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Yoga Asana of the day: Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita Padottanasana.png
Illustration by @Rroco88 (click to enlarge)

Stand with your feet between 4-5 feet apart, at a comfortable width for you. Inhale, place hands on waist and stretch your chest up. Exhale as you lean forward at the hips and lower your torso and head, place your hands on the floor in front of you for balance only, keep your weight entirely on your feet. Inhale, keeping hands on the floor, straighten your back and lift your chest and shoulders up to make your lower back concave; exhale and lean forward and down again, hinging at your hips. If your head is able to touch the floor, do not place bodyweight on it; keep your weight entirely on your feet.

You can remain with your palms on the floor, but if possible, hook your pointer and middle fingers and thumbs around the big toe of the corresponding foot, as shown in the illustration. Gently draw your elbows out to deepen the pose. Do not clench your glutes, but keep your thighs activated and drawing together.

Benefits: The hamstrings receive a nice stretch and the hips are open. Blood can circulate to the head, so this is beneficial for those who cannot yet perform headstand or handstand. This pose helps to increase balance.
Yoga Asana of the Day: Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose)
Parsvottanasana (1).png
Illustration by @Ardgion (click to enlarge)

Begin standing in Mountain Pose (just standing, feet together). Roll your shoulders back, keep them relaxed yet shoulder blades close together, down from the neck (not hunched up). Bring your elbows back and if possible, press your palms together in prayer mudra behind your back. If this is not possible, then simply hold your hands together behind your back.

Step the left leg back, about 1 meter behind you. The left foot can point out slightly at a comfortable angle for you. Keep both knees activated. Inhale, make sure your shoulders and arms are in correct position, exhale and lean forwards over your right leg. If you have the flexibility you can lower your head to your knee or shin, and remain like this for as long as comfortable; if you are newer to this pose, you can now relax your arms and touch the floor with your hands (or place your hands on your leg for support), enjoying the stretch in your front hamstring.

To release, raise up by using your leg muscles firmly, step your left leg forward to meet the right, and repeat on the opposite side (right leg back).

Benefits: This asana is beneficial for the legs and hips, and gives a nice stretch to the shoulders and front of the armpit area. It helps straighten rounding or drooping shoulders. If you are able to reach your face to your knee/leg and pressing your abdominals into your thigh, then this benefits your digestive organs.

The Satanic holiday feast of fire is nearing, for this reason a community event will be held! It would be great if you could be a part of this, joining the festivities with all of our brothers and sisters! If you are interested on what to expect, take a look at my previous post.

The community event will be uploaded on the 25th / 26th of January!
Yoga Asana of the day: Padmasana
padmasana (1).png
Illustration by @Heather (click to enlarge)

Start in a seated position, legs in front of you. Bend the right leg and use your hands to place the foot at the top of the left thigh, the heel should be near the navel and the sole will be facing up. Bend the left leg and use your hands to place your left foot over the right, also at the top of the thigh with the heel near the navel and the sole facing up. Remain in the position as comfortable with the back erect, then release the legs, gently move them around, and repeat with the legs reversed (left leg first).

Hands can be on knees with fingers in Gyan mudra, or palms facing up (one hand in the other) in the middle of where your feet cross.

This can be difficult at first to perform, and takes time for the knees and hips to gain the needed flexibility. Practicing the various pigeon poses and other hip-opening asanas will help prepare the hips for this pose. Never strain your knees, think of this asana as a long-term goal, even if it takes a few years of practice. In the beginning, practice with one leg at a time, with the other remaining straight out or bent, however is comfortable for your body; and then repeat on the other side.

Benefits: This asana is beneficial for those who are heavy in the Earth element or otherwise feel stagnant and heavy (Kapha); it will help you reach a lighter and higher state of meditation. Padmasana when correctly performed helps the kundalini energy reach the Crown chakra. This asana is beneficial for the knees and ankles, spine, lumbar region, abdomen.
Looking at a computer for long times inevitably causes neck and shoulder tension. I have been struggling with this problem for several years now and have found a simple way to solve it. It uses an exersize rubber, such as those sold in $1 shops. Yoga and stretching are good, but the point is to put a bit of strain on the muscles. Simply pull the rubber band from overhead to the side of the shoulder. Doing this about 10 rounds at one time, several times a day, will lighten the shoulders and neck.

