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Why is Zeus above Poseidon?

Demonic Tech

Active member
Feb 12, 2020
Satan's Empire
This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?
Hello :)

I believe there will be more written on this by HP HoodedCobra. However, the things we see according to the myths we have, are not as strictly correlated to how the Gods actually are. Satan is definitely the highest, yet other Gods might be more in our awareness for certain areas. As another example, in Ancient Egypt, Satan is Ptah, yet Ptah was not as well-known as Ra and other Gods.

There is definitely much that we do not know. Another thing is how some pantheons only have a dozen main Gods, yet there are more Gods who helped humanity, so some Gods might actually have or share certain aspects of other Gods. For all we know, certain things attributed to Zeus could be Satan (Father of all Gods) but things were simplified or allegorical.
Hello :)

I believe there will be more written on this by HP HoodedCobra. However, the things we see according to the myths we have, are not as strictly correlated to how the Gods actually are. Satan is definitely the highest, yet other Gods might be more in our awareness for certain areas. As another example, in Ancient Egypt, Satan is Ptah, yet Ptah was not as well-known as Ra and other Gods.

There is definitely much that we do not know. Another thing is how some pantheons only have a dozen main Gods, yet there are more Gods who helped humanity, so some Gods might actually have or share certain aspects of other Gods. For all we know, certain things attributed to Zeus could be Satan (Father of all Gods) but things were simplified or allegorical.
Is Ra Satan?
As HP HC said Satan isn't just Poseidon but also Dionysus and Hephaestus, and "all the Gods". The Gods in the written myths are "Personas", and things they rule, and 90% not the literal accounts of the physical Deity.
For example Satan as Lucifer is Venus but his daughter Astarte is also Venus (Aphrodite), and Satan as Wodanaz is Mercurius, but obviously he isn't the same literal person as his son Thoth/Mercurius. It is said no Gods "would mess with Dionysus", not even Zeus - likely a reference of Zeus representing the supreme rulership over the physical universal laws and Dionysus the unseen occult laws that come before it. @Hellenic SS @Young Faith

This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?
There are actually other people who worshipped Baal-Zebul as their main God, I'm guessing this is because Baal was the God who was responsible for them from the start and the one who helped them the most.

Also you have to consider that most of the informaton about our Gods and their history has been altered and destroyed, so I wouldn't be 100% sure that they considered him the Father of all Gods, it could be a misinterpretation.
Zeus is King of the Sky, Poseidon is King of the Seas. Both are very powerful allegories for the eternal energy, even if different perspective. Water is deep and can reach infinite depths. Likewise, the sky is high and can reach infinite heights. Heights, depths... still infinite growth on a specific direction/vector.

Is Zeus King of the Gods? Sure. Baal-Zevulon is literally a Crowned Prince, which is the highest rank. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades are the "Big Three" of Graeco-Roman mythology, meaning the most powerful and of comparable strength. Triad of Gods that have about equal power in mythology are everywhere across the world.

More will definitely be revealed by HP Hooded Cobra, like HPS Lydia said, and it will be all be mind-blowing.

Another thing is how some pantheons only have a dozen main Gods, yet there are more Gods who helped humanity, so some Gods might actually have or share certain aspects of other Gods. For all we know, certain things attributed to Zeus could be Satan (Father of all Gods) but things were simplified or allegorical.
Doesn't that have to do with the steps of the Magnum Opus, with the 13th God in Greek mythology being Hades.

You also have groups of 8s and 9s in Egypt like you have 9 steps in Eastern versions of the Magnum Opus.

6 original Gods are there in Greek mythology, from which all the other Gods came. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera. Similar to how in the Vedas you also have one male triad and one female triad: the Trimurti and the Tridevi.

All interesting choices of numbers indeed.
This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?

It happens that in different cultures, different Gods are considered the highest, depending on that culture's nature and what it valued most. The highest god in each culture represented the culture's highest ideals, not necessarily the one who is their actual leader. The Egyptians who were more connected to the Sun, its nature and what it symbolizes, worshiped Ra as their highest god, for example. The Greco-Roman culture which was patriarchal and warrior-like made Zeus as the creator of the Gods. And so on.
I thank everyone for their answers, it is pretty much as I imagined, but I liked to hear what others had to say about the matter.
By the way, who would Hades be then? I lack that information.
This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?
I think the myths symbolize nature; when one is at the sea, above them is the sky, their body at the ocean, and under their feet is the underworld.
This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?

