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Why Do We Do What We Do?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In this world, there is a lot of negativity. Much of this, is because of the natural state of the world. The Gods, coming here a very long time ago, have left for humanity some very important knowledge, namely, the Spiritual knowledge.

As humanity was created by the Gods, they were given certain tools so that those who needed to approach them could do so. These means passed down in generations and many civilizations were built, where human beings progressively tried to finally finish this work that was left unfinished on themselves.

The last "quite a few" centuries, who we know call an enemy, has decided that this knowledge would be removed and taken on the hands of a "few". As if this was not enough, "religion" was malformed into a set of rules merely for incurring and continuing notions of slavery and evil perpetuated by a very few people who called themselves the "Jews" or the "Holy People", or even, "The Chosen of God".

For many centuries these people were rightfully treated as insane or terrorists, and they have been punished by many of their host Nations over an array of different crimes and wrongdoings. Instead of them understanding that was the result of their incurred evil, they continued by claiming this is because everyone else was wrong in over 100 countries that kicked them out.

In their books, for centuries, spiritual power has been misused to harm many people. There are whole Nations, races and regions that are mentioned in these books with sheer hatred and the desire to kill them utterly and to destroy them, written in pages of the Bible.

The jewish people have "claimed", over fully unverified claims that have been found by historians to be bogus, that these people tried to attack them while in other parts of their books they clearly state they went to live in the midst of these people literally like predators and destroy them even if they were treated normally and perfectly because it was "Gods will" to do so.

Namely, the murder of Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Iranians and many others is mentioned and celebrated in the Bible as a thing to celebrate. Of all the religions of the world, only the jews are literally celebrating the death or extinction of other races and tribes, let alone the destruction of their "Idols" and "Gods".

No other serious religious faith has enjoyed any of this, as we were all coming from Sanatana Dharma or the "Primordial Way" which was established by our Gods. Therefore, regardless of regional or historical disputes, we left religion out of this. Cultures absorbed in one another but in the end we kept having the same cultural core as Gentiles, which focused around finishing the work of the Gods on humanity.

Jews however decided that they should steal everything and impose a corrupted version of nonsense that would lead humanity anywhere but in it's final destination. Through war and conquest, and endless seas of blood, all at the price of returning humanity that was passing the cusp of the Golden Age, we had to return to the darkest ages merely for the jews to satisfy their hatred.

Even today and everyday, there are endless amounts of jews who pray for the death or destruction of Europe, White people, the United States, or all Gentiles. They literally "pray to God" for this. Their "Gods" and their "Metaphysics" are only stolen from the people that they baselessly attacked. They grow their children based on this hate, and teach them to look at others as prey and to be relentless in crimes against others.

Additionally they tell them this is "Gods will" and they instill dangerous superiority complexes into their own that make them essentially criminals, usurers, or sociopaths that infiltrate Gentile civilizations only to loot them with the higher "Goal" to construct Israel.

Indeed, I never wanted to hate anyone in particular in my life, nor I consider hate a necessity. I would like to live and leave this world into a better and more peaceful place. Yet, knowing anything of spirituality and connecting these dots only allows one person to either fight against all of these injustices or merely die off as a slave.

Over the years of studying a lot about these "people" and their "culture", I came across maybe a total of 2-3 jews who were very well studied and understood the magnitude of their own crimes as a people. They know their people have done tremendous crimes, and knowing the laws of karmic retribution, among other laws, they knew the day would come where they would pay.

As I want to be frank even with my enemies, I will also say that only 1 of these jews appeared to be enlightened enough to understand that they have done crimes so big and terrible, that spent his life trying to set his own reptilian race into a straight line. Yet as we can understand this "jew" was only a pariah to his own "people", and they definitely attacked him and considered him a lunatic.