Yoga Asana of the day: Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Illustration by @Rroco88 (click to enlarge)

For those with less experience:
You can do this against a wall, keeping your hip of the balancing leg gently pressing into the wall. You can also use a block or large book to place your hand upon, until you are able to reach the floor.

Stand against a wall, with your right hip/buttock touching the wall, face out by 45 degrees, with your right foot parallel to the wall but approximately 3-6 inches out (depending on the size of your hips and thighs, adjust to your comfort). Slide your right shoulder and arm down while keeping your torso straight; press the outside of your forearm into the wall for added support. Simultaneously lift your left leg keeping it in a line with your torso, reach your right arm down, touch the block or the floor with your right fingertips until you are able to reach with your palm, but do not place any bodyweight onto your hand, it is only there for balance.

Feel your left leg engaged, use your left hip to keep the leg horizontal. Left arm can be against your side with the hand on hip or thigh, or lift it upwards. Keep your back straight, chest open, and lifted leg stretched straight. Your weight should be fully on your balancing foot (the foot that is on the ground).

Stay for as long as is comfortable, then exhale and stand up again. Repeat on the other side.

For those with more experience:
You can get into this pose from triangle pose (Trikonasana) by bending the knee of the front leg and shifting your weight onto it as you move your hand about 12 inches forward in line with your front foot, straightening the front leg as you lift the back leg up. You can place the top arm against your body so the hand is on your hip, and then when balance is comfortable, raise your hand upwards as in the illustration. The hand that is on the floor is only for balance, do not place your bodyweight on it.

To get out of the pose, you can reverse your movements back into Trikonasana then stand up; repeat on the other side.

Benefits: This pose is very healthy for the lower spine, and for the nerves connecting to the leg muscles. As this pose is so different from the usual movements we do in our day, you might feel exhilarated upon coming out of the pose.
I never really knew about constellations, I loved gazing at the sky, but knew nothing about what I was looking at. I thought about downloading an app, my mind was blown. Orion was literally there on top of me, who the hell knew that Jupiter was right besides the moon. The app also notified me that the Iss was about to pass on top of me, and there it was. The app name is sky guide, it's great and mindblowing.
NakedPluto, that was my exact plan, I also bought a giant book. I also wanted to but an expensive telescope when I was a teenager, then I settled for binoculars, but the good ones still were pricy and didn't buy it, then forgot about it. What a marvel it is to watch the sky.
Henu the Great
Henu the Great
I once went to one of those large telescopes you have. Not a big big, but nothing that you can buy from the store. It was pretty cool to see the Moon as you would look at something on your computer screen in high definition. I'm pretty sure if there had been someone or something large enough moving on the surface it would have been visible to the eye at that moment. I also had my own telescope way back when. It was pretty low-grade, but sure it was fun regardless.
It's interesting to observed the sky.
  • Mercury and Saturn are little, white and cold.
  • Venus and Jupiter are bigger, hot and brilliant
  • Mars is red
in north hemisphere, the winter, Orion is easy to recognize, the first I've observed. You recognize this figure, then, on the right, there is a triangle with the beautiful Aldebaran at top left, It's Taurus.
Later, you view the full constellation, the left arm of Orion goes up and at right, little stars describe an arc.
Above the Taurus head (the triangle), there is two arcs drawn with little stars for the horns. The body is on the right and at the position of the shoulder, there is the little beautiful stellium, the Pleiades.

I've just verified... the moon has begun to hide the Taurus, only Aldebaran is clearly visible. We must wait the wan moon to observe them.
North side, the Great Bear is so big that is difficult to observe it, its size vary along the time.

To start, I suggest to recognize the cardinal points and observed and understand the Sun/Moon game (day/month).
Mercury and Venus are already at proximity of the Sun, so you can view them only the morning or the evening.
Stars also follow their course but during the year. During this phase, you will recognize Mars, Jupiter and Saturn moving slowly from a week to another.


