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Jewish 'hyper masculinity' is a problem too. You don't have to wear tapout shirts and call your peers faggots if you are insecure about your masculinity and dick size, "bro". It doesn't make you "hard". If you have to act out all these insecurities and beef yourself up with steroids or do nothing but work out and have sex with loose women to prove yourself as a man, I'm sorry but you do not seem like much of a man to me, you seem like an insecure boy who does not have the stuff of Heroes in him whatsoever, and moreover, someone who is too scared inside to actually feel their own emotions and step outside of their shell to speak their real mind. Brainwashed by the jew to believe their own weakening and destruction constitutes their manliness. Loose women are also fucking gross, end of story, I can't make it a turn on for me and I'd feel like I was poisoning myself getting involved with one. The women, or should I say girls, who are attracted to these types are not valuable to me at all, save me the Germanic sweethearts who want a real-life heartfelt Hero. SS is a really lonely path. You can't just blame the other gender. Everybody is fucked up now, men and women.
I really fucking HATE what this country has become. Just imagine how different the world would be if the founding fathers had actually used their brains and listened to George Washington and Ben Franklin when they said "BAN THE JEWS. DO NOT LET THEMIN THIS COUNTRY"
JEWnited States of JEWmerica indeed.
It makes me sick!
I notice this hatred has been powering up my reverse torah rituals though. I lately feel off balance while chanting it due to all the energy.I just hope it's not my imagination and it actually is dumping a huge vortex of murderous energy right down the throat of the jewish species.
either way our newest ritual has started a civil war in Palestine so we need to keep doing it every day to further destroy the kikes and their influence.

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:48 PM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Jewish 'hyper masculinity' is a problem too. You don't have to wear tapout shirts and call your peers faggots if you are insecure about your masculinity and dick size, "bro". It doesn't make you "hard". If you have to act out all these insecurities and beef yourself up with steroids or do nothing but work out and have sex with loose women to prove yourself as a man, I'm sorry but you do not seem like much of a man to me, you seem like an insecure boy who does not have the stuff of Heroes in him whatsoever, and moreover, someone who is too scared inside to actually feel their own emotions and step outside of their shell to speak their real mind. Brainwashed by the jew to believe their own weakening and destruction constitutes their manliness. Loose women are also fucking gross, end of story, I can't make it a turn on for me and I'd feel like I was poisoning myself getting involved with one. The women, or should I say girls, who are attracted to these types are not valuable to me at all, save me the Germanic sweethearts who want a real-life heartfelt Hero. SS is a really lonely path. You can't just blame the other gender. Everybody is fucked up now, men and women.

As a strong white man myself I will tell you what I do. I HATE having a beard because it looks like shit and itches like crazy so I shave it off.But my hair is long, past my shoulders now and does get alot of attention from women whenever I'm in public.I am about 248 pounds of muscle and powerlift frequently but I don't act like a damn jackass either.
I just do what feels right and natural for me while trying to become as strong as possible in my own unique way.
That's what I believe makes a real man. To be yourself and make an effort to become as powerful as possible training mind, body and soul on the quest to godhood.
Sa[/IMG] I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."-Satan[/I]

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:46 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I see how this system makes men shave their beautiful manes off, be super butch and reject anything feminine in themselves OR swing the other way and be total pussies.. And women who are princesses (HATE those), who only care about the size of a mans wallet and his car OR be super mannish. I think all these stereotypes are unnatural, a result of the sick Jew programming. I think we naturally embody elements of both sexes in varying degrees. Personally I am attracted to people who possess the qualities of both. I LOVE androgyny. I suppose that's because I'm bisexual though ultimately I prefer men who embody the feminine AND the masculine. Tall, slender with a full mane of hair, beautiful enough to be mistaken for a woman but underneath the softer appearance a hard masculine body (men's bodies can be so beautiful and I adore them) and no pussy wimp. I can't stand a fucking coward. Give me intelligence, a powerful will, mind and spirit but with a heart. Power without a heart is just a freaking caveman. Sensitive, deep, an artists aesthetic but a warrior. That's not too much to ask for now, is it?  :) 

I just think people should be allowed to be who they are without false ideologies of what a 'real' man or woman is imposed upon them. We are all different and that's what makes us so beautiful. Women are beautiful and so are men.

I am tiny though tall. I've often been told I am intimidating. I get mistaken for a man sometimes since I have very small breasts. Growing up I hated this about myself because I was always told a 'real' woman has big boobs so I should have an operation to 'fix' my defect. But I refused, being the stubborn fucker I am. Now I actually love not having them. I'll never sag and I never have to wear a bra! If I remember correctly it was right before I dedicated to Satan - an evening out ended with me getting sucker punched in the face by a man who thought he was hitting a gay man. I had a hell of a shiner though I'm just thankful it didn't break my nose or my eye socket.

And what the hell is it with the sagging pants anyways?!? It's the dumbest thing I ever saw! I saw a male gangbanger with his ass hanging out and his pants down to his knees and I was so tempted to put my boot in his ass.

