I have to agree with the OP's question overall to some extent. How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general? It seems like everything would be far simpler if there was just one race per planet, and then race-mixing would not be a concern at all. Moreover, I fail to understand how especially the creation of the Black Race was helpful in the long run. As far as I can tell, they were a net drain on Whites who were the ones to produce most things of value in the world, and now Arabs and so on are being used as a race mixing tool by the Jews. If non whites hadn't been created, this wouldn't have been a problem.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is not a question of inferiority but a question for life to keep going on the planet and in general.
Malkom2 said:You tell us to not respond with the correct answer, do you just want us to encourage your superiority complex?
Ketchup said:Aryan thread got me thinking, why create not white? Why create races inferior to your own? Do not reply with "we r all uniquely equalDDDD".
Thank you.
Yeah and White Race is superior to others as a Race, but individually there are a lot of non-Whites way more superior to some White people. You, HPs Shannon, are an example of this. You are 1000 time better than any White christian, communist and so on...And as a HPs you are better than most of Satanists here. People shouldn't think: "I'm white and this is the reason i'm better than all non-whites". Individually things can be different, but generally yes white are superior. And Gods are superior to whites and some Gods are superior to other Gods. That's nature, that's life.HPS Shannon said:It's not about superiority and inferiority. And why is there an association that makes inferiority an entirely negative thing?
Nature is all about ranks and heirarchy and the gods go by this too. Does that mean the lower ranking gods have no purpose or divinity? Their still gods.
The non whites were created by the mind and will of Satan and our gods and they desire and appreciate diversity. If that wasn't the case, then Satan wouldn't have even bothered in creating non whites if he thought they were "inferior" or no good.
The situation was discussed by Azazel pertaining to the white race, and he said "Yes, we are the best, but the best creates the best".
He was referring to the non white creation.
I have worked with Azazel and am honored to work with him continuously. He is my guide at this point, as we work on certain things. Yes, he is white, and this white god sees me as a being with great potential and he invests in me and expects me to do great things and push myself regardless of my race.
Azazel has shown me psychically and through feeling that whether you are a white, black or yellow gentile, we all are striving to be superior beings and any gentile is worthy to reach this status of godhood. Thats all I care about these days.
I was shown what the gods want for all of us, and how they feel about us and our degeration. They are passionate about us and our evolution, very much so.
The enemy has really attacked me super hard on the race subject since I was ordained almost to the point of me leaving the clergyhood. Thats how bad it was. But I was constantly reminded on the situation.
I am a black gentile of Satan, and I have his kundalini serpent power in me and that makes me happy and capable of doing what a white gentile can do. That's the power of the serpent, its not just about race entirely. The kundalini is super powerful and transforming on the mental, physical and spiritual level. It evolves each race past the limitations they were born with. And evolves according to the race wile enhancing their own traits. A superb and godly being of each race is created.
Yes, the white race is superior and a good race and we non whites come from them in aspect. The gods are superior to all the races of the earth but majority of people wouldnt get upset at that, would they?
It is each race's birth right to be gods.
HPS Shannon said:It's not about superiority and inferiority. And why is there an association that makes inferiority an entirely negative thing?
Nature is all about ranks and heirarchy and the gods go by this too. Does that mean the lower ranking gods have no purpose or divinity? Their still gods.
The non whites were created by the mind and will of Satan and our gods and they desire and appreciate diversity. If that wasn't the case, then Satan wouldn't have even bothered in creating non whites if he thought they were "inferior" or no good.
The situation was discussed by Azazel pertaining to the white race, and he said "Yes, we are the best, but the best creates the best".
He was referring to the non white creation.
I have worked with Azazel and am honored to work with him continuously. He is my guide at this point, as we work on certain things. Yes, he is white, and this white god sees me as a being with great potential and he invests in me and expects me to do great things and push myself regardless of my race.
Azazel has shown me psychically and through feeling that whether you are a white, black or yellow gentile, we all are striving to be superior beings and any gentile is worthy to reach this status of godhood. Thats all I care about these days.
I was shown what the gods want for all of us, and how they feel about us and our degeration. They are passionate about us and our evolution, very much so.
The enemy has really attacked me super hard on the race subject since I was ordained almost to the point of me leaving the clergyhood. Thats how bad it was. But I was constantly reminded on the situation.
I am a black gentile of Satan, and I have his kundalini serpent power in me and that makes me happy and capable of doing what a white gentile can do. That's the power of the serpent, its not just about race entirely. The kundalini is super powerful and transforming on the mental, physical and spiritual level. It evolves each race past the limitations they were born with. And evolves according to the race wile enhancing their own traits. A superb and godly being of each race is created.
Yes, the white race is superior and a good race and we non whites come from them in aspect. The gods are superior to all the races of the earth but majority of people wouldnt get upset at that, would they?
It is each race's birth right to be gods.
ConsistentMeditator said:I have to agree with the OP's question overall to some extent. How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general? It seems like everything would be far simpler if there was just one race per planet, and then race-mixing would not be a concern at all. Moreover, I fail to understand how especially the creation of the Black Race was helpful in the long run. As far as I can tell, they were a net drain on Whites who were the ones to produce most things of value in the world, and now Arabs and so on are being used as a race mixing tool by the Jews. If non whites hadn't been created, this wouldn't have been a problem.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is not a question of inferiority but a question for life to keep going on the planet and in general.
So, are non whites inferior or not? Are you arguing that non whites were overall worth it in helping Whites live on the planet? And if you are saying it doesn't matter whether they are inferior or not because they were needed for life to keep going on the planet, how does that work? Did the presence of Blacks in Africa or Asians in Asia somehow affect the ecosystem and keep it going? If not by somehow magically doing that, then I don't see how non whites have been helpful, since they haven't been of any major use to Whites, most particularly with Blacks. In fact, I would go as far as to argue that even if the non white races had been created completely equal to whites and been similarily useful in developing civilization(which obviously didn't happen in reality), it would still be better if Whites were the only race on the world. Given the presence of the Jews, it is obvious they will try to racemix Whites into oblivion, and Whites happen to be good-natured/stupid enough to let that happen out of a misplaced sense of empathy. Even if it took twice as long for the civilizational development to take place it would be much more reliable in a one race per planet situation. What would the Jews do in such a situation? Race mix all Whites into being part Jew? Not really doable with how ugly the Jews are and how low their numbers are.
To ask for specifics in this, I would want to know your opinion on the IQ situation in terms of race. What is your specific opinion on IQ and its relation to race? Do you think it can be raised on a racial level? IE, if it is possible for Blacks and Arabs and etc to possibly attain the same average racial IQ as various White groups.
But overall, even leaving aside the IQ question and the question of racial inferiority and superiority, it simply seems like it would have been far more efficient for Whites to be the only race on the planet. Then race mixing simply wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I am misunderstanding this and the Gods never originally planned to resort to leaving the world behind, in which case race mixing never would have become an issue. But even if they had good intentions originally, it certainly seems like it didn't turn out well at all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:You straw man me so much that it becomes impossible to answer coherently, and you take so many presuppositions that are false in your arguments that it makes it impossible.
