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You could append the translation. Every day you write a basic stuff. I recognize the letters but it's not easy to learn Greek because of declinations.
Hail Poseidon !
I agree, and I will try to add the translation when I write something other than English.

As you said, it means: Hail Poseidon.
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Deception Signs in Human Behaviour. We all lied in our lives or have been lied to, whether necessary or not, such as even to "ethically" (to the best of ability) save someone from the truth, and this can happen. I know of an autistic kid whose mother has died unfortunately by cancer, and the grandparents lie to him everyday, the mother is "at the shopping center", so as to not lose his sanity. He believes it everyday and lives as happy as one can be in that situation, even if it is a torment. There are similar situations in life. These are not to be paranoid about or to drive false parallels within our self's and relations, but rather keep a little reminder that in our daily life we will meet with evil characters, enemies, or innocent liars, by which we should gather enough powers as SS to know for our own conscience to judge and act. I thought to be fun to share these with my family here so you know too in written form.

(sourced from somewhere our enemies must not know, all of these are of top quality of information).

1. Hesitancy - Avoiding direct subjects, naming.
2. Psychological distancing
3. Rising Pitch / and/or Fast paced motion/dynamic of language. Blinking rate of the eyelids.
4. Absence of pronouns. (Subconsciously we believe technical approach is more believable - therefore zero pronouns)
5. Non Answers.
6. Question Reversal.
7. Politeness.
8. Ambiguity.
9. Mini-confessions.
10. Over-apologies.
11. Non-contraction. - Increase in technical language - A lot of emphasis on full negative language like "I have NOT".
12. "Resume" statements. (Backstory of the persona, unprompted)
13. Exclusions (along the lines of: As far as I understand it, as far as I know, in correct contextual questions)
14. Chronology. (Avoiding the emotional initial point, repeating story from the start to the end) - '' How did you crash this car? Answer: I woke up at 9 am today and got the coffee..."
15 Confirmation Glance (Bias to find validation, or force it)
16. Adam apples raise.
17. Single sided shrug.

Given some are not so directly understood, I will explain more in the next posts. However, if ever needed, one should have understood intuitively the dynamics here.
Blitzkreig [TG]
Blitzkreig [TG]
Looking at this list, it is kind of funny to think about how rare full honesty or honest intentions may be. At the same time, I understand why people can be apprehensive or act in ways like this. Sometimes people can be just fearful, like you have stated above, and therefore not necessarily maliciously deceptive, but still hiding things regardless.

Mentally, I visualize the truth as like a golden object, but then all of these sources of deception tug on the truth in various dimensions and degrees, some worse than others. By the end of it, the truth has been mangled in some ways, but a skilled investigator could also see the manipulation which happened and be able to guess where the "true origin" of the situation lies.
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Yes, the word here is deception which includes lies but also that one is hiding, whether conscious or not, by personality or not, but it is a definite sign that the interaction or situation is intently or subconsciously constructed. If it is for bad intents or not, that's another depth to go into. People have right to their privacy of thoughts and emotions, but they lack the information that some people do read these regardless, as they communicate it either way.
Daily Anatomy 1.0 Part 1

The human skeleton comprises 206 bones. They are under the control of hundreds of skeletal muscles, which in turn are controlled by nerve impulses received from the CNS ( Central Nervous System ).
Anatomically, the skeleton is divided into:
  • axial skeleton (consisting of 80 bones): bones of the central axis of the body (skull, spine, thoracic cage and hyoid bone); Virtually all bones of the head and trunk are Axial bones.
  • appendicular skeleton (consisting of 126 bones): bones of the upper and lower limbs (peripheral bones) and bones allowing them to attach to the body (belts).

Bone Markings ( To be continued in the next post ) :

Bone markings are very important since they allow for identification of bones and bony pieces, enable joints to form, enable bones to slide past each other, enable bones to lock in place, and provide places for muscle and connective tissues to attach and provide structural support. Bone markings also provide stabilization, protection and a pathway to nerves, vessels, and other structures.

