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withdrawal Side effects of antipsyhotics, and solutions?


Active member
Sep 23, 2017
Last year i got rid of the injection type that was for schizophrenia for three months then after those
three months i didn't reduced it gradualy (just the antidepresants) and got rid of anxiety with some help
and SaTaNaMa, back then my psyhiatrist said if i don't take my medication as she prescribes it to me then i
should leave and didn't found someone to give it to me a lesser dose so i can get of them gradualy so i
didn't searched someone else, there was one but she didn't wanted at that time. Then it just got out of my
mind so. I'm using now SaTaNaMa to Heal my body, mind and emotions. I had sicidal intentions when i saw a
knife posibly because of the suicide attempt or just the withdrawal efects of the antipsyhotics? then now 3
weeks ago i had to rush to hospital (mental hospital) because of a strong intention to kill my self for a
few moment's (i thought it was because of the enemy but it was just a withdrawal side effect others had
this too with antidepresants (the one reduced it gradualy and got over it there was an article about one
woman (in romenian) she got rid of depresion and antidepresants (withdrawal side effects) and she was
taking a supplement b vitamins and omega 3

I'm taking now pills and this way i can reduce them gradualy, i already started it and will do it on the
course of 2 months as the women did with the antidepresants and in the mean time i do SaTaNaMa.

I had before that one suicide intention one another but i meditated and it got much less at that moment.
Catalincata94 said:
Last year i got rid of the injection type that was for schizophrenia for three months then after those
three months i didn't reduced it gradualy (just the antidepresants) and got rid of anxiety with some help
and SaTaNaMa, back then my psyhiatrist said if i don't take my medication as she prescribes it to me then i
should leave and didn't found someone to give it to me a lesser dose so i can get of them gradualy so i
didn't searched someone else, there was one but she didn't wanted at that time. Then it just got out of my
mind so. I'm using now SaTaNaMa to Heal my body, mind and emotions. I had sicidal intentions when i saw a
knife posibly because of the suicide attempt or just the withdrawal efects of the antipsyhotics? then now 3
weeks ago i had to rush to hospital (mental hospital) because of a strong intention to kill my self for a
few moment's (i thought it was because of the enemy but it was just a withdrawal side effect others had
this too with antidepresants (the one reduced it gradualy and got over it there was an article about one
woman (in romenian) she got rid of depresion and antidepresants (withdrawal side effects) and she was
taking a supplement b vitamins and omega 3

I'm taking now pills and this way i can reduce them gradualy, i already started it and will do it on the
course of 2 months as the women did with the antidepresants and in the mean time i do SaTaNaMa.

I had before that one suicide intention one another but i meditated and it got much less at that moment.

Do returning curses daily and clean your aura+chakras. A good healing working is freeing the soul (https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=92&p=65789&hilit=obliterating+saturn#p65789). With freeing the soul, you can heal your mind and most likely eliminate the affects of the antipsychotics.
What exactly is your question? Why are you going off your meds?
curio said:
What exactly is your question? Why are you going off your meds?
The meds creates holes in the aura which i will be more vulnerable to attacks and i want to get stronger not weaker these are dangerous and can't be played with. And the question is how to get of them safely or what to get to ameliorate the side effects

The source for the psychosis (which im not totaly sure ive seen signs of enemy thoughtform. i'm working on this with vinasa) and memory and concentration could be past love fails and too much porn and masturbation, i have the solution for porn and masturbation but there is a girl i don't want to let go and want her to be my lover but right now can't do that, i have no fizical meating/conection like through friends that i had with her, i can't just let her go this is me and by birth chart also says it. Solutions to get the girl i want? she is rich i'm not rich yet, she loves Naruto too, she is kinda Satanist but don't know what kind, she talked with me in the past when i could meat with her through an ex friend of mine
lilquote said:
Catalincata94 said:
Last year i got rid of the injection type that was for schizophrenia for three months then after those
three months i didn't reduced it gradualy (just the antidepresants) and got rid of anxiety with some help
and SaTaNaMa, back then my psyhiatrist said if i don't take my medication as she prescribes it to me then i
should leave and didn't found someone to give it to me a lesser dose so i can get of them gradualy so i
didn't searched someone else, there was one but she didn't wanted at that time. Then it just got out of my
mind so. I'm using now SaTaNaMa to Heal my body, mind and emotions. I had sicidal intentions when i saw a
knife posibly because of the suicide attempt or just the withdrawal efects of the antipsyhotics? then now 3
weeks ago i had to rush to hospital (mental hospital) because of a strong intention to kill my self for a
few moment's (i thought it was because of the enemy but it was just a withdrawal side effect others had
this too with antidepresants (the one reduced it gradualy and got over it there was an article about one
woman (in romenian) she got rid of depresion and antidepresants (withdrawal side effects) and she was
taking a supplement b vitamins and omega 3

I'm taking now pills and this way i can reduce them gradualy, i already started it and will do it on the
course of 2 months as the women did with the antidepresants and in the mean time i do SaTaNaMa.