The planet is big. Members of the same race, even if they divide for as little as two to three centuries, they may lose contact with one another. This happens in species in nature. In even worse situations, these forget all together that they are related, and they start wars, and kill each other, without any reason other than conquest. This is a thing that happens to the animal kingdom. This goes as much as dividing or breaking off from a tribe. It's not something that happens purposefully, but because of nature.
Indigenous people existed also, and other Gods from our side have also created races as a commemoration of their own blood. The most blatant and obvious thing in that we are from the same source is that our primordial cultures are strikingly similar, it all follows the same very obvious pattern.
Whites cannot by definition live in many other locales on the planet, and we have no reason to be there, at all. We are biologically not supposed to be there. And this was so much time ago, that nature herself has also affected our progress and evolution, same as that of other races. The enemy has been the greatest degradation factor. The Gods did not intend or create the life rooted issues that result of things. These are highly analyzed in the ancient literature, they just...happen. Despite of how much one "plans" anything, life does not develop in a glass cage.
Gods are not only "White Nordic", there are many other species. In regards to why this is the case, it's because bio-diversity is an actual thing in the universe, and the universe is developing different beings all the time, rather than always creating the same. The biodiversity on the animal kingdom is far more extreme than the earth, but the case is what it is. Different life is valuable life, on the very long term perspective.
The issues with race mixing and retarded things that happen now are decaying problems, and dangerous, but these are short-term problems. On the other hand, if a race such as the White race does not withstand this, the question of importance of life and so forth, is under question itself. Life is actually most surprising and most deserving of multitude and attention, be this for bad, or for good.
Life rarely goes as planned in living systems, and with the levels the Gods and their enemies are developed to, everything is to be expected.
ConsistentMeditator said:I have to agree with the OP's question overall to some extent. How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general? It seems like everything would be far simpler if there was just one race per planet, and then race-mixing would not be a concern at all. Moreover, I fail to understand how especially the creation of the Black Race was helpful in the long run. As far as I can tell, they were a net drain on Whites who were the ones to produce most things of value in the world, and now Arabs and so on are being used as a race mixing tool by the Jews. If non whites hadn't been created, this wouldn't have been a problem.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is not a question of inferiority but a question for life to keep going on the planet and in general.
So, are non whites inferior or not? Are you arguing that non whites were overall worth it in helping Whites live on the planet? And if you are saying it doesn't matter whether they are inferior or not because they were needed for life to keep going on the planet, how does that work? Did the presence of Blacks in Africa or Asians in Asia somehow affect the ecosystem and keep it going? If not by somehow magically doing that, then I don't see how non whites have been helpful, since they haven't been of any major use to Whites, most particularly with Blacks. In fact, I would go as far as to argue that even if the non white races had been created completely equal to whites and been similarily useful in developing civilization(which obviously didn't happen in reality), it would still be better if Whites were the only race on the world. Given the presence of the Jews, it is obvious they will try to racemix Whites into oblivion, and Whites happen to be good-natured/stupid enough to let that happen out of a misplaced sense of empathy. Even if it took twice as long for the civilizational development to take place it would be much more reliable in a one race per planet situation. What would the Jews do in such a situation? Race mix all Whites into being part Jew? Not really doable with how ugly the Jews are and how low their numbers are.
To ask for specifics in this, I would want to know your opinion on the IQ situation in terms of race. What is your specific opinion on IQ and its relation to race? Do you think it can be raised on a racial level? IE, if it is possible for Blacks and Arabs and etc to possibly attain the same average racial IQ as various White groups.
But overall, even leaving aside the IQ question and the question of racial inferiority and superiority, it simply seems like it would have been far more efficient for Whites to be the only race on the planet. Then race mixing simply wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I am misunderstanding this and the Gods never originally planned to resort to leaving the world behind, in which case race mixing never would have become an issue. But even if they had good intentions originally, it certainly seems like it didn't turn out well at all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:You straw man me so much that it becomes impossible to answer coherently, and you take so many presuppositions that are false in your arguments that it makes it impossible.
The planet is big. Members of the same race, even if they divide for as little as two to three centuries, they may lose contact with one another. This happens in species in nature. In even worse situations, these forget all together that they are related, and they start wars, and kill each other, without any reason other than conquest. This is a thing that happens to the animal kingdom. This goes as much as dividing or breaking off from a tribe. It's not something that happens purposefully, but because of nature.
Indigenous people existed also, and other Gods from our side have also created races as a commemoration of their own blood. The most blatant and obvious thing in that we are from the same source is that our primordial cultures are strikingly similar, it all follows the same very obvious pattern.
Whites cannot by definition live in many other locales on the planet, and we have no reason to be there, at all. We are biologically not supposed to be there. And this was so much time ago, that nature herself has also affected our progress and evolution, same as that of other races. The enemy has been the greatest degradation factor. The Gods did not intend or create the life rooted issues that result of things. These are highly analyzed in the ancient literature, they just...happen. Despite of how much one "plans" anything, life does not develop in a glass cage.
Gods are not only "White Nordic", there are many other species. In regards to why this is the case, it's because bio-diversity is an actual thing in the universe, and the universe is developing different beings all the time, rather than always creating the same. The biodiversity on the animal kingdom is far more extreme than the earth, but the case is what it is. Different life is valuable life, on the very long term perspective.
The issues with race mixing and retarded things that happen now are decaying problems, and dangerous, but these are short-term problems. On the other hand, if a race such as the White race does not withstand this, the question of importance of life and so forth, is under question itself. Life is actually most surprising and most deserving of multitude and attention, be this for bad, or for good.
Life rarely goes as planned in living systems, and with the levels the Gods and their enemies are developed to, everything is to be expected.
Very interesting observation that the indigenous people were also there when our gods arrived. I can also relate to this idea and have spoken about it before that some blacks are the product of genetic manipulation and while the aryans are direct sons and daughters if our Gods who were unable to complete the magnum opus due to disruptions by the enemy. The indigenous people all around the world were probably the result of natural evolution which was going on since a long time without alien interference. Therefore we could say that the Aryans are fundamentally from outside this world while the blacks have a genetic ancestor here on this earth. All of this is pure theory though.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:You straw man me so much that it becomes impossible to answer coherently, and you take so many presuppositions that are false in your arguments that it makes it impossible.
The planet is big. Members of the same race, even if they divide for as little as two to three centuries, they may lose contact with one another. This happens in species in nature. In even worse situations, these forget all together that they are related, and they start wars, and kill each other, without any reason other than conquest. This is a thing that happens to the animal kingdom. This goes as much as dividing or breaking off from a tribe. It's not something that happens purposefully, but because of nature.
Indigenous people existed also, and other Gods from our side have also created races as a commemoration of their own blood. The most blatant and obvious thing in that we are from the same source is that our primordial cultures are strikingly similar, it all follows the same very obvious pattern.
Whites cannot by definition live in many other locales on the planet, and we have no reason to be there, at all. We are biologically not supposed to be there. And this was so much time ago, that nature herself has also affected our progress and evolution, same as that of other races. The enemy has been the greatest degradation factor. The Gods did not intend or create the life rooted issues that result of things. These are highly analyzed in the ancient literature, they just...happen. Despite of how much one "plans" anything, life does not develop in a glass cage.
