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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanist family,

This year all of us have been blessed with a stronger, more formidable, more advanced, more ready Joy of Satan. It is very moving to observe all these developments we have been achieving as a community, together.

In this time of the year it's also very important to contemplate the notion of family. Sometimes, family is the people that are close to us, material family. That family can be good, very good, or even non present. Our duty as Satanists is to keep in mind the underlying value of all this life around us.

But also, the important family that we have is our spiritual family. That one is of value that transcends time itself. People that understand us, people that we develop with, people with whom we have a common vision. We must also not forget, that all of us are parts of the family of the Gods and Satan's family.

We grow in this family; family means protection, love, order, a knowledge in the secure element of our existence as we grow spiritually. Family here means blessings. You will see this reflected in the schedule. Family is also to where you can finally relax for a moment. Yes, the world constantly pushes us. But in the protection Satan's wings, there is place for us all.

So to everyone in the Spiritual Satanic family, all those who are new, all those who are doing their work to grow Spiritual Satanism, all those who contributed, even those who are not here now, I wish to you all the most beautiful holidays. Except of Yule cookies and other warm moments, it's important to do your best to approve in your hearts the warmth, love and protection of the Gods.

Below, I am posting a New Ritual, and a small schedule. This Ritual is about Lord Set, the King of Darkness. Set is known as one of the Sons of Father Satan. The reason on why this release happens after Amon Ra, is that Amon Ra is symbolic of the power of the light; Set is symbolic of the power of the darkness. Both are beautiful and essential for existence to continue, each power to it's own role. We in Spiritual Satanism, approve the nature of both, and we see the noble element in both of these powers.

May Set bring all of you close to Him in these holy days for Spiritual Satanism, where the "Largest Night" is approaching.

Of course, after this, Father Satan will be celebrated as every year, where we praise our beloved God for All that He is. Every next year, words fail me more and more to describe Satan's greatness and how this path helped me this year. The growth is too impressive to explain; maybe in the future I will explain more and more.

Yet, I feel like what matters to Father Satan, is that we bring in front of Him an alive, growing, powerful community - stronger every year. Spread to more Nations per year. With more wise people per year. With more beings who found out they have a soul, each next year.

I can only thank Satan, but how can I truly thank Him for all He has done? All the world could be given to Him and still it wouldn't be enough. While Father Satan requires nothing, He shows us the path of appreciation, giving, receiving, justice. All our works and efforts are therefore given in one word: Appreciation. We appreciate Father Satan and the Gods, and we must show this to them.

So to everyone here, I wish all of us a Happy Solstice, for this year, and for a thousand years. Be blessed family of the Gods.

Below is the Schedule.

20. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
21. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
22. SET'S POWER RITUAL - SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
23. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
24. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist

Below are the links to the Rituals.

Set's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Set_Power_Ritual.html
Set's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/set-power-ritual

Satan's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html
Satan's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual

Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/community-blessing-for-every-spiritual-satanist
I am glad that there is a ritual to Lord Set. He is one of my favorite Gods.
I am proud to walk with my brothers and sisters on this path that Satan and the Gods have showed us. May the Gods bless you!

The influence of Joy of Satan, which grows stronger every year, will be manifested throughout the world. Spiritual Satanism will become known to everyone. I thank all my brothers and sisters who are doing all they can for this.

I would also like to thank High Priest HoodedCobra for his relentless hard work over the years!

Happy Yule!

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!
Sonne said:
I am proud to walk with my brothers and sisters on this path that Satan and the Gods have showed us. May the Gods bless you!

The influence of Joy of Satan, which grows stronger every year, will be manifested throughout the world. Spiritual Satanism will become known to everyone. I thank all my brothers and sisters who are doing all they can for this.

I would also like to thank High Priest HoodedCobra for his relentless hard work over the years!

Happy Yule!

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!

We have to state here that Set is also parallel with Loki in Norse mythology, and that He is the master of darkness and the serpent power. That's very important to write here in case anyone has been wondering. Satan is parallel with Odin in Norse Mythology.

