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Working for regaining control over emotions and the subcounscious gi

Feb 3, 2004
(To the moderator, and a bit of context ) Now I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I'm pretty sure that there'll be no prejudices in regards to this.-Two days ago I was doing my aura cleaning session as instructed by HP Maxine , and called upon  a Demon to help me out , as always , to be sure that the curses and other stuff is delivered properly , and many times to not freak out during the cleaning , because of pretty serious emotional hangups and other nasty things, perfectly timed with bad transits and so on...
 Point is I called for Set to help me before starting the Ritual , and helped me through very well , almost perfectly (I say ''almost'' because of my fault that is) He had seen the trouble that I was in and offered me a solution pretty much out of nowhere (ffs I'm in tears XD lol) and told me to charge again (with energy that is)(today He suggested me to recite the first two enochian keys before raising energies, wich proved to be of noticeable help ) and to take His sigil in front of me (on my computer screen) and instructed me to vibrate Uruz 40 times ,Sowilo 16 , Thurisaz 9 and Nauthiz 20 times. Uruz with high pleasant intensity , Sowilo with the natural intensity that brings , Thurisaz high intensity(without overdoing it too much,I could push it here and there a bit without problems) and Nauthiz either natural or high dark-red (here synesthesia is needed ) type of intensity.  These I've done with my eyes open , not necessarily concentrating in one point but rather letting them set naturally on something beyond (like when your catatonic but not quite)...after the vibrations Set helped me out to form the affirmations meanwhile visualizing His sigil but also , looking upon it , anytime I felt I was getting out of control. I was at that point enveloped in red energy, like a pleasant liberatory anger (rage,where intensity was needed) The affirmations He gaved me , normally look like they're for a bulding up type of working but He told me that it was VERY IMPORTANT to '' PUSH (affirm) it like you want to DESTROY IT (the weakness, doubts and hangups),Just like you want to destroy it'' ..and this mainly because the moon is waning in Taurus.  ''I am in FULL CHARGE of my subconscious mind and emotions , now and forever !'' 