All this jew did was literally not imply that they should stop anything, but rather, that they should tone it down and stop only to an extent. In other words, this was almost as hardcore as the rest of them, but just a bit less - and this was enough to earn them the title of a pariah for not being a terrorist zealot to the fullest extent like the rest of them.

In history, even some jews as they are inbred, have decided to cancel or at least try to stop some of this, oftentimes being at odds with themselves. Those who did this, were rebuked, cursed and attacked by the other jews of course, because this bunch is really always behaving this way.

Clearly the Rabbi was not doing this because they had a good heart, or cared about the "Goyim" as he referred to anyone else, but because they had foreseen the amount of crimes and negativity of his own people was going to eventually crush them in a form of giant debts incurred because of their spiritual crimes. So he told them to slow down.

Of course they didn't listen. This makes one wonder about the general level of the jews and how they see the world.

Compared to Gentiles, the jews are very serious about their beliefs. Their schizophrenic beliefs that source themselves into the insanity of a few of their race, are very important to them and they are ready to kill and destroy anything that comes their way in the form of criticism or opposition. They will not tolerate any Gentile to even care or speak about any of this. If any of their own speak out, they will immediately crash them and banish them.

It should be expected that this "Rabbi" not only went unheard of, but has been largely dismissed by others, who are no better than the "Priests" of their sister religions of Islam and Christianity. When they are not busy molesting and preaching hate, they are busy preaching hateful verses from vehement books and generally carrying a pointless crusade against the Gods who are the true authors of both humanity and this planet.

Specifically this Rabbi was highly concerned that if the Jewish people keep doing "Sins" or negative actions, someone like "Armilus" or the "Anti-Christ" is going to show up and holocaust all of them. The Rabbi however as they always complain, and most Rabbis, know that such events occur when the jews have upset the balance of the world, which they have been doing for time immemorial and fully conscious of this.

For example, as they keep cursing and trying to destroy the Gentiles, they are putting their own selves and souls at jeopardy. Yet they ignore this as we can see and proceed constantly, such as they did with all their latest agendas. Then something crazy happens and they are running in all directions, in general increasing in power the more they decide to deny or not behave themselves.

All the enemy is doing collectively is done to appease some very evil otherworldly forces, who have them on a short bargain to do so. Centuries of this have cost humanity the greatest amount of cost that they could have, and we only recently on the resurgence of the Ancient Gods we have seen any civilization that is commendable starting to built itself up again.

Before this, on the reign of the enemy programs, their preaching had become reality: murder, pain, wars, ignorance, illiteracy, stupidity - all of this and nothing else life has been for centuries. And a few crooks that stayed on top of this to profit, with no hope for humanity left.

Returning back to this kike that tried to warn others, the whole of his "race" is and has always been unable to move past the seething hatred and destruction that is incumbent in their programming, let alone that they are unable to exist and live like anyone else. Ideas that they promote about "Brotherhood of Mankind" they only promote to others in order to race mix them and destroy them. When they preach about "Uniting cultures" they merely speak about stealing elements from others, or for others to lose their cultures, while they try to have an unalienable culture unaffected by all others, or so they claim.

Their culture if anything, is stolen from Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Arabians, Hindus and Greeks. Yet for all of these people and more, one will find only hatred and vehement comments into their work. The jews go as far as to dance and celebrate the passages from the Psalms about killing off the children of the Babylonians and other crazier things.

Through infinite calls of both negative events, calls to reason, pogroms, chasing them out of Nations, even trying to "Christianize" them as people tried, ie, to instill in them a more "peaceful" system of beliefs, the jews really only have gotten worse and more aggressive. Now, the "New World Order" comprised of many of racial jews, cannot help it's seething saliva from wanting to destroy and annihilate on a consistent basis.

Even Christianity which is a making of the jews, tried to really just calm them down a little bit through Jesus, their Jewish Hoax Savior, but failed completely because they were that insistent into this negative path.

