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Why do 'neo nazis' get so much hate online and in real life?


New member
Sep 24, 2023
Hi, so I'm new here, I'm a 15 year old Theistic Satanist. I discovered this website a few weeks ago and started reading stuff around here. Personally, I believe that so called 'neo nazis' are also humans and do not deserve to be shunned, hated and hurt for who they are. 'Free speech' right? So where's the free in speech now days?
Because they are basically very stupid. They do not think or work in ways thay are constructive to actually making anything better. Being hateful, and whining and complaining, does nothing to actually make anybody's life better.

Most of all, all of those groups are created and controlled by jews for the direct purpose of using these dumb people as basically videogame NPCs to purposefully create public images that look very bad, so they can use this as propaganda to control all regular people to react in a planned way to come further under jewish control and enslavement. How often do you hear them use the words "January 6" to force people to do things, or to steal political power? This January 6 event was a planned and staged event created by fbi jews like Ray Epps and was purposefully done specifically so they can use this as a political tool.

Any kind of "neo nazi" affiliation is just a way for people to turn themselves into actors within communists' planned "play performances" so that everybody in the general public "audience" who witness this "play" will all be controlled by this propaganda.
Karusa said:
Hi, so I'm new here, I'm a 15 year old Theistic Satanist. I discovered this website a few weeks ago and started reading stuff around here. Personally, I believe that so called 'neo nazis' are also humans and do not deserve to be shunned, hated and hurt for who they are. 'Free speech' right? So where's the free in speech now days?

Good question. Free speech is under public attack many places in the West.
A "neo-Nazi" is anyone who dissents from the woke narrative a few decibels too loudly. Case in point, prophet of Eurasianism Alexander Dugin (a sometime buddy of Putin) is described as a neo-Nazi by the West.
Karusa said:
Hi, so I'm new here, I'm a 15 year old Theistic Satanist. I discovered this website a few weeks ago and started reading stuff around here. Personally, I believe that so called 'neo nazis' are also humans and do not deserve to be shunned, hated and hurt for who they are. 'Free speech' right? So where's the free in speech now days?

There is no such thing as "freedom without consequences" or "freedom without responsibility". "Free speech" means the government can't necessarily arrest you for praising Hitler. But this doesn't cover private businesses, nor won't it stop people from harassing you and coming after you. Even if you manage fend off a couple angry people and get them arrested for threatening you, it'll come to a point where it just mountain-loads and all of a suddenly in a world of shit.

I can yell "fuck you" to someone in the street, and while many jurisdictions wouldn't list that as a crime since I didn't actually threaten anyone, I'm STILL going to face the consequences by provoking an actual altercation.

Since you're new, one of the things that JoS emphasizes is to keep yourself safe, and when preaching Truths like Satanism and National Socialism, going around showing off is the exact opposite way to do it.

There's a lot of reasons by "neo-Nazis" are lambasted, other than what has been stated, it also starts AND ends with the fact that most "neo-Nazi" groups, as well as self-proclaimed groups aren't preaching real National Socialism, but degenerate Christianity. Many are also simply fake and controlled opposition funded by Jews. Most of their so-called "activities" consist of going around, faking to be Hitler's soldiers, engaging in race wars, waving around a Swastika flag - a symbol they don't know jack shit about, all the way while preaching that American and the world needs to bow down to the murderous rabbi Jesus....claim they hate Jews but then go around worshiping the murderer false messiah. Some of the "neo-Nazis" of Ukraine and Russia are also perfect examples.

Many also preach a society where everyone will be all-rural, but this is not a teaching within Satanism. Satan wants society to advance. Farmers and rural people are to be respected, but the entire wanting to keep everyone backwards, and live lives where they gotta toil in the sun......that's shit's gotta go. In an advanced Satanic society, even rural people will be using advanced technology.

Satan hates phony groups, and no differently than the way JoS feels about the Church of Satan, LaVeyan Satanism, Illuminati Satanism (especially that one) etc., they need to be called out.

Once you progress spiritually, and you get to know Satan and the Gods, you'll quickly find out that the real National Socialists and real Satanists and Pagans are far and few, yet so effective and precious to the Gods.

Real NS are busy doing work for the Gods, not going showing off about what a bunch of toughy boy "Nazis" they are. Many of these show-offy fake "neo Nazis" end up getting their asses beat, and it's well-deserved since they put a really stain on National Socialists, and prevent the REAL NS from ever getting a chance to come to the Light.

Also the term "Nazi" was an insult of Jewish origin against National Socialists. Although it's understandable why new members use the term, but if you notice, the HPs often-not, refrain from using that term, and will instead use the term "National Socialist".

Hope this helps
Real warriors walk the talk, phonies and show-offs just talk and nothing else.
Because years of Pavlovian conditioning on the population via movies, television, and the education system being rigged, no different as why people have irrational fear of Satan and their own Pagan Gods aka Demons, in order to make them have emotional reactions to even hearing words like "Satanism" or "Hitler".