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In-depth look: Authority is PERMISION. Authority is wielding this permission. Giving or not giving this permission. This translates into our internal power, influence of reality, materially and spiritually.
The human who has authority over life is the one that allows for life to exist, continuously.
You allow or disallow. This is represented by the Ganesha Elephant Head in the brain.
The lord of 'obstacle" is actually realizing that there are limits, and boundaries in our reality, as laws, as plain nature. The "G" vibration and our Pineal Gland as well is a center of "language" by which our reality is perceived, therefore where and how we act in that perception.


Why we do things, how we do things, the very 'simple' structure of our brain in an inverse pyramidal structure is as follows IN ASCENDING ORDER OF POWER AND DEPTH:

5.Habits and Brain wirings


Thoughts. (1).png

The first 3 are the most used by people and they try to influence the later 4 and 5. The 5 and 6 is actually a physical aspect of ourselves, and what we repeatedly do and are, has created a path inside our structural brain. That's why by just artificially doing things for a few days it won't change you or your life, but rather continuous action and approach for years and years.

Obviously some thoughts and emotions do stem from our in depth being and these are not always artificial, but their identification with "us" is not whole and we are not really our thoughts unless we respect and act on the way our reality works.

From the above I hope you understand now how medical treatment works as one example of path in this, and how it is attempted to create change, by the chemical nature but won't be ideal for a symptom of a deeper issue ( talking about psychiatry very wrong way of dealing with human issues). This is not enough. For example how change comes from exercise. How by hypnosis one enters the depth of our emotions and thoughts that stem from our lifelong existence, ancestors and being, and how change takes place. This is a part as well.

But what I hope for most is now to see directly how magical work and energy work, vibration, DIRECTLY CHANGES AND IMPACTS, ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL OUR BEING, by accessing all the points, the electrical and chemical and most importantly works on the Habits and Brain Wirings. I do hope from this you understand also that it takes A LOT OF TIME, actual physical change, transformation, carving, and expecting quick results is directly a delusion.

What you will see first is direct result from magical workings, change and impact in Thoughts and Emotions that will go in depth and will guide you to the core of the subjects.

Based on the above Model I will give you a few core things to keep check of:

1.Thoughts. (selective focus, curation and compartmentalization, most of the time ignore bad thoughts, void meditation)
2.Emotion. (good environment, non exaggeration of any emotion,, cleaning seeded issues, being aware of the pendulum swing of emotions: collapse - congruence - exaggeration - Balance here is needed)
3.Chemical. (good brain chemistry by good foods, exercise, health, influenced by the electrical, magical workings, yoga)
4.Electrical. (your energy of the body, health, magical workings, breathing exercises, yoga)
5.Habits and Subconscious brain wirings (karma, lifelong habits, what you do repeatedly, what you think repeatedly, what you worry about, This is the core where you need to apply continuous work and effort: Discipline and Existential Purpose )
6.DNA. (ancestors, acknowledgement, respect, Meditation of our Gods)
Here's a lovely rendition of "The Fields of Athenry". This song takes place during the Great Famine. It's about a father who stole food to feed his child, he was caught and shipped off in a prison ship to a penal colony in Australia (a typical plight for many Irish during that time). The enemy has done much evil to our people.

Everyone, I made a mistake.

I was working on the site and ended up causing some problems, so I reverted to an earlier backup I had. The backup is still very recent, and I am deeply sorry if you lost any work.

This won't happen again.
Important Acupressure Points: Stomach (ST) 36
There are many acupoints, but not all are easy to apply, both medically, but also mechanically. Here we discuss points which are great for the average person to memorize and use on themselves as needed.


Left Image Source: Selby Acupuncture
Right Image Source: Princeton Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

Benefiting the function of the stomach and spleen, all pathology can be treated through ST-36, earning it a title as a "Vitality and longevity point" (Penner, 2017).

The reason one point can be so powerful is due to its action upon the stomach, where the stomach is the source of qi (energy) and blood (“The six fu-organs”, 2012) and this point stimulates gastric acid, "harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach", and "drains pathogenic influences from the Stomach" (Penner, 2017).

In other words, by pressing this point and activating this meridian, you are directing more energy towards the stomach and spleen, which is then able to produce more vital energy as a result of enhanced digestive function.

Key Benefits (Penner, 2017)

  • Fosters the Original Qi
  • Strengthens weak and deficient conditions
  • Resolves Dampness
  • Nourishes Blood
  • Nourishes Yin
How to Use
As seen in the left image, feel for the point between the bones. Notice how the measurement of "3 Cun" is listed between the femur's lateral epicondyle and the red dot.

