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Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every so often I will receive the pain of the family when it comes to obstacles in life and in general which might look insurmountable.

Personally, I am not a stranger to these types of obstacles. I've lost track of how many times I have been with a back on the wall, so to speak. Yet, as we can see, the walls are many times walls of the mind, spirit, and then circumstances.

Most walls in life are actually however constructions and not really insurmountable, as other things might be. They often-times just simply look that way. It's our job as people who live life to try to climb above these walls.

As to not deviate the point of the post however, let us focus on this point: You Must Never Give Up As an SS in Life.

Regular people out there are dealt all sorts of fated hands, ranging from great, to bad, to totally evil. These people however are called by ancient philosophers like Proclus as "those who are moved remotely", or to put it accurately, those who are moved solely on the influence of their own planets.

These people are sleepers, and they are not free beings. They are fighting in a way, but they might have a way to go. Their freedom is small, marginal, and they cannot even recognize problems let alone overcome them. They didn't want more freedom and the heavens weren't as graceful to them as to give them knowledge they didn't seek, ie, spiritual knowledge.

A Spiritual Satanist is in another category where one actively starts understanding, and they therefore take a life of another category of "Those who move from within". In this state, one knows their astrology, is aware of the powers of the mind and spirituality, aligns with the Gods, and advances spiritually.

To give an image, the passive people are dragged around by the powers of the planets and fate. Yet, the stronger the soul gets, it can pose not only resistance to these forces, but it can eventually usher the paths that are arrayed for freedom, or it can carve it's own. This is where the Godhead leads progressively. Yet, this process is far more elaborate than it might look on the surface.

On a simple level, workings, work on the soul, personality work, but above all changing your habits, will start carving a new path in the setting. At first, we work with your chart, until we progressively are free to carve our own paths. This is where the Gods want to get us eventually.

One is on a whole other level after they dedicate and they sit there to apply the knowledge, which gives both insight and newfound energy and confidence, but also the strong allegiance with the Gods that one can empower, does wonders in handling the so called "Fate".

Eventually one starts getting access to the inner power, which one did not really have access before.

Life and the planets revolve for everyone and there is no perfect, higher or worse chart. That is because charts are like patterns that play themselves on top of the scene of life. There are people who have wonderful charts and never done anything in their life, and people with terrifying charts that have had all the obstacles in the world but eventually succeeded.

A great delusion that has to be banished is that it's only "you" that is experiencing problems or that problems are so overbearing. They might be, and nobody can doubt this. One knows the weight of their own problems. But I want to add here to be a little objective and not pretend you are in the middle of WW3 everytime something negative happens.

These are events from life itself, these are parts of the process of life.

What you think is your problem is actually encountered by many other people. Do not underestimate others. While some people appear to have it "easy", there are others out there who are real fighters in life. People show resilience and strength.

The first and foremost thing you can do no matter the external circumstance as a Spiritual Satanist, is to focus on your inner world. Your inner world is where everything begins. If your inner world is damaged, broken or harmed, no matter how your external life is, likely you might be the cause of your own damnation or you won't derive satisfaction from it.

First and foremost, as one establishes a form of control on the inside, you will establish a control on the outside. This takes time. The average time to look into making changes if your life is in shambles is around 5 years. With 5 years of workings, self control, cleaning the soul, and approaching the Gods, they will help you, and within these 5 years you can completely change your life.

Stop taking others in consideration and comparing to them all the time, because this will cause you insanity. Do not look at Instagram and bimbos that pretend their life is perfect, and don't take in consideration fake smiles and assume that people are better or even worse than they claim.

Most people have a very chaotic life, and family, job, occupation and other misfortunes, are given to ALL people, WITHOUT exceptions. There is no point in life where "everything" is absolutely stunning, and if there are such points, these are fleeting. Catastrophe, problems and disasters, will arrive unavoidably and as part of the design and rules of life; in fact, these are exactly the events that will grow you, in many times way more than the so called pleasant events in life.

I will write a full on book on how you can turn your life around from literally nothing and totally defeated, and yes, it is doable, and it just needs time. To summarize how, you need to take down and list all the problems you have. These might go up to 30.

Then, you must thin them down, and then thin them down, until you arrive to 3 problems. For example, career, relationships, family ties.

