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Why Asians Don't Whine?

hailourtruegod said:

My meme now. \o/
Lol sure :p

EnkiUK2 said:
I have never watched Dragon Ball z but i fancy having a look.
If you're gona do it I suggest Dragon Ball Kai instead which is DBZ re-edited without the fillers, so not immensely long if you mind it. Also a more "updated" and shorter anime with similar theme is One Punch Man, in case you didn't know, whose protagonist is called Saitama, mind you :cool:

If you have even less time and still wanna check DBZ, these two movies are considerably of good quality (watch in this order):
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F

Or if you at all don't mind older and longer animes like DBZ, I'd also suggest Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac up to the episode 73. Very good spiritual allegories on it.

Athena/Saori from Saint Seiya:
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:

My meme now. \o/
Lol sure :p

EnkiUK2 said:
I have never watched Dragon Ball z but i fancy having a look.
If you're gona do it I suggest Dragon Ball Kai instead which is DBZ re-edited without the fillers, so not immensely long if you mind it. Also a more "updated" and shorter anime with similar theme is One Punch Man, in case you didn't know, whose protagonist is called Saitama, mind you :cool:

If you have even less time and still wanna check DBZ, these two movies are considerably of good quality (watch in this order):
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F

Or if you at all don't mind older and longer animes like DBZ, I'd also suggest Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac up to the episode 73. Very good spiritual allegories on it.

Athena/Saori from Saint Seiya:
Egon: sharing animes since 2015
but seriously you my dude got me into animes with your thread, thanks :D
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:

My meme now. \o/
Lol sure :p

EnkiUK2 said:
I have never watched Dragon Ball z but i fancy having a look.
If you're gona do it I suggest Dragon Ball Kai instead which is DBZ re-edited without the fillers, so not immensely long if you mind it. Also a more "updated" and shorter anime with similar theme is One Punch Man, in case you didn't know, whose protagonist is called Saitama, mind you :cool:

If you have even less time and still wanna check DBZ, these two movies are considerably of good quality (watch in this order):
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F

Or if you at all don't mind older and longer animes like DBZ, I'd also suggest Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac up to the episode 73. Very good spiritual allegories on it.

Athena/Saori from Saint Seiya:

Brilliant Egon thanks for that bro Count me in I will get tuned in ;) ;)
Stormblood said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.

A completely alien feeling?

Yes. Let's face it. An overwhelming amount of the population has the defeated mindset of who has completely given up on their dreams and desires. The only exception would be the Spiritual Satanists who have worked out this hangup created by the Jewish programmes and the very few non-SS Gentiles who are actually successful in their lives. All the rest needs a wake-up call to get out of the death spiral they are into.
I'm not much into anime. But I did appreciate seeing this comradship in One Piece in particular (didn't watch all of it ,the arcs started feeling very repetitive to me quite quickly). They really have this great "my crew" "my friends" "never abandoning our guys" mentality.
Generally western animation especially american ones is absolute garbage in content. One place this strong team mentality may sometimes be explored in the western world is roleplaying games (the old school tabletop type). There might be this "don't abandon the party" mentality. But from what I heard about it it more often degenerates into individualism, greediness, backstabbing and murder then actual team spirit. So it's more like thugs and thieves loosely associated by the lust for gold and looting then the "my crew" mentality of One Piece.
luis said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.
Yes many are the 'never give up' type, i love that.

This even goes for some anti heroes also. What do you think of anti-hero protagonists? They do stuff for the greater good through bad means. A hero lacking hero qualities.
Wildfire said:
...They do stuff for the greater good through bad means. A hero lacking hero qualities.
That depends on whose moral standards you're calling "bad means".
"I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve."

"Anti"-heroes in (((Western))) concept of it could be "full-heroes" in the East, as long as they lack christurd values (which makes them "bad" lol, I don't think so).
Hence why these kinds always feels more natural and right than let's say Superman (that was created by kikes) or other liberturd characters, who are heroes as long as they hold xtian turd values of weakness and repentance.

That's why I also fanboy a lot for Berserk lately and did that meme where Hitler is Guts and Griffith is Angela Merkel (I hope the author won't troll the fans in the end and go full xtian...). Griffith probably has a lot of fans because there are plenty of christurds and furries maybe.
The hindu assassin character Silat seems also to be one of the few in Berserk with some critical thinking.

Aquarius said:
Egon: sharing animes since 2015
but seriously you my dude got me into animes with your thread, thanks :D
EnkiUK2 said:
Brilliant Egon thanks for that bro Count me in I will get tuned in ;) ;)
I'm glad I could provide quality entertainment but srly we don't need always quote the whole message :p
Wildfire said:
luis said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.
Yes many are the 'never give up' type, i love that.

