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Why water people can actually be very strong


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
SerLorars13 said:
Why water people can actually be very strong?

Think about it. What element is the most versatile and changing and is actually capable to manifest itself in different forms on the material plane? Water.

Water is shapeless, formless and can take any form or shape you give it. You put it in a cup, it becomes the cup, you put it in a round vase. It becomes a round vase.

As we all know water is quite important in sensing things, if enough self awareness is achieved.

But as important as it is at sensing energies and such, please ask yourself "How are water people usually behaving?"

Many water people are very changing and don't speak too much sense or aren't logical at all. But why?

Are they just bitchy? Or is it something else to it?

As sensitive as they might be, they are quite amazing at sensing things, and that's how their whole mood changes.
From sad to angry, from happy to sad, from angry to calm and so on.

Energies found around water people's surroundings makes them behave in a certain way, depending on the type of energy and purpose.

This begs the questions
"What if we can actually use that in our advantage?"
"What if we use specific energies to influence them?"

And here is where I wanted to get with this topic.

Water people have a huge advantage if they are aware enough to use this capability to 'take the form' of the energy that surrounds them.

Take Sowilo rune for example.
Vibrate it.
Meditate on it's energies (feel them as best as you can).
Focus on those energies.
Circulate it's energies.
Let it's energies 'shape' you.
Let them show you what they express *through* you.

*Water people are the pure expression of energy.*

And that's their huge advantage, *If* they are aware enough and disciplined enough.

Discipline and earth are required for sure here, but it will pay off.

We can use different energies to prepare before events occur. We can make ourself bolder when we want. We can make us resist the misfortunes and the upsetting events from our lives, through specific and programed energies.

That's why everyone needs water, even in small amounts can pay off.

Each element is strong. I want to highlight that water has amazing qualities as well.

But we all need to thrive for balance, this includes having more or less water energies in our soul.

Interesting, thank you.
Thank you for your thoughts.

I think a lot of water prominent people are so sensitive because they don’t know how to harness the positives of the energy. The same as if someone with too much fire can be overly aggressive. Too much earth, too stubborn. Know it all air. The sensitivity of water comes from not knowing how to handle such intense emotions. It requires a great deal of emotional maturity, but once that’s achieved, the sensitivity is replaced with empathy. It understands the emotional depths of others, why they feel the way they do. It’s passionate in a more soothing way than fire is, if that makes sense.

Water just gets the flak because it’s the cry baby. I say this from experience. I’ve been told, you have enough water in you to fill an ocean. I’ve probably cried enough to fill a whole sea. Everything used to make me cry. When I was angry, sad, happy. I’ve worked on this a lot, but other elements can get too intense for me. It’s a slow process.

It’s good to look to the signs that embody water too. Water is nurturing. It’s soothing. Like Cancer. It has dark depths and powerful currents. Like Scorpio. It’s deeply spiritual. Like Pisces. Like the signs, when they are exalted and rightly balanced, they achieve these things. When they are negative, they are sensitive, obsessive, weak, emotionally self-centered.

Same idea with the cups suit in tarot. They represent our relations to other people and our own emotional states. Our hopes and dreams.
SerLorars13 said:
Why water people can actually be very strong?

Think about it. What element is the most versatile and changing and is actually capable to manifest itself in different forms on the material plane? Water.

Water is shapeless, formless and can take any form or shape you give it. You put it in a cup, it becomes the cup, you put it in a round vase. It becomes a round vase.

As we all know water is quite important in sensing things, if enough self awareness is achieved.

But as important as it is at sensing energies and such, please ask yourself "How are water people usually behaving?"

Many water people are very changing and don't speak too much sense or aren't logical at all. But why?

Are they just bitchy? Or is it something else to it?

As sensitive as they might be, they are quite amazing at sensing things, and that's how their whole mood changes.
From sad to angry, from happy to sad, from angry to calm and so on.

Energies found around water people's surroundings makes them behave in a certain way, depending on the type of energy and purpose.

This begs the questions
"What if we can actually use that in our advantage?"
"What if we use specific energies to influence them?"

And here is where I wanted to get with this topic.

Water people have a huge advantage if they are aware enough to use this capability to 'take the form' of the energy that surrounds them.

Take Sowilo rune for example.
Vibrate it.
Meditate on it's energies (feel them as best as you can).
Focus on those energies.
Circulate it's energies.
Let it's energies 'shape' you.
Let them show you what they express *through* you.

*Water people are the pure expression of energy.*

And that's their huge advantage, *If* they are aware enough and disciplined enough.

Discipline and earth are required for sure here, but it will pay off.

We can use different energies to prepare before events occur. We can make ourself bolder when we want. We can make us resist the misfortunes and the upsetting events from our lives, through specific and programed energies.

That's why everyone needs water, even in small amounts can pay off.

Each element is strong. I want to highlight that water has amazing qualities as well.

But we all need to thrive for balance, this includes having more or less water energies in our soul.

Mike Tyson who was a Cancer fought many hard Aries boxers and other strong martial types. He knocked many of them out in the first round, big big nuff said there.

