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Why Some People Fail In Satanism

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Kieth666 you should only do it 4 or 5 times a day like the schedules, thats what I do. The Gods also are our friends not our enemies, you shouldn't worry about them being angry at you. You need to overcome your mental problems because Satanism is a religion of the mind - these are HPS Maxine's own words. The mind has the ability to overcome anything and that is why we work towards mastering it completely. You do anything you need to master your mind. Even if it's just telling yourself simple stuff or maybe doing affirmations.
Lydia said:
HauptSturm said:
Kieith666 Doing too much meditation and too many RTRs is better than doing no meditation and no RTRs.
No, you can fry your nervous system and permanently damage yourself or become insane, and become useless. This has happened to other SS. Neither is better.

@Kieith666: That is obviously not the Gods! That is the enemy. The Gods will never be angry at you like that. You need to keep telling yourself it's the enemy and ignore it, and you need to chill. If you don't, you will burn yourself out, and you will be miserable. Actually it sounds like you already are miserable. This is the JOY of Satan, don't make yourself miserable! Cut back on some stuff, and take time to just relax. This is imperative.

How do we know we are doing too much ? any symptom ?

because i do a lot of working and squares , ( i've been dedicated 9 month ago and i do 3 squares , 5 important working , 3 meditation , the rtr's of the day , hatha yoga + mantra , kunda yoga , protection ( 2 runes x88 )
is it too much ?


Hail SATAN !
HauptSturm said:
NaziMan12 said:
I also recommend learning astrology.

I've been looking at my chart for 8 years now. I remember when Azazel's Astrology first came out. I also had my chart done professionally. I'm not going to get into my career options here but I recently figured out what I really want to do and what I will enjoy doing. Maybe it will work out for me. I think it will.

I've just been beating myself up for failing all these years and it's taken me over. I was like this even before finding the JoS. I need to remove this with runes and positive affirmations. And I need to totally change my attitude and start telling myself the positive rather than the negative.

HauptSturm I was going to recommend doing yoga alone. Both are good for you most likely. Doing it with others is just a distraction in my opinion - although HPS Maxine has this opinion as well on her site. What hurdle are you exactly trying to get over?
you should all chill a bit... you will all burn yourself out... you shouldnt do meditations because you MUST, but because you WILL and WANT, and when you do them, you should do it with 100% concentration and relaxation... you are doing way too much.... start with small reps, with maybe just 2 workings going on but not more, 1 or 2 RTR per day is good enough, even 1 RTR per day counts alot... i am activly almost doing 2 years of my meditations and i do them in 90 min aproximately... and i will tell you what i manage in this just 90 minutes, during 1 whole day, with perfect concentration and relaxation: aura cleaning x2, chakra spin x2, aura protection workings one in the morning (x15 algiz x16 saulo x18 berkano, with raising energies before) and in the evening (x108 suryae, with raising energies before), x3 thurisaz (for increase in physical strenght) with strong affirmation (yes, even small reps over longer time will bring results instead of doing x10000000 repetitions for each working...), working for weight loss (nothing much, just few breaths with an affirmation),every day chakra work for only one chakra that rules at that day x9 mantra for every extention and main chakra, 1 RTR which takes exactly 8-10 minutes for me if it is not something like serpent empowerment which takes 20 min or so.... oh yeah and with all of this together, trance training....

sure im not doing yoga yet, i have my reasons, void meditation can be done with everything you are doing currently, for example if you play guitar, give your full focus to it, if you are learning, give your full focus to it, or if you are in a gym, give your full focus to it etc etc....

why meditate the whole day? and NO ONE is angry at you, the gods definitely not... the fact that you actualy do some meditation, lets say a person who does 20-30 min meditation per day in total with 1 rtr will NOT be hated by anyone expecially not the gods... he/she is doing something for them: they meditate and they do rtr.... it doesnt matter HOW MUCH, what matters is HOW YOU DO IT....

if you someone needs a help with making a programm that will not dry you out, i am willing to share how i meditate, so that you just have an example of how i do my things... and yes, i do have a really good experiences with all of this im doing and i am spiritualy evolving.... for some it may be little, for me it is much because i always experience something new every week because i am doing my meditations with focus and understanding while being fully relaxed... these are the gains, not just doing 6-8 hours of meditation per day... come on....
@Kieith666: If you do the RTR in multiples such as 54, 72 or 108 vibrations is enough to do each RTR once a day and what you say of vibrating the RTR of the 72 in three-digit number is totally excessive, whith the 72 you can make a great impact by vibrating it 15 or 18 times if your energy is high.

If you do more than you can handle you will end up burning you and hampering your progress.
Kieith666 said:
Can one fail by doing too much? I mean like consistently meditating for hours in a row like:
meditation-rtr-meditation-rtr-metidation-rtr-eat food-rtr-meditation...etc?

I do a lot of warfare I think (I've been doing an average of 10 since Saturday, but I've also been doing 108 vibrations of the shorter rituals on average 3x a day (sometimes spam the 72 ritual to the extreme as well) I'm always hearing not so good things about myself from the Gods and i try to make up for things in warfare, but I don't feel any amount of warfare will ever be enough.

