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Why no one helps me

Catalincata94 said:
NinRick said:
Just talk to father Satan my friend. I was in a similar situation tho I thought they were my own thoughts. Which led to believe that I am unworthy of being a ss and I almost quit. However, I went to Father Satan and told him everything (lets be honest he knows everything anyway) but after Ibtold him everything the thoughts were gone in an instant.
He actually helped me like 2-3 months ago and got rid of it for some time but after a time it came back not sure maybe i did something wrong.
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

shinninglight said:
I am going through a mental health condition myself and healing and I use to think that my problem was enermy attack or some other things not until I found out thanks to Azazel that it is cause by lack of dopamine and other feel good neurochemicals and now I am doing a program for it which is working very well.so don't take this like I do not know what I am saying bro.
Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Catalincata94 said:
NinRick said:
Just talk to father Satan my friend. I was in a similar situation tho I thought they were my own thoughts. Which led to believe that I am unworthy of being a ss and I almost quit. However, I went to Father Satan and told him everything (lets be honest he knows everything anyway) but after Ibtold him everything the thoughts were gone in an instant.
I don't just have thoughts or voices i also have muscular contractions which would be some problem in the brain like nervous sistem and this would mean it's an inner turmoil and maybe some attacks here and there so if having inner turmoil i take the responsability for it and i should fix it, this is how it goes if not then i won't learn anything.
Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Catalincata94 said:
Rook said:
Literally told you to ignore these things the 1st time you made a post on it, then i told you many other times and wrote a lot to you, don't come with this 'why no one helps me' BS.
you can even just close your chakras.
but i had always felt like i was wasting my time writing to you, turns out i was right.

You know what you have to do, so just do it, i really do hate people who make excuses, as most excuses have a stench of weakness to it, i also see a lot of people complaining about video games, saying it took up their time in life, as if they had anything better to do in life, tell you what if you've got something better to do, then DO it, don't make excuses for not doing something.

so do quit complaining you're SS, you know what SS stands for right?......Spiritual Satanist.. you know who Satan is right? he's only the most powerful being to ever be known to mankind, so you call yourself SS, yet you're getting bogged down by some shitty astral entity, like really?

whether you like it or not, at one point in an SS's advancement they're going to have to get proficient at being aware of and using the astral.
And I've had a lot of amazing and wonderful experiences in the astral but by the same tokens terrifying and disgusting experiences.
And they're malefic beings on the astral, the most common is known as the psy-vamp that feed of negative emotions, they literally sustain themselves by causing misery, sadness and such things.

so what, this entities just talks to you, perhaps says all sorts of mean and disgusting things, so if someone irl calls you a dumbass, do you curl up in your bed and start crying or start contemplating it, or do you just move on in life and not give a fuck?
If this is too much for you, then perhaps you're not not up to the task of being SS.

shinninglight said:
What you are going through is a serious mental problem,you can't just get rid of the voice by tunning it out,that's not how it works,mental problems are serious issues that should be dealt with.
Schizophrenia is one of the worlds leading mental illnesses today,my advice for you is just keep meditating,it will give you the will to resist and control your mind while you can do a working to get read of mental illnesses maybe Jupiter of mercury square don't Know about all there properties but I think mercury square is for mental problem.
Void meditation will help with being shizo, but besides that shizos are severally unbalanced people as in they have little to no grounding, they need to be doing more physical activities and socializing.
their lower chakras are very weak, while their top 3 chakras are dominant, the top 3 chakras are receptive and as a result they become very receptive, without grounding these people lose touch of reality and without mental discipline astral influences can easily sway them.
shinninglight said:
I have been trying not to tell you this but this schizophrenia is a real fucked up thing and since our mental health system is filled with Jews that will give you harmful pills,the best option you have is magic and meditation at list.
is this really so surprising? jews fucked up the world, a lot of people are escapist and lazy in that they sit for hours behind a TV or stoning themselves with drugs as they can't really cope with reality, so it's quite easy to see why so many people are becoming shizos.
Man if it is an inner turmoil which can take long to get rid of it if done nothing then i'm just wasting my time ignoring them and not don't doing anything against it because ah it's just an enemy but when you have muscular contractions and problems with concentration and memory and others keep saying igonre it but i look at the reality that i do have a problem with the mind or brain that needs to be fixed but if i have this problem
Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

of course the enemies can come and try making things worse.
Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
You are probabily doing them by yourself, you gotta relax.
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Dahaarkan said:
Rook said:
lol you can't honestly be this desperate to gain my attention?, tell you what, i'll give you a lil bit so you can go pleasure yourself in a corner mmm'kay?
don't expect this in the future however, not unless you work extra hard for it, because you're barely worth my time, but i'm generous as you can see.

Hey rook why are you throwing weak jabs on a completely different topic stop acting like a pussy and say what you wanna say

Where I come from we take guys like you and put you to a corner and you only get to go home after you piss your pants

I don't really want your attention I just want to make fun of your bitchass tbh. I bet you cried when I didn't read your stupid ass post about games thats probably why you go to other threads still butthurt over that stupid shit

Grow the fuck up
I said if you wanted my attention you'd have to try extra hard, is this truly the best you can do? but i must say, it's really amusing to me seeing you triggered like this, so i'll give you a bit of attention as you tried your best here and i pity you.

'weak jab' lol, if you had actually read my post on your topic you'd know that it's there to educate and help people.
I could've cared less if you read it, nor did i expect you to read it, as that would've taken a bit of competence on your part, besides that you also stated that you were not going to debate(twice) but now you're getting pissy because i didn't debate you on your topic lol?
you talk big but i didn't have any addiction or problems with something as trivial as a video game as you did lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

now listen well little boii, you can talk big as much as you want when you're hiding behind a monitor, anyone can type and be a keyboard warrior, you're not really impressing me(even though you're trying your best too) or anyone here.

i can tell you got triggered on both your topic and here, because if you didn't you wouldn't have resorted to such baseless insults on both, but that's your problem not mines.
perhaps next time you don't display your insecurities in such a brash way.
Dahaarkan said:
Grow the fuck up
the irony :lol:
i thought you were barely worth my time before, but now you've certainly hit a new low.
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
NinRick said:
Just talk to father Satan my friend. I was in a similar situation tho I thought they were my own thoughts. Which led to believe that I am unworthy of being a ss and I almost quit. However, I went to Father Satan and told him everything (lets be honest he knows everything anyway) but after Ibtold him everything the thoughts were gone in an instant.
He actually helped me like 2-3 months ago and got rid of it for some time but after a time it came back not sure maybe i did something wrong.
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

shinninglight said:
I am going through a mental health condition myself and healing and I use to think that my problem was enermy attack or some other things not until I found out thanks to Azazel that it is cause by lack of dopamine and other feel good neurochemicals and now I am doing a program for it which is working very well.so don't take this like I do not know what I am saying bro.
Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Catalincata94 said:
NinRick said:
Just talk to father Satan my friend. I was in a similar situation tho I thought they were my own thoughts. Which led to believe that I am unworthy of being a ss and I almost quit. However, I went to Father Satan and told him everything (lets be honest he knows everything anyway) but after Ibtold him everything the thoughts were gone in an instant.
I don't just have thoughts or voices i also have muscular contractions which would be some problem in the brain like nervous sistem and this would mean it's an inner turmoil and maybe some attacks here and there so if having inner turmoil i take the responsability for it and i should fix it, this is how it goes if not then i won't learn anything.
Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Catalincata94 said:
Rook said:
Literally told you to ignore these things the 1st time you made a post on it, then i told you many other times and wrote a lot to you, don't come with this 'why no one helps me' BS.
you can even just close your chakras.
but i had always felt like i was wasting my time writing to you, turns out i was right.