Water is connected with compulsion, deliberation and doing things properly to their end. There is generally no hesitancy, definitely no arrogance or inconstancy in the actions of someone with a Water emphasis who is pressured. Fire on the other hand is prone to being more blindsided and not noticing very important things in a clash of consciences. Water generates energy and strength from emotional connections and activities. Back to the example of Mike Tyson, he would wake up everyday at 3-4 in the morning and practice, exercise- jogging while knowing in his head that his opponent was not doing the same thing and visualising what he is gonna do to him in the ring. That's the strength of Water. Going all the way and even mentally compulsive in it outside of his training.

There's not no reason as to why Bruce Lee said "be Water, my friend".

Fire is also equally as important though, which is and represents pure energy.
I don't like water. I'm not a very emotional type of person, if all of a sudden I start invoking water I might turn into a whiny little bitch.
Thank you for making such a positive thread!

So so many are judgemental of water people it seems.. its actually painful.

I've never read into the other elements that much.. so I can't say much about that, but to say others are better is not true.

If I remember correct, reading from the website, water people are said to have a strong soul.
Also it seems psychic gifts are specifically linked to water, though Im not saying they cannot be expressed otherwise.
Which is part of the most important thing on this path, to develop oneself, and ones abilities.

I think that those whom look negatively upon all the less than great things that do come along with the water element, should probably give themselves a reality check.
They haven't walked a mile in our shoes. Who the f are they to judge and criticize and tell us down for something that they themselves obviously can not comprehend.
Its like judging by appearance. Not all covers show the value of its contents.

I think that water people are actually friggin cool :)

Also I don't think they are drama queens, even though this negative view is given to them quite often.

Don't judge a book by its cover.
Libra said:
Thank you for your thoughts.

I think a lot of water prominent people are so sensitive because they don’t know how to harness the positives of the energy. The same as if someone with too much fire can be overly aggressive. Too much earth, too stubborn. Know it all air. The sensitivity of water comes from not knowing how to handle such intense emotions. It requires a great deal of emotional maturity, but once that’s achieved, the sensitivity is replaced with empathy. It understands the emotional depths of others, why they feel the way they do. It’s passionate in a more soothing way than fire is, if that makes sense.

Water just gets the flak because it’s the cry baby. I say this from experience. I’ve been told, you have enough water in you to fill an ocean. I’ve probably cried enough to fill a whole sea. Everything used to make me cry. When I was angry, sad, happy. I’ve worked on this a lot, but other elements can get too intense for me. It’s a slow process.

It’s good to look to the signs that embody water too. Water is nurturing. It’s soothing. Like Cancer. It has dark depths and powerful currents. Like Scorpio. It’s deeply spiritual. Like Pisces. Like the signs, when they are exalted and rightly balanced, they achieve these things. When they are negative, they are sensitive, obsessive, weak, emotionally self-centered.

Same idea with the cups suit in tarot. They represent our relations to other people and our own emotional states. Our hopes and dreams.

o_O so that's how it goes....heh

Well that was a bit eye opening.
Many water people don't know how to use their emotions and get easily brainwashed in the enemy program of xianity and liberalism, they start loving the negroe invaders because poor little immigrants and they mentally die off.
Fortunately it's not always the case.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I don't like water. I'm not a very emotional type of person, if all of a sudden I start invoking water I might turn into a whiny little bitch.

But you, like me everyone else were also once a whinging and whiny little baby once. That is Water. Everyone has a base level of Water which manifests through this, the mother and so on.

If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.
13th_Wolf said:
If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

It's not that, it's the emotional aspect of water. The jews always get an emotional reaction out of everything they promote in the media, like George Floyd's death for instance. Thus, I allow myself to feel no emotion so I can focus on taking action against the jews mercilessly.
13th_Wolf said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I don't like water. I'm not a very emotional type of person, if all of a sudden I start invoking water I might turn into a whiny little bitch.

But you, like me everyone else were also once a whinging and whiny little baby once. That is Water. Everyone has a base level of Water which manifests through this, the mother and so on.

If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

I have Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and also a Grand Water Trine.

For years I felt bad about it, I hid it. I didnt want anyone to know or perceive any water, I wanted to be full fire.

I said the hell with it, those born with a strong birth chart are weak, I could have everything against me and still rise. The Birth Chart being irrelevant. I would make myself what I wanted.

My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

I managed to become very strong, but it would continue to slip out of me. Then I had this battle that developed into two separate personalities, fighting for control.

One that was strong and masculine and didnt care and the other feminine and wanting to take care of everyone.

But now I'm starting to see, that perhaps the water was the strength the whole time. I met people that as I felt, had it all. 5 Aries planets, and 3 Taurus or whatever.

Yet they were idiotic. I also have a bit of air. Air and water, made me intelligent and Psychic, but I envied those with fire and earth.

To be grounded and fiery. To just march through life. But I found them slow and like a moron banging their head into a wall 10 times before they felt they should stop.

Like cobra said those without Air, dont really have the intelligence. I'm like why does what I envy, never get anywhere. I have more of the aspects then they do. Have I just invoked the energy of different signs enough?

But something had changed somehow, I no longer needed to put signs anymore. I think I was too much water, and through meditation I burned out the hyper sensitive part of it, and came closer to a balance.

Still being water, but getting rid of the oversensitive part. Also water signs become stronger as they mature. Such as cancer, that builds a shell.

With the curses removed, my mind has shifted completely. I'm like why do I need to be something I'm not? In the end denying myself, only left me miserable and alone.

I was still trying to protect myself, when people cannot even hurt me in that way anymore. I am sensitive but no longer fragile inside.