I have like 7 mediations/workings that I do daily and I don't really have time for anything else if I want to go to bed before twilight hours. I just can't help feel like I'm not trying hard enough. I feel like Satan and the Gods are always angry with me for every little mistake I make due to past fuck-ups. I've been trying to do void meditation 10 minutes after almost every working so it's like 40-45 minutes of void total (if I can keep my stupid thoughts out for the whole 10 minutes) and every little mistake I make i always hear "how dare you" and it gives me anxiety and almost makes me cry every time.
I have very VERY bad invasive thoughts that I DONT want. And I HATE them. But every time trey creep up, I feel the Gods are angry with me so I go hard on my self and sometime hit my head against the wall (not painfully hard) cause I feel I need SOME kind of discipline. If they get angry at me for every dumbass thought I have, I'm obviously gonna get angry at myself too. But I feel they don't like the head-wall thing either, but I don't know what else to do. It shouldn't be that hard, but here I am.. struggling.
I've tried staying calm and such, but it hasn't worked so well.

Im not going to give up or anything.. or just feels like i'm not doing enough no matter what. And I don't want to burn myself out either.

If I asked everyone who got intrusive thoughts when they came to Satan to raise their hands, I am convinced I would see A LOT of hands in the air.

This will pass. This is enemy's tactic to turn you away from the Gods. Trust me, I've been there, those thoughts were driving me crazy, basically everything and all that I think of has been in some way connected to the Gods, which made me blaspheme them. I really was at loss what to do, until one day, I made myself clear to Father Satan and the Gods, and said: "If I really meant any of those thoughts that are in my head, I would say them loud, and clear, they would come out of my mouth as words. Please, Father Satan, take a look in my heart, if you can, and you will see that none of those thoughts are mine". I've soon got answer in form of positive energy and acceptance, and Gods said to me: "We know. Do not trouble yourself with that. Do not let them fool you".

Void meditation helps. It might not seem like that at first, but just keep doing it. Do it, do it, all over again, there is never enough of it. It is golden. Also the flame meditation, it is good for conquering your thoughts.

Do not surrender. Keep meditating and you will defeat those intrusive thoughts. Trust me, please.
How much is too much is highly individual. Aside from that, if you do 5 workings and 3 squares, you are most certainly spreading your energies too thin. The goals might not manifest at all, or they might be too weak and slow. When you see that something is taking too much time to manifest, that's a strong indicator that something is wrong.

• The goal might be too generic for the energy to affect the outcome
• There is some karma/hangup/whatever getting in the way of your working
• You're overdoing it.

It is better to focus exclusively on one goal at a time. Two at most. This way most of your spiritual power is channelled to the manifestation of your aim and thus it will have much stronger and better results than when doing a gazillion spells at once.

Other indicators that you're overdoing it with workings and meditation is that you're more tired, dizzier, sleepier than the usual; that you need more sleeping time; that you don't make a full recovery with a night's sleep.

Cutting on RTRs is not a thing. Disregard whoever suggests it. We're at war. Everyone is urged to do all the RTRs scheduled no matter what. If you have the time, do them multiple times during the day. Don't leave the enemy any rest. Wars are not won by making up excuses and taking it easy. This is especially valid for Aryan people, since we Whites are a warrior race.

Yoga is not to be skipped either. Doing otherwise is looking for excuses. The mindset of failure.
@HauptSturm I'm an example of how doing too much isn't any better and doesn't make Satan or the Gods any happier lol. Really though, to me it sounds like you need to do more positive affirmations for yourself.

@NaziMan12 im aware of that now.. I just don't want my energy level to shoot down all of the sudden and cause problems. Granted, I do have a slight shake in my hands now so I need to stop asap. And the Gods are very angry at me for a different reason that I won't go into, which is also why I did copious amounts of warfare.

@AncientShadow666 I want to do these meditations though, I don't see them as a chore or anything. I definitely calm down with the rtrs as I heard "you're not strong enough" this morning in regards to them.

Also I always think things like "only those without/ignorant people have time to "have fun" all the time..etc I know this I totally wrong though.. it's just I feel so guilty not doing anything when I COULD be doing something. I haven't participated in any of my hobbies in quite a while now, thinking things like "if this is what the path requires, I'll do it".
AncientShadow666 said:
you should all chill a bit... you will all burn yourself out... you shouldnt do meditations because you MUST, but because you WILL and WANT, and when you do them, you should do it with 100% concentration and relaxation... you are doing way too much.... start with small reps, with maybe just 2 workings going on but not more, 1 or 2 RTR per day is good enough, even 1 RTR per day counts alot... i am activly almost doing 2 years of my meditations and i do them in 90 min aproximately... and i will tell you what i manage in this just 90 minutes, during 1 whole day, with perfect concentration and relaxation: aura cleaning x2, chakra spin x2, aura protection workings one in the morning (x15 algiz x16 saulo x18 berkano, with raising energies before) and in the evening (x108 suryae, with raising energies before), x3 thurisaz (for increase in physical strenght) with strong affirmation (yes, even small reps over longer time will bring results instead of doing x10000000 repetitions for each working...), working for weight loss (nothing much, just few breaths with an affirmation),every day chakra work for only one chakra that rules at that day x9 mantra for every extention and main chakra, 1 RTR which takes exactly 8-10 minutes for me if it is not something like serpent empowerment which takes 20 min or so.... oh yeah and with all of this together, trance training....

