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Why does this path seems tougher for others?


Sep 28, 2017
I’ve been on this forum for years, and something that always sparked my curiosity was that, everyone here has gone through really tough moments, sometimes at the verge of suicide.

But why for some others it’s not nearly as hard. personally I’ve had stuff happen but nowhere as bad, most of the times it’s “just” a fake state of mind where everything seems to fail and I say “I’m a failure” it really feels as I’m being mind raped or smth

Sure, these moments do suck, and I cannot control them but, this is nowhere as bad as other satanists.

My point here is not to brag, neither to bring the usual bullshit argument of “if satanism is good then why does this happen” rather I want to find the logic behind this (if there’s any) and why it’s so intense

I really don’t understand why everyone seems to go through all that stuff while others (me for example) dont, or, it does happen but with way less intensity.
Because equality doesn't exist and we are all individuals who have a different soul and different karma.
Different people are made of different energies, and are inside of different situations. And most people never talk about the problems they had, so it looks like it was easier for them than it really was. Some people did much more work in their past lives, so they have less work to do now. Some people have had more problems in their past lives, so they have more to fix now.
You’re just basing this on selection bias. It may only seem that way because you are basing your thoughts on the forums alone. Many people come to the forums for help and advice in dark times and offer their advice from similar experiences. That and Satanist are subject to enemy attack. We are at war. It can be difficult for some and not others, same with life in general, but don’t limit your views from the glimpses of lives you see here.

You have to think about the thousands of Satanists that don’t participate in the forums as well as the people that aren’t as open about their personal lives.

Most people go through dark times in their lives, especially on the path of advancing their souls. It’s like fixing and cleaning out a dilapidated house in some cases. Not easy. But to say everyone here has been on the verge of suicide at some point is a pretty large exaggeration.
V12-POWER said:
I’ve been on this forum for years, and something that always sparked my curiosity was that, everyone here has gone through really tough moments, sometimes at the verge of suicide.

But why for some others it’s not nearly as hard. personally I’ve had stuff happen but nowhere as bad, most of the times it’s “just” a fake state of mind where everything seems to fail and I say “I’m a failure” it really feels as I’m being mind raped or smth

Sure, these moments do suck, and I cannot control them but, this is nowhere as bad as other satanists.

My point here is not to brag, neither to bring the usual bullshit argument of “if satanism is good then why does this happen” rather I want to find the logic behind this (if there’s any) and why it’s so intense

I really don’t understand why everyone seems to go through all that stuff while others (me for example) dont, or, it does happen but with way less intensity.

Because meditation and cleaning the soul brings negative feelings and bad emotions to the surface. These feelings can be hard to deal with for some people and that's why they always get so emotional and depressed. Meditation brings all the bad things about you to the surface so you can clean it off your soul an deal with it. This includes negative energy/thoughtforms, emotions, and karmic issues. I feel like a lot of people that come here were from violent or sad pasts and they turned to Satanism as a way of rebellion and escape from all the wrongs they suffered in life. A lot of people are unhappy with themselves at a subconscious level and they want to change.
Some people are called here by the gods and where already naturally more open and didn't have many problems with themselves, so they aren't really effected by meditation in any bad way. They don't have many negative issues with they're soul or any bad karmic problems.
V12-POWER said:
I’ve been on this forum for years, and something that always sparked my curiosity was that, everyone here has gone through really tough moments, sometimes at the verge of suicide.

But why for some others it’s not nearly as hard. personally I’ve had stuff happen but nowhere as bad, most of the times it’s “just” a fake state of mind where everything seems to fail and I say “I’m a failure” it really feels as I’m being mind raped or smth

Sure, these moments do suck, and I cannot control them but, this is nowhere as bad as other satanists.

My point here is not to brag, neither to bring the usual bullshit argument of “if satanism is good then why does this happen” rather I want to find the logic behind this (if there’s any) and why it’s so intense

I really don’t understand why everyone seems to go through all that stuff while others (me for example) dont, or, it does happen but with way less intensity.

This has to do with karma and our natal planets.

If someone's past life was full of suffering, misery or they experienced horrific trauma such as torture or died a most painful, violent and gruesome death, this will cling to one's soul and manifest in the next life as an unfortunate upbringing and the development of things like anxiety disorders, depression disorders, ill health, disabilities, etc which then draws on even more suffering and misery from the negative energies these things produce in us, the law of attraction.

