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Magical working to free myself from sexual and love-wise hang ups


Active member
Aug 1, 2020
Satan's Empire
I have planned a magick working for tomorrow to free my soul from sexual and love bad karma.
I write this post to receive suggestions for affirmations and Runes to use.
I thought to use Ansuz and Uruz 36 times each and focus the energy and vibration on my 2th chakra, given its nature.
My chosen affirmation it’s something like “I am completely and permanently free from every sexual and love-related hang ups in a positive and healthy way for me”.

What do you think?
I personally use the runes for this in a concentrated way on the sexual chakra (Mars) and the heart chakra (Venus) and I would divide the runic vibrations for this.

For the affirmation for example: "I am completely and permanently free from every complex of a sexual nature in a positive way for me now" x 10 on the sexual chakra.

Another affirmation "I am completely and permanently free from every complex and obstacle of an emotional nature in the most positive way for me now" x 10 on the heart chakra.
Remember to cleanse these chakras afterwards to enhance the effect of this meditation.

I plan to do this soul liberation meditation too and I have already done the one for liberation from sexual complexes for 40 days starting from Samhain last year
The heart chakra is ruled primarily by Venus and co-ruled by Mercury.

It governs love because it is ruled primarily by Venus.

The throat chakra is the seat of emotions and works in conjunction with the heart chakra for romantic relationships

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
