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@zolaluckystar This is probably the first extended conversation I had on this forum centred around, I guess, personality you could say. One of the few extended conversations I’ve had on here period actually. And I as well am really enjoying it :)
I write black metal, classical guitar and symphonic music for the most part but I have done other things as well. The music I have recorded is all basically just for me to have totally relatable music to listen to and to have, and while I have sold music and still do make money with it, I wouldn’t call myself a professional musician just yet because of that. I want to be able to compose beautiful classical music but I got a long way, I’m poor at inventive phrasing and my music often sounds video gamey. I’ve been playing music as a release since I was pretty young, and it was my dream to be really good, so now I am one of the best guitarists and drummers from where I am from. I can play quite a few other instruments at an intermediate level like cello, flute/fife/piccolo, piano, saxophone, etc. My mother knew I was lonely and had passion so she would rent me an instrument every once in a while.
I’m usually not into casual sex though I do know people I would love to chase after. I just haven’t been in a situation to initiate it yet, and for some reason, I often just lack interest in actually committing intercourse with people I’m not close with. I get a better high off imagining passionate and warm sex with someone I know rather than having awkward, cold sex. If that makes sense. I know its a totally superficial thing too, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I do like emotional highs more though because I’m a very, very emotional person. Though when I am very horny I will literally walk around and all day just think “I want to fuck you so badly, let me *** inside you” to just random people who I know, mutual friends and etc lol. 
That is neat that you were a psychic for a paranormal research gig, what a sweet job. My friend just told me his new gal’s mother is a professional paranormal researcher. I don’t know why the hell we broke up. But I remember what happened and this was before I dedicated as a warrior for Hell. I started investing a lot more time into spiritual development last October, and I unlocked a siddhi. I knew she was psychic too, but at this point I knew instantly that I was going to have to dedicate to fight for this and I would have passion over this whereas she doesn’t even know she is psychic. I’ve told her many times before she has a serious spiritual gift. She goes to church but I don’t think she actually believes in gawd, she just likes the community; she’s all about community. She’s really like my sleeping princess. Also like you, she liked to share initiation, but I wouldn’t want a girl who didn’t have guts though I like making my chosen girl happy actively by actually showing I love her and care about her. Its just satisfying and makes you feel active in love.The reason why I broke out of depression so quick was because at this moment of unlocking the siddhi and shortly after, I immediately realized all the things I had thought and predicted over the years were true. And I found real hope. After seeing myself actually perform the siddhi consciously, just by staring and thinking and (telekinisis) I got the feeling that if my dreams from when I was like ten years old of learning how to do it were coming true, so all the others would too, including reincarnation, being a hero of sorts, etc. I still get very sad and very angry sometimes but its just natural now and it doesn’t feel like its weighing me down, doesn’t feel like this sick unnatural thing, though I get angry if I feel my life situation is a burden to me. I’ve always been pretty psychic I think but never really realized until later, although when I was young, I went a little bonkers and started seeing entities everywhere, going into these odd trances, and things like that started happening. I thought I was going mad. But then I started realizing I could simply see things that others couldn’t so I kept developing my mind until I could make people call me a wizard or a sorcerer by engaging in my environment, so then I knew it was obviously true that I had psychic power and wasn’t just blowing myself.
Sucks you had that experience too with a psycho cunt, psychic vampires are fucking annoying things. When I split with my bitch I angrily scrawled in my journal, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?” because I couldn’t understand how she could be so utterly manipulative and sick. It turned out she was apparently jewish in part, enough said. I’m glad that nightmare is over…
I think that you get the point of relationships is to try and add an element to your life, which is the other person, and not try to complete yourself. I definitely don’t need a relationship either, but I like intimacy and closeness with other human beings a lot, so when someone special comes along at the right time, I figure why not. You always get something and lose something from it, its just about finding people who give you something good and make you lose some thing in your mind or soul that is inhibiting you, learning a lesson. That’s how I view love relationships anyways
That’s hilarious that you are so big and yet they still think you are a girl. Obviously they can not see at all or they are just plain stupid and unaware.
What is this? eHarmony? 