This is why suicide does not make one escape their problems in their current life, it only makes the next one even worse, which is why one must dedicate to cleaning their souls, freeing themselves and fixing things in their current life.

Planets in one's natal chart can also cause problems and suffering in their life. A prominent and bad Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are the worst suspects, with Saturn being the most brutal. I always thought it was ironic how Saturn makes you suffer but also gives you the endurance and grounding to withstand and survive the suffering it brings, granted the suffering it brings doesn't outweigh this.

Some people can just be born with good planets that make life easier for them and have better karma than some, that's all. I was born with a very powerful Saturn, Mars and Pluto and in my past life I was a Pagan Templar Knight who seems to had been subjected to gruesome torture and was probably then executed or died from such... so you can imagine what a fantastic start to this life I had. If it wasn't for Joy of Satan I wouldn't still be here right now and alive.

My life has gotten insurmountably better, it's a damn paradise compared to before, so all that negative shit can be fixed and things can get better if you put in the work and have the help and guidance of Satan and the gods; I don't want to imagine where I would be by now without them. Suicide fixes nothing.
I think the #1 reason why SS fail or end up in bad situations are drugs. #2 is not doing protection and energy body cleaning regulary.
V12-POWER said:
Childhood abuse/neglect, past life trauma, shitty astrological placements like a strong Neptune or Saturn, there are many reasons why someones life is harder than another's. Kind of a strange, narrow minded question.
V12-POWER said:
I’ve been on this forum for years, and something that always sparked my curiosity was that, everyone here has gone through really tough moments, sometimes at the verge of suicide.

But why for some others it’s not nearly as hard. personally I’ve had stuff happen but nowhere as bad, most of the times it’s “just” a fake state of mind where everything seems to fail and I say “I’m a failure” it really feels as I’m being mind raped or smth

Sure, these moments do suck, and I cannot control them but, this is nowhere as bad as other satanists.

My point here is not to brag, neither to bring the usual bullshit argument of “if satanism is good then why does this happen” rather I want to find the logic behind this (if there’s any) and why it’s so intense

I really don’t understand why everyone seems to go through all that stuff while others (me for example) dont, or, it does happen but with way less intensity.
These things are case specific and can be seen on a person's charts. Some people have nastier karmic seeds than others and therefore suffer more.

Regardless of how nasty one's soul is, it can be fixed with the very meditations and workings on JoS and the forums. Just keep cleaning your soul and aura every day and you'll be good, eventually fixing certain problems completely.
Take body-building or marathon-running, for example. It is easier for some than others, and there are different types of Magick which every individual is more capable of doing more than other types of Magick, more than other individuals. The constant attrition by the enemy is to weaken and break-down a person and their Soul; like attracts like, so we must do opposite of weakness and breaking down and death, and instead attract positivity, strength, empowerment, etc. If one has a goal of winning World Strong Man or the Marathon, then bellyaching about it won't help them win it. Bellyaching is something they are used to doing. They should become used to doing and winning. Of course breaking through that veil might be scary or difficult, but that's all it is - a veil, not an impossibility.

What has been forced upon one's Soul throughout the years and lifetimes all has accumulated - and in a sense it becomes comfortable and it is very familiar, just like bellyaching. When we get rid of all of the grease and grime and 'fumigate' our Souls, so to speak, then all of that crap is disgusting and a lot of cleaning pads/sponges/scrubbing brushes, disinfectant, soap and water, etc. are required, and that takes a lot of hard work, toil, sweat and blood (literally or figuratively) and tears (again literally or figuratively) to achieve. After this, whether consciously or unconsciously, the Soul and Mind and Body all feel different, and one is not used to that change, so they must adjust and adapt to it - cleaning, improving, revamping all take time.

Then after all of the cleaning, we have to redecorate and re-ornament-ate our Souls, but before we can do that, or as we are doing that, we have to repair the 'building' of the Soul first or at the same time, as well, undoubtedly, all before we can live happily again. Cleaning and getting rid of shit is only one part of it; there then needs other things to be done, like the 'rebuilding' and the 'redecorating/re-ornament-ing', etc. You wouldn't clean up a hoarder's house and then leave it for a new tenant to move in; you'd do the next steps and make sure it is of a decent quality before they move in. It's the same with our Souls - there is more work to do than "Abracadabra!"* or "Alakazam!"** and poof. We have to do Spiritual things as well as Physical things, to make things manifest and work.