Then, you ought work on these with the supreme spiritual arsenal the Joy of Satan is giving you, with study, and with activity in the world to fix these issues. Issues that cannot be solved, ought be discarded, or you must wait patiently [sometimes years] until things can change. Certain things like some people being assholes in life never change, and one can only do so much - problems which are going to only suck your energy and never fix themselves, ought be discarded or ignored.

Spiritual Satanism is a doorway from where you can draw infinite inner energy and aspiration. With this inner energy and aspiration, then if you just put yourself the planning and focus, eventually you can reverse any situation, no matter how troublesome, except of maybe very few situations which are "beyond".

Victim mentality has to be abolished. The mentality of a victim will not help you in your problems, it just reinforces a false ideal that no Spiritual Satanist must have, that one is incompetent, useless, and the victim of anyone and anything else, including "fate". Yes, fate can hit anyone, but we must try to manage her blows.

Life is not always to be taken personally. Crazy as this might sound, one must not take "personally" everything nagging, negative, and stupid they experience daily. One has to learn to let go a bit, and all of these tendencies will be worked by meditation, which will heal the mind and soul and consciousness, so that one can eventually lead a happier internal life, no matter what life tries to heap on you.

We exist to handle what we can manage and do this in a manner that these blows later become things that empower us.

As a further, to survive and to exist in life one must have faith. Typical as this might sound, faith is absolutely necessary to survive. When you show lack of faith, for example, to your mind, yourself and the Gods, or the knowledge that we possess, you are opening yourself up to events that are negative.

Faith will lead to further action. Action is the second thing you cannot live without. If you don't act to save your problems, don't complain; In almost the entirety of cases, they will never solve themselves. You are the one that must do it.

A strength of conviction must come up strongly, but will eventually become stronger and then of exemplary strength when you eventually have used all these things to build your life. This is where real power will begin.

It's not also uncommon that some people focus too much on spilt milk, failing at something in the past, or situations that cannot be fixed. These still are NOT reasons to finish a life, as life has infinite other potentialities and you can always find other beautiful and decent things to pre-occupy yourself.

As a Spiritual Satanist must know how to juggle fate's balls that she throws at your existence.

When a decade plus ago I was around lousy and shit people who disallowed me to meditate for months on end and in a seemingly forced manner, I only put myself to see this as an opportunity to learn to meditate and to find crafty solutions to advance in this environment.

I knew this was peak maximum difficulty, hard mode and Asian 0.01% Gamer mode, but one had to do what one had to do. After doing this and playing this game in that difficulty, you'll play at "hard" and you will think the game is a joke. When you are stronger and it's "medium", you will play so easily.

Years later, I still get rewarded from the "juggling" I did, instead of sitting there bummed out and in resentment of the universe. I just prayed to the Gods, did my end of this, and kept working on my dues, trust in the process of life and taking it's lemons but making lemonade instead of crying from their sourness.

This way of life works; those who have done this, know that.

One must also trust in their journey: We are here to stop being automatons of fate and slaves, and to eventually learn through the application of the divine knowledge to become masterful of ourselves to the extent that it is possible.

That's the study and school of what we call "life". If one wasn't to learn from this, one wouldn't be here, let alone "return" again and again through reincarnation.

As far as life is concerned, we are all students until we move on. The reason one must never give up is that the Spiritual Satanist is the person who lends an ear to listen to life, and therefore, the more one tries to listen, eventually they will understand the music one needs to dance to in order to navigate their life in an ever advancing way.

Suicide, giving up, blowing one's self, victimhood status, perpetual fear, and all of these negative things, ought to be for the people who deny listening.

These are things for outsiders and those who do not understand the fundamental microcosmic and macrocosmic connection. For those who know, then you know, that you can fix your environment and your inner self, and transform.

They have nobody to go to, but you do, the Gods and the community. They have no knowledge, but you do, the JoS knowledge. They have no inner resolve, but you do, because you have your soul. One could go on and on.


To any Satanist, these "giving up" types of events should constitute transient changes where one pleasantly goes from being ignorant of life and overcoming it, to attaining the light of Lucifer and highlighting their own eternal path in which one walks.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Doesn't the will go along with faith when you say faith will lead to further action?

