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Your Value and Importance as a Satanist


New member
Apr 8, 2021
Hello to all my Satanic brothers and Sisters!, it's been a very long time since I've reached out to the forum community and took part in any discussions herein. I have been around the entire time despite my silence, reading your beautiful sermons, taking part in each scheduled Reverse Torah and prior.

I feel very compelled to reach out to you all, I feel as though some particular words need to be heard and felt today by some of you, as I myself needed to hear them at a point in my life as well. I need to stress upon each and every single one of you how incredible, important, valued, and loved you all are. I do not say this lightly, we have all experienced the over-use of the word love, and how poisoned it has become by jews and their programs like xtianity. I say this with immense sincerity, that I love each and every one of my Brother and Sister Satanists here fighting and struggling to identify themselves and their place in this war. You are more valuable than I can possibly articulate. Amongst the 7.5 billion gentiles walking the earth at this exact moment, you stand as an impossible outlier against everything the jews, greys, reptilians and all of Satan's enemies have ever done to thwart you. You were born into this world, ignorant and vulnerable. You had to claw for the truth, dig against the infinite number of nets designed to catch you and keep you from the truth, yet here you are and here you stand.

To each and every Satanist on this board I say to you, you are a shining golden beacon for all gentiles to stride towards. You are the indomitable spirit of the Gods of Duat manifest on this Earth to bring forth justice and destroy the rotten. Not because it is easy, gods know this to be the truth. But because you stand for Justice, you stand for life, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of prosperity and happiness for not only every gentile on Earth, but every single organism we stewards protect and care for here. The path that each and every single one of you walk down is a road filled to the brim with obstacles designed to trip and slow you down, but here you are, defiant, alive, brave and ready to do what must be done for the sanctity of our gentile races and all that is good and right within our minds, bodies and souls.

I feel your pain my Brothers and Sisters, as you look upon our fellow gentiles who are without the gods. Watching them falling to many jewish lies and deceit knowing full well the errors they are making and wishing more than anything you could spare them from serving themselves to slavery, destruction and death. The older you grow as a Satanist in this world you will discover that a certain level of shielding your mind is needed to cope with this. For the good majority of us here, (I cannot speak for us all obviously) we live two lives. The real and profound life as a Satanist, and the mask you must wear during your daily activities to "fit in" with the gentiles who are ignorant to Lord Satan and the gods/goddesses. I believe it was jokingly but not inaccurately compared to the life of a "Super Hero". By day, fitting in for survival and hiding your associations out of intelligence, safety and personal protection. And by night getting to be free and true to yourself, as a Satanist and steward of Earth. Fighting not just crime for humanity, but the literal manifestation of filth, destruction, ruination and quite frankly evil. As a Satanist we know that the universe is simply filled with actions and reactions, that "technically" speaking their is no 'real evil' and 'real good', these are concepts for close minded individuals that desperately need to assign morality to the universe. But in contrast to this statement, and read these words carefully please, their is no greater evil in this universe than Lord Satan's enemies and the enemies of the gods of Duat as a whole.

We don't need exposed to some hokey plot device to acquire some explicit super power, nor do we dawn capes and tights, but make no mistake that as a Spiritual Satanist, you are the living, real manifestation of a true super hero on Earth. You set aside your ego, identity, associations to maintain this state of anonymity so that you can continue to fight for justice. Real Justice, Lord Satan's justice. Believe me when I say I feel your immense pain and burden in doing this. As gentiles and Father Satan's children, as social creatures, we were not designed to have to live two lives. It is unhealthy and damaging, in the long term, for a gentile to be forced to have to maintain this absolute secrecy in the midst of his fellow men and women. But this is the burden we bear, those who have served the gods consistently, without fail know this heartache and emotional devastation better than anyone. But we all know it in our own ways, from our own spiritual journey forward to advancement within our souls and our continued contributions.

