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Women, Men, The Enemy, Having Children and European Birthrate

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
.....To Jack
The things you've been posting are not only toxic to the bone but you deliberately try to shoot down what a true woman is supposed to be like and take away the natural strengths they have and try to twist and warp it in some kind of insane hellpit of the catholic church.
You should be punched in the face for this.

All the time you've been posting "scientific evidence" but this is the most irrational and dumb response to something Ive ever seen.

Its easy to be dogmatic when one sees a flat stupid line in front of them.

We live in another world, and things are moving forward. That is correct. This is also commonly used as an excuse to destroy any notion of balance in the world, and all good in this world: "We are progressing now! Can't have that!".

Quality of children is as important as their number. If one just goes and gets brainlessly pregnant because "it is your purpose" [as the claim goes] will have the situation you have in India or in Africa. This is called unsustainable life and existence. Your children and also you may come under tremendous suffering.

India has been dealing with this due to modern developments, but having a lot of kids so they can live among their own filth, is not something to request of a person who can see the future a bit. India is fighting an extensive and very hardcore struggle to solve this problem now. It makes matters very difficult.

The European Birthrate issue emerges not due to Marxist unwillingness alone, or ideological denial of people. This has swarmed around a low percent of retards, who are too brainwashed and too guillible in the first place, so their instincts are completely removed by some jewtalk they heard in a sitcom about how evil it is to have White kids. These are gone and there is no point to re-convince them, as they are borgs now and would make bad parents anyhow. The largest issue is a financial reason.

In regards to how the most developed Nations have made it impossible for their citizens? Here is some jewish financial domination for you. It may make no sense at all, but this is exactly how the story goes in Europe, and also in the United States.

You can live in the worlds most advanced continent, and still have difficulties making ends meet. These difficulties may be even way worse than one would face in an underdeveloped land, especially when it comes to having children, or even living yourself. Even EU analysis estimates that as many 113 millions of Europeans (22.5%) live in social exclusion or hardcore poverty, within the European Jewnion. One fourth cannot have kids in this condition, and if they do, it's a giant risk. This is also the lower classes who are more inclined to have kids, and see the idea with less Marxist contamination and Jew infested contempt.

This should help you understand this issue is not a mere "accept to have kids" issue. There are many more things involved. Marxist indoctrination is one of the reasons, another is the question of future life. Intelligent people tend to make this overly complicated, sometimes correctly, and at other times incorrectly.

Many Right Wingers or however we may call them today, lack political foresight, while the Marxist minions and jew financial cohorts, do have a lot of this of this reptilian mindset with which they ruin Nations. They know how to use the environment against the individual, that is the art they specialize. The Right Wing believes a false thing, that every problem is merely solved by ideology or critique on aspects such as Birthrates. It really is not.

You do not increase birthrates by just attacking people verbally over their refusal to give birth. Addressing the issues which cause this, causes the biggest results.

To successfully have children, in the modern world, and speaking of people who have an idea, we have a few factors that come in.

1. Financial factor, if one can afford it.
2. Confidence in government factor. One may skip this if they can afford it, but it still plays a role. Governments hardly ever help in Europe with having children. This is deliberate.
3. Ideological reasons.

"I'm too Marxist and So Liberated to even care about bringing new life on the planet! Fuck children! My dick and fapping is the most important thing in the world! "I believe the only purpose of my muff is destined only to watch pornhub until I am 80 years old". This exceptionally brainwashed people aren't a majority, and even if they are, nature has still some safelocks so that Netflix retardation actually at some point gives in to the consideration of continuing life. This is a small category of people and not the majority of people.

Other people may have better or sound reasons to not want to have kids, too. One example is, one never found a decent partner to begin with, or one wants to do something MEANINGFUL.