Gods are not only "White Nordic", there are many other species. In regards to why this is the case, it's because bio-diversity is an actual thing in the universe, and the universe is developing different beings all the time, rather than always creating the same. The biodiversity on the animal kingdom is far more extreme than the earth, but the case is what it is. Different life is valuable life, on the very long term perspective.
The issues with race mixing and retarded things that happen now are decaying problems, and dangerous, but these are short-term problems. On the other hand, if a race such as the White race does not withstand this, the question of importance of life and so forth, is under question itself. Life is actually most surprising and most deserving of multitude and attention, be this for bad, or for good.
Life rarely goes as planned in living systems, and with the levels the Gods and their enemies are developed to, everything is to be expected.
ConsistentMeditator said:I have to agree with the OP's question overall to some extent. How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general? It seems like everything would be far simpler if there was just one race per planet, and then race-mixing would not be a concern at all. Moreover, I fail to understand how especially the creation of the Black Race was helpful in the long run. As far as I can tell, they were a net drain on Whites who were the ones to produce most things of value in the world, and now Arabs and so on are being used as a race mixing tool by the Jews. If non whites hadn't been created, this wouldn't have been a problem.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is not a question of inferiority but a question for life to keep going on the planet and in general.
So, are non whites inferior or not? Are you arguing that non whites were overall worth it in helping Whites live on the planet? And if you are saying it doesn't matter whether they are inferior or not because they were needed for life to keep going on the planet, how does that work? Did the presence of Blacks in Africa or Asians in Asia somehow affect the ecosystem and keep it going? If not by somehow magically doing that, then I don't see how non whites have been helpful, since they haven't been of any major use to Whites, most particularly with Blacks. In fact, I would go as far as to argue that even if the non white races had been created completely equal to whites and been similarily useful in developing civilization(which obviously didn't happen in reality), it would still be better if Whites were the only race on the world. Given the presence of the Jews, it is obvious they will try to racemix Whites into oblivion, and Whites happen to be good-natured/stupid enough to let that happen out of a misplaced sense of empathy. Even if it took twice as long for the civilizational development to take place it would be much more reliable in a one race per planet situation. What would the Jews do in such a situation? Race mix all Whites into being part Jew? Not really doable with how ugly the Jews are and how low their numbers are.
To ask for specifics in this, I would want to know your opinion on the IQ situation in terms of race. What is your specific opinion on IQ and its relation to race? Do you think it can be raised on a racial level? IE, if it is possible for Blacks and Arabs and etc to possibly attain the same average racial IQ as various White groups.
But overall, even leaving aside the IQ question and the question of racial inferiority and superiority, it simply seems like it would have been far more efficient for Whites to be the only race on the planet. Then race mixing simply wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I am misunderstanding this and the Gods never originally planned to resort to leaving the world behind, in which case race mixing never would have become an issue. But even if they had good intentions originally, it certainly seems like it didn't turn out well at all.
'How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general?' Seriously :roll: ...They are the life in question.ConsistentMeditator said:I have to agree with the OP's question overall to some extent. How exactly did creating non-whites facilitate keeping life going on the planet and in general? It seems like everything would be far simpler if there was just one race per planet, and then race-mixing would not be a concern at all. Moreover, I fail to understand how especially the creation of the Black Race was helpful in the long run. As far as I can tell, they were a net drain on Whites who were the ones to produce most things of value in the world, and now Arabs and so on are being used as a race mixing tool by the Jews. If non whites hadn't been created, this wouldn't have been a problem.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:This is not a question of inferiority but a question for life to keep going on the planet and in general.
So, are non whites inferior or not? Are you arguing that non whites were overall worth it in helping Whites live on the planet? And if you are saying it doesn't matter whether they are inferior or not because they were needed for life to keep going on the planet, how does that work? Did the presence of Blacks in Africa or Asians in Asia somehow affect the ecosystem and keep it going? If not by somehow magically doing that, then I don't see how non whites have been helpful, since they haven't been of any major use to Whites, most particularly with Blacks. In fact, I would go as far as to argue that even if the non white races had been created completely equal to whites and been similarily useful in developing civilization(which obviously didn't happen in reality), it would still be better if Whites were the only race on the world. Given the presence of the Jews, it is obvious they will try to racemix Whites into oblivion, and Whites happen to be good-natured/stupid enough to let that happen out of a misplaced sense of empathy. Even if it took twice as long for the civilizational development to take place it would be much more reliable in a one race per planet situation. What would the Jews do in such a situation? Race mix all Whites into being part Jew? Not really doable with how ugly the Jews are and how low their numbers are.
To ask for specifics in this, I would want to know your opinion on the IQ situation in terms of race. What is your specific opinion on IQ and its relation to race? Do you think it can be raised on a racial level? IE, if it is possible for Blacks and Arabs and etc to possibly attain the same average racial IQ as various White groups.
But overall, even leaving aside the IQ question and the question of racial inferiority and superiority, it simply seems like it would have been far more efficient for Whites to be the only race on the planet. Then race mixing simply wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I am misunderstanding this and the Gods never originally planned to resort to leaving the world behind, in which case race mixing never would have become an issue. But even if they had good intentions originally, it certainly seems like it didn't turn out well at all.
ConsistentMeditator said:I am not trying to straw-man you, I apologize if I misrepresented you in some way. I realize that many areas on Earth aren't suitable for Whites, and I am not arguing that only Nordics count as White or anything along those lines. I also realize that races can split up into different areas and become separate, lose contact, and so on until they become hostile cultures, but I don't see what it is that I said which led you to think that particular point was necessary to bring up. Yes, different cultures of Whites or Asians or any race can become hostile to one another, I agree,I don't see how it's inherently relevant to my post. Are you saying this would occur more often if Asians and Blacks hadn't been created in their regions?
And alright, I can accept that there were indigenous human races, but I don't see how that is specifically relevant either.
Is your overall argument that non whites were intended to develop in a way that would lead to a much more equal state than now, or that I am wrong in what I said on the IQ question? I am having a hard time finding out what the official position is meant to be on that one. AKA, what your beliefs are on different races and average IQ in each. Do you think the general 'race realist' claims on race and IQ are true or not? This is a pretty important question even if the current state of IQ is largely due to the enemy. For example, if the enemy had never arrived, the White Average IQ would probably be much higher than 100 right now. But that doesn't change the importance of currently existing facts about race and IQ, and what racial groups, including subgroups of 'White' and different types of Africans/Asians/Arabs/etc, have what IQ and what other mental and emotional strengths and so on. All of that is very important. So overall, I am trying to get an answer on whether you agree with these 'race realist' claims, like that African average IQ is 70, African American is 85, White American is 100, East Asian is 105, and so on. The stereotypical Bell Curve claims and anything of their like. I am also trying to understand what your beliefs are on the potential increase of IQ in races, if it is possible. For example, could it be possible that all current races could eventually obtain IQs far above 130 on average in the future, after enough spiritual practice and development as races? Along with some degree of good breeding within the race to preserve good traits and so on. Or are there biological limits to the races which make it difficult to increase intelligence past a certain point? That argument of unbreakable biological limits is common to the race realists. Now, I understand that the Joy of Satan has a very different perspective due to spiritual powers and so on: the power of changing the mind and making it superior is just a reality for anyone who has done enough meditation here. But I wonder if that is also possible to apply on a racial level and maintain across generations if the majority of a race performed these spiritual practices, or if biological limits hinder this. For another example, you can look at claims like those in the book "Erectus Walks Among Us" about skull sutures closing early and limiting brain growth in blacks, and other differences between the three races which are supposed to hinder non whites in some way or about differences in overall brain size. Another common claim I have no specific source for is the frontal lobes being larger in whites, and that this is correlated with their larger foreheads and tendency for foreheads that don't 'slope' forwards, instead sticking far more straight up. The gist of that claim is that the higher foreheads/larger frontal lobes of Whites allow them higher levels of empathy and a more developed frontal cortex. I'm not sure if you agree with any of these, or if you're familiar with the specific examples, so hopefully those sources help give you reference to what is argued by the race realists.