I thought I would become weak. But instead, it would seem that strength comes from my true planets and true self. But time will tell.
Aldrick said:
My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

That's exactly why I hate the water element. What happens when I invoke it? I immediately become depressed and/or suicidal. Fuck that, I'm a man, not a pussy. I'm supposed to be able to behead my enemies with a war axe and not feel a goddamn thing except relief that he didn't get to me first. I'm supposed to be able to defend a nation, or an empire and I can't let emotions get in the way of that. Where in the phrase "Victory or Valhalla" does it say to have compassion for people who might want to kill you?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

That's exactly why I hate the water element. What happens when I invoke it? I immediately become depressed and/or suicidal. Fuck that, I'm a man, not a pussy. I'm supposed to be able to behead my enemies with a war axe and not feel a goddamn thing except relief that he didn't get to me first. I'm supposed to be able to defend a nation, or an empire and I can't let emotions get in the way of that. Where in the phrase "Victory or Valhalla" does it say to have compassion for people who might want to kill you?

So you're like 17 too. Cool
ShadowTheRaven said:
13th_Wolf said:
If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

It's not that, it's the emotional aspect of water. The jews always get an emotional reaction out of everything they promote in the media, like George Floyd's death for instance. Thus, I allow myself to feel no emotion so I can focus on taking action against the jews mercilessly.

Thats taking it to the extreme. Emotions are necessary and is also a driving force in people. One can be logical and act as a machine but its the emotion that binds people and a community together. The negative aspect of emotion is as you said, easily manipulated through their reactions but this is where control is necessary. Its not apathy that solves the issue of emotional reaction but control of ones self. This is obtained through meditation and spiritual discipline.

ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

That's exactly why I hate the water element. What happens when I invoke it? I immediately become depressed and/or suicidal. Fuck that, I'm a man, not a pussy. I'm supposed to be able to behead my enemies with a war axe and not feel a goddamn thing except relief that he didn't get to me first. I'm supposed to be able to defend a nation, or an empire and I can't let emotions get in the way of that. Where in the phrase "Victory or Valhalla" does it say to have compassion for people who might want to kill you?

You can't defend a nation without love for your nation and her people. You're stuck on the idea that emotions are harmful and bad for you because you have no control over them and thus decide to rid yourself of it. You hate the water element but we are made up of all the elements. You hate a part of yourself that is perfectly natural and is a source of strength. Rid yourself of those thoughts.

Emotions = energy = power. People with no emotions are easily manipulated as people that are overly emotional. The "yolo" attitude or the "I dont give a fuck" attitude is just as destructive as extreme emotional stupidity. What is necessary is balance and control. To know when to control your emotions and when to let your emotions charge you. Those with strong emotions fulfill their duty the hardest for its their emotions that charge their desire.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Are the medic, and the nurse, and the chef, and everybody else who heals and feeds and cares for the soldiers, are they all worthless? Is it a weakness for them to care?

Which soldier is better, the one who doesn't care about anything, or the one who cares very deeply about something that gives him something to fight for?

You have this thing in your personality about trying to force a projection of an image of big strength, for people to look at you and think that you are strong. But you do not even know what true strength really is. The image you try to project is not actual strength, it has many big holes and deficiencies in it. And the forces you are trying to repress and push away, those are the forces which would patch those holes and turn you into somebody who is truly full and strong. And this is very obvious to me.

The problem is not caring, the problem is caring in the wrong direction about the wrong things. The energy itself that you are trying to repress, this is one of the absolute most important and most powerful energies. The tool is not the problem, the problem is by using the tool incorrectly.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

That's exactly why I hate the water element. What happens when I invoke it? I immediately become depressed and/or suicidal. Fuck that, I'm a man, not a pussy. I'm supposed to be able to behead my enemies with a war axe and not feel a goddamn thing except relief that he didn't get to me first. I'm supposed to be able to defend a nation, or an empire and I can't let emotions get in the way of that. Where in the phrase "Victory or Valhalla" does it say to have compassion for people who might want to kill you?
I think I'm a water sign and I have no problem doing what I have to do. But killing a deer for no reason I'm opposed to that. I'd kill a deer to eat it. I'd rather not fight someone but if I have to I'd do that too. But I do try to avoid fighting multiple people. For me if you fight one you fight all.
My chart ruler is the moon I've been coming to terms with how sensitive I am to my environment. My chart is heavily water-earth so the emotions I feel are a bit hard for me to process at times. However I've learned when I feel very intense emotions I dominate my entire environment and everyone around me feels my energy on a deep level.

This can be an advantage and disadvantage. In my work place my mood seems to directly affect the entire staff, probably from power meditation as well. If I am sad my coworkers feel dread and just like any hopeless npc. Most of the time however they open up to me and generally love when I'm around. It took me a while to understand this and to learn emotional control.

