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Yod? + aspects fixed stars


Aug 12, 2021
Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding astrology. I would really appreciate some feedback.

1) Sun Aquarius 13°35’ Pluto Sagittarius 14°44’ North Node (T) Cancer 15°09’

Do these two planetary positions with the north node form a yod configuration? If the answer is yes, could u tell me what it would mean?

2) After reading this post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64206&p=292493&hilit=star#p292493 I started to look again at the star degrees from astroseek.com
So, if CAPUT ALGOL is at taurus 26°27’ and Saturn at taurus 24°07’ does that make a conjunction? Or rather, it is not to be taken into consideration? since it's a bit wider than 2 degrees.
I hope no xd if not, I would have two more stars to look at with a gap of more or less two and a half degrees.

3)Last question... REGULUS Watcher of the North

"Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. There can be destructive tendencies, and military honors. These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. There is also the possibility of disgrace and a disastrous fall from a prominent position."

Regulus in a very very tight opposition with mercury, how do you interpret it?

Apart from what is written in the jos site, I still do not understand how to interpret these things with the various planetary influences etc. Anyway, I'm still studying but I need some insights from someone more advanced in this field to learn.

(I actually have a lot of questions but I try to restrain myself)
TheAbyss said:
Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding astrology. I would really appreciate some feedback.

1) Sun Aquarius 13°35’ Pluto Sagittarius 14°44’ North Node (T) Cancer 15°09’

Do these two planetary positions with the north node form a yod configuration? If the answer is yes, could u tell me what it would mean?

2) After reading this post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64206&p=292493&hilit=star#p292493 I started to look again at the star degrees from astroseek.com
So, if CAPUT ALGOL is at taurus 26°27’ and Saturn at taurus 24°07’ does that make a conjunction? Or rather, it is not to be taken into consideration? since it's a bit wider than 2 degrees.
I hope no xd if not, I would have two more stars to look at with a gap of more or less two and a half degrees.

3)Last question... REGULUS Watcher of the North

"Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. There can be destructive tendencies, and military honors. These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. There is also the possibility of disgrace and a disastrous fall from a prominent position."

Regulus in a very very tight opposition with mercury, how do you interpret it?

Apart from what is written in the jos site, I still do not understand how to interpret these things with the various planetary influences etc. Anyway, I'm still studying but I need some insights from someone more advanced in this field to learn.

(I actually have a lot of questions but I try to restrain myself)
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°? Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

No there is no conjunction with Caput Algol there.

Is Mercury a chart ruler?

With fixed stars, you won't always get everything they can give. For instance, Eminem has his Mercury on Alphecca but he has no psychic ability. Instead, he has extreme poetic ability. Alphecca can give both but in his case it was the poetic talent. So Regulus here won't give the individual all of that necessarily. But you can look for supporting factors. For instance, do they have 8th house placements? These can support the part about Astrological ability as it can indicate someone with a background in the occult.

As for being independent, do they have majority of planets in the Eastern Hemisphere? Do they have Aries placements? And so on. You weigh the chart and see what balances what out, what supports what and so on. One can have Regulus on their chart ruler but with a Libra stellium, they are anything but independent as they will have a strong need for other people.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have. We are here to learn.
Blackdragon666 said:
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°? Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

Only thing I want to add (since astrology isn't my strong suit), I don't necessarily agree that a configuration with more than 1 degree of orb would count as strongly fated.

Loosely fated perhaps, or a strong influence that can lead to predictable events, but for something to be strongly fated I believed all has to be well within 1 degrees (the planets in the configuration and the conjunction with the north node).

Something truly fated will be almost exactly conjunct the north node (within 0.1 degrees), anything over 1 degree of conjunction but within 2 degrees still has a strong precedence, but is not as strict in it's possible manifestation.

The closer the conjunction is, the more destined/fated it will be, exponentially so as it gets closer to being exact.
Blackdragon666 said:
TheAbyss said:
Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding astrology. I would really appreciate some feedback.

1) Sun Aquarius 13°35’ Pluto Sagittarius 14°44’ North Node (T) Cancer 15°09’

Do these two planetary positions with the north node form a yod configuration? If the answer is yes, could u tell me what it would mean?

2) After reading this post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64206&p=292493&hilit=star#p292493 I started to look again at the star degrees from astroseek.com
So, if CAPUT ALGOL is at taurus 26°27’ and Saturn at taurus 24°07’ does that make a conjunction? Or rather, it is not to be taken into consideration? since it's a bit wider than 2 degrees.
I hope no xd if not, I would have two more stars to look at with a gap of more or less two and a half degrees.