It may sound rather pale coming from just one single of your Brothers here, but let me personally thank you, thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart for enduring this ceaseless emotional and mental torment. Bless you, my brothers and sisters for going through this pain and continuing to fight for the Gods of Duat and our Almighty Father Satan. No gentile of humanity deserves to be exposed to the dual torment of fighting for what you love in secret for what you love and protect, against what you love and protect. But Gods bless you all, you continue to do it anyways. If you are reading this here and now, you have sorted yourself from the grain of humanity and have been found to be mighty solid oak trees. Not only did you have the courage to give your loyalty to the gods whose images were blasphemed to make us fear and avoid them, but you had the willpower to continue marching with them against all the turmoil your fellow gentiles threw against you, FOR THEIR BENEFIT. So bless you, bless you all from the bottom of my heart and the entirety of every iota of energy in my soul, bless you for marching on.

This sacrifice you are making here today, and tomorrow and the next is absolutely, 100% not in vain. NOR will this go on and on and on forever. Yes, we have made indescribable progress but the war is not yet over. We have lanced this jewish parasite with the Final RtR, and it squirms in its death throes, but it is not dead and this war is not yet over, and if given the chance this jewish parasite will attempt to wriggle off your mighty blade and strike you again. So continue on with your fervor and might, indomitable Satanists of the Gods of Duat. Deliver this pathetic jewish race a death blow with your continued spiritual contributions and the bombshell that is the Final Reverse Torah. And know this!, with immense comfort and joy I tell all of you, we know, this war here on Earth WILL COME TO AND END.

There will be a day of radiance, joy, prosperity and unimaginable new knowledge and advancement for each and every one of you here, and the whole of gentile humanity. You will know a day of rest, a life of peace, of relaxation for those that chose and deserve it. Free from the torment of the jewish scum, greys, and reptilians here on Earth. I know you see it in the corners of the mind's eye, our distant but inevitably glorious future here on Earth. Free to reach godhead at our own individual paces, unhampered by lies and assaults of the enemy. It is coming, and when that day does arrive you will be able to breath such a phenomenal sigh of relief from all the anguish you fought and tore through to save our gentile humanity, to save the very caste of all life on this planet from certain enslavement and death.

So look to the future with joy in your hearts and minds my brothers and sisters. Know that every single day you contribute with the Final RtR, you bring Lord Satan's paradise unto Earth that much closer. Each, and every Final RtR, you move our chess pieces towards this eventuality. See it and feel it each time you do. Visualize it as a source of power in your workings and I guarantee you will find it to be a well of unlimited determination to carry forward.

This now, should bear a greater importance as to why maintaining yourself is so absolutely critical, not only for yourself, but for the whole of humanity. This is why every experienced Satanist will tell you the importance of;
1.) Performing your aura of protection daily
2.) Cleaning your soul of negative energy daily

Visualize if you will, the greys and kikes and reptilians for a moment. How desperately they desire to see you fail. They are weak, pathetic, hopeless beings that cannot possibly hold a candle to you or the Gods of Duat. So why do they try?, because they take advantage of areas of neglect. It has been their entire motive of operation since the start, to exploit the knowledge of individuals who are without. Performing your aura of protection shields you completely from their pathetic attempts to halt your progress. Cleaning your soul of negative energy gives you your REAL MIND and DETERMINATION unclouded from their forced pessimistic thoughts. Keep the door and vault to your soul locked tight with your aura of protection, your shield. Keep your soul clean and bright as the sun to hear only your true internal voice, and the invaluable advice of Lord Satan and the gods/goddesses. An unprotected soul and a dirty soul is the only weapon that this dying tapeworm called the jew has left against you. See it now, their paper sword for what it is, they cannot fight the Satanist who raises his shield and cleans himself, and without that vulnerability they stand shivering in terror, watching helplessly as you rip and tear their slavery and agenda into pieces before them.