sure im not doing yoga yet, i have my reasons, void meditation can be done with everything you are doing currently, for example if you play guitar, give your full focus to it, if you are learning, give your full focus to it, or if you are in a gym, give your full focus to it etc etc....

why meditate the whole day? and NO ONE is angry at you, the gods definitely not... the fact that you actualy do some meditation, lets say a person who does 20-30 min meditation per day in total with 1 rtr will NOT be hated by anyone expecially not the gods... he/she is doing something for them: they meditate and they do rtr.... it doesnt matter HOW MUCH, what matters is HOW YOU DO IT....

if you someone needs a help with making a programm that will not dry you out, i am willing to share how i meditate, so that you just have an example of how i do my things... and yes, i do have a really good experiences with all of this im doing and i am spiritualy evolving.... for some it may be little, for me it is much because i always experience something new every week because i am doing my meditations with focus and understanding while being fully relaxed... these are the gains, not just doing 6-8 hours of meditation per day... come on....

totally forgott to say that im also doing past life working with x13 eihwaz and x24 odhal, aswell as breathing exercises and color meditation...

Stormblood said:
Yoga is not to be skipped either. Doing otherwise is looking for excuses. The mindset of failure.

i cant currently, bit too much weight for me so i can basicly do little when it comes to yoga aswell as problem with anterior pelvic tilt, that is why im firstly doing shitload of sports to lose the weight first, and will see how will this look like at the end of the year, and start with some simple yoga stuff and build up eventually...

Kieith666 said:
Also I always think things like "only those without/ignorant people have time to "have fun" all the time..etc I know this I totally wrong though.. it's just I feel so guilty not doing anything when I COULD be doing something. I haven't participated in any of my hobbies in quite a while now, thinking things like "if this is what the path requires, I'll do it".

im an artist, so do you think that i would give up my hobbies, my LOVE for the life i can express in a form of songs, melodies, poetry and paintings? i dont think so.... i do my part, yes, as i said, daily 1 rtr, if i can i do more, i have a life and i wish to enjoy in it and not put myself in a cage and meditate for hours and hours while i go crazy inside... as i said already, i meditate, i do spiritual warfare but i am also a person who is easily motivated by many things and i am very very able to learn fast when it comes to many many things, like science or languages or basicly anything.... i do not want to waste my potential or as i said before, to ignore the love i have for the life since i lived many years hating my life and my existence, so im not going to do this anymore nor am i willing to...

you should really take time to make a strong good programm for meditation with which you can work with aswell as have your normal life without ignoring everything else...
this is fucking painful

satanism is easy, life as a satanist is easy, and improving is easy, stop making it more complex than it actually is

You do what you can and continue to live your life. If you can't do all the daily RTR's just do one RTR a day for a while until you are comfortable with doing more. You start with a basic program and slowly increase what you do at a comfortable pace for you.

The only number of daily RTR's that is unacceptable is 0. Of course doing just one isn't ideal, but it's something. Disregard everyone who tells you your work is not enough or worthless. Your contribution, big or small, is indeed valuable and apreciated. You will get there in time. Just don't give in to your insecurity.

Maybe a kid who is now doing one RTR a day will be doing all of them 2 or 3 times a day by the end of the year, if you give him time to develop at his own pace. If you just keep feeding their insecurities, telling them that they are not doing enough and are creating excuses, you're not helping them develop at all.

You're getting them to do RTR's out of insecurity and fear rather than personal motivation and will. And in a month or two they will come back here saying they have lost motivation again.

People should be thanked and blessed for their work not shat on for not doing "enough".

kthx that is all bye

Dahaarkan said:
satanism is easy, life as a satanist is easy, and improving is easy, stop making it more complex than it actually is
NaziMan12 said:
What hurdle are you exactly trying to get over?

The hurdle I'm trying to get over is lack of meditation. So the question is why is there a lack of meditation? My answer is lack of privacy. So why is there lack of privacy. Lack of money... Why hasn't Satan given me 6 million dollars REEEEEEE!!! I don't know what I've been waiting for... I guess I'm just going to pull myself up by my bootstraps and work as hard as I can until I get my tax return and maybe by then I'll have enough money to be able to buy the cheapest house I can find and then I'll be able to live out my dream of being all alone.
HP Mageson666 said:

Dahaarkan said:
satanism is easy, life as a satanist is easy, and improving is easy, stop making it more complex than it actually is

I think people who are actual losers don't even read these sermons to begin with, I've known a person who had his insomnia and anxiety cured after a few power meditation sessions and some RTR and still was too lazy and entitled to not stick with it neither read anything that was translated in a silver plate for him. And HauptSturm you should not look down on yourself like this, you have helped a lot, just heads up and fix where it needs to be fixed. Actual selfish people don't do what you have done.