I had before that one suicide intention one another but i meditated and it got much less at that moment.

Do returning curses daily and clean your aura+chakras. A good healing working is freeing the soul (https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=92&p=65789&hilit=obliterating+saturn#p65789). With freeing the soul, you can heal your mind and most likely eliminate the affects of the antipsychotics.
I do Final RTR with returning curses, ok i will see when i do the obliteration of Saturn
You may also want to frequently visualize a bright gold color around yourself as often as possible.
And be sure to time freeing the soul and obliterating your Saturn workings. The calender will have a "freeing the soul" note on the proper days.
Good luck, and consider focusing on Father for help. When I went through withdrawals, focusing on his energy helped calm me down during bad moments.
lilquote said:
You may also want to frequently visualize a bright gold color around yourself as often as possible.
And be sure to time freeing the soul and obliterating your Saturn workings. The calender will have a "freeing the soul" note on the proper days.
Good luck, and consider focusing on Father for help. When I went through withdrawals, focusing on his energy helped calm me down during bad moments.

Thanks bro, vizualizing often a briliant gold light around me it's a great idea :D and as i know by doing more meditations and that i should also do more left brain activities to balance myself betwen the spiritual and material

I know about the ss calendar and it's easy to understand it.

Will do.
Catalincata94 said:
lilquote said:
You may also want to frequently visualize a bright gold color around yourself as often as possible.
And be sure to time freeing the soul and obliterating your Saturn workings. The calender will have a "freeing the soul" note on the proper days.
Good luck, and consider focusing on Father for help. When I went through withdrawals, focusing on his energy helped calm me down during bad moments.

Thanks bro, vizualizing often a briliant gold light around me it's a great idea :D and as i know by doing more meditations and that i should also do more left brain activities to balance myself betwen the spiritual and material

I know about the ss calendar and it's easy to understand it.

Will do.

You're welcome, and since you've mentioned balance, don't forget the alternating nostril breathing exercise thing.
Catalincata94 said:
curio said:
What exactly is your question? Why are you going off your meds?
The meds creates holes in the aura which i will be more vulnerable to attacks and i want to get stronger not weaker these are dangerous and can't be played with. And the question is how to get of them safely or what to get to ameliorate the side effects

The source for the psychosis (which im not totaly sure ive seen signs of enemy thoughtform. i'm working on this with vinasa) and memory and concentration could be past love fails and too much porn and masturbation, i have the solution for porn and masturbation but there is a girl i don't want to let go and want her to be my lover but right now can't do that, i have no fizical meating/conection like through friends that i had with her, i can't just let her go this is me and by birth chart also says it. Solutions to get the girl i want? she is rich i'm not rich yet, she loves Naruto too, she is kinda Satanist but don't know what kind, she talked with me in the past when i could meat with her through an ex friend of mine
It sounds like the reasons you're using to drop your meds are not your own but rather ones that have been passed onto you by others. Is getting rid of them benefitting you so far? Have you thought for yourself whether it's the best thing for you to do? It sounds like you're more unstable since going this route. Make sure that you really don't need them so that you don't end up worse than before.

Side effects and withdrawal is unavoidable. The only way to reduce them is with a slow, gradual taper; other than that, it's down to willpower.

But you need to be careful because some meds can be dangerous to adjust on your own, like extended release meds. If you cut this kind into portions for example, your body will assimilate it all it once since the slow-dissolving coating is bypassed and it could hospitalize you. You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.

Unreciprocated affection and masturbation alone will not make you psychotic. You would have to be psychotic beforehand, as with the schizophrenia.
curio said:
Catalincata94 said:
curio said:
What exactly is your question? Why are you going off your meds?
The meds creates holes in the aura which i will be more vulnerable to attacks and i want to get stronger not weaker these are dangerous and can't be played with. And the question is how to get of them safely or what to get to ameliorate the side effects

The source for the psychosis (which im not totaly sure ive seen signs of enemy thoughtform. i'm working on this with vinasa) and memory and concentration could be past love fails and too much porn and masturbation, i have the solution for porn and masturbation but there is a girl i don't want to let go and want her to be my lover but right now can't do that, i have no fizical meating/conection like through friends that i had with her, i can't just let her go this is me and by birth chart also says it. Solutions to get the girl i want? she is rich i'm not rich yet, she loves Naruto too, she is kinda Satanist but don't know what kind, she talked with me in the past when i could meat with her through an ex friend of mine
It sounds like the reasons you're using to drop your meds are not your own but rather ones that have been passed onto you by others. Is getting rid of them benefitting you so far? Have you thought for yourself whether it's the best thing for you to do? It sounds like you're more unstable since going this route. Make sure that you really don't need them so that you don't end up worse than before.