I will explain all of this in Satanic Cosmology. But the situation is, that Zeus is actually Poseidon and Hades [3 in 1] and that these are three sub-divisions of the same power that is referred to as Zeus.

Zeus leads the Supernal realm
Poseidon, is on the world of "Idols" or the existing world (middle dimension, earth, astral realm)
Hades (underworld).

Beelzebul is the leader of the universe and created order. Satan rules beyond this, as the force of forces, the "One God" that is mysteriously and constantly referred to. As such, he is associated in Yoga as the "Ultimate Reality", "Existence beyond bounds", "The primary light" or the "Primary Darkness" and in short, Ultimate Truth also.

These two are simultaneous realities.
I will explain all of this in Satanic Cosmology. But the situation is, that Zeus is actually Poseidon and Hades [3 in 1] and that these are three sub-divisions of the same power that is referred to as Zeus.

Beelzebul is the leader of the universe and created order. Satan rules beyond this, as the force of forces, the "One God".

These two are simultaneous realities.
NGL I had my own theories but this is way beyond what I had in mind, the updated Demonology section cannot come soon enough, with all due respect I assumed much of the information like Nergal being Hades and Satan being Poseidon came from the Gods themselves, was this not the case? Perhaps going forward when information comes directly from the God/s in question it should be highlighted as to avoid the conflation of speculation from research and actual divine exposition so people know when something is more "theoretical" as opposed to canon.

Good to know moving forward, I did find the Satan = Poseidon confusing not because of his placement in the Greek Pantheon but simply because Seas=Magic seemed a little too simplistic an allegory especially as other Gods of the occult like Thoth or Lillith are not directly tied to the ocean.

I take it Varuna is also not Satan then? His energy was very distinct compared to Satan's from my experience, perhaps he is Dagon? Just to be certain are the Vedic Gods actually are Gods I havent been invoking energies of non Satanic entities have I?
Poseidon and Varuna are not Satan. Satan is correlated with the highest aspects of most clarified understanding (No delusion), and Varuna or Poseidon are correlated to be symbolism that has to do with the domains in where delusion can occur. That is not necessarily a bad thing. But Satan extends beyond the above.

Satan and Beelzebul are essentially almost "One". Generally, ideas like the trinity of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva are also related as concepts to this and these concepts do originate primarily from the Gods.

Yes, there is more than this simplicity to these things. But simplicity is great because it helps the mind start acknowledging certain concepts.

Vedic Gods sometimes act as entities, and in other aspects, they act as eternal cosmic forces.

Since the above can be confusing, please be patient to clarify it.
Poseidon and Varuna are not Satan.
I knew it!

In all seriousness thank you for the response, I dont want to come across as impatient as I know its a tremendous amount of work your doing to clarify these subjects, I am just expressing my eagerness to see the project completed I know its going to be something that will uplift us all and its going to be a huge day for the JoS and the discussions it will create and knowledge it will reveal is going to be immense.
This is just a curiosity that has been boggling me, and it could be born out of ignorance/misunderstanding the mythology.
However, in the Greek/Roman mythology, why is Beelzebul, as Zeus/Jupiter, the Father of all the Gods and Leader of Them, instead of Satan, as Poseidon/Neptune?
Well Kronos ate all his sons and daughter, and only Zeus escaped this fate.

Then he poisoned Kronos and he puked them all.

So Zeus was the leader and he guided the Gods to the victory, and he created the order of Cosmos in the Caos.

He was also the one that has set free the cyclops and ecatoncheris, that made the Gods win.

This in the greek context.
I will explain all of this in Satanic Cosmology. But the situation is, that Zeus is actually Poseidon and Hades [3 in 1] and that these are three sub-divisions of the same power that is referred to as Zeus.

Zeus leads the Supernal realm
Poseidon, is on the world of "Idols" or the existing world (middle dimension, earth, astral realm)
Hades (underworld).

Beelzebul is the leader of the universe and created order. Satan rules beyond this, as the force of forces, the "One God" that is mysteriously and constantly referred to. As such, he is associated in Yoga as the "Ultimate Reality", "Existence beyond bounds", "The primary light" or the "Primary Darkness" and in short, Ultimate Truth also.

These two are simultaneous realities.
But wasn't Hades Nergal? How can Zeus become Hades?
I'm very confused.
I see that with the latest sermon, this thread has revived.

