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Why Some People Fail In Satanism

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Why Some People Fail In Spiritual Satanism

Some people fail on this path for the reason of deluded mind. Some people have developed a self identity around themselves based on false information and emotional imprints to the level that their false sense of self are too challenged when they are confronted with the nature of reality. In their condemnation of Truth they simply project their own deluded mind onto the path and those on it. They are threatened and need to attack.

These types when they seek out something they are simply seeking bias conformation that does not challenge their own deluded mind and this is how they approach Satanism and they end up going nowhere. They are not serious people and are just looking for a pseudo metaphysical form of consumerism for their weak sense of self. In time they will constantly change their path like a person changes socks. They are weak, selfish and cowardly and too undisciplined to commit to anything. Don't allow their weakness and complaints to effect you. Misery loves company.

The other reason people fail is they are not disciplined enough to maintain a daily practice of power meditations.
To prevent failure of the second variety, I recommend placing a Triumph der Willens poster in a very visible spot.
A very informative piece of sermon HP.One to make someone pause and have a look at how far you are willing to walk in this Satanic Path.
Another thing i have noted that can make one to fail in Satanism is Doubting and being too hard on yourself,underestimating yourself,expecting instant results and fear of the unknown.
One thing that should keep someone going is keeping in mind that you are saving your own soul and asking yourself what you have done for Satan and your self at the end of the day.
Thanks for the sermon.
Hail victory!
Hail All Satanic Souls out there!
HP Mageson666 said:
The other reason people fail is they are not disciplined enough to maintain a daily practice of power meditations.

:idea: Almost every time my life has ever gone bad it could always be traced back to this.
So hol up amigo, whitey, does that mean that if I am not a trillionaire yet, it's not Satan's fault? Why don't the Gods make me into a God cause I am a fucking lazy scum? I mean clearly I was someone extremely important like the emperor of the galaxy in my past life, and now I suck in general.

This must be Satan that is for sure. Cause I dedicated to Satan 1 month ago and in the JoS it writes somewhere, I do not remember where cause probably I just invented this out of my ass, that Satan will take responsibility for all my shit like I am a little kid all the time. While of course doing all my favors for my life.

And I can blame the Gods for everything of course. Why is the JoS focusing on Hitler? Hitler was important, ok, but now I was the emperor of the Galaxy. And please do not say I am an attention whore cause I am not, ok? I am more important so hear me now. I have done so much.

Like, I did an RTR three years ago. Then the gods failed on tehir end of the bargain to make me a multi-trillionaire by the night of friday which was agreed (I can communicate with them 100% not like you the deluded ones) and they failed.

What is wrong with my life?

It was only half of it, this RTR I did. Cause I am too strong and I attract too many enemies when I try to do RTR.. Then I went into a bargain with the Gods because who are they to get my help? and who are all of you here to listen to my long despair? But I make a favor to you to write you something very important.

Also, why do you try to moderate my posts? Are ye censoring Prince Judeaus Maximum Infernus 666x2, yet again? The Gods whom are my own friends and servants will get to you! Also, everyone here doesn't know their shit! You don't need to meditate, you need to worship me, Prince Kabbalisticus Judeaus Maximus Infernus 666x2, in order to be saved.

Now I am going to make a website and complain about how bad this priesthood is! BYE!!

HoodedCobra666 said:
So hol up amigo, whitey, does that mean that if I am not a trillionaire yet, it's not Satan's fault? Why don't the Gods make me into a God cause I am a fucking lazy scum? I mean clearly I was someone extremely important like the emperor of the galaxy in my past life, and now I suck in general.

This must be Satan that is for sure. Cause I dedicated to Satan 1 month ago and in the JoS it writes somewhere, I do not remember where cause probably I just invented this out of my ass, that Satan will take responsibility for all my shit like I am a little kid all the time. While of course doing all my favors for my life.

And I can blame the Gods for everything of course. Why is the JoS focusing on Hitler? Hitler was important, ok, but now I was the emperor of the Galaxy. And please do not say I am an attention whore cause I am not, ok? I am more important so hear me now. I have done so much.

Like, I did an RTR three years ago. Then the gods failed on tehir end of the bargain to make me a multi-trillionaire by the night of friday which was agreed (I can communicate with them 100% not like you the deluded ones) and they failed.