You know what you have to do, so just do it, i really do hate people who make excuses, as most excuses have a stench of weakness to it, i also see a lot of people complaining about video games, saying it took up their time in life, as if they had anything better to do in life, tell you what if you've got something better to do, then DO it, don't make excuses for not doing something.

so do quit complaining you're SS, you know what SS stands for right?......Spiritual Satanist.. you know who Satan is right? he's only the most powerful being to ever be known to mankind, so you call yourself SS, yet you're getting bogged down by some shitty astral entity, like really?

whether you like it or not, at one point in an SS's advancement they're going to have to get proficient at being aware of and using the astral.
And I've had a lot of amazing and wonderful experiences in the astral but by the same tokens terrifying and disgusting experiences.
And they're malefic beings on the astral, the most common is known as the psy-vamp that feed of negative emotions, they literally sustain themselves by causing misery, sadness and such things.

so what, this entities just talks to you, perhaps says all sorts of mean and disgusting things, so if someone irl calls you a dumbass, do you curl up in your bed and start crying or start contemplating it, or do you just move on in life and not give a fuck?
If this is too much for you, then perhaps you're not not up to the task of being SS.

Void meditation will help with being shizo, but besides that shizos are severally unbalanced people as in they have little to no grounding, they need to be doing more physical activities and socializing.
their lower chakras are very weak, while their top 3 chakras are dominant, the top 3 chakras are receptive and as a result they become very receptive, without grounding these people lose touch of reality and without mental discipline astral influences can easily sway them.

is this really so surprising? jews fucked up the world, a lot of people are escapist and lazy in that they sit for hours behind a TV or stoning themselves with drugs as they can't really cope with reality, so it's quite easy to see why so many people are becoming shizos.
Man if it is an inner turmoil which can take long to get rid of it if done nothing then i'm just wasting my time ignoring them and not don't doing anything against it because ah it's just an enemy but when you have muscular contractions and problems with concentration and memory and others keep saying igonre it but i look at the reality that i do have a problem with the mind or brain that needs to be fixed but if i have this problem
Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

of course the enemies can come and try making things worse.
Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
You are probabily doing them by yourself, you gotta relax.
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
He actually helped me like 2-3 months ago and got rid of it for some time but after a time it came back not sure maybe i did something wrong.
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

shinninglight said:
I am going through a mental health condition myself and healing and I use to think that my problem was enermy attack or some other things not until I found out thanks to Azazel that it is cause by lack of dopamine and other feel good neurochemicals and now I am doing a program for it which is working very well.so don't take this like I do not know what I am saying bro.
Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Catalincata94 said:
I don't just have thoughts or voices i also have muscular contractions which would be some problem in the brain like nervous sistem and this would mean it's an inner turmoil and maybe some attacks here and there so if having inner turmoil i take the responsability for it and i should fix it, this is how it goes if not then i won't learn anything.
Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Catalincata94 said:
Man if it is an inner turmoil which can take long to get rid of it if done nothing then i'm just wasting my time ignoring them and not don't doing anything against it because ah it's just an enemy but when you have muscular contractions and problems with concentration and memory and others keep saying igonre it but i look at the reality that i do have a problem with the mind or brain that needs to be fixed but if i have this problem
Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

of course the enemies can come and try making things worse.
Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Catalincata94 said:
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
You can't spread yourself too thinly. You have to do one or a couple of things at a time. There might be 100 things which need doing, but if you work a tiny bit on each muscle, instead of working a decent amount on a couple of muscles at a time, then you're hardly going to be a bodybuilding hunk in the running for the World Strongman!

You have to work decently on a few things at once, then rest them after a proper period of work done and go onto something else, doing a full working on one or two things, then after that going onto something else to keep the balance. Meanwhile, keep notes and references of things (i.e. in a black book which you keep private and clean and safe) so you know what's what with your progress, while also doing the basic protections and cleanings. Trying to do all 100 things at once is not working on anything properly nor enough because it is not enough for each thing and it all just dies out.

The point is if you keep saying you have problems, etc., then you will have, and maybe more. You have to decide to think positively and speak positively in yourself. This is one of the first things which must be done, because if you don't believe it, then the chances of it working are lower.

When I say it's everyone else's fault, which you realised what I meant, it was that you have a lot of reasons and excuses. It is using/wasting a lot of energy saying all of these things, which could be used for improving yourself instead. I think you might need a confidant, someone to go to and complain to who will listen to you, but how well can they help you? It's difficult escaping that crutch and learning to stand on your own two feet, but we're always still here to offer help and advice - you have to then apply that to yourself and throw that crutch away.

It's OK if you didn't do something correctly, if you realise that and learn a better way to do it successfully. You have realised that, as you just said it to me, so now you can find ways to make sure that you can continue to do it correctly and successfully now, and not continue to worry about things. As I say, just start lowly and slowly and work your way up carefully, but don't go too crazily with it. Just focus on a couple of things and increase carefully from there.

Basically, you have to start somewhere and keep going relentlessly and not stopping. I hope that you are much better without those jew poisons called "medicines". I don't know the effects of just stopping them immediately and all of a sudden, but the advice which doctors give is to ween oneself off them over a period of time. Regardless, though, meditations should be done, as well, the very least of which and safest of which are AoP and Aura and Chakra Cleanings, with SURYA/SURYAE and AUM and SaTaNaMa and SATANAS.

Carefully later, other vibrations should also be used, rather than merely visualising alone. You might prefer to use a Rune which can help with cleaning mental problems and you should choose a very good positive/present-tense affirmation for it. Since ice slows things down, maybe fire to increase things a bit - but very, very carefully. Maybe do a practice run of it for a short amount of time to gauge it, to notice your Physical, Emotional and Psychological responses so you can notice things and see where you need to go from there. Yoga is also important, which is a Spiritual exercise and adds to the benefits. Remember and follow the 8-fold path. Try a few of them, then add more over time carefully and sensibly.

I bet you know these things already, but sometimes we need to be told them again. Rook said that they advised you to do something, then you asked why no-one is helping you. It's as if whatever is said to you here is deflected and a reason and excuse is given to replace any advice and help shared with you. You seem to be stuck in that for the moment, like a Mental block. It's like a knee-jerk reaction which you have become very used to and so comfortable in doing that you do it nearly without realising, and then wonder why no-one is helping you, not realising that you are, in fact, being helped. What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.

You know you can't do too many things at the same time, so then don't. Do a bit and work up from there. If you need to, make a priority list of things. Start lowly and slowly, then work up from there. A lot of us wish that we could have a Physical someone, either a Lover or a Friend, to do the workings and meditations with, but it's pointless wishing for something that is not quite possible Physically yet. I saw a post or a signature recently, and it said that one has been chosen for the very reason that things are difficult. It is our own/one's own individual decision ultimately, though, but we are capable. Start lowly and slowly somewhere, and build up from there carefully and sensibly and keep going relentlessly.
Rook said:

Idk rook I don't think the "you're not worth my time" cop out works if you keep responding with longer posts lol

I never had a game addiction I have this thing called a social life and when you have one of those you talk to and interact with people and see how things affect them.