Hail Satan

Who just said a woman's mind is weak? Have your forgotten that the female, right side of the brain is the side that has all the power and that this is what the jews CONSTANTLY attack?The left, male side is logical and calculating while the right, female side is the powerhouse of the mind and soul and houses the creative energies needed to advance ones'self.
This is why things like art, music and such all come from the right brain.

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 7:44 PM, "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Wait a min just a side note. 

'A womans mind fragile'  ? I have heard the opposite, that woman should be able to handle mentally things better than men or is that just another perverse reverse thing the enemy pushes? o_O

Or do you just mean a woman shows emotion more easily?

I hate man who has to much that energy. 

On Monday, October 19, 2015 4:48 AM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Jewish 'hyper masculinity' is a problem too. You don't have to wear tapout shirts and call your peers faggots if you are insecure about your masculinity and dick size, "bro". It doesn't make you "hard". If you have to act out all these insecurities and beef yourself up with steroids or do nothing but work out and have sex with loose women to prove yourself as a man, I'm sorry but you do not seem like much of a man to me, you seem like an insecure boy who does not have the stuff of Heroes in him whatsoever, and moreover, someone who is too scared inside to actually feel their own emotions and step outside of their shell to speak their real mind. Brainwashed by the jew to believe their own weakening and destruction constitutes their manliness. Loose women are also fucking gross, end of story, I can't make it a turn on for me and I'd feel like I was poisoning myself getting involved with one. The women, or should I say girls, who are attracted to these types are not valuable to me at all, save me the Germanic sweethearts who want a real-life heartfelt Hero. SS is a really lonely path. You can't just blame the other gender. Everybody is fucked up now, men and women.

I see we have problem. I say that is hard for women to find strong man and all of you think that i want mom idiot who work out all day. NO. It´s hard to find man who has strong mind. Strong will. And who is mentally grown up. 
I have that macho man type and tell him to go away and also a week man too i have. This two types are no good for woman.

On Monday, October 19, 2015 4:48 AM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Jewish 'hyper masculinity' is a problem too. You don't have to wear tapout shirts and call your peers faggots if you are insecure about your masculinity and dick size, "bro". It doesn't make you "hard". If you have to act out all these insecurities and beef yourself up with steroids or do nothing but work out and have sex with loose women to prove yourself as a man, I'm sorry but you do not seem like much of a man to me, you seem like an insecure boy who does not have the stuff of Heroes in him whatsoever, and moreover, someone who is too scared inside to actually feel their own emotions and step outside of their shell to speak their real mind. Brainwashed by the jew to believe their own weakening and destruction constitutes their manliness. Loose women are also fucking gross, end of story, I can't make it a turn on for me and I'd feel like I was poisoning myself getting involved with one. The women, or should I say girls, who are attracted to these types are not valuable to me at all, save me the Germanic sweethearts who want a real-life heartfelt Hero. SS is a really lonely path. You can't just blame the other gender. Everybody is fucked up now, men and women.

I totally agree with you. There are millions of ways men can be men, and women can be women, without filling some dumb stereotype. Honestly, I find men with long hair, wearing kilts, to be masculine...just as much as a man in a suit, or in jeans and a t-shirt. However, a guy being whiny, nervous, high-strung...or jaded, bored, seen-it-all....ech. No thank you.

Interesting note: in prison, guys wearing saggy pants *are* asking for something up their asses...just not usually boots. So these guys thinking they're styling with their saggy pants are totally ignorant of the fact that they're asking to be someone's bitch.
Everytime I right a damned post I swipe the touchpad and lose it. Fuck!
I agree I love androgyny as well. I'm a tall guy slender but with an athletic body, I hated my appearance for a long time but after doing some spiritual works I literally became attractive overnight. Check off to my biggest insecurity. Truth is... you don't have to be a strict brick or a strict arts fag you just have to have the balls to be yourself to the max and that's what makes a "real man": the nature of being a real person on the inside.@zolaluckystar I knew a girl who fit your description and I was never more attracted to someone in my life. You definitely don't need huge tits and a gaping ass to be a desirable woman. Jews try to make everybody hate themselves spiritually physically and mentally. I had the hots for this girl for six years and we were very close but never were together because I had a deep love for her friend. I'm also really attracted to androgyny as well, and I like women who are feminine but are also charge takers, heroic, postured and not prissy princesses. I'm obviously not suggesting anything here but it sounds like our types match quite well. 
No, nothing happened to the man who did that. I was walking home alone. The place I was dancing had closed. It was a fine warm summer night so I walked. I sensed someone coming up on me, turned, he grabbed me by the jeweled collar I was wearing, called me a name and punched me. It was lights out. I have no memory of anything after. I think he must have left me there on the ground - it's in a lightly traveled industrial sort of zone - when I came to I made my way home running on instinct. I woke up next morning wondering why my face hurt so bad. And when I saw the damage I remembered. I was a hideous monster for awhile after that and hid out at home. And then later it was so weird being in public because people would look at me and you could see/feel them thinking: Her man beats her!
LOL thanks. I'm still nowhere near satisfied with my body though. I still have alot of work to do before I can fix the damage done to me by the jewish poisons that screwed me up as a kid.
I might be all muscle now but about a decade ago I had to drop half my body weight and I've been trying to replace it with muscle ever since.I'm only about halfway done and my skin is just starting to get tight enough to actually contour to my body again.That's what happens when you lose alot of weight that they don't tell you. Your skin sags like a bag of ass when that happens and I been trying to fill it all in with solid muscle ever since.
The jewish monopoly of the food and water supply needs to fucking end. Those fucks are poisoning us trying to make all the americans into fat lazy diseased cripples dependent on their drug companies.They actually force this shit on our children and they never teach anyone how to read the labels to avoid this junk that rots your body.
I might be pretty damn good looking now but it took years to fix the shit those kikes did to me when they kept spiking my food with psychiatric drugs and trying to destroy my body.