Other things fall short in front of their jewish genetics, or their hateful culture, which is literally based on theft and destruction. Anyone who has any good in them, will be disgusted to read the Old Testament, seeing in it only the laws of the jungle and nothing else. The New Testament on the other hand, represents jewish nonsense that is in contrast with the already exaggerated and infinite hatred of the "Old Testament". Both of these books are asswipes and they should never have existed.

Yet through these were born even more religious and moral abominations, which progressively have eaten out the souls of humanity and caused the present day decay of the swinging of the pendulum that has brought us into moral lawlessness globally.

While most human races that might have done mistakes have at least given things to others, the jews are on the bottom of necessary achievements when it comes to giving anyone anything that was not stolen at first and given out later only in fragmented pieces. They also rank the highest in their attempts to steal spiritual knowledge and lock it in for their exclusive use, or in practices that represent evil, greed and control.

Needless to say following the history of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, one will see mostly a chain of ignorance and destruction unfolding itself that started from the primary womb of Judaism and it's confused ideas. The few "positives" in any of this were created by Gentiles who naturally wanted to do the good thing, and did so despite of what these programs of death did teach.

Christianity or any of these odious programs started having any "positive" content in it after about 15 centuries of literally razing everything and people trying by all means to climb out of the hole of ignorance. Those who did were called heretics and tried to malform Christianity into a form of pseudo-paganism, just to try to have some semblance of spiritual knowledge or logic inside their minds to later export the sanity back again in society. And despite their best attempts we are nowhere near sanity yet.

It is imperative to note that one has to be crazy to think to themselves that letting a people with such a culture and cultural background, but also such openness in professing global slavery as their ultimate goal, is a good idea to be allowed to run our world.

What do you think is the "Great Reset" and all of these hostile agendas like the "New World Order"? These are merely jewish abominations that have arose out of the thoughts of the jews, or in particular practicing jews who are in league with hostile entities.

These do not represent plausibly the plan of any positive or good force, and in no way these represent holy or spiritual ideals, but are rather the dreams of the jews under a new cloak for the present day era.

Even some jews who understand they might be the ones who will be destroyed and disenfranchised when their own will come to power, know this and have exposed this as they know this will destroy them and all their freedoms. They will end up as the borg. Let us also remember that the borg race here was the first to recommend microchipping people literally over a shit flu such as the Co-Vid flu.

And unfortunately they have been poisoning the minds of leaders, Nations, or even the Spiritual knowledge of this world. With the results of this being seen strongly in present day ethical, spiritual, and material chaos that has overtaken many places of this world.

The more their teachings are absent from a place, a nation, or a Constitution, the better a civilization and life people can have. The more one follows their insanity, the worse for them.

Nations who for example have followed the Jewish line of "measures" for Co-Vid 19, are only scrambling the floor right now financially. Europe is a primary example. You listen to them, and you will get destroyed in life.

The countries that adopted lovingly the beliefs and theories of jews like Communism, Socialism, Christianity, or Islam, and took these very seriously, literally became shitholes. Those that had problems and adopted any of the above, became even worse than before.

The amount of escaping from this black hole of destruction is reliant and correlated with the amount of ignorance and denial the Gentiles did show to Jewish programs. The more people denied these, the better people fared in personal or national life.

As the situation has it, in order for humanity to move on and truly advance, these neolithic creatures have to be removed from any office of decision making and every form of spiritual influence, but also material and financial influence. Or as the world moves forward they will destroy it either deliberately or through their self destructive mistakes.

Finally for those who constantly ask about what we want as an end to this situation, I will say this: This is on the hands of the Gods and it will be on the hands of the people to decide and their proper leaders. The emphasis here is in giving people knowledge, awareness and promoting the notion of justice which has been absent.

Past this, the world itself and the Gods will have to decide what will be the outcome, and history will prove the rest.

We truly would hope that the jews were not as they were and have not earned for themselves the title of "irredeemable", but that is clearly not the case nor it looks like it could ever be in the last thousands of years. Therefore, defense against their attacks if of utmost necessity.