And yes rook I am very triggered that's why I go to other topics responding to completely unrelated conversations bringing up a conversation that happened days ago

As for impressing you lmao, I still don't think you get that I'm mocking you

Rook response simulator:

Uhh ur not worth my time lol try harder ur insecure
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
You can't spread yourself too thinly. You have to do one or a couple of things at a time. There might be 100 things which need doing, but if you work a tiny bit on each muscle, instead of working a decent amount on a couple of muscles at a time, then you're hardly going to be a bodybuilding hunk in the running for the World Strongman!

You have to work decently on a few things at once, then rest them after a proper period of work done and go onto something else, doing a full working on one or two things, then after that going onto something else to keep the balance. Meanwhile, keep notes and references of things (i.e. in a black book which you keep private and clean and safe) so you know what's what with your progress, while also doing the basic protections and cleanings. Trying to do all 100 things at once is not working on anything properly nor enough because it is not enough for each thing and it all just dies out.

The point is if you keep saying you have problems, etc., then you will have, and maybe more. You have to decide to think positively and speak positively in yourself. This is one of the first things which must be done, because if you don't believe it, then the chances of it working are lower.

When I say it's everyone else's fault, which you realised what I meant, it was that you have a lot of reasons and excuses. It is using/wasting a lot of energy saying all of these things, which could be used for improving yourself instead. I think you might need a confidant, someone to go to and complain to who will listen to you, but how well can they help you? It's difficult escaping that crutch and learning to stand on your own two feet, but we're always still here to offer help and advice - you have to then apply that to yourself and throw that crutch away.

It's OK if you didn't do something correctly, if you realise that and learn a better way to do it successfully. You have realised that, as you just said it to me, so now you can find ways to make sure that you can continue to do it correctly and successfully now, and not continue to worry about things. As I say, just start lowly and slowly and work your way up carefully, but don't go too crazily with it. Just focus on a couple of things and increase carefully from there.

Basically, you have to start somewhere and keep going relentlessly and not stopping. I hope that you are much better without those jew poisons called "medicines". I don't know the effects of just stopping them immediately and all of a sudden, but the advice which doctors give is to ween oneself off them over a period of time. Regardless, though, meditations should be done, as well, the very least of which and safest of which are AoP and Aura and Chakra Cleanings, with SURYA/SURYAE and AUM and SaTaNaMa and SATANAS.

Carefully later, other vibrations should also be used, rather than merely visualising alone. You might prefer to use a Rune which can help with cleaning mental problems and you should choose a very good positive/present-tense affirmation for it. Since ice slows things down, maybe fire to increase things a bit - but very, very carefully. Maybe do a practice run of it for a short amount of time to gauge it, to notice your Physical, Emotional and Psychological responses so you can notice things and see where you need to go from there. Yoga is also important, which is a Spiritual exercise and adds to the benefits. Remember and follow the 8-fold path. Try a few of them, then add more over time carefully and sensibly.

I bet you know these things already, but sometimes we need to be told them again. Rook said that they advised you to do something, then you asked why no-one is helping you. It's as if whatever is said to you here is deflected and a reason and excuse is given to replace any advice and help shared with you. You seem to be stuck in that for the moment, like a Mental block. It's like a knee-jerk reaction which you have become very used to and so comfortable in doing that you do it nearly without realising, and then wonder why no-one is helping you, not realising that you are, in fact, being helped. What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.

You know you can't do too many things at the same time, so then don't. Do a bit and work up from there. If you need to, make a priority list of things. Start lowly and slowly, then work up from there. A lot of us wish that we could have a Physical someone, either a Lover or a Friend, to do the workings and meditations with, but it's pointless wishing for something that is not quite possible Physically yet. I saw a post or a signature recently, and it said that one has been chosen for the very reason that things are difficult. It is our own/one's own individual decision ultimately, though, but we are capable. Start lowly and slowly somewhere, and build up from there carefully and sensibly and keep going relentlessly.
:) I didn't known about the 8-fold path but some years back i was listening to someone who also had some buddhist teachings and i knew it's true what he said but didn't know the exact sorce and yeah didn't really searched for it. So this 8-fold path got me a real good feeling xD (i want to learn it)
What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.
True only we can help ourselves.
I wanted to know things but few people posted sources like 8-fold path.

Thanks for the reply.
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
He actually helped me like 2-3 months ago and got rid of it for some time but after a time it came back not sure maybe i did something wrong.
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

shinninglight said:
I am going through a mental health condition myself and healing and I use to think that my problem was enermy attack or some other things not until I found out thanks to Azazel that it is cause by lack of dopamine and other feel good neurochemicals and now I am doing a program for it which is working very well.so don't take this like I do not know what I am saying bro.
Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Catalincata94 said:
I don't just have thoughts or voices i also have muscular contractions which would be some problem in the brain like nervous sistem and this would mean it's an inner turmoil and maybe some attacks here and there so if having inner turmoil i take the responsability for it and i should fix it, this is how it goes if not then i won't learn anything.
Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Catalincata94 said:
Man if it is an inner turmoil which can take long to get rid of it if done nothing then i'm just wasting my time ignoring them and not don't doing anything against it because ah it's just an enemy but when you have muscular contractions and problems with concentration and memory and others keep saying igonre it but i look at the reality that i do have a problem with the mind or brain that needs to be fixed but if i have this problem
Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

of course the enemies can come and try making things worse.
Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Catalincata94 said:
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.

Stop beating yourself up like that...

It is clear that you are overburdened and its clear that you are not able to handle it at the moment. You say: I have a hundred problems to solve and if i dont fix everything i am lazy. Or why is it always my fault why do i get the blame for everything why is it always my fault.

Now let me ask you a question: Why do you need to solve eveything at the same time or solve anything at all, Why do you care if people think you are lazy, Why do you have to blame yourself or blame others? The answer is simple you dont have to solve anything, you dont have to care for what another person thinks, you dont have to blame/beat up yourself or anyone else. It is all between your ears, There is nothing that you need to solve or do.

You are overworked / overburdened / stressed out, Learn that you dont have to do everything or anything in that regard. The only thing that you should do now (in my opinion) is let everything go and take a break from it all, Your health is the most important thing here and right now what you need most is some fresh air.

I do not know what hickups there are in your real life but regarding spritualism take it easy for a while, go back to the basics and stop with all other meditations untill you are doing better again. Maybe do some fun things to get your mind off of your worries and troubles, Listen to your body and do what feels best. when you know that things are going better slowly pick up the meditations again.

Just because you are with satan now doesnt mean that you have become a super human, You still need to know how to handle stress and other difficult situations because if you dont bother paying attention to it things like whats happing now can and will happen. And dont think that just because you are a SS now that you have to do the RTR's and all the other things. Do you seriously think that Satan or the gods want you to suffer like this, You know that they care about you and want you to be happy and strong. Yes the RTR's are important but that does not mean that your life is not important, You are not some lowly slave remember that well.
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
You are probabily doing them by yourself, you gotta relax.
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Also you said you don't have schizophrenia then proceed to link a schizophrenia website with people who have your own problems.
That's not a link of a schizophrenia website. It's a link to a website where it says there is no schizophrenia.
Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
I can definetly say i'm not doing it at all. One individual had this too on testimony on http://www.successfulschizophrenia.com if i would say i am doing it i would just lie to my self because i know as a fact because i know my self pretty well. But thanks.
Also you said you don't have schizophrenia then proceed to link a schizophrenia website with people who have your own problems.
That's not a link of a schizophrenia website. It's a link to a website where it says there is no schizophrenia.
schizophrenia could be many things, like be very delusional, or have mental issues that make you unstable, it’s just a name.
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
Also you said you don't have schizophrenia then proceed to link a schizophrenia website with people who have your own problems.
That's not a link of a schizophrenia website. It's a link to a website where it says there is no schizophrenia.
schizophrenia could be many things, like be very delusional, or have mental issues that make you unstable, it’s just a name.
I heard or read someone saying that a lot of people, like everyone of a type, are diagnosed with schizophrenia and then after that they 'come down' with a re-diagnosis with something else after.
Cro666 said:
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.