I understand if you say that the Gods couldn't possibly plan for every possible change that can happen with all the possibilities of biodiversity, but that's not what I'm asking. They are not omniscient, but they could still have a general plan in mind. And if the plan was for Blacks to develop in a more equal way alongside the other races so that they are useful and make use of the land only they can inhabit in an effective way, rather than Whites simply inventing the vast majority of all important inventions while Blacks are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, then that plan clearly failed. Yes, Blacks inhabit Africa far more effectively than Whites due to the hemisphere and the heat and so on not being possible for Whites to handle well at all. However, if they produced nothing of significant value for civilization as a whole, it doesn't seem like it was worth it. Did Whites need Blacks to be there in Africa for said Whites to go on and develop civilization? It doesn't seem like that was the case. The one case I can think of where Blacks had a significant impact was black slavery, but that was a huge mistake for European countries both as a human atrocity to Blacks and as a source of racial mixture that dragged down Whites. So, I don't understand what your argument is for what the Gods planned when creating Blacks. Your main point seems to be that they could inhabit Africa well, which I agree with, but if it doesn't contribute to civilization as a whole I just don't see how it is relevant in the long run. What would be the downside if when Whites encountered Africa, Blacks weren't there? I really just don't understand.
Now, if it is the case that the intended IQ for blacks was originally going to be much higher, and they were meant to be capable of creating a capable civilization of their own in Africa, I would understand better. That would just mean the enemy is at fault for things going wrong. However, I am not sure if you precisely meant to say that blacks were intended for a higher IQ in the past, or if you are instead saying that the 'race realist' conception of Black IQ is incorrect to some degree or another, or something else entirely.
I also understand if Whites are not well suited for some Asian environments due to the different climate. The argument for Asians being necessary for civilization seems better since they had notable contributions. However, it doesn't really seem like White civilization would have failed to work without Asians being around. If the Gods hadn't been forced to retreat from the solar system then everything probably would have worked out in a far superior fashion, and at that rate Asians being present would just be making efficient use of the land.
So overall, I can see an overall narrative where everything you're saying seemingly makes sense in the grand scheme of things, I'm just trying to understand if my visualization of what you seem to mean is the same as your true intention. Which I think it is for now. If it's not, and if you think the inherent IQ gaps the race realists claim to exist between races are not something that could eventually be bridged by spiritual practices over a long enough period of time, then it all becomes much more muddled to me and difficult to understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:You straw man me so much that it becomes impossible to answer coherently, and you take so many presuppositions that are false in your arguments that it makes it impossible.
The planet is big. Members of the same race, even if they divide for as little as two to three centuries, they may lose contact with one another. This happens in species in nature. In even worse situations, these forget all together that they are related, and they start wars, and kill each other, without any reason other than conquest. This is a thing that happens to the animal kingdom. This goes as much as dividing or breaking off from a tribe. It's not something that happens purposefully, but because of nature.
Indigenous people existed also, and other Gods from our side have also created races as a commemoration of their own blood. The most blatant and obvious thing in that we are from the same source is that our primordial cultures are strikingly similar, it all follows the same very obvious pattern.
Whites cannot by definition live in many other locales on the planet, and we have no reason to be there, at all. We are biologically not supposed to be there. And this was so much time ago, that nature herself has also affected our progress and evolution, same as that of other races. The enemy has been the greatest degradation factor. The Gods did not intend or create the life rooted issues that result of things. These are highly analyzed in the ancient literature, they just...happen. Despite of how much one "plans" anything, life does not develop in a glass cage.
Gods are not only "White Nordic", there are many other species. In regards to why this is the case, it's because bio-diversity is an actual thing in the universe, and the universe is developing different beings all the time, rather than always creating the same. The biodiversity on the animal kingdom is far more extreme than the earth, but the case is what it is. Different life is valuable life, on the very long term perspective.
The issues with race mixing and retarded things that happen now are decaying problems, and dangerous, but these are short-term problems. On the other hand, if a race such as the White race does not withstand this, the question of importance of life and so forth, is under question itself. Life is actually most surprising and most deserving of multitude and attention, be this for bad, or for good.
Life rarely goes as planned in living systems, and with the levels the Gods and their enemies are developed to, everything is to be expected.
WiseDragon said:Yeah and White Race is superior to others as a Race, but individually there are a lot of non-Whites way more superior to some White people. You, HPs Shannon, are an example of this. You are 1000 time better than any White christian, communist and so on...And as a HPs you are better than most of Satanists here. People shouldn't think: "I'm white and this is the reason i'm better than all non-whites". Individually things can be different, but generally yes white are superior. And Gods are superior to whites and some Gods are superior to other Gods. That's nature, that's life.HPS Shannon said:It's not about superiority and inferiority. And why is there an association that makes inferiority an entirely negative thing?
Nature is all about ranks and heirarchy and the gods go by this too. Does that mean the lower ranking gods have no purpose or divinity? Their still gods.
The non whites were created by the mind and will of Satan and our gods and they desire and appreciate diversity. If that wasn't the case, then Satan wouldn't have even bothered in creating non whites if he thought they were "inferior" or no good.
The situation was discussed by Azazel pertaining to the white race, and he said "Yes, we are the best, but the best creates the best".
He was referring to the non white creation.
I have worked with Azazel and am honored to work with him continuously. He is my guide at this point, as we work on certain things. Yes, he is white, and this white god sees me as a being with great potential and he invests in me and expects me to do great things and push myself regardless of my race.
Azazel has shown me psychically and through feeling that whether you are a white, black or yellow gentile, we all are striving to be superior beings and any gentile is worthy to reach this status of godhood. Thats all I care about these days.
I was shown what the gods want for all of us, and how they feel about us and our degeration. They are passionate about us and our evolution, very much so.
The enemy has really attacked me super hard on the race subject since I was ordained almost to the point of me leaving the clergyhood. Thats how bad it was. But I was constantly reminded on the situation.