During a tarot reading I had pulled the King of Cups. This made me realize that a true powerful man controls his emotional impulses and can even benefit from expressing them in creative ways. I've gone from a deadly storm of emotions(usually in repressed outbursts) to being the calm center of the storm.
Hail to the gods and all our people for the insight and awareness they give.
ShadowTheRaven said:
13th_Wolf said:
If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

It's not that, it's the emotional aspect of water. The jews always get an emotional reaction out of everything they promote in the media, like George Floyd's death for instance. Thus, I allow myself to feel no emotion so I can focus on taking action against the jews mercilessly.
Good luck advancing and not feeling emotions, you think the Gods hold back their emotions? Without emotions life has no meaning. Even if you try to hold them back you still feel them because if not you would not be here fighting for Satan.
I used to repress them because I would get easily hurt but that just makes life horrible, so I have learned to get in touch with them and be the emphatic person I am while always learning more and becoming less and less affected by others.
In short, there is no advancement for you if you think that repressing your emotions is a good idea.
Aquarius said:
Good luck advancing and not feeling emotions, you think the Gods hold back their emotions? Without emotions life has no meaning. Even if you try to hold them back you still feel them because if not you would not be here fighting for Satan.
I used to repress them because I would get easily hurt but that just makes life horrible, so I have learned to get in touch with them and be the emphatic person I am while always learning more and becoming less and less affected by others.
In short, there is no advancement for you if you think that repressing your emotions is a good idea.

It's a survival mechanism. Remember, i grew up in an environment where any emotional inflection got me beaten. Anyone I bonded with and trusted could easily stab me in the back and leave me for dead. I know, because it nearly happened on several occasions. I do wish to unlearn the instinctive thought that if I reveal my emotional or sensitive side, if you will, people I meet will see that as weakness and take advantage of me. That's why i have the train of thought that a true soldier regardless of cause feels nothing except hatred for the enemy the likes of which he's never felt in his life; the fury of a thousand suns capable of wiping out an entire nation.
Fire is my strongest element, water is my second by only a little, and air is my weakest. This makes me a very emotional individual, but recently I've invoked the air element and it has helped me stabilize.

I feel like it's really weird having two of the opposite elements being my strongest ones. There's a sense of discordance and I have been called a hypocrite before due to how I think/feel during different times based on my emotions (and I'm not even aware of it). Because I guess I alternate between the emotional traits of water and fire.
Or I go from happy, childlike glee, to incredibly angry within seconds... but I also calm myself down equally as fast if the person simply apologizes. Or I would display immeasurable hatred towards one person, but tender affection to another. Again, within seconds.

It's really weird and confusing. And because my fire and water seem to be very powerful, I decided to start invoking air with hopes to stabilize my emotions and somewhat equalize my elements. Done nothing with earth yet, though.

Though in spiritual workings, I'm able to utilize the respective effects of my fire and water depending on the working. My level of fire becomes prominent in workings involving spite, whereas my water has helped me spill desire and emotion into love workings. But, ugh, emotions... they're my greatest strength, and my greatest vulnerability. Tricky.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Are the medic, and the nurse, and the chef, and everybody else who heals and feeds and cares for the soldiers, are they all worthless? Is it a weakness for them to care?

No. They're born and bred for different things, and that's just as respectable as the soldier with his rifle picking off enemies from 200-400 meters away.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Which soldier is better, the one who doesn't care about anything, or the one who cares very deeply about something that gives him something to fight for?

The one who does his job and slaughters the enemy. I will not be the cowardly infantryman sitting on an infirmary bed

"It's my nerves, Sir, I...I just can't stand the shelling anymore!"
"Your nerves? Hell, you're just a goddamn coward. *slaps twice* We have a yellow bastard crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle?! SHUT UP!!! *slap* I oughta nick this yellow bastard, nothing wrong with him. We won't have sons of bitches who are afraid to fight staining up this place of honor! You're going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, you may get killed, but you're going back up to the fighting!"

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You have this thing in your personality about trying to force a projection of an image of big strength, for people to look at you and think that you are strong. But you do not even know what true strength really is. The image you try to project is not actual strength, it has many big holes and deficiencies in it.

Such as? What deficiencies does someone wishing to project an image of honor, glory, and power have?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Are the medic, and the nurse, and the chef, and everybody else who heals and feeds and cares for the soldiers, are they all worthless? Is it a weakness for them to care?

No. They're born and bred for different things, and that's just as respectable as the soldier with his rifle picking off enemies from 200-400 meters away.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Which soldier is better, the one who doesn't care about anything, or the one who cares very deeply about something that gives him something to fight for?

The one who does his job and slaughters the enemy. I will not be the cowardly infantryman sitting on an infirmary bed

"It's my nerves, Sir, I...I just can't stand the shelling anymore!"
"Your nerves? Hell, you're just a goddamn coward. *slaps twice* We have a yellow bastard crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle?! SHUT UP!!! *slap* I oughta nick this yellow bastard, nothing wrong with him. We won't have sons of bitches who are afraid to fight staining up this place of honor! You're going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, you may get killed, but you're going back up to the fighting!"

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You have this thing in your personality about trying to force a projection of an image of big strength, for people to look at you and think that you are strong. But you do not even know what true strength really is. The image you try to project is not actual strength, it has many big holes and deficiencies in it.

Such as? What deficiencies does someone wishing to project an image of honor, glory, and power have?

Dude it's ok to feel emotions. If you come off to people as someone who only cares about strength you're gonna end up hurting the people you're trying to save. As SS we have a deep feeling of duty to our cause but you also have duty to your loved ones. This includes being compassionate and affectionate with them. You are literally telling yourself the very things that make you human are weak and not honorable. Do not deny yourself the ability to feel you may regret it down the road.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aquarius said:
Good luck advancing and not feeling emotions, you think the Gods hold back their emotions? Without emotions life has no meaning. Even if you try to hold them back you still feel them because if not you would not be here fighting for Satan.
I used to repress them because I would get easily hurt but that just makes life horrible, so I have learned to get in touch with them and be the emphatic person I am while always learning more and becoming less and less affected by others.
In short, there is no advancement for you if you think that repressing your emotions is a good idea.