* No one is sure as to the origin of the strange word 'abracadabra'. ... - Nevertheless, there are several theories that place the derivation earlier, including:
Roman sages, notably Serenus Sammonicus, coined the word and devised the repeated word formula in the 2nd century AD.
It being related to another magical word - 'abraxas'. In the Greek system of alphabetic numerology this word is significant in that it contains letters that add up to 365, the number of days in the year.
The word is of Hebrew or Aramaic origin, being derived either from the Hebrew words 'ab' (father), 'ben' (son), and 'ruach hakodesh' (holy spirit), or from the Aramaic 'avra kadavra', meaning 'it will be created in my words'.

However, it seems likely that abracadabra is older and that it derives from one of the Semitic languages, though nobody can say for sure, because there is no written record before Serenus Sammonicus. For what it’s worth, here are some theories:
It’s from the Aramaic phrase avra kehdabra, meaning “I will create as I speak”.
The source is three Hebrew words, ab (father), ben (son), and ruach acadosch (holy spirit).
It’s from the Chaldean abbada ke dabra, meaning “perish like the word”.
It originated with a Gnostic sect in Alexandria called the Basilidians and was probably based on Abrasax, the name of their supreme deity (Abraxas in Latin sources).
Fans of the Harry Potter books will know the killing curse, Avada Kedavra, in which J K Rowling seems to have combined the supposed Aramaic source of abracadabra with the Latin cadaver, a dead body.

**Unknown, with various theories ranging from spontaneous usage as a nonsense chant, to less likely sources from Arabic, Latin, and Hinduism.
It isnt simply just "being on this path" that makes the path tough. Everyone here live in various different situations and circumstance. Past life karma/ current life karma/ planetary placements in ones natal chart/ etc all play a part in making things both easier and difficult regardless of being on this path or not. This is not to mention the curses placed on us by our enemies. But once one places themselves on this path there lies the chance to make better ones situation and gain power to control ones own fate.
One word, Saturn. The kind of experiences Maxine wrote about for instance in her sermons she uses to illustrate her points on SS, reflect a Saturnian mark in her provenance. Whether in a transitory or natal understanding there. The same thing applies with other members here who go through shit of all kinds, other things can indicate things like bad degree points, bad fixed stars and so on.

It seems tougher for others because they have the 'benefit' of experience. Others here have the benefit of inheritance, fortune and philosophy- in another word, Jupiter. Others here who have a strong Jupiter will be the ones who dont take SS as seriously but if they do they will benefit the whole here very greatly if they get off their fat arses. Jupiter is like a coolio college professor who thinks hes sick despite the fact he doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about. Saturn is the guy who is actually the subject of the class so its much better to meet Saturn and experience what he has to show you but he wont care exactly how he defines it for you to fit nice and easily for you. He might end up killing you if you dont work hard in college. Of course you don't have to leave college and become homeless to understand this, but just take note of what Saturn is saying. It's much better to have Saturn as a college professor for that reason, as opposed to a force on your soul.

If you think things aren't as bad for you, do anything which requires responsibility idk - try and start a business or something, and you'll see that things will start to become harder for you as you come to meet people who expect things from you and place trust in you etc. Also having to research all the laws and manage extra business shit when you'd rather walk your dogs for example. In certain cases if you decide to waste others time and fuck people over you are going to experience trauma. Now take someone who has a poor family or disabilities that cant start a business, well they don't even have the satisfaction of security and enough time to study and meditate in the first place, they have to work and depend on outer people like the government who are very liable to fuck you over even more. These people will tend to make the most of what they do have access to because if they dont they will suffer directly and are also naturally very time conscious because of this(time is of Saturn) and will appreciate more of life when it is good for them as they are usually in more total control of their affairs. You say you have moments you cannot control, where you are being mind raped, really that's just your own bs and physically you know you have it better off than others. If you make the effort to take the reins, you will have a far more expansive outlook that isn't restricted by demands like caring for sick family members or living in a communist collective farm or something. You have more freedom which would be more useful to someone in a shittier situation than you.

Jupiter and Saturn work on a polarity with one another and one should seek balance in the understanding of these two planets.