In regards to outsiders who don't have children only to afford an extra Netflix subscription and a Tablet, these are clearly retarded human beings, and it may also be a good idea that they don't have a large family. The other woman in Asia who forgot her child while playing video games for 2 days and it died, it would be better she didn't have one either. Birth per se, is not always a solution to problems, but can rather create problems that dwindle a civilization as fast as not having children does. One example is African birthrate, which if left without outside sustenance and charity, could never hold up the life of all of it's numbers.

Winning survival in a pest like manner, because of high numbers is not something Europeans are really willing to do. This is why standards have to exist, and incentive. There is hardly any incentive in modern politics in Jewrope, only losses. The losses of Family Life are overly projected, and add the Marxism, the negative governments, the kiked out mentality of people, and voila, you have a dying birthrate.

And this may not align completely with the mentality of "breed as to not die", nor it can be solved that way. Quality of life has to exist other than quantity of life.

Telling women or men to just breed brainlessly because its a moral and natural thing to do is just flat stupid. The disregard of the life of the actual kid that will emerge out of this is also brainless. This type of disregard is why many people are mentally maimed nowadays in the world also, starting from a very young age.

There are other people than those here who will do it, because they are meant to. Others may choose otherwise, but Satanism is not to be made as an excuse to this, but rather, personal decision. Satanism should support more Satanic life, and more enlightened souls to come to this earth, children of which are a guarantee to that end.

But one looks around and sees there are opposing forms involved. What do we do here? We oppose and find a way to defeat them.

In regards to SS women they have a choice and the means to put the all important quality factors, in this, you definitely can and are able to improve your situation. You have workings, and you are capable women. You can attract a decent person, or use your judgement to find a decent person if you want to proceed. In regards of men who say they are encountering financial or lack of partner difficulties, again, you have the workings you can do.

If you are keen on becoming a mother, your children will be the luckiest in this world, and the same goes to fathers from these groups. None of you are victims. You are at a better position than all other women or men in regards to that. If things go south, you have spiritual means and knowledge to fight adversity, for your children and your dreams also.

The demographic problem of a race is not solved by the girls in the group here, but if some women decide, they can have a spear head to teach other women, as leaders to that end. The same goes to men. If one wants to solely devote in fighting the enemy, consider that the above also is another way of fighting, and a very effective at that.

If Europeans only wanted to live, we would not be striving to better worlds. One can live as a slave and still have air inside their lungs. Disapproval of this state of existence is what founded the great empires, as much as birthrates do.

As for the third world, nations struggle and people live lowly and hate their own existence, due to this behaviour of thoughtless birth. and disregard of human quality of life. Mexico gives birth without caring about how the children will be grown or adequately provided with a better standard of life. As such, people pack up, and leave in huge numbers, depressed by their life.

Many Nations would have been only corpses weren't it for the Western charity to maintain a lot of life abroad, this is well known. Some powers in this world benefit also from the suffering of these individuals, as to them it's free working hands, and they don't mind the quality of life of the citizens. Do not act surprised people actually are not engaging without a brain in this or do not swallow up the point. It's because there is suffering involved, and in even worse cases, that's a death sentence.

Lastly, the idea that birthrates will win, is a true fact. There may be a victory of numbers, sheer force of monkeyhood overtaking Europe, taking over the earth even. Indeed, Muslims monkeys could theoretically overtake Europe, and turn it into an eternal toilet. Shortly after this however, the history of "Mankind" would be ending anyway, as they would all be rounded up like animals and put into gulags and into a form of perpetual Communist serfdom such as in the movie Hunger Games.

So their "Victory" will be short lived.

It's not exactly only a question of numbers, it is also a question of quality of life. This is also not only a philosophical question either, people aren't refusing to give birth solely on bullshit kike philosophies, but a bullshit kike environment, carefully weaved to keep White people from power in their own lands and procreation.

We have to also win the war towards a better and less Jew-fied civilization. This is of equal importance to winning the birthrate sustainable. If anything, birthrates may come to mean nothing if you fail defeating communism, Marxism and everything else. However many people live, they will only serve as slaves in the end.

This is why everyone is needed and everyone has their own role to play. Offspring can be very important, but the above is of equal importance.