What is wrong with my life?

It was only half of it, this RTR I did. Cause I am too strong and I attract too many enemies when I try to do RTR.. Then I went into a bargain with the Gods because who are they to get my help? and who are all of you here to listen to my long despair? But I make a favor to you to write you something very important.

Also, why do you try to moderate my posts? Are ye censoring Prince Judeaus Maximum Infernus 666x2, yet again? The Gods whom are my own friends and servants will get to you! Also, everyone here doesn't know their shit! You don't need to meditate, you need to worship me, Prince Kabbalisticus Judeaus Maximus Infernus 666x2, in order to be saved.

Now I am going to make a website and complain about how bad this priesthood is! BYE!!


As I said before, your sarcasm could cut stone.
I like know dude I mean like this fook'in fascists like don't listen to me and stuff when I like just like show up and like start barking orders at them...... You know like how dare they don't like take me serious cause like I am like some emo kid that can't even shave yet, wearing my mommies mascara and nail polish demanding like they do and think like whatever I think is cool based on like nothing but me feelings and some nuuu black metal I listen to and stuff man. Like the whole of cosmic reality is like whatever I say it is man cause like um.... well......Iam like just fucking all knowing and stuff man cause looking like Aids Skrillex and Hot Topic shopping like makes me a total snow flake dude. And like I TOTALLY hate authority which is like when my mommy and anyone else tells me I am wrong about like anything HOW FOOKING DARE THEY! We should totally bitch about these assholes on social media and stuff man..... There just like a bunch of FUCKING WHITE MALES and stuff....

HoodedCobra666 said:
So hol up amigo, whitey, does that mean that if I am not a trillionaire yet, it's not Satan's fault? Why don't the Gods make me into a God cause I am a fucking lazy scum? I mean clearly I was someone extremely important like the emperor of the galaxy in my past life, and now I suck in general.

This must be Satan that is for sure. Cause I dedicated to Satan 1 month ago and in the JoS it writes somewhere, I do not remember where cause probably I just invented this out of my ass, that Satan will take responsibility for all my shit like I am a little kid all the time. While of course doing all my favors for my life.

And I can blame the Gods for everything of course. Why is the JoS focusing on Hitler? Hitler was important, ok, but now I was the emperor of the Galaxy. And please do not say I am an attention whore cause I am not, ok? I am more important so hear me now. I have done so much.

Like, I did an RTR three years ago. Then the gods failed on tehir end of the bargain to make me a multi-trillionaire by the night of friday which was agreed (I can communicate with them 100% not like you the deluded ones) and they failed.

What is wrong with my life?

It was only half of it, this RTR I did. Cause I am too strong and I attract too many enemies when I try to do RTR.. Then I went into a bargain with the Gods because who are they to get my help? and who are all of you here to listen to my long despair? But I make a favor to you to write you something very important.

Also, why do you try to moderate my posts? Are ye censoring Prince Judeaus Maximum Infernus 666x2, yet again? The Gods whom are my own friends and servants will get to you! Also, everyone here doesn't know their shit! You don't need to meditate, you need to worship me, Prince Kabbalisticus Judeaus Maximus Infernus 666x2, in order to be saved.

Now I am going to make a website and complain about how bad this priesthood is! BYE!!

IMO this religion is not for everyone.

this religion penetrates into the extreme truth and harsh reality of the situation this earth is in, which not many people are willing to take head on, face or even acknowledge.

people are careless and shiftless, chasing a retarded paycheck, chasing women/sex/drugs.

Satan is more important than all of that cancerous bullshit the average individual occupies his entire life with.

Satan is more important than what society thinks about you.

just what fucking retard would abandon the truth, or half-ass his way through it and not take it seriously?

How can these people live with themselves, I cannot fathom.
who are we talking about hehe xd
Dahaarkan said:
who are we talking about hehe xd

Everything HP HC said in that hilarious post was slightly, but not that slightly, exaggerated things actual members over the years have said. So-called serious members too.

Which is why it's so funny.
Once I thought that every Gentile can be a Satanist.