HoodedCobra666 said:
So hol up amigo, whitey, does that mean that if I am not a trillionaire yet, it's not Satan's fault? Why don't the Gods make me into a God cause I am a fucking lazy scum? I mean clearly I was someone extremely important like the emperor of the galaxy in my past life, and now I suck in general.
HP Mageson666 said:
Listen to how your refer to yourself.......No wonder you are having issues with success and successful habits. Your here are you not..... Your better then that so have some faith in yourself man.
HauptSturm said:
I am selfish in a way but in another no. I've done hundreds of RTRs and I've donated hundreds of dollars. I am cowardly at times, yes ... I'm a just a Satanist. Not a Spiritual Satanist.
@ ancient shadows
cant currently, bit too much weight for me so i can basicly do little when it comes to yoga aswell as problem with anterior pelvic tilt, that is why im firstly doing shitload of sports to lose the weight first, and will see how will this look like at the end of the year, and start with some simple yoga stuff and build up eventually...
That is an excuse, fat people do yoga and can do yoga. Anterior pelvic tilt is because of tight hip flexors, do asanas that stretch the hip flexors. Just check fat people doing yoga on google images, I bet you're not that fat.
Kieith666 said:
@HauptSturm I'm an example of how doing too much isn't any better and doesn't make Satan or the Gods any happier lol. Really though, to me it sounds like you need to do more positive affirmations for yourself.

@NaziMan12 im aware of that now.. I just don't want my energy level to shoot down all of the sudden and cause problems. Granted, I do have a slight shake in my hands now so I need to stop asap. And the Gods are very angry at me for a different reason that I won't go into, which is also why I did copious amounts of warfare.

@AncientShadow666 I want to do these meditations though, I don't see them as a chore or anything. I definitely calm down with the rtrs as I heard "you're not strong enough" this morning in regards to them.

Also I always think things like "only those without/ignorant people have time to "have fun" all the time..etc I know this I totally wrong though.. it's just I feel so guilty not doing anything when I COULD be doing something. I haven't participated in any of my hobbies in quite a while now, thinking things like "if this is what the path requires, I'll do it".

Keith check out this link http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Control.html

Also what exactly do you think the Gods are angry about? They don't coerce people into anything.
I'm not sure if people are all stressed out now. But I've read something from the clergy before about: that the more you work for Satan the more he and the Gods/Goddesses will work for you. This includes motivation for meditation.
Dahaarkan said:
Maybe a kid who is now doing one RTR a day will be doing all of them 2 or 3 times a day by the end of the year, if you give him time to develop at his own pace.

This is for meditation and self-improvement, not warfare. It's very important anyway.

Dahaarkan said:
If you just keep feeding their insecurities, telling them that they are not doing enough and are creating excuses, you're not helping them develop at all.

You're getting them to do RTR's out of insecurity and fear rather than personal motivation and will. And in a month or two they will come back here saying they have lost motivation again.

People should be thanked and blessed for their work not shat on for not doing "enough".

This is you. Not everyone. This is not Jewish psychology, nor Xianity nor Communism. So I'd appreciate if you avoided to lump everyone in the same box. Not everyone's mind works by the same rules. Everyone has their own mindsets and filters that decide pretty much how their unconscious is expressed in their conscious life, how things and experiences are learned and memorised, what makes it through and what stays out. Downplaying the importance of spiritual warfare serves no purpose, other than imprinting on weak minds that it's okay to do less.

I don't think these people have problems keeping up with warfare from spiritual problems or "weakness" but simply put they can't get into the habit, or lack discipline in other words. Establishing that habit for some takes time, while for others they just click and snap into it every day, and then there's some who never really get into it at all.

I do not believe that this has anything to do with weakness. Satanism is easy. RTR's are easy. Meditation is easy. It's just a matter of getting oneself to maintain a daily habit.

What I said is that people who cannot bring themselves to do all the RTR's should gradually increase what they do at a pace that is comfortable for them so they can do them with stability and discipline. The point is for them to do all the RTR's, but to do them out of their own desire rather than feeling presured by insecurity or fear.

What I said is it's okay to take things at your own pace, not that it is okay to "do less". It's better to have someone slow down and pick up the pace gradually, than to be constantly stopping and losing motivation. There ARE people who can't do 4 RTR's per day.

And yes, I do think it's better if they just do one per day than keep stagnating and doing nothing, even if they never do more than one RTR per day. If every satanist who is currently stagnating would perform 1 RTR per day that would be pretty good as a whole. You might be surprised by how many people there are who do absolutely nothing every day.

I don't want to be harsh, but I do sincerely believe there are people who will never improve, and will never really accomplish much spiritually. If they can be pushed to perform one RTR per day that's something. I keep talking about RTR's but I actually mean everything else, yoga, meditation, online warfare and so on. We are talking about people who fail. Those who are capable of maintaining a daily program should not take this as reasoning to do less. I am talking about the ones who struggle and stagnate.

I think it's better to give them encouragement, in a positive and constructive manner, so that even if they never improve, they can at least get into doing a little bit for the rest of the world. RTR's especially.

And who knows, if they have faith in their efforts, no matter how tiny, maybe they can improve with time. If we don't allow these people to believe their efforts are valuable and worthwhile, they will never improve.

I could have phrased my sentence better. It's obvious that those who do more, are worth more, and are worthy of greater admiration and respect than those who do less. But those who do less are also important. We are a group of people working together for a common goal, some do more, some do less, and as such some deserve more praise, and some deserve less. Just like if you were working in a factory and assembled 100 products per day, it is insanity that you be paid the same as a worker who assembles 10 products per day. But if we didn't have that weaker worker, we'd be producing 10% less. So he his work also has value, even if it's worth less than yours.

You have to accept that there are some who are beneath you, just like you have to accept that there are some who are above you. And we have to support each other to achieve a stronger unit. Our unit will be stronger if those who do nothing can be motivated to do even a little bit. And if that's all they will ever do, hey it's better than nothing.

fuck lol I can't edit my post
NaziMan12 said:
Keith check out this link http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Control.html

Also what exactly do you think the Gods are angry about? They don't coerce people into anything.