Hitler understood this and this is why we have fought the enemy scourge without trying to live peacefully only and just "survive". He could capitulate in theory and let the Communist come in surging, and Europe would turn to an eternal gulag with a lot of cattle in it. The number of cattle doesn't matter if Humanity is made into cattle. The race, colour or creed of enslaved individuals will matter neither if this comes to pass.

Despite of how many people a nation may have, all it takes is a Jewish war and everyone is going to be dead. The European Birthrate was great before WW2, booming. And then, due to the excessive jewish power, all the Children of Europe lived in perpetual war, servitude, and slavery. Life persisted, but it was wounded severely.

The enemy is the first priority to go, their influence abolished entirely. If they do not go, birthrates on their own do not solve everything. They help, but they do not finish the matter.

First importance for SS is to make sure we win against the enemy, and in regards to personal parameters, we have freedom of choice. One can be the judge and controller of where their life will be, and making sensible decisions is part of this. Do not get on other people for following another path, so long that everyone is focused on the same goal of taking the enemy out.

Everyone has a different way to go about this and different things to gain out of this, but ALL of us have our survival, advancement and Godhood to win from that.

The enemy falls, and we rise. The fine details with this will fall in place on their own.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If I had enough money and if some things could be easier I would already have someone and would most likely plan to have a kids. I met someone and they aren't in my country and I am almost stuck here, same as they are stuck there. We don't have enough money to be together and to raise a family. I mean yeah I am somewhat more masculine by nature but i think having a kids would be nice one day, maybe I would even have them soon, but I can't. Not now. And if somebody pushes me on force to do some of those things I will just break. I have my own reasons for doing some things or not doing them. I will most likely have to spam money workings and to find a job in the future to survive. It's not easy at all. Raising a kid also can be super expensive, you need to think about it beforehand. You need often a savings and a decent and a safe job. What if we all end up on a street? You must really think about it all before...
Anyways, it's impossible to fix our society with the enemy around dictating us what to do and filling us with heavy curses. More RTRs I guess..
These environmental financial problems are due to globalist robber baron kind of organizations(companies) around Europe and the US leeching the general populations of their livelihoods and the nations wealth. For these multinational companies to exist the family structure must essentially be broken and people working like serfs without any roots. The economic problem must infact be solved with populist Economics and going away with globalization. Immediately the birthrate problem could also be solved with Hitler like financial and social policies. With the rise of populism in Europe this future doesn't seem very far fetched either.
Azorm said:
If I had enough money and if some things could be easier I would already have someone and would most likely plan to have a kids. I met someone and they aren't in my country and I am almost stuck here, same as they are stuck there. We don't have enough money to be together and to raise a family. I mean yeah I am somewhat more masculine by nature but i think having a kids would be nice one day, maybe I would even have them soon, but I can't. Not now. And if somebody pushes me on force to do some of those things I will just break. I have my own reasons for doing some things or not doing them. I will most likely have to spam money workings and to find a job in the future to survive. It's not easy at all. Raising a kid also can be super expensive, you need to think about it beforehand. You need often a savings and a decent and a safe job. What if we all end up on a street? You must really think about it all before...
Anyways, it's impossible to fix our society with the enemy around dictating us what to do and filling us with heavy curses. More RTRs I guess..

Screw the people who give you deadly advice to "have children" and other random stuff without any consideration of YOUR reality.

Satanists are FREE of their own choices. End of discussion.

There are many people who like to give pointless advice for other people to raise their burden and point the finger without understanding another person's situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The things you've been posting are not only toxic to the bone but you deliberately try to shoot down what a true woman is supposed to be like and take away the natural strengths they have and try to twist and warp it in some kind of insane hellpit of the catholic church.
You should be punched in the face for this.