As more and more time passes, I am less and less convinced in that. Being Satanist is hard, being Satanist is a pledge and cause that last for this lifetime and more, and no matter how much arrogant or elitist this may sound, I do believe that we are special and that we are the best of the best of the Gentiles, ones who Father Satan put His trust into, to fight and do our best to win this war and reclaim the Earth from jewish filth and their ET overlords.
In my opinion, the main reason why people fail in Spiritual Satanism is because there are not physical teachers. And I know this is far off from the present time (HPs Maxine hinted at this possibly happening in the future) but if people were forced to do the meditations in front of another person with immediate feedback, there would be greater success rates. Kind of like a church but with sectioned off rooms for individual meditation. Yes, we have helpful people online and there is the 40 day program and the 6 month spiritual warfare program but failures will not do those programs or follow through with online advice. The most success I've had, and that which gave me the most discipline, was Tai Chi. The reason for such success was that I had a great teacher and I had to do Tai Chi in front of this teacher for hours on end. And yes there are other reasons for my specific failure (drugs) but I have my own reasons for doing them and I do not believe drugs to be a legitimate excuse anyway. The reason why I didn't continue with Tai Chi was because I suspect my teacher of being a Jew, also financial problems and just laziness, and also my teacher is very Christian. I can post a video of him and give his name (not publicly) if a mod would be kind enough to check this out and give advice on how to handle this...

I am selfish in a way but in another no. I've done hundreds of RTRs and I've donated hundreds of dollars. I am cowardly at times, yes. I'd rather walk away alive and get revenge later than risk my life in the moment. Even sometimes no. I will stand for what I believe in at specific times.... But anyway, my preservation is most important so I choose to be a coward at the advice of the JoS. I'm weak, yes, but I can be strong when I want to. I do things normal people wouldn't do. But in the end, my spiritual failure is my own and I accept this. I care more about others than I do myself and I don't even really care about myself. I'm basically just trying to have as much of an impact (or at least some impact) on the world before I die, but still in the back of my mind I do believe that there is a slim chance that I can make it.

I'm a just a Satanist. Not a Spiritual Satanist. For some reason, I cannot grasp the spiritual. Probably lack of discipline or just being a shitty person, but at least I'm willing to admit that. At least I do what I can and I've brought a couple people to the JoS, but that is just passing the buck I guess. Kind of scumbaggy, I know, but it's better than nothing. Sorry. I blame myself most of all but I believe there is an easier route for advancement. I'm basically asking for a step by step guide on how to advance so I can't complain. And this also goes back to the 40 day program and the 6 month program. Perhaps if in this thread you can reassure me that the 40 day program and the 6 month program is sufficient and for me to actually complete those programs would suffice. If so, perhaps I would give it my all, complete these programs, and come back to you guys in 6 months. Sorry for such a long post. I try not to post so much these days.

And to give a reply to Amonra666, it's very hard to live with myself but I must continue on in the slight chance that I can make it, not for myself but for everyone. I live for others at this point. Also, any advice you can give, no matter how little, that would help would be much appreciative, although, I don't want to waste your time. Even if you gave advice, I'd probably not take it to be honest. For some reason I cannot grasp how raising energy, programing it, and sending it off can actually work, even though I've done it successfully in the past. This is fundamental to improving my life. So basically I'm stuck, unless I do something physically to change my situation. Sorry to sound like a crybaby but this is just what it is. Probably not being able to do proper vibrations is what inhibits me most but maybe I'm just a lazy scumbag. Thus why people expect Satan to grant them millions of dollars. Though I've never expected millions, maybe just a couple thousand at most to get me started, but even I could easily accomplish this if I wanted to. But if I would have just fucking persisted in meditation to the point of proficient astral hearing, Satan or someone else could have told me what to invest my money into and I would have been an actual billionaire by now. So only I'm to blame. "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."
I wasn't sure of posting this...I feel this is quite harsh. There are many new people out there well intentioned that still seriously lack knowledge and power. And honestly I am part of that. It has been only 6 months dedicating for me with serious emotional ups and downs.
This topic gave me the impression that dealing with fools and infiltrators for years may have caused some people to become a little bit.. cold] to actual human suffering ?
Now I know people here and especially the clergy and other veterans are very dedicated to our cause. That's not in question at all.
And don't get me wrong I also like some sarcasm from time to time, but not when it is directed to our own people.
And how will some people who are not dedicated yet, or just dedicated and haven't seen how people are around feel when they read this kind of topic ? I doubt they will feel very comfortable...
Then who better to listen to..... The advice of the members who are still counted in the ranks despite the years and are increasing in evolution of their being. Or the chaff that fell away. How about listening to the Clergy and the long term members we are the People who want you to succeed and work for this success.