---In [email protected], <thisisafalsealias@... wrote :

@zolaluckystar This is probably the first extended conversation I had on this forum centred around, I guess, personality you could say. One of the few extended conversations I’ve had on here period actually. And I as well am really enjoying it :)
I write black metal, classical guitar and symphonic music for the most part but I have done other things as well. The music I have recorded is all basically just for me to have totally relatable music to listen to and to have, and while I have sold music and still do make money with it, I wouldn’t call myself a professional musician just yet because of that. I want to be able to compose beautiful classical music but I got a long way, I’m poor at inventive phrasing and my music often sounds video gamey. I’ve been playing music as a release since I was pretty young, and it was my dream to be really good, so now I am one of the best guitarists and drummers from where I am from. I can play quite a few other instruments at an intermediate level like cello, flute/fife/piccolo, piano, saxophone, etc. My mother knew I was lonely and had passion so she would rent me an instrument every once in a while.
I’m usually not into casual sex though I do know people I would love to chase after. I just haven’t been in a situation to initiate it yet, and for some reason, I often just lack interest in actually committing intercourse with people I’m not close with. I get a better high off imagining passionate and warm sex with someone I know rather than having awkward, cold sex. If that makes sense. I know its a totally superficial thing too, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I do like emotional highs more though because I’m a very, very emotional person. Though when I am very horny I will literally walk around and all day just think “I want to fuck you so badly, let me *** inside you” to just random people who I know, mutual friends and etc lol. 
That is neat that you were a psychic for a paranormal research gig, what a sweet job. My friend just told me his new gal’s mother is a professional paranormal researcher. I don’t know why the hell we broke up. But I remember what happened and this was before I dedicated as a warrior for Hell. I started investing a lot more time into spiritual development last October, and I unlocked a siddhi. I knew she was psychic too, but at this point I knew instantly that I was going to have to dedicate to fight for this and I would have passion over this whereas she doesn’t even know she is psychic. I’ve told her many times before she has a serious spiritual gift. She goes to church but I don’t think she actually believes in gawd, she just likes the community; she’s all about community. She’s really like my sleeping princess. Also like you, she liked to share initiation, but I wouldn’t want a girl who didn’t have guts though I like making my chosen girl happy actively by actually showing I love her and care about her. Its just satisfying and makes you feel active in love.The reason why I broke out of depression so quick was because at this moment of unlocking the siddhi and shortly after, I immediately realized all the things I had thought and predicted over the years were true. And I found real hope. After seeing myself actually perform the siddhi consciously, just by staring and thinking and (telekinisis) I got the feeling that if my dreams from when I was like ten years old of learning how to do it were coming true, so all the others would too, including reincarnation, being a hero of sorts, etc. I still get very sad and very angry sometimes but its just natural now and it doesn’t feel like its weighing me down, doesn’t feel like this sick unnatural thing, though I get angry if I feel my life situation is a burden to me. I’ve always been pretty psychic I think but never really realized until later, although when I was young, I went a little bonkers and started seeing entities everywhere, going into these odd trances, and things like that started happening. I thought I was going mad. But then I started realizing I could simply see things that others couldn’t so I kept developing my mind until I could make people call me a wizard or a sorcerer by engaging in my environment, so then I knew it was obviously true that I had psychic power and wasn’t just blowing myself.
Sucks you had that experience too with a psycho cunt, psychic vampires are fucking annoying things. When I split with my bitch I angrily scrawled in my journal, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?” because I couldn’t understand how she could be so utterly manipulative and sick. It turned out she was apparently jewish in part, enough said. I’m glad that nightmare is over…
I think that you get the point of relationships is to try and add an element to your life, which is the other person, and not try to complete yourself. I definitely don’t need a relationship either, but I like intimacy and closeness with other human beings a lot, so when someone special comes along at the right time, I figure why not. You always get something and lose something from it, its just about finding people who give you something good and make you lose some thing in your mind or soul that is inhibiting you, learning a lesson. That’s how I view love relationships anyways
That’s hilarious that you are so big and yet they still think you are a girl. Obviously they can not see at all or they are just plain stupid and unaware.
@light_algur Haha... yeah I was waiting for a comment like that, this whole post is getting sidetracked but I don't really care, its personally pretty rare I have a real quality conversation with another SS that isn't just focused around what we do so I take whatever chance I get. I think this post should maybe have been centred around the problem of mating in general and its relationship with Satanism and the degradation of society rather than just the struggle for women. When you're a Satanist you're part of a whole new tier of people so relationships with any normal people & weaklings will be impossible.
Mate, that is what private emails are for. Who cares about your private and sex life in an open forum? 

