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In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing. This enemy energy form has been running for centuries and has been empowered daily by hundreds of million to billions of people. Our RTR's have got to the point they materialize right away into the world. That is only from a small number of people doing them daily for only a few years. This is because the enemy god form is drastically weakened by the RTR's already. A small number of people in a few years vs billions of people for centuries. That is TOTAL WIN!!!!

Think about what the Final RTR is doing to them and will do to them being done daily. Its erasing their entire "god" from existence and with that their entire global empire is falling apart its all built on this god form they created. Their god is the word and the word is their god right in the opening line of their Torah and the word in their Torah is the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet their god is the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet that is why their call their god Hashem meaning the name....its chanted as the 22 letters in Judaism. Their empire is falling like all Mordor fell when the one ring was thrown into the fires of mount doom. What else perished with the one ring....Golem.

With the total and eternal collapse of the enemy false god. And with doing the Final RTR daily your removing all the curses and bindings from yourself and the astral grid around the planet. Which means your own spiritual practices and magical workings will become powerful and be able to manifest totally as well. The jews place the 22 letters of their false god on the symbol of the tree of life which is a stolen map of the human soul. The ten worlds are the three upper worlds the three main parts and energy points of the brain and the seven other worlds are based on the seven planets and the seven chakra's. An example of the three upper worlds Uranus is the higher octave of mercury which rules the pineal gland and telepathic abilities and such. All the Hebrew 22 letters are placed on the pathways in combinations to bind the Gentile soul. This is why people are all reporting doing the Final RTR daily is opening their soul drastically. Its removing the bindings and also allowing for years of power meditations to shine thought fully. The Final RTR is a form of daily power meditation and a needed must to achieve full transformation of the soul.

The Final RTR do it daily.
This made me very happy! Thank you HP!!! :D :D ^o^ \^.^/
Everyone needs to thank themselves and each other for working together to do these RTR's daily and everyone needs to keep doing the Final RTR daily.
HP Mageson666 said:
Everyone needs to thank themselves and each other for working together to do these RTR's daily and everyone needs to keep doing the Final RTR daily.

Agreed, but I was thanking you for posting this sermon, haha.

Sorry for not being specific
The only thing my life revolves around is RTRs, and winning the war.

Everything else is secondary and irrelevant.

Hail Satan! Forever!
Even my inexperienced soul has noticed a difference with the Final RTR; it's significantly easier for me to focus on and feel my chakras and pineal gland and so on. Just talking about them is enough to feel the pressure of energy. These are very exciting times.
I wonder if all this Kavanaugh nonsense in the news is another manifestation of the Final RTR. The accusations are so flimsy and the entire "investigation" is being conducted so badly that it's making both the Republicans and Democrats look like two-year-olds fighting over a lollipop. :roll: :lol:
Would vibrating the reversed hebrew letters on the parts of the soul the kikes placed them on, like the chakras or pineal gland, be effective or worth a try?
Yes, this is true. Thank you everyone and keep doing the RTR's.

HP Mageson666 said:
Everyone needs to thank themselves and each other for working together to do these RTR's daily and everyone needs to keep doing the Final RTR daily.
No in the end the jews have words upon words of power in Hebrew to curse the Gentile soul in many different ways. However they are all made out of the 22 letters so this removes everything. The whole torah is one big curse itself upon Gentiles and its thousands of words long. But its thousands of different combinations of the 22 letters.

raynexiii said:
Would vibrating the reversed hebrew letters on the parts of the soul the kikes placed them on, like the chakras or pineal gland, be effective or worth a try?
Like others have mentioned, I'm really feeling the changes to my soul with this one. Its like seeing my own face in the mirror for the first time. It kind of starts to feel like the nightmares of life in this world were figments of my past life's imagination or something. Thankfully, everything is better. And I can see with my own eyes how we have the very real chance to win this entire war in our lifetimes.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I wonder if all this Kavanaugh nonsense in the news is another manifestation of the Final RTR. The accusations are so flimsy and the entire "investigation" is being conducted so badly that it's making both the Republicans and Democrats look like two-year-olds fighting over a lollipop. :roll: :lol:
It's bringing things to a head. If Kavanaugh passes then as far as the Democrats are concerned, the Republicans have PERSONALLY RAPED every single one of them. As for the Republicans... well, watch this
This is what happens when decades upon decades of Jewish brainwashing finally come crashing down. Basically, what's happening in the United States is the same thing that's happening in the EU - you have some states like Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc. that are seeing the Jew and reversing course full steam, and others like Britain, France, and Sweden that are going full steam ahead. Europe has the mercy of being a transnational union where different states can pursue (somewhat) different policies, and (supposedly) leave without triggering an armed crisis. Here, we're all chained to Washington. We might not have a "hot" civil war in the US, but I think that if the Republicans win big this year, and no matter who wins in 2020, we'll see a secession crisis a few months later.
HP Mageson666 said:
Their empire is falling like all Mordor fell when the one ring was thrown into the fires of mount doom. What else perished with the one ring....Golem.