I will explain all of this in Satanic Cosmology. But the situation is, that Zeus is actually Poseidon and Hades [3 in 1] and that these are three sub-divisions of the same power that is referred to as Zeus.
Do you mean that there will be a new section in the JoS called "Satanic Cosmology" or are you referring to your latest sermon?

Zeus leads the Supernal realm
Poseidon, is on the world of "Idols" or the existing world (middle dimension, earth, astral realm)
Hades (underworld).

Beelzebul is the leader of the universe and created order. Satan rules beyond this, as the force of forces, the "One God" that is mysteriously and constantly referred to. As such, he is associated in Yoga as the "Ultimate Reality", "Existence beyond bounds", "The primary light" or the "Primary Darkness" and in short, Ultimate Truth also.

These two are simultaneous realities.
I will not lie, to my this is... I don't know, "confusing" doesn't feel right. I can get the basic principle, but I can't see into the implications.
I'm particularly interested in how much of what we thought was right, it's actually not or it's outdated, based on this new knowledge.
And then, is it even possible to put to words, in our modern human languages, what Father Satan even represents at this point? You used very abstract names, like "Existence beyond bounds" etc. that by themselves I wouldn't know what they mean. I guess the question boils down to: can this be expanded upon in a simplified way? Or at least, the implications of this "new" knowledge on ourselves at the JoS?
And then, is it even possible to put to words, in our modern human languages, what Father Satan even represents at this point? You used very abstract names, like "Existence beyond bounds" etc. that by themselves I wouldn't know what they mean. I guess the question boils down to: can this be expanded upon in a simplified way? Or at least, the implications of this "new" knowledge on ourselves at the JoS?
He has no limits to what He represents.
He has no limits to what He represents.
And that's okay, noted, but saying this doesn't help clarifying anything. What are the implications? We must find a way to translate this notion as accurately as possible into something understandable, not by simply stating the fact, but stating what does it mean, what does it imply.

For example, there are many notions we had which might be needed to be put in perspective now that this is out:
- The notion of Father Satan being a mortal before pioneering the Magnum Opus, is this still true? If it is, were He and Beelzebul two separate individuals but their level of Consciousness puts them so close that they're almost as One? Or are these 2 personas of the same Nature? There once was a man, which now has many aspects?
- Can the level of Power and Consciousness attained by Father Satan have a retroactive effect? If he is simply limitless?
- We always said that our Gods are not like the fake jewish god, who (((they))) say is omnipotent and created the Universe etc, but we rather also said they are Immortal and of incredibly Higher Powers and Consciousness compared to us, but they still had physical bodies for the most part, etc... Is this still true or should be revisited? We always said that Father Satan was completely in tune with the Universe and has mastery over it, rather than having created it etc. Not that HPHC directly said this, but it kind of sounds like it, maybe I'm misinterpreting.
- Zeus, Poseidon, Hades. If they are 3 aspects of Father Satan, does this mean the jews stole this concept for their "holy trinity" in the bible (father, son, ghost)?
- [other things I can't remember right now]
There is two possibilities here. The historians could have miss understood what the actual rank of the Gods was and just because Zeus is called the king of the heavens assumed he was the king of the Gods because the Gods are in heaven.

Zeus could have been a guardian of kings while Poseidon was the guardian of spiritual seekers and sailors so they could have assumed that he was of a higher rank based on who they watch over.

It’s typical Gods watch over and held certain types of people, they had Gods for women and craftsman too. Since to the Greeks the kings outrank the magicians and priests they could have wrongly assumed it was the same way with the Gods.
I will explain all of this in Satanic Cosmology. But the situation is, that Zeus is actually Poseidon and Hades [3 in 1] and that these are three sub-divisions of the same power that is referred to as Zeus.

Zeus leads the Supernal realm
Poseidon, is on the world of "Idols" or the existing world (middle dimension, earth, astral realm)
Hades (underworld).

Beelzebul is the leader of the universe and created order. Satan rules beyond this, as the force of forces, the "One God" that is mysteriously and constantly referred to. As such, he is associated in Yoga as the "Ultimate Reality", "Existence beyond bounds", "The primary light" or the "Primary Darkness" and in short, Ultimate Truth also.

These two are simultaneous realities.
Greetings dear HPHC, I admire and love you for your knowledge and diligence.
Can you suggest me resources to study? I want to study but can't seem to find believeable books or contents. I want to contribute by content writing. But without knowledge in parallel with satanism what/how can I write or read?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