I believe one important thing is that we have to be WILLING to let go of these problems first. Without will, it might be harder to do a working that could help us. I learned that from personal experience, quite the hard way, about a year ago. Part of me was willing to get rid of a specific "problem" I had, but the other part of me was still "attached" to this thing. Several workings were necessary. But staying focused on Satan during this "ordeal" was the most important thing I had to do.

If you whine and complain, nothing will ever change. That's a fact.

Also, when one's soul is strong, it is so much easier to ovecome certain obstacles.

A true gift as a Spiritual Satanist is that we have all the weapons at our disposal in the JoS. It's all there. I'm very grateful, that we, compared to those who are without, have this opportunity, we have a way, of making our lives better.

We have Satan and the Gods, and we can receive guidance from them. I am forever grateful for their help.

Hail Satan!
I can relate to this very much. Basically, I have many problems that are linked with each other. And when I try to solve a problem, another one pops up to prevent me from solving it. It also doesn't help that the people around me are an huge obstacle that limits my daily routine.

Situations like this are what is driving me insane to the point of being hate-fueled in recent times, to the point that I can't stand anything in my own life.

Despite all of this, I keep asking the Gods help in my own mind, in order to finally have the "safe space" that I need.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This way of life works; those who have done this, know that.

These are things for outsiders and those who do not understand the fundamental microcosmic and macrocosmic connection. For those who know, then you know, that you can fix your environment and your inner self, and transform.

They have nobody to go to, but you do, the Gods and the community. They have no knowledge, but you do, the JoS knowledge. They have no inner resolve, but you do, because you have your soul. One could go on and on.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

i felt it.

hail beelzebub
hail lilith
hail satan
It is very profound and we need to have a strong will when it comes to spirituality and move on to evolve and reach the Godhead or the God-like status, as some people may say it.

We need to learn that especially when we are advancing our soul, the Enemy is not going to leave the guard down, to let things go easy and they are constantly going to push attacks at us, from mental and spiritual ones like negative thoughts and nightmares to physical ones such as harming one person physically, or making them habe altercations with their family.

But, there is a certain (((little secret))) that people can use to overcome such attacks and get along with evolving spiritually.

Tye (((secret))) is: a very strong Aura of Protection.

Once we start working on our empowerment and also work on our Aura of Protection, we are acieving both building and the embodiment of our workings plus protection of the said workings.

You can achieve a very nice building by doing the steps from A-Z, putting brick to brick, but, if there is no protection from rain and snow, or protection against earthquakes, the building is going to collapse.

There is also the fact that you cannot achieve a building by constructing only half of it, half of the set of bricks.

The following principles are applying to spirituality too:

One can easily start an empowerment working and focus on his / her evolution, but, if no one has a strong Aura of Protection, one then cannot go further safe and sound or minimally impacted by the Enemy and its cohorts.

And also, one can easily start an empowerment working, have a strong Aura of Protection but, due to laziness and other "muh reall problems" to abandon the path of knowledge and truth, and destroy / ruin all of their spiritual progress built in the days and hours of evolution, or even months or years.

People need to never give up and also focus more on quality and responsibility rather than quantity anf "hmm... I will let the Astral decide for me while I am playing Nintendo / Xbox games and watch another series of 15 minutes / TikTok after playing 10-15 hours of video games".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As a further, to survive and to exist in life one must have faith. Typical as this might sound, faith is absolutely necessary to survive. When you show lack of faith, for example, to your mind, yourself and the Gods, or the knowledge that we possess, you are opening yourself up to events that are negative.

Faith will lead to further action. Action is the second thing you cannot live without. If you don't act to save your problems, don't complain; In almost the entirety of cases, they will never solve themselves. You are the one that must do it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this. It is always important to never give up. The God's have never given up on us, we shouldn't give up on ourselves either. Words to live by most definitely. Life can be hard, it certainly isn't easy not as long as we are still under negative influences from enemy happenings. But Spiritual Satanism and the trust we have in Father and the Gods gives us the tools to make it through and be victorious.

The good and the bad things that happen to us aren't really what shapes us and molds us, it's our outlook and how we express ourselves during these times that shapes us. If we keep strong during bad times with Faith in the Gods, and use the tools they have given us to make it through, we will. and during times of happiness and blessings we must not get too comfortable and allow ourselves to stagnate in our advancement. We must always work hard no matter what! No giving up, No turning back. The past has already been, the future is ours to navigate, and we will do so not by the hands of fate solely but by our own choice by cultivating our powers with the tools the Gods have given us, And by absolute faith in the Gods, ourselves and our sheer will to survive.