Stop beating yourself up like that...

It is clear that you are overburdened and its clear that you are not able to handle it at the moment. You say: I have a hundred problems to solve and if i dont fix everything i am lazy. Or why is it always my fault why do i get the blame for everything why is it always my fault.

Now let me ask you a question: Why do you need to solve eveything at the same time or solve anything at all, Why do you care if people think you are lazy, Why do you have to blame yourself or blame others? The answer is simple you dont have to solve anything, you dont have to care for what another person thinks, you dont have to blame/beat up yourself or anyone else. It is all between your ears, There is nothing that you need to solve or do.

You are overworked / overburdened / stressed out, Learn that you dont have to do everything or anything in that regard. The only thing that you should do now (in my opinion) is let everything go and take a break from it all, Your health is the most important thing here and right now what you need most is some fresh air.

I do not know what hickups there are in your real life but regarding spritualism take it easy for a while, go back to the basics and stop with all other meditations untill you are doing better again. Maybe do some fun things to get your mind off of your worries and troubles, Listen to your body and do what feels best. when you know that things are going better slowly pick up the meditations again.

Just because you are with satan now doesnt mean that you have become a super human, You still need to know how to handle stress and other difficult situations because if you dont bother paying attention to it things like whats happing now can and will happen. And dont think that just because you are a SS now that you have to do the RTR's and all the other things. Do you seriously think that Satan or the gods want you to suffer like this, You know that they care about you and want you to be happy and strong. Yes the RTR's are important but that does not mean that your life is not important, You are not some lowly slave remember that well.
Yeah it's true, you made me cry...
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
You can't spread yourself too thinly. You have to do one or a couple of things at a time. There might be 100 things which need doing, but if you work a tiny bit on each muscle, instead of working a decent amount on a couple of muscles at a time, then you're hardly going to be a bodybuilding hunk in the running for the World Strongman!

You have to work decently on a few things at once, then rest them after a proper period of work done and go onto something else, doing a full working on one or two things, then after that going onto something else to keep the balance. Meanwhile, keep notes and references of things (i.e. in a black book which you keep private and clean and safe) so you know what's what with your progress, while also doing the basic protections and cleanings. Trying to do all 100 things at once is not working on anything properly nor enough because it is not enough for each thing and it all just dies out.

The point is if you keep saying you have problems, etc., then you will have, and maybe more. You have to decide to think positively and speak positively in yourself. This is one of the first things which must be done, because if you don't believe it, then the chances of it working are lower.

When I say it's everyone else's fault, which you realised what I meant, it was that you have a lot of reasons and excuses. It is using/wasting a lot of energy saying all of these things, which could be used for improving yourself instead. I think you might need a confidant, someone to go to and complain to who will listen to you, but how well can they help you? It's difficult escaping that crutch and learning to stand on your own two feet, but we're always still here to offer help and advice - you have to then apply that to yourself and throw that crutch away.

It's OK if you didn't do something correctly, if you realise that and learn a better way to do it successfully. You have realised that, as you just said it to me, so now you can find ways to make sure that you can continue to do it correctly and successfully now, and not continue to worry about things. As I say, just start lowly and slowly and work your way up carefully, but don't go too crazily with it. Just focus on a couple of things and increase carefully from there.

Basically, you have to start somewhere and keep going relentlessly and not stopping. I hope that you are much better without those jew poisons called "medicines". I don't know the effects of just stopping them immediately and all of a sudden, but the advice which doctors give is to ween oneself off them over a period of time. Regardless, though, meditations should be done, as well, the very least of which and safest of which are AoP and Aura and Chakra Cleanings, with SURYA/SURYAE and AUM and SaTaNaMa and SATANAS.

Carefully later, other vibrations should also be used, rather than merely visualising alone. You might prefer to use a Rune which can help with cleaning mental problems and you should choose a very good positive/present-tense affirmation for it. Since ice slows things down, maybe fire to increase things a bit - but very, very carefully. Maybe do a practice run of it for a short amount of time to gauge it, to notice your Physical, Emotional and Psychological responses so you can notice things and see where you need to go from there. Yoga is also important, which is a Spiritual exercise and adds to the benefits. Remember and follow the 8-fold path. Try a few of them, then add more over time carefully and sensibly.

I bet you know these things already, but sometimes we need to be told them again. Rook said that they advised you to do something, then you asked why no-one is helping you. It's as if whatever is said to you here is deflected and a reason and excuse is given to replace any advice and help shared with you. You seem to be stuck in that for the moment, like a Mental block. It's like a knee-jerk reaction which you have become very used to and so comfortable in doing that you do it nearly without realising, and then wonder why no-one is helping you, not realising that you are, in fact, being helped. What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.

You know you can't do too many things at the same time, so then don't. Do a bit and work up from there. If you need to, make a priority list of things. Start lowly and slowly, then work up from there. A lot of us wish that we could have a Physical someone, either a Lover or a Friend, to do the workings and meditations with, but it's pointless wishing for something that is not quite possible Physically yet. I saw a post or a signature recently, and it said that one has been chosen for the very reason that things are difficult. It is our own/one's own individual decision ultimately, though, but we are capable. Start lowly and slowly somewhere, and build up from there carefully and sensibly and keep going relentlessly.
What about the budism beeing judeo christinized? How do i know if there are or aren't coruptions in 8-fold path like the compassion?
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Again, why do you want others to do your work for you? Don't say that you don't.

You want everyone to do your work for you. The Gods and Goddesses are not going to feed you grapes and pamper you, they have their own lives and also a war to fight, and you have the ability to do things yourself. They might have given you a boost and help, but then you allowed it to drain away? Excellent work.

Could you please change the title of this thread to "Why I no take advice but ignore everyone"?

Without revealing anything, but instead keeping yourself safe and anonymous, it might be beneficial to make a thread about such a programme. Undoubtedly, there are/will be many who have mental health problems, and a start of some proper, actual help for it, which actually works, would be extremely good (if you haven't made a thread for it already).

Muscle twitches are very common, and are so in the calves especially. Your diet might need to be improved, and they can also be induced because of stress, not to mention it is frequent during/after exercise, as well.

Keep saying "I have problems" and you will have more problems. If you had taken advice, you would be speaking positively in the present tense, not negatively.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

Of course it's everyone else's fault.
But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Testimony, testimony, testimony. Where is your testimony after having done power meditations and coming out the other side a much better person?
Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
You can't spread yourself too thinly. You have to do one or a couple of things at a time. There might be 100 things which need doing, but if you work a tiny bit on each muscle, instead of working a decent amount on a couple of muscles at a time, then you're hardly going to be a bodybuilding hunk in the running for the World Strongman!

You have to work decently on a few things at once, then rest them after a proper period of work done and go onto something else, doing a full working on one or two things, then after that going onto something else to keep the balance. Meanwhile, keep notes and references of things (i.e. in a black book which you keep private and clean and safe) so you know what's what with your progress, while also doing the basic protections and cleanings. Trying to do all 100 things at once is not working on anything properly nor enough because it is not enough for each thing and it all just dies out.