We are not obligated to want to exist as slaves of the jews, under a jewish "god", or under a system which constantly tries to race mix us or is built to siphon away our creations to the jews. We are obligated to want to live in liberty, under our own laws, and in the end also under our own Gods as masters of our destiny without the jews and their nonsense.

The jews could self moderate their own neolithic insanity but they have purposefully decided to biologically and spiritually infiltrate us for their own greed, personal gains, and to appease some very evil forces that have a plan to kill them too in the end. Gentiles have constantly paid the bills of jewish greed, insanity, and stupidity.

One war right now between Russia and Ukraine that is almost triggering WW3 is literally done by one jew and one crypto jew. Before this, we invaded Iraq because Israel wanted to do this to "make it more secure". Our world and policies and constantly forced to exist not in the benefit of humanity, but this bunch of crazy people that preach about bashing children of the Babylonians on rocks as their Jewish National Holiday.

One cannot reasonably think that this should be acceptable or a normal thing for any civilization to do. We are entering the Age of Aquarius and this cannot be the given state of affairs.

As a final note, all of this happens because it's necessary, not because of hate or anything else in particular. Nobody wants to hate in that regard, but to not dislike them and want to ward off their influences is at the very least a foolish approach. The Gods preach justice and it has to be applied.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Spine said:
Another inspiring, pleasant to read sermon. Thank you, High Priest.

I would like to say the same 🙏🏻 Thank you, High Priest for everything 🙏🏻
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One cannot reasonably think that this should be acceptable or a normal thing for any civilization to do. We are entering the Age of Aquarius and this cannot be the given state of affairs.

As a final note, all of this happens because it's necessary, not because of hate or anything else in particular. Nobody wants to hate in that regard, but to not dislike them and want to ward off their influences is at the very least a foolish approach. The Gods preach justice and it has to be applied.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

hphc666, please write in more detail and broadly about what will happen in the age of aquarius, i’m getting ready and waiting for 2023
The key to dealing with the Jewish problem is Self Realisation. The Swastika in itself among other meanings , symbolises the Self ,that's is PàraSiva , the Formless Brahman within. ParaSiva Realisation and the powers that come with it are only granted to noble souls. That's the advantage we have over them. They are also granted powers but it's limited. Self Realised souls cannot be touched by any entity,even the Gods respect and honor Self Realised souls and will also worship such as God. The key to the Jewish power has always been to keep Gentiles , ignorant of their Divine Nature within. Keeping the Awareness externalised. Making the material life difficult,keep people "hustling" as way of keeping Gentiles externalised , therefore keeping them away from the Yoga. That's why in a Dharma society, poverty has to be done away with. So that people get over the illusion that material things will bring them the contentment they seek. If these things are had easily,a material rich society. People will get over illusion pretty quickly and will naturally go within ,coupled with Dharma education. Their pop culture, material difficulties and so on is designed to keep Gentiles externalised and unaware of their Divine Nature within. Part of the subliminal behind the Swastika flag by The Thule Society in Germany ,was to remind the Gentiles of their Divine Nature and that it's the Realisation of this Divine Nature within that would bring victory over the enemy. The Eternal Truth within. A Realisation which brings liberation in all aspects , material and spiritual. The Eagle rising out the Swastika represents this and symbolises the Kundalini serpent power when it reaches the crown chakra (Swastika). The Kundalini becomes permanently the "flying eagle " or " flying peacock" ,she never ever goes to sleep after hitting the crown chakra.
Swastika is symbol of Auspiciousness, Sun God Consciousness ,Self Realisation. Symbol of Salvation. This Divine Nature within us ,is key ,
the more Self Realised souls we have the better. The world , universe is conquered from within. In our Rtrs and other ritual we vibrate AUM. The Universal God sound. Nothing happens without AUM.
" Truth will be the final victor in this struggle,Truth however is with us" - Hitler.
Fear not.
Another beautiful sermon! ⚡I enjoyed reading this❤🔥 HP HoodedCobra666 I love your posts and everything you share. You inspire, and encourage me! And because of this you have made me into a stronger person! And so many other people in this community! World wide! 🌎 I appreciate you and all that you do. ❤ you are an amazing teacher! And a wonderful influence on us all! Thank you!!🔥💯% HAIL SATAN!!
Tbh high priest, when you say nobody needs to hate in that regard, i kinda disagree. These pieces of shit have literally been killing , torturing and raping us ever since they came here, they are alien. their souls literally have a completely different anatomy, not just their body and face. They do not deserve to not be hated. They are aliens as i said. they will always hate us to no end so why shouldn't we??? Just look at all the mass murder and torture the dark ages brought! Some of it is still present in the middle east! Look at how they are destroying and killing Palestinians and their children on the streets! Im sure youre seeing this. If this isnt enough reason for us SS to hate them on a fundamental level then i dunno what is.