Thank you for yet another inspiring and great post HP Hoodedcobra!
This is so beautiful, helpful, insightful, motivating, and just amazing. Never give up! Perseverance forever, let's all dance to the tune of life's advancements my Brothers and Sisters of Satan.

this post makes me feel so much love for Satan, the Gods, of the JoS and it's members, and how lucky and blessed I am to have this information.

What a lot of people have to realize, is that although their chart is their "fate", as far as patterns and manifestations, and predispositions of outcomes and behavior patterns, the chart is basically a script, a part for someone to play. What most don't realize, is that this can be rewritten ie planetary squares, workings, meditation, etc, with nothing set in stone. No matter what your chart looks like your knowledge as an SS gives you the tools to "rewrite" this script in the ways that you choose. It will not always be easy, as there are placements with karma and deep-seated issues shown in placements that can take time to remove, but it is doable nonetheless with the required effort. This is akin to becoming lucid in a dream, and manipulating manifestations as one chooses. To do this in waking life instead of being a victim to fate as a leaf in the merciless unbiased wind takes the power of the soul and effort in advancement. This will make the difference between you and any other NPC who thinks they are basically doomed to stay the same with what they have, with traits and other circumstances they otherwise do not want. Coming to Satan makes one realize this does not have to be the case. No one is "doomed", except by the limitations of one's own mind and perceptions.

I have seen a chart of a non-SS sometime last year. it was what one would call one of the "worse" ones. A lot of bad degrees, fixed stars, and other unfortunate placements. This was either karma, curses from the enemy, or both. This person hated their life and essentially thought as many would, thinking they were "doomed" and meant to be miserable, staying the same forever. One of the worst traps is with this type of situation, is that people get so masochistically comfortable in their self-pity based on their circumstances, and will even refuse an attempt to fight for something better, due to it feeling uncomfortable or simply not having faith or belief in themselves. This is one of the greatest obstacles to overcome, and once one has done this, there is already an even greater chance of uplifting one self to a better existence.
Excellent sermon HP!

The human mind is so inconceivably powerful, unfortunately the vast majority of people lack the knowledge to understand that. Whatever you hold in your inner world is expressed through the only instrument it can be expressed (your body) and that creates your external world. Someone once said that's its like we live in a 360 degree mirror, and whatever you do on the inside, is reflected in your outer world. "Wherever you look there you are"

If one wants to change they must first change the programming in their minds, their habbits, then everything else will follow, as energy is constantly moving into form, but unless one changes on the inside, the end results will be the same. You are what you think about, and if you do not control what you feed your mind and are a passive consumer of the jewish programming you are a slave.

All it takes is a change in mindset to change your life, but that is far easier said than done.
SATchives said:
This is so beautiful, helpful, insightful, motivating, and just amazing. Never give up! Perseverance forever, let's all dance to the tune of life's advancements my Brothers and Sisters of Satan.

this post makes me feel so much love for Satan, the Gods, of the JoS and it's members, and how lucky and blessed I am to have this information.


Preach it loud brother... I only feel the very same way.
Nimrod33 said:
I can relate to this very much. Basically, I have many problems that are linked with each other. And when I try to solve a problem, another one pops up to prevent me from solving it. It also doesn't help that the people around me are an huge obstacle that limits my daily routine.

Situations like this are what is driving me insane to the point of being hate-fueled in recent times, to the point that I can't stand anything in my own life.

Despite all of this, I keep asking the Gods help in my own mind, in order to finally have the "safe space" that I need.

Yet still from your reply I gather that you are actually going to eventually solve any problems present, sooner or later, because.