---In [email protected], <thisisafalsealias@... wrote :

@light_algur Haha... yeah I was waiting for a comment like that, this whole post is getting sidetracked but I don't really care, its personally pretty rare I have a real quality conversation with another SS that isn't just focused around what we do so I take whatever chance I get. I think this post should maybe have been centred around the problem of mating in general and its relationship with Satanism and the degradation of society rather than just the struggle for women. When you're a Satanist you're part of a whole new tier of people so relationships with any normal people & weaklings will be impossible.
@l[/IMG] I feel the same as you do thisisafalsealias. I don't know any other SS but my brothers and sisters here. We are merely talking about music/relationships/sex/life experiences in general and other things we find mutually interesting. yc28@rocket: If we are connecting and talking it is frowned on? Is sexuality verboden? Is sexuality a topic we must censor? Isn't that a jewish mindset? Why must we be ashamed? Doesn't the enemy always want us to be sorry and ashamed? I thought members aren't supposed to directly e-mail one another, isn't that the rule? So where/how else can we talk? Its not necessary to try to take the pleasure out of something innocent and make it ugly. It IS an open forum. Open to me means we can talk about what we wish to talk about. Is that wrong? If it disgusts you so much you can choose not to read it. We would have eventually gone on to another subject :)

I am very happy to be able to enjoy a quality conversation with another Satanist. I am not fortunate enough to know any in my daily life so I don't get a ton of quality conversation; its even more difficult now since I dedicated to Satan. I'm finding it harder to relate to those without; some people I have had to cut off entirely as they are Xians and tools of the enemy. Or like the yoga people with their shit about 'detachment' and 'love love love'. I get exposed to this as I am doing yoga daily. I really don't like the emphasis on love some of the teachers push. I'm finding it to be like fingernails on a chalkboard. I was in a class and the teacher – an Xian – he was using the class as an opportunity to proselytize, and then he started going on about how Lucifer 'fell' and I was SO pissed off. I never took his class again. It really opened my eyes to something though, how different I actually am, as a SS. I was looking about the room and seeing how earnest, yet how mislead people are.

Thisisafalsealias; Your music sounds a really interesting mix, black metal and classical! Thats two pretty extreme opposites. A lot of instruments! You're very prolific! I think thats a ton of different instruments to know! I don't know if you were around for when records were the thing, the artists would have all the lyrics printed inside, it was a big part of the experience. That was back in the day when they actually wrote lyrics. Do you do lyrics too as well as sheet? Music is such an art form. I respect that. I studied fine art.
The way we tell if a person is a professional artist is have they been showing regularly (built up a cv) for at least the last 2 years. Because it sounds to me like going by that you are a professional. By those lights I am a professional too. Not that I'm rich. I'm here at the studio now having just built five more frames for new portraits of the Gods. Just me and the rats. Yes, rats. I was looking for something the other night and jerking a drawer open, stuck my hand in to root about, and realized I had scooped up a rat in my hand! It was so unexpected. I am not squeamish but I sure was grossed out and when it leaped down and ran over my feet I screamed :)
Yes I went through a period of wondering if I was mad too. For the same reasons. I had someone I could write to about it in America and he was a big help.
Whoops apologies, I for some reason thought the comment about this is what private e-mails are for was by yc28@rocket but I was mistaken. I was responding to light_algur. Apologies (red cheeks) my error. And before you get excited, I am NOT calling you a Jew. I just think some of their programming is quite subtle and entrenched. Why do I always catch these errors AFTER I hit send? Crap.
There is no such rule as contacting other members, though it is not advised due to infiltrators misleading newcomers and causing them harm in real life. These events have happened before. 
Your counter argument has made me changed by views about what i wrote. 
I can relate to the feeling of loneliness. Slowly but surely, the satanic order is being placed as long as the rituals are done. I am extremely confident in the reverse workings. 
---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