Thanks for the link. I really needed to read that. And must've bee an enemy attack. Things are better now.
Dahaarkan said:
And we have to support each other to achieve a stronger unit. Our unit will be stronger if those who do nothing can be motivated to do even a little bit. And if that's all they will ever do, hey it's better than nothing.

That's more like it. Now your message is clearer. Even so, I don't agree that Satanism is easy or we would have a lot more human gods as of now. In my experience discipline is built through being consistent. The more consistent I am, the less I second-guess whatever I'm doing, spiritual or material, the less my cortisol levels rise building up anxiety. That's how it works with me. In the end, it becomes habit. I don't know how it might work for other people.
Aquarius said:
@ ancient shadows
cant currently, bit too much weight for me so i can basicly do little when it comes to yoga aswell as problem with anterior pelvic tilt, that is why im firstly doing shitload of sports to lose the weight first, and will see how will this look like at the end of the year, and start with some simple yoga stuff and build up eventually...
That is an excuse, fat people do yoga and can do yoga. Anterior pelvic tilt is because of tight hip flexors, do asanas that stretch the hip flexors. Just check fat people doing yoga on google images, I bet you're not that fat.

aahhhh when you put it like this... :lol: okay okay i will start with yoga but slowly, because it is hard for me to relax in many yoga positions, but once again i do listen to people who directly tell me im full of shit and i should just do it and stop moaning :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmm.... didnt this happen before ?... i think im having a de ja vu now :lol:
Stormblood said:
How much is too much is highly individual. Aside from that, if you do 5 workings and 3 squares, you are most certainly spreading your energies too thin. The goals might not manifest at all, or they might be too weak and slow. When you see that something is taking too much time to manifest, that's a strong indicator that something is wrong.

• The goal might be too generic for the energy to affect the outcome
• There is some karma/hangup/whatever getting in the way of your working
• You're overdoing it.

It is better to focus exclusively on one goal at a time. Two at most. This way most of your spiritual power is channelled to the manifestation of your aim and thus it will have much stronger and better results than when doing a gazillion spells at once.

Other indicators that you're overdoing it with workings and meditation is that you're more tired, dizzier, sleepier than the usual; that you need more sleeping time; that you don't make a full recovery with a night's sleep.

Cutting on RTRs is not a thing. Disregard whoever suggests it. We're at war. Everyone is urged to do all the RTRs scheduled no matter what. If you have the time, do them multiple times during the day. Don't leave the enemy any rest. Wars are not won by making up excuses and taking it easy. This is especially valid for Aryan people, since we Whites are a warrior race.

Yoga is not to be skipped either. Doing otherwise is looking for excuses. The mindset of failure.

thanks for the advice

i feel more tired but at the same time , i think it can be from external factor like my job , i will do less workings and see what happens.

does the body is a mirror of the energy we can handle ? ( if we are strong physically can we do more meditation ? )

do yoga increase the energy we can handle ?

What I said is it's okay to take things at your own pace, not that it is okay to "do less". It's better to have someone slow down and pick up the pace gradually, than to be constantly stopping and losing motivation. There ARE people who can't do 4 RTR's per day.

i agree completely , i know physically a man who have strong obstacles ( it's in this chart ) , and if he do more than 2 rtr i will see a great improvement.

but anyway , concerning the RTR when i have dedicated i was doing all the rtr listed ( there was 5 rtr per day at the time for months ) , some day even more, and from a beginner i can say that you learned a lot of things doing rtr , ( concentration , vibration , visualisation , you learn you limit , and even empowerement with the raising of the energies, and whitout mentionning all the benefice of the rtr in itself , connection with our father Satan , it help to get rigorous in spiritual practice it create a routine and a strong and noble meaning for advancing , how many people do things ... for what ? here we have a vision , a mission and our life start to become meaningful , how much value it represent ? even some rich people are in research of having that type of mission they feel "void" and meaningless , ) so if i see a complete beginner i would suggest to him to do the rtr's of the day listed and to master it. ( i consider myself still a beginner btw ).

We Satanists often forget what life is like without Satan and his knowledge. In my humble opinion, to live without porpoise, to be trapped in an endless cycle of confusion and emptiness, this is what is truly difficult.

As a Satanist however, one has the tools and the knowledge needed to improve oneself, to push towards whole new levels of existence and one gets to feel the bliss that comes with spiritual evolution and healing.

Life is much harder if one is spiritually blind and incompetent. Which is why I say Satanism is easy.
How do you all deal with inconstancies in your daily life when doing meditations/workings 5 times throughout the day? I tried it today and I have to say I'm more stressed out lol having my meditations spaces so far apart is odd for me and I really don't know what to do with myself with all the free time since I'm not spamming rituals like I used to. its painful really, and it just seems...off. Like something doesn't feel right.
I know we're all individuals, but the previous advice given to me is right. I can't binge mediatations/rituals like that even if I did feel myself make progress faster. But it feels like I'll stagnate this way.
AncientShadow666 said:
Aquarius said:
@ ancient shadows
cant currently, bit too much weight for me so i can basicly do little when it comes to yoga aswell as problem with anterior pelvic tilt, that is why im firstly doing shitload of sports to lose the weight first, and will see how will this look like at the end of the year, and start with some simple yoga stuff and build up eventually...
That is an excuse, fat people do yoga and can do yoga. Anterior pelvic tilt is because of tight hip flexors, do asanas that stretch the hip flexors. Just check fat people doing yoga on google images, I bet you're not that fat.