The point is if you keep saying you have problems, etc., then you will have, and maybe more. You have to decide to think positively and speak positively in yourself. This is one of the first things which must be done, because if you don't believe it, then the chances of it working are lower.

When I say it's everyone else's fault, which you realised what I meant, it was that you have a lot of reasons and excuses. It is using/wasting a lot of energy saying all of these things, which could be used for improving yourself instead. I think you might need a confidant, someone to go to and complain to who will listen to you, but how well can they help you? It's difficult escaping that crutch and learning to stand on your own two feet, but we're always still here to offer help and advice - you have to then apply that to yourself and throw that crutch away.

It's OK if you didn't do something correctly, if you realise that and learn a better way to do it successfully. You have realised that, as you just said it to me, so now you can find ways to make sure that you can continue to do it correctly and successfully now, and not continue to worry about things. As I say, just start lowly and slowly and work your way up carefully, but don't go too crazily with it. Just focus on a couple of things and increase carefully from there.

Basically, you have to start somewhere and keep going relentlessly and not stopping. I hope that you are much better without those jew poisons called "medicines". I don't know the effects of just stopping them immediately and all of a sudden, but the advice which doctors give is to ween oneself off them over a period of time. Regardless, though, meditations should be done, as well, the very least of which and safest of which are AoP and Aura and Chakra Cleanings, with SURYA/SURYAE and AUM and SaTaNaMa and SATANAS.

Carefully later, other vibrations should also be used, rather than merely visualising alone. You might prefer to use a Rune which can help with cleaning mental problems and you should choose a very good positive/present-tense affirmation for it. Since ice slows things down, maybe fire to increase things a bit - but very, very carefully. Maybe do a practice run of it for a short amount of time to gauge it, to notice your Physical, Emotional and Psychological responses so you can notice things and see where you need to go from there. Yoga is also important, which is a Spiritual exercise and adds to the benefits. Remember and follow the 8-fold path. Try a few of them, then add more over time carefully and sensibly.

I bet you know these things already, but sometimes we need to be told them again. Rook said that they advised you to do something, then you asked why no-one is helping you. It's as if whatever is said to you here is deflected and a reason and excuse is given to replace any advice and help shared with you. You seem to be stuck in that for the moment, like a Mental block. It's like a knee-jerk reaction which you have become very used to and so comfortable in doing that you do it nearly without realising, and then wonder why no-one is helping you, not realising that you are, in fact, being helped. What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.

You know you can't do too many things at the same time, so then don't. Do a bit and work up from there. If you need to, make a priority list of things. Start lowly and slowly, then work up from there. A lot of us wish that we could have a Physical someone, either a Lover or a Friend, to do the workings and meditations with, but it's pointless wishing for something that is not quite possible Physically yet. I saw a post or a signature recently, and it said that one has been chosen for the very reason that things are difficult. It is our own/one's own individual decision ultimately, though, but we are capable. Start lowly and slowly somewhere, and build up from there carefully and sensibly and keep going relentlessly.
I think budism has "compassion for everyone one" shit something like that
Catalincata94 said:
Yeah it's true, you made me cry...

Dont worry about it sister, If i can help you in any way just ask me :D
Catalincata94 said:
FancyMancy said:
Catalincata94 said:
I understand what you said first. No more help.

I got 100 things to solve in my life and if i don't solve all of them at the same time i got that I'm lazy, bulshit or that "I'm not doing anything" I'm doing 100 things and guess what everything falls down on me why ? Because i did to much at the same time but no keep geting stuff like "you dont do anything" bs "you're lazy" but if i go at normal speed again same thing.

I don't ignore everyone and i took advices. Don't try to make me believe something that is not true. Same thing as in new age.

And if i have such a bad mental problem why do you even talk to me? talking with a "retard" because that's a person with mental illness, it uselles to talk to them. Everyone knows that. Everyone want's to get rid of them.

But why would it be always my fault?
Why sould i always put the blame on me and get distructive towards me and maybe doing something stupid and fatal because i didn't do it right.
If i only analyze my own mistakes i wouldn't learn so much but if i analize other mistakes too i got more to learn. So this way i can see my mistakes and others mistakes.

Did i said that i meditated so much? And did i say that everything got well with meditation? No. You leave testimony if you got something pozitive about meditation as you said and that's happening after a longer time so where would be my testimony if i didn't meditated so much time? when i was on medication i coudnt do it because i was blocked and because i believed it's limiting me and not letting me advance, and if somethings continuously fucks your brain then you can meditate for the rest of your life you wouldn't go far or maybe nothing at all. So i got rid of medication = i got rid of blockage. And i'm proud for that :p

So it's not easy for me to stay pozitive with negative and pesimistic people around me.
And i know what i can do for that but right now i have other things to do and will do it later because i cant do too many things at the same time.
You can't spread yourself too thinly. You have to do one or a couple of things at a time. There might be 100 things which need doing, but if you work a tiny bit on each muscle, instead of working a decent amount on a couple of muscles at a time, then you're hardly going to be a bodybuilding hunk in the running for the World Strongman!

You have to work decently on a few things at once, then rest them after a proper period of work done and go onto something else, doing a full working on one or two things, then after that going onto something else to keep the balance. Meanwhile, keep notes and references of things (i.e. in a black book which you keep private and clean and safe) so you know what's what with your progress, while also doing the basic protections and cleanings. Trying to do all 100 things at once is not working on anything properly nor enough because it is not enough for each thing and it all just dies out.

The point is if you keep saying you have problems, etc., then you will have, and maybe more. You have to decide to think positively and speak positively in yourself. This is one of the first things which must be done, because if you don't believe it, then the chances of it working are lower.

When I say it's everyone else's fault, which you realised what I meant, it was that you have a lot of reasons and excuses. It is using/wasting a lot of energy saying all of these things, which could be used for improving yourself instead. I think you might need a confidant, someone to go to and complain to who will listen to you, but how well can they help you? It's difficult escaping that crutch and learning to stand on your own two feet, but we're always still here to offer help and advice - you have to then apply that to yourself and throw that crutch away.

It's OK if you didn't do something correctly, if you realise that and learn a better way to do it successfully. You have realised that, as you just said it to me, so now you can find ways to make sure that you can continue to do it correctly and successfully now, and not continue to worry about things. As I say, just start lowly and slowly and work your way up carefully, but don't go too crazily with it. Just focus on a couple of things and increase carefully from there.

Basically, you have to start somewhere and keep going relentlessly and not stopping. I hope that you are much better without those jew poisons called "medicines". I don't know the effects of just stopping them immediately and all of a sudden, but the advice which doctors give is to ween oneself off them over a period of time. Regardless, though, meditations should be done, as well, the very least of which and safest of which are AoP and Aura and Chakra Cleanings, with SURYA/SURYAE and AUM and SaTaNaMa and SATANAS.

Carefully later, other vibrations should also be used, rather than merely visualising alone. You might prefer to use a Rune which can help with cleaning mental problems and you should choose a very good positive/present-tense affirmation for it. Since ice slows things down, maybe fire to increase things a bit - but very, very carefully. Maybe do a practice run of it for a short amount of time to gauge it, to notice your Physical, Emotional and Psychological responses so you can notice things and see where you need to go from there. Yoga is also important, which is a Spiritual exercise and adds to the benefits. Remember and follow the 8-fold path. Try a few of them, then add more over time carefully and sensibly.