All the time you've been posting "scientific evidence" but this is the most irrational and dumb response to something Ive ever seen.
I liked it very much, quantity yes but above all quality. The plan of the enemies is very clear, it is only about the amount of slaves. Quantity without quality has no value. Some time ago I saw on the internet buildings with very small apartments. Quantity without quality and without freedom is slavery. The grey slaves of the enemy, literally have no freedom and no quality of life and existence. They are inferior to technology and machines. They are as numerous as viruses. What an idiotic project. Enemies want to use us and destroy us. And we have to fight against enemies and win. These kind of enemies are neither the first nor the last. Our body fights viruses and many other pests every day. These not true strong enemies are not gods and can not compete with gods. They have been successful against us because they have hit us in the growth phase. They are just parasites. However, like any parasite, from the least advanced to the most advanced are dangerous and lethal. We are superior to them. We must advance and rise. It is clear that we must free ourselves from parasites if we are to survive. What we have to do is, to remove the parasites, to keep the races separate, and to divinely elevate our civilizations. Racial augmentation will be done when we ascend spiritually and expand into the universe significantly and as a race of gods. And not as a disease or as cattle. And yes, we must be leaders and guide our peoples to the truth, we must bless them and the rest will do so on their own.
I need to clean up the mess that I unintentionally made here. I don't get much time on the forum here. Apparently I have confused a lot of people due to a misunderstanding of what I could have sworn that I thought that Satan was trying to express. Where I fucked up is when Satan was expressing His sadness regarding the current state of His human Aryan bloodline that is on the brink of extinction, and that race-mixing between different races will be outlawed. However, my atrophied pineal gland filter didn't fully clarify what I was hearing. No homosexuals or women who don't want to be biological mothers will be forced to mate on demand as if this was a zoo. Every individual's needs will be respected and not violated. Yes, reproduction between members of the same race who have as much pure blood as possible will be encouraged, but ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NOT FORCEFULLY, as this is not the Soviet Union. No gays or anyone else will be punished for not procreating, especially against their will. There are also infertile heterosexuals, and this is okay, too. Satan understands this. However, I do know that Satan wants the LGBTs and all other Gentiles who are currently under the Marxist program to be un-brainwashed and re-educated, just like Christian Gentiles will have to leave Christianity and learn the truth for their own spiritual growth, evolution, and happiness.

I apologize. This isn't the first time that I have opened my mouth before I was 100% sure that my pineal gland had properly interpreted a conversation or message from the Gods. This is a work in progress, and I have not reached perfection yet. I will not be saying ANYTHING that Satan tells me, UNLESS I AM 100% POSITIVE THAT I INTERPRETED HIS MESSAGE(S) COMPLETELY ACCURATELY.

Once again, I apologize for the confusion that I caused. No woman will be in anyway forced to be a biological mother against her will, and no homosexual will be forced to mate with a gender that they weren't "wired" for being attracted to. All Gentiles will have a say in the matter, and their individual needs and boundaries will be respected. All Gentiles -- both male and female -- will have a voice.

I'm the one who fucked up. Nobody who didn't understand my misunderstanding is to blame. Satan does want ALL Gentiles to give up on Marxism, all forms of communism, and, of course, Christianity and Islam, and related Jewish abominations. Unfortunately, many gays are under the spell of Marxism, which transforms them from being Aryans (or other Gentiles) into being merely Marxist queers, just like many other Gentiles have been under the spell of Christianity, which is just as much of a Jewish abomination as Marxist socialism. This is something that must be fixed in order for us to survive, but it isn't going to involve forcing anyone to breed against their will, so I apologize for my mis-translation of Satan's message and the confusion that I caused.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azorm said:
If I had enough money and if some things could be easier I would already have someone and would most likely plan to have a kids. I met someone and they aren't in my country and I am almost stuck here, same as they are stuck there. We don't have enough money to be together and to raise a family. I mean yeah I am somewhat more masculine by nature but i think having a kids would be nice one day, maybe I would even have them soon, but I can't. Not now. And if somebody pushes me on force to do some of those things I will just break. I have my own reasons for doing some things or not doing them. I will most likely have to spam money workings and to find a job in the future to survive. It's not easy at all. Raising a kid also can be super expensive, you need to think about it beforehand. You need often a savings and a decent and a safe job. What if we all end up on a street? You must really think about it all before...
Anyways, it's impossible to fix our society with the enemy around dictating us what to do and filling us with heavy curses. More RTRs I guess..