This path is actually an easy path for the Jupiter lot, but with inaction you're gonna piss off Baal and he might fuck you over a bit lol.
thanks for the replies...Yeah I thought a lot of it had to do with planets but was unsure, actually, the mix of the 2 (past lives + planets), btw, having it "easy" doesnt mean one sits on their ass 24/7, I expected such comments lol
Well it has to do with Saturn usually, but also fixed stars can affects us a lot, and bad transits. Don't forget enemy attacks.

I think that actually most SS have a phase in life when they feel stuck. Sometimes it's just enemy attacks that can ruin a lot even for those who fixed their life.
Most unluck in life has to do with not enough cleaning of the soul, bad karma but also with being immature. Bad transits are easier to deal when you are older and when you are acting mature even if your soul is not in a perfect state, it will be easier if you learned how to deal with bad stuff and when you know how to clean youself.

I know one SS who has both Caput Algol and Zosma in his natal chart. It's like unlimited source of suffering, almost every day some trouble, every day he is full of bad energy, everything going wrong. Every day he feels grumpy and sad and often some idiots just suddenly appear to ruin his day even more. He is often abused and bullied for no special reason whatsoever. Those stars can ruin your life.

Me, myself, based on my position of Saturn and some of bad aspects with it, will always have (unless I don't fix it with some workings) really bad problems with confidence, self-esteem, problems with chasing some of my most important dreams and really, really bad health issues. Add Zosma and similar shit...Not good at all.

My biggest struggle right now is health actually. I'm feeling really bad lately and it's affecting my mood a lot, I'm often bedridden and my mental states are affecting my body, and my body is affecting my mental states back. Fucking digestive problems mannn. I actually should get an operation to help me with some stuff, but nah, nobody wants to do it cause it's not life threatening based on doctors, tho I barely can eat anything anymore without feeling like dying. They admitted I will always have really bad problems tho, but I guess nobody gives a fuck, at least not in my country. My nervous system is acting weird too last few weeks :?

I'm not ashamed to ask for professional help for my mental states, I think I need it, I feel really anxious and depressed lately, it sucks, but I will refuse to take anything harmful in my body tho. I feel stuck kinda...Not feeling too talkative lately at all too. Frustrated as fuck.

So yeah, life can really be hard sometimes. What looks easy for another can be hard for us tho. I noticed how easy I would fix some issues other SS have, but I barely can fix mine. I guess it's usually like that. It's not okay to judge too much. We all have our own battles it seems. Also it's kinda funny how people who usually look always like trainwreck and who are often attacked by the enemy end up doing a lot for others and have big impact in the world later sometimes, while others who always have boring life where nothing much is happening end up not doing anything special. Not everything is so black as it might look like x)
Many people seem to think that karma has a big role in this.... Well then i want to know wtf i did to deserve a lifetime of emphtyness, loneliness... Always being beaten up and yelled at while i was the nicest person you could find, So tell me what does karma have to do with that? I sure as hell dont know.
Azorm said:
My biggest struggle right now is health actually. I'm feeling really bad lately and it's affecting my mood a lot, I'm often bedridden and my mental states are affecting my body, and my body is affecting my mental states back. Fucking digestive problems mannn. I actually should get an operation to help me with some stuff, but nah, nobody wants to do it cause it's not life threatening based on doctors, tho I barely can eat anything anymore without feeling like dying. They admitted I will always have really bad problems tho, but I guess nobody gives a fuck, at least not in my country. My nervous system is acting weird too last few weeks :?

I'm not ashamed to ask for professional help for my mental states, I think I need it, I feel really anxious and depressed lately, it sucks, but I will refuse to take anything harmful in my body tho. I feel stuck kinda...Not feeling too talkative lately at all too. Frustrated as fuck.

Hey man, I just got done going through a similar shitty health moment. You should really look into some nearby traditional chinese medicine clinics to help with what you are going through. They take concern with smaller symptoms that aren't life threatening, like you mention, and the treatments are all herbal formulas and acupuncture, which is as safe as it gets. It is holistic healing, just like JOS, but while JOS is more long term and spiritual-sided, TCM works quicker and is more physically-sided. In other words, use TCM now instead of trying to do a long drawn out working, if it is available to you.