Unless you mean it as in not letting overall hate to eat away at your soul which is correct because hate isnt supposed to stay with a healthy balanced being for long. But this is the enemy we are talking about so endless hate i think is reasonable due to how long they have been destroying the gentiles.

Seriously white ppl need to be waaaay more assertive and they need to have all the necessary means to defend themselves and their family and nation. If any immigrant dares try do anything in an Arab or middle eastern country they get taught the lesson of their lives for example. But white ppl are generally kinder and more refined, but still they should abandon that side of their racial quality for now and take action. And thankfully they are again starting to have the same amount of conviction seen during Nazi germany which is an extremely positive and hopeful thing to see. Videos of white people defending themselves physically are again starting to rise in number. This is great. But i think it should be kept consistent to develop into sth refined and powerful.

Also on a side not.... how many years do we have left until the age of Aquarius???
Finally for those who constantly ask about what we want as an end to this situation, I will say this: This is on the hands of the Gods and it will be on the hands of the people to decide and their proper leaders. The emphasis here is in giving people knowledge, awareness and promoting the notion of justice which has been absent.

Past this, the world itself and the Gods will have to decide what will be the outcome, and history will prove the rest.

Your recent sermons are made as if you made all of us a question pool with the subjects we want clarification about. :)
Some days ago I was just thinking of this end. I figured out it can't be stated now - how we will shape the world after they are gone. What bugs me is how all this bad karma they've made for themselves and our Warfare will manifest in the physical world and make them slip and lose their power. But I guess that, like the question of when this will happen, can't be answered momentarily. I suppose we'll see it with our own eyes some lives from now.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
... I figured out it can't be stated now -

Not everything can be said.

Yes, your worries are viable, but hopefully the Gods will guide us to the best way.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Tbh high priest, when you say nobody needs to hate in that regard, i kinda disagree. These pieces of shit have literally been killing , torturing and raping us ever since they came here, they are alien. their souls literally have a completely different anatomy, not just their body and face. They do not deserve to not be hated. They are aliens as i said. they will always hate us to no end so why shouldn't we??? Just look at all the mass murder and torture the dark ages brought! Some of it is still present in the middle east! Look at how they are destroying and killing Palestinians and their children on the streets! Im sure youre seeing this. If this isnt enough reason for us SS to hate them on a fundamental level then i dunno what is.

The point is that we did NOT want to hate them, because we are not hateful warfamorgers.

But that it happened now and that it's fully justified over their attacks on us for so long.

This hate exists, it cannot not exist. They also claim it's just random hate but when they are seeing it's justified they cannot reason their way out of this, because as explained they know what they have done.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Tbh high priest, when you say nobody needs to hate in that regard, i kinda disagree. These pieces of shit have literally been killing , torturing and raping us ever since they came here, they are alien. their souls literally have a completely different anatomy, not just their body and face. They do not deserve to not be hated. They are aliens as i said. they will always hate us to no end so why shouldn't we??? Just look at all the mass murder and torture the dark ages brought! Some of it is still present in the middle east! Look at how they are destroying and killing Palestinians and their children on the streets! Im sure youre seeing this. If this isnt enough reason for us SS to hate them on a fundamental level then i dunno what is.