It is possible to fail on this path. And there are many people and forces who are working to make that failure happen. Let that fact sink in.

Neoma Isadora said:
I wasn't sure of posting this...I feel this is quite harsh. There are many new people out there well intentioned that still seriously lack knowledge and power. And honestly I am part of that. It has been only 6 months dedicating for me with serious emotional ups and downs.
This topic gave me the impression that dealing with fools and infiltrators for years may have caused some people to become a little bit.. cold] to actual human suffering ?
Now I know people here and especially the clergy and other veterans are very dedicated to our cause. That's not in question at all.
And don't get me wrong I also like some sarcasm from time to time, but not when it is directed to our own people.
And how will some people who are not dedicated yet, or just dedicated and haven't seen how people are around feel when they read this kind of topic ? I doubt they will feel very comfortable...
Listen to how your refer to yourself.......No wonder you are having issues with success and successful habits. Your here are you not..... Your better then that so have some faith in yourself man.

HauptSturm said:
In my opinion, the main reason why people fail in Spiritual Satanism is because there are not physical teachers. And I know this is far off from the present time (HPs Maxine hinted at this possibly happening in the future) but if people were forced to do the meditations in front of another person with immediate feedback, there would be greater success rates. Kind of like a church but with sectioned off rooms for individual meditation. Yes, we have helpful people online and there is the 40 day program and the 6 month spiritual warfare program but failures will not do those programs or follow through with online advice. The most success I've had, and that which gave me the most discipline, was Tai Chi. The reason for such success was that I had a great teacher and I had to do Tai Chi in front of this teacher for hours on end. And yes there are other reasons for my specific failure (drugs) but I have my own reasons for doing them and I do not believe drugs to be a legitimate excuse anyway. The reason why I didn't continue with Tai Chi was because I suspect my teacher of being a Jew, also financial problems and just laziness, and also my teacher is very Christian. I can post a video of him and give his name (not publicly) if a mod would be kind enough to check this out and give advice on how to handle this...

I am selfish in a way but in another no. I've done hundreds of RTRs and I've donated hundreds of dollars. I am cowardly at times, yes. I'd rather walk away alive and get revenge later than risk my life in the moment. Even sometimes no. I will stand for what I believe in at specific times.... But anyway, my preservation is most important so I choose to be a coward at the advice of the JoS. I'm weak, yes, but I can be strong when I want to. I do things normal people wouldn't do. But in the end, my spiritual failure is my own and I accept this. I care more about others than I do myself and I don't even really care about myself. I'm basically just trying to have as much of an impact (or at least some impact) on the world before I die, but still in the back of my mind I do believe that there is a slim chance that I can make it.

I'm a just a Satanist. Not a Spiritual Satanist. For some reason, I cannot grasp the spiritual. Probably lack of discipline or just being a shitty person, but at least I'm willing to admit that. At least I do what I can and I've brought a couple people to the JoS, but that is just passing the buck I guess. Kind of scumbaggy, I know, but it's better than nothing. Sorry. I blame myself most of all but I believe there is an easier route for advancement. I'm basically asking for a step by step guide on how to advance so I can't complain. And this also goes back to the 40 day program and the 6 month program. Perhaps if in this thread you can reassure me that the 40 day program and the 6 month program is sufficient and for me to actually complete those programs would suffice. If so, perhaps I would give it my all, complete these programs, and come back to you guys in 6 months. Sorry for such a long post. I try not to post so much these days.

