

Women could inherit property, choose where and how to live if unmarried, represent themselves in legal cases, and own their own businesses (such as breweries, taverns, shops, and farms).
Women were the prophetesses of the Goddess Freyja and the God Odin (Satan).


The Vikings made a great contribution to the fight against сhristianity and actively resisted the tyranny of the jewish Vatican.
For attempts to convert the Vikings to jewish false religions, the Vikings openly used weapons against the slaveholders of the Vatican and burned their Criminal churches 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 :


You look like flowers blooming in the wilderness,
Your leaves protect me from the rain that falls on me.
Before you, tears filled the rivers,
Now they're just memories.
The Atlantic is far away, even though heaven is close to me,
The oceans are like your eyes.
Even if spring comes, it doesn't bring as much warmth to the house as your voice,
Your eyes look like endless oceans.
I look at the ocean like I'm coming out of a fire.
You look like flowers blooming in the wilderness.
I'm running away from the rain, father.

Look forward to regaining books I had once had and ones I would like to also have. Been thinking of Sevetri Devi lately and some of her quotes on the kali yuga and Hitler the Man Against Time. Hail Sevtri Devi! Hail our pagan blood memory! Hail the gods! Heil Hitler! Ave Satanas!
I've been dealing with people telling me that my beliefs are Neo-Nazi. I say if you do your research and take time to educate yourself you'll see how messed up the ways of this world are. I love my God and am happily dedicated my soul and would like it if others would take the time to question things in a non bias manner.

Nikocado Avocado's weight loss should act as motivation for any overweight SS who are willing to lose weight.

Charlas entre mi hermano del alma y yo​

¿No te ha pasado que pareciera explotar el pecho cuando el amor más profundo que has tenido en la vida llega a ti?

¿Cuando la inmensidad del universo queda tan pequeño frente a la inmensidad de la hermosura que ella emana?

¿No te pasa que cuando ella viene a ti, pareciera que todo está bien?

Su hermosura, calidez y armonía crean al ser más protegido y más amado del mundo.

La perplejidad de su hermosura y conocimiento parecieran una hegemonia entre la virtud y la moral.

Ella, pareciera irreal ante el mundo moderno, pero es tan real como tu y yo.

¡Daria lo que fuera por traerla de vuelta!

Y si, amigo mio, hoy estuvo aquí en casa y después de ello la inspiración aparece de golpe, grandes letras y poemas surgen, pero vamos, definirla seria limitarla.
Limitarla mi amigo, es algo que NO quiero hacer bajo palabras o canciones, pues están no alcanza a describir ni el 1% de lo que ella representa.

Inspirado en Ella y Para Ella.
Meditation for programming your subconscious.

Many of us might be struggling to take control over our emotions, to feel & understand those emotions. To understand them you need to analyze why / how / what is going on inside of you, to change & take control over them you must program your mind & subconscious.

Feelings come from your subconscious, your subconscious tells you what you believe & what you have reaffirmed to yourself many times over, even if this is not something you desire. In other words you become what you think about. Below is an exercise / mediation that I have personally used with great success to change how I see myself on a subconscious level.

Before starting know what it is that you want to change, for example: I get angry for XX reason, this needs to change. (When affirming always speak to yourself as if this is already how you see or feel about things, for example: I am not angry when XX happens)

Exercise / Meditation:

1. Go somewhere where you feel at ease, this can be at home, your bedroom or outside when taking a walk.

2. Clear your mind (void).

3. Go into a light trance.

4. Affirm to yourself in a serious but fair tone that you are now going into program mode (or however you want to call it).

5. In the same tone as above affirm what it is that you want changed, this can be done in as many words as need! (If you need 5 minutes for this, that's fine) Make sure that you speak as if that what you want to change is already as you desire it be.

6. Affirm that the programming has ended.

In my experience the above can change you on a fundamental level, so be mindful of your words & intentions. In most cases only one round of the above was enough to make a difference in my experience, this might not be the case for you, so do the above as many times as you need. I also want to state that feelings can have different causes, for example picking up feelings from a spiritual connection of a loved one, in most cases what I wrote above is the main culprit & should be worked on.
🌹Today is Friday 🌹

May the energy of venus bring happiness, peace and joy to all our Spiritual Satanist families.

May our all SS's Mom and Dad be happy and be blessed. May our Gods love them and guide them.

Hail Satan🌻
Hail Inanna🕊️
So the Minecraft Movie went woke...
I need marriage calendar date for getting married. Need for 2024 and 2025.
For anyone aspiring to become an illustrator, I wrote a comprehensive art guide over the course of a year. Applying the methods relayed therein will bring you from 0 to at least upper-intermediate, when retained and performed consistently over time.
Good luck.
If I was ever annoying I do apologize

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