I am a black gentile of Satan, and I have his kundalini serpent power in me and that makes me happy and capable of doing what a white gentile can do. That's the power of the serpent, its not just about race entirely. The kundalini is super powerful and transforming on the mental, physical and spiritual level. It evolves each race past the limitations they were born with. And evolves according to the race wile enhancing their own traits. A superb and godly being of each race is created.
Yes, the white race is superior and a good race and we non whites come from them in aspect. The gods are superior to all the races of the earth but majority of people wouldnt get upset at that, would they?
It is each race's birth right to be gods.
HPS Shannon said:The non whites do have a total capacity for higher intelligence. Power Meditation, a healthy environment , healthy diet and such creates higher intelligence and science and statistics show this. IQ can be altered. Even for the black race.
Thank you very much, HPS Shannon. Your post is what I needed to respect myself more. I will remember and revisit these ideas often and I hope this message finds everyone going through something similar.HPS Shannon said:It's not about superiority and inferiority. And why is there an association that makes inferiority an entirely negative thing?
It is each race's birth right to be gods.
Ketchup said:Thank you very much, HPS Shannon. Your post is what I needed to respect myself more. I will remember and revisit these ideas often and I hope this message finds everyone going through something similar.HPS Shannon said:It's not about superiority and inferiority. And why is there an association that makes inferiority an entirely negative thing?
It is each race's birth right to be gods.
Perhaps this was an attack? I had the ridiculous "am I a jew?" attack long ago, and this "inferiority" feeling happened recently. Please watch for anyone feeling the same.
I feel that my post has been adequately answered now, thank you all.
HPS Shannon said:ConsistentMeditator said:I am not trying to straw-man you, I apologize if I misrepresented you in some way. I realize that many areas on Earth aren't suitable for Whites, and I am not arguing that only Nordics count as White or anything along those lines. I also realize that races can split up into different areas and become separate, lose contact, and so on until they become hostile cultures, but I don't see what it is that I said which led you to think that particular point was necessary to bring up. Yes, different cultures of Whites or Asians or any race can become hostile to one another, I agree,I don't see how it's inherently relevant to my post. Are you saying this would occur more often if Asians and Blacks hadn't been created in their regions?
And alright, I can accept that there were indigenous human races, but I don't see how that is specifically relevant either.
Is your overall argument that non whites were intended to develop in a way that would lead to a much more equal state than now, or that I am wrong in what I said on the IQ question? I am having a hard time finding out what the official position is meant to be on that one. AKA, what your beliefs are on different races and average IQ in each. Do you think the general 'race realist' claims on race and IQ are true or not? This is a pretty important question even if the current state of IQ is largely due to the enemy. For example, if the enemy had never arrived, the White Average IQ would probably be much higher than 100 right now. But that doesn't change the importance of currently existing facts about race and IQ, and what racial groups, including subgroups of 'White' and different types of Africans/Asians/Arabs/etc, have what IQ and what other mental and emotional strengths and so on. All of that is very important. So overall, I am trying to get an answer on whether you agree with these 'race realist' claims, like that African average IQ is 70, African American is 85, White American is 100, East Asian is 105, and so on. The stereotypical Bell Curve claims and anything of their like. I am also trying to understand what your beliefs are on the potential increase of IQ in races, if it is possible. For example, could it be possible that all current races could eventually obtain IQs far above 130 on average in the future, after enough spiritual practice and development as races? Along with some degree of good breeding within the race to preserve good traits and so on. Or are there biological limits to the races which make it difficult to increase intelligence past a certain point? That argument of unbreakable biological limits is common to the race realists. Now, I understand that the Joy of Satan has a very different perspective due to spiritual powers and so on: the power of changing the mind and making it superior is just a reality for anyone who has done enough meditation here. But I wonder if that is also possible to apply on a racial level and maintain across generations if the majority of a race performed these spiritual practices, or if biological limits hinder this. For another example, you can look at claims like those in the book "Erectus Walks Among Us" about skull sutures closing early and limiting brain growth in blacks, and other differences between the three races which are supposed to hinder non whites in some way or about differences in overall brain size. Another common claim I have no specific source for is the frontal lobes being larger in whites, and that this is correlated with their larger foreheads and tendency for foreheads that don't 'slope' forwards, instead sticking far more straight up. The gist of that claim is that the higher foreheads/larger frontal lobes of Whites allow them higher levels of empathy and a more developed frontal cortex. I'm not sure if you agree with any of these, or if you're familiar with the specific examples, so hopefully those sources help give you reference to what is argued by the race realists.
I understand if you say that the Gods couldn't possibly plan for every possible change that can happen with all the possibilities of biodiversity, but that's not what I'm asking. They are not omniscient, but they could still have a general plan in mind. And if the plan was for Blacks to develop in a more equal way alongside the other races so that they are useful and make use of the land only they can inhabit in an effective way, rather than Whites simply inventing the vast majority of all important inventions while Blacks are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, then that plan clearly failed. Yes, Blacks inhabit Africa far more effectively than Whites due to the hemisphere and the heat and so on not being possible for Whites to handle well at all. However, if they produced nothing of significant value for civilization as a whole, it doesn't seem like it was worth it. Did Whites need Blacks to be there in Africa for said Whites to go on and develop civilization? It doesn't seem like that was the case. The one case I can think of where Blacks had a significant impact was black slavery, but that was a huge mistake for European countries both as a human atrocity to Blacks and as a source of racial mixture that dragged down Whites. So, I don't understand what your argument is for what the Gods planned when creating Blacks. Your main point seems to be that they could inhabit Africa well, which I agree with, but if it doesn't contribute to civilization as a whole I just don't see how it is relevant in the long run. What would be the downside if when Whites encountered Africa, Blacks weren't there? I really just don't understand.
Now, if it is the case that the intended IQ for blacks was originally going to be much higher, and they were meant to be capable of creating a capable civilization of their own in Africa, I would understand better. That would just mean the enemy is at fault for things going wrong. However, I am not sure if you precisely meant to say that blacks were intended for a higher IQ in the past, or if you are instead saying that the 'race realist' conception of Black IQ is incorrect to some degree or another, or something else entirely.
I also understand if Whites are not well suited for some Asian environments due to the different climate. The argument for Asians being necessary for civilization seems better since they had notable contributions. However, it doesn't really seem like White civilization would have failed to work without Asians being around. If the Gods hadn't been forced to retreat from the solar system then everything probably would have worked out in a far superior fashion, and at that rate Asians being present would just be making efficient use of the land.
So overall, I can see an overall narrative where everything you're saying seemingly makes sense in the grand scheme of things, I'm just trying to understand if my visualization of what you seem to mean is the same as your true intention. Which I think it is for now. If it's not, and if you think the inherent IQ gaps the race realists claim to exist between races are not something that could eventually be bridged by spiritual practices over a long enough period of time, then it all becomes much more muddled to me and difficult to understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:You straw man me so much that it becomes impossible to answer coherently, and you take so many presuppositions that are false in your arguments that it makes it impossible.
The planet is big. Members of the same race, even if they divide for as little as two to three centuries, they may lose contact with one another. This happens in species in nature. In even worse situations, these forget all together that they are related, and they start wars, and kill each other, without any reason other than conquest. This is a thing that happens to the animal kingdom. This goes as much as dividing or breaking off from a tribe. It's not something that happens purposefully, but because of nature.