The surface features of bones vary considerably, depending on the function and location in the body. There are three general classes of bone markings: (1) articulations, (2) projections, and (3) holes. As the name implies, an articulation is where two bone surfaces come together (articulus = “joint”). These surfaces tend to conform to one another, such as one being rounded and the other cupped, to facilitate the function of the articulation. A projection is an area of a bone that projects above the surface of the bone. These are the attachment points for tendons and ligaments. In general, their size and shape is an indication of the forces exerted through the attachment to the bone. A hole is an opening or groove in the bone that allows blood vessels and nerves to enter the bone. As with the other markings, their size and shape reflect the size of the vessels and nerves that penetrate the bone at these points.



Angle - Sharp bony angulations which may serve as bony or soft tissue attachments.
Example : superior, inferior, and acromial angles of the scapula; superior, inferior, lateral angles of the occipital bone; angle of the mandible
1 - angle of the mandible ; 2 - superior angle of the scapula

Body - Usually refers to the largest most proeminent segment of the bone.

Example : diaphysis or shaft of long bones like the femur and humerus; body of the mandible



Canal - Passageway through a bone.
Example : optic canal
Yoga Asana of the Day: Malasana 2 (Garland pose)


Soles of the feet should preferably be on the floor, but if you can only do this on the balls and toes of your feet this is fine for practice until your ankles become more flexible. If you have bad balance, you can do this with your back/glutes against the wall: squat against a wall and shuffle into position, keep feet together (preferable) or slightly apart (modification); or you can face the back of a sturdy chair and hold onto it for support. You can have a block or rolled up towel/blanket under your heels if your ankles are stiff or weak.

Start from standing with feet together, squat down and find your balance; or start from a squat position from a previous seated position if this works better for you. Widen your knees while keeping your feet still together, exhale and lower your arms and core forward between your legs, your armpits will be in front of your knees. Place hands on the floor. Wrap your hands to hold onto the back of your ankles or heels. You can look ahead, or lower your body more to eventually reach your head to the floor.

[With increased practice you will be able to wrap your hands behind your back, clasping your fingers; this is Malasana 1.]

Another variation is to have feet wider apart (feet preferably parallel, or toes slightly turned out), place hands into prayer pose with your upper arms or elbows pressing into your inner thighs. This will give a nice stretch to the inner thighs and groin. You can sit on a block or pillow for this one, if you need the assistance.


This pose (all versions) increases circulation to the sex organs; can benefit men suffering from ED or testicular problems; can benefit women suffering from menstrual complaints; strengthens the pelvis; benefits the colon. Helps give relief to the lower back, helps tone the ankles. Gives a nice stretch to the shoulders. Helps prevent/treat constipation and urinary problems, as it regulates the correct energetic movements that contribute to proper excretion (Apan Vayu).
I happened to turn on the TV and saw a programme called "Why do students clean their classrooms at school?" Then I found out that it comes from a Buddhist story.

Suddhipanthaka was a disciple of the Buddha. He was known for being the most dim-witted of the Buddha's disciples, unable to understand the Buddha's teachings, and almost completely forgetting everything the Buddha said.

According to legend, one day the Buddha assigned him to sweep the ground. After a long time, Suddhipanthaka said "The ground is clean, but is my mind-ground clean?" Thereupon he attained enlightenment.


This led to cleaning being considered a form of training in Buddhist temples, which was then passed on to the temple school (the private elementary school in the Edo period), and now students still clean their own classrooms in Japanese schools.

Knowing JoS, I know that the story of Suddhipanthaka is a spiritual story. Cleaning the room and environment is important for hygiene, but spiritual cleaning means cleaning the chakras and aura. Yet, Japanese temples only teach people to clean their rooms and houses.

By the way, physical and mental illnesses caused by Zen practice and meditation are called Zen illnesses in Japan. Symptoms of Zen illness include headache, nausea, chest pain, diarrhoea, constipation, cold, bloating, uncontrolled emotions, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, which vary from person to person. Zen practitioners have suffered from Zen illness since ancient times, and the method of visualization and breathing was proposed by Zen Master Hakuin in the Edo period as a way of curing this Zen illness.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakuin_Ekaku)That seems like a breakthrough, but in fact it was already conveyed by the story of Suddhipanthaka.