I think you need to kind of calm down, distance a bit, and understand that the hydra's head can be burned. One by one, you can seal the heads. It will take time, but it's attainable.
Another great one. My life was rich with failures and after emerging victorious against deep clinical depression it's an indescribable feeling to be standing here alive and thriving. To laugh in the face of adversity is easy when we have the gods and this community on our side. Even a dumbass like me can turn into a half decent human being (with a lot of work of course) so there's no excuse and no reason to give in, give up or even fear life because... ...Satan makes us stronger that anything with the gift of knowledge.
One thing I was wondering is how do we deal most efficiently with the long term consequences of our grave mistakes? Most of all guilt that can not be so easily dismissed when we're reminded of our past daily. Acceptance is a beginning but is there something that helps us move on or is time the answer to this?
This is one of your best posts yet! 🦚🙂 And not ONLY NO, BUT HELL NO!!
I am NOT GIVING UP!!! EVER!!!🔥🙏 I am going to stay on here! And I'm going to keep climbing higher and higher! Until I reach the top and beyond! :D my mother didn't raise me to be a quitter! Even on those lazy days where I don't feel like I want to do shit! I still managed to find time to do RTR's and read. And squeeze in a yoga session if I can! Or get plenty of exercise while I am on the job site! There is always something that I can do to keep myself busy on here! And I try my very best to keep myself busy throughout the day! Doing all I can! Not only trying to get myself back in the shape and lose weight! But to create better habits in my life! I am tired of the procrastination in this world! And trust me I have got quite a bit of that in my family is it is! And I do not want to be one of those kind of people! And those kind of people always end up missing out on so many things! If it isn't bad enough being one of those little kids lagging behind and having to push and push and push myself to get caught up! I know the pain in that all too well and I know the embarrassment! It has taught me a serious lesson! About taking responsibility! And that is a lesson to me that I will never forget! And sometimes I look back at my childhood and kind of wonder? How I managed to get so far! With my school work and other things! As a hyperactive child!? Having to do my homework at the last minute! When I should have came home and got it done immediately! Especially as a teenager! I know it's not easy Breaking Bad habits! And I had many bad habits! And I know we all do! And we are never too old! To make some changes! And to make progress! And to be able to look back and smile at yourself! With all that you do! How far you've come and what you've learned! The gifts that you have received! Along the way the doors that opened up for you! Goes to show you right there! And the fact that I didn't give up! Taking the time to look at the mistakes that I have made! Including the bad habits! And turning bad habits into better habits! Pushing myself forward wiping the dirt off my face! It just makes me stronger! Overcoming mistakes and problems! Walking through this world of obstacles! Learning along the way and finding joy and pleasure in all that I do! Laugh out loud there's no reason for me to be a quitter! I don't walk away from a fight! I keep fucking going like a tiger! And I fight for what is right! Embracing the freedom and the knowledge that I have! And everything that I have learned! Laugh out loud I am not going to throw that away!
I am going to keep right on going! :D I am a warrior and I am a fighter! And I do the best I can and all things and at all times! We all have those days and we all have those moments where we get stubborn and don't want to do anything! Because we get caught up on something or get distracted! And that is when you need to sit down and read and study! And that is when you should think father Satan! For everything that you have! Because you know you're worth it! And you know you've got this!! :D and once you get going there is no stopping! When you're climbing up a mountain you have to keep going! Don't make things any harder than what they are! Laugh out loud I just keep it up! And you will be surprised how much you learn! And what you discover Within yourself! Keeping up on everything and knowing is half the battle! If you seek ye shall find! It doesn't matter how tough things get! It's good food for the brain! And it's not going to hurt to challenge yourself! Just to put aside a few minutes! To do some yoga and meditate for an hour! The more you put into it the more you get out of it! And you will know and you will feel it! When you have done something right! And you can feel that energy and it grows! And that is your reward to incorageing you!! To keep going!! :D we are Satanic students, Satanic Soldiers and Spiritual Satanists!!
This is School of truth and higher education!! :D Hail Satan!!!🔥
At the end of the day this is war. In are in the center of the most key wars.

Sisters and brothers, depend on us and Father Satan and all will be well.

When your here even problems without a clear solution get solved. Be dependable and learn to depend on others. With that in mind even in your lowest moment's you'll never lose.
Shemsu said:
Another great one. My life was rich with failures and after emerging victorious against deep clinical depression it's an indescribable feeling to be standing here alive and thriving. To laugh in the face of adversity is easy when we have the gods and this community on our side. Even a dumbass like me can turn into a half decent human being (with a lot of work of course) so there's no excuse and no reason to give in, give up or even fear life because... ...Satan makes us stronger that anything with the gift of knowledge.
One thing I was wondering is how do we deal most efficiently with the long term consequences of our grave mistakes? Most of all guilt that can not be so easily dismissed when we're reminded of our past daily. Acceptance is a beginning but is there something that helps us move on or is time the answer to this?