It's a survival mechanism. Remember, i grew up in an environment where any emotional inflection got me beaten. Anyone I bonded with and trusted could easily stab me in the back and leave me for dead. I know, because it nearly happened on several occasions. I do wish to unlearn the instinctive thought that if I reveal my emotional or sensitive side, if you will, people I meet will see that as weakness and take advantage of me. That's why i have the train of thought that a true soldier regardless of cause feels nothing except hatred for the enemy the likes of which he's never felt in his life; the fury of a thousand suns capable of wiping out an entire nation.
It kinda was for me too. But you just learn how to deal with emotions. It's the equivalent of hiding instead of dealing with difficult things. When you learn how to deal with emotions you will have more wisdom and you will learn not to suffer this much for certain things.
Your depression, suicidal feelings, and all that other pain, that is not what Water is made of. All of that is already inside you. Stop covering up your problems, and actually fix them instead. And stop blaming them on things that are unrelated. What you think of water as being, that is not water, that is your own disorders that you already have that you have been ignoring.

It is weak to ignore your problems and pretend that they aren't there. It is weak to not even be able to honestly look at yourself. If you were really strong, you would fix yourself for real. Not just repressing and ignoring the deep problems that are in you.
Aquarius said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
13th_Wolf said:
If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

It's not that, it's the emotional aspect of water. The jews always get an emotional reaction out of everything they promote in the media, like George Floyd's death for instance. Thus, I allow myself to feel no emotion so I can focus on taking action against the jews mercilessly.
Good luck advancing and not feeling emotions, you think the Gods hold back their emotions? Without emotions life has no meaning. Even if you try to hold them back you still feel them because if not you would not be here fighting for Satan.
I used to repress them because I would get easily hurt but that just makes life horrible, so I have learned to get in touch with them and be the emphatic person I am while always learning more and becoming less and less affected by others.
In short, there is no advancement for you if you think that repressing your emotions is a good idea.

It's just stupid. I should be able to chop someone's head off and not feel anything!

Like mother fuckers be walking around with battle axes on their back? o_O
It is very interesting. Thank you. Yes, I am Pisces and I understand what you are talking about wery well. I can be everything. I can be always and everywhere at the same time. This is a clean creek irrigating the Earth, this is a destructive storm. Sometimes it is calm sea, and sometimes muddy waters. And the combination of Pisces - Snake, is something sacred .... My Snake brought me here. Thanks again for these deep thoughts.
Aldrick said:
It's just stupid. I should be able to chop someone's head off and not feel anything!

Like mother fuckers be walking around with battle axes on their back? o_O

Yeah, during the Viking Age, when men were men. Now in the same geographical location, we got men with no balls and barely a penis who can't keep a country intact (ex: Sweden). Nobody cared when the Arabs attacked, they just spread their legs and let em have it. They didn't even abort the rape babies.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
It's just stupid. I should be able to chop someone's head off and not feel anything!

Like mother fuckers be walking around with battle axes on their back? o_O

Yeah, during the Viking Age, when men were men. Now in the same geographical location, we got men with no balls and barely a penis who can't keep a country intact (ex: Sweden). Nobody cared when the Arabs attacked, they just spread their legs and let em have it. They didn't even abort the rape babies.

Oh please lol. Odinist nonsense.

Yes being strong is important. But this is exactly what I'm talking about. Some younge boy who has lived in white suburb paradise, dreaming of being some neanderthal who goes around smashing someone on the head to solve everything.

This is childish nonsense.

Our true Ancestors were intelligent. Yes they fought when necessary.

There is this difference between young guys and mature older guys. Young guys dream of war and throwing swords around. Older guys know of its horrors.

Kinda like guys who have never been in a fight, talk about fighting. But I don't know how to explain it to you. You just have to grow up.

Which is what I'm annoyed at. I like you Raven. I just wish I could talk to more older men. But every year I'm here, more teenagers flood in, and the previous are gone.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your depression, suicidal feelings, and all that other pain, that is not what Water is made of. All of that is already inside you. Stop covering up your problems, and actually fix them instead. And stop blaming them on things that are unrelated. What you think of water as being, that is not water, that is your own disorders that you already have that you have been ignoring.

It is weak to ignore your problems and pretend that they aren't there. It is weak to not even be able to honestly look at yourself. If you were really strong, you would fix yourself for real. Not just repressing and ignoring the deep problems that are in you.

Well gee, since you already perceive me as weak, I might as well open up then.

I'm depressed that I have to live in a world that I have to take it upon myself to fix, and that kind of pressure is immeasurable. Aldrick already has a rep because he once had the attitude of "If you don't do 5000 RTRs per day you're pretty much worthless" but that's just a popular example. Not like I'd be satisfied after performing such an exaggerated amount of rituals, because I'm never satisfied and I won't be until the jews are gone, the white race is no longer in grave danger, and humanity (or at the very least the people here) ascend to Godhood.