I bet you know these things already, but sometimes we need to be told them again. Rook said that they advised you to do something, then you asked why no-one is helping you. It's as if whatever is said to you here is deflected and a reason and excuse is given to replace any advice and help shared with you. You seem to be stuck in that for the moment, like a Mental block. It's like a knee-jerk reaction which you have become very used to and so comfortable in doing that you do it nearly without realising, and then wonder why no-one is helping you, not realising that you are, in fact, being helped. What do you want us to say? I would ask what you'd want us to do, but we cannot, nor would we ever, do your workings and meditations for you.

You know you can't do too many things at the same time, so then don't. Do a bit and work up from there. If you need to, make a priority list of things. Start lowly and slowly, then work up from there. A lot of us wish that we could have a Physical someone, either a Lover or a Friend, to do the workings and meditations with, but it's pointless wishing for something that is not quite possible Physically yet. I saw a post or a signature recently, and it said that one has been chosen for the very reason that things are difficult. It is our own/one's own individual decision ultimately, though, but we are capable. Start lowly and slowly somewhere, and build up from there carefully and sensibly and keep going relentlessly.
What about the budism beeing judeo christinized? How do i know if there are or aren't coruptions in 8-fold path like the compassion?
Because of reasons and excuses which you keep putting up as blocks. The scientific method is to research and figure out. The Clergy and other members can help you only so much; only you are the one who can help yourself truly, at the end of the day. If the Scientists of old kept worrying, or just wondering about "What if? What if? What if?", instead of starting somewhere and actually getting on with it, then we'd be fucked.

The 8-fold path is incorporating various Spiritual means into your meditation programme. A few of them are using Sigils, hand gestures, yoga...


I didn't mention buddhism. If you keep on putting up blocks of excuses and reasons, then you'll never get anywhere and people might either stop replying to you or tell you where to go. Then you'll be moody and then blame us for your laziness, ignorance and procrastination, then you'll join one of those "exposing JoS" sites/groups, and refuse to admit and realise that only you can help yourself, so you'd be spreading bullshit. No-one else is going to do your work for you, nor can nor should we. Sooner or later, people might call you a troll for continuing on making excuses and reasons, blocking things, instead of getting on with your work. Everyone has a fuse, and if you try to burn them out deliberately, then you'll be upset with the response, and continue to blame us.

"Why no-one helps me" - if you mean that as a question, "Why is no-one helping me?", then you know why now. If you mean it as a statement, then this is informing others as to why. Because you put up blocks instead of helping yourself. Do with it as you will.
shinninglight said:
Catalincata94 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I would have tried to help you if I had any idea how to, and I think that's how most of us here are. But we can't tell you what you should do if we don't know.
HoddedCobra did hit the nail it's me giving in to paranoic thoughts and not ignoring the enemies.

But there is a thing that i think it makes things worse it's that my aunt is praying for me but i didn't do a biding on her yet so i'm going to do it when there will be a full moon but widouth element infusion in the herbs just isa in the pupit. And i know for sure that she is praying for me, she told me that.
This is my last answer i will give you.
Is not any enermy attacking you,is your own mental problem disturbing you,do you not know what a mental problem is or a mental illness,schizophrenia is one,schizophrenic people do here voices in their head and it tells them to do things,so it is better you be looking for something to heal it or it will just be going on unless maybe your brain heals by itself through meditation.
You keep thinking this is an enermy attack and thats what they keep telling you that is why your not getting any help,the reality is it is not and i have given solutions on how to do this which is to do a healing working for it or you can browse natural cures for schizophrenia online and see what you find.ask Satan for help to find a cure.
my advice is offer him something in return,maybe it can be doing more rtrs,helping more in the community,ask any of the gods,they are here for you.
But the most important thing is do not stop meditating or doing yoga
I have thoughts of acting crazy in front of people or not sure but also paranoid thoughts, I keep my best to keep control but i'm afraid if i have these thoughts is like these thoughts are programing me which can lead me in to being like that and somethimes I don't even know if it's something wrong with me (like schizophrenia) or just talking to someone from our side or the enemies and sometimes all separately at diferent times. I failed again in doing the aura of protection with algiz and aum suryae many times I tried finishing the 40 days but failed sometimes I was angry when I had to do the working sometimes I forgot, and sometimes just didn't wanted to do it at that time... and didn't do it.
Sometimes i feel a deep and good feeling which makes me laugh (which i think is because i meditate, because of the Gods but i can be wrong) and sometimes i feel anxiety and sadness and many times i cried for being like this and that i can't work and neither doing things right in ss but i want... i exagerated with meditation some time ago and thought now to stop for a while or just do the minimum like aura cleaning and void.
And i hate when people are mean to me especialy here that like they are talking to me like i did something un forgivable and very bad and that also makes me sad, maybe this is just in my mind that they are talking mean to me.

And also sometimes and once i feelt i can get over this and getting exagerated confident thoughts, arogance i think, that i'm very strong person or that i can become a genius and i also get a real reason for becoming a genius, an astrological reason for that when i think about it. But now this sounds arogant.
Catalincata94 said:
shinninglight said:
Catalincata94 said:
HoddedCobra did hit the nail it's me giving in to paranoic thoughts and not ignoring the enemies.

But there is a thing that i think it makes things worse it's that my aunt is praying for me but i didn't do a biding on her yet so i'm going to do it when there will be a full moon but widouth element infusion in the herbs just isa in the pupit. And i know for sure that she is praying for me, she told me that.
This is my last answer i will give you.
Is not any enermy attacking you,is your own mental problem disturbing you,do you not know what a mental problem is or a mental illness,schizophrenia is one,schizophrenic people do here voices in their head and it tells them to do things,so it is better you be looking for something to heal it or it will just be going on unless maybe your brain heals by itself through meditation.
You keep thinking this is an enermy attack and thats what they keep telling you that is why your not getting any help,the reality is it is not and i have given solutions on how to do this which is to do a healing working for it or you can browse natural cures for schizophrenia online and see what you find.ask Satan for help to find a cure.
my advice is offer him something in return,maybe it can be doing more rtrs,helping more in the community,ask any of the gods,they are here for you.
But the most important thing is do not stop meditating or doing yoga
I have thoughts of acting crazy in front of people or not sure but also paranoid thoughts, I keep my best to keep control but i'm afraid if i have these thoughts is like these thoughts are programing me which can lead me in to being like that and somethimes I don't even know if it's something wrong with me (like schizophrenia) or just talking to someone from our side or the enemies and sometimes all separately at diferent times. I failed again in doing the aura of protection with algiz and aum suryae many times I tried finishing the 40 days but failed sometimes I was angry when I had to do the working sometimes I forgot, and sometimes just didn't wanted to do it at that time... and didn't do it.
Sometimes i feel a deep and good feeling which makes me laugh (which i think is because i meditate, because of the Gods but i can be wrong) and sometimes i feel anxiety and sadness and many times i cried for being like this and that i can't work and neither doing things right in ss but i want... i exagerated with meditation some time ago and thought now to stop for a while or just do the minimum like aura cleaning and void.
And i hate when people are mean to me especialy here that like they are talking to me like i did something un forgivable and very bad and that also makes me sad, maybe this is just in my mind that they are talking mean to me.