Our Gods assume these roles to teach us about the universe, and to give us the incentive and guidance to tap into their powers to grow ourselves to become like them. May the Gods see to it that we are always able to do and manifest more.

Thank you for the kind words about the JoS first and foremost, but also for myself. It means a lot to hear a good word and some feedback.

I reassure everyone: That's only the beginning.

May everyone enjoy this Ritual!
Hail Satan and Merry Yuletide! Also material gifts and wealth are grade, but spiritual wealth and knowledge and wisdom is perhaps the greatest gifts that Fuxi/Odin - Father Satan and his Gods have given to me ever since leaving dumphole Xianity.

8-9 months ago I needed someone very much. I missed him a lot. I had some feelings for him.
One night everything was going very badly. I was crying.
I felt a strong attraction to talk to Lord Sitri.
I think she is a bit wiser about these things.

I engraved your seal in my mind. I chanted your beautiful name several times. And suddenly my whole being was shaken. My vision changed. It was as if I was in another dimension. In my hallucination, the woman gently placed her bag beside me. She held my hand so tightly that I can remember that moment even now. She slowly leaned towards me. As if kissing me on the forehead. That's when the hallucination ended. It was so real. I can even see the shadow her eyelashes cast over her eyes.

It was a great moment.

He has always helped me a lot in my difficult times. Thank you, Lord Sitri.

He always has a special place for me. And I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

Your miracles are always with me.

It was a wonderful and powerful ritual. Thank you for sharing it.

But there is a question I want to ask. What are the 144 laws?
this year, the path to growing positively in my work was blocked for months, but even so, it didn't stop me from becoming stronger spiritually than ever, and i still managed to make an exceptional impact on myself.
in 2024 i’m going to spit fire and shine brighter than the sun.

i’ve never been so strong and i’ve never achieved things like this year, it's going to be interesting.


Hail eternally Set, our Protector! May you rise forever!
Beautiful sermon! It has certainly moved me to tears!
I'm looking forward to doing the rituals for today!
Set's spiritual lineage in Egypt is a complicated thing to unravel, and requires very deft perception of the literal and the spiritual. One thing modern historians often fail to understand in their translation of Ancient Text is, oftentimes, something can have more than one meaning. The use of a metaphor in one context does not prevent the apparent meaning of another. Set's "trickery" and relationship with Horus is an important, often misunderstood mytheme with a considerable amount in common with the Norse Loki or the Hindu Agni (both being words commonly linked to flame, more on that in a moment).

Perhaps even more importantly, it's important to regard Set's long association with Apep/Apophis, also known to Typhon to the Greeks. You'll see in any depiction that Apep is shown as a knotted serpent, and Loki himself, in day-to-day Norse thinking, is often considered the trickster who causes frustrating knots in ropes, string and so on. Again, is the myth of the bondage of Loki, where he is tied in knots and there lies a venomous serpent above his head.

Of course, within Egyptian theology, Set's place lies at the front of Ra's Solar Barge, particularly during the night as it travels down into the Underworld, where it is preyed upon by the aforementioned dark serpent Apep. Set fends it off with fiery lightning, sending Apep and his chaos back into the dark. If you're noticing another mytheme here, that would be Zeus' great battle with Typhon. The Storm God versus the Serpent is perhaps the most common repeating mytheme across all of Indo-Aryan-European theology, and that's blatantly a result of it being representative of the Kundalini's state and powers.

Again, Apep/Apophis/Typhon is an important symbolic aspect within Pagan spirituality. That being said, things can have more than one meaning, particularly for the common folk, who naturally tended to view things in a more literal sense than the learned Priesthood. For instance, there was an annual festival in Egypt that involved spitting on, cursing and burning the likeness of Apep, as Apep was commonly considered to be the bringer of chaos, darkness, poison (see above with Loki), disease, and so on. Even the dead were buried with spells to protect them from Apep during their transition to the afterlife. Obviously, through the spiritual lens, this festival was more to do with the purification of dross from the soul, and it goes without saying these ritualistic actions were done in tandem with meditation, prayers, chanting and so forth.