And to give a reply to Amonra666, it's very hard to live with myself but I must continue on in the slight chance that I can make it, not for myself but for everyone. I live for others at this point. Also, any advice you can give, no matter how little, that would help would be much appreciative, although, I don't want to waste your time. Even if you gave advice, I'd probably not take it to be honest. For some reason I cannot grasp how raising energy, programing it, and sending it off can actually work, even though I've done it successfully in the past. This is fundamental to improving my life. So basically I'm stuck, unless I do something physically to change my situation. Sorry to sound like a crybaby but this is just what it is. Probably not being able to do proper vibrations is what inhibits me most but maybe I'm just a lazy scumbag. Thus why people expect Satan to grant them millions of dollars. Though I've never expected millions, maybe just a couple thousand at most to get me started, but even I could easily accomplish this if I wanted to. But if I would have just fucking persisted in meditation to the point of proficient astral hearing, Satan or someone else could have told me what to invest my money into and I would have been an actual billionaire by now. So only I'm to blame. "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."
Yes, I'm aware of this but I can't push past this for some reason. It would be really nice if I would meditate everyday but for some reason I don't believe in it. It's like gymnastics or skateboarding. Looks at the pros. I could never see myself as a professional skateboarder or gymnast and that's how I view Spiritual Satanism.
Yeah the reason is in your own limiting attitude just read your reply....... "You Can't". Your psyche does what its told.

HauptSturm said:
Yes, I'm aware of this but I can't push past this for some reason. It would be really nice if I would meditate everyday but for some reason I don't believe in it. It's like gymnastics or skateboarding. Looks at the pros. I could never see myself as a professional skateboarder or gymnast and that's how I view Spiritual Satanism.
So what should I do to get past this? Should I do the 40 day program? The 6 month program? If you just say yes then I'll complete the programs and I'll be back in 40 days or 6 months...

Also, I did make a post that was not supposed to go through. Do you have any input? Should I continue with Tai Chi or should I just stick to meditation? Both maybe.
If you believe that you can't do it then regardless of what anyone says to you, you will not be able to do it. By the way if you wanted to get into skateboarding realistically you probably would not end up becoming the best skateboarder in the world, however if you believed in yourself and practised consistently for hours everyday eventually you'd get pretty damn good at it.

If you can't see yourself as a spiritual Satanist that practice doing so, visualize yourself as a strong and powerful spiritual Satanist and make affirmations that go along with it, your mind will follow suit. Whereas as it was said in the previous reply if you think you are not they you won't be. Reality is manifest through out thoughts and beliefs.
Start telling yourself everyday that you are already a strong and powerful being even if you don't feel like it. You do want this don't you?

It's never too late to get serious, it just takes dedication and discipline.

There is a chinese proverb that says,
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Everyone can advance. If you didn't do your meditations yesterday you can choose to do them today, and then make that same choice tomorrow and then keep making that choice. You can do this. Have faith in yourself.
Stop needlessly worrying about the past. Worry and stress are antithetical to spiritual progress one needs to be able to relax and let go. What you are in control of is right now and your future.

Just be patient, try to do power meditation every 2 hours or so even if it's only for 20 minutes. Keep your energies high and do hatha and kundalini yoga, you don't need an ultra complicated schedule you just need to be consistent in what you are doing.

Everyone can advance. This is a fact not an opinion. Maybe you are stressed and overthinking things. You need to access that 'feminine part of yourself and just let go.

Perhaps we need a repost of "Meditational Truth Time" HP Mageson :)
I want to say something.

Ive been on this path for over seven years now.

Not the longest but certainly experienced enough to take responsibility and accept my my due criticism.

Ive been learning to laugh off the lack of success in my life due to the very obvious fact I am in posession of vast knowledge presented to us from the Clergy, and with such I have only tried about 1% or less of with my optimal volition.

I lose my pace very often, neglecting to maintain my meditations for longer than a month or 40 days if that at a time.

I had to learn that seething and brooding needs to be converted to revelation that I am the source of my own ineptitude and therefor my passion should gently remind me each day to pick up where I left off.

I might not have been any sort of advanced in my past lives, but it means nothing, your past lives are if nothing else supposed to act as a reference for inspiration, not entitlement.

If for instance, Adolf Hitler was born and looked into his past life and said he was Ramses the second repeatedly in his school and at war time, people would have taken him as insane.

Instead his path of Dharma was paved by his Karma and he gave the world a fighting chance against the jews with the vanguard of proto SS in the Third Reich.

He achieved the Magnum Opus at the end of his strife and he deserves the appraisal of his actualized efforts.

No one chose it for him, he built it himself, and the Daemons recognized his potential.

Anyway, the biggest thing for me is I am a major hypochondriac, which if socially oriented often places me in bitterly spiteful stagnation where I sabotage myself.

We all have a lot to work on, I wish I never wasted as much time as I have, only doing minimal things for our cause in my beginning years.