In my case, I had a webcam appt with a doctor and she prescribed me some herbal formulas, which then fixed my issues over the following weeks. Most of these places can ship to you, and you could theoretically schedule with the same clinic I used and ask them to ship herbs to you directly, so availability of TCM where you live should not be an issue.

I just want to tell you that I felt just like you, frustrated and kind of depressed and feeling like shit. I wanted help but didn't know where to start, and I felt like I was just wasting time every day wallowing around. Learned from my experience and schedule with some sort or TCM doctor ASAP. Tell them exactly everything wrong with you. Take some time now to detail all your symptoms as best as you can.

Azorm said:
So yeah, life can really be hard sometimes. What looks easy for another can be hard for us tho. I noticed how easy I would fix some issues other SS have, but I barely can fix mine. I guess it's usually like that. It's not okay to judge too much. We all have our own battles it seems.

I feel the same way. That's just how it goes. We all have different insight and strengths/weaknesses.
Cro666 said:
Many people seem to think that karma has a big role in this.... Well then i want to know wtf i did to deserve a lifetime of emphtyness, loneliness... Always being beaten up and yelled at while i was the nicest person you could find, So tell me what does karma have to do with that? I sure as hell dont know.

Karma isnt about being a good slave, taking abuse, never taking revenge, or avoid hurting others. Karma is energy imprints based on actions and circumstance put into your soul over time/lifetimes. For example, one being shot dead from behind can develop a lingering fear of something dangerous always being behind you in the next life. Karma carries over regardless of whether one remembers or not, deserved or not. Planetary placements and transits also play a role as well in what happens in your life. This isnt about whether its "deserved or not". It about whether it is or isnt a problem and in your case it is.

So the solution should be obvious. Take control of your fate. There are plenty of resources on the JoS and on this forum that will help get rid of negative karma as well as weathering or completely negating bad planetary placements.
It’s all a mindset basically. Some people choose to keep suffering and thinking negative in a stubborn way. I never suffered a lot either despite having some negative stuff happen to me and spiritual attack. I always had plenty to survive I never missed a meal I always had a place to stay or go back to. Never had any real problems that I couldn’t get myself out of in one way or another.

I personally don’t get it either why some people choose to suffer especially Satanists but they still do and they let the enemy and others who take a negative path too much in their mind and stubbornly refuse to work on their negative karma and cleanse themselves.

No one should ever dislike themselves or let what others think bother them we are with Satan it’s a brand new day the sun is shining the earth herself rejoices in its light. The world is free soon. But many both with us and without will still choose to be dismal and grey and look at things in a bad way. They will choose not to smile and not to be happy.

I guess that’s their loss. Those of us who choose a positive path and good things can just enjoy life and cleanse our karma always striving to be better why they stay stuck stagnant and at the bottom. Talking to some people is like talking to a brick wall. Obviously even if they read this they will be like but how can you get what you want and never truly suffer. I have had people ask this before and become jealous of me but they don’t want to work on bettering themselves or think positive so that they might have the same thing.

It’s their choice so I guess they will live with it.
Cro666 said:
Many people seem to think that karma has a big role in this.... Well then i want to know wtf i did to deserve a lifetime of emphtyness, loneliness... Always being beaten up and yelled at while i was the nicest person you could find, So tell me what does karma have to do with that? I sure as hell dont know.
I don't think you know what karma is.
Hey man, I just got done going through a similar shitty health moment.

It happens, it's normal. Nobody is perfect but we have to do what we can to fix the situation.

Thanks for advices, I'm actually starting to have similar ideas in my mind. I am using lots of herbs now to help me with my states, but I need something more. I also have scoliosis that is adding to my issues most likely, after this calms down a bit more with corona I must fix my spine finally. Those blockages can affect whole body and soul, it's not okay to walk around with such a spine. All SS should check do they have scoliosis or some damage on their spine, it might be a reason why they actually feel like crap and why their body is suffering too. It's just that energy can't properly flow in the body, it's only natural there will be issues. I should feel better after my spine is fully healed and fixed I think.

I used to have some more health issues but they disappeared after I added more yoga and I noticed how back pain can just spread through the body and affect the organs and other muscles too.