Lord of the Rings as a whole remains such an interesting source of analogies. Obviously Tolkien was a Xian, and that'll always remain a regrettable fact. However much of his works are overtly Pagan and carry many interesting allusions. For instance, the supreme deity in the Lord of the Rings mythos is named Eru, obviously derived from Anu. Xians interpret this as their false creator deity, but Satanists know Anu is simply a reference to "the one" ie the Aether. From this One, came the first emanation of "Ea" (the other name of Enki as we know) as well as a pantheon of deities known as The Ainur. The reason why Eru is evidently not a complete portrayal of the Abrahamic God is simple. It was the polytheistic Ainur pantheon which created the material world through "the music" (obviously vibration).

The world in Lord of the Rings was corrupted due to a tune of disharmony (referenced as "alien thoughts") joining in with the rest of the vibrations, stemming from another entity known as "Melkor" (notice the EL). From this point there existed a corruption in the aether of Middle Earth, so to speak. Beyond this, the entity of Melkor sent evil spirits among the first peoples of Middle Earth (the Elves) to stir doubt against the Gods. A few of these Elves were abducted, tortured and brainwashed into becoming Orcish servants of Melkor's will. (Sounds a bit like how the Jews were made, does it not?) An important thing to note to is that Melkor's Orcish forces were represented by metal and industry which destroyed the natural world wherever it went, much like the zionist corporations of today. Later in the story, the great human city of Numenor (based on Atlantis) which was once polytheist was also taken over by Melkor, turned into his monotheistic worshipers and ultimately fell to ruin.

The character of Sauron and the story of the Lord of the Rings movies most people know was a servant of Melkor also, a sort of Jewsus type figure to befit the Melkor Jewhova, if one wishes to interpret it this way. Sauron's Eye existed in the aetherial world Frodo and others went to when they put on "The One Ring". To anyone who's seen the enemy thoughtform in the astral, Sauron's Eye is surprisingly similar in some ways.

My ultimate point is, although Lord of the Rings suffers from some unfortunate Xianized elements, Tolkien as a professor of ancient European language and culture, may have understood more than what people thought. If not for his brain being addled by Xianity, one could only imagine the extent of the ideas he would have introduced to society at the time. Lord of the Rings was already "heretical" enough that Xian Americans were burning copies of the books en masse.

Apologies for the offtopic post, just thought people would be interested in a slice of trivia.
Tolkien I don't think really put any Xian elements in his Lord of the Rings, he was good friends with C.S Lewis and even brought him into Xianity. However Tolkien criticized Lewis for putting Xian elements into his fantasy tales. Tolkien I think was more of a Pagan then a Xian and his Xianity was more cultural of the time. He was obviously most interested in Paganism as he chose to become a professor in that subject over a Priest.

Even his perceived Xian elements really come to be a type of Zoroastrian mythos. He has a pantheon of Gods not a single monotheistic god. In fact it was Sauron that tried to introduce the monotheism. Note with the fall of Numenor it was the Numenorians who remained true to the Gods that were spared and moved to middle earth. This is the other part of Atlantis. Tolkien also put totally racialist elements in his story he comments on the quality of blood of the Gondorians and their aristocracy and the problem of the mixing of superior blood with lower quality people there is lot of racial imagery the superior humans have the most Numenorian blood. The superior lines of the humans all come from the union of Elven blood with the highest human types. The Elven Race is perfected and immortal with Siddhi powers they are like Gods and live with the Gods in Valinor for the most part. This was the ancient Aryans in the Golden age. The human is the second age like a silver age with Numeror that arises after the first age and the war against Melkor in which the Gods themselves come from Valinor to destroy Melkor. And this second age is led by the superior half Elven half human lines. The returned King of Gondor also marries the Elven women who is the daughter of Elrond the brother of the King who founded the line of Numenor. Elrond who chooses to become full Elven instead of half divine human. The worst crime of the Elf's in the first age was the Kin slaying and it was caused by greed the entire first age becomes the war of the Jewel. Its the same attitude that destroyed this age of the Elven in middle earth that leds to the fall of Numenor in the next age the revolt against the Gods and the spiritual teachings of Sanatana Dharma. Sauron is the embodiment of the Asura.....Sauron.....Asaura… Asur is also Asaur or Asaura in Sanskrit.
I doubt it the only state that might make that threat would be California and they can barely survive as it is. That sad State should be a lesson when Jewish Leftist elites run a place totally they run it into the ground.