But of all the doubts I had, I was always drawn back somehow and I never felt like leaving Satan.

We might lose our pace, we might even lose our sight on the path, but we must never accept the cozy way around it, and certainly not the decadent way behind it.
HauptSturm said:
Yes, I'm aware of this but I can't push past this for some reason. It would be really nice if I would meditate everyday but for some reason I don't believe in it. It's like gymnastics or skateboarding. Looks at the pros. I could never see myself as a professional skateboarder or gymnast and that's how I view Spiritual Satanism.
Believe in yourself! :) <3
You know, this post reminds me of why I am forever with the Old Gods.
Once upon a time, I was a trusting, naive person, and since I was homeless for a while I took food that a xian couple gave me, and walked me through a catholic church. The same night, I’m not kidding, a homeless Xian walks up to me, and asks me if I “believe in jebus”. I said no, and he walks closer up to me to stab me. The only deterrent was I looked like I had a firearm on me, and he stopped, and backed away.
So, I escaped, alive, (since Enlil warned me about danger) from a happy, lovely christian man 50 years old who was just waiting to spread the love of the shekel god upon me....or my rotting corpse.

So, I realized this was definitely an attack from the angels/greys, jews & xians, that they must have took advantage of my situation to try and kill me.

So, keep in mind, for some (gifted people I guess) failure is not really an option. If you fail, I mean this with the nicest way, and are undedicated (i was younger at the time), and a threat the enemy CAN and WILL off you! If you cannot be swindled by the joo in a “nice” way, they will sure as hell try to kill you. And even if you have an iron will, they’d try and make you kill yourself! The reason why failure is no longer an option for me is I know the only road to freedom is through the Gods; Satan & his Demons. Failure, when you can really pose a threat to the enemy, brings great danger to you in your own story.

A Major reason for failure along this path, if I may suggest it, is the failure to understand oneself. If these resources cannot be put in practice in your daily life, they are pretty much useless. This comes with time. But it’s OK to fail, to flop, to miss a day(s), it’s the intention that will make it a habit.

Anyway, enough of me talking, I just want to remind people about this link:
^Overcoming Obstacles

I can give 1,000 suggestions but in the end I carved my individual take on Spiritual Satanism. No one can always motivate yourself, or make you get up in morning. Everything done here has to be done comfortably, with ease.
Keep in mind the wise words of the Ancient Wisdom:
The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step
(Yes this is coming from the lady who survived depression, so I hope any of my advice works for the suffering few)
Quick question, im seeing kosher labels on more of my shit everyday, is it safe to avoid the jews 'blessing' or is it nothing to worry about?
HauptSturm said:
So what should I do to get past this? Should I do the 40 day program? The 6 month program? If you just say yes then I'll complete the programs and I'll be back in 40 days or 6 months...

Also, I did make a post that was not supposed to go through. Do you have any input? Should I continue with Tai Chi or should I just stick to meditation? Both maybe.

Read the information on the meditation page of the Joy of Satan. You need to empower your chakras, that will unblock them. Your body needs to be strong and you need to be a master of your mind. If you can do those two things than you just need to do Yoga until your kundalini ascends. Also keep working on your astral senses as communication with the Demons of Hell is important for knowledge.
This is my main problem. I don't understand myself at all. I look at my body and I am lost in confusion. It is paralyzing.
And I can't project me into the future at all. I just don't see a proper solution and any way to solve some problems.

Recently I was reading a novel where the author got into some occult territory. There was a little talk about people feeling life from the soul level and feeling trapped into their own mind/body. I don't know how legit it was but certainly I am pondering over the matter now

Raven Princess said:
You know, this post reminds me of why I am forever with the Old Gods.
Once upon a time, I was a trusting, naive person, and since I was homeless for a while I took food that a xian couple gave me, and walked me through a catholic church. The same night, I’m not kidding, a homeless Xian walks up to me, and asks me if I “believe in jebus”. I said no, and he walks closer up to me to stab me. The only deterrent was I looked like I had a firearm on me, and he stopped, and backed away.
So, I escaped, alive, (since Enlil warned me about danger) from a happy, lovely christian man 50 years old who was just waiting to spread the love of the shekel god upon me....or my rotting corpse.

So, I realized this was definitely an attack from the angels/greys, jews & xians, that they must have took advantage of my situation to try and kill me.