3)Last question... REGULUS Watcher of the North

"Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. There can be destructive tendencies, and military honors. These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. There is also the possibility of disgrace and a disastrous fall from a prominent position."

Regulus in a very very tight opposition with mercury, how do you interpret it?

Apart from what is written in the jos site, I still do not understand how to interpret these things with the various planetary influences etc. Anyway, I'm still studying but I need some insights from someone more advanced in this field to learn.

(I actually have a lot of questions but I try to restrain myself)
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°?
No, there are not.

Blackdragon666 said:
Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

In fact, yes, there is a sextile aspect between Sun and Pluto.
So, it's a relevant event that could happen, like the death of the father, but being a soft Sun/Pluto aspect it's not sure that is gonna happen. Right? Or it could be something else as well. (As I am writing this it has brought to my mind the current transit of Saturn in Aquarius which may or may not play a role here… not a good role I guess).

I looked at the houses where they are and the ones they rule (Should I write them down here? For example, this one seems important to me, Sun is in the 10th house). My problem is that I still can't pieces everything together and combine the different information.
Blackdragon666 said:
No there is no conjunction with Caput Algol there.

Perfect, I wanted further confirmation.
Blackdragon666 said:
Is Mercury a chart ruler?

Mercury is not a chart ruler. But it is located on Pisces 0°25', which should be a significant degree. Again, I don't know if that changes anything. As far as I know 0 degrees indicates a change or start of an event in the predictions.
Blackdragon666 said:
With fixed stars, you won't always get everything they can give. For instance, Eminem has his Mercury on Alphecca but he has no psychic ability. Instead, he has extreme poetic ability. Alphecca can give both but in his case it was the poetic talent. So Regulus here won't give the individual all of that necessarily. But you can look for supporting factors. For instance, do they have 8th house placements? These can support the part about Astrological ability as it can indicate someone with a background in the occult.

Very interesting this example with Eminen, I was assuming that one does not take all the features of a fixed star. There are no planetary positions in the 8th house, however, there is the 8th house cusp in Sagittarius. So, Sagittarius rules Jupiter, it should be seen as a Jupiter (which is co-ruler) in the 8th house, right?
Blackdragon666 said:
As for being independent, do they have majority of planets in the Eastern Hemisphere? Do they have Aries placements? And so on. You weigh the chart and see what balances what out, what supports what and so on. One can have Regulus on their chart ruler but with a Libra stellium, they are anything but independent as they will have a strong need for other people.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have. We are here to learn.

There are no positions in Aries. But yes, there are many planets in the eastern hemisphere. So "independence" might make sense. At the same time there are many planets in the southern part, I would say that as number of planets these 2 parts are equalled. And that's confusing xd. There is also a stellium in the chart (the planets don't have such a tight conjunction but there is) and it would further confirm the independence aspect.
Obviously, thank you very much.
Blackdragon666 said:
I'm not sure if I have already said that on the first reply... Just to be precise, True Node (T) in Cancer15°09' while North Node (M) in Cancer13°58'. Idk if this change something.
VoiceofEnki said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°? Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

Only thing I want to add (since astrology isn't my strong suit), I don't necessarily agree that a configuration with more than 1 degree of orb would count as strongly fated.

Loosely fated perhaps, or a strong influence that can lead to predictable events, but for something to be strongly fated I believed all has to be well within 1 degrees (the planets in the configuration and the conjunction with the north node).

Something truly fated will be almost exactly conjunct the north node (within 0.1 degrees), anything over 1 degree of conjunction but within 2 degrees still has a strong precedence, but is not as strict in it's possible manifestation.

The closer the conjunction is, the more destined/fated it will be, exponentially so as it gets closer to being exact.
I forgot to reply here. This is true, though I have always followed Maxine's principle of less than 2 degrees with success. Below 1 and a half, you can be sure this is a fated life event, or something someone is born with. The 2 degree is just an upper limit.

TheAbyss said:
Blackdragon666 said:
TheAbyss said:
Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding astrology. I would really appreciate some feedback.

1) Sun Aquarius 13°35’ Pluto Sagittarius 14°44’ North Node (T) Cancer 15°09’

Do these two planetary positions with the north node form a yod configuration? If the answer is yes, could u tell me what it would mean?

2) After reading this post https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64206&p=292493&hilit=star#p292493 I started to look again at the star degrees from astroseek.com
So, if CAPUT ALGOL is at taurus 26°27’ and Saturn at taurus 24°07’ does that make a conjunction? Or rather, it is not to be taken into consideration? since it's a bit wider than 2 degrees.
I hope no xd if not, I would have two more stars to look at with a gap of more or less two and a half degrees.