Unless you have committed abominations in your past, in which case guilt is the least you can do, you must go through a soul liberation work with Munka, to be vibrated the desired number of times (for example 108)
"In a safe and healthy way for me, Munka's energy frees me now and forever from the weight of my past guilt. I am free to move forward and progress in wisdom, joy and confidence".

You can add runic repetitions before Munka. For example, currently I use: (18 x Eihwaz + 9 x affirmations) + (18 x Laguz + 9 x affirmations) + (18 x Berkano + 9 x affirmations), then I follow with Munka + 9 x affirmations and finish by vibrating Satanama.
And even after that, I add Ek ong kara SatNam shiri Wahe Guru x 10, which I have learned to vibrate in each chakra from the root chakra.
I might as well tell you that I feel liberated after this.

And, yes, time, love of Gods, your true love for yourself, an ever increasing understanding, will overcome this in addition to the spiritual works.
Great post!

In the past I was a pessimist. I always saw the negatives of life, I was getting a little bit discouraged. Life was really hard, and still is in a sense, but I made huge progress, and I'm a totally different person now.

I never actually seriously thought about suicide, never really had intention to do it, but when life used to be really bad I often had thoughts like "I wish I was never born", "I hate existence, why do I have to be conscious at all if life is so bad?", "I bet not being alive at all would be better than this.." and so on.

These kind of thoughts and attitude are REALLY dangerous. Even if you have no serious intention of ending yourself, they weaken you. At one point I said to my self that it's useless to think like that if I would never end my self, and since I always chose life, I had to develop a much better attitude.

I also realized that when we think or talk like that, we almost want to make those who believe in us feel bad, to vent the frustration. Often times this happens on the forums as well. People come here and say that their life is miserable, that they hate themselves and want to end it all. I noticed that the psychology here is of wanting attention, and again venting the frustration by making those who care for us feel bad, and also making our own self feel bad.

What I realized is that we have to stop being so egocentric. I said to my self, if I stop being here, the Sun will rise again, the Gods will still be the Gods, society and people in general would keep moving, my enemies would celebrate and so on...

One also has to be pragmatic and logical in life. Stop with the excuses. Life is pragmatic. You work out? Your muscles will develop and grow. You skip a session? Your muscles didn't get a chance to grow. Nobody cares about excuses, things are logical and consequential. You put in the work, and you reap the rewards. Stop with the emotional and weak nonsense.

Positive thinking, meditating and cleaning your soul will seriously change your life.

Life is a blessing, not a curse, always remember this.

Will definitely try. Munka alone felt good but this is what I was looking for. I haven't killed anyone in this life or anything like that although I've hurt the ones I love quite a lot and living with someone who hates you is not easy. I strive to be the best possible partner and parent and friend. Thank you sister for the advice.
Shadowcat said:
What a lot of people have to realize, is that although their chart is their "fate", as far as patterns and manifestations, and predispositions of outcomes and behavior patterns, the chart is basically a script, a part for someone to play. What most don't realize, is that this can be rewritten ie planetary squares, workings, meditation, etc, with nothing set in stone. No matter what your chart looks like your knowledge as an SS gives you the tools to "rewrite" this script in the ways that you choose. It will not always be easy, as there are placements with karma and deep-seated issues shown in placements that can take time to remove, but it is doable nonetheless with the required effort. This is akin to becoming lucid in a dream, and manipulating manifestations as one chooses. To do this in waking life instead of being a victim to fate as a leaf in the merciless unbiased wind takes the power of the soul and effort in advancement. This will make the difference between you and any other NPC who thinks they are basically doomed to stay the same with what they have, with traits and other circumstances they otherwise do not want. Coming to Satan makes one realize this does not have to be the case. No one is "doomed", except by the limitations of one's own mind and perceptions.

I have seen a chart of a non-SS sometime last year. it was what one would call one of the "worse" ones. A lot of bad degrees, fixed stars, and other unfortunate placements. This was either karma, curses from the enemy, or both. This person hated their life and essentially thought as many would, thinking they were "doomed" and meant to be miserable, staying the same forever. One of the worst traps is with this type of situation, is that people get so masochistically comfortable in their self-pity based on their circumstances, and will even refuse an attempt to fight for something better, due to it feeling uncomfortable or simply not having faith or belief in themselves. This is one of the greatest obstacles to overcome, and once one has done this, there is already an even greater chance of uplifting one self to a better existence.