So, keep in mind, for some (gifted people I guess) failure is not really an option. If you fail, I mean this with the nicest way, and are undedicated (i was younger at the time), and a threat the enemy CAN and WILL off you! If you cannot be swindled by the joo in a “nice” way, they will sure as hell try to kill you. And even if you have an iron will, they’d try and make you kill yourself! The reason why failure is no longer an option for me is I know the only road to freedom is through the Gods; Satan & his Demons. Failure, when you can really pose a threat to the enemy, brings great danger to you in your own story.

A Major reason for failure along this path, if I may suggest it, is the failure to understand oneself. If these resources cannot be put in practice in your daily life, they are pretty much useless. This comes with time. But it’s OK to fail, to flop, to miss a day(s), it’s the intention that will make it a habit.

Anyway, enough of me talking, I just want to remind people about this link:
^Overcoming Obstacles

I can give 1,000 suggestions but in the end I carved my individual take on Spiritual Satanism. No one can always motivate yourself, or make you get up in morning. Everything done here has to be done comfortably, with ease.
Keep in mind the wise words of the Ancient Wisdom:
The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step
(Yes this is coming from the lady who survived depression, so I hope any of my advice works for the suffering few)
HauptSturm said:
So what should I do to get past this? Should I do the 40 day program? The 6 month program? If you just say yes then I'll complete the programs and I'll be back in 40 days or 6 months...

Also, I did make a post that was not supposed to go through. Do you have any input? Should I continue with Tai Chi or should I just stick to meditation? Both maybe.

I also recommend learning astrology. Enter your information in at this page of this astrology site and get your free chart https://www.astrotheme.com/horoscope_chart_sign_ascendant.php

Save that to your computer and learn everything you need basically at http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Astrology.html

This will lead you to a career and in general improve your life as knowledge about yourself is power. You will also be contented by this knowledge. It may take awhile to learn but it is well worth it. Just keep going and studying and solving problems.
NaziMan12 said:
I also recommend learning astrology.

I've been looking at my chart for 8 years now. I remember when Azazel's Astrology first came out. I also had my chart done professionally. I'm not going to get into my career options here but I recently figured out what I really want to do and what I will enjoy doing. Maybe it will work out for me. I think it will.

I've just been beating myself up for failing all these years and it's taken me over. I was like this even before finding the JoS. I need to remove this with runes and positive affirmations. And I need to totally change my attitude and start telling myself the positive rather than the negative.

DeterminedAndStrong said:
There is a chinese proverb that says,
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

I like this quote. Thanks.

Academic Scholar said:
Believe in yourself! :) <3

Ok. I will. Thanks.
Can one fail by doing too much? I mean like consistently meditating for hours in a row like:
meditation-rtr-meditation-rtr-metidation-rtr-eat food-rtr-meditation...etc?

I do a lot of warfare I think (I've been doing an average of 10 since Saturday, but I've also been doing 108 vibrations of the shorter rituals on average 3x a day (sometimes spam the 72 ritual to the extreme as well) I'm always hearing not so good things about myself from the Gods and i try to make up for things in warfare, but I don't feel any amount of warfare will ever be enough.

I have like 7 mediations/workings that I do daily and I don't really have time for anything else if I want to go to bed before twilight hours. I just can't help feel like I'm not trying hard enough. I feel like Satan and the Gods are always angry with me for every little mistake I make due to past fuck-ups. I've been trying to do void meditation 10 minutes after almost every working so it's like 40-45 minutes of void total (if I can keep my stupid thoughts out for the whole 10 minutes) and every little mistake I make i always hear "how dare you" and it gives me anxiety and almost makes me cry every time.
I have very VERY bad invasive thoughts that I DONT want. And I HATE them. But every time trey creep up, I feel the Gods are angry with me so I go hard on my self and sometime hit my head against the wall (not painfully hard) cause I feel I need SOME kind of discipline. If they get angry at me for every dumbass thought I have, I'm obviously gonna get angry at myself too. But I feel they don't like the head-wall thing either, but I don't know what else to do. It shouldn't be that hard, but here I am.. struggling.
I've tried staying calm and such, but it hasn't worked so well.