Screw the people who give you deadly advice to "have children" and other random stuff without any consideration of YOUR reality.

Satanists are FREE of their own choices. End of discussion.

There are many people who like to give pointless advice for other people to raise their burden and point the finger without understanding another person's situation.

Thank you for making it more clear HC. I will just be myself I guess and will try slowly to improve my financial situation so I can have a better life.

I also think that often white people end up severely depressed due to imbalances in the soul and poverty caused by this jewish system. I see people with high IQ who often overthink everything and who often keep trying to be logical and to absorb as much as possible knowledge that can be potentially dangerous to them. There is lot of informations that are fake or toxic that can cause people's brain to be filled with crap. I'm talking about common junk learning and similar. People slowly either become nihilists with 0 emotions, just "big brains" claiming how nothing matters anyways and then they destroy themselves or, they start using empathy like crazy, but for a wrong things, like for loving random immigrants who will rape their wives and kids. White race is more empathic by nature, but when directed like this on such a things it can be disasterous.

Also what is common is overthinking about having a family. I want later to give my kids everything they need, even more, and it's true that I will need a lot of money and patience, but I keep seeing people who refuse to have kids because it doesn't matter anyways, they can't make their kids happy no matter what. They keep thinking how it's a crime to even have a kid while world is in such a mess. I mean, ofc you need to make things right to properly raise a kid, but it doesn't have all to be perfect 100% .This is really a big issue ... while those less educated people who are considered stupid and have farms and who are free so to say, they are happy and they don't have those problems. So often a common farmer is actually smarter and happier than than those high IQ well educated people, and they usually are having more children. We have paganism in our blood, we naturally know many things how to do and we can be really happy when we find a balance and when we stop overthinking everything. We already know many many things, it's in our DNA and knowledge is being passed from generation to generation. Such a thing is called ..well.. a culture, which is given to us by the Gods many many years ago..

But no, no.. modern white man is more accepting jewish nonsense than natural laws and is trying to destroy our culture. That is really smart !
As you already stated clever people sometimes tend to make things too complicated, instead of being what they are actually supposed to be, and then they just start ruining it all

Within modern society depression and overthinking is promoted like crazy, which also is leading people who could raise kids, to not raise them. Then add badly directed empathy, money issues and here we go....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
.....To Jack
The things you've been posting are not only toxic to the bone but you deliberately try to shoot down what a true woman is supposed to be like and take away the natural strengths they have and try to twist and warp it in some kind of insane hellpit of the catholic church.
You should be punched in the face for this.

All the time you've been posting "scientific evidence" but this is the most irrational and dumb response to something Ive ever seen.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:

I may not understand what message you are talking about, but I'd say that anyone with some common sense would have understood that what you may have said did not totally apply in the way it was written.

As such I do not think you've made a big mistake or something like that..
High Priest Jake Carlson said:

Thank you for clearing things up HP, i was deeply disturbed over what you wrote yesterday but i understand now. That makes me feel a lot easier.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
I need to clean up the mess that I unintentionally made here. I don't get much time on the forum here. Apparently I have confused a lot of people due to a misunderstanding of what I could have sworn that I thought that Satan was trying to express. Where I fucked up is when Satan was expressing His sadness regarding the current state of His human Aryan bloodline that is on the brink of extinction, and that race-mixing between different races will be outlawed. However, my atrophied pineal gland filter didn't fully clarify what I was hearing. No homosexuals or women who don't want to be biological mothers will be forced to mate on demand as if this was a zoo. Every individual's needs will be respected and not violated. Yes, reproduction between members of the same race who have as much pure blood as possible will be encouraged, but ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NOT FORCEFULLY, as this is not the Soviet Union. No gays or anyone else will be punished for not procreating, especially against their will. There are also infertile heterosexuals, and this is okay, too. Satan understands this. However, I do know that Satan wants the LGBTs and all other Gentiles who are currently under the Marxist program to be un-brainwashed and re-educated, just like Christian Gentiles will have to leave Christianity and learn the truth for their own spiritual growth, evolution, and happiness.