It's important to note that, for many Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in the later BCE and AD years, it became common thought to associate the Jewish Yahweh with Apep/Apophis/Typhon outright. Antiochus IV Epiphanes wrote this himself, during his struggle to stamp out Jewish cursework on the gentile nations. It's important for us, now, not to take this so literally, however, we also must understand the why of it. For the Ancient folk, who saw their own native Gods reflected in those belonging to other worldly Gentiles, one must truly understand the mindset involved for so many Ancients to refer to the God of Israel and its people as "The Apep". This was simply unheard of otherwise, as it was a smearing reserved for no other racial group. This was a shorthand way of attributing the mythological aspects of Apep to Yahweh, that being, to refer to it as a "God" and a people of ruin, disease, darkness, and horror, of the lowest, grossest material aspects of reality.

As a note, for any who have seen the image do the rounds and have always wondered why. There's a famous picture, drawn by a Pagan Rome, depicting Jewsus as an anthropomorphic donkey getting crucified, as a means of mocking Christian kind. In fact, there's actually quite a number of denigrating images doing the same, though people never actually seemed to understand why so I'll explain here. Put simply, Typhon in Greek and Roman thought was considered a chimeric monster. Part serpent, yes, but also part other things. Principally, he was often portrayed as a monstrous, mutated donkey. This was why, in turn, Yahweh and Jewsus was portrayed as such, as it was a way in common thought to refer to Christians and Jews as worshipers of chaos and ruin. Indeed, wherever Abrahamic religion thrives, entropy sets in, people devolve, disease, poison and pollution spreads.

Set-Agni-Loki, through their various aspects, are seen as a bringer of purifying flame. Set, in particular, is of the scorching red desert of Egypt. At the front of Ra's Solar Boat, he fights the Apep, for he knows the darkness and has no fear of it. Even if we are dealing with symbolic concepts here, there is still a very literal truth afoot. That we can trust in Set to thrust his spear through the heart of the false god of Israel, and hasten its ultimate demise and obliteration back into formless, etheric chaos.

Hail Set.
May everyone in our Satanic family be blessed! This has been a most transformative year for me, and I cannot thank the Gods enough for everything they've done for me.

Keep the Gods in your hearts, and you will never be alone. Walk this path cincerely and you will know eternal joy.

Hail Satan! Hail Set!
I love father Satan! Thank you so much for these enlightening posts that you provide. It means the world to me what you and everyone here does and fights for. I see more and more truths as I follow this path and I’m beginning to realise.. this is the true path.

I wish and bless all of you! I love you! I love Satan! And I love bune!

I really mean this. Thank you!!!
I'm just tired after work, the ritual is not longer. It's a great honour to get to meet and know Lord Set.

I like to meditate and memorise the Sigil. Etch it into the mind.

And the Iron Crosses show exactly how they are the shape of the soul and energy up takers.

As they are linked from the botton. They are totally arrows pointing inwards. In my tired state it's easier to see the arrow than the whole Iron Cross. Like chakras pointing inwards the arrows pointing in.

Great Sigil and as already mentioned, it's an honour to be here.
Thank you HP, I'm prouder than ever to be a Spiritual Satanist and brother among you all!

To cap this year with these powerful rituals focused on Father Satan and Set, truly a blessing of the highest proportions.

I thank you and everyone on these forums that do their work to keep the Joy of Satan strong, both materially and spiritually.

Happy Yule-tide everyone! And HAIL SATAN!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanist family,

This year all of us have been blessed with a stronger, more formidable, more advanced, more ready Joy of Satan. It is very moving to observe all these developments we have been achieving as a community, together.

In this time of the year it's also very important to contemplate the notion of family. Sometimes, family is the people that are close to us, material family. That family can be good, very good, or even non present. Our duty as Satanists is to keep in mind the underlying value of all this life around us.

But also, the important family that we have is our spiritual family. That one is of value that transcends time itself. People that understand us, people that we develop with, people with whom we have a common vision. We must also not forget, that all of us are parts of the family of the Gods and Satan's family.