I'm angry because of hypocrisy in every aspect of life; Politics, media, the workplace, between friends, family, and other loved ones. I get that this is the result of a judaified world and all, but out of all the people I've met in real life, none of them I could ever trust as far as I could throw them because the moment I did, my life was in danger. I'm not even exaggerating here, I've had pistols and knives pulled on me by people I once called "friends". Yeah they were pieces of shit, but they were literally the only people I knew. I consider some of you who read this extremely lucky to have true friends, and true family that loves you, and cares for you. I've never felt love at all, except from the Gods. Other than that, I have no point of reference for love, happiness, joy, or any positive emotion whatsoever.

I'm afraid that after all this, I might be tossed in the garbage like a rusty, decommissioned machine gun that doesn't work anymore after several years. Not only that, but also opening up because that only invites attack but if you reaaaally want me to express my emotions, here you go. If you really think that's true strength, then we'll see. I've already invoked water in order to help get this out, or at least help me work up the nerve to even write this. I mean, what role would I play after the war's all said and done? That kind of uncertainty only brings out the worst thoughts such as the above, me being tossed in the garbage and disregarded.

Ignoring my emotions and state of mind helped me to cope. I grew up with the mentality that men are not allowed to be emotional, because that's weakness but according to this forum, the opposite is true. The only outlet I've had for emotion is anime. Tragic anime, like Elfen Lied, Your Lie In April, Naruto, and others intended to evoke intense emotion just for the small glimmer of hope that under this tough exterior, I could at least feel SOMETHING!!! Ohhhh but anime's for pussies apparently, so I guess that option's out.
Aquarius said:
It kinda was for me too. But you just learn how to deal with emotions. It's the equivalent of hiding instead of dealing with difficult things. When you learn how to deal with emotions you will have more wisdom and you will learn not to suffer this much for certain things.

That was how I dealed with them. "They're just trivial, they have no real meaning, stop being such a little bitch" I thought. I want to be a soldier, even if years in the future I'm looking into the face of horror with a thousand yard stare.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
It's just stupid. I should be able to chop someone's head off and not feel anything!

Like mother fuckers be walking around with battle axes on their back? o_O

Yeah, during the Viking Age, when men were men. Now in the same geographical location, we got men with no balls and barely a penis who can't keep a country intact (ex: Sweden). Nobody cared when the Arabs attacked, they just spread their legs and let em have it. They didn't even abort the rape babies.
You think they had no emotions? You're deluding yourself. You don't need to have no emotions to fight a battle. You think Adolf Hitler had no emotions during ww1?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Are the medic, and the nurse, and the chef, and everybody else who heals and feeds and cares for the soldiers, are they all worthless? Is it a weakness for them to care?

No. They're born and bred for different things, and that's just as respectable as the soldier with his rifle picking off enemies from 200-400 meters away.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Which soldier is better, the one who doesn't care about anything, or the one who cares very deeply about something that gives him something to fight for?

The one who does his job and slaughters the enemy. I will not be the cowardly infantryman sitting on an infirmary bed

"It's my nerves, Sir, I...I just can't stand the shelling anymore!"
"Your nerves? Hell, you're just a goddamn coward. *slaps twice* We have a yellow bastard crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle?! SHUT UP!!! *slap* I oughta nick this yellow bastard, nothing wrong with him. We won't have sons of bitches who are afraid to fight staining up this place of honor! You're going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, you may get killed, but you're going back up to the fighting!"

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You have this thing in your personality about trying to force a projection of an image of big strength, for people to look at you and think that you are strong. But you do not even know what true strength really is. The image you try to project is not actual strength, it has many big holes and deficiencies in it.

Such as? What deficiencies does someone wishing to project an image of honor, glory, and power have?

War isn't about honor, glory and power it's about blowing cunts up and watching them scream in agony, learning to enjoy it. You have to not fear death, but to do that you have to embrace death as well. A good book to look into and read into this philosophy is the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Its not like your example with the officer it's more like your officer and friends are already dead and the enemy have advanced and you're hungry, bleeding itchy, and sleep deprived. You might as well fucking off yourself already sorry fucker, that's the only thing what your brain will tell you- Honor and glory go out the window for most people when they're at that point. If you wanna get back to the goodness, you're gonna have to do a lot of inhuman things to a lot of people and it will change who you are and how you see yourself.

War isn't really that a masculine thing in that above sense, it stops having a clear reason and starts becoming perverted in the worst way. You become yourself in your enemy and your kill. That's the reality of it, you have to be able to feel at the depth- equally as rotten, lowlife and horrific as you are, so grand and glorious. If there is war, there is deficiency.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your depression, suicidal feelings, and all that other pain, that is not what Water is made of. All of that is already inside you. Stop covering up your problems, and actually fix them instead. And stop blaming them on things that are unrelated. What you think of water as being, that is not water, that is your own disorders that you already have that you have been ignoring.

It is weak to ignore your problems and pretend that they aren't there. It is weak to not even be able to honestly look at yourself. If you were really strong, you would fix yourself for real. Not just repressing and ignoring the deep problems that are in you.

Well gee, since you already perceive me as weak, I might as well open up then.

I'm depressed that I have to live in a world that I have to take it upon myself to fix, and that kind of pressure is immeasurable. Aldrick already has a rep because he once had the attitude of "If you don't do 5000 RTRs per day you're pretty much worthless" but that's just a popular example. Not like I'd be satisfied after performing such an exaggerated amount of rituals, because I'm never satisfied and I won't be until the jews are gone, the white race is no longer in grave danger, and humanity (or at the very least the people here) ascend to Godhood.