@l[/IMG] I feel the same as you do thisisafalsealias. I don't know any other SS but my brothers and sisters here. We are merely talking about music/relationships/sex/life experiences in general and other things we find mutually interesting. yc28@rocket: If we are connecting and talking it is frowned on? Is sexuality verboden? Is sexuality a topic we must censor? Isn't that a jewish mindset? Why must we be ashamed? Doesn't the enemy always want us to be sorry and ashamed? I thought members aren't supposed to directly e-mail one another, isn't that the rule? So where/how else can we talk? Its not necessary to try to take the pleasure out of something innocent and make it ugly. It IS an open forum. Open to me means we can talk about what we wish to talk about. Is that wrong? If it disgusts you so much you can choose not to read it. We would have eventually gone on to another subject :)

I am very happy to be able to enjoy a quality conversation with another Satanist. I am not fortunate enough to know any in my daily life so I don't get a ton of quality conversation; its even more difficult now since I dedicated to Satan. I'm finding it harder to relate to those without; some people I have had to cut off entirely as they are Xians and tools of the enemy. Or like the yoga people with their shit about 'detachment' and 'love love love'. I get exposed to this as I am doing yoga daily. I really don't like the emphasis on love some of the teachers push. I'm finding it to be like fingernails on a chalkboard. I was in a class and the teacher – an Xian – he was using the class as an opportunity to proselytize, and then he started going on about how Lucifer 'fell' and I was SO pissed off. I never took his class again. It really opened my eyes to something though, how different I actually am, as a SS. I was looking about the room and seeing how earnest, yet how mislead people are.

Thisisafalsealias; Your music sounds a really interesting mix, black metal and classical! Thats two pretty extreme opposites. A lot of instruments! You're very prolific! I think thats a ton of different instruments to know! I don't know if you were around for when records were the thing, the artists would have all the lyrics printed inside, it was a big part of the experience. That was back in the day when they actually wrote lyrics. Do you do lyrics too as well as sheet? Music is such an art form. I respect that. I studied fine art.
The way we tell if a person is a professional artist is have they been showing regularly (built up a cv) for at least the last 2 years. Because it sounds to me like going by that you are a professional. By those lights I am a professional too. Not that I'm rich. I'm here at the studio now having just built five more frames for new portraits of the Gods. Just me and the rats. Yes, rats. I was looking for something the other night and jerking a drawer open, stuck my hand in to root about, and realized I had scooped up a rat in my hand! It was so unexpected. I am not squeamish but I sure was grossed out and when it leaped down and ran over my feet I screamed :)
Yes I went through a period of wondering if I was mad too. For the same reasons. I had someone I could write to about it in America and he was a big help.
Hey light_algur, thank you so much for that! I really agonized about what I said as I have NO desire to attack or insinuate. I think its important to remember we are on the same side. I just feel like we all need to look at our knee jerk responses and question them. You know? where did that belief come from? So I thank you.

thisisafalsealias: I'd love to continue our conversations if you are ok with that? I am very interested in your composing as I am going to eventually be trained to teach yoga - the yoga people are impressed with my dedication and think I ought to teach -  its one of the reasons I am considering it and one of the things I want to do is play original classical music during my class. But I am getting WAY ahead of myself, it will be months yet before I am at that point and meanwhile I have my painting project AND an art show for November.

I do the workings every day and I admit I am not always confident but I do it anyway and hope to Hell (no pun intended) I am helping.