On Monday, October 19, 2015 8:08 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  fakename: I'll bet you do get some attention! Yowza!

Oh, so you like having long hair? Me too. Some men like beards but i personally don't. Yeah, i feel you. One thing that i hate in a man is saggy tits. I get it if you are old but a young male shouldn't have that. 

---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

As a strong white man myself I will tell you what I do. I HATE having a beard because it looks like shit and itches like crazy so I shave it off.But my hair is long, past my shoulders now and does get alot of attention from women whenever I'm in public.I am about 248 pounds of muscle and powerlift frequently but I don't act like a damn jackass either.
I just do what feels right and natural for me while trying to become as strong as possible in my own unique way.
That's what I believe makes a real man. To be yourself and make an effort to become as powerful as possible training mind, body and soul on the quest to godhood.
Sa[/IMG] I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."-Satan[/I]

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:46 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 I see how this system makes men shave their beautiful manes off, be super butch and reject anything feminine in themselves OR swing the other way and be total pussies.. And women who are princesses (HATE those), who only care about the size of a mans wallet and his car OR be super mannish. I think all these stereotypes are unnatural, a result of the sick Jew programming. I think we naturally embody elements of both sexes in varying degrees. Personally I am attracted to people who possess the qualities of both. I LOVE androgyny. I suppose that's because I'm bisexual though ultimately I prefer men who embody the feminine AND the masculine. Tall, slender with a full mane of hair, beautiful enough to be mistaken for a woman but underneath the softer appearance a hard masculine body (men's bodies can be so beautiful and I adore them) and no pussy wimp. I can't stand a fucking coward. Give me intelligence, a powerful will, mind and spirit but with a heart. Power without a heart is just a freaking caveman. Sensitive, deep, an artists aesthetic but a warrior. That's not too much to ask for now, is it?  :) 

I just think people should be allowed to be who they are without false ideologies of what a 'real' man or woman is imposed upon them. We are all different and that's what makes us so beautiful. Women are beautiful and so are men.

I am tiny though tall. I've often been told I am intimidating. I get mistaken for a man sometimes since I have very small breasts. Growing up I hated this about myself because I was always told a 'real' woman has big boobs so I should have an operation to 'fix' my defect. But I refused, being the stubborn fucker I am. Now I actually love not having them. I'll never sag and I never have to wear a bra! If I remember correctly it was right before I dedicated to Satan - an evening out ended with me getting sucker punched in the face by a man who thought he was hitting a gay man. I had a hell of a shiner though I'm just thankful it didn't break my nose or my eye socket.

And what the hell is it with the sagging pants anyways?!? It's the dumbest thing I ever saw! I saw a male gangbanger with his ass hanging out and his pants down to his knees and I was so tempted to put my boot in his ass.

Hail Satan

I HATE facial hair as a man. It itches, makes you look old as fuck, and doesnt serve any purpose other than to look like ass itch.Same thing with body hair. It's ugly, doesnt keep you warm and basically just soaks up sweat so you smell like a bag of ass.

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:05 PM, "yc28@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Oh, so you like having long hair? Me too. Some men like beards but i personally don't. Yeah, i feel you. One thing that i hate in a man is saggy tits. I get it if you are old but a young male shouldn't have that. 

---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

As a strong white man myself I will tell you what I do. I HATE having a beard because it looks like shit and itches like crazy so I shave it off.But my hair is long, past my shoulders now and does get alot of attention from women whenever I'm in public.I am about 248 pounds of muscle and powerlift frequently but I don't act like a damn jackass either.
I just do what feels right and natural for me while trying to become as strong as possible in my own unique way.
That's what I believe makes a real man. To be yourself and make an effort to become as powerful as possible training mind, body and soul on the quest to godhood.
Sa[/IMG] I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."-Satan[/I]