Started Munka working with Satanama together, at first I was skeptical will those two work together but they can be used together in healing and freeing the soul workings apparently. They are working perfectly. Hopefully it will help me with some of those issues I am facing now. I'm tired of it already. I'm almost unable to leave bedroom for months already, tho we had this lockdown thing anyways lol.
I'm glad you are feeling better ^^
I will check are some decent doctors available soon to help me more with this all.
Cro666 said:
Many people seem to think that karma has a big role in this.... Well then i want to know wtf i did to deserve a lifetime of emphtyness, loneliness... Always being beaten up and yelled at while i was the nicest person you could find, So tell me what does karma have to do with that? I sure as hell dont know.

Often it's all in our head. You would be suprised by how many people who are often bullied and abused are actually okay with it deep inside, even more, part of them wants it. It might sound weird but often we attract those things to ourselves cause we believe that we somehow deserve it, we might feel guilt from past lifetimes or because of some situation that happened to us in this lifetime. When we are often abused and bullied it also triggers some sort of self-hate or we might have always some deep fears and paranoia that blocks us to fight for ourselves when situation becomes bad again. Slowly it becomes a habit... run away, hide, cry, pity yourself or hate yourself or both. Be mad at world but do nothing against it.

We should fight back. I cursed some idiots already, it felt awesome. It took me a while tho to learn properly how to use black magic but I get it now. It's all about draining almost and directing anger. Soon you might start wanting to punish everyone who wronged you, it becomes addictive. You just start understanding how to put people down in every way, even just by talking. Then they all start running away slowly. Nobody wanna even talk back. Silence.

Just keep cleaning your aura and soul, whatever your karma is it will be cleaner. Whatever you might done in the past, you are here now. Nobody cares what you wronged before really, because we are here to advance. What happened in the past stays in the past, here it all can reset itself so to say. Most likely you used to be too nice actually, people love sometimes to use nice people, maybe it just became a habit of yours not to deal with those things properly... You should find out and heal and clean your soul.
slyscorpion said:
It’s all a mindset basically. Some people choose to keep suffering and thinking negative in a stubborn way. I never suffered a lot either despite having some negative stuff happen to me and spiritual attack. I always had plenty to survive I never missed a meal I always had a place to stay or go back to. Never had any real problems that I couldn’t get myself out of in one way or another.

I personally don’t get it either why some people choose to suffer especially Satanists but they still do and they let the enemy and others who take a negative path too much in their mind and stubbornly refuse to work on their negative karma and cleanse themselves.

No one should ever dislike themselves or let what others think bother them we are with Satan it’s a brand new day the sun is shining the earth herself rejoices in its light. The world is free soon. But many both with us and without will still choose to be dismal and grey and look at things in a bad way. They will choose not to smile and not to be happy.

I guess that’s their loss. Those of us who choose a positive path and good things can just enjoy life and cleanse our karma always striving to be better why they stay stuck stagnant and at the bottom. Talking to some people is like talking to a brick wall. Obviously even if they read this they will be like but how can you get what you want and never truly suffer. I have had people ask this before and become jealous of me but they don’t want to work on bettering themselves or think positive so that they might have the same thing.

It’s their choice so I guess they will live with it.

I should add to this something I realized so it doesn’t sound cold hearted. It’s not that I don’t have negative karma or all that. The fact is I had invoked Betelgeuse star a few years ago a lot and that helped me out. I have a strong Jupiter. Yes I sometimes have problems being serious but also I have strong Saturn.

What I did do is work on my issues when they came up through cleansing and stuff.

It kind of doesn’t matter astrology or karma anything can be fixed if you know about it and work on it. The biggest issue for me was sexuality and gender because I grew up in a fundy xtian household I still feel really sad thinking about it. Cause they made me feel bad for having a desire more for guys or masculine partners as a guy.

It can be fixed though you just have to work on it. I was lucky in that when I was born I knew there may be some shit growing up since I had to deal with it before so I intentionally waited for a positive aspect with moon and sun to stop that that was the only thing I chose intentionally I believe. It still didn’t stop everything but made it better.

But anyways some people choose to have a negative mindset and be depressed and not work on their issues. That is what is bad. If your having bad luck someone tells you a working that could help and you don’t do it or look up one on your own to cleanse it then that is what you choose. I had that happen a few times over the years then they complain about the fact I don’t seem to have a lot of problems. Well duh cause I am aware of what could have caused that and did protection or a working to stop it or better the situation.

This is what I mean. I am not cold hearted I know some people have issues but this frustrates me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