As a final topic, and I commend you if you're still here reading through this, I know it was rather lengthy and I apologize, a word of advice to my Brother and Sister Satanists out there who begrudge or bare guilt in your heart and soul from your own personal errors and faults. If you are walking this path now in Satanism it is because you are extremely unforgiving to misjustice and wrong-doings. It is the conviction and drive of a Satanist to bring forth justice, and many of us do this now with such fury and passion. However, what happens when you yourself are to blame personally? I know many of you here may have crossed this road, angry because truth be told, a problem arose not directly from the enemy but perhaps a personal choice or decision you made against your better judgement or in ignorance. You have probably felt then, your own sword turn inwards on you. The anger and sadness of bearing condemnation on yourself for a personal failure. It's awful to feel, truly, but you are not alone. Look upon the longevity of some of the Gods of Duat's lifespans. 100,000's of years? Possibly even more?, now compare that to just this lifetime you are living right now. A handful of decades. Do you owe the universe the right to come into this world and to know EXACTLY what to do automatically? Do you owe the Gods of Duat eternal forgiveness for acting in ignorance or failing? Falling in error is commonplace. I hate to break it to you. Some of us avoid it expertly by following guidelines of advancement the Gods have paved for us to prevent errors, but still it can and does occur. If you recognize that you have done something in error, then you have already won half the battle against it. Understanding a fault, allows you to identify it, and then take better measures the next time around to avoid it. In a perfect world it would be lovely if it only took one mistake for some of us to learn this lesson, however often is the case in treading in new and unknown territory we are subject to making mistakes. Do not rend yourself, please my beautiful family, for your past and any failures you might have committed. Imagine if you need too, Satan's enemies rubbing their greasy hands in delight as a Satanist defeats himself in shame. No. Not you stewards of Earth. It is time to learn forgiveness within yourself. How do you think the masses of humanity someday in the distant future would respond to hearing about such a trivial error you committed while trying to save humanity and serve Lord Satan. You think they will balk at the only gentiles that stood above the rest and did what must be done? Of course not. So why should you beat yourself into oblivion over it? You need not. The only sin, truly, is ignorance. If you do something in ignorance, learn from it, forgive yourself, and move forward in the direction you know to be true. Do not do the filthy kikes job for him in trying to defeat yourself, we have enough enemies on the astral and Earth and YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE YOUR OWN ENEMY TOO. Life is full of trials and errors, grow stronger from them, not weaker. It is ok to have once been weak, this is a normal state for all things that grow into strength, but do not remain in weakness. Always strive to push past it and into the future, your future and humanities.

I hope this finds all you beautiful souls well who needed to read this. I tend to ramble but I will try to use my personal experience again in the near future to reach out and just advise in my own way, what is already being strongly advised here by some of the most Legendary Satanists/ High Priests/Priestesses to ever tread this path. Continue onward specifically as the Reverse Torah Schedule here asks of you. Do not try to be an independent soldier firing blindly your own bullets at your own targets, add your fuel and energy to what everyone here is doing collectively with the Final Reverse Torah and schedule. Like a focused laser, and displace the jewish parasite (spiritually, legally) off Lord Satan's world once and for all. Protect and clean yourself so you can never be deterred from this. My deepest love and appreciation to all of you here fighting, for eternity. For the Kingdom of the South!
I also thank you for your service to the cause. We have gone beyond the point to care about every single individual. Its only about the real ride or die Satanists who matter. And other people indirectly helping our side. Everyone has to make a choice to make in this life. Its either us or the enemy, now that the war is coming to the material plane.

History is written by victors.
Jack said:
I also thank you for your service to the cause. We have gone beyond the point to care about every single individual. Its only about the real ride or die Satanists who matter. And other people indirectly helping our side. Everyone has to make a choice to make in this life.

Very true and real Brother. I felt a strong compulsion to write this, hopefully for the Satanists still sitting on the fence. The ones capable of contributing and helping but refraining from doing so, either out of lazyness or confusion. I hope this stirs the Satanist that have the potential to ride or die but haven't gotten there yet. I know the dangers of being a bleeding heart, and I am to quite an extent.