On Sunday, October 18, 2015 6:46 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 I see how this system makes men shave their beautiful manes off, be super butch and reject anything feminine in themselves OR swing the other way and be total pussies.. And women who are princesses (HATE those), who only care about the size of a mans wallet and his car OR be super mannish. I think all these stereotypes are unnatural, a result of the sick Jew programming. I think we naturally embody elements of both sexes in varying degrees. Personally I am attracted to people who possess the qualities of both. I LOVE androgyny. I suppose that's because I'm bisexual though ultimately I prefer men who embody the feminine AND the masculine. Tall, slender with a full mane of hair, beautiful enough to be mistaken for a woman but underneath the softer appearance a hard masculine body (men's bodies can be so beautiful and I adore them) and no pussy wimp. I can't stand a fucking coward. Give me intelligence, a powerful will, mind and spirit but with a heart. Power without a heart is just a freaking caveman. Sensitive, deep, an artists aesthetic but a warrior. That's not too much to ask for now, is it?  :) 

I just think people should be allowed to be who they are without false ideologies of what a 'real' man or woman is imposed upon them. We are all different and that's what makes us so beautiful. Women are beautiful and so are men.

I am tiny though tall. I've often been told I am intimidating. I get mistaken for a man sometimes since I have very small breasts. Growing up I hated this about myself because I was always told a 'real' woman has big boobs so I should have an operation to 'fix' my defect. But I refused, being the stubborn fucker I am. Now I actually love not having them. I'll never sag and I never have to wear a bra! If I remember correctly it was right before I dedicated to Satan - an evening out ended with me getting sucker punched in the face by a man who thought he was hitting a gay man. I had a hell of a shiner though I'm just thankful it didn't break my nose or my eye socket.

And what the hell is it with the sagging pants anyways?!? It's the dumbest thing I ever saw! I saw a male gangbanger with his ass hanging out and his pants down to his knees and I was so tempted to put my boot in his ass.

Hail Satan

@zolaluckystar You don't mean Antares's pictures? I do not remember posting any :p
@fake name Yeah my body was poisoned as well. Didn't eat well as a kid either because we could only afford noodles and the occasional shitty packaged meal. 
Shantikami, Yes its the energy they put out for sure and not so much what they are wearing. That said though there is something about sensual fabrics that you think would be solely for a woman that is so hot on a man...sigh. You should see some of the beauty's that come yoga class! Though I do enjoy the sight of a beautiful long haired man in a kilt! Yowza! To me long hair is like the lions mane. Its very masculine not to mention so nice to put your hands into. why cut it off? A lion would look ridiculous with a shaved head. He'd look like a lioness. I just think its funny how the jews influence men through this society they have forced on us to shave that off. Its all backwards..a natural attribute that is masculine is somehow made into something feminine and despised....I think its another way they work to emasculate our men. What they do to destroy us women is a whole other part of the conversation!

I am very dominating so a man that is whiny, weak willed etc....I tend to eat them for lunch. I don't do it to be mean! It is really done without thinking! I stomp him and go: Oh, whoops, sorry bout that. I remember this man I went out with for a while, he turned out to be such a psycho bitch. But I used to really piss him off all the time (LOL) because I was always taking the 'mans' role. And he would say: Can't you let ME be the man for once? And I would always go: Then, BE a man! I can't hand it to you!

Oh my gosh really? I don't know anything about prisons. Is that so? Wow! That's really funny! LOL!
thisisafalsealias Do you mean you like androgyny in your woman or for yourself - or both? Yes, just be yourself. Its the boxes they try to force people into that are unnatural.

I was the athletic tomboy out climbing trees, riding the horses like a Valkyrie, jumping them, running them and shit I wasn't supposed to do because it was considered too risky for a girl. I rode the mare I wasn't supposed to ride till she broke my arm, shooting rifles at bottles, capturing wild animals and trying to bring them home to keep. I got back at my older brother one night by coming into his room and putting a large snake I'd caught that day on his bed. He screamed like a girl! I had to rescue the snake! I was really fortunate growing up as I had free run of over 160 acres of private wild land. I could wander all day and not see another person. We didn't own all that of course but the neighbors that did didn't mind me roaming about. I had a particular tree who played with me (I know it sounds mad but I considered that tree my friend). It was a blue spruce. I'd climb to the very top of it and then sort of ease out onto the outer tips and let go. The tree would act like a kiddie slide, shoot me down fast then catch me at the end and let me down easy. I spent hours out there in the snow and in summer with this tree. I didn't have human friends. I had my imaginary friend, the woods, the animals, my art. And that tree.

Hated my appearance too. I didn't fit the stereotype of what was beautiful. if anyone tried to tell me I was I thought they were mocking me and I would get violent if they persisted. I rejected anything feminine, wore black leather, really severe makeup, shaved half my hair off. Its interesting how when I was severely depressed I looked so much older than I do now. I never let anyone touch me. I repressed all interest in sex for many reasons. One I will say now is that I was confused about what I even liked. I thought wanting a man who also was beautiful as a woman, and being attracted to girls too was me being a sick pervert because it made me gay and gay was simply not tolerated. It was the worst thing you could be. I didn't want to be that thing. I went to school in a small redneck town. I didn't know what Bi was. I was truly royally fucked up.