Indigenous people existed also, and other Gods from our side have also created races as a commemoration of their own blood. The most blatant and obvious thing in that we are from the same source is that our primordial cultures are strikingly similar, it all follows the same very obvious pattern.
Whites cannot by definition live in many other locales on the planet, and we have no reason to be there, at all. We are biologically not supposed to be there. And this was so much time ago, that nature herself has also affected our progress and evolution, same as that of other races. The enemy has been the greatest degradation factor. The Gods did not intend or create the life rooted issues that result of things. These are highly analyzed in the ancient literature, they just...happen. Despite of how much one "plans" anything, life does not develop in a glass cage.
Gods are not only "White Nordic", there are many other species. In regards to why this is the case, it's because bio-diversity is an actual thing in the universe, and the universe is developing different beings all the time, rather than always creating the same. The biodiversity on the animal kingdom is far more extreme than the earth, but the case is what it is. Different life is valuable life, on the very long term perspective.
The issues with race mixing and retarded things that happen now are decaying problems, and dangerous, but these are short-term problems. On the other hand, if a race such as the White race does not withstand this, the question of importance of life and so forth, is under question itself. Life is actually most surprising and most deserving of multitude and attention, be this for bad, or for good.
Life rarely goes as planned in living systems, and with the levels the Gods and their enemies are developed to, everything is to be expected.
I'm going to answer your questions as you are just over doing your bombarding of HP Hoodedcobra with questions that can be answered just by higher thinking and a bit more spiritual insight.
You are thinking of the races from a utilitarian mindset. Life is NOT about what things you can contribute to the world and it most certainly doesnt revolve around the white race, first of all, as you are pretty much implying.
When Satan created non whites, he did work with nature with the blue print and "genetic material" already available on this earth which is why you see some non whites who resemble early hominid in a way and thats just how it is. I have checked out the book you mentioned "Erectus Among us" months ago but it only talks about the result of why things are the way they are and nothing much else but I am explaining this now.
It is because of Satan's kundalini serpent, spiritual essence and some of the ET genes that we now are closer to the gods.
Satan created the non whites with the sole purpose of becoming gods. Thats it. He told me some years ago that godhead was the purpose and that we were stopped.
Did it ever cross your mind that every problem we have with the races and such are because of the fucking enemy?
Now with the IQ, yes, there are IQ differences with the races because of race naturally as we begin with limitations, now spiritual degeneration and physical degeneration. Evolution can go both ways...forwards and backwards.
The non whites do have a total capacity for higher intelligence. Power Meditation, a healthy environment, healthy diet and such creates higher intelligence and science and statistics show this. IQ can be altered. Even for the black race.
Not to mention, stimulating and raising the serpent increases the intelligence and life force 100 percent. Even with just my kundalini awakening, I have experienced a change in my mental faculties. YES, you read it correctly-- despite the skull differences and brain shapes in the races, intelligence, creativity and higher thinking can and will be attained again for ALL with spirituality.
Azazel told me that one of the reasons Africa, for example, is the way it is because of "mass degeneration". Not to mention Jewish destructuon, curses, wars and poverty. I don't care what race you are, if you grow up around drugs, violence, endless wars, poverty and slavery, there will not be a good result.
The black race has been a "strain" on the white race because of all the problems mentioned. The Enemy, the Jews and spiritual degeneration. That's it.
The situation with the Black race in America is even worst. I will be coming out with articles this winter. The gods have led me and another black satanist to info on why the the IQ is lowered in blacks and why the violence and crime is high for blacks. As we get deeper, more info is revealed and why my race has degenerated.
Some months ago, Azazel led me to a book an hour after I asked him about information that I need to know about Africa and the black race and it was a book that showed African civilization before Jewish created colonialism and xianity. Africa had cities, beautiful art, roads, libraries, 2 story houses, streets, and megalithes and so fourth.
Even to this day, there are areas of Africa completely covered in vegetation and ruins and such underneath. Africa was plundered and destroyed by the xian colonialists and so fourth. There are even pictures online. I didnt even know much of this before. I guess you can say when I was new all I knew was what people like you were bringing up to surface.
So to wrap this up, the races are not equal but have the power and ability to become equal, equal meaning to we will all be gods as Satan intended. After that, the sky is the limit. Unfortunatel only now we have to work hard and achieve this ourselves while dealing with the god-damned enemy. This is not a cake walk at all.
And some food for thought for you, the lower level demons and gods who are not white, I guess they are a strain and purposeless in relation to the white race. Right?
I think the vast majority of all of this is just plain and simple due to the enemy efforts to brainwash and condition people to act in certain ways. These people, whether it's blacks in scorpions case, or asians or whites in the cases you described, just were ruthlessly conditioned in their social environments (sometimes from an early age) to act in these ways.HPS Shannon said:in the early century whites and specific asian groups like the Vietnamese and white immigrants, like the Irish and related, had their fair share of commiting crimes, laziness and gangs when they came here and then until healthy social policies and intervention were created for them, specifically whites and this has been documented yet no one dares to bring up it.slyscorpion said:
The problems are the jews all races of gentile have done their fair share of ugly things, this is what everyone needs to understand. The fault is, of course, the jews and the fact that we don't have real spirituality anymore. Jew be jewing as always.HPS Shannon said:slyscorpion said:
God...the use of the N word just irks me...whether you are black or white. Its just unnecessary and gross. Just like no one would use racial slurs against asians or whites on this joyofsatan forum, I hoped we do the same for this situation and have a bit more class.
Anyway, of course you are justified in what you say and I feel the same way and don't even like to associate with those kinds of blacks but make no mistake, in the early century whites and specific asian groups like the Vietnamese and white immigrants, like the Irish and related, had their fair share of commiting crimes, laziness and gangs when they came here and then until healthy social policies and intervention were created for them, specifically whites and this has been documented yet no one dares to bring up it. Yet the same issues are happening to blacks in America and its being dismissed as just plain inferiority.
Blacks never had this issue until the late 70's when the jewish onslaught and democratic policies came into place. Blacks had higher marriage rate than whites since before the 70's and strong family structure too. And a better work ethic than modern blacks do now. The high crime rate for blacks didnt start til around the same time everything else went to shit for them. There are also reasons for that too.
This is why we are trying to improve the situation here but the causes need to be mentioned and recognized instead of saying things without knowing the facts on both sides
Blacks in America tried, like with "Black Wall street, the black pather party and Marcus Garvery and the Garveyan movement. All capable, well spoken and intelligent black gentiles.
Thats why the Jew needs to be eradicated. Completely. They are parasites and destroyers. Plain and simple.
HPS Shannon said:slyscorpion said:I very much respect Asians. They are hardworking intellgent and have a culture that is great and interesting. I had a foregn exchange student who was Asian in 10th grade it was enjoyable and they are intelligent. I have never had a bad experience at all with them. However it's very hard to respect a lot of the blacks in today's world. I think people like Hp Shannon are awesome and any black person who wants to better themselves and the world. I am in no way talking about anyone on here. I cannot say that most of them are not infererior to me though with a straight face. I don't mean to offend anyone at all I have honestly never had a good experience in dealing with them at all.