Im not going to give up or anything.. or just feels like i'm not doing enough no matter what. And I don't want to burn myself out either.
Kieith666 said:
Can one fail by doing too much? I mean like consistently meditating for hours in a row like:
meditation-rtr-meditation-rtr-metidation-rtr-eat food-rtr-meditation...etc?

Yes, you'll fry your brain.
Kieith666 Doing too much meditation and too many RTRs is better than doing no meditation and no RTRs.
HauptSturm said:
Kieith666 Doing too much meditation and too many RTRs is better than doing no meditation and no RTRs.
No, you can fry your nervous system and permanently damage yourself or become insane, and become useless. This has happened to other SS. Neither is better.

@Kieith666: That is obviously not the Gods! That is the enemy. The Gods will never be angry at you like that. You need to keep telling yourself it's the enemy and ignore it, and you need to chill. If you don't, you will burn yourself out, and you will be miserable. Actually it sounds like you already are miserable. This is the JOY of Satan, don't make yourself miserable! Cut back on some stuff, and take time to just relax. This is imperative.
HauptSturm said:
Kieith666 Doing too much meditation and too many RTRs is better than doing no meditation and no RTRs.
this is the most stupid thing you could say
Kieith666 said:
I do a lot of warfare I think (I've been doing an average of 10 since Saturday, but I've also been doing 108 vibrations of the shorter rituals on average 3x a day (sometimes spam the 72 ritual to the extreme as well) I'm always hearing not so good things about myself from the Gods and i try to make up for things in warfare, but I don't feel any amount of warfare will ever be enough.

Look I know I've made that mistake before as well, but that's massive overkill man. You'll burn yourself out.
What I meant to say was that anything is better than nothing. I've made it known in the past that doing too much meditation is bad and that one should limit themselves to what they can safely handle.
And what I really meant to say was if Satan is angry at you for going all out meditation and warfare mode, then Satan must be really angry at me, since I do RTRs only when I feel like it and meditate basically never.
Lydia said:
HauptSturm said:
Kieith666 Doing too much meditation and too many RTRs is better than doing no meditation and no RTRs.
No, you can fry your nervous system and permanently damage yourself or become insane, and become useless. This has happened to other SS. Neither is better.

@Kieith666: That is obviously not the Gods! That is the enemy. The Gods will never be angry at you like that. You need to keep telling yourself it's the enemy and ignore it, and you need to chill. If you don't, you will burn yourself out, and you will be miserable. Actually it sounds like you already are miserable. This is the JOY of Satan, don't make yourself miserable! Cut back on some stuff, and take time to just relax. This is imperative.

The reason my schedule is so clumped together is I have school in the middle of the day and I go to the gym almost daily, and I make room for warfare. I try to get up in the morning but staying past 4am to finish meditations takes it's toll. It's about 6-8 hours worth of meditations clumped together.

If I meditate in the morning, I'll fall asleep. Not to mention the enemy attacks when I DO get a chance to sleep. (so that's vinasa 108-216x and when that doesn't work, I do rtrs till they go away, which is a lot. AND I usually eat something to stay awake while I'm doing this, which is super unhealthy) I've been advised this is a bad thing to do though, but what else CAN I do? Sometimes I think of not sleeping just to avoid the enemy attacks.

and I'm unsure of what I could take out from my meditations. Everything seems necessary..

Brdredr said:
Look I know I've made that mistake before as well, but that's massive overkill man. You'll burn yourself out.

On the days I DO have free time, I usually burn it up by doing rtrs in large numbers. I just feel extremely lazy and guilty if I don't. Depending on how many I do, it can take up to 3-5 hours. (I reeeeally hate the enemy) so yeah... I see how I do need to calm down a bit.

It's really the guilt that gets me too.
Skip school= guilt
Skip gym= guilt
Do less than rtrs than usual=guilt
Not do meditations= ultra super guilt

I'm always anxious when I'm out of the house cause the longer I'm out, the less time I'll have to do meditations.
The enemy can get quite close to people who have drug addictions as this ruins their psychic defenses, when it's a Christian then it just becomes a case for disaster. It is so obvious that they are the ones who are being possessed and having their souls ruined! Satanists are the exact opposite and we all stand here as proof to that, freedom and empowerment of the soul!!

Raven Princess said:
Failure, when you can really pose a threat to the enemy, brings great danger to you in your own story.
I really liked this paragraph, rings close to home. Thanks for sharing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