RoyBatty91 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I wonder if all this Kavanaugh nonsense in the news is another manifestation of the Final RTR. The accusations are so flimsy and the entire "investigation" is being conducted so badly that it's making both the Republicans and Democrats look like two-year-olds fighting over a lollipop. :roll: :lol:
It's bringing things to a head. If Kavanaugh passes then as far as the Democrats are concerned, the Republicans have PERSONALLY RAPED every single one of them. As for the Republicans... well, watch this
This is what happens when decades upon decades of Jewish brainwashing finally come crashing down. Basically, what's happening in the United States is the same thing that's happening in the EU - you have some states like Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc. that are seeing the Jew and reversing course full steam, and others like Britain, France, and Sweden that are going full steam ahead. Europe has the mercy of being a transnational union where different states can pursue (somewhat) different policies, and (supposedly) leave without triggering an armed crisis. Here, we're all chained to Washington. We might not have a "hot" civil war in the US, but I think that if the Republicans win big this year, and no matter who wins in 2020, we'll see a secession crisis a few months later.
HP Mageson666 said:
However Tolkien criticized Lewis for putting Xian elements into his fantasy tales. Tolkien

Wow, I had no idea about this. Just goes to show how certain facts seldom ever reach the mainstream when it comes to certain things when it upsets the desired narrative. I guess I should have known since Lord of the Rings didn't have some retarded christ-like savior figure like Narnia did. Everything to do with Aslan in the Narnia books is like being smacked in the head with a giant bible.

What you said about the Elves was really fascinating by the way, thanks for the information. The Elves (Alfheim and Svartalfheim in general) in Nordic religion always fascinated me quite a lot even before being exposed to Tolkien's portrayal, so it's interesting to know more about his perception. They're one of the parts about Norse belief that are the most obscure these days.

HP Mageson666 said:
Sauron is the embodiment of the Asura.....Sauron.....Asaura… Asur is also Asaur or Asaura in Sanskrit.

Heh, Saruman's name is an even more blatant example of that as well, fitting considering he's Sauron's primary servant. Thanks again for taking the effort to write more on this.

RoyBatty91 said:
e might not have a "hot" civil war in the US, but I think that if the Republicans win big this year, and no matter who wins in 2020, we'll see a secession crisis a few months later.

Only California would be crazy enough to consider it, and they wont. California is mostly desert as far as I know and they're reliant on they who deem the "flyover" farm states for all their food. Crazy, but not suicidal. Still, tensions will continue to grow, I can certainly agree to that.
Tolkien was Nazi anyone who goes that into Paganism will be.
HP Mageson666 said:
Tolkien was Nazi anyone who goes that into Paganism will be.
That makes him one of the few writers that made it popular, right?

Yeah C.S. Lewis, or at least the Chronicles of Narnia, is either a "repent cuz you're evil" story, or one grand smear as to how messed up Aslan/"god" is.
Thank You HP for this words.
When I deal with my personal turmoil regarding 10th house soon,
I'm going to translate HPs latest posts and publish it on my youtube channel.

FREEDOM is just around the corner! :D
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?
Where did I say that.....

Artanis said:
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?
Artanis said:
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?
I don't think it will take that much to win but maybe it will take a lot for transorming the society in a full Satanic one (?)

And i remember reading in a sermon that usualy it takes time to manifest energy on the material plane, even if in the Astral plane we have "won" it will take some time to fully manifest in here, not sure if this is correct but this is what i remember.
HP Mageson666 said:
Where did I say that.....

Artanis said:
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?

It.... Might have ALSO been some other member that i confuse with your name. :? :? :lol: Sorry HP
Artanis said:
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?