That is why I have set out to work to sublimate my entire natal chart.
Since I started obliterating my Mercury, Sun and Venus is overwhelming the things that have come to the surface and now I know where some of the problems I have always had come from.
And thank you very much for your guidance with my birth chart, your advice will be of great value for me to achieve it.
We can overcome anything. 2-3 months ago, I was getting angry because I was not able to have time to do anything spiritual because I have other things to do that are family related. One day, I had enough to have this angry feeling. I said to.myself that I would have time to do it later when everyone is sleeping.

Now, I take every moment I can get to advance my day. I enjoy time with my kids when I am with them instead of raging and getting tire of all this anger.

Times will be better and better when all.my kids will be at school. Until then, I advance at the pace I can, and I won't let anything to get me out of this path.

Thank you for this beatiful sermon HP.

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods!
Hail Jos!
Wotanwarrior said:
Shadowcat said:
What a lot of people have to realize, is that although their chart is their "fate", as far as patterns and manifestations, and predispositions of outcomes and behavior patterns, the chart is basically a script, a part for someone to play. What most don't realize, is that this can be rewritten ie planetary squares, workings, meditation, etc, with nothing set in stone. No matter what your chart looks like your knowledge as an SS gives you the tools to "rewrite" this script in the ways that you choose. It will not always be easy, as there are placements with karma and deep-seated issues shown in placements that can take time to remove, but it is doable nonetheless with the required effort. This is akin to becoming lucid in a dream, and manipulating manifestations as one chooses. To do this in waking life instead of being a victim to fate as a leaf in the merciless unbiased wind takes the power of the soul and effort in advancement. This will make the difference between you and any other NPC who thinks they are basically doomed to stay the same with what they have, with traits and other circumstances they otherwise do not want. Coming to Satan makes one realize this does not have to be the case. No one is "doomed", except by the limitations of one's own mind and perceptions.

I have seen a chart of a non-SS sometime last year. it was what one would call one of the "worse" ones. A lot of bad degrees, fixed stars, and other unfortunate placements. This was either karma, curses from the enemy, or both. This person hated their life and essentially thought as many would, thinking they were "doomed" and meant to be miserable, staying the same forever. One of the worst traps is with this type of situation, is that people get so masochistically comfortable in their self-pity based on their circumstances, and will even refuse an attempt to fight for something better, due to it feeling uncomfortable or simply not having faith or belief in themselves. This is one of the greatest obstacles to overcome, and once one has done this, there is already an even greater chance of uplifting one self to a better existence.

That is why I have set out to work to sublimate my entire natal chart.
Since I started obliterating my Mercury, Sun and Venus is overwhelming the things that have come to the surface and now I know where some of the problems I have always had come from.
And thank you very much for your guidance with my birth chart, your advice will be of great value for me to achieve it.

Good, I am very happy about this. I want every SS to be able to have this and it is one of the greatest incentives for learning astrology. Knowing at least the basics and some intermediate aspects of astrology goes a long way in understanding one's soul and elemental composition to help free blockages and other obstacles. I encourage everyone to take this initiative because everyone can learn these things if they put their mind to it.
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs
TheOneLucifitias said:
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

I will congratulate you at is having White kids, which will in the future as the world evolves will be heralds of a better mind than yours, distanced away from the animal the jew made you out to be, hopefully.

When we call Christianity the religion of the animals and cattle, tailored for such, we are not lying. Your sole arguments are that you deadlift more, that you have more food and more kids, and that you are foolishly worshipping a jew while you are at it.

You are a complete materialist without any soul or higher ethics, you're just all about deadlifts, insults, and parading around your favorite jew, who is a hoax from the jews.

You are also partly unaware of the place you are into but I appreciate the fact that you are trying to read what we write, maybe eventually your higher self will allow you into the Truth.
TheOneLucifitias said:
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

Hi Primal, still.made over the fact that asian girl are not interest in a guy that only do deadlift?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheOneLucifitias said:
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

I will congratulate you at is having White kids, which will in the future as the world evolves will be heralds of a better mind than yours, distanced away from the animal the jew made you out to be, hopefully.