aahhhh when you put it like this... :lol: okay okay i will start with yoga but slowly, because it is hard for me to relax in many yoga positions, but once again i do listen to people who directly tell me im full of shit and i should just do it and stop moaning :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmm.... didnt this happen before ?... i think im having a de ja vu now :lol:
Just avoid that shitty ass power yoga and ashtanga yoga, make sure you warmup with sun salutations aka surya namaskara and never push it in yoga as it's not just stretching. The way I sequenced my hatha yoga is the same as Satyananda yoga which is nice. There is a full satyananda yoga guide on youtube which is like 1 hour long if you want.
Aquarius said:
AncientShadow666 said:
Aquarius said:
@ ancient shadows That is an excuse, fat people do yoga and can do yoga. Anterior pelvic tilt is because of tight hip flexors, do asanas that stretch the hip flexors. Just check fat people doing yoga on google images, I bet you're not that fat.

aahhhh when you put it like this... :lol: okay okay i will start with yoga but slowly, because it is hard for me to relax in many yoga positions, but once again i do listen to people who directly tell me im full of shit and i should just do it and stop moaning :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmm.... didnt this happen before ?... i think im having a de ja vu now :lol:
Just avoid that shitty ass power yoga and ashtanga yoga, make sure you warmup with sun salutations aka surya namaskara and never push it in yoga as it's not just stretching. The way I sequenced my hatha yoga is the same as Satyananda yoga which is nice. There is a full satyananda yoga guide on youtube which is like 1 hour long if you want.

alright thank you for your advice!
Kieith666 said:
How do you all deal with inconstancies in your daily life when doing meditations/workings 5 times throughout the day? I tried it today and I have to say I'm more stressed out lol having my meditations spaces so far apart is odd for me and I really don't know what to do with myself with all the free time since I'm not spamming rituals like I used to. its painful really, and it just seems...off. Like something doesn't feel right.
I know we're all individuals, but the previous advice given to me is right. I can't binge mediatations/rituals like that even if I did feel myself make progress faster. But it feels like I'll stagnate this way.
You are trying to make all of your time pass with meditation, it's obvious that it's not gonna work, you need to balance meditation with the material. I do 1 hour of yoga and 2 of meditation a day after school and play the piano as a hobby, then when I have more freetime I read jos material and sermons. So far this is going great. try and find a hobby,
Spamming RTRs and doing meditation on end seems unrealistic to me for the average working person.

I'm thinking realistically, the 72 RTR and maybe yoga twice per day is all you have to do per 1 day.
Aquarius said:
Kieith666 said:
How do you all deal with inconstancies in your daily life when doing meditations/workings 5 times throughout the day? I tried it today and I have to say I'm more stressed out lol having my meditations spaces so far apart is odd for me and I really don't know what to do with myself with all the free time since I'm not spamming rituals like I used to. its painful really, and it just seems...off. Like something doesn't feel right.
I know we're all individuals, but the previous advice given to me is right. I can't binge mediatations/rituals like that even if I did feel myself make progress faster. But it feels like I'll stagnate this way.
You are trying to make all of your time pass with meditation, it's obvious that it's not gonna work, you need to balance meditation with the material. I do 1 hour of yoga and 2 of meditation a day after school and play the piano as a hobby, then when I have more freetime I read jos material and sermons. So far this is going great. try and find a hobby,
I had a lot of free time to paint and stuff, but it just felt selfish (I know it's not supposed to feel like that). All the meditations/workings my previous schedule required can't be cut or everything I built up will collapse. It was always during the day I would do the physical stuff and at night the spiritual stuff. So this sudden change is kind of a shock.
2-3 hours of meditation, 3 protection workings, a working with runes, and yoga.

@ HauptSturm I'm currently unemployed so I have a lot of free time aside from taking classes twice a week. I have a working planned to find/get a job (I'm even gonna apply somewhere very soon) but to fit that working into this new schedule will be a hit though.
As for the RTRs, I've been doing just the basic 4 once each now. Witch is excruciating.. but I don't want to upset the Gods or anything by going overboard. Then the question arises, how much is too much now? Especially if I have enough energy and the will. I enjoy painting thoroughly, but it's like the RTRs have become a new hobby lol (whether that's good or bad) I think I'll just use my instincts here. Doing just 4 doesn't feel right for me personally. But I won't do so many I have no energy left either.
dragon bleu 666 said:
thanks for the advice

i feel more tired but at the same time , i think it can be from external factor like my job , i will do less workings and see what happens.

does the body is a mirror of the energy we can handle ? ( if we are strong physically can we do more meditation ? )

do yoga increase the energy we can handle ?

Yes, if you're physically stronger, you can handle more meditation. It has been explained in the past that one should not neglect the physical body. I will link the sermon when I can fetch it from the archives of the old forums.