Now: I am having fun with being feminine. I wear hardly any makeup anymore, grew my hair out long, I even wear dresses! I notice it more daily, I look young again! Honestly, its wild! My sex drive woke up with a vengeance and I obviously put out different energy from then because men and women notice me now and I am liking it.

I know you aren't suggesting anything :) but yes it does sound like we do match well.
I pretty much shave everything. The only thing I don't shave is my head during the winter. I live in Texas so it's hot as fuck during the summer but also cold as fuck during the winter.
I agree. My hair certainly looks like a mane. Also here's another way the jews are trying to emasculate us.
I can NEVER find a decent pair of jeans with enough room for my balls if it isn't at least 2 sizes too big!
It's fucking retarded!

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:16 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Shantikami, Yes its the energy they put out for sure and not so much what they are wearing. That said though there is something about sensual fabrics that you think would be solely for a woman that is so hot on a man...sigh. You should see some of the beauty's that come yoga class! Though I do enjoy the sight of a beautiful long haired man in a kilt! Yowza! To me long hair is like the lions mane. Its very masculine not to mention so nice to put your hands into. why cut it off? A lion would look ridiculous with a shaved head. He'd look like a lioness. I just think its funny how the jews influence men through this society they have forced on us to shave that off. Its all backwards..a natural attribute that is masculine is somehow made into something feminine and despised....I think its another way they work to emasculate our men. What they do to destroy us women is a whole other part of the conversation!

I am very dominating so a man that is whiny, weak willed etc....I tend to eat them for lunch. I don't do it to be mean! It is really done without thinking! I stomp him and go: Oh, whoops, sorry bout that. I remember this man I went out with for a while, he turned out to be such a psycho bitch. But I used to really piss him off all the time (LOL) because I was always taking the 'mans' role. And he would say: Can't you let ME be the man for once? And I would always go: Then, BE a man! I can't hand it to you!

Oh my gosh really? I don't know anything about prisons. Is that so? Wow! That's really funny! LOL!

That's also why I hate the whole "gentleman" routine. They want men to pamper women hand and foot because it is a "man's way". The other day I was getting on the local bus going home when the bus lady stopped me and said "women go first". I told her she was being kind of sexist and she said "no, it's called being a gentleman". Don't get me wrong I like being a gentleman, but in my eyes being a gentleman has nothing to do with wading on a woman hand and foot like she's an infant or something!
Yup angry shaman, don't like facial hair. Or body hair as you say, it just stinks because it soaks up the sweat. Nor man boobies. lets keep those for the women! LOL
@zolaluckystar I mean I like androgyny in both myself and the other gender. I'm both a manly man and a feminine man being a musician/writer type. The last girl I loved was super sweet (no Satanists around my little area besides a couple reclusive folk I have suspected to be) and despite being a cute little Aryan princess she was also very strong willed and could be somewhat masculine. Kind of like your case of running around on your mare and your tree friend, this sounds 100% like her down to a fine point, she has horses and had imaginary friends as well. Despite not being a Satanist she is pretty spiritually gifted (could leave her body at will since she was like four, lucid dreams literally every single night and programs dreamscapes for herself etc, she was surprised when I told her how rare this was because she is a loner) and a real-life artistic prodigy. She told me once that when she had nightmares of things chasing her, in her dream she would come to my house and sit at the end of my bed (as we had broken up and she didn't think it would be okay to get in bed) and I've been laying in bed before and randomly felt her energy really strong and started thinking of her. I always had a sort of protective thing for her which worked perfectly even when she didn't need it, I can't repress my desire to be protective in times that call for it so I like for it to be appreciated.On the gentleman aspect of dating this is something I'm kind of split on as well, I think embodying the behaviour all the time is beyond stupid but sometimes when it just comes out naturally and then its just easy cute romance. The girl I was talking about had some anxiety issues and such and I would help her with it, along with some other things, its kind of hard to explain but it was often kind of protective and gentlemanly and it just evolved into our personal dance of love. I agree with what you said its nice being a gentleman but not treating your girl like she is an infant and pampering her and such, that's something totally different.I'm really particular with partners because I don't like a woman who is TOO dominating (I dated this one bitch who incessantly preached she was more of a man than me and all my friends because of her outright manner... but she was probably one of the most feminine people I have met) but what I hate worse is a girl who is totally submissive and ever waiting for you to make the move. I want to feel wanted to! I have no problem being solitary sexually or emotionally. I like dating a girl who feels like my best friend but feminine and submissive enough to mix well with me.I also had a similar experience of being quite depressed for a while and unhappy with myself and I came out of it almost overnight, got way more attractive, starting looking a lot more youthful and noticed I was getting hit on and invited to sex more often (not all of the time because I can have a very reserved demeanour for a reason), its just all about confidence and your enjoyment with sex as a whole. 
Well, I'm happy to say fake name that's not one of MY problems! It must really suck! LOL!
Say, you must be quite tall, can I ask? I'm curious :)
yeah I'm 6 feet tall. So that's pretty tall I think?