When we call Christianity the religion of the animals and cattle, tailored for such, we are not lying. Your sole arguments are that you deadlift more, that you have more food and more kids, and that you are foolishly worshipping a jew while you are at it.

You are a complete materialist without any soul or higher ethics, you're just all about deadlifts, insults, and parading around your favorite jew, who is a hoax from the jews.

You are also partly unaware of the place you are into but I appreciate the fact that you are trying to read what we write, maybe eventually your higher self will allow you into the Truth.

well, here's what lucifers demons say to me: cope with the fact that you don't look as "sexy" as the next guy over who's on a cycle of steroids. i used to be one of you actually. lucifer doesn't exactly help those who seek it, because I sought for that. I guess that's what i meant with the other comment I made about your philosophy being materialistic. BTW it was a high ranking demon.

I'm literally just projecting what demons say to me, such as "Big black cock, worship his penis cuck!" laughing at me for simply playing guitar with my own style.

I honestly wish I didn't have to be viewed by them in this manner because that's what made me this way.
TheOneLucifitias said:
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

And sects of christendom will lose them even more rapidly than before.

Everything that makes up your life and routines now was the devil when your religion ruled on a political scale. Reflecting on that should be an interesting topic for anyone.

The Joy of Satan doesn't rule on a political scale and yet the world is more in alignment with it in this day. You might as well go outside and say this stuff to your car and scream it in the local library or something if you really are dedicated to your faith.
I want to start out thanking LUCIFER for directing me to this forum.
I almostlost hope in ss ,when I heard about Maxine . That upset me alot but my strength was tested and I ended up better .this post I really needed that thanks 13th-Wolf
TheOneLucifitias said:
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

Good luck with having a more crippled back than most old people when you are old because your "dead"-lifts.
You do the work, and the work works for you. Do workings to remove obstacles, learn things, develop skills, do workings to get what you want.

I'm looking forward to your book you mentioned, HP :)
Shemsu said:

Will definitely try. Munka alone felt good but this is what I was looking for. I haven't killed anyone in this life or anything like that although I've hurt the ones I love quite a lot and living with someone who hates you is not easy. I strive to be the best possible partner and parent and friend. Thank you sister for the advice.

Please Brother. And I understand how you feel, living with someone who hates you and whom you hate has been my daily life for years.
"But why don't you do a spiritual work to find another person?"
Because it is 100 times more urgent that I change myself first, that I grow significantly, rather than dragging my pots and pans no matter who the partner is..and because children are attached to their father. Because everything has become so expensive. Because, quite simply, my Satanic way and Father Satan are above everything. The rest will have to wait a little.

Coming back to the actual work of soul liberation, I will update my post, as I will explain how in my case, the ternary system of runes + their own affirmations is more effective. Also, how the Laguz + Berkano runes together are just too good to use, so useful.

Do your best, Shemsu, you will succeed Brother
A very motivating post. Thank you Hp. We all have problems but the best way is to face and deal with them.
I see most outsiders, they think beer is a solution, but this will only add problems on top of the other.

Your post made realize how lucky am i to find this amazing place and the Gods.
I’m in love with this path now and forever

Hail Satan !
TheOneLucifitias said:
heres a reason: because you're probably the biggest idiot around and nothing you say on "ancient forums" is relevant to the real world. End your life you disgusting losers because i deadlift more than you and im christian.
spread idiocy and become a satanist!
already sects of christendom that have more white kids than you dweebs

Powers of the Mind and Occult don't give a single fuck about how much you deadlift or how much muscle you have, period. When it comes to the Occult and spiritual advancement, muscle is just a cosmetic thing. The physically weakest and skinniest piece of shit out there would drop you like a bad habit if they had the proper occult knowledge.
Real strength comes from the soul, not the physical body.
Everyday I continue to advance and become closer to my goals and what I wish to achieve in my lifetime.

While there's been so many times that circumstances have been far too bad, and practically unbearable to tolerate. I chose to persist..

I want to let my fellow SS know that even when things seem impossible, unattainable, that as long as we move towards where we desire to be, that in time we will achieve our goals.

Whether this be healing, control of the mind, financial issues, etc.

The world we live in is very sick, twisted and materialistic.

As long as we have the gods at our side, and our satanic family, everything is going to be okay.

Never give up. Always persist even if it appears all hope is lost. As when we have Satan. We can do anything.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