And also sometimes and once i feelt i can get over this and getting exagerated confident thoughts, arogance i think, that i'm very strong person or that i can become a genius and i also get a real reason for becoming a genius, an astrological reason for that when i think about it. But now this sounds arogant.
You seem to have divated from the reality of your issue that is why I was a liitle strict,I just couldn't stand how you make excuses for yourself,
You knew you had schizophrenia and then latter you accepted the lie that is was an enemy attack.then go on to start playing with vinasa and such planning to use it on yourself,and yet it didn't solve your problem,if schizophrenia is an enemy attack them everybody that has it has enemy attacking them too,
But the reality is the world is really messes up by Jews and this results to so many psychological problems which results to mental problems can't deny it.
Schizophrenia is a mental problem as long as it affects your mental and emotional behaviour
Here's the thing you can do this if it works
Satanama 108 times
And then affirm in a save and positive manner for me I am now free from schizophrenia forever,my mental health is perfect in every way.
You can form your own.stop wasting time with enemy is attacking you because its not.
Or you can use wunjo and affirm
In a save and positive manner the energies of wunjo is now healing me from schizophrenia,I am now mentally physically and emotionally healthy in every way...
It's hard in the beginning. Just do what you can. Meditation. AoP. RTR. Aura cleaning. Do the basics. Reflect prayers back to their sources.

And Rook, bro, chill out. It's not cool to attack people who are already down when they haven't done anything to merit open hostility.
shinninglight said:
Yeah that was the question to do it or not, do i have it or not... so i got the answer. ._. Thank you :)
I'm doing now a healing with Satanama 18x for anxiety and it works, i think i also got help with that, it's working. I didn't had anxiety from when i started it, yeah that's the help that i got. I'm in the last days of the 40 days working. First i started with only 9 vibrations then i added another 9 vibrations and i want to add another 9 and so on but no too many.

Not sure can we do two healing workings at a time? isn't it too much i'm also doing an affirmation for being safe and protected before going to bed 40 reps like Maxine said on the webisite. I din't feel really safe so i did it, that was two months ago, got better but i have thoughts of like when i see a dog i have a thought like it would attack and bite me or try to bite me in that moment like it is really happening and that.. scares me some what, paranoid thoughts that's what i think it is (but not fully sure when i was reading the dictionary to understand what exactly means "paranoid" didn't fully understand it just that the person is thinking stuff that is out of reality) i was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia so i have to do the affirmation with that. I also did the full RTR 9 days with aura cleaning and programing as Maxine said and wanted to do another 9 but for that i just did like 2 days and didn't had energy to continue to do it. And also vizualizing the light is also hard can't really see much now and it's very annoying and worse i have chats with the voice in my mind when meditating, just being honest many times i believe it is the enemies or someone from our side but i know someone from our side woudn't say mean things to me or discourage me or scare me. The other day i got very angry and i talked to Satan and said mean things to him, very mean... i talked to the voice but i was refering to it as to... then i belived it so i said what i said i knew he is hearing me. I had really bad energy and i concentrated to get over it then when i got rid of it by letting it out, i didn't know why i had that but then that day Maxine posted about the aura cleanning stuff that when you clean your aura negative energy comes out from past lives. It was two days ago. So i feet i got rid of that energy but what i've said... it was bad.
Also, what helped me like 99% to remove anxiety was a comment from HP HoodedCobra that was along the lines of “ anxiety is a sign of acting in ways not real to your true self”
Not exactly what he said but you get it, i guess?
Starcopper said:
And Rook, bro, chill out. It's not cool to attack people who are already down when they haven't done anything to merit open hostility.
oh? and who exactly was it that i 'attacked' without 'merit'?
Aquarius said:
“anxiety is a sign of acting in ways not real to your true self”
This is so much me. How did it help you?
Aquarius said:
Also, what helped me like 99% to remove anxiety was a comment from HP HoodedCobra that was along the lines of “ anxiety is a sign of acting in ways not real to your true self”
Not exactly what he said but you get it, i guess?
Yep sounds true, i knew something similar, i thought that i'm doing something wrong mostly that's why i have anxiety for example today when i did the working with Satanama some hours later that the usual hour i had some anxiety, i did the working it stopped, so doing the working at the same hour is better. In the past i thought it is the planetary alignments that the enemy uses against me, don't know much about that maybe it's true... thanks for the reply.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aquarius said:
“anxiety is a sign of acting in ways not real to your true self”
This is so much me. How did it help you?
By stopping to repress my emotions.
Rook said:
Starcopper said:
And Rook, bro, chill out. It's not cool to attack people who are already down when they haven't done anything to merit open hostility.
oh? and who exactly was it that i 'attacked' without 'merit'?

The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
Starcopper said:
The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
He's always been like that, sadly.
Starcopper said:
Rook said:
Starcopper said:
And Rook, bro, chill out. It's not cool to attack people who are already down when they haven't done anything to merit open hostility.
oh? and who exactly was it that i 'attacked' without 'merit'?

The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
my tone was hostile? lol
what, did i threaten this guy or something? did i call him a bad name?
i have re-read my initial post here directed at OP, and i have yet to see the actual hostility, in fact i think i was to sympathetic.
Catalincata94 said:
This voice makes me crazy. Always telling me stuff to leave ss and manipulating. And having muscular contractions when it talks and it's terrifing. Sometimes i barely hold control not to break something. I get extremely angry. Sometimes I just feel i can't hold it any more with this voice.

When ever you hear the voice do a final rtr. if even 1 rep each letter. tell the voice you will keep doing like that.

If the voice keeps talking its you if it stops it is an enemy. but do the rtr regardles.
Catalincata94 said:
This voice makes me crazy. Always telling me stuff to leave ss and manipulating. And having muscular contractions when it talks and it's terrifing. Sometimes i barely hold control not to break something. I get extremely angry. Sometimes I just feel i can't hold it any more with this voice.

When ever you hear the voice do a final rtr. if even 1 rep each letter. tell the voice you will keep doing like that.

If the voice keeps talking its you if it stops it is an enemy. but do the rtr regardles.
my tone was hostile? lol
what, did i threaten this guy or something? did i call him a bad name?
i have re-read my initial to here directed at OP, and i have yet to see the actual hostility, in fact i think i was to sympathetic.

You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece.

Shael said:
Starcopper said:
The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
He's always been like that, sadly.

He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
Starcopper said:
my tone was hostile? lol
what, did i threaten this guy or something? did i call him a bad name?
i have re-read my initial to here directed at OP, and i have yet to see the actual hostility, in fact i think i was to sympathetic.

You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece.

Shael said:
Starcopper said:
The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
He's always been like that, sadly.

He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
Even if he was harsh he just said the truth, some people tell others the truth directly instead of being more compassionate, nothing wrong with that.
Starcopper said:
my tone was hostile? lol
what, did i threaten this guy or something? did i call him a bad name?
i have re-read my initial to here directed at OP, and i have yet to see the actual hostility, in fact i think i was to sympathetic.

You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece.

Shael said:
Starcopper said:
The OP. Your tone is very hostile.
He's always been like that, sadly.

He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
I think that too.
Catalincata94 said:
Starcopper said:
my tone was hostile? lol
what, did i threaten this guy or something? did i call him a bad name?
i have re-read my initial to here directed at OP, and i have yet to see the actual hostility, in fact i think i was to sympathetic.

You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece.

Shael said:
He's always been like that, sadly.

He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
I think that too.
And you're pathetic, know why? because you kept making threads asking help on the same matters you already received help and when someone actually is annoyed by this and calls you out you just play victim. Not cool. Even an HP told you.
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
Starcopper said:
You can be as dismissive and flippant as you want. I don't care. I've said my piece.

He sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he's here to troll.
I think that too.
And you're pathetic, know why? because you kept making threads asking help on the same matters you already received help and when someone actually is annoyed by this and calls you out you just play victim. Not cool. Even an HP told you.
and confusion doesn't matter? i had many times confusion and didn't know what to do so i asked questions and if i forget something then i'm "pathethic" right? I don't play victim. Don't know what you mean by that HP told me, don't remember.
Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
I think that too.
And you're pathetic, know why? because you kept making threads asking help on the same matters you already received help and when someone actually is annoyed by this and calls you out you just play victim. Not cool. Even an HP told you.
and confusion doesn't matter? i had many times confusion and didn't know what to do so i asked questions and if i forget something then i'm "pathethic" right? I don't play victim. Don't know what you mean by that HP told me, don't remember.
You can just go check the answers people gave you in the previous posts instead of saying “but i forgot”. You do play victim, just see the title of this post you made. As for the HP answer check the first comment to this thread.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because you are not helping yourself and giving in to thoughts of paranoia, only you can help yourself.

There is no such "voice" and if there is you can simply tune it out. How? By ignoring it. It is that easy.

I coudnt tune it out
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because you are not helping yourself and giving in to thoughts of paranoia, only you can help yourself.

There is no such "voice" and if there is you can simply tune it out. How? By ignoring it. It is that easy.

I kept ignoring it sometimes it disapeared, once i forced my self to not to speak to it one hole day but my attention was on it then it talked like it's my mind, it talked to Satan like "Satan, he is not listening to me" and it got like out of control (talking bulshit) and then suddenly it disapeared from my mind, for some days (this was like 3-4 months ago), i think Satan helped me. It tricked me in to thinking that he is Satan or My guardian Demon when it spoke sometimes i had the impresion that is Satan speaking to me then the other time that is my Guardian Demon. When i asked are you really Satan? it said "no, i'm your Guardian Demon" or at least i had that thought, and it said that it's easier for you to think that i'm Satan because you trust him..., and then it said this talking (and other nonsense) is because to train me so that i get more will power by ignoring what they are saying, and the arguing to learn some things, like they would tell me things that sounded real, logically. But if its schizophrenia is it enough to mediate? i tried doing a working for healing but something got in the way and i failed not just once, first time when i did the healing it was when i was on treatement 1 year and half ago and then after like 2 weeks i had a strong intention to stop it because it wont work because of the medicine "how can i heal my brain if something keeps fucking it like the antipsychotics, this way it won't heal it, like if somethings (medicine) keeps fucking something (brain) and another keeps healing it then it wont get healthy because the medicine keeps fucking it and i'm not strong enough to go against a substance when is daily affecting by brain" so i got rid of the treatement then i did it again after a time then whit the voice i coudnt hold it, it told me many things, you cant do it, we wont let you, and other things don't remember exactly and the most common thing was "if you have these negative thoughts you can't do the working because you program the energy with those thoughts, this way it will manifest those thoughts (or that's what the energy will be programed to do) (there where also negative thoughts like life threatening thoughts) i did once 9 days of full Final RTR with aura cleanning and programing the one Maxine posted and i also got in those day a blood moon that wasn't known in any western website only in the hindu astrology, i found some video from india, so one SS that i was talking with online saw the blood moon and then he posted it on the discord and then i took the chance to do that RTR at that time tried fast to see the blood moon but i coudnt see the moon anywhere so i just started the RTR then after i finished it and i've gone outside to see the moon if the sky is clear and the moon was there and still had alittle bit of red, more like orange.

It stopped talking, while i was writhing this and when talking to my moom about it. still nothing. Now that i ask it are you here, is nothing in my mind just silence or something very low like.

I got angry and sad and confused not just once and said bad things to Satan but i tried to hold it.

I did RTR in 7-12 of october and in 3-6 october i did more cleaning the aura, aura of protection a little more but i skiped one day, i think i was so in thought to clean my aura more that i forgot about the aura of proctection, just one day, not because i didn't wanted. I coudn't continue more after 12 of october because i feelt tired, it takes me alot of concentration to do it like 40 min and my best time for final RTR was around 35-30 min per ritual with aura cleaning.
Also when i did those 9 days coudnt do more i had to stop also because i feelt tired.
Catalincata94 said:
This voice makes me crazy. Always telling me stuff to leave ss and manipulating. And having muscular contractions when it talks and it's terrifing. Sometimes i barely hold control not to break something. I get extremely angry. Sometimes I just feel i can't hold it any more with this voice.

Enemy was doing that to me lately. Feeling like they were not even in my life. Then Satan visited me last night. It was so clear. He put all the fears aside so easily. I was so Happy tears streamed down both sides of my cheeks.

I released all this worry and frustration. God it felt Good. Hail Satan!
Aldrick Strickland said:
Catalincata94 said:
This voice makes me crazy. Always telling me stuff to leave ss and manipulating. And having muscular contractions when it talks and it's terrifing. Sometimes i barely hold control not to break something. I get extremely angry. Sometimes I just feel i can't hold it any more with this voice.

Enemy was doing that to me lately. Feeling like they were not even in my life. Then Satan visited me last night. It was so clear. He put all the fears aside so easily. I was so Happy tears streamed down both sides of my cheeks.

I released all this worry and frustration. God it felt Good. Hail Satan!

I find this somewhat interesting what you said Catalincata94 on muscular contractions. By any chance is this felt in the body or in the brain?

Like Catalin I posted some stuff but in my case this female voice announces herself as my succubus. It sounds crystal clear it's not it's like I'm inventing the voices through noises of objects. Anyways in the beginning my pineal hollow area would constrict when I asked questions like a yes or no system and then around December of last year the voices. Sounds crystal clear it is not. Hell I don't even think I even meditated to any level of development. Although I hate to state this I've practically given up meditating as it just doesn't work for me.

But non the less the female voice communicates with me. In fact funny enough the amount of times I told her I'm gonna ask Satan about you. She is like perfectly fine do it nothing wrong with confirming who I am.

I don't want to start any issues but I highly doubt an entity announcing itself as a Satanic being of higher power working for Satan. Is enough proof to admit? Perhaps I just don't have any reasons but it seems awkward that anything that states the names of Satan would trigger a response from him. The universe is beyond size and yet I'm expected to believe that Satan is so intuitive he hears every single utterance of his name. Sounds like some sci-fantasy scenario or something. Almost xtianistic.

To return there is another male voice that identifies as Satan, even goes I'm Satan my son. I doubt it very much.

Anyways I'm wondering how easy is it for you to create your own thoughtform and talk to it. Or an enemy. or Whatever it is this scenario is?

If I never created a thoughtform how easy is it to create them? Are people just creating these things all the time without their knowledge in metaphysics training?

(FYI I've never had the entities tell me anything about leaving or anything. In fact they urge me to meditate or find some assistance. I don't want to state anything specific but let's just say I'm a person with a lot of problems. I've even been told to find a therapist. My life is non-existent and these voices tell me to go out there and enjoy my life.)

I've also had helpful tips and whatnot but sometimes it sounds made up non-sense and it feels like I'm talking to myself or something.

One time my succubus popped in at the clinic I go to and she said "Ask the lady behind you what she wants she seems like she needs assistance". I took a breath sighed and then turned around. I told her in spanish, Ma'am do you need to go ahead of me in line is it an emergency. She's like no, thanks. I'm like you sure? she is like yeah it's fine don't worry. I said no problem then turned around. My succubus told me "Good boy (my name) you helped her out".

Is it weird that I hear voices and they are helpful? Maybe I just labelled my own craziness of hearing voices into these beings?

(FYI one last thing if people are wondering why I don't seek help nor am I bothered by it any further. I live in such a boring manner and I'm a very boring and bored person that I got nothing better to do than reply back to these voices. At least it passes the time.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