All most of them seem to care about most the time is sex and material things and often getting high. They seem to be on a very low plane of existence. Not to mention they go after our women in sexual ways how is this not offensive. My white friend got sex trafficked and almost murdered by them and threatened if she did not go along the guy would slit her throat. I went to pay my phone bill at the store the other day and didn't even feel safe getting out of my car. The dumb nigger was literally getting high right in front of the store in open then came in and started harrassing the white store clerk trying to sell her an obviously stolen device and spent twenty minutes harrassing people in there. I am honestly suprised my car wasn't broken into while i had to wait for that. There was a whole group of them there. At work one of my co-workers was black he stood around half the day talking about the most Superficial stuff with co-worker friends while he seemed suprised I actually was doing my Job. I can't say I am impressed or that I even want them here forever. In fact I don't at all. Why are whites better because you can actually for the most part trust them and feel like they will actually do a job if you were to hire them. You for the most part won't get all your stuff stolen at the first chance they get you for the most part won't get raped or killed over something stupid. You for the most part can hold a conversation and not feel like you are talking to uncultured trash. I for one am willing to admit whites are far supperior to that. I will not be equal to one of them who shits his pants and can't even say an intelligent sentence yet still is able to figure out how to freeload on everyone and steal stuff. I literally knew one of them once who bragged how he was able to go down to social security and scam them yet didn't even know how to read or play a simple video game. It is an insult to suggest that i am equal to them and should be lowered to their level.
This is my honest thinking. It's not like I didn't give them a chance or am cold hearted though. They literally used the fact that I am too empathetic due to Pisces in my first house and brutally used me every chance I got. Thousands of dollars down the toilet also being beat with a baseball bat and almost killed once getting taken advantage of sexually for my first experience with anyone and basically raped cause i was dumb and wanted to see what it was like to get drunk before i was 21 and one of them offered it to me for that reason. None of them ever did anything positive for me. I don't regret at all saying whites and especially nordics are by far supperior to them in every way.
God...the use of the N word just irks me...whether you are black or white. Its just unnecessary and gross. Just like no one would use racial slurs against asians or whites on this joyofsatan forum, I hoped we do the same for this situation and have a bit more class.
Anyway, of course you are justified in what you say and I feel the same way and don't even like to associate with those kinds of blacks but make no mistake, in the early century whites and specific asian groups like the Vietnamese and white immigrants, like the Irish and related, had their fair share of commiting crimes, laziness and gangs when they came here and then until healthy social policies and intervention were created for them, specifically whites and this has been documented yet no one dares to bring up it. Yet the same issues are happening to blacks in America and its being dismissed as just plain inferiority.
Blacks never had this issue until the late 70's when the jewish onslaught and democratic policies came into place. Blacks had higher marriage rate than whites since before the 70's and strong family structure too. And a better work ethic than modern blacks do now. The high crime rate for blacks didnt start til around the same time everything else went to shit for them. There are also reasons for that too.
This is why we are trying to improve the situation here but the causes need to be mentioned and recognized instead of saying things without knowing the facts on both sides
Blacks in America tried, like with "Black Wall street, the black pather party and Marcus Garvery and the Garveyan movement. All capable, well spoken and intelligent black gentiles.
Thats why the Jew needs to be eradicated. Completely. They are parasites and destroyers. Plain and simple.
HPS Shannon said:slyscorpion said:I very much respect Asians. They are hardworking intellgent and have a culture that is great and interesting. I had a foregn exchange student who was Asian in 10th grade it was enjoyable and they are intelligent. I have never had a bad experience at all with them. However it's very hard to respect a lot of the blacks in today's world. I think people like Hp Shannon are awesome and any black person who wants to better themselves and the world. I am in no way talking about anyone on here. I cannot say that most of them are not infererior to me though with a straight face. I don't mean to offend anyone at all I have honestly never had a good experience in dealing with them at all.
All most of them seem to care about most the time is sex and material things and often getting high. They seem to be on a very low plane of existence. Not to mention they go after our women in sexual ways how is this not offensive. My white friend got sex trafficked and almost murdered by them and threatened if she did not go along the guy would slit her throat. I went to pay my phone bill at the store the other day and didn't even feel safe getting out of my car. The dumb nigger was literally getting high right in front of the store in open then came in and started harrassing the white store clerk trying to sell her an obviously stolen device and spent twenty minutes harrassing people in there. I am honestly suprised my car wasn't broken into while i had to wait for that. There was a whole group of them there. At work one of my co-workers was black he stood around half the day talking about the most Superficial stuff with co-worker friends while he seemed suprised I actually was doing my Job. I can't say I am impressed or that I even want them here forever. In fact I don't at all. Why are whites better because you can actually for the most part trust them and feel like they will actually do a job if you were to hire them. You for the most part won't get all your stuff stolen at the first chance they get you for the most part won't get raped or killed over something stupid. You for the most part can hold a conversation and not feel like you are talking to uncultured trash. I for one am willing to admit whites are far supperior to that. I will not be equal to one of them who shits his pants and can't even say an intelligent sentence yet still is able to figure out how to freeload on everyone and steal stuff. I literally knew one of them once who bragged how he was able to go down to social security and scam them yet didn't even know how to read or play a simple video game. It is an insult to suggest that i am equal to them and should be lowered to their level.
This is my honest thinking. It's not like I didn't give them a chance or am cold hearted though. They literally used the fact that I am too empathetic due to Pisces in my first house and brutally used me every chance I got. Thousands of dollars down the toilet also being beat with a baseball bat and almost killed once getting taken advantage of sexually for my first experience with anyone and basically raped cause i was dumb and wanted to see what it was like to get drunk before i was 21 and one of them offered it to me for that reason. None of them ever did anything positive for me. I don't regret at all saying whites and especially nordics are by far supperior to them in every way.
God...the use of the N word just irks me...whether you are black or white. Its just unnecessary and gross. Just like no one would use racial slurs against asians or whites on this joyofsatan forum, I hoped we do the same for this situation and have a bit more class.
Anyway, of course you are justified in what you say and I feel the same way and don't even like to associate with those kinds of blacks but make no mistake, in the early century whites and specific asian groups like the Vietnamese and white immigrants, like the Irish and related, had their fair share of commiting crimes, laziness and gangs when they came here and then until healthy social policies and intervention were created for them, specifically whites and this has been documented yet no one dares to bring up it. Yet the same issues are happening to blacks in America and its being dismissed as just plain inferiority.
Blacks never had this issue until the late 70's when the jewish onslaught and democratic policies came into place. Blacks had higher marriage rate than whites since before the 70's and strong family structure too. And a better work ethic than modern blacks do now. The high crime rate for blacks didnt start til around the same time everything else went to shit for them. There are also reasons for that too.
This is why we are trying to improve the situation here but the causes need to be mentioned and recognized instead of saying things without knowing the facts on both sides
Blacks in America tried, like with "Black Wall street, the black pather party and Marcus Garvery and the Garveyan movement. All capable, well spoken and intelligent black gentiles.