I apologize. This isn't the first time that I have opened my mouth before I was 100% sure that my pineal gland had properly interpreted a conversation or message from the Gods. This is a work in progress, and I have not reached perfection yet. I will not be saying ANYTHING that Satan tells me, UNLESS I AM 100% POSITIVE THAT I INTERPRETED HIS MESSAGE(S) COMPLETELY ACCURATELY.

Once again, I apologize for the confusion that I caused. No woman will be in anyway forced to be a biological mother against her will, and no homosexual will be forced to mate with a gender that they weren't "wired" for being attracted to. All Gentiles will have a say in the matter, and their individual needs and boundaries will be respected. All Gentiles -- both male and female -- will have a voice.

I'm the one who fucked up. Nobody who didn't understand my misunderstanding is to blame. Satan does want ALL Gentiles to give up on Marxism, all forms of communism, and, of course, Christianity and Islam, and related Jewish abominations. Unfortunately, many gays are under the spell of Marxism, which transforms them from being Aryans (or other Gentiles) into being merely Marxist queers, just like many other Gentiles have been under the spell of Christianity, which is just as much of a Jewish abomination as Marxist socialism. This is something that must be fixed in order for us to survive, but it isn't going to involve forcing anyone to breed against their will, so I apologize for my mis-translation of Satan's message and the confusion that I caused.

I didn't found your reply there really dangerous or offensive. I think I understood what's going on not sure why tho. Marriages can happen for a while while trying to raise kids so they can have the best possible start in life. Not all kids are the same tho, but some of them might want to have "normal" family so to say. That is not supposed to stop gays from having kids and raising them together as a couple, but some of them might want to try to raise it with a woman, just to play some roles to make kids feel better kinda. I know some facts about the past and the situations with homosexual people back then, and it wasn't that bad at all for them. Gays are free to chose what is best for them too, but ofc Satan would like them to have beautiful kids too, if they are okay with that. MercuryR affecting some things now it seems. I barely even took anything serious, but it seems others did. This is how I understand those things :)
Aldrick Strickland said:
We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.

Idiocracy isn't just a movie, it's a warning. The stupid breed, the intelligent die, and the only outlying factor is if you're rich because when you're worth billions of dollars, you could have a classroom's worth of kids.

There's such a rush nowadays for white people to have children because the idea is that since Africa is about to have a population boom, the assumption is that they're all gonna rush Europe, "I Am Legend" style and destroy everything which is exactly what the jew wants. On the other hand, the European and American economy can only be sustained because it's based on a growing population. So higher birthrates or not, the jew gets what it wants because the economy is designed to benefit them and not us. However, I'm in favor of taking the initiative of raising the birthrate to between 2.0 - 2.5. People who are gay, infertile, or impotent have different roles to play because birthrates are a step, not the solution.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.

Idiocracy isn't just a movie, it's a warning. The stupid breed, the intelligent die, and the only outlying factor is if you're rich because when you're worth billions of dollars, you could have a classroom's worth of kids.

There's such a rush nowadays for white people to have children because the idea is that since Africa is about to have a population boom, the assumption is that they're all gonna rush Europe, "I Am Legend" style and destroy everything which is exactly what the jew wants. On the other hand, the European and American economy can only be sustained because it's based on a growing population. So higher birthrates or not, the jew gets what it wants because the economy is designed to benefit them and not us. However, I'm in favor of taking the initiative of raising the birthrate to between 2.0 - 2.5. People who are gay, infertile, or impotent have different roles to play because birthrates are a step, not the solution.