I hope this post finds the ears of our brothers and sisters here who linger or idle, I hope it stirs a great storm in their hearts.
Andromedus1488 said:
Hello to all my Satanic brothers and Sisters!, it's been a very long time since I've reached out to the forum community and took part in any discussions herein. I have been around the entire time despite my silence, reading your beautiful sermons, taking part in each scheduled Reverse Torah and prior.

I feel very compelled to reach out to you all, I feel as though some particular words need to be heard and felt today by some of you, as I myself needed to hear them at a point in my life as well. I need to stress upon each and every single one of you how incredible, important, valued, and loved you all are. I do not say this lightly, we have all experienced the over-use of the word love, and how poisoned it has become by jews and their programs like xtianity. I say this with immense sincerity, that I love each and every one of my Brother and Sister Satanists here fighting and struggling to identify themselves and their place in this war. You are more valuable than I can possibly articulate. Amongst the 7.5 billion gentiles walking the earth at this exact moment, you stand as an impossible outlier against everything the jews, greys, reptilians and all of Satan's enemies have ever done to thwart you. You were born into this world, ignorant and vulnerable. You had to claw for the truth, dig against the infinite number of nets designed to catch you and keep you from the truth, yet here you are and here you stand.

To each and every Satanist on this board I say to you, you are a shining golden beacon for all gentiles to stride towards. You are the indomitable spirit of the Gods of Duat manifest on this Earth to bring forth justice and destroy the rotten. Not because it is easy, gods know this to be the truth. But because you stand for Justice, you stand for life, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of prosperity and happiness for not only every gentile on Earth, but every single organism we stewards protect and care for here. The path that each and every single one of you walk down is a road filled to the brim with obstacles designed to trip and slow you down, but here you are, defiant, alive, brave and ready to do what must be done for the sanctity of our gentile races and all that is good and right within our minds, bodies and souls.

I feel your pain my Brothers and Sisters, as you look upon our fellow gentiles who are without the gods. Watching them falling to many jewish lies and deceit knowing full well the errors they are making and wishing more than anything you could spare them from serving themselves to slavery, destruction and death. The older you grow as a Satanist in this world you will discover that a certain level of shielding your mind is needed to cope with this. For the good majority of us here, (I cannot speak for us all obviously) we live two lives. The real and profound life as a Satanist, and the mask you must wear during your daily activities to "fit in" with the gentiles who are ignorant to Lord Satan and the gods/goddesses. I believe it was jokingly but not inaccurately compared to the life of a "Super Hero". By day, fitting in for survival and hiding your associations out of intelligence, safety and personal protection. And by night getting to be free and true to yourself, as a Satanist and steward of Earth. Fighting not just crime for humanity, but the literal manifestation of filth, destruction, ruination and quite frankly evil. As a Satanist we know that the universe is simply filled with actions and reactions, that "technically" speaking their is no 'real evil' and 'real good', these are concepts for close minded individuals that desperately need to assign morality to the universe. But in contrast to this statement, and read these words carefully please, their is no greater evil in this universe than Lord Satan's enemies and the enemies of the gods of Duat as a whole.

We don't need exposed to some hokey plot device to acquire some explicit super power, nor do we dawn capes and tights, but make no mistake that as a Spiritual Satanist, you are the living, real manifestation of a true super hero on Earth. You set aside your ego, identity, associations to maintain this state of anonymity so that you can continue to fight for justice. Real Justice, Lord Satan's justice. Believe me when I say I feel your immense pain and burden in doing this. As gentiles and Father Satan's children, as social creatures, we were not designed to have to live two lives. It is unhealthy and damaging, in the long term, for a gentile to be forced to have to maintain this absolute secrecy in the midst of his fellow men and women. But this is the burden we bear, those who have served the gods consistently, without fail know this heartache and emotional devastation better than anyone. But we all know it in our own ways, from our own spiritual journey forward to advancement within our souls and our continued contributions.