3)Last question... REGULUS Watcher of the North

"Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. There can be destructive tendencies, and military honors. These people often obtain positions of power, along with success, and have leadership ability. There is also the possibility of disgrace and a disastrous fall from a prominent position."

Regulus in a very very tight opposition with mercury, how do you interpret it?

Apart from what is written in the jos site, I still do not understand how to interpret these things with the various planetary influences etc. Anyway, I'm still studying but I need some insights from someone more advanced in this field to learn.

(I actually have a lot of questions but I try to restrain myself)
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°?
No, there are not.

Blackdragon666 said:
Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

In fact, yes, there is a sextile aspect between Sun and Pluto.
So, it's a relevant event that could happen, like the death of the father, but being a soft Sun/Pluto aspect it's not sure that is gonna happen. Right? Or it could be something else as well. (As I am writing this it has brought to my mind the current transit of Saturn in Aquarius which may or may not play a role here… not a good role I guess).

I looked at the houses where they are and the ones they rule (Should I write them down here? For example, this one seems important to me, Sun is in the 10th house). My problem is that I still can't pieces everything together and combine the different information.
Blackdragon666 said:
No there is no conjunction with Caput Algol there.

Perfect, I wanted further confirmation.
Blackdragon666 said:
Is Mercury a chart ruler?

Mercury is not a chart ruler. But it is located on Pisces 0°25', which should be a significant degree. Again, I don't know if that changes anything. As far as I know 0 degrees indicates a change or start of an event in the predictions.
Blackdragon666 said:
With fixed stars, you won't always get everything they can give. For instance, Eminem has his Mercury on Alphecca but he has no psychic ability. Instead, he has extreme poetic ability. Alphecca can give both but in his case it was the poetic talent. So Regulus here won't give the individual all of that necessarily. But you can look for supporting factors. For instance, do they have 8th house placements? These can support the part about Astrological ability as it can indicate someone with a background in the occult.

Very interesting this example with Eminen, I was assuming that one does not take all the features of a fixed star. There are no planetary positions in the 8th house, however, there is the 8th house cusp in Sagittarius. So, Sagittarius rules Jupiter, it should be seen as a Jupiter (which is co-ruler) in the 8th house, right?
Blackdragon666 said:
As for being independent, do they have majority of planets in the Eastern Hemisphere? Do they have Aries placements? And so on. You weigh the chart and see what balances what out, what supports what and so on. One can have Regulus on their chart ruler but with a Libra stellium, they are anything but independent as they will have a strong need for other people.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have. We are here to learn.

There are no positions in Aries. But yes, there are many planets in the eastern hemisphere. So "independence" might make sense. At the same time there are many planets in the southern part, I would say that as number of planets these 2 parts are equalled. And that's confusing xd. There is also a stellium in the chart (the planets don't have such a tight conjunction but there is) and it would further confirm the independence aspect.
Obviously, thank you very much.
I saw your mail so I will give more details there.

0 degrees in natal charts indicates that the energies of a planet are expressed purely. Mercury at 0 degrees can indicate natural writing, communication ability and all the other traits of Mercury. You can see in J.K. Rowling's chart that her Mercury is at 0 degrees, also of Virgo which adds to her writing ability.

Soft aspects can also be very nasty, especially when the orb is under 2 degrees. I know a lady who has an exact sextile between her Mars and Venus. Last we talked, she told me her last boyfriend was arrested for beating her up. Aspects between Mars and Venus are known for bringing physically abusive lovers/partners, especially the hard ones, but here you can see even a soft sextile was just as bad.

If the father is fated to pass, it will usually happen when one is still young. So if they are an adult you have nothing to worry about. The whole configuration probably meant something else.

About signs on house cusps, they can give a similar effect to the planet that rules the sign being in that house, but always keep in mind that planets are more significant than signs on house cusps. You can always learn a lot from signs. One person I know who had a deadbeat dad has the ruler of their 10th house in Capricorn. One negative trait of Capricorn is with being cold and uncaring. This planet is also in conjunction with Mercury; father worked in the transport industry.

The eastern hemisphere has to do with being independent and self-sufficient, while the southern hemisphere has to do with being outgoing and social. One can be both.
Blackdragon666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°? Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

Only thing I want to add (since astrology isn't my strong suit), I don't necessarily agree that a configuration with more than 1 degree of orb would count as strongly fated.

Loosely fated perhaps, or a strong influence that can lead to predictable events, but for something to be strongly fated I believed all has to be well within 1 degrees (the planets in the configuration and the conjunction with the north node).