The point is that we did NOT want to hate them, because we are not hateful warfamorgers.

But that it happened now and that it's fully justified over their attacks on us for so long.

This hate exists, it cannot not exist. They also claim it's just random hate but when they are seeing it's justified they cannot reason their way out of this, because as explained they know what they have done.

Yes. That is correct.
Thank you for replying 🖤
Excellent post hooded cobra! Extremely true and enlightening!

I would like to say that the gods have been helping me see these truths more and more! I feel I can understand what horrible things Christianity, Islam ect. Have bought into this world! It’s like a revelation! It’s hard to describe this but you sort of just “know” how the world could be so much better without it!

I remember hearing on the jos site about how people can be driven to suicide because they can’t be themselves. Well these disguising Jewish religions have ruined literally billions of lives, (it ruined mine) and robs people of their birthright freedom and individuality and beauty!

On a side note I see my guarding demon and she sometimes wants to kiss me and other times she looks a bit dissapointed in me. Anyway. I’m still learning and have a ways to go!

Dedicating my soul to Satan… very happy I did!
that's how I understood the whole situation in each sentence.

I will never forget their mockery against our God._

of course i ll fight back.

even if my bloodline had to do with a "weak" that would be my blood, that's what I'd want and that's what I'd want to be with.

and we have the Strongest.

Either so or otherwise, they remained faithful to their own scriptures.

So will never overlook and never forgive in eternity our traitors.
(as those who know JoS but prefer other aspects of what ever etc etc)
I said it once but for those new I'll say it again ,their is a reason the new testament was rejected by jews, cause the new testament out right mocks the old testament, by saying in acts 7,you weren't worshiping yhvh in the wilderness you were worshiping moloch (note.again jews try to blame their human an animal sacrifices on pagan Gods)but in doing so the new testament says that the God moses was worshiping was moloch, which is not the case it's obvious the jews were worshiping the jewish thoughtform,an when pagans called them out on their vile ways, the jews would play victim,gentiles hated the worship of the jews,cause the jews would sacrifice humans animals even their own to their god,the jews an their crimes against humanity is infuriating but in the end, I hope the jews get all the negative karma they rightfully deserve amplified
I said it once but for those new I'll say it again ,their is a reason the new testament was rejected by jews, cause the new testament out right mocks the old testament, by saying in acts 7,you weren't worshiping yhvh in the wilderness you were worshiping moloch (note.again jews try to blame their human an animal sacrifices on pagan Gods)but in doing so the new testament says that the God moses was worshiping was moloch, which is not the case it's obvious the jews were worshiping the jewish thoughtform,an when pagans called them out on their vile ways, the jews would play victim,gentiles hated the worship of the jewish god,cause the jews would sacrifice humans animals even their own to their god,the jews an their crimes against humanity is infuriating but in the end, I hope the jews get all the negative karma they rightfully deserve amplified
I really enjoyed this sermon, HP. There were many truths you outlined about Jewish folly that became obvious through your dialogue, and the clear given examples of psychopathic and schizophrenic behaviour, which is uniquely prolific to the highest extremes in the Jewish people, really reminds one as to why we're doing this. These people are people to no one except themselves, and they would throw each other under the bus to save a shekel, let alone what they would do to a Gentile to save a fingernail.

You speak very wisely, too, HP. Some things can't be said (and some things don't need to be) and I got that impression towards the end of your Sermon.

Well said.
Death_Trap7737 said:
I keep trying to find out how i convert, but i can't seem to find anything, can someone plz help me?

Start here please: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
