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Yog Sothoth told me Satanism is Nazi whats up with that.


New member
Feb 16, 2013
I was told from Yog Sothoth that Satanism is Nazi. when I was told that the Joy of Satan is not a Nazi group by a lot of members on here. Ive been seeing a lot of people hating and bashing shit about that the Joy of Satan is a Neo Nazi or Nazi group. I was told by many on here that we take all members but not jews fine with me. But im no Nazi and wont ever be. I love Satan and the Demons but wont be called a Nazi because im a Joy of Satan spiritual satanist. Hail Satan.
Its not just me man. you obviously did not read the whole JoyOfSatan website nor any of the sermons i posted to you that were written by THE HIGH PRIEST  ''We are Nazis'' -Lilith  ''The jews are NOT my people''-Satan.  Hitler was a Satanist and a great man.  National Socialism is for every race not just Aryan. The jews lied about what Hitler did. Read and study these post from the  Adolf Hitler Man Of Peace : JoS Astrology   Allied Forces In World War II. Who Were the Real Perpetrator : JoS Astrology   The Real Death Camps And Holocaust : JoS Astrology    Understanding National Socialism : JoS Astrology  The End Of Suffering Is National Socialism : JoS Astrology           

On Friday, December 26, 2014 11:52 PM, "vognard.moonstone@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I was told from Yog Sothoth that Satanism is Nazi. when I was told that the Joy of Satan is not a Nazi group by a lot of members on here. Ive been seeing a lot of people hating and bashing shit about that the Joy of Satan is a Neo Nazi or Nazi group. I was told by many on here that we take all members but not jews fine with me. But im no Nazi and wont ever be. I love Satan and the Demons but wont be called a Nazi because im a Joy of Satan spiritual satanist. Hail Satan.

There's nothing wrong with being called a Nazi, because it's something positive not bad. That's what it's important to understand and Yog Sothoth (not the lovecraftican god but the member here :)) told you about. 
The jews have lied about National Socialism/Nazism for decades. If you read the Satan's Library section in the JoS site as well as the other links there you'll see that Spiritual Satanism and National Socialism are pretty much the same, and there's nothing bad with true Satanism or true Nazism either. As a matter of fact, if you search through past posts you'll see a quote by Lilith (Satan's favorite wife) who said "We are Nazis". Lilith did say that. Satan fully supports National Socialism/Nazism as well. As it's been said before, National Socialism is the political part of Satanism, it's Satanic politics.

The jews have actually lied about both of them, much like they're trying to present Satanism as something bad, about spooks, human sacrifices e.t.c.they're doing the same with Hitler who was a hero, they're trying to present him as something who was against everyone but if you read the files in the Satan's Library section you'll see it's pretty much the opposite. There was no holohoax or any crap like that.
Just the same lies they say about Satanism, they say about NS. Sure, if you understand that Spiritual Satanism isn't something bad despite the xian/jewish lies about it, why is it so hard to understand that they do the same thing with NS?
We are not a neo nazi group! The reason behind us supporting national
socialism! NOT Neo Nazism!! Hitler was on Satans side and no he did
not kill any filthy Jews! Read exposingcommunism.com

On 12/27/14, vognard.moonstone@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I was told from Yog Sothoth that Satanism is Nazi. when I was told that the
Joy of Satan is not a Nazi group by a lot of members on here. Ive been
seeing a lot of people hating and bashing shit about that the Joy of Satan
is a Neo Nazi or Nazi group. I was told by many on here that we take all
members but not jews fine with me. But im no Nazi and wont ever be. I love
Satan and the Demons but wont be called a Nazi because im a Joy of Satan
spiritual satanist. Hail Satan.
<td val[/IMG]Nazi means Nation. We are National Socialism, we look up to Hitler and what he had done for the German Nation and Europe. Those nu-nazi's are just following a 'tough guy' trend as it seems to me. Unfortunately as HP Cobra said, they are run by jews to help support what the media is saying about Hitler. It is a very good idea not mix with them so stay away it is dangerous. We support the Arayan National Socialists who were REAL men, not neo pussy tough guys. Like HP Maxine said we will know when the real deal comes along. Hitler was a Spiritual Satanist. The Nazis we look up to were Spiritual Leaders, Respected Occultists and Learned Individuals not criminals. In S.A we had our own national socialists known as Die Gryshemde. We are law abiding. We don't hate other gentile races. We believe in personal development. We practise spirituality and follow laws of nature. We are National Socialism. Heil Satan.
From:"joshua branch joshbranch.498@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Sat, 27 Dec, 2014 at 13:43
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Yog Sothoth told me Satanism is Nazi whats up with that.