It may sound rather pale coming from just one single of your Brothers here, but let me personally thank you, thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart for enduring this ceaseless emotional and mental torment. Bless you, my brothers and sisters for going through this pain and continuing to fight for the Gods of Duat and our Almighty Father Satan. No gentile of humanity deserves to be exposed to the dual torment of fighting for what you love in secret for what you love and protect, against what you love and protect. But Gods bless you all, you continue to do it anyways. If you are reading this here and now, you have sorted yourself from the grain of humanity and have been found to be mighty solid oak trees. Not only did you have the courage to give your loyalty to the gods whose images were blasphemed to make us fear and avoid them, but you had the willpower to continue marching with them against all the turmoil your fellow gentiles threw against you, FOR THEIR BENEFIT. So bless you, bless you all from the bottom of my heart and the entirety of every iota of energy in my soul, bless you for marching on.

This sacrifice you are making here today, and tomorrow and the next is absolutely, 100% not in vain. NOR will this go on and on and on forever. Yes, we have made indescribable progress but the war is not yet over. We have lanced this jewish parasite with the Final RtR, and it squirms in its death throes, but it is not dead and this war is not yet over, and if given the chance this jewish parasite will attempt to wriggle off your mighty blade and strike you again. So continue on with your fervor and might, indomitable Satanists of the Gods of Duat. Deliver this pathetic jewish race a death blow with your continued spiritual contributions and the bombshell that is the Final Reverse Torah. And know this!, with immense comfort and joy I tell all of you, we know, this war here on Earth WILL COME TO AND END.

There will be a day of radiance, joy, prosperity and unimaginable new knowledge and advancement for each and every one of you here, and the whole of gentile humanity. You will know a day of rest, a life of peace, of relaxation for those that chose and deserve it. Free from the torment of the jewish scum, greys, and reptilians here on Earth. I know you see it in the corners of the mind's eye, our distant but inevitably glorious future here on Earth. Free to reach godhead at our own individual paces, unhampered by lies and assaults of the enemy. It is coming, and when that day does arrive you will be able to breath such a phenomenal sigh of relief from all the anguish you fought and tore through to save our gentile humanity, to save the very caste of all life on this planet from certain enslavement and death.

So look to the future with joy in your hearts and minds my brothers and sisters. Know that every single day you contribute with the Final RtR, you bring Lord Satan's paradise unto Earth that much closer. Each, and every Final RtR, you move our chess pieces towards this eventuality. See it and feel it each time you do. Visualize it as a source of power in your workings and I guarantee you will find it to be a well of unlimited determination to carry forward.

This now, should bear a greater importance as to why maintaining yourself is so absolutely critical, not only for yourself, but for the whole of humanity. This is why every experienced Satanist will tell you the importance of;
1.) Performing your aura of protection daily
2.) Cleaning your soul of negative energy daily

Visualize if you will, the greys and kikes and reptilians for a moment. How desperately they desire to see you fail. They are weak, pathetic, hopeless beings that cannot possibly hold a candle to you or the Gods of Duat. So why do they try?, because they take advantage of areas of neglect. It has been their entire motive of operation since the start, to exploit the knowledge of individuals who are without. Performing your aura of protection shields you completely from their pathetic attempts to halt your progress. Cleaning your soul of negative energy gives you your REAL MIND and DETERMINATION unclouded from their forced pessimistic thoughts. Keep the door and vault to your soul locked tight with your aura of protection, your shield. Keep your soul clean and bright as the sun to hear only your true internal voice, and the invaluable advice of Lord Satan and the gods/goddesses. An unprotected soul and a dirty soul is the only weapon that this dying tapeworm called the jew has left against you. See it now, their paper sword for what it is, they cannot fight the Satanist who raises his shield and cleans himself, and without that vulnerability they stand shivering in terror, watching helplessly as you rip and tear their slavery and agenda into pieces before them.