Something truly fated will be almost exactly conjunct the north node (within 0.1 degrees), anything over 1 degree of conjunction but within 2 degrees still has a strong precedence, but is not as strict in it's possible manifestation.

The closer the conjunction is, the more destined/fated it will be, exponentially so as it gets closer to being exact.
I forgot to reply here. This is true, though I have always followed Maxine's principle of less than 2 degrees with success. Below 1 and a half, you can be sure this is a fated life event, or something someone is born with. The 2 degree is just an upper limit.

TheAbyss said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Are any other planets or house cusps lying between 13 and 15°?
No, there are not.

Blackdragon666 said:
Aspects between the Sun and Pluto can indicate strong ties with the father. Also the father's death early in the life as Pluto rules death. The above configuration indicates something strongly fared, an event perhaps. Loon at the houses ruled by both planets and the houses they are placed in.

In fact, yes, there is a sextile aspect between Sun and Pluto.
So, it's a relevant event that could happen, like the death of the father, but being a soft Sun/Pluto aspect it's not sure that is gonna happen. Right? Or it could be something else as well. (As I am writing this it has brought to my mind the current transit of Saturn in Aquarius which may or may not play a role here… not a good role I guess).

I looked at the houses where they are and the ones they rule (Should I write them down here? For example, this one seems important to me, Sun is in the 10th house). My problem is that I still can't pieces everything together and combine the different information.
Blackdragon666 said:
No there is no conjunction with Caput Algol there.

Perfect, I wanted further confirmation.
Blackdragon666 said:
Is Mercury a chart ruler?

Mercury is not a chart ruler. But it is located on Pisces 0°25', which should be a significant degree. Again, I don't know if that changes anything. As far as I know 0 degrees indicates a change or start of an event in the predictions.
Blackdragon666 said:
With fixed stars, you won't always get everything they can give. For instance, Eminem has his Mercury on Alphecca but he has no psychic ability. Instead, he has extreme poetic ability. Alphecca can give both but in his case it was the poetic talent. So Regulus here won't give the individual all of that necessarily. But you can look for supporting factors. For instance, do they have 8th house placements? These can support the part about Astrological ability as it can indicate someone with a background in the occult.

Very interesting this example with Eminen, I was assuming that one does not take all the features of a fixed star. There are no planetary positions in the 8th house, however, there is the 8th house cusp in Sagittarius. So, Sagittarius rules Jupiter, it should be seen as a Jupiter (which is co-ruler) in the 8th house, right?
Blackdragon666 said:
As for being independent, do they have majority of planets in the Eastern Hemisphere? Do they have Aries placements? And so on. You weigh the chart and see what balances what out, what supports what and so on. One can have Regulus on their chart ruler but with a Libra stellium, they are anything but independent as they will have a strong need for other people.

Feel free to ask any other questions you have. We are here to learn.

There are no positions in Aries. But yes, there are many planets in the eastern hemisphere. So "independence" might make sense. At the same time there are many planets in the southern part, I would say that as number of planets these 2 parts are equalled. And that's confusing xd. There is also a stellium in the chart (the planets don't have such a tight conjunction but there is) and it would further confirm the independence aspect.
Obviously, thank you very much.
I saw your mail so I will give more details there.

0 degrees in natal charts indicates that the energies of a planet are expressed purely. Mercury at 0 degrees can indicate natural writing, communication ability and all the other traits of Mercury. You can see in J.K. Rowling's chart that her Mercury is at 0 degrees, also of Virgo which adds to her writing ability.

Soft aspects can also be very nasty, especially when the orb is under 2 degrees. I know a lady who has an exact sextile between her Mars and Venus. Last we talked, she told me her last boyfriend was arrested for beating her up. Aspects between Mars and Venus are known for bringing physically abusive lovers/partners, especially the hard ones, but here you can see even a soft sextile was just as bad.

If the father is fated to pass, it will usually happen when one is still young. So if they are an adult you have nothing to worry about. The whole configuration probably meant something else.

About signs on house cusps, they can give a similar effect to the planet that rules the sign being in that house, but always keep in mind that planets are more significant than signs on house cusps. You can always learn a lot from signs. One person I know who had a deadbeat dad has the ruler of their 10th house in Capricorn. One negative trait of Capricorn is with being cold and uncaring. This planet is also in conjunction with Mercury; father worked in the transport industry.

The eastern hemisphere has to do with being independent and self-sufficient, while the southern hemisphere has to do with being outgoing and social. One can be both.

Hello brother, can you mail me? I want to ask you about my natal chart. Not so long questions, just few things. My mail in my signature. Thanks in advance!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