  We are not a neo nazi group! The reason behind us supporting national
socialism! NOT Neo Nazism!! Hitler was on Satans side and no he did
not kill any filthy Jews! Read exposingcommunism.com

On 12/27/14, vognard.moonstone@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:
I would like to add here- the real "racists" are none other than the jews themselves. NOT the Nazis! This is evident from the way in which non-jewish aka our GENTILE people are treated in the criminal state of Israel. African immigrants are tortured and sterilized, Palestinians are murdered, assaulted, raped and thrown out of their own homes to make room for jewish reptiles. There are areas in Israel which forbid any non-jews from entering, even roads which Gentiles are banned from making use of, and many Gentiles in Israeli territory are denied access to necessary facilities such as health care and education. Can you imagine the uproar there would be if any other country implemented such laws and carried out such actions?? But goodness forbid anyone should stand up to the jews! If you so much as dare to accuse Israel of discriminating against Gentile People, you will immediately be branded an evil monster who must be taken down at all costs. Forget the fact that what you are stating is the TRUTH.
The following videos are very informative in showing the crimes the jews have been perpetrating against our Gentile People, proving that it is THEY who are the real racists. Remember: Everything the jews are guilty of- they accuse their enemies of!!
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.

*Note in the documentary on israeli torture of Palestinian children- 2.5 MILLION Palestinians and 350 000 jews. It is clear who are the NATURAL inhabitants of the region who have been residing there for thousands of years. The reptilian minority swooped in and began the systematic torture and destruction of this Gentile civilisation.
They deny the fact that they are torturing, murdering and enciting fear within our Gentile People but the evidence is there! The photographs, the video clips, the eye witness accounts, the testimonies of the victims themselves! People need to wake up and realize who the real monsters are!!
Then these reptiles basically state "we attack because they oppose our authority. If they would just obey us without question and live under our oppression, everything will be fine." They STOLE the land from these fellow Gentiles and then procedded to enslave them within their own homes!
This is akin to an armed robber breaking into your house, taking your family hostage and then informing you that they now rule the terrirtory, taking over your comfortable living spaces that you built and worked hard for and forcing you into the basement, and then telling you that so long as you obey their rules, they will not torture and kill you.
When asked why they fired tear gas at a group of innocent Palestinian children, the jews simply refused to answer. There was no reason, other than their hatred for Gentiles.
There was a quote by a jewish politician that went as such: "1000 Arabs are not worth a jewish finger nail." This shows their disdain for Gentiles. Israeli "soldiers" have been openly encouraged to assault and kill Gentiles, without reason.
NOTE***** There is some jewish propoganda in this documentary that you should be aware of. The fat jew claiming to be against jewish torture of Gentile children yet admitting that he himself engaged in it, and the skeletal looking reptilian-jew woman who claimes she is a lawyer for the rights of Palestinians, etc... This is nothing more than a smoke screen. They pretend to oppose what they in fact stand for in order to play both sides against the middle and fool the Gentile public. This has been spoken of multiple times here on the Groups. And of course they bring up the oh-so-famous HOLOHOAX. What documentary concernning jews could ever be complete without a guest appearance by the lie of the century?!
They make a huge furor over one jewish casualty whilst MILLIONS of Gentiles are being attacked and slaughtered! They call a Gentile a terrorist for fighting back, and they continue their rampage of sluaghter.
Please use your Satanic judgement and see through the enemy propoganda that has been inserted into this documentary.
Parts of the documentary show jewish residents attacking, kicking and pushing Gentile Palastinians while their soldiers stand by and watch. Yet an alleged stone thrown in the direction of a jew by a 5 year old Palastinian CHILD warranted a full blown military arrest and investigation!
These reptile-jews use the same method of torture and threats to squeeze false confessions out of their innocent victims that were used en masse against our Gentile Pagan Ancestors by jewish inquisitors during the Inquisition. The same "confess or else we will torture you and your family" mentality that forces you to confess to something you did not even take part in, and then they use these false confessions as propoganda to say "You see. We told you they were doing this".
Also note, as spoken about from 29:45 onward, the very depraved and sexual nature of the torture methods used by these jews against the Gentile children. These "interregators" are paedophiles who threaten the young Gentile children with rape and other forms of sexual assault.
It is only when there is an international exposure and out cry that the jews stope the practice of placing Gentile children in metal cages and leaving them outside over night during snow storms and other brutal conditions!!
You can clearly see how vile the jewish woman is who supports the destruction of our Gentile People. How she vehemently defends Israeli torture of Gentiles and the stealing of Gentile land to accommodate her fellow reptilians. Note how she refers to us Gentiles as "you and your off springs", practically seething with hatred as she is spitting through her gritted teeth about how no one will stop the jews from taking over the land. Every jew is this woman! Make no mistakes. None of them are on our side.
Remember this and stand strong!!
Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi
Joy of Satan Ministries