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 8:47 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well, I'm happy to say fake name that's not one of MY problems! It must really suck! LOL!
Say, you must be quite tall, can I ask? I'm curious :)

Also, mainly the reason I never liked my appearance is because I was mistaken for a girl constantly when I was young so it set a pattern in my mind. Knowing now, at this age, that there are girls that are actually into somewhat feminine looking men, well lets just say I sure wish I knew it back then. When I was young my hair was always really long (got it from my dad who grew his past his ass, my family are bikers and hippies so they thought my long hair was awesome and supported it) and everybody constantly mocked me for it, I hated going to school because of it and even the school nurse would hand out the needle slip to me that girls had to get when she came in to class to give the sheets to the girls. Because of this I was moderately to severely depressed from grade two to grade nine and then all the guys started wearing long hair when the big slew of hippy crap came along and people thought it was so cool. Just made me want to shoot up the school but now I'm happy with how my life worked out because I simply have twenty times the life right now that any of these people will ever have anyways.Also body hair... some parts of my body are hairy as fuck but its not that bad and I'm too lazy to shave them. Showers work for sweat. I like facial hair too but it feels better to be clean shaven. For women I generally don't care if they shave or not as long as they aren't very hairy but I do find it sexier for a woman to be clean shaven. I'm not at the age yet where my full beard will come out but when it does in a year or two I am going to have facial hair so that people will not be able to recognize me as easily. I also just think facial hair looks awesome so its all in personal taste.


You can also try a SURYAYE to work of the Karma off of your Soul. By Karma I mean what has been done to you by the enemy, it's not your fault.

I have been doing a SURAYE daily now for months and I have noticed huge improvements. It has really cleaned out my Soul to prepare for higher Meditation which further clean it out and empower it.

Try this working the SURYAYE and see how well it works for you. If the enemy is too much you can either do a partial working, or ask Father Satan, or your Guardian to take it, if you do not have a Guardian yet then ask Father Satan to send a Demon to take it to him.

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/522 
Just take out the part about "I am aligning these protective energies with my Brothers and Sisters in Satan" as this is not a group working, but a single working for yourself. Make sure to not start in a Void Of Course moon.
To be able to tell the moon's activity I suggest using this website.
Just enter your personal information to get accurate information about your area and the lunar activity.
Remember to remove that information once the page has been bookmarked.
@David Lost.

It seems to me like you have a lack of confidence entirely, and then want to try a Pagan Goddesses/Demoness instead which isn't right. Do you see what I am saying here?

They aren't our muse. If you truly want a Demoness lover then do so, but to cover up sexual/psychological hangups and then expect them to be your muse is disrespectful.

You are still in the deveoping stages, give yourself a chance. Yes there are a lot of young girls out there who aren't mature enough for someone like you but you have to be patient. Why not just focus on buidling yourself for right now, and waiting for the right girl to appear. Or, ask Father Satan to send you a girlfriend.

This is my advise to you, because I used to be the same when I was your age, combined with someone a made an eternal vow of love to in a past life, who is now gone. These things needs to be addressed before contacting one of our Gods/Goddesses and expecting them to cover up the issues you have. If it truly is your wish though as I said, you two can even spend time together working on the issues and growing in a bond that way.

Try to search your Soul out also, and figure out why you have the issues you do more than likely the enemy lies there as well. As the enemy attacks the mind, and makes things like this to hamper one's lovelife.
thisisafalsealias: Ahh, ok, I kind of thought that might be what you meant. yes, me too. Ok, I have to ask: What genre of music do you write? Do you play any instruments? My inquiring mind wants to know :) I always wished I had learned the violin. Also the piano. But I went into fine art.

There is one male who I think is lovely in my yoga classes and I kind of thought/hoped he might be a satanist, turns out he's a hare krisna. AND hes either very shy, too self absorbed or a total snob. Still, I have been vibing him a little and doing a little sex magic. It took a few months but he is starting to set up closer and closer to my mat. I always set up in MY spot and I've been vibing him to come to ME. I'm just having some fun with him. He doesn't realize the fun he is missing! LOL! He's a little too careful to never look and you can feel its an act. You know? And then you feel something, you look and catch the person looking quickly away. Silly man. I'm happy enough as I am though. I don't NEED anyone, I just thought it would be fun to take him to bed. I haven't been with anyone for a LONG time.

Your aryan princess does sound like me. I am gifted in my own ways too. Psychic (like knowing info or seeing things) but its not controllable yet. It happens when it happens except for the aura seeing, feeling peoples vibes, sensing energy, seeing things. I was the psychic for a team of paranormal investigators. The guy had heard of me and asked me to come do it with them. I thought it would be fun so I said sure why not? This experience gave me a lot of feedback as to is it my imagination or was what I picked up what the owner was experiencing sort of experience. I used to dismiss a lot but I found doing this that what I get is actually accurate. So. Well. Interesting. I've done a lot of dreamwork too. Lucids and all that. So why'd you break up with her?