I'm angry because of hypocrisy in every aspect of life; Politics, media, the workplace, between friends, family, and other loved ones. I get that this is the result of a judaified world and all, but out of all the people I've met in real life, none of them I could ever trust as far as I could throw them because the moment I did, my life was in danger. I'm not even exaggerating here, I've had pistols and knives pulled on me by people I once called "friends". Yeah they were pieces of shit, but they were literally the only people I knew. I consider some of you who read this extremely lucky to have true friends, and true family that loves you, and cares for you. I've never felt love at all, except from the Gods. Other than that, I have no point of reference for love, happiness, joy, or any positive emotion whatsoever.

I'm afraid that after all this, I might be tossed in the garbage like a rusty, decommissioned machine gun that doesn't work anymore after several years. Not only that, but also opening up because that only invites attack but if you reaaaally want me to express my emotions, here you go. If you really think that's true strength, then we'll see. I've already invoked water in order to help get this out, or at least help me work up the nerve to even write this. I mean, what role would I play after the war's all said and done? That kind of uncertainty only brings out the worst thoughts such as the above, me being tossed in the garbage and disregarded.

Ignoring my emotions and state of mind helped me to cope. I grew up with the mentality that men are not allowed to be emotional, because that's weakness but according to this forum, the opposite is true. The only outlet I've had for emotion is anime. Tragic anime, like Elfen Lied, Your Lie In April, Naruto, and others intended to evoke intense emotion just for the small glimmer of hope that under this tough exterior, I could at least feel SOMETHING!!! Ohhhh but anime's for pussies apparently, so I guess that option's out.

See there it is :)

That's the real you. You are strong. You are self defeating yourself. Animes for pussies? Why because some little bitch says so?

How about YOU make the rules of what It means to be a man.

Look at how men wear pink now. Because a few who didnt give a shit went for it.
13th_Wolf said:
War isn't about honor, glory and power it's about blowing cunts up and watching them scream in agony, learning to enjoy it. You have to not fear death, but to do that you have to embrace death as well. A good book to look into and read into this philosophy is the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Its not like your example with the officer it's more like your officer and friends are already dead and the enemy have advanced and you're hungry, bleeding itchy, and sleep deprived.

War isn't really that a masculine thing in that above sense, it stops having a clear reason and starts becoming perverted in the worst way. You become yourself in your enemy and your kill. That's the reality of it, you have to be able to feel at the depth- equally as rotten, lowlife and horrific as you are, so grand and glorious. If there is war, there is deficiency.

You've completely ignored the part where I said that a soldier's job is to slaughter the enemy. If I went any more in-depth about slaughtering my enemies in the most brutal way imaginable, Cobra would never let my post through. If that above scenario happened, where all my team is dead, I might as well keep fighting. If I run, I'll be shot and killed. If I fight, I'll be shot and killed. What's a more honorable death between those two choices?

Aquarius said:
You think they had no emotions? You're deluding yourself. You don't need to have no emotions to fight a battle. You think Adolf Hitler had no emotions during ww1?

You have to learn how to discipline your mind to ignore emotions, because you just might come out of the war with a terrible case of PTSD. What are you going to do then?
Aldrick said:
Oh please lol. Odinist nonsense.

Yes being strong is important. But this is exactly what I'm talking about. Some young boy who has lived in white suburb paradise, dreaming of being some neanderthal who goes around smashing someone on the head to solve everything.

This is childish nonsense.

Our true Ancestors were intelligent. Yes they fought when necessary.

There is this difference between young guys and mature older guys. Young guys dream of war and throwing swords around. Older guys know of its horrors.

Kinda like guys who have never been in a fight, talk about fighting. But I don't know how to explain it to you. You just have to grow up.

Which is what I'm annoyed at. I like you Raven. I just wish I could talk to more older men. But every year I'm here, more teenagers flood in, and the previous are gone.

Odinist nonsense, but if it forces the muslims and jews out of Europe then does the ends justify the means? If it creates an atmosphere of McCarthyism in America to the point where Antifa is getting tossed out of helicopters onto the pavement?

Who throws swords around? Everyone knows machine guns are all the rage these days, but I'm not negating your point.

What say you about the older people who haven't seen the horrors of war, who have never served their country, who have no concept of service guaranteeing citizenship?

Like you, I've seen many come and go. This forum does tend to have a very teenage base, and very few adults which is saddening. All I want to do is make the Gods proud, and to start, by wiping out this disease that our planet has endured for thousands of years; to repel the invasion of these sickly, disgusting lizards who have infiltrated the highest pillars of our society.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Well gee, since you already perceive me as weak, I might as well open up then.
I don't think you are weak. It's not like I am laughing at you or anything, I seriously do not have any urge at all to say anything bad about that. I don't think you are a bad person. I just think that you have some problems, just like everybody in the world all has some problems, and you have spent your whole life trying to cover up and hide them instead of removing them. This is not an uncommon reaction. Most people in the world have all done some amount of this. You have been in many painful situations, so you have a lot you have been trying to hide.

Every piece of pain is like a thorn inside your soul. If it's strong enough, you will even feel it physically. You don't heal a thorn or splinter by covering it with a thick outside layer, all that does is hold the thorn inside. You try to keep it covered all the time and trying to push it away, but that is only pushing the thorn deeper into you where it would do even more damage. And you feel that sharp point even when you try to ignore it.