I would like to add here- the real "racists" are none other than the jews themselves. This is evident from the way in which non-jewish aka our GENTILE people are treated in the criminal state of Israel. African immigrants are tortured and sterilized, Palestinians are murdered, assaulted, raped and thrown out of their own homes to make room for jewish reptiles. There are areas in Israel which forbid any non-jews from entering, even roads which Gentiles are banned from making use of, and many Gentiles in Israeli territory are denied access to necessary facilities such as health care and education. Can you imagine the uproar there would be if any other country implemented such laws and carried out such actions?? But goodness forbid anyone should stand up to the jews! If you so much as dare to accuse Israel of discriminating against Gentile People, you will immediately be branded an evil monster who must be taken down at all costs. Forget the fact that what you are stating is the TRUTH.
The following videos are very informative in showing the crimes the jews have been perpetrating against our Gentile People, proving that it is THEY who are the real racists. Remember: Everything the jews are guilty of- they accuse their enemies of!!
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.

israel real racist country

*Note in the documentary on israeli torture of Palestinian children- 2.5 MILLION Palestinians and 350 000 jews. It is clear who are the NATURAL inhabitants of the region who have been residing there for thousands of years. The reptilian minority swooped in and began the systematic torture and destruction of this Gentile civilization.
They deny the fact that they are torturing, murdering and enciting fear within our Gentile People but the evidence is there! The photographs, the video clips, the eye witness accounts, the testimonies of the victims themselves! People need to wake up and realize who the real monsters are!!
Then these reptiles basically state "we attack because they oppose our authority. If they would just obey us without question and live under our oppression, everything will be fine." They STOLE the land from these fellow Gentiles and then procedded to enslave them within their own homes! This is akin to an armed robber breaking into your house, taking your family hostage and then informing you that they now rule the terrirtory, taking over your comfortable living spaces that you built and worked hard for and forcing you into the basement, and then telling you that so long as you obey their rules, they will not torture and kill you.
When asked why they fired tear gas at a group of innocent Palestinian children, the jews simply refused to answer. There was no reason, other than their hatred for Gentiles. There was a quote by a jewish politician that went as such: "1000 Arabs are not worth a jewish finger nail." This shows their disdain for Gentiles. Israeli "soldiers" have been openly encouraged to assault and kill Gentiles, without reason.
NOTE***** There is some jewish propoganda in this documentary that you should be aware of. The fat jew claiming to be against jewish torture of Gentile children yet admitting that he himself engaged in it, and the skeletal looking reptilian-jew woman who claimes she is a lawyer for the rights of Palestinians, etc... This is nothing more than a smoke screen. They pretend to oppose what they in fact stand for in order to play both sides against the middle and fool the Gentile public. This has been spoken of multiple times here on the Groups. And of course they bring up the oh-so-famous HOLOHOAX. What documentary concernning jews could ever be complete without a guest appearance by the lie of the century?!
They make a huge furor over one jewish casualty whilst MILLIONS of Gentiles are being attacked and slaughtered! They call a Gentile a terrorist for fighting back, and they continue their rampage of slaughter.
Please use your Satanic judgement and see through the enemy propoganda that has been inserted into this documentary.