I am concerned that I am giving it the wrong consideration...
Yoga Asana of the day: Utkatasana (Chair pose)

Stand straight in Mountain Pose, legs and feet together. Lift arms overhead and place palms together (they can remain apart if this is more comfortable for your shoulders). Exhale and bend your knees, keeping your thighs and knees firmly together. Try to get your thighs parallel to the floor, but this will take practice. Keep your back straight and chest expanded, do not slump your upper body or arch your lower back. Keep your core engaged, do not allow the belly to sag. Feel strong in your heels.

This asana helps the knees and ankles become strong and toned, and fixes minor knee complaints. It alleviates stiffness in the shoulders and strengthens the leg muscles.

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The feast of fire (Imbolc / Candlemas) is nearing, i am planning on starting another community event in the beginning of February for this reason! Satanic holidays are there to be celebrated, so lets take advantage of that.

I want to ask everyone what you think should be included in the community event, here are some rough idea's:

Bonfires, enjoying a nice fire outdoors, either alone or with friends / family.
2. Recipe sharing, in particular anything that represents fire or the sun / moon think of crepes, pancakes.
3. Candle making & candle making recipe's.

Also a couple of links to useful meditations for that day might be nice.
JOS wiki page

What do you guys think?
Yoga Asana of the day: Siddhasana


From a seated position, bend one leg and place the heal near your perineum (genital area). Bend the other leg placing that foot above the other, against the pubic bone. If you are less flexible, approximate the best you can. Keep your torso engaged and strong, have your back straight yet with its natural curvatures, and shoulders relaxed yet not slumped. You should feel a balance of your shoulders above your hips. Place your hands on your knees in the mudra as shown in the picture. Do not lean against a wall or anything, as this will prevent the correct balance and the mental sensation that comes with it. Do this seated on the floor, your balance will be off if you are on a bed mattress.

Holding for 3 minutes is ideal, less is fine. Holding any asana even for a few seconds will benefit you, and help to build your ability to hold for longer. Release the legs, gently move them to release any tension, then do the same pose with the leg positions reversed and hold for the same length of time.

This pose helps with all nerve defects and nervous conditions, increases focus, and brings a sensation of wellbeing. It increases health of the genital area and the lumbar region. This is a great asana to do somewhere in the middle of a long hatha practice as it will restore your vitality to continue with the rest of your practice, or you can do this separate from hatha while meditating and while doing pranayama.

This is one of the easiest, yet one of the greatest, asanas to do. Sit in this posture while contemplating the Gods.
As a person who is dominant in air signs, this was one of my biggest problems and I am still trying to quit this mindset. Be someone who acts, not someone who just plans.


  • Love
Reactions: Dragonheart666
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Here you have to establish authority over yourself and in face of yourself: Self-accountability. No one else outside of you, you are the judge of your own character here and you must address your own existence as either valuable or of no value. Does your word to yourself, in your inner monologue mean something to you? It clearly does not, therefore you don't believe in yourself, therefore you don't act. It isn't a question of suffering vs reward, of motivation, but a question of Authority that you lack in your self reflection. You have to rely into your own persona to accomplish everything and anything you put your focus on.
Such beautiful wisdom, thank you!
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
The beauty of it is that you don't have to conform to the frame of any individual, for example the wheelchair guy, it only works because he has to address this in his life, yet you don't have to for that exact matter. Therefore understand that your identity is not equal to the value others ascribe to theirs. Being enabling in your thinking is great and necessary, but also you have to admit that things can become a coping mechanism if it serves no real purpose in your life, ie. now you knowing a wheelchair guy exists you don't express gratitude on your life based on the false fear of "what if". Because this empathic nature is what drives a lot of people to sympathize too much and become placid, weak and desiring too little and less from life masquerading in simplicity while only doing so based on FEAR, not on belonging!
  • Love
Reactions: Dragonheart666
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Desire is absolutely beautiful and it is an actual joyful pain one necessitates. Desiring is a mechanism of existence here. There is a secret however here, the polarity of desire is: you don't have "it", you lack "it". The opposite? You have it and you don't care, or better yet you don't necessarily obsess on desire, but you use it magically, and it manifests. There is a difference and great thing here: things manifests when you act on them, and when you act you acknowledge , and desire transforms in becoming desired, in attraction. You either love the desire or you become the desire of your subject, you become loved. Embody desire, you stop passive judgement and you become an active element. The desires written above are only surface level automatisms of the present reality, they are there to keep you active and living, gives you a purpose unless you override them or introduce bigger and real goals. Pursuit here is synonymous with desire, and in your pursuit of your desired goal, your habits and personality adapt and they fuel and motion towards that.
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
What is beneath this? What is above this? All of this is the nature of being alive and a human, ie. all the beings of the earth here have these systems of existence in them, meaning that all of this given for all, it is a material you are given to shape and create yourself. You , that you think you are, is just what others are, yet unique. What an opportunity to create cravings towards the spiritual existence, towards the improvement of oneself, of civilization, of overcoming. Here you have to ask yourself, what makes me different, and how I can overcome the idle state of existence. Calibrate your habits to what you think it is superior to become.

