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Many people have this problem.
Have you ever made a mental movie? Maybe while listening to a romantic song, you imagined some scene where you were spending time with who you wished was your partner, during adolescence it happens often, and then you fantasized about it again and again involved with the music in your headphones?

If you think about it what you visualized there was really more than just a little pyramid. So what does this limitation that you are experiencing depend on? On the hemisphere you are using to visualize. You don't ask yourself if while you are fantasizing about your first kiss you are visualizing well, is that color just the right shade, are you seeing it well? Maybe we should remark a little bit on the twisted brightness of the thing, etc., etc. No, that stuff is just all left hemisphere stuff.

Fantasizing, the music itself. It's right hemisphere. When you try to visualize you take it seriously, and that automatically leads you to think that since meditation is a serious thing, we have to ask ourselves if we are doing it right. But this is false. Rest assured that if you do something in itself it just works. Of course it may always work better as you progress. But it works.

We use the term visualize when we imagine a body chakra to indicate that that is not just a fantasy, but the chakra is really there. But what you have to do is not visualize the body chakra, but fantasize about the body chakra. Yes, by doing that you will be able to visualize it.

The chakra is really there obviously, the human mind is connected with the universal mind and can direct the energy of which the ether of this universe is made up. Even if you don't see this energy with your eyes, but just visualize it, or even only feel it at the level of physical sensation, the energy moves. Of course precise meditations require precise visualizations or sensations, but basically managing energy is naturally part of what the power of the mind can do. So there's no use worrying about it too much.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." -Satan

Satan doesn't want war between us. Love each other, praise each other, accept each other because every member of the family must be respected.
We have been fighting a war for years and to find true peace we need unity among ourselves.

Hail Temple of Zeus!
Hail dear brothers and sisters!

"I don't know why you think that committing suicide will change your life today or in subsequent reincarnations as if it were "an option to consider," but it won't. It will make your eternal situation worse in the next lives even by a lot because the birth chart you will be reincarnated with (the state of your soul) will be a direct consequence of the life you are doing today.

People do not understand what HPS Maxine Dietrich meant when she explained that suicide must be a last resort. The only real circumstance in which suicide is okay and indeed recommended is when you are in a situation where you are suffering in anticipation of death and not suffering during a lifetime.

An example is euthanasia. Or being captured in a Russian lagher where they torture you to death until you collapse and actually die. In these cases it is really suicide that is the only option. In all others I can guarantee you that suicide harms you far more in terms of suffering than staying alive in this way"

- from a reply of mine under a topic

Look at him:

He will help you because of this:
I made this image in honor of our beloved Goddess Astarte. She has helped me with so many things since I joined this path, and I can't thank her enough. Hail Astarte!!


(the one above was upscaled with AI, this is the original: https://ibb.co/JP9Vs2X )

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