I state it nine times ,as instructed, and much of the energy went under the form of red energy (visualizing it all the time like under Set's control , using the sigil as a tutor so to speak, sensing it's form and influence) going through all my aura , and soul , burning the weak and negative elements , those spots from where thaughtforms ( of the enemy mainly , but also created by insanity) got energy. At the same time I felt anger and sometimes rage , but it was pleasant and very vindictive, retribution at it's finest, and these sentiments where of much help. Useless to say , my voice was indeed powerful , and and reverberated a lot. 
After that I've finished with SATANAS vibrated twice (perhaps it was to be vibrated one at the start and one at the ending, my gut feeling tells me) and a Hail Satan! (where I usually include the other princes of Hell also).
Once finished , I was told to not think about it for a while, just stay in the momment and dedicate some minutes to doing other stuff, be it relaxing or whatever that DOESN'T BUTTER ME IN ANY WAY.
Synthesys:If needed ,a Demon's sigil(eventually) recite the first two enochian keysvibrate: Uruz x40 ;Sowilo x16 ;Thurisaz x9 ;Nauthiz x20
(eventually) vibrate Satanas x1(IMPORTANT!!!) state with anger and desire of destroying your weakness or what butters you mentally:
 ''I am in FULL CHARGE of my subconscious mind and emotions , now and forever !'' x9 (eventually) vibrate Satanas x1 or x2 if the first before the affirmations wasn't (better the first option)
Hail Satan! End of Ritual
...Now that's all , I've writed it on the groups because Set told me he wanted it here, even tough I'm still in stupor for according me such a task,I hope I've done it right.
HAIL SYTRY! Gratitude in future unending shall spawn from my being.
HAIL SATAN! No one above You, not one of us beneath, alone, in the cruelest of tides, Yours , and when time comes, also Ours to master for eternity. 
@theop. Ref working for control
This is powerful! I imagine one can replace *emotions* for *habits*. Many times an SS will write for help to gain control of a bad habit. [A habit is a process/procedure done so many times that it's part of the subconscious.] 
Feedback please.
Thank you for sharing! Don't you love to be *used* like this! 
Thank you, Set for this mediation!
Hail SatanHail SetAll Hail the Gods of Du'at
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 7:20 PM, theop.chipyx@... [Advanced_Meditation]<[email protected] wrote:   (To the moderator, and a bit of context ) Now I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I'm pretty sure that there'll be no prejudices in regards to this.-Two days ago I was doing my aura cleaning session as instructed by HP Maxine , and called upon  a Demon to help me out , as always , to be sure that the curses and other stuff is delivered properly , and many times to not freak out during the cleaning , because of pretty serious emotional hangups and other nasty things, perfectly timed with bad transits and so on...
 Point is I called for Set to help me before starting the Ritual , and helped me through very well , almost perfectly (I say ''almost'' because of my fault that is) He had seen the trouble that I was in and offered me a solution pretty much out of nowhere (ffs I'm in tears XD lol) and told me to charge again (with energy that is)(today He suggested me to recite the first two enochian keys before raising energies, wich proved to be of noticeable help ) and to take His sigil in front of me (on my computer screen) and instructed me to vibrate Uruz 40 times ,Sowilo 16 , Thurisaz 9 and Nauthiz 20 times. Uruz with high pleasant intensity , Sowilo with the natural intensity that brings , Thurisaz high intensity(without overdoing it too much,I could push it here and there a bit without problems) and Nauthiz either natural or high dark-red (here synesthesia is needed ) type of intensity.  These I've done with my eyes open , not necessarily concentrating in one point but rather letting them set naturally on something beyond (like when your catatonic but not quite)...after the vibrations Set helped me out to form the affirmations meanwhile visualizing His sigil but also , looking upon it , anytime I felt I was getting out of control. I was at that point enveloped in red energy, like a pleasant liberatory anger (rage,where intensity was needed) The affirmations He gaved me , normally look like they're for a bulding up type of working but He told me that it was VERY IMPORTANT to '' PUSH (affirm) it like you want to DESTROY IT (the weakness, doubts and hangups),Just like you want to destroy it'' ..and this mainly because the moon is waning in Taurus.  ''I am in FULL CHARGE of my subconscious mind and emotions , now and forever !'' 