Parts of the documentary show jewish residents attacking, kicking and pushing Gentile Palastinians while their soldiers stand by and watch. Yet an alleged stone thrown in the direction of a jew by a 5 year old Palastinian CHILD warranted a full blown military arrest and investigation! These reptile-jews use the same method of torture and threats to squeeze false confessions out of their innocent victims that were used en masse against our Gentile Pagan Ancestors by jewish inquisitors during the Inquisition. The same "confess or else we will torture you and your family" mentality that forces you to confess to something you did not even take part in, and then they use these false confessions as propoganda to say "You see. We told you they were doing this".
Also note, as spoken about from 29:45 onward, the very depraved and sexual nature of the torture methods used by these jews against the Gentile children. These "interregators" are paedophiles who threaten the young Gentile children with rape and other forms of sexual assault. It is only when there is an international exposure and out cry that the jews stop the practice of placing Gentile children in metal cages and leaving them outside over night during snow storms and other brutal conditions!!
It is clear how vile the jewish woman who openly and vehemently supports the torture of Gentile children and the STEALING of Gentile land is. See at the end how she refers to us Gentiles as "you and your offspring", practically seething with anger as she spits through her gritted teeth about how no one will stop the jews from taking over the land. This woman is every jew! Make no mistake. None of them are on our side.
Remember this and stay strong.
Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!


-High Priestess Zildar Raasi Joy of Satan Ministries
Joy of Satan  
thx for sharing and everyone should know this !!!
they are such hideous hypocrites.

Israel's racism and hatred for Gentiles are one of many reasons why I personally support Hamas's bombings on Israeli cities.
I can't wait for the day we destroy these invaders to our planet. I'll do whatever it takes right along with the rest of you to bring about the downfall of these evil enemy aliens.

OMG! I knew how Father felt about the Jews, because of something HE told me. So I have accepted that. But now I fully see why.
Thank you SO much for showing us these videos!
Hail Father Satan!

On Sat, 12/27/14, high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Yog Sothoth told me Satanism is Nazi whats up with that.
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, December 27, 2014, 1:45 PM


I would like to add
here- the real "racists" are none other than the
jews themselves. This is evident from the way in which
non-jewish aka our GENTILE people are treated in the
criminal state of Israel. African immigrants are tortured
and sterilized, Palestinians are murdered, assaulted, raped
and thrown out of their own homes to make room for jewish
reptiles. There are areas in Israel which forbid any
non-jews from entering, even roads which Gentiles are banned

from making use of, and many Gentiles in Israeli territory
are denied access to necessary facilities such as health
care and education. Can you imagine the uproar there would
be if any other country implemented such laws and carried
out such actions?? But goodness forbid anyone should stand
up to the jews! If you so much as dare to accuse Israel of
discriminating against Gentile People, you will immediately
be branded an evil monster who must be taken down at all
costs. Forget the fact that what you are stating is the

The following videos are very informative in showing the
crimes the jews have been perpetrating against our Gentile
People, proving that it is THEY who are the real racists.
Remember: Everything the jews are guilty of- they accuse
their enemies of!!
torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary
film. Viewer discretion.

torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian ...
torturing non-Jewish children documentary film full length.
Viewer discretion. The still picture shows Palestinian girl
Nesreen Hash'hash afte...
View on www.youtube.com

Preview by Yahoo

real racist country
real racist country Just
watch ho Racist is Israel. The only country in the world
which can get away being racist!!!