In the last 50 or so years the enemy has scarred the landscapes around the world big time by destroying nature where ever possible. India for example has been slowly turning into a desert. In the last couple of years people have started to see what has been done to the planet and are doing their best to restore nature, to inform people and to stop the jewish destruction in their tracks.

A couple of interesting things that have sprung forwards because of the above are food forests, where 95% of plants and trees in that ''forest'' are edible and usable, or permaculture, where they try to simulate a natural landscape. Personally i love to see things like this pop up, this could really slow down the jewish agenda, and even prevent enemy plans, like destroying the agriculture to starve out and make people depended on the jews.
Why am I doing these posts?
Will any of my posts just help flip a switch in anybody? Maybe.

But I am doing this so we can have everyone aware that we are all working on ourselves.

That you are not alone fighting the dark of this current world.

You are not alone fighting yourself.

I wish that talking about your practices becomes a normality, I wish that everyone here feels and knows they are not struggling alone.

This was the hardest feeling to tackle 5 Years ago when I dedicated, the loneliness of this path.

But it doesn't have to be like that.

We build the Empire of Satan, every knight grows stronger by the power of example, be the change you wish to see in the world.
"I'm gonna meditate when I have a nice and stable material life"

This was one of the lies I kept telling myself to excuse my fear of fully trusting my practices.

Yes, you could do that, but guess what, if you have a stable spiritual life, the stable material life is gonna accelerate exponentially towards you.

You shouldn't be afraid to meditate because you'll lose on life, you should be meditating so you WILL NOT lose on life.
Do not be afraid of approaching any skill.

Whether you had the formal education or not, whether you think you couldn't do it even though you wish to attain it.

It all starts from small steps.

Do not be afraid to start from scratch.
Absorb and embody the basics.

Embody who you wish to be starting now.
Tick tock it's time to be your best self!

Today is the time to start that one routine that you were thinking about and not started yet!

Today is the time to dive in meditation even if you have been away for a while!

And by today I actually mean right now.
Right now is the moment to set a trajectory for your life and follow it!
Yoga Asana of the day: Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1)


Increases will power and sensation of having a strong foundation. Strengthens legs, glutes, hip flexors. Very good for sciatica. Helps with deep breathing, strengthens ankles and knees.

Feel your feet pushing firmly into the ground, lifting the rest of your body upwards, feel strength through your torso and keep your core engaged (don't let your belly hang). Feel a stretch in the back leg. Hold your gaze steady, breathe long and deep if possible. Relax out of it, repeat on the opposite side.

Can put strain on the physical heart, so it is advised to avoid or modify for those with heart conditions. Modification can be done by keeping hands apart while looking straight ahead, or hands in prayer mudra in front of your chest, and hold pose for only a few seconds. Iyengar suggests people hold this post for only 20 to 30 seconds regardless as it is strenuous (if you are in the pose correctly).
Big Dipper
Big Dipper
An Ai generated Lady Bug but with inverse colors. I like lady bugs since the term for a group of them is "Loveliness" and I had one fly on my finger randomly somehow when I was in a basement one day, 1 day after asking lord Satan for a sign as to who my Guardian Demon was. I came to the conclusion that lord Lerajie is my Guardian since she has to deal with Love as stated on the J.O.S. So I attribute Lady Bugs to her.

The reason for the inverse colors is because I like to think it's a special kind of "love" that those who are without wouldn't get. They get the normal ones, we get the special ones.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