I state it nine times ,as instructed, and much of the energy went under the form of red energy (visualizing it all the time like under Set's control , using the sigil as a tutor so to speak, sensing it's form and influence) going through all my aura , and soul , burning the weak and negative elements , those spots from where thaughtforms ( of the enemy mainly , but also created by insanity) got energy. At the same time I felt anger and sometimes rage , but it was pleasant and very vindictive, retribution at it's finest, and these sentiments where of much help. Useless to say , my voice was indeed powerful , and and reverberated a lot. 
After that I've finished with SATANAS vibrated twice (perhaps it was to be vibrated one at the start and one at the ending, my gut feeling tells me) and a Hail Satan! (where I usually include the other princes of Hell also).
Once finished , I was told to not think about it for a while, just stay in the momment and dedicate some minutes to doing other stuff, be it relaxing or whatever that DOESN'T BUTTER ME IN ANY WAY.
Synthesys:If needed ,a Demon's sigil(eventually) recite the first two enochian keysvibrate: Uruz x40 ;Sowilo x16 ;Thurisaz x9 ;Nauthiz x20
(eventually) vibrate Satanas x1(IMPORTANT!!!) state with anger and desire of destroying your weakness or what butters you mentally:
 ''I am in FULL CHARGE of my subconscious mind and emotions , now and forever !'' x9 (eventually) vibrate Satanas x1 or x2 if the first before the affirmations wasn't (better the first option)
Hail Satan! End of Ritual
...Now that's all , I've writed it on the groups because Set told me he wanted it here, even tough I'm still in stupor for according me such a task,I hope I've done it right.
HAIL SYTRY! Gratitude in future unending shall spawn from my being.
HAIL SATAN! No one above You, not one of us beneath, alone, in the cruelest of tides, Yours , and when time comes, also Ours to master for eternity. 
Yes denadehna , I agree , those are just habbits and patterns that mainly form in the brain , and of course it depends a lot on the external ambient also and emotional traumas and so on .... a bad pattern , at least in my own experience , starts with a trauma of some type and accordingly with the energy that is send into it (dwelling upon it incessantly,  or simply flashbacks) it will eventually form a into an energetic parasite. So maybe the process of reversal consists in applying an equally , or more powerful emotional impact on the subconscious so the pattern at least crashes it's feeding process , like hammering it anytime it attempts to extract attention , eventually it will fall off. The pattern then will be free for reprogramming , and used in a useful manner.  
I forgot to tell that the working is intended for being done daily over an extended period of time , though I have no real idea of the days but in case you'll be announced 4 days prior to the end , if you started today (20th July) ..because obviously I'm already into it XD ....so eventually we'll be in two to report the long terms effects , if there's no problem . Anyway I think it will very probably be for 40 days or a bit less (maybe 30 - 31)..
Anyway I'm so glad I could help out , and if there's anything unclear or strange about the working , I'll do my best to answer questions, 
Stay Natural , Stay Strong , stay Wild , everybody !
Heil Satan! Hail Sytry!
@theop. Ref habits
I never thought of that... Starts as a trauma and turns into an emotional parasite!  I hope others take notice of this. It answers a lot of questions!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 7:58 AM, theop.chipyx@... [Advanced_Meditation]<[email protected] wrote:   Yes denadehna , I agree , those are just habbits and patterns that mainly form in the brain , and of course it depends a lot on the external ambient also and emotional traumas and so on .... a bad pattern , at least in my own experience , starts with a trauma of some type and accordingly with the energy that is send into it (dwelling upon it incessantly,  or simply flashbacks) it will eventually form a into an energetic parasite. So maybe the process of reversal consists in applying an equally , or more powerful emotional impact on the subconscious so the pattern at least crashes it's feeding process , like hammering it anytime it attempts to extract attention , eventually it will fall off. The pattern then will be free for reprogramming , and used in a useful manner.  
I forgot to tell that the working is intended for being done daily over an extended period of time , though I have no real idea of the days but in case you'll be announced 4 days prior to the end , if you started today (20th July) ..because obviously I'm already into it XD ....so eventually we'll be in two to report the long terms effects , if there's no problem . Anyway I think it will very probably be for 40 days or a bit less (maybe 30 - 31)..
Anyway I'm so glad I could help out , and if there's anything unclear or strange about the working , I'll do my best to answer questions, 
Stay Natural , Stay Strong , stay Wild , everybody !
Heil Satan! Hail Sytry!
Unless you have the Enochian keys completely memorized, it will be extremely difficult to recite them with your eyes closed. You can recite the Enochian keys with your eyes open.
4th day Working report: 
All it's going pretty much fine ,though sometimes I can't successfully concentrate on destroying the bad influences/ thoughtforms (maybe because now are much less of them to deal with , and kind of not so easy to find them , or simply just because I feel a little bit dizzy lately , nothing to do with the working in this case really), but non the less things are going okay , the pattern is stabilizing itself and as result it's much easier for me to do what I decide in that moment , if I want to give myself a kick in the ass and do it (XD lol), without distractions ( at least on that very moment).
 Now the only thing that starts to kick in (kind of a lot) is the bad attitude that I naturally have , because now I'm more relaxed and not anymore emotionally prompt to anxiety or things that pushes me to obsess over what I think and do, and so I can observe my normal behavior and see the flaws, but hardly enables me to correct them , because of the state of sudden relax. Let's call it a little lack of putting into practice initiatives (laziness). So when I'm in that kind of state , I usually do work on computer of some type, just to fill in , until a better planetary hour comes along.
  Anyway good thing that I can be sure of is the way my influence over others has intensified , and as long as I have energy the effect it's rather tangible.  And yet another good thing , my mental projections (imagination, visualization) are getting more and more under control.
 Also , I've observed that I'm rather becoming mean at times , but not that bad of a thing really , never put into practice any stupid idea...The worst thing in my opinion , I killed a fly yesterday , a thing that I usually avoid doing , but it annoyed me too much after it didn't find it's way out of the room, even if I made it possible for it to do so (non the less I've thrown it out so birds can have the best of it -he he XD)....so despicable...
Anyway , maybe it will be of help to have some point of reference when it comes to knowing the long term effects prior, but as always we are all different individuals so it is possible that not that many things will apply to another person.

 Stay Strong , Stay Wild , Stay Natural !
Heil Satan! Heil Sytry !

Report Revival 37th day:
Even tough I should have been posting a report every 8-9 days or so ,I somehow managed not to keep up to it and instead I'll try to resume all those days in some generalized lines so ppl can at least have some basic of eventual side effects in the relative long run...
So it should be kept in mind that my daily program for a first wasn't as normal as ...normal..What I'm trying to say is that I'm passing a period of isolation from the external world , and the only source of physical social interaction comes from my family members , which is not that positive all the time, and I'm managing somehow to do 4 workings in the same time , along with the RTR's,Aura cleaning( as suggested by High Priestess Maxine) AoP and a special form of chakra working (more about that in a moment). All of this fits quite okay with the period I'm passing , but still simply put the solitude and lack of dynamic ambient can cause tricks all by itself, especially on the emotional and time-perception dimension.(long term isolation is not necessary)
Without any other hesitation here are the good rip-offs of this working (with possible downsides in parentheses) : I became much much more defiant when it comes to fear and limit situations, also easy recovery from mental and physical trauma, more like better pain management than the trauma itself , but one goes with the other as long as it's nothing very serious.(Also became quite easy to startle, if not mentally focused on the situation , and grown an aggressive tendency towards situations that could come as compromises be them sudden,Hell forbid, or predictable, especially when coming from other people...this flaw can be easy to exploit by others and enemy if not kept in check)  Better thought process , dross elimination from start/ or much easier , better analysis , re-analyzing thoughts hard to digest emotionally with rapid logically, rationally satisfying conclusions or decisions (emotions are still there though and a pretty disgusting experience in some cases, especially when it comes to visual or ''audio'' memory that recalls hard things from past or something that one hates, be it the (((enemy))) in my case)
 Better observation abilities and better physical dexterity , as long as there's enough physical resources, mainly sleep and decent health. (downside: experiencing the ugliness of the world in HD, understanding the basic coprophylic--no,really literally-- aspect that the enemy thrown on this world, thus making it what it is, with very few places and minds saved from such savagery; at least that's what I've experienced , so cheerful indeed) 
 Senses of any kind heightened ( stupid synesthesic associations of physical sensations to rather unmatched thoughts may kick in ,kill them on spot, shouldn't be hard, it keeps the emotional well-being, otherwise just useless suffering)    
 Better stamina when working with energy and also better visualization.
Observe well How I omitted FOCUS in all of this ...That's because this needs to be built through Void Meditation , and this working is just an eraser/corrector for the subconscious thought process, emotional impulses is also controlled by this ''mechanism'', a ''protocol'' for these MUST be built through void meditation of some kind, and also carefully managed; thus in addition to this working I Highly Recommend:
- Lydia's Psychological healing program https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/176994

-Void Meditationhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
(though I must say I had better results while concentrating or visualizing something -Satan's sigil or Runes, but that's more of a personal alternative) 
Anyway that being said another thing that may come as an issue , oppressed desires (due to whatever) , those will kick in hard , manage them wisely. On the positive side (if there's planetary predisposition) new ideas and ways to solve issues may come in waves...One of these, in my case, is a (maybe) new type of chakra soul cleaning/empowering type of meditation(just an experiment), I mean it's kind of a reap-off of the rune meditations where you feel the rune in your soul and also visualize it...only that runes are arranged in a specific formation around the chakras , occupying the front/rear and lateral energy intake canals for each chakra..I simply put my hands in the proximity of the chakra on my body and vibrate the specific number of the Rune , meanwhile visualizing...I use it after every normal Aura Cleaning and Protection session..It's pretty cool...Maybe those who suffer of seizures of any kind should not engage in it ,just as an advice , I don't really know how dangerous this is. (I'll let a drawing so you can see what I'm talking about)

It also seems that 40 days is the number of days required..Anyway if I have something else to add I'll do it.  Stay Strong , Stay Wild , Stay Natural !
Heil Satan! Heil Sytry !


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