As a final topic, and I commend you if you're still here reading through this, I know it was rather lengthy and I apologize, a word of advice to my Brother and Sister Satanists out there who begrudge or bare guilt in your heart and soul from your own personal errors and faults. If you are walking this path now in Satanism it is because you are extremely unforgiving to misjustice and wrong-doings. It is the conviction and drive of a Satanist to bring forth justice, and many of us do this now with such fury and passion. However, what happens when you yourself are to blame personally? I know many of you here may have crossed this road, angry because truth be told, a problem arose not directly from the enemy but perhaps a personal choice or decision you made against your better judgement or in ignorance. You have probably felt then, your own sword turn inwards on you. The anger and sadness of bearing condemnation on yourself for a personal failure. It's awful to feel, truly, but you are not alone. Look upon the longevity of some of the Gods of Duat's lifespans. 100,000's of years? Possibly even more?, now compare that to just this lifetime you are living right now. A handful of decades. Do you owe the universe the right to come into this world and to know EXACTLY what to do automatically? Do you owe the Gods of Duat eternal forgiveness for acting in ignorance or failing? Falling in error is commonplace. I hate to break it to you. Some of us avoid it expertly by following guidelines of advancement the Gods have paved for us to prevent errors, but still it can and does occur. If you recognize that you have done something in error, then you have already won half the battle against it. Understanding a fault, allows you to identify it, and then take better measures the next time around to avoid it. In a perfect world it would be lovely if it only took one mistake for some of us to learn this lesson, however often is the case in treading in new and unknown territory we are subject to making mistakes. Do not rend yourself, please my beautiful family, for your past and any failures you might have committed. Imagine if you need too, Satan's enemies rubbing their greasy hands in delight as a Satanist defeats himself in shame. No. Not you stewards of Earth. It is time to learn forgiveness within yourself. How do you think the masses of humanity someday in the distant future would respond to hearing about such a trivial error you committed while trying to save humanity and serve Lord Satan. You think they will balk at the only gentiles that stood above the rest and did what must be done? Of course not. So why should you beat yourself into oblivion over it? You need not. The only sin, truly, is ignorance. If you do something in ignorance, learn from it, forgive yourself, and move forward in the direction you know to be true. Do not do the filthy kikes job for him in trying to defeat yourself, we have enough enemies on the astral and Earth and YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE YOUR OWN ENEMY TOO. Life is full of trials and errors, grow stronger from them, not weaker. It is ok to have once been weak, this is a normal state for all things that grow into strength, but do not remain in weakness. Always strive to push past it and into the future, your future and humanities.

I hope this finds all you beautiful souls well who needed to read this. I tend to ramble but I will try to use my personal experience again in the near future to reach out and just advise in my own way, what is already being strongly advised here by some of the most Legendary Satanists/ High Priests/Priestesses to ever tread this path. Continue onward specifically as the Reverse Torah Schedule here asks of you. Do not try to be an independent soldier firing blindly your own bullets at your own targets, add your fuel and energy to what everyone here is doing collectively with the Final Reverse Torah and schedule. Like a focused laser, and displace the jewish parasite (spiritually, legally) off Lord Satan's world once and for all. Protect and clean yourself so you can never be deterred from this. My deepest love and appreciation to all of you here fighting, for eternity. For the Kingdom of the South!

As Children of the Sun, we draw close to our Ancestors, as their Power flows within their Progeny. We have done the impossible. Against all odds, against all obstacles, that which would kill anyone else, we battled. We fought, we strove, with only the hope of the one day we would stand Tall, having desolated our enemies.

As one child of the Holy Powers once commented, My Struggle, My Battle. Yet, through Struggle, we became stronger. Now the Gods Return! First we only to clean the rest of this jewish sewage off of our gleaming world. Like a pearl in the mud, we shall be cleansed and will return to our former glory. In the guiding hands of Father Satan.

20 years ago, what was whispered as a promise, is now being fulfilled. A promise we will fight for, fall for if necessary. But we shall never give up! We shall never cave to that of our enemies and their veiled threats!

Hail Father Wotanaz!!
Hail Donar! His Hammer shall fall upon our Enemies!
Hail the Volk!

Hail Father Satanas and his CERTAIN Victory!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