Those immigrants aren't working. Thus making the financial strain on the white people.

It isn't based on a growing population at all.
My own parents almost had to give me up for adoption as they couldnt afford to keep me. fortunately they had one relative who bought them groceries and helped with rent until my father was finally able to get a job so they were able to keep me after all.
Im just stating this as an example of how bad conditions can be for people who find out they are pregnant without planning to have a baby first.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Those immigrants aren't working. Thus making the financial strain on the white people.

It isn't based on a growing population at all.

The ones who are working though get paid miniscule amounts under the table so companies can dodge taxes. This is assuming however that some of them work and don't milk the welfare system. Either way, Social Security is going to collapse completely and the Boomers will be the last generation of whites to ever receive SSI checks, which means that by the time we're in our 70s we'll be working ourselves into the grave just as (((Karl Marx))) intended.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Those immigrants aren't working. Thus making the financial strain on the white people.

It isn't based on a growing population at all.

The ones who are working though get paid miniscule amounts under the table so companies can dodge taxes. This is assuming however that some of them work and don't milk the welfare system. Either way, Social Security is going to collapse completely and the Boomers will be the last generation of whites to ever receive SSI checks, which means that by the time we're in our 70s we'll be working ourselves into the grave just as (((Karl Marx))) intended.
Look into the term :”fire”
The original post on the 666 forum got deleted. Any particular reason? Just curious.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
I need to clean up the mess that I unintentionally made here. I don't get much time on the forum here. Apparently I have confused a lot of people due to a misunderstanding of what I could have sworn that I thought that Satan was trying to express. Where I fucked up is when Satan was expressing His sadness regarding the current state of His human Aryan bloodline that is on the brink of extinction, and that race-mixing between different races will be outlawed. However, my atrophied pineal gland filter didn't fully clarify what I was hearing. No homosexuals or women who don't want to be biological mothers will be forced to mate on demand as if this was a zoo. Every individual's needs will be respected and not violated. Yes, reproduction between members of the same race who have as much pure blood as possible will be encouraged, but ON THEIR OWN TERMS, NOT FORCEFULLY, as this is not the Soviet Union. No gays or anyone else will be punished for not procreating, especially against their will. There are also infertile heterosexuals, and this is okay, too. Satan understands this. However, I do know that Satan wants the LGBTs and all other Gentiles who are currently under the Marxist program to be un-brainwashed and re-educated, just like Christian Gentiles will have to leave Christianity and learn the truth for their own spiritual growth, evolution, and happiness.

I apologize. This isn't the first time that I have opened my mouth before I was 100% sure that my pineal gland had properly interpreted a conversation or message from the Gods. This is a work in progress, and I have not reached perfection yet. I will not be saying ANYTHING that Satan tells me, UNLESS I AM 100% POSITIVE THAT I INTERPRETED HIS MESSAGE(S) COMPLETELY ACCURATELY.

Once again, I apologize for the confusion that I caused. No woman will be in anyway forced to be a biological mother against her will, and no homosexual will be forced to mate with a gender that they weren't "wired" for being attracted to. All Gentiles will have a say in the matter, and their individual needs and boundaries will be respected. All Gentiles -- both male and female -- will have a voice.

I'm the one who fucked up. Nobody who didn't understand my misunderstanding is to blame. Satan does want ALL Gentiles to give up on Marxism, all forms of communism, and, of course, Christianity and Islam, and related Jewish abominations. Unfortunately, many gays are under the spell of Marxism, which transforms them from being Aryans (or other Gentiles) into being merely Marxist queers, just like many other Gentiles have been under the spell of Christianity, which is just as much of a Jewish abomination as Marxist socialism. This is something that must be fixed in order for us to survive, but it isn't going to involve forcing anyone to breed against their will, so I apologize for my mis-translation of Satan's message and the confusion that I caused.
I honestly saw nothing wrong with your last post either but this post is just as good. It gives a great point and helps me and other understand a lot more about how bad the Jews and etc messed us up.
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.