Yoga raises your energies. Yoga balances your energies. Yoga refines your energies. Yoga sublimates planetary energies just like power meditation. Hatha yoga is the yoga of the sun and the moon. With it, specifically, solar and lunar energies in your body are balanced and refined. Hatha yoga also clears all the nadis in the soul. I think kundalini yoga helps removing blockages from the chakras and establishing a strong energy flow in the spine, effectively preparing and stimulating the kundalini for its ascension. My knowledge of it is very raw and basic, because I've not been at this long enough to understand all the effects. Lydia has been doing yoga since before even joining the family: I'm sure she is more knowledgeable and opinionated in the subject. Maybe also some HP can expand.

HauptSturm said:
Spamming RTRs and doing meditation on end seems unrealistic to me for the average working person.

I'm thinking realistically, the 72 RTR and maybe yoga twice per day is all you have to do per 1 day.

I suggest you don't neglect your chakras or they will close. They don't stay open forever if you don't work on all of them daily. They are not even completely open this way, but only partially. It's the final ascension of the kundalini to fully open everything.

Thinking realistically, I know of some people with a pretty tight work schedule. Yet they manage to do their daily meditations, yoga, one personal working and all 4 RTRs more than one time each. If you want to do something, you'll find the time. If you don't want to, you'll always find excuses. This is not addressed to you specifically, but it's a general statement.

With practice, RTRs take less. With practice even meditation takes less, as stated in the 40-day empowerment programme. When you've memorised the RTRs, that's when they will take less. With the schedules we have, I'd be surprised if the most committed people who've followed the schedule for at least two months haven't memorised most rituals yet. The only ones that take longer and may not even be memorised, if not after a long long time, are the 72 names RTR and the the Demonic Authority.
Kieith666 said:
Aquarius said:
Kieith666 said:
How do you all deal with inconstancies in your daily life when doing meditations/workings 5 times throughout the day? I tried it today and I have to say I'm more stressed out lol having my meditations spaces so far apart is odd for me and I really don't know what to do with myself with all the free time since I'm not spamming rituals like I used to. its painful really, and it just seems...off. Like something doesn't feel right.
I know we're all individuals, but the previous advice given to me is right. I can't binge mediatations/rituals like that even if I did feel myself make progress faster. But it feels like I'll stagnate this way.
You are trying to make all of your time pass with meditation, it's obvious that it's not gonna work, you need to balance meditation with the material. I do 1 hour of yoga and 2 of meditation a day after school and play the piano as a hobby, then when I have more freetime I read jos material and sermons. So far this is going great. try and find a hobby,
I had a lot of free time to paint and stuff, but it just felt selfish (I know it's not supposed to feel like that). All the meditations/workings my previous schedule required can't be cut or everything I built up will collapse. It was always during the day I would do the physical stuff and at night the spiritual stuff. So this sudden change is kind of a shock.
2-3 hours of meditation, 3 protection workings, a working with runes, and yoga.

@ HauptSturm I'm currently unemployed so I have a lot of free time aside from taking classes twice a week. I have a working planned to find/get a job (I'm even gonna apply somewhere very soon) but to fit that working into this new schedule will be a hit though.
As for the RTRs, I've been doing just the basic 4 once each now. Witch is excruciating.. but I don't want to upset the Gods or anything by going overboard. Then the question arises, how much is too much now? Especially if I have enough energy and the will. I enjoy painting thoroughly, but it's like the RTRs have become a new hobby lol (whether that's good or bad) I think I'll just use my instincts here. Doing just 4 doesn't feel right for me personally. But I won't do so many I have no energy left either.
I can tell that you don't like it how it is now, you are doing way too much, I bet that you have trouble being happy when you are doing meditation, and that you want to finish as fast as possible. Man you are burning yourself out, meditation is a fun thing not a chore you should be bored of. I'd say cut your meditation and do only things that are necessary like chakra meditation and protection, then start adding more when you crave more meditation. Oh and those workings, decide what's the most important and quit the other two, You most likely wont succeed in any of those if you do all of them.
Aquarius said:
I can tell that you don't like it how it is now, you are doing way too much, I bet that you have trouble being happy when you are doing meditation, and that you want to finish as fast as possible. Man you are burning yourself out, meditation is a fun thing not a chore you should be bored of. I'd say cut your meditation and do only things that are necessary like chakra meditation and protection, then start adding more when you crave more meditation. Oh and those workings, decide what's the most important and quit the other two, You most likely wont succeed in any of those if you do all of them.

On the contrary, I enjoy doing the meditations. I do have trouble relaxing, but I don't try to rush them. I dont mean to make it sound like I'm forcing myself to meditate or anything
The 3 workings are all AOPs, so i kinda don't wanna let any of those go. I only have 1 personal working right now, it's to free myself from any enemy influences. Really my main meditation was only 2-3 hours long because I did chakra work, clairaudience/third eye/ work in the whole session. (Which I've already split into two separate sessions) I'm finding a balance now (I think) so I'll see how this works. Thanks for the advice :)
Kieith666 said:
Aquarius said:
I can tell that you don't like it how it is now, you are doing way too much, I bet that you have trouble being happy when you are doing meditation, and that you want to finish as fast as possible. Man you are burning yourself out, meditation is a fun thing not a chore you should be bored of. I'd say cut your meditation and do only things that are necessary like chakra meditation and protection, then start adding more when you crave more meditation. Oh and those workings, decide what's the most important and quit the other two, You most likely wont succeed in any of those if you do all of them.