Side effects and withdrawal is unavoidable. The only way to reduce them is with a slow, gradual taper; other than that, it's down to willpower.

But you need to be careful because some meds can be dangerous to adjust on your own, like extended release meds. If you cut this kind into portions for example, your body will assimilate it all it once since the slow-dissolving coating is bypassed and it could hospitalize you. You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.

Unreciprocated affection and masturbation alone will not make you psychotic. You would have to be psychotic beforehand, as with the schizophrenia.
ok i mixed it up between too much masturbation and going celibate so yea there's no psichosis in too much masturbation it's it in the going celibate part as HoddedCorbra666 said. So yeah what is psyhosis? losing touch with reality and what is the cause of psyhosis? the thing i found or understand is that it's because of loss of someone or traumas.

So yeah now i fell better if i take them and also i get money by getting them if i have this illness but with them i'm not so confident by getting a GF because usualy people doesn't want someone that has a mental illness and really who is healthy in the mind will not choose someone who has a mental illness like paranoid schizofrenia, and the side effects of some pills are so unconfortable except the injection type, as i've read it has a lot less side effects.

You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.
this is great i agree with this, i think this is what i'm going to do from now on, meditation also helps to calm me down and also i don't have anxiety from when i started meditating and doing some workings for anxiety, when the anxiety first apeared while being off meds i did meditations and it kinda dissapeared but not completely and i did SaTaNaMa with affirmations and it completely stopped but i've understood that anxiety means i'm not being true to my self or not doing what i really want to do
Catalincata94 said:
curio said:
Catalincata94 said:
The meds creates holes in the aura which i will be more vulnerable to attacks and i want to get stronger not weaker these are dangerous and can't be played with. And the question is how to get of them safely or what to get to ameliorate the side effects

The source for the psychosis (which im not totaly sure ive seen signs of enemy thoughtform. i'm working on this with vinasa) and memory and concentration could be past love fails and too much porn and masturbation, i have the solution for porn and masturbation but there is a girl i don't want to let go and want her to be my lover but right now can't do that, i have no fizical meating/conection like through friends that i had with her, i can't just let her go this is me and by birth chart also says it. Solutions to get the girl i want? she is rich i'm not rich yet, she loves Naruto too, she is kinda Satanist but don't know what kind, she talked with me in the past when i could meat with her through an ex friend of mine
It sounds like the reasons you're using to drop your meds are not your own but rather ones that have been passed onto you by others. Is getting rid of them benefitting you so far? Have you thought for yourself whether it's the best thing for you to do? It sounds like you're more unstable since going this route. Make sure that you really don't need them so that you don't end up worse than before.

Side effects and withdrawal is unavoidable. The only way to reduce them is with a slow, gradual taper; other than that, it's down to willpower.

But you need to be careful because some meds can be dangerous to adjust on your own, like extended release meds. If you cut this kind into portions for example, your body will assimilate it all it once since the slow-dissolving coating is bypassed and it could hospitalize you. You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.

Unreciprocated affection and masturbation alone will not make you psychotic. You would have to be psychotic beforehand, as with the schizophrenia.
ok i mixed it up between too much masturbation and going celibate so yea there's no psichosis in too much masturbation it's it in the going celibate part as HoddedCorbra666 said. So yeah what is psyhosis? losing touch with reality and what is the cause of psyhosis? the thing i found or understand is that it's because of loss of someone or traumas.

So yeah now i fell better if i take them and also i get money by getting them if i have this illness but with them i'm not so confident by getting a GF because usualy people doesn't want someone that has a mental illness and really who is healthy in the mind will not choose someone who has a mental illness like paranoid schizofrenia, and the side effects of some pills are so unconfortable except the injection type, as i've read it has a lot less side effects.

You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.
this is great i agree with this, i think this is what i'm going to do from now on, meditation also helps to calm me down and also i don't have anxiety from when i started meditating and doing some workings for anxiety, when the anxiety first apeared while being off meds i did meditations and it kinda dissapeared but not completely and i did SaTaNaMa with affirmations and it completely stopped but i've understood that anxiety means i'm not being true to my self or not doing what i really want to do
Psychosis is losing touch with reality, yes. I don't know where it comes from. My guess is that it's from a severe imbalance of yin energy. I'm sure it's where the term "lunatic" came from; psychotic/unstable people that are imbalanced with yin/moon energy(hence "luna" in "lunatic").

You mentioned that doing yang/left brain activities helps ground you so I think this suggests that it is an imbalance. Hanging out with earthy people and working on your lower chakras might help with this, too. The issue may also offer the solution since your accessibility to the right brain also aids in meditation. Keep meditating and doing spells to improve your situation, maybe one day you won't need meds. I'm just saying to be cautious not to jump the gun too early and to make sure that when you do kick them, you're sure you don't need them to stay level and do it in a healthy way.