I was telling another artist about my painting project today: Portraits of the Gods. She has seen my portrait of Satan I just completed (Not that I said he's Satan. I said he's Enki). I said its going to cause controversy when this show is on exhibit (right now I have no idea WHERE It will show; I'm just building the frames before we are tossed out into the street) because I plan to explain in the artists commentary how the Gods existed before Xianity and the other programs and discuss how Paganism is now considered/branded as Satanism by them...how Humanity's True God was branded a Demon - try to educate some people... What I think is so interesting is how into it people are when I explain this! (of course they are artists - it may be different when its the general public but fuck it) I said to this artist today how this will be a controversial show since the Xians will absolutely call me a Satanist and she said I think it is the artists job to make people look at these things - if it's uncomfortable so much the better - asked me to keep her in the loop as to the progression of this project and said she would totally support it! How uplifting was that!

Its going to take a year or two as the show is comprised of 78 paintings. I am on the third portrait right now :) Satan's is on my altar. Eventually when I get a decent photo of it I'll share. I hope you all will like it.

Tonight I had a rat leap out from my art supplies and sail over my shoulder. Made me scream!

Hail Satan!


What you are about to do is extremely dangerous and I advise you stop trying to make a public display out of your Satanic Artwork right now for your own safety. You are trying to do something way TOO SOON and without Satan's consent. Our Artwork is something far more valuable than with those who are without to see, and judge you, and your artwork extremely hard in a rude, and mean fashion.

You are literally putting yourself in physical and Spiritual danger as Jews love to frequent art shows to try and take them over or buy other people's art to plaigarize it later.

Do you value your Satanic Artwork, and your life that little? These are things Satan's wants done His way. It's not our choice in the matter. It's fine to make Satanic Artwork, and even a website with it on it, but keep it to yourself, and secure total anomonality online if possible.

Show it to no one else in public, or in personal life as they will NOT understand. This is a very serious thing and should be treated with the proper respect. Going off like this is irresponsible.

Try this browser which you can move your bookmarks into when you switch.

Satanic Beauty  

---In [email protected], <descipleofthegods13@... wrote :


What you are about to do is extremely dangerous and I advise you stop trying to make a public display out of your Satanic Artwork right now for your own safety. You are trying to do something way TOO SOON and without Satan's consent. Our Artwork is something far more valuable than with those who are without to see, and judge you, and your artwork extremely hard in a rude, and mean fashion.

You are literally putting yourself in physical and Spiritual danger as Jews love to frequent art shows to try and take them over or buy other people's art to plaigarize it later.

Do you value your Satanic Artwork, and your life that little? These are things Satan's wants done His way. It's not our choice in the matter. It's fine to make Satanic Artwork, and even a website with it on it, but keep it to yourself, and secure total anomonality online if possible.

Show it to no one else in public, or in personal life as they will NOT understand. This is a very serious thing and should be treated with the proper respect. Going off like this is irresponsible.

Try this browser which you can move your bookmarks into when you switch.

@zolaluckystar I think what you're doing is awesome, but I understand disciple's message too. My most recent album was blatantly NS and Satanic because it had a track called "Satan's Paradise" and there was a swastika and Enki's sigil on the art. I decided to change the art and change the track to "Enki's Dream" just to kind of remove the "Satanic" themes but you can tell the album is still getting at the same thing.  I feel like loki when I squeak in little subliminals through art and expression and I think sometimes it can inspire people, but the more you express the more you have to protect you're aura. I'll try and add your email
Actually I can't find your email here, and though I won't say more than this I think I could find you elsewhere on the internet for private messages. Is that okay?

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to warn me and you are right regarding the danger. I was made aware of something that drove home your point. I was shown this site is monitored by the enemy. They are actively trying to hunt us down and its not a joke. Its deadly serious and I was not taking it seriously enough. I have been saved from committing a grievous error. While I resent and HATE the need for secrecy this caution was brought home to me hard.

The art show was MY idea - not Satan's, not the Gods. They have something else in mind and I am allowed to say nothing. Not here, not in private, not anywhere. This includes sharing anymore of my portraits anywhere. They are a sacred trust and I am to do as He directs. The enemy is here and they are to learn nothing and see nothing. I am chastened. I am grateful to be shown and for Fathers guidance though at first I didn't want to listen. To you my brother, and to Satan I say thank you. I feel like such a fool.