We grow in this family; family means protection, love, order, a knowledge in the secure element of our existence as we grow spiritually. Family here means blessings. You will see this reflected in the schedule. Family is also to where you can finally relax for a moment. Yes, the world constantly pushes us. But in the protection Satan's wings, there is place for us all.

So to everyone in the Spiritual Satanic family, all those who are new, all those who are doing their work to grow Spiritual Satanism, all those who contributed, even those who are not here now, I wish to you all the most beautiful holidays. Except of Yule cookies and other warm moments, it's important to do your best to approve in your hearts the warmth, love and protection of the Gods.

Below, I am posting a New Ritual, and a small schedule. This Ritual is about Lord Set, the King of Darkness. Set is known as one of the Sons of Father Satan. The reason on why this release happens after Amon Ra, is that Amon Ra is symbolic of the power of the light; Set is symbolic of the power of the darkness. Both are beautiful and essential for existence to continue, each power to it's own role. We in Spiritual Satanism, approve the nature of both, and we see the noble element in both of these powers.

May Set bring all of you close to Him in these holy days for Spiritual Satanism, where the "Largest Night" is approaching.

Of course, after this, Father Satan will be celebrated as every year, where we praise our beloved God for All that He is. Every next year, words fail me more and more to describe Satan's greatness and how this path helped me this year. The growth is too impressive to explain; maybe in the future I will explain more and more.

Yet, I feel like what matters to Father Satan, is that we bring in front of Him an alive, growing, powerful community - stronger every year. Spread to more Nations per year. With more wise people per year. With more beings who found out they have a soul, each next year.

I can only thank Satan, but how can I truly thank Him for all He has done? All the world could be given to Him and still it wouldn't be enough. While Father Satan requires nothing, He shows us the path of appreciation, giving, receiving, justice. All our works and efforts are therefore given in one word: Appreciation. We appreciate Father Satan and the Gods, and we must show this to them.

So to everyone here, I wish all of us a Happy Solstice, for this year, and for a thousand years. Be blessed family of the Gods.

Below is the Schedule.

20. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
21. SET'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
22. SET'S POWER RITUAL - SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
23. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist
24. SATAN'S POWER RITUAL, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist

Below are the links to the Rituals.

Set's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Set_Power_Ritual.html
Set's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/set-power-ritual

Satan's Ritual - classic page style - https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html
Satan's Ritual - new page style - https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/satan-absolution-ritual

Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist - https://josrituals.org/ritual/blessing/community-blessing-for-every-spiritual-satanist

The very good ritual!

After the ritual, I suddenly lost the worries that I felt today for obvious reasons, which I am now solving in my personal life!
This particular year was an explosion of development for me. Sounds repetitive being grateful to our Gods and Goddesses, but one must not take for granted what we have and why we are here.
Despite what everyone and everything around you in modern times preach, it's truly a great time to be alive, we have something that people before us never could.
To our spiritual family, thanks for all your efforts and hard work. This was a marvelous spiritual year.
May Father Satan bestow his blessings to all his warriors on these important days!
Bipolar Bear said:
Just a quick question, should SATANAS AENAOS and SITRI be vibrated letter by letter or just as single words?

As whole words, don't stress the pronunciation very much.

Hellenic SS said:
After a series of RTRs, we deserve to unwind and enjoy Yule. This is what is beautiful about Spiritual Satanism and the JoS in general; we fight with all our passion and we enjoy life with all of our heart.

Of course, no more warfare, the Rituals here are for blessing and relaxation, to get in tune with the Gods and relax.

Personal Growth said:
I'm just tired after work, the ritual is not longer. It's a great honour to get to meet and know Lord Set.

I like to meditate and memorise the Sigil. Etch it into the mind.

And the Iron Crosses show exactly how they are the shape of the soul and energy up takers.

As they are linked from the botton. They are totally arrows pointing inwards. In my tired state it's easier to see the arrow than the whole Iron Cross. Like chakras pointing inwards the arrows pointing in.