As for relationships, you won't know until you try. Anxiety can mean different things to different people in different situations, it's just one of the things you'll have to understand about yourself, for yourself. Anxiety and sadness are normal parts of being human and do serve a purpose, but meds can numb them and other emotions out so if an emotion has a message for you it may not get through. Just another thing to be aware of.
curio said:
Catalincata94 said:
curio said:
It sounds like the reasons you're using to drop your meds are not your own but rather ones that have been passed onto you by others. Is getting rid of them benefitting you so far? Have you thought for yourself whether it's the best thing for you to do? It sounds like you're more unstable since going this route. Make sure that you really don't need them so that you don't end up worse than before.

Side effects and withdrawal is unavoidable. The only way to reduce them is with a slow, gradual taper; other than that, it's down to willpower.

But you need to be careful because some meds can be dangerous to adjust on your own, like extended release meds. If you cut this kind into portions for example, your body will assimilate it all it once since the slow-dissolving coating is bypassed and it could hospitalize you. You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.

Unreciprocated affection and masturbation alone will not make you psychotic. You would have to be psychotic beforehand, as with the schizophrenia.
ok i mixed it up between too much masturbation and going celibate so yea there's no psichosis in too much masturbation it's it in the going celibate part as HoddedCorbra666 said. So yeah what is psyhosis? losing touch with reality and what is the cause of psyhosis? the thing i found or understand is that it's because of loss of someone or traumas.

So yeah now i fell better if i take them and also i get money by getting them if i have this illness but with them i'm not so confident by getting a GF because usualy people doesn't want someone that has a mental illness and really who is healthy in the mind will not choose someone who has a mental illness like paranoid schizofrenia, and the side effects of some pills are so unconfortable except the injection type, as i've read it has a lot less side effects.

You should work with someone who knows what they're doing, who knows your situation and is willing to help you with your goal. Good clinicians do exist, you just have to find them.
this is great i agree with this, i think this is what i'm going to do from now on, meditation also helps to calm me down and also i don't have anxiety from when i started meditating and doing some workings for anxiety, when the anxiety first apeared while being off meds i did meditations and it kinda dissapeared but not completely and i did SaTaNaMa with affirmations and it completely stopped but i've understood that anxiety means i'm not being true to my self or not doing what i really want to do
Psychosis is losing touch with reality, yes. I don't know where it comes from. My guess is that it's from a severe imbalance of yin energy. I'm sure it's where the term "lunatic" came from; psychotic/unstable people that are imbalanced with yin/moon energy(hence "luna" in "lunatic").

You mentioned that doing yang/left brain activities helps ground you so I think this suggests that it is an imbalance. Hanging out with earthy people and working on your lower chakras might help with this, too. The issue may also offer the solution since your accessibility to the right brain also aids in meditation. Keep meditating and doing spells to improve your situation, maybe one day you won't need meds. I'm just saying to be cautious not to jump the gun too early and to make sure that when you do kick them, you're sure you don't need them to stay level and do it in a healthy way.

As for relationships, you won't know until you try. Anxiety can mean different things to different people in different situations, it's just one of the things you'll have to understand about yourself, for yourself. Anxiety and sadness are normal parts of being human and do serve a purpose, but meds can numb them and other emotions out so if an emotion has a message for you it may not get through. Just another thing to be aware of.
I thought it through and decided I reduce de treatment and leave it and I deal with the withdrawal, unfortunately there aren't any psychiatrist that would reduce my dosage so that I get off them, I mean not here in my region so I do it myself and it's not beneficial for me to stay with them because this way they would just weaken me with all the side effects like getting lower awareness thing and low libido or in the worst case impotence and I already have very low libido because of the meds and some erectile disfunction and I didn't had this before and yesterday day I hardly had an erection so I asked for help so because to not lose it and break my mind because of no sex or masturbation, I tried to do the 21 day abstience but at the 7 th day I had to stop because i had like almost no erection and it was clear to me that if I continue with this and reach 21 days of abstience I don't have an erection and as Hodded Cobra said people go nuts if they stay longer than that so in my situation I had to stop so that I don't end up such a low libido and maybe impotence that would get me nuts I always had a high sex drive this means I can't go for too long widouth masturbation. In the 7th day I couldn't get it up because of the side effects of the meds and got panicked so I asked Satan for help and he helped me, now I'm fine but that doesn't mean I can stay on meds so the best and fastest way is to reduce it my self.
i came off alot of things "cold turkey" no issues apart from restlessness at night.

Check with doctor, with these head meds I never i just chucked them.

Doing this with certain medications are dangerous always stick to doctors advice, if you need to stay on doesnt make you a bad person.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