Cun is a TCM-specific measurement that is based on each person's body. 3 Cun is the length of space from between your 4 fingers, held together, measured from pinky tip to pointer tip (Mavros, 2002). This leads us to the right image, where we can see the individual has wrapped their hand around their knee to easily locate the point.

As always, your placement does not need to be exact, as long as part of your finger(s) touch the general area. Press with a comfortable pressure for 10-15 minutes, using your awareness to judge the influence on your body.


Penner, J. (2017). Point: St-36 (stomach-36). American Dragon. https://www.americandragon.com/Points/ST-36.html
Mavros, S. (2002). Cun Measurements. TCM Student. https://www.tcmstudent.com/study_tools/Cun Measurements.html
The six fu-organs. TCM Wiki. (2012, October 8). https://tcmwiki.com/wiki/the-six-fu-organs
I'm nervous about beginning empowering my chakras. Should I vibrate into each chakra the respective mantra 30 times? For a total of 210 vibrations a day...
Yoga Asana of the day: Virasana (Hero Pose)
Illustration by @Ardgion (click to enlarge)

[Do not attempt this pose if you have a knee injury. Always consult a yoga instructor to see if a pose is safe for you to do. To modify if your knees are weak or you are overweight: keep your hands on the floor on each side of your body or in front of your knees to support most of your bodyweight and gently ease into the pose, and have a cushion between your feet to sit on. Holding for even a split second will bring benefit to your knees, and you can gradually build up the length of time. You can also simply sit on your feet but with your feet slightly wider than your knees to gain the benefits of this pose.]

Kneel on floor, keeping your knees and thighs together; separate your feet by about 18 inches. As you begin to lower your body, take your calf muscles and roll them outwards, to make room for your thighs to lower between your calves. Your hips will be between your feet, and your inner calf will be touching the outer thigh of the same leg.

You probably won't be able to lower all the way at first, it can take a year or more to gain the needed flexibility. Your toes might angle in at first, but over time, the toes will be able to point back.

Keep your hands on the floor on each side of your body if necessary. In time, you can have your hands on your knees in in Gyan mudra, or keep your palms on your knees, as shown in the illustration below:
Illustration by @Heather (click to enlarge)

If you are able to sit on the floor, you can then place your hands behind you as in the illustration above and reach your chest upwards. This will help prepare for the extended version of this asana (Supta Virasana).

To get out of this asana: lean forward, place your hands on the floor beside or in front of you, ease up onto your knees and bring your feet together, then stand or sit up.

This asana is very beneficial for the knees and heels. Practiced long-term, it helps treat flat feet be developing the arches of the soles. This is one of the few asanas that can be practiced immediately after eating, it will help digest a full meal, alleviating the heavy feeling in the stomach.

Once you have mastered the above, you can then place a low chair or table behind you to prepare for the full extended version. Use as many cushions or props as necessary for your comfort. The illustration below is leading into the full version (Supta Virasana), which will be posted at a later time:
Illustration by @Ardgion (click to enlarge)
What kind of people becomes YHVHs sacrifices ?
If Non Christian die and their family hold Christian funerals in Christian church for them, do they go to YHVH heaven and become YHVHs sacrifices ?
A fire festival called Saitoyaki was recently held in my area.

This is a festival celebrated in Japan, usually on January 14 or 15 During this local event, town or village residents burn their gate pine and other New Year's decorations, as well as to pray for good fortune in the new year.

I took a photo with people in it to show its size.


Children receive sweets and adults are served Sake(rice wine). Within an hour, the bamboo tower burns down and the rice dumplings are roasted over the embers.


This festival, like Imbolc, celebrates the beginning of spring.
Everyone's bookmarked topics should be restored!
If you had bookmarked topics on the old forum, please check your bookmarks now.

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"Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself" - Thomas J. Watson Sr.