View on www.youtube.com

Preview by Yahoo

*Note in
the documentary on israeli torture of Palestinian children-
2.5 MILLION Palestinians and 350 000 jews. It is clear who
are the NATURAL inhabitants of the region who have been
residing there for thousands of years. The reptilian
minority swooped in and began the systematic torture and
destruction of this Gentile civilization.

They deny the fact that they are torturing, murdering and
enciting fear within our Gentile People but the evidence is
there! The photographs, the video clips, the eye witness
accounts, the testimonies of the victims themselves! People
need to wake up and realize who the real monsters are!!

Then these reptiles basically state "we attack
because they oppose our authority. If they would just obey
us without question and live under our oppression,
everything will be fine." They STOLE the land from
these fellow Gentiles and then procedded to enslave them
within their own homes!
This is akin to an armed robber breaking into your house,
taking your family hostage and then informing you that they
now rule the terrirtory, taking over your comfortable living
spaces that you built and worked hard for and forcing you
into the basement, and then telling you that so long as you
obey their rules, they will not torture and kill you.

When asked why they fired tear gas at a group of innocent
Palestinian children, the jews simply refused to answer.
There was no reason, other than their hatred for Gentiles.

There was a quote by a jewish politician that went as
such: "1000 Arabs are not worth a jewish finger
nail." This shows their disdain for Gentiles. Israeli
"soldiers" have been openly encouraged to assault
and kill Gentiles, without reason.

NOTE***** There is some jewish propoganda in this
documentary that you should be aware of. The fat jew
claiming to be against jewish torture of Gentile children
yet admitting that he himself engaged in it, and the
skeletal looking reptilian-jew woman who claimes she is a
lawyer for the rights of Palestinians, etc... This is
nothing more than a smoke screen. They pretend to oppose
what they in fact stand for in order to play both sides
against the middle and fool the Gentile public. This has
been spoken of multiple times here on the Groups. And of
course they bring up the oh-so-famous HOLOHOAX. What
documentary concernning jews could ever be complete without
a guest appearance by the lie of the century?!

They make a huge furor over one jewish casualty whilst
MILLIONS of Gentiles are being attacked and slaughtered!
They call a Gentile a terrorist for fighting back, and they
continue their rampage of slaughter.

Please use your Satanic judgement and see through the
enemy propoganda that has been inserted into this

Parts of the documentary show jewish residents attacking,
kicking and pushing Gentile Palastinians while their
soldiers stand by and watch. Yet an alleged stone thrown in
the direction of a jew by a 5 year old Palastinian CHILD
warranted a full blown military arrest and investigation!

These reptile-jews use the same method of torture and
threats to squeeze false confessions out of their innocent
victims that were used en masse against our Gentile Pagan
Ancestors by jewish inquisitors during the Inquisition. The
same "confess or else we will torture you and your
family" mentality that forces you to confess to
something you did not even take part in, and then they use
these false confessions as propoganda to say "You see.
We told you they were doing this".

Also note, as spoken about from
29:45 onward, the very depraved and sexual nature of the
torture methods used by these jews against the Gentile
children. These "interregators" are paedophiles
who threaten the young Gentile children with rape and other
forms of sexual assault.
It is only when there is an international exposure and
out cry that the jews stop the practice of placing Gentile
children in metal cages and leaving them outside over night
during snow storms and other brutal conditions!!

It is clear how vile the jewish woman who openly and
vehemently supports the torture of Gentile children and the
STEALING of Gentile land is. See at the end how she refers
to us Gentiles as "you and your offspring",
practically seething with anger as she spits through her
gritted teeth about how no one will stop the jews from
taking over the land. This woman is every jew! Make no
mistake. None of them are on our side.

Remember this and stay strong.

Hail Father Satan!!

Hail Beelzebub!!

Hail Lilith!!


-High Priestess Zildar Raasi
Joy of Satan Ministries

Joy of Satan
of Satan There
are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is
Spiritual Satanism. Satanism is not a "Christian
invention." Satanism predates Christian...

View on www.joyofsatan.org

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