Great Sigil and as already mentioned, it's an honour to be here.

No worries, happens to everyone once in a while. Enjoy the Ritual. Glad you liked it.
Always so inspirational HP HC!

Thank you for everything brother. A true brother you are. Happy Yuletide!
The energies of Amon Ra and Set are really overwhelming. They are enormous.
Lord Set's ritual sounds looks like a subtle war against the enemies of the Gods and a continuous one at that.
What is the nature of the "darkness" that Set rules over? I have of course heard that darkness is light turned inside out but what exactly is the nature of this and its "role" while I of course don't doubt the necessity of it or the greatness and nobility of Set and I will do the power ritual regardless but I must admit I am ignorant of the "dark" if light is power and represents a higher vibrational frequency then what is dark and how does it tie into the nature of ourselves I would like to know more of this "noble element" as to be honest I have scanned the JoS and when it comes to darkness I seem to get a bit more confused and it seems an appropriate time to learn, is the darkness more akin to the more "physical" nature of our reality or is it something else entirely?
Hail Set!
Hail Satan!
Just did the ritual for Lord Set, his energy is so relaxing I was feeling a lot of anxiety today and it really helped, a very strong auric sensation around my head.
Hail Set!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Of course, no more warfare, the Rituals here are for blessing and relaxation, to get in tune with the Gods and relax.

If you don't wish to post this or feel it's confidential and you don't want to say anything don't reveal information Just ignore this post MOD/HP and throw it away if feel it's too much.

But are we gonna return to 6th Generational Spiritual Warfare around March?

You've mentioned before the RIR/RKR(Islamic/Koranic) rituals. March starts Ramadan on the 11th funny enough one of my Dec. 9th anti-negative karmic rituals ends on the 11th for 90-days.

We are currently in a Sitzkrieg rearming and fortifying ourselves and bringing the Gods/Goddesses hands down unto the Earth i.e. blessings and consecrations. But are we gonna return to spiritual warfare at that point?

BTW HP.Cobra the next time we perform FATSJD(Triple RTR). Are you gonna lower the threshold of repeats?

I noticed back around just before the coof era you mentioned we do 3-5 FRTR rep ranges or 27-45. 9x3 - to - 9x5 so 27-45reps. You mentioned once that might change but for now 9 x 3/5. We might only have to do 9-18 or 9 x 1 or 9 x 2.

Are we going to perform rituals at a lesser range because the bell is vibrating out and letting the ringing out?

For those who don't understand. We've been fighting almost non-stop for 9 years straight since 2014 not everyone participates some people stagger a long things happen lots of things.

But HP.Cobra mentioned the [BELL] allegory. We strike the bell with so many pings and heavy strikes and so much as the striker moves around it hits more internally. The Bell is like an external and internal mechanism the striker and our strikes and the movement of the bell ringing around.

Every strike generates or degenerates a reality depending on the Gods will now that we are letting the bell ring it's affecting reality for differences in reality. We've literally like I said been at this since 2014. So it's a long time coming. Our rituals from the past even the Runic rituals from our pre-RTR ritual is still popping off and we only had about 2,000 people striking out. Look at the Vatican just recently embezzlement scam from a potential Pope.

Anyways Happy Yule but honestly holidays always feel sad and I hate celebrating holidays. Happy holidays and yet everyone is miserable it bothers me deeply that people feel these times as contemplation for negativity.

Anyways I leave this video from an AI made video there is no way this is by hand. The guitar can be played but I doubt it. it's Black Metal/Doom metal hybrid without vocals so no death screams.


I know it's not Set it's Lilith but I'm sure the Gods would be pleased by this depiction the AIs really nail the Gods right.

I hope Set gets made into a AI video with the literal and allegorical properties.
Thank you so much for this ritual, it have a lot of new things to learn on it, like this runes combintions that you havent use before.

Hail Satan!
Hail Set!
This rituals are a blessing. I know when eventually we get Asmodeus ritual I will spam it.
I admire him greatly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