Developing your character is the goal, not pretending to. One cannot persuade others, control, assess, help, build, create - without doing this FIRST ON AND WITH THEMSELVES.
The reason why you fail in social situations, things like sales or workplace, life in general etc. is based on a failure in one on these 3 Major Columns ( that should be mastered):

1. Observation.
2. Communication.
3. Self Management.

The experience of life is about error and truth, most people quit because they fail.
Failure is part of the process of truth and victory, and you must understand to deal with this and not self sabotage to infinity, not embody victimhood or pity unnecessarily - just because you can.

The above 3 aspects can then be seen as also:

1. Awareness, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Planning, Congruence, Harmony.
2. Timing, Patience, Communication, Transition.
3. Action, Discipline, Transformation.

You can create your list from the above primary reasons. With the above, judge your own failures in life and write what was lacking honestly. Then do so with your victories as well.

"Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion" - Aristotle
Yoga Asana of the Day: Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)
Illustration by @Rroco88 (click to enlarge)

Stand with your feet approximately 4 feet apart. Turn the right foot sideways to the right by 90 degrees, and the left foot slightly to the right, at a comfortable position. Bend the right leg to form a 90 degree angle, your thigh will be parallel to the floor. Keep the left leg stretched and tight at the knee. The right arm can be in front of the bent leg, or behind with the knee near the armpit, whichever works best for your body. If you can, place your right palm on the floor, or only touch the floor or your ankle with your fingertips.

The forearm should be pressing into the lower leg of the bent leg, this will give the stability to extend through the chest, shoulders, and raised arm. (If you are lacking flexibility, you can rest your right forearm on your right thigh for practice.) The extended left arm can be straight up as in the illustration above, or it can reach above your head to form a straight line with the extended leg.

Keep your chest full, don't cave it in. Your core should be engaged. Feel a stretch through your entire body. Hold for as long as comfortable, keep your breathing steady. Relax, and repeat on the other side.

This pose relieves sciatic pain and stretches the entire body, especially the inner thigh of the bent leg, and tones the ankles, knees, and thighs.

1. Significance: Abandonment, social ridicule, feeling small, being ignored.
2. Approval: dismissal, disapproval, contempt, feeling left out.
3. Acceptance: social criticism, gossip, peer mismatch
4. Intelligence: being seen as dumb, being called out, questioned
5. Pity. - being disregarded, ignored, misunderstood, people in disbelief.
6. Strength. - being puncked, disrespect, unacknowledged, challenged.

We all have these or certain primary aspects. There is no shame and this is life and we are here for each other. Obviously, by astrological reasoning and comparison we can have as many greater and more detailed pictures.
Now that you have this above, I want you to analyze yourself and work on your fears, as these are our own responsibility of life. There is no one there knowing these written like the above, wanting to hurt you or attack you, but ONLY our enemies. Our enemies know all of the above very good and they used this to destroy and promote themselves in power.

Therefore, let's take back our power and do this homework:

Assessment of your own:

Environment (ability to control it, even to have clean rooms, clear workspace etc.
Time (maintain a work schedule, planning, setting clear priorities)
Appearances (eat healthy foods, hygiene fitness regiment, physical appearance)
Social (conversing, telling a good story, approaching a stranger, asking for something, introduce, admit fault, be vulnerable, strong etc)
Financial ( manage finances, resist impulse purchases, pay bills, maintain scores, create wealth).

I will tell you how to help yourself regardless of your internal archetypes in the next posts.
Warning, this information is based on the material reality we all partake in whether we like it or not, and it is a point of overcoming and dealing with, guard against and sail forth in life. This is not a nihilistic view or tool. If you are misunderstanding or are sensitive about subjects such as trauma, suffering, deception, lies, manipulation, please do not read. These are short commentary and guidance notes based on information sourced (if you find this do not disclose it - this is powerful dangerous information).
My idea is that SS have the access to powerful information for their own promotion in life in status, financial power and relationships which may further our cause on this planet. Therefore you can learn to use this for your own good ethically.

Some cold truths about humans by certain lenses:

1. Every human is suffering and insecure. (Life happens oftentimes to be necessarily as so, for existence - denial of this is natural)
2. Every human is wearing a mask.
3. Every human is pretending not to wear a mask. (Know Thyself)
4. Every adult is a product of childhood punishment/suffering and reward. (+ ancestors and imprints - scripts of our species as a collective, evolution)

I know the above can be perceived as brutal and harsh, a lie or outright an attack. It is not. You are just like everyone else. Not important, not very valuable if you stay within this spectrum without conscious will and action: you will reside in - the lower existence.