We are winning battles after very long of people doing nothing against the enemy. We are winning everyday more and more.

But are we done with this? Hell no. Are we close to final victory? Hell no, if one is being honest.

All that is said is that we are winning, not that we have won. "When" is not a matter in question either. One would lie in full if they said they know when this is 'over'.

Also, our meaning of over is strict.
California would be the only state crazy enough to start it, but the way American politics works is that both parties have pushed their narratives to the absolute limit of what the American public in total is willing to vote for, so every election comes down to a razor-thin margin. If even a single state were to break off, especially one as big as California, every other left-winger in the country would know they would NEVER win an election again. So they'd have to either move to California if they wanted to stay relevant, or they'd have to break their states off as well. I could see the Pacific Northwest and about half of the Northeast (New Jersey to Massachusetts and Vermont) throwing their hat in the ring a few months after California. Canada would be their obvious bedmate, and the countermove there would be to get the Canadian Plains provinces to break off and ally with the US (which probably wouldn't be difficult, given all the shit Canadians already get if they're right of Ilya Ehrenburg). There's a good analysis here about how if a civil war did break out in modern-day America, it would have to end in either an absolute bloodbath or a stalemate, and nobody has the stomach for the former. So I could see Northern America have a series of ten-day-long "hot" wars where it splits into right and left wing blocs, in the same way that Europe is splitting bloodlessly into right and left wing blocs, followed by a long "cold" war. And just like in Europe, the California/Canada/New York group would weaken to the point of collapse, then it's just a matter of deporting (((dissidents))) who cross the border or confining them to a single state.
I did state in the past it might take a century to clean up the environment and totally heal the planet and the people on it from centuries of enemy pollution. But that is after we win. Cleaning the ocean's, reforesting the planet, turning barren sand regions into grass lands and forrests, cleaning the soil of all the toxin's, dealing with the waste dumps and nuclear pollution and such takes time.

You have this habit of assigning statements and claims to people out of context. I have mentioned this to you before you need to stop and think before you do this its confusing to people. Or provide context and a link otherwise its the telephone game and that is how confusion arises.

Artanis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Where did I say that.....

Artanis said:
"In a few years doing the RTR's daily has drained the enemy thought form down drastically to the point of almost nothing."

But youve also said that we will win in our *lifetimes*. That sounds like we would win maybe in 10-50 years. But when the Enemy thoughtform is almost nothing, isnt it the same as were *almost* winning this war?

It.... Might have ALSO been some other member that i confuse with your name. :? :? :lol: Sorry HP
For me right now having the jews loose power and the world woke to true spirituality would mean that we won. Of course to fully restore the planet and heal the people and have the majority of people spiritualy advanced it's going to take a while.

I really hope we are going to win as fast as we can :roll: i guess the only solution for this is more RTR!
A civil war in current America will be won and lost over several things.... Who controls the Military to the most and who holds the most nuclear weapons and has the will to use them against the other and who has more loyalty of the majority of the armed population.

Another fact would be the enemy will use a civil war to attempt to create a Communist revolution and this would at some time involve shipping in Communist forces from China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela with Russia in the background as well to help in this. This might trigger a nuclear war on the part of American forces on the other end towards these nations.

Also will other NATO forces send troops to the governmental forces along with UN forces. A total civil war in America might turn into a world war with nuclear weapons of different types also being used.

RoyBatty91 said:
California would be the only state crazy enough to start it, but the way American politics works is that both parties have pushed their narratives to the absolute limit of what the American public in total is willing to vote for, so every election comes down to a razor-thin margin. If even a single state were to break off, especially one as big as California, every other left-winger in the country would know they would NEVER win an election again. So they'd have to either move to California if they wanted to stay relevant, or they'd have to break their states off as well. I could see the Pacific Northwest and about half of the Northeast (New Jersey to Massachusetts and Vermont) throwing their hat in the ring a few months after California. Canada would be their obvious bedmate, and the countermove there would be to get the Canadian Plains provinces to break off and ally with the US (which probably wouldn't be difficult, given all the shit Canadians already get if they're right of Ilya Ehrenburg). There's a good analysis here about how if a civil war did break out in modern-day America, it would have to end in either an absolute bloodbath or a stalemate, and nobody has the stomach for the former. So I could see Northern America have a series of ten-day-long "hot" wars where it splits into right and left wing blocs, in the same way that Europe is splitting bloodlessly into right and left wing blocs, followed by a long "cold" war. And just like in Europe, the California/Canada/New York group would weaken to the point of collapse, then it's just a matter of deporting (((dissidents))) who cross the border or confining them to a single state.
HP Mageson666 said:
A civil war in current America will be won and lost over several things.... Who controls the Military to the most and who holds the most nuclear weapons and has the will to use them against the other and who has more loyalty of the majority of the armed population.