To the tools working for the enemy here, best rethink what you do and wake up or you will burn in Hellfire with your Masters.

Hail Satan Forever!
The truth is, whether you are a man or a woman, you just have to be as masculine or as feminine as you feel personally comfortable and always be 100% honest with yourself about how you really feel and what you really want. Because that is the only way you can understand yourself and see into your own psyche completely. And some people will find the way you are to be attractive and others may find the very same things to be a turn off, but that is their preferences, not everyone is going to be attracted to you but you can't stop being yourself just because of that.

I am not a "manly" man. I grew up part of the emo/scene kid crowd. But I never once had trouble finding girlfriends. And had I have been very masculine, the kind of girls I dated probably wouldn't have been into me. On the other hand there were girls who didn't like the way I was, feminine, emo etc. That's fine too. It is only because people feel a lack of true self worth that they are trying to live up to certain standards to be attractive to others. You just have to be yourself and the people who like you for who you are will come and those who are attracted to other things will go elsewhere.

You are not your masculinity, you are not the men/women you can date, you are not even your gender. You are an eternal spirit that can be whichever way it wants to be and you have a soul which has certain desires it wishes to fulfill and they are unique for each individual.

Also, feminine doesn't mean weak just to be clear. There are plenty of macho guys who are falling apart internally. The suicide rate of males in western society is very high precisely because they are discouraged from expressing their feelings.
The problem is to not approach this like a liberal. The Gays are persecuted so let's make gay Rights moments and shove it in everyone's face.
  Women have been mistreated but going to far with this leads to Feminism. In the sixties they tried to feminize men to be more understanding to women, then women didn't want them anymore. 
  The truth is women are not built the same as a man. Any dumbass knows this. Men on average are taller and have stronger frames and muscles. Does this mean a woman cannot combat a man? No. However, the laws of physics do still apply. More mass and more strength do overpower less mass and less strength. 
   I know this will agitate some members here. But hey someone with a pair of balls had to step up say something.
   Deal with reality.
  If women are strong, then just let them be strong and let's drop the issue and move on. Instead of attacking members like light Algur for saying that warriors are predominantly men. 

  A system that is comprised of Totems and Taboos.
  Totems: Things you can do.
  Taboos: Things you cannot do.

    Tribalism uses totems and taboos to create security through ignorance. It keeps others safe but it does not allow logical thinking to come into play and thus allow further advancement of the community. 
   Stop thinking like a tribe. Allow ideas to pass. If you have an opinion please back it up with something other than a bad attitude or my favorite, the Gods told me.

Please can you apply with me in frainch is that i know well i dont understand to much english Le 19 nov. 2015 20:01, "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] a écrit :
  The truth is, whether you are a man or a woman, you just have to be as masculine or as feminine as you feel personally comfortable and always be 100% honest with yourself about how you really feel and what you really want. Because that is the only way you can understand yourself and see into your own psyche completely. And some people will find the way you are to be attractive and others may find the very same things to be a turn off, but that is their preferences, not everyone is going to be attracted to you but you can't stop being yourself just because of that.

I am not a "manly" man. I grew up part of the emo/scene kid crowd. But I never once had trouble finding girlfriends. And had I have been very masculine, the kind of girls I dated probably wouldn't have been into me. On the other hand there were girls who didn't like the way I was, feminine, emo etc. That's fine too. It is only because people feel a lack of true self worth that they are trying to live up to certain standards to be attractive to others. You just have to be yourself and the people who like you for who you are will come and those who are attracted to other things will go elsewhere.

You are not your masculinity, you are not the men/women you can date, you are not even your gender. You are an eternal spirit that can be whichever way it wants to be and you have a soul which has certain desires it wishes to fulfill and they are unique for each individual.

Also, feminine doesn't mean weak just to be clear. There are plenty of macho guys who are falling apart internally. The suicide rate of males in western society is very high precisely because they are discouraged from expressing their feelings.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