On the contrary, I enjoy doing the meditations. I do have trouble relaxing, but I don't try to rush them. I dont mean to make it sound like I'm forcing myself to meditate or anything
The 3 workings are all AOPs, so i kinda don't wanna let any of those go. I only have 1 personal working right now, it's to free myself from any enemy influences. Really my main meditation was only 2-3 hours long because I did chakra work, clairaudience/third eye/ work in the whole session. (Which I've already split into two separate sessions) I'm finding a balance now (I think) so I'll see how this works. Thanks for the advice :)

You are doing fine. As it was stated already by senior members like Johnson Akemi and Lydia, the more protection the better. You can never get too paranoid with protection workings and cleaning.
Dahaarkan said:

I don't think these people have problems keeping up with warfare from spiritual problems or "weakness" but simply put they can't get into the habit, or lack discipline in other words. Establishing that habit for some takes time, while for others they just click and snap into it every day, and then there's some who never really get into it at all.

I do not believe that this has anything to do with weakness. Satanism is easy. RTR's are easy. Meditation is easy. It's just a matter of getting oneself to maintain a daily habit.

What I said is that people who cannot bring themselves to do all the RTR's should gradually increase what they do at a pace that is comfortable for them so they can do them with stability and discipline. The point is for them to do all the RTR's, but to do them out of their own desire rather than feeling presured by insecurity or fear.

What I said is it's okay to take things at your own pace, not that it is okay to "do less". It's better to have someone slow down and pick up the pace gradually, than to be constantly stopping and losing motivation. There ARE people who can't do 4 RTR's per day.

And yes, I do think it's better if they just do one per day than keep stagnating and doing nothing, even if they never do more than one RTR per day. If every satanist who is currently stagnating would perform 1 RTR per day that would be pretty good as a whole. You might be surprised by how many people there are who do absolutely nothing every day.

I don't want to be harsh, but I do sincerely believe there are people who will never improve, and will never really accomplish much spiritually. If they can be pushed to perform one RTR per day that's something. I keep talking about RTR's but I actually mean everything else, yoga, meditation, online warfare and so on. We are talking about people who fail. Those who are capable of maintaining a daily program should not take this as reasoning to do less. I am talking about the ones who struggle and stagnate.

I think it's better to give them encouragement, in a positive and constructive manner, so that even if they never improve, they can at least get into doing a little bit for the rest of the world. RTR's especially.

And who knows, if they have faith in their efforts, no matter how tiny, maybe they can improve with time. If we don't allow these people to believe their efforts are valuable and worthwhile, they will never improve.

I could have phrased my sentence better. It's obvious that those who do more, are worth more, and are worthy of greater admiration and respect than those who do less. But those who do less are also important. We are a group of people working together for a common goal, some do more, some do less, and as such some deserve more praise, and some deserve less. Just like if you were working in a factory and assembled 100 products per day, it is insanity that you be paid the same as a worker who assembles 10 products per day. But if we didn't have that weaker worker, we'd be producing 10% less. So he his work also has value, even if it's worth less than yours.

You have to accept that there are some who are beneath you, just like you have to accept that there are some who are above you. And we have to support each other to achieve a stronger unit. Our unit will be stronger if those who do nothing can be motivated to do even a little bit. And if that's all they will ever do, hey it's better than nothing.

I have noticed in myself that invoking tiny amounts of earth (1-2 breaths) truly helps with balancing out and getting grounded for a strong ruotine. I have air as a dominance and it makes me lazy, spastic and incosistent but with esrth, five breaths balance me out well for weeks or until otherwise.
Ive noticed that when you study your own astro chsrt, take a good look st yourself, and experiment spiritually, one can truly breakthrough over personal obstacles.
So, in reality one has to look st theirdelves in a very cold way and point out exactlt how to chsnge thesw. Theres no point in besting yourself up and that energy can be used to studying yourdelf and changing.
I look at a lot of things in a very cold way. My politics, the politics of others, conflicts, personal problems etc because this path has thw answers that one crys over. Emotions are used to motivate these efforts. Feel fraustrstion that your lazy or not smart enough? The fraustrstion is focus, motivation and will if you Will it to be.
Hail satan!
Stormblood said:
Kieith666 said:
Aquarius said:
I can tell that you don't like it how it is now, you are doing way too much, I bet that you have trouble being happy when you are doing meditation, and that you want to finish as fast as possible. Man you are burning yourself out, meditation is a fun thing not a chore you should be bored of. I'd say cut your meditation and do only things that are necessary like chakra meditation and protection, then start adding more when you crave more meditation. Oh and those workings, decide what's the most important and quit the other two, You most likely wont succeed in any of those if you do all of them.

On the contrary, I enjoy doing the meditations. I do have trouble relaxing, but I don't try to rush them. I dont mean to make it sound like I'm forcing myself to meditate or anything
The 3 workings are all AOPs, so i kinda don't wanna let any of those go. I only have 1 personal working right now, it's to free myself from any enemy influences. Really my main meditation was only 2-3 hours long because I did chakra work, clairaudience/third eye/ work in the whole session. (Which I've already split into two separate sessions) I'm finding a balance now (I think) so I'll see how this works. Thanks for the advice :)

You are doing fine. As it was stated already by senior members like Johnson Akemi and Lydia, the more protection the better. You can never get too paranoid with protection workings and cleaning.
Absolutely, I thought they were workings for other stuff
lol i have zero earth :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