You can only heal it by trying to specifically remove the thorn. And slowly, it works its way out. Might take a long time of consistent work, but it has to be done. Then once the thorn or splinter is removed, then you can cover the skin with a strong layer. Then the body can really heal, and you can start becoming stronger.
ShadowTheRaven said:
"It's my nerves, Sir, I...I just can't stand the shelling anymore!"
"Your nerves? Hell, you're just a goddamn coward. *slaps twice* We have a yellow bastard crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle?! SHUT UP!!! *slap* I oughta nick this yellow bastard, nothing wrong with him. We won't have sons of bitches who are afraid to fight staining up this place of honor! You're going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, you may get killed, but you're going back up to the fighting!"

No one in their right mind would say or treat someone that way..
It is easy to think of ourselves or have a certain image of what we want or should be but most of theae are unrealistic (jewish) ideals (put in by media or other circumstances where others never batted an eye to you, in example).

It sounds like you have aome trouble with the people in your life and you should do a working or a few to fix these issues but I guess you already know.

you'll be having weird crazy psychopatic or otherwise insane people everywhere but that doesnt mean that there are not good people also; garbage shouldnt be taken too serious? And make your judgement before getting too serious with them.
I wanted to word the last bit differently but it slipped my mind.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Aldrick said:
It's just stupid. I should be able to chop someone's head off and not feel anything!

Like mother fuckers be walking around with battle axes on their back? o_O

Yeah, during the Viking Age, when men were men. Now in the same geographical location, we got men with no balls and barely a penis who can't keep a country intact (ex: Sweden). Nobody cared when the Arabs attacked, they just spread their legs and let em have it. They didn't even abort the rape babies.

I'm sorry Raven, it's not fair to take out my irritation on certains things on you.

I should be more aware of others.

You seem like a great guy. I enjoy you being here with us. You go through a certain period of Anger, till the soul is cleansed out.

Now I'm going through other Emotions being cleaned out. But we are getting there, little by little.

Have a good day. ;)
13th_Wolf said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Are the medic, and the nurse, and the chef, and everybody else who heals and feeds and cares for the soldiers, are they all worthless? Is it a weakness for them to care?

No. They're born and bred for different things, and that's just as respectable as the soldier with his rifle picking off enemies from 200-400 meters away.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Which soldier is better, the one who doesn't care about anything, or the one who cares very deeply about something that gives him something to fight for?

The one who does his job and slaughters the enemy. I will not be the cowardly infantryman sitting on an infirmary bed

"It's my nerves, Sir, I...I just can't stand the shelling anymore!"
"Your nerves? Hell, you're just a goddamn coward. *slaps twice* We have a yellow bastard crying in front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle?! SHUT UP!!! *slap* I oughta nick this yellow bastard, nothing wrong with him. We won't have sons of bitches who are afraid to fight staining up this place of honor! You're going back to the front, my friend. You may get shot, you may get killed, but you're going back up to the fighting!"

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You have this thing in your personality about trying to force a projection of an image of big strength, for people to look at you and think that you are strong. But you do not even know what true strength really is. The image you try to project is not actual strength, it has many big holes and deficiencies in it.

Such as? What deficiencies does someone wishing to project an image of honor, glory, and power have?

War isn't about honor, glory and power it's about blowing cunts up and watching them scream in agony, learning to enjoy it. You have to not fear death, but to do that you have to embrace death as well. A good book to look into and read into this philosophy is the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Its not like your example with the officer it's more like your officer and friends are already dead and the enemy have advanced and you're hungry, bleeding itchy, and sleep deprived. You might as well fucking off yourself already sorry fucker, that's the only thing what your brain will tell you- Honor and glory go out the window for most people when they're at that point. If you wanna get back to the goodness, you're gonna have to do a lot of inhuman things to a lot of people and it will change who you are and how you see yourself.

War isn't really that a masculine thing in that above sense, it stops having a clear reason and starts becoming perverted in the worst way. You become yourself in your enemy and your kill. That's the reality of it, you have to be able to feel at the depth- equally as rotten, lowlife and horrific as you are, so grand and glorious. If there is war, there is deficiency.

You wish to think like a psychopath? If one were in the trenches and fighting for their life, we could talk about what that would entail.

But we are not, we live in a decent society. We have all our needs met. So what would be the purpose of this psychotic personality, in our really great lives today?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
No one in their right mind would say or treat someone that way..
It is easy to think of ourselves or have a certain image of what we want or should be but most of theae are unrealistic (jewish) ideals (put in by media or other circumstances where others never batted an eye to you, in example).

It sounds like you have aome trouble with the people in your life and you should do a working or a few to fix these issues but I guess you already know.

you'll be having weird crazy psychopatic or otherwise insane people everywhere but that doesnt mean that there are not good people also; garbage shouldnt be taken too serious? And make your judgement before getting too serious with them.
I wanted to word the last bit differently but it slipped my mind.

Funny you should say "No one in their right mind would treat someone like that" because that was from the 1970 movie "Patton", and yes, he actually slapped and berated several soldiers. He got in trouble for it, but it happened nonetheless.

I'm all alone now, I have no time for toxic motherfuckers. If they by some miracle find me, well...I'm going to jail. Not much else to say in that regard.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