My psycho bitch ex was terrible for always submitting to what I wanted to do. I was always the one who had to make the plans. I was always the initiator. As for the other when I want to I don't have a problem making moves. Yeah. its a drag if its always you having to initiate. Blagh. BO-ring! He smothered me. He was a psychic vampire, I understand it now. I was always so drained after spending the day with him and didn't understand why. He was also a wuss when I needed help. Or at least, I would have appreciated knowing he was willing and able to defend me. I appreciate a man who is protective when its appropriate/necessary/needed. But I don't want to be coddled and treated like a child either. That is the worst! its a give and take, like a dance. I like what you said about your personal dance of love. That's nice. I personally am leaning towards if its a real relationship you would want them to be a friend too. Unless its just about the sex. For example my yoga beauty. I have no illusions. We probably aren't compatible. I just want his body. That's it. perhaps that's terribly shallow. But its not like I am running about doing everything that moves. NOT. I think its healthy though to have my lustful thoughts for him, since I was terribly abused earlier in life and after I won free I swore I wouldn't let anyone touch me EVER again. At least now I'm interested! This is progress!

 I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I definitely don't want anyone to try to make me the center of their world. never again. I'm not one of those people who has to be in a relationship to feel whole. I AM whole. And i too am very particular. I feel as far as close relationships go with a male I have my GD. He loves me, I love him, he steps in when totally needed but otherwise I am left to handle my shit. He listens. He is always helpful. He's wonderful. He's thoughtful and kind. My complaint is I only hear him as a thought that pops into my head sometimes out of the blue. I don't think that's the same as astral hearing. I want to be able to hear him. I know, I know, I have to empower my chakras.

You say you came out of it almost overnight (the depression). How? What did it for you? Was it dedicating to Satan? I know I have felt better since then. Thanks for the conversation by the way, I am really enjoying it!

Hey fake name/angry shaman Yeah, six feet is a good size for sure. I wondered because 248 pounds, that's a lot of muscle mass. Your arms are probably as big as my thighs! LOL! Bigger! I am 5'10 and 126 pounds. So I'm teeny. I've always been teeny. I want to make a guess here...are you brunette? Sorry if that's asking for too much info but its fun guessing! I totally pictured you when you saw the video of the guy violating the car! I could just see the lip curl! You know? OMG, it still makes me laugh like crazy! That was just so sick and ridiculous!
Most of my muscle is in my shoulders, chest and thighs actually. I do alot of squats and deadlifts.My arms aren't nearly as thick as I'd like but I have long ass arms and legs so it's harder to fill in with muscle where you can see the difference.
When I'm standing up my arms reach past my hips at the sides. It takes a long time to add muscle to fill in that difference when they're so long.

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:23 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hey fake name/angry shaman Yeah, six feet is a good size for sure. I wondered because 248 pounds, that's a lot of muscle mass. Your arms are probably as big as my thighs! LOL! Bigger! I am 5'10 and 126 pounds. So I'm teeny. I've always been teeny. I want to make a guess here...are you brunette? Sorry if that's asking for too much info but its fun guessing! I totally pictured you when you saw the video of the guy violating the car! I could just see the lip curl! You know? OMG, it still makes me laugh like crazy! That was just so sick and ridiculous!

ugh I HATE when I get mistaken for a girl just because I have long hair.And the only people who do that all wear glasses so you just know they're blind as fuck anyway!
Seriously I'm 6 feet tall, a huge mass of muscle and yet they still can't tell I'm a guy?!

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:05 PM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also, mainly the reason I never liked my appearance is because I was mistaken for a girl constantly when I was young so it set a pattern in my mind. Knowing now, at this age, that there are girls that are actually into somewhat feminine looking men, well lets just say I sure wish I knew it back then. When I was young my hair was always really long (got it from my dad who grew his past his ass, my family are bikers and hippies so they thought my long hair was awesome and supported it) and everybody constantly mocked me for it, I hated going to school because of it and even the school nurse would hand out the needle slip to me that girls had to get when she came in to class to give the sheets to the girls. Because of this I was moderately to severely depressed from grade two to grade nine and then all the guys started wearing long hair when the big slew of hippy crap came along and people thought it was so cool. Just made me want to shoot up the school but now I'm happy with how my life worked out because I simply have twenty times the life right now that any of these people will ever have anyways.Also body hair... some parts of my body are hairy as fuck but its not that bad and I'm too lazy to shave them. Showers work for sweat. I like facial hair too but it feels better to be clean shaven. For women I generally don't care if they shave or not as long as they aren't very hairy but I do find it sexier for a woman to be clean shaven. I'm not at the age yet where my full beard will come out but when it does in a year or two I am going to have facial hair so that people will not be able to recognize me as easily. I also just think facial hair looks awesome so its all in personal taste.