Thats why the Jew needs to be eradicated. Completely. They are parasites and destroyers. Plain and simple.
There are blacks who are actually intelligent and dedicated to work and serve the country,there are many of them in police who risk their lives to fight crimes and other social positions in america.slyscorpion said:I very much respect Asians. They are hardworking intellgent and have a culture that is great and interesting. I had a foregn exchange student who was Asian in 10th grade it was enjoyable and they are intelligent. I have never had a bad experience at all with them. However it's very hard to respect a lot of the blacks in today's world. I think people like Hp Shannon are awesome and any black person who wants to better themselves and the world. I am in no way talking about anyone on here. I cannot say that most of them are not infererior to me though with a straight face. I don't mean to offend anyone at all I have honestly never had a good experience in dealing with them at all.
All most of them seem to care about most the time is sex and material things and often getting high. They seem to be on a very low plane of existence. Not to mention they go after our women in sexual ways how is this not offensive. My white friend got sex trafficked and almost murdered by them and threatened if she did not go along the guy would slit her throat. I went to pay my phone bill at the store the other day and didn't even feel safe getting out of my car. The dumb nigger was literally getting high right in front of the store in open then came in and started harrassing the white store clerk trying to sell her an obviously stolen device and spent twenty minutes harrassing people in there. I am honestly suprised my car wasn't broken into while i had to wait for that. There was a whole group of them there. At work one of my co-workers was black he stood around half the day talking about the most Superficial stuff with co-worker friends while he seemed suprised I actually was doing my Job. I can't say I am impressed or that I even want them here forever. In fact I don't at all. Why are whites better because you can actually for the most part trust them and feel like they will actually do a job if you were to hire them. You for the most part won't get all your stuff stolen at the first chance they get you for the most part won't get raped or killed over something stupid. You for the most part can hold a conversation and not feel like you are talking to uncultured trash. I for one am willing to admit whites are far supperior to that. I will not be equal to one of them who shits his pants and can't even say an intelligent sentence yet still is able to figure out how to freeload on everyone and steal stuff. I literally knew one of them once who bragged how he was able to go down to social security and scam them yet didn't even know how to read or play a simple video game. It is an insult to suggest that i am equal to them and should be lowered to their level.
This is my honest thinking. It's not like I didn't give them a chance or am cold hearted though. They literally used the fact that I am too empathetic due to Pisces in my first house and brutally used me every chance I got. Thousands of dollars down the toilet also being beat with a baseball bat and almost killed once getting taken advantage of sexually for my first experience with anyone and basically raped cause i was dumb and wanted to see what it was like to get drunk before i was 21 and one of them offered it to me for that reason. None of them ever did anything positive for me. I don't regret at all saying whites and especially nordics are by far supperior to them in every way.
slyscorpion said:Ok I won't use it again sorry about that I am not really a mean person. I was just very much taken advantage of by certain individuals. I would not have much more respect for a white person or Asian or anyone else acting like this to be honest. All these experiences was partly why I became disgusted by Society in general and am not sure even how to have that many friends of my own race even. However yes the automatic reaction from me is to trust people of my own race more and feel more connection I think that is natural.
Ok so social programming is the root cause of these kinds of things. I am not honestly sure if any of the people that did things like that to me had Jewish blood or not though cause I wasn't in Satanism that much when I was hanging out with them or aware or meditating etc. I am sure not all of them did. I think honestly it must be a miserable life to live like this and really believe it is how life is supposed to be. I never fully did just was a follower.
I would hope someday soon someone or a group of people in society somehow addresses these things. Some of them are being used by the Jews to kill us and our culture too though. I don't think we should just stand by and take that. I would say we also need to be seperate somehow and not all jammed in toghether. I'd bet if these people knew of spirituality they would not act like this. Like that quote in the Hindu Scriptures I liked they are ignorant and living at a state that is lower than that of the animals. I wouldn't think this is the case if they practiced meditation.
I don't think that any race of gentiles is bad I never said that but I was trying to express my frustration with how we are being treated by them in any urban type of area in America just about from what I have heard. I have mostly lived in urban areas since being on my own to be honest so that is where I am coming from.
I think something needs to be done though and I don't think I should lower myself to their level to interact with them that is what I was saying.
slyscorpion said:Ok I will take some time to look this up at some point (not right now since I am doing something else) and see how and when some of the blacks in America started acting like this. I would bet 100% that the Jews are behind this. I won't hang out with them but then again I wouldn't hang out with any whites that were like this either. So I hope no one thinks I am hating an entire race of people for the way some of them act.
slyscorpion said:Ok I will take some time to look this up at some point (not right now since I am doing something else) and see how and when some of the blacks in America started acting like this. I would bet 100% that the Jews are behind this. I won't hang out with them but then again I wouldn't hang out with any whites that were like this either. So I hope no one thinks I am hating an entire race of people for the way some of them act.
Ghost in the Machine said:Sometimes I still find myself so amused when threads like this just get so aggressive so quickly... just because it's extremely expected. I think I only look at them to play some gambling game where I win an imaginary million dollar cheque if I come across one that doesn't spiral into a ball-pit of shit.
I need the source of Tesla practicing Yoga. I can't seem to find anything.HP Mageson666 said:I note in studying Voodoo that it has been merged with Xianity energy forms this is probably why the Catholic church tolerated this because they understand what this does. People blame Voodoo for Haiti but always never blame the Catholic church. The Jews in general also have a big hold there and use it to traffic children out of and drugs through.
I also note in ancient South America there might been some kind of different civilizations of races from White, Black and Amerindian all honored Satan. Blacks lived farther out then Africa but this goes back to before the attack on our solar system. I have been able to study the Dogon and they live in a totally different way psychologically then modern Blacks. They also have names of Egyptian Gods in some cases. They talk of interaction with the Gods. They have spiritual teachings as well.
Tesla and Hitler are examples of what White men would be normally if we lived In a spiritual society. Both had spiritual practices, Hitler finished the Magnum Opus. Tesla also practiced Kundalini Yoga he talked about this in an interview he gave. I mentioned how he received telepathic messages from our Gods to build the tech that gave us electrical power the Jews stopped Tesla from his dream of giving the world free clean energy which I suspect is what the Gods want. The amount of destruction and wars fought over fossil fuel is insane the Jews wanted fossil fuel to expand their power monopoly over the world. We never needed it.
This one actually stayed very civil and nice in my opinion. Nothing bad there.Ghost in the Machine said:Sometimes I still find myself so amused when threads like this just get so aggressive so quickly... just because it's extremely expected. I think I only look at them to play some gambling game where I win an imaginary million dollar cheque if I come across one that doesn't spiral into a ball-pit of shit.
HPS Shannon said:Ghost in the Machine said:Sometimes I still find myself so amused when threads like this just get so aggressive so quickly... just because it's extremely expected. I think I only look at them to play some gambling game where I win an imaginary million dollar cheque if I come across one that doesn't spiral into a ball-pit of shit.
Elaborate on that.
How exactly did it get aggressive? Its just conversation. I think its therapeutic and needed.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan