ugh. that sounds like my own childhood but on crack.They could never get away with throwing me in a nuthouse but they still drugged me halfway into my grave and kept trying to throw me in jail because "OY VEY! A WHITE BOY ACTUALLY FOUGHT BACK! HE REFUSED TO BE OUR SLAVE AND GET BUTTFUCKED BY BLACKS! WHAT A RACIST NAZI HE IS FOR REFUSING TO GET KILLED FOR BEING WHITE! THIS IS ANUDDAH SHOAH!"
I actually got kicked out of school once for a DOODLE I made of a samurai covered in blood.The teacher said "OY VEY! THIS BOY NEEDS IMMEDIATE PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP!" over a fucking DOODLE.
He was also a giant fatass jew who looked like Santa claus so I just laughed at him, referenced a tourrettes guy meme by saying "fuck you and every mall Santa who looks like you" And then I left the building.
That place wasn't even a school, it was a PRISON where they dump all the "retards, delinquents" and other "undesirables" which usually consisted of either junkies, actual retards or the occasional "troublemaker" like me who made all my "teachers" look like idiots because I refused to bend over for them
On Saturday, June 11, 2016 8:37 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected] wrote:
As a dutch person myself I can vouch that every single doctor in here is as jewed as it get's. I can't even begin to tell how utterly disgusting and jewed the medical field here is.
There are no words in any language that can truly discribe this disgust. If you thought that germans nowadays are weak and disgraceful libertards with their migrant policy, you really don't want to know about the majority of white people here. Nobody even dares question any decision made or anything said by so called doctors or superiors and parents teach their children from birth to be obedient and listen to what others tell you "because they said so". Never question, be a good slave.
That is literally what 90% of white parents are teaching their children from birth here, they hear the same things in school and at work later. Not to mention the children who DO question get branded as mentally ill or autistic and put on drugs and put is "special" schools to "help" them be obedient little slaves.
Then if that still isn't enough to quell you they'll put you in a mental institude after they fill you with so much drugs that you snap and loose self control in the face of lies and injustice. You get braned as an aggressive or manipulative person who then get's placed in a mental hospital to further get indoctrinated.
After that you will get a permanent label placed on you that tells the whole world you are supposedly mentally ill which is basically the same as branding you a criminal or terrorist.
The amount of extremely intelligent children who are branded with autism here is staggering, they are changing the deffinition of autism to fit with these highly intelligent and morally aware children so they can brand them with a stamp and fill them with drugs to prevent them from becomming powerful.
Then they put these children on an education course where they learn absolutely nothing and are told they are worthless basically everyday. Most of these children get fucked up for life and never have a chance to delevop them selves or their talents and will be looked down upon by everybody for the rest of their lives, literally treated like lesser people by their colleagues and what not despite most of them under performing by a great margin and being vastly more talented and superior than their peers at all times.
Innovation is also harshly punished, to the point that they actually fire you if you come up with better ways to perform tasks at the work place than what you were told. In fact if you don't do what you are told here you won't get to do anything, that is literally the state of our society.
Thus everywhere I went I was hated visciously by my "superiors", as I always questioned basically everything and always come up with other ways to do things in a practical setting after understanding the basics.
My nephew is a standup example, he has a high IQ and is very good at all subjects in school, especially the scientific ones such as math, chemistry and physics. He is 14 years old and practices the piano 20 minutes a day, has played for 3 years now and can already play practically everything, even the most complicated pieces of Mozart, Bach and other great classical pianists and composers.
His teacher played the piano for 40 years and can't understand his talent, as normally people practice for a few years atleast 4 hours a day or more before they become as good as this nephew of mine, but he just reads the notes, playes the song a few dozen times and he has it down to perfection.
He is branded by psychologists as a mentally handicapped person and by his teachers as a deviant trouble maker, which all said he needed to take mind altering medicine to "fix" what is wrong with him because he always has a very abrasive attitude towards them and always questions their judgement and because he doesn't have a lot of social contacts with children in his class.
Things like that are just ridiculous, but typically dutch.