Subliminal Messages in The Movies:

Holocaust Exposed:

These "neo nazis" and fake "satanists" (like the "Temple of Satan") also being victims of this programming (or even agents of it) in order to act like idiots and then misrepresent Satanism and National-Socialism, as to benefit the enemies of Satan who want to keep humanity asleep and ignorant.
That makes sense. So, quick question, because I'm new to this perspective and all (being an American born chinese person), who was Hitler actually?
Hitler, whatever else he was, was a leader who attempted national independence from international finance (abbreviated, "kike bankers.") For this sin, the race-traitors of the West destroyed him.
Hitler was anything but destroyed. His attempts at liberating us from jewish yoke, however, 'only' bought us time instead of complete success. What He achieved was much needed, for Him personally (His personal development, reaching perfection), and on the larger picture for the people of Europe.
What do you think about Stalin btw? Because Communists say that Stalin was actually not a bad leader.
Egon said:
Holocaust Exposed:

I did read somewhere that a lot of European leaders knew that Anne Frank's diaries or whatever was actually a forgery or a fake. Of course...they face the wrath of getting sued and fined.
Henu the Great said:
Hitler was anything but destroyed. His attempts at liberating us from jewish yoke, however, 'only' bought us time instead of complete success. What He achieved was much needed, for Him personally (His personal development, reaching perfection), and on the larger picture for the people of Europe.
Exactly. Many people think that Hitler "failed" his mission because he lost the war, but if it wasn't for Him this world would have turned into a Communist nightmare a long time ago.

He stopped the enemy from achieving his goals, He exposed them and showed how quickly they can be removed from all positions of power despite their massive influence, that's why they're so paranoid to this day and see Nazis everywhere. Yes they have incredible influence, but they can lose it extremely quickly.

Also the Truth will still be there forever, despite their attempts of covering it. Once the jews will be exposed more and more, people will start to realize how great and ahead of his time Hitler was.
Karusa said:
That makes sense. So, quick question, because I'm new to this perspective and all (being an American born chinese person), who was Hitler actually?
From the website I quoted:
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told: https://www.holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust/Videos/Greatest_Story.html

*The above documentary although it portrays Hitler's achievements and real humanitarianism in detail, is wrongfully confused with xtian bias, portraying Hitler as a "christian", so it should be complemented be reading the following:

Third Reich and Satanism

Karusa said:
What do you think about Stalin btw? Because Communists say that Stalin was actually not a bad leader.
He was a lunatic jew doing nothing different than recreating all the mass murders and control freakism that his tribe commanded in their jewish torah (the old testament) masked as atheistic "political" ideology, read:

Christianity and Communism - Jewish Twins:

The Real Holocaust:

Death of Communism:
There is nothing objectionable about being a national Socialist (Nazi) or communist. I am neither but I veer closer to national Socialism because I approve racial hygiene.
Stalin is a fake name. His real name he was born with was Dhugasvili [I spelled it wrong, something like this] which directly translates to Son of a Jew.
Actually that translates more appropriately towards, "Jewison"; so Joseph Dugashvili/Dugasvili/Dhugasvili/Dhugashvili, Joseph Son of a Jew, or Joseph Jewison.

Stalin from what some have said over recent times as of the time of this post. He was a Kabalist like Lenin only at a much higher order and possessed an almost Rebbe if not outright Rebbe position of understanding. In fact funny enough Lenin and Stalin both faked their birth dates to avoid being black magicked by people involved in the occult.

If Stalin was not who he is politically but rather restricted himself to religion. He'd probably be either a Rebbe of the region or considered a Messianic Rebbe and be the 4th or 5th Rebbe kinda like Scheneerson the 5th Rebbe.

Stalin was involved deeply in xtianity as well kinda like the Stalin meme poster of puppeteering the pulpit of the Slavs.

Funny enough he employed the same tactics North Korea uses since the creation of the tyrants dynasty. Train them in Communism the logical conclusion of Xtianity. And train them in Xtianity to believe and employ it in their respective places in case people break free from control.

As well I wouldn't be surprised if Stalin would agree with NazBol that Putin has had communication with Alexander Dugin i.e. Duginism or National Bolshevism. Nazi economy with Communist Philosophy. Hell Fascism would have served them equally well considering the totalitarian aspect, control of the companies to control the media.

It's not just NazBol but FascBol hell I wouldn't be surprised if Dugin and the Orthodoxy of Xtianity and Judiasm have communicated such stuff. Stalin's understanding of Judiasm and like Amschel Mayer and his haskalizing i.e. synthesizing of new religions using prior elements. I wouldn't be surprised if Stalin would laugh his ass off at Alexander Dugin and crown him a Messiah of the so-called chosen people.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