If a highly advanced soul gets reincarnated in a inferior body, does this mean the soul can´t develop the full potential or does it just take more time to reach the former good body/soul state? (mentally handicapped people excluded)
Jack said:
The original post on the 666 forum got deleted. Any particular reason? Just curious.

Why do you think it was removed?
Fuchs said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.

If a highly advanced soul gets reincarnated in a inferior body, does this mean the soul can´t develop the full potential or does it just take more time to reach the former good body/soul state? (mentally handicapped people excluded)

The body is a reflection of the soul. Down to how good looking. How the body runs. The organs. Your finger prints. (Palmistry). Thats all a reflection of whats inside.
Aquarius said:
Look into the term :”fire”

What are you implying?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aquarius said:
Look into the term :”fire”

What are you implying?
Fire stands for: financial independence early retirement. If you want to not work your ass off when you’re 60 then you should consider learning how to save and invest money.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Fuchs said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.

If a highly advanced soul gets reincarnated in a inferior body, does this mean the soul can´t develop the full potential or does it just take more time to reach the former good body/soul state? (mentally handicapped people excluded)

The body is a reflection of the soul. Down to how good looking. How the body runs. The organs. Your finger prints. (Palmistry). Thats all a reflection of whats inside.

I know, thats the reason I did ask why we need eugenics ("We want the best blood anyway"). My question above.
Fuchs said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Fuchs said:
If a highly advanced soul gets reincarnated in a inferior body, does this mean the soul can´t develop the full potential or does it just take more time to reach the former good body/soul state? (mentally handicapped people excluded)

The body is a reflection of the soul. Down to how good looking. How the body runs. The organs. Your finger prints. (Palmistry). Thats all a reflection of whats inside.

I know, thats the reason I did ask why we need eugenics ("We want the best blood anyway"). My question above.

Who is the best and the worst is not only a visual, health or singular question, it's a multidimensional question of behaviour, mind, and everything.

The whole extreme "Only the best" talk needs a context, rather than a meme around it.
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I noticed something I found really unsettling.

I put it on imgur for you - https://imgur.com/a/fl5jkFa

My Venezuelan friend sent me this, captioned "Look this post. Finland pays you 10 thousand euros for each child you have with a Philanthropy[she meant Finnish person]", as if it were a great money making opportunity. I was skeptical and Googled this in English and only got articles on how Finland is paying Finnish couples 10 thousand euros per child because of a low birth rate and population.

In Spanish, it clearly translates to "BREAKING NEWS: Finland pays 10 thousand euros for every child you have with a Finn". It seems like the article is being advertised to South American countries, encouraging them to have children with Finns.
It does fit. However is this some sort of joke? Or actually true?

Does that mean that people are paid to race mix with Finnish people now, or that Finnish natives are paid to have kids? Because for Finns to be paid, that is only a good thing, but if they pay for race mixing, that is just insane.

HailSatanForever said:
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I noticed something I found really unsettling.

I put it on imgur for you - https://imgur.com/a/fl5jkFa

My Venezuelan friend sent me this, captioned "Look this post. Finland pays you 10 thousand euros for each child you have with a Philanthropy[she meant Finnish person]", as if it were a great money making opportunity. I was skeptical and Googled this in English and only got articles on how Finland is paying Finnish couples 10 thousand euros per child because of a low birth rate and population.

In Spanish, it clearly translates to "BREAKING NEWS: Finland pays 10 thousand euros for every child you have with a Finn". It seems like the article is being advertised to South American countries, encouraging them to have children with Finns.
The 10 thousand euro per child thing in Finland is definitely true :D I was just worried that the South American media was advertising it as a thing anyone can get in on for the 'monetary gainz'.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It does fit. However is this some sort of joke? Or actually true?

Does that mean that people are paid to race mix with Finnish people now, or that Finnish natives are paid to have kids? Because for Finns to be paid, that is only a good thing, but if they pay for race mixing, that is just insane.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