Another fact would be the enemy will use a civil war to attempt to create a Communist revolution and this would at some time involve shipping in Communist forces from China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela with Russia in the background as well to help in this. This might trigger a nuclear war on the part of American forces on the other end towards these nations.

Also will other NATO forces send troops to the governmental forces along with UN forces. A total civil war in America might turn into a world war with nuclear weapons of different types also being used.

RoyBatty91 said:
California would be the only state crazy enough to start it, but the way American politics works is that both parties have pushed their narratives to the absolute limit of what the American public in total is willing to vote for, so every election comes down to a razor-thin margin. If even a single state were to break off, especially one as big as California, every other left-winger in the country would know they would NEVER win an election again. So they'd have to either move to California if they wanted to stay relevant, or they'd have to break their states off as well. I could see the Pacific Northwest and about half of the Northeast (New Jersey to Massachusetts and Vermont) throwing their hat in the ring a few months after California. Canada would be their obvious bedmate, and the countermove there would be to get the Canadian Plains provinces to break off and ally with the US (which probably wouldn't be difficult, given all the shit Canadians already get if they're right of Ilya Ehrenburg). There's a good analysis here about how if a civil war did break out in modern-day America, it would have to end in either an absolute bloodbath or a stalemate, and nobody has the stomach for the former. So I could see Northern America have a series of ten-day-long "hot" wars where it splits into right and left wing blocs, in the same way that Europe is splitting bloodlessly into right and left wing blocs, followed by a long "cold" war. And just like in Europe, the California/Canada/New York group would weaken to the point of collapse, then it's just a matter of deporting (((dissidents))) who cross the border or confining them to a single state.
This is a really happy scenario... :?

I guess hoping that a war will not happen is not enough? I really would like to end this in better way...
I don't think a civil war is going to happen. The enemy is in a political panic because most American's have rejected their Communist ideology and the establishment politically its built on the Democratic Communist Party of America. They are trying to use the media and mass staged rallies with small amounts of trucked in useful idiots to attempt to give the false ideal to the pubic this worthless ideology is the social mainstream still, it never was. Its one big bluff and cheap con artist act on the jews part and people are not buying it anymore. You can't have Trump win the entire nation and from reports he got the popular vote as well. And not have Trump be the voice of most American's which is the opposite of what the left is pretending.

The old advantage of the jews was they would tack their jewish nonsense onto an actually popular movement like the workers labour movements and Socialist struggles. They would pander to this and then slip their poison in the apple they offered. Now the Jews don't have this anymore as they abandoned the entire White working class in America to screech about Marxist identity politics' so the White working class went over to Trump who promised them things the Democratic Communist Party used to. And Trump seems to deliver. You can note the left has ditched the working class struggle to rant about their esoteric cultural Marxist mumbo jumbo....Where everything and everyone is sexist, racist and homophobic...… Well that does not bring jobs back to America, lower taxes or raise wages.

So naturally what does the Left do.... They react to everyone voting for Trump for jobs, better jobs, lower taxes, safe communities with everyone only voted for Trump because they are sexist, racist and homophobic...…
Because that is all these retards are like a toy you pull the string and the back of it says the same phrases.

The mistake people make with the tard patrol is giving them legitimacy by acting like their cultural Marxist psyop is anything other then a jewish psychological warfare operation against the Goyim.
Thank you HP, this makes me feel better.

Hail Satan!
I think a lot of people have misinterpreted what the High Priests have said in regards to the matter of victory. Victory is a multi faceted thing.
The victory we discuss on a daily basis right now is the culmination of the Final RTR, a wiping out of the enemy's thoughtform God and their matrix. This may actually take a shorter amount of time than what many assume. This right now is the focus, because it means the enemy loses control over this world's astral and therefore the world itself. I think a lot of people underestimate the sheer damage the mere existence of the enemy's "God" causes. It literally uses its energy to stop gentiles rising up in spiritual power against it. Make no mistake, the astral of this world will be unrecognizable without their filth in it, as their matrix has kept this world's reality low for quite a long stretch of time by now. I cannot really put into words how big a deal that victory will be, and its more of a realistic immediate future goal than what many are assuming.

