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Question #321: How to correctly interpret golden yods?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have two golden yods in my natal chart, but I bumped into a brick wall trying to interpret them. One of them is a Pluto-Uranus-Mars, the other one is Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter, positioned in 3rd-4th-10th houses in the signs of Sagittarius-Aquarius-Cancer in this order. In both cases the aspects are exact, within 1 degree or less of an orb. There's also fixed starts with exact conjuction/opposition involved like Pollux, Terebellum, Regulus and Riger. For some reason these are reoccouring themes in my whole chart. I'm kinda afraid that the fated events might be something negative in nature. Could someone help me interpret this? Also, can I figure out the time these events will manifest using predictive astrology? What things should I watch out for?
AskSatanOperator said:
I have two golden yods in my natal chart, but I bumped into a brick wall trying to interpret them. One of them is a Pluto-Uranus-Mars, the other one is Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter, positioned in 3rd-4th-10th houses in the signs of Sagittarius-Aquarius-Cancer in this order. In both cases the aspects are exact, within 1 degree or less of an orb. There's also fixed starts with exact conjuction/opposition involved like Pollux, Terebellum, Regulus and Riger. For some reason these are reoccouring themes in my whole chart. I'm kinda afraid that the fated events might be something negative in nature. Could someone help me interpret this? Also, can I figure out the time these events will manifest using predictive astrology? What things should I watch out for?

Now I am just going to make a few assumptions here. This may be very incorrect due to these assumptions:

Likely, these events will occur after your first Saturn return, between the age 28-31.

Pluto in Sagittarius in the 3rd house. Uranus in Aquarius in the 4th house. Jupiter in Cancer in the 10th house. Both Pluto and Uranus intercept the Yods. Where Mars and Jupiter is at the narrow end, individually. The narrow planets will be emphasized and of focus.

With your Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius, you value tradition, makes up a very protective person, and you are humanitarian. You are honest and will work to better humanity, and bring exposure to the crimes against humanity. With Jupiter in the 10th house, Uranus in its home sign Aquarius, and Pluto in the 3rd house, you have above average in intelligence with a knowledgable nature.

Jupiter conjunct Pollux, Pluto opposite Rigel, and Uranus opposite Regulus bestows a high spirited person with a warrior nature that is successful. This Yod will influence extremely much emphasis on communication, high position of any kind that is powerful, and dealing with authority figures of high commands. With Pluto in the 3rd house here, you can be responsible for secret information of extreme importance.

Now, with the above said, this can make up for a professor, high position in government, politician or any public figure.

Your Pluto is between 15-17 degrees of Sagittarius, making an opposition to Rigel. This is an excellent position as it favors lasting riches, honors and favors. Your communication may be very pleasant, as well as intense. Rigel for one gives you the ambition to stay on the top. With Uranus opposite Regulus and your Jupiter conjunct Pollux in the 10th, and opposite Terebellum, you have great martial and military talent, a natural born leader, and again influence someone to reach a high/powerful position.

Jupiter in Cancer conjunct Pollux and opposite Terebellum, makes you somewhat cynical, cruel and cunning when needed. This is not exactly negative or positive. It is how you ultimately project this, but it is good as you do not let yourself get fooled easily. It makes up for a calculated person. Jupiter opposite Terebellum adds to your fortune.

With Uranus in the 4th house of land and real estate, and Jupiter/Cancer in the 10th of public standing and one's rank, your family may be of an unusual nature, and there can be unexpected changes of residence related to your high position of authority. Your Jupiter in Cancer can make the unexpected changes of residence somewhat dissatisfying. Friends may be regarded as family, as your birth family may be lacking or unavailable somehow. You may meet powerful friends through your contacts on the job.

I am unaware of your Mars placement, but I am sure it adds to your leadership ability, martial and military talent and warrior spirit. Needless to say, you are a very gifted person with a strong purpose here in life.

You must make sure to keep your energies high at all times and protect yourself very much. You have good placements for meditation as well. Utilize this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