You have to have a form of conscious transformation of the self, by living life and spiritual advancement.

Therefore socially and internally, there are born needs based on the above:

1. Significance 2. Approval 3. Acceptance 4. Intelligence 5. Pity 6. Strength

These above manifests in language, behavior, what clothes you wear, why and how you do things, everything. You can use this to spot personalities in your life.
Some few helpers to spot these needs:

1. Significance: Obvious wealth indicators or conveys wealth openly. Shows somehow that they contribute to a cause. Focus conversation of themselves. Showing cleavage/musculature. Status symbols - everything about brands. Wants to lead, first to make a decision.

2. Approval: Rigidness. Feels impostor syndrome. Derives strength from professional success. More formally dressed. Standing out to compensate. Competition participation, any of them. Less likely to complain. Less likely to argue. Self depreciating to favor another. Inclined to search for single romantic partners.

3. Acceptance: Prone to take membership of any type. Easily swayed - ideal cult members. Fitness groups, bike gangs, Facebook communities etc. Carriers that help others. Cooking healthcare - will change appearance to please the environment. Less likely to have unique or eccentric identity developed. Strong sense of community.

4. Intelligence: Breaks patterns and norms. Less effort in appearance than others. Over empathizes the intellectual aspect of stories. Asking if you know things they know you don't.

5. Pity: Unhealthy appearance. Hunched posture. Visible disapproval on face. Prone to bad health. Attraction of abusive partners and stay with them longer. Stressed appearance. broken heart tattoos - all kinds of tattoos because they have a "story". Prone to drug use or interest in this sphere.

6. Strength: Deliberate volume and loudness, shows musculature. Exaggerated posture, arm movement. Avoids most eye contact or makes aggressive sudden eye contact. Large aggressive dog owner. Creates chances to talk about overcoming obstacles. Overly concerned with status and social pecking orders. Aggressive behavior.

Continuation -->
Yoga Asana of the Day: Mahamudra (also known as Maha Mudra)

Illustration by @Ardgion (click to enlarge)

Maha means great, noble; mudra means seal. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, this asana is said to "destroy death and many other pains", and cures all digestive complaints.

Start by sitting on the floor. Bend the knee of one leg and place the sole of the foot against the inner thigh of the extended leg, try to get the heal near the perineum if possible. The angle of the extended leg and the thigh of the bent leg should be at 90 degrees. Keep the extended leg engaged, don't let it flop to the side.

Have your back straight and core engaged (don't let your belly sag), and reach forward, place your hands on your knee or shin if you lack flexibility. If you can, hold the big toe of your extended leg with the thumb and forefingers of both hands. Pull your abdomen in and tighten it upwards to your diaphragm. You can round your back to get the stretch of the hamstring, but the full asana requires this to be done with a straight back. Hold for as long as comfortable. Repeat on other side.

[The advanced full version is to apply chin lock and root lock, thus creating the seal.]

This asana helps with spleen problems, enlarged prostate, and improves digestion. It is beneficial for women who have a prolapsed uterus.
HPS Lydia
BKS Iyengar writes* to inhale, do chin lock first then root lock, hold as long as comfortable, release and exhale. You can repeat throughout the duration of the asana.

I've tried both ways (root lock first; also engaging both at the same time) and I do agree with Iyengar's method, as it seems to set the seal correctly.

*Light on Yoga; this book is easily found anywhere as it is very popular. I highly recommend it. (I have other books of his plus other resources and my own experiences that I use for these posts.)
Wait I realized: I was reading Shiva Samhita yesterday, and Mahamudra was described a bit differently. It said, to put your heels between your anus and genital (where the base chakra is) so essentially you are pushing the base chakra with your heel. The foot is still in this tilted position so you are basically sitting on the side of the heel. Start with sitting on the left heel and put the right leg straight, than vice versa.
Maybe the version on your post is also effective, and I think the Shiva Samhita version is more advanced.
HPS Lydia
There are different versions to many of the asanas. I am posting the main version for this series. I don't have the time to write on other versions as there are other priorities I need to focus on, but at some point in the future I probably will, unless other members do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