Exactly, Zolastar; it is the energy, the full embrace of masculinity. I respond well to strength in both women and men, and cannot stand when someone acts like a whiny victim. The guy you mentioned whining "can I be the man?" clearly had no idea how to be one. :p

And, yes, I can see so much control over HOW to be a man, or a woman, in pop culture. "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," "What Not to Wear" - all these so-called experts talking about how "this" is in and "that" is so yesterday - as if we all have to dress in specific, modern, ways to read as male and female. Just who is pushing these new looks, which change every season? And is it just me, or do you see how jeans are practically shoved in our face as the ideal thing to wear, anytime, anywhere?

It's true! Saggy pants mean the guys want it up the bum, to be the bottom/b*tch!

To Fake Name: it's crazy that people can't see past your hair to see you're a guy. It's like they're being deliberately blind...or being passive-aggressive in telling you to cut your hair. I thought that sort of thing was supposed to have died after the 70's were over. Yeesh.
Enemy tactic, they try to let you feel "lower" in the way you seem less mascoline, thus they try to close your 2nd chakra building on inferiority comples (do I look less mascoline than other people, so that they mistake me for a girl?), this happens to me too all the time, and I ignore it!

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 16:10:56 +0000
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: WOMAN'S STRUGLE.

ugh I HATE when I get mistaken for a girl just because I have long hair.And the only people who do that all wear glasses so you just know they're blind as fuck anyway!
Seriously I'm 6 feet tall, a huge mass of muscle and yet they still can't tell I'm a guy?!

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 12:05 PM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also, mainly the reason I never liked my appearance is because I was mistaken for a girl constantly when I was young so it set a pattern in my mind. Knowing now, at this age, that there are girls that are actually into somewhat feminine looking men, well lets just say I sure wish I knew it back then. When I was young my hair was always really long (got it from my dad who grew his past his ass, my family are bikers and hippies so they thought my long hair was awesome and supported it) and everybody constantly mocked me for it, I hated going to school because of it and even the school nurse would hand out the needle slip to me that girls had to get when she came in to class to give the sheets to the girls. Because of this I was moderately to severely depressed from grade two to grade nine and then all the guys started wearing long hair when the big slew of hippy crap came along and people thought it was so cool. Just made me want to shoot up the school but now I'm happy with how my life worked out because I simply have twenty times the life right now that any of these people will ever have anyways.Also body hair... some parts of my body are hairy as fuck but its not that bad and I'm too lazy to shave them. Showers work for sweat. I like facial hair too but it feels better to be clean shaven. For women I generally don't care if they shave or not as long as they aren't very hairy but I do find it sexier for a woman to be clean shaven. I'm not at the age yet where my full beard will come out but when it does in a year or two I am going to have facial hair so that people will not be able to recognize me as easily. I also just think facial hair looks awesome so its all in personal taste.

Fake name
some demons look feminine has well.
Since feminists are known for their beuty.
so i see the trick is to balance feminine and masculine side of yourself when your a male.
i myself have long hair not yet past my shoulders tho but im working on it, and my peeps always bug me to cut it off because it makes me look like a girl.
where living in a time where males have to be manly macho men and reject feminism or they get laughed at or get called fag or gay.
thus shutting down the feminine side of the brain and such.
Basically having my full spiritual awakening allowed me to start thinking with a big solar ego, like "Fuck this, I'm fucking awesome and handsome and just all around good. All these people who put me down are stupid fucking ugly idiots." and I felt fine about myself from then on, for the most part. Also, I can't hear my guardian demon(s) either :/ I'm pretty sure of who they both are (and that I apparently either have two of them or I just have a close friendship with one, one is male and one is female and I saw the female one in my dreams before), and one time I was meditating very intensely on one of their energies and something started to blatantly manifest in my living room. I got really frightened so it went away, but around that time I also saw a presumably human spirit in orb form flying around outside my house, and it flashed up my whole living room with a massive light. I could barely believe it happened because of how blatant and objective it was. Through my friend's auto writing during a ritual (I was writing a song when it came along which it/he apparently liked, and I played the song during the ritual) it gave me a message, specific to something about my life he would not have known about, and gave its name, which is the name of someone I am 90% sure I knew in my last life, and if not would have been directly associated with spiritually and physically. The thing is, I find usually when I try and communicate with demons, even though I can't actually hear their voices and only get mental messages, I've opened up to reading them in other ways through which they and Satan have communicated with me to an eerily specific degree. I hear astral sounds very clearly sometimes (not words) but these communications feel even more real sometimes. Not long ago I was at work and I was really really really hungry and I was thinking about a demon all day (not one of the two I mentioned) and was having some "why me" thoughts about SS, and for some reason I decided to reach my hand in the vending machine in the hall, and there was a massive chocolate bar in there just sitting there. All I could think was, "they really do care!! Thank you so much!!!!" and it felt so clear to me. This is one example I have of this happening. I wish so bad for my sweetheart to feel these things and experience it with me.

I can tell you from experience that tree's a certain type of interaction, and they do not like being hugged. When you begin to reconnect to Nature then you realize what they are telling you.

Please don't hug them, they really do not like that. It's uncomfortable to them. I happen to have a lot of tree's who are my friends, and I talk to them daily. If you wish to know some things We can talk about it here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