This being said, its the first and most major step to multiple victory's. Ultimate victory is in the scenario we have successfully reinstated the true order of things, where the planet has been healed and social standards are back to what they should be. The ultimate endgame is a truly Pagan Satanic world and order. This is the part that shall take longer time. However, killing off the Jew God is something we've been highly successful at. So I beg you to actually look at the state of things. The RTRs we did were enough to severely wound and weaken the enemy system basically to the point the wound is lethal and its bleeding out. We are currently just over two months into the most powerful and most all-culminating RTR that targets the very basis of that things existence. Their false God is dying quite literally as I type this message now. Anyone who's spiritually alert enough should have noticed a fairly dramatic upturn in how easily you can not only sense the presence of the Gods, but the enemy itself sputtering and failing to make any degree of damage anymore. Speaking as someone who dealt with enemy attacks for years on years without pause, I now have whole days where I almost do not feel a thing, and even when I do its a desperate, sad attempt much akin to a cornered dog. Quite the stark contrast to where it was even as short a time ago as 2014 when I first encountered it, I can tell you what.

To answer the query of why the enemy "god" is dying so quickly, its because it was never meant to be in the first place. Its a despicable mockery, a vortex of low energy. For all the fear it has exuded over the world it really is a pathetic thing. If you consider the nature of how it was made, it was literally an attempt at going in reverse to the will of the Gods who apply their energy perfectly in tune with the nature of the universe. This thing is sickly and unnatural from conception. Its only hope of domination did not exist in the form of becoming more powerful than the Gods, that could never of happened. Its victory was totally and utterly reliant on the sheer cosmic chance that the goyim didn't find out how it was made and reverse the process. It really is a hilarious abomination that deserves all your ridicule and hate.

Really, as I said, killing off the enemy system is a realistic goal for the immediate future to the extent I can say if you want it to happen even quicker, just do more RTRs.
HP Mageson666 said:
I did state in the past it might take a century to clean up the environment and totally heal the planet and the people on it from centuries of enemy pollution. But that is after we win. Cleaning the ocean's, reforesting the planet, turning barren sand regions into grass lands and forrests, cleaning the soil of all the toxin's, dealing with the waste dumps and nuclear pollution and such takes time.

You have this habit of assigning statements and claims to people out of context. I have mentioned this to you before you need to stop and think before you do this its confusing to people. Or provide context and a link otherwise its the telephone game and that is how confusion arises.

Artanis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Where did I say that.....

It.... Might have ALSO been some other member that i confuse with your name. :? :? :lol: Sorry HP

Ive been guilty of this too, not entirely without context, but without links.

It really can throw people off and have them speculating and debating, even arguing.
Satan has stated he has already won the war in the higher dimensions. For things to manifest in the physical dimension takes time, but as we all are seeing DAILY our RTR's are completely destroying the enemy and FAST. Every attempt the poos have been making lately are shut down almost immediately. The jews that they are though will do every pathetic tactic to hold onto their crumbling empire, it is our duty as Satanists to completely win against them. We should be immensely grateful for Satan and our Gods, our priesthood, and like Mageson said for each other. The education of our enemy, tools to destroy them, and support when we feel lost would not be possible without the JoS. Satan brought us all together here and has a place for all of us.

Become the leaders of tomorrow to help this broken humanity find its way back to the truth and light.
Tough Fish said:
Satan has stated he has already won the war in the higher dimensions.

I'm very interested in this. My understanding is still basic. Are there multiple higher dimensions in the aether, like, layers? What I'm assuming the implication is, is that Satan and the Gods have achieved victory in the higher levels of the aether, and the enemy program/matrix subsists on a lower level of the aether, possibly the level of aether closest to the physical dimension? Correct me if I'm wrong of course, I'm just curious to know if the aether really does have deeper and deeper layers and it's not just as simple as the physical and the aetherial, but varying degrees/higher layers/lower layers. It'd explain some suspicions I've always had, for sure.
Zephyrus said:
Tough Fish said:
Satan has stated he has already won the war in the higher dimensions.

