I posted here about how there are fires in Africa twice the size of the amazon and no one talked about it,record here says there are about 3200 fires set in the countries of Angola and 2900 in Gambia while the amazon amount to 2000
Some of these fires are from farmers but others are not so how did they come to be,Angola and Gambia are the two top countries were there is forest fires right now with amazon being the third.[/quote
forest fires was pretty new to me. to be more and ongoing in Africa is horrid as well for the Amazon which is surround by wonderful tales and discoveries of a variety of animals and their species. I guess this is what the jews mean in the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv6dMFF_yts
Fun.: We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe
We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun
it sucks that there are forest fires and if anyone would personally want to put an end to them, anyone could do a working for such and watch how their power unfold. which not only mean the forest fires, but any change whatsoever in our world through politics, policies, or anything else within their cities states, and country. doing a working for yourself and getting results is one thing, for the betterment of all, or at least your town is another.
you can say why not I within my reply and comment, but the truth in the makings of this world is that without opposition, things would continue in whichever direction planted or spontaneously set. which is not a reason for myself as in my own work, but to just clarify some things. watching the news and looking at a lot of crap is one thing, but doing telekinesis or some other advanced type of witchcraft would lead to wonder why as far as interference is concern within our world today.
A reason could be time and other personal goals. As well as conscious and how far ahead one is to actually commit and do something as grand as stopping a fire. Which advancement doesn't really matter, meaning if you cant do pyrochokinesis, then sending out thoughtforms and curses would work over time- easily and effortlessly in every positive way for this world and its inhabitants. we could probably do a group working with a base so that anyone or person can do within their own environment what needs to be done while still connecting to a direct source to boost all of our power together. also emphasis of covens out there.
also, their are still christards who are christarded and giving their lives away to something they know nothing about. jewish magick is still a thing and they are still working to an extent as far as RTR are concerned.
Us Blacks can be emotional in regards to these fire, but our sadness would not drown any flame. also the fact that some Blacks Spiritual Satanist are in the U.S meaning the problem is not directly facing them other then other task they committed themselves to do. another reason is people are busy.
when doing some other work, i actually realized that in the making, protecting the environment, which you can conclude anything in large, actually help to the affect of yourself in your personally life. to speak is to give the cue of macro and microscopic and how things tie into each other. This is the reason why in English numerology various sets of numbers align themselves with random things. in analogy as well, this is to this as that is to that, doing something for this planet largely or any particular thing protects you or any other in a variety of ways.