I'm very interested in this. My understanding is still basic. Are there multiple higher dimensions in the aether, like, layers? What I'm assuming the implication is, is that Satan and the Gods have achieved victory in the higher levels of the aether, and the enemy program/matrix subsists on a lower level of the aether, possibly the level of aether closest to the physical dimension? Correct me if I'm wrong of course, I'm just curious to know if the aether really does have deeper and deeper layers and it's not just as simple as the physical and the aetherial, but varying degrees/higher layers/lower layers. It'd explain some suspicions I've always had, for sure.
There were these devices "Me"s sometimes referred to as "the Tablets of Destiny" we don't know if they were actually tablets, but that's the best we could imagine. They give whoever's holding them the power to directly access the energy of the universe. An interconnected grid of energies across the universe that could be used for communication, creation, or destruction on any scale. The enemy was at one point somehow able to access this power, and used it in an attack to hit really hard. But the gods cut them off from it very quickly, so they aren't able to generate their own power, all they could do was to try to steal and redirect other power for their goals. The funnel they accessed for a moment has been removed, all that they've had for the past few thousand years is just the residual momentum of that initial attack, which is every moment weakening and closing down more. The gods and us are still connected into this source of infinite power, we are an open system of energy like an ever-increasing funnel. And we are using all this force to remove the enemy. So they are not only cut off from the highest levels, but the ceiling is actively crashing down on top of them too. The enemy has been restricted down to the weakest and lowest forms of energy, and soon they won't even have that. The force of all the galaxy is actively draining the enemy parasite down to nothing, so there is no other way it can go they have nothing. This is how we have already won. It's impossible for them to ever recover. They got just one good hit thousands of years ago that we can still see the effects of, but that is nothing to the power of the gods. Look what RTRs have done just a couple years, just a couple months of Final RTR, and every day they get weaker and we get stronger.
Zephyrus said:
Tough Fish said:
Satan has stated he has already won the war in the higher dimensions.

I'm very interested in this. My understanding is still basic. Are there multiple higher dimensions in the aether, like, layers? What I'm assuming the implication is, is that Satan and the Gods have achieved victory in the higher levels of the aether, and the enemy program/matrix subsists on a lower level of the aether, possibly the level of aether closest to the physical dimension? Correct me if I'm wrong of course, I'm just curious to know if the aether really does have deeper and deeper layers and it's not just as simple as the physical and the aetherial, but varying degrees/higher layers/lower layers. It'd explain some suspicions I've always had, for sure.
It's basically Star Wars in real life and we are inhabitants of very small planet backwards in technology in a remote Star system. Our small and backwards planet is under occupation by the organized horrible monsters' side. As SS we are like apprentice force-user rebels or something along these lines.
HP Mageson666 said:
I don't think a civil war is going to happen. The enemy is in a political panic because most American's have rejected their Communist ideology and the establishment politically its built on the Democratic Communist Party of America. They are trying to use the media and mass staged rallies with small amounts of trucked in useful idiots to attempt to give the false ideal to the pubic this worthless ideology is the social mainstream still, it never was. Its one big bluff and cheap con artist act on the jews part and people are not buying it anymore. You can't have Trump win the entire nation and from reports he got the popular vote as well. And not have Trump be the voice of most American's which is the opposite of what the left is pretending.

The old advantage of the jews was they would tack their jewish nonsense onto an actually popular movement like the workers labour movements and Socialist struggles. They would pander to this and then slip their poison in the apple they offered. Now the Jews don't have this anymore as they abandoned the entire White working class in America to screech about Marxist identity politics' so the White working class went over to Trump who promised them things the Democratic Communist Party used to. And Trump seems to deliver. You can note the left has ditched the working class struggle to rant about their esoteric cultural Marxist mumbo jumbo....Where everything and everyone is sexist, racist and homophobic...… Well that does not bring jobs back to America, lower taxes or raise wages.

So naturally what does the Left do.... They react to everyone voting for Trump for jobs, better jobs, lower taxes, safe communities with everyone only voted for Trump because they are sexist, racist and homophobic...…
Because that is all these retards are like a toy you pull the string and the back of it says the same phrases.

The mistake people make with the tard patrol is giving them legitimacy by acting like their cultural Marxist psyop is anything other then a jewish psychological warfare operation against the Goyim.

"HP Mageson how dare you attack our (((rights))) you are sowing fear,hatred and division!!OY VEY! #me too movement! Sexist this sexist that! Racist this racist that!" courtesy of liberal cucks...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