This even goes for some anti heroes also. What do you think of anti-hero protagonists? They do stuff for the greater good through bad means. A hero lacking hero qualities.
Anti-hero means that it's not always through LOVVVVE that you can change a situation or obtain something like the xtians want you to belive but sometime you need harsher ways.

Just like us here, we have done Black magic and we can do it when it's needed, sometime we need those way for greater things.
Aquarius said:
Egon: sharing animes since 2015
but seriously you my dude got me into animes with your thread, thanks :D
EnkiUK2 said:
Brilliant Egon thanks for that bro Count me in I will get tuned in ;) ;)
I'm glad I could provide quality entertainment but srly we don't need always quote the whole message :p[/quote] Lol true :p
Don't forget the Studio Ghibli movies! <3 They're very therapeutic and usually revolve around Witches or spirituality in general.
Egon said:
Not to mention Berserk which is considered the best manga of all times and the most anti-xtian story I've come across yet as I've mentioned here.

Berserk is one messed up anime...how is it Satanic? The main character who's Aryan is in an interracial relationship with a Black/Brown woman and their interracial sex scene (which is messed up, she gets seriously hurt since the guy was raped as a child by a Black man and doesn't know how to properly have sex, AND his interracial child rape scene is shown in the anime/manga) is openly depicted in the anime/manga. And that same Black woman gets brutally raped by a white-haired blue-eyed Aryan villain (whom she served under and was in love with for years) IN FRONT of the main character/her lover. Both of these scenes are shown in the anime/manga.
Academic Scholar said:
Don't forget the Studio Ghibli movies! <3 They're very therapeutic and usually revolve around Witches or spirituality in general.
Sure. Except for the director Takahata Isao in there who pushes xtian/communist values in his movies.

Berserk is one messed up anime...how is it Satanic? The main character who's Aryan is in an interracial relationship with a Black/Brown woman...
Seriourly why to spoil the whole thing here? I already warned in the movies thread, page 5-on, which is the appropriate place for this, that this manga is not for the faint of heart. Also the messages and why. It depicts xtianity in all the depravity it is plus other stuff.

My answer below will include SPOILERS for the manga. I suggest ignoring the animes and only watch the 3 movies once you finished Volume 13 in case you liked it.

Casca is not Black she is half Kushan (one of the Indian sub-ethnic groups in the manga). Her name is Portuguese for "husk" or "peel", indeed her design looks like many avarage Portuguese women and when they're togheter they look like an avarage mediterranean couple. Guts the protagonist looks like a Spartan or some mediterranen, ressembling a little bit of mix as well, I won't coun't them as race mixing, it's more like the case a mixed person would have to mate the race they are closer to tather than for example dating a pure "Nordic" looking person like Griffith.

Well the main villain has platinum hair and blue eyes... Like Merkel in my meme, or several other xtian kings who were actual race traitors so no shit. Christ is depicted like him so we should assume he's Aryan too. The villain is an analogy to Jesus Christ. The villain basicaly sold his soul to the FOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS (YHVH) according to the words of the very manga, and we have the APOSTLES or (((Children of God))) (also called like this there) were they perform the ritual blood sacrifice of his naive Europeans followers. His coronation gives start to the Dark Ages in Europe, the Church gain power and later own he incarnates on Earth as the Jewish Messiah to bring about the "Idea of Evil" and his Angel friends to physical Earth in roder to rule through chaos. Such as chasing a Witch in her hut, who they explain why it's because a Pagan Witch can be more dangerous against their agenda than a physical army, or going on a Crusade against the Pagan spirit world in general:

The removed "Idea of Evil" chapter (84) explains the Xtian God is a thoughtform literaly created by the amalgamation of evil "human" energies, following the abandonment of the Pagan religion and Pagan Deities. The Conviction Arc goes full into the xtian depravity.

I will not go longer on this than I've already told in the other thread. Aside from that Berserk is a masterpiece of a narrative and fantasy despite all the saddening and disturbing moments of it.

What was the author implying by this... Behold the "Children of Gawd":

And in contrast the Pagan world is shown as beautiful and good before the Idea of Evil came into power and shaped the world into a shithole. The build of the character Farnese is amazing nonetheless. Like the path of of many here who were indoctrinated with xtian, she decides to leave it and become a Witch instead:

luis said:
Anti-hero means that it's not always through LOVVVVE that you can change a situation or obtain something like the xtians want you to belive but sometime you need harsher ways.

Just like us here, we have done Black magic and we can do it when it's needed, sometime we need those way for greater things.

Egon said:
Wildfire said:
...They do stuff for the greater good through bad means. A hero lacking hero qualities.
That depends on whose moral standards you're calling "bad means".
"I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve."

"Anti"-heroes in (((Western))) concept of it could be "full-heroes" in the East, as long as they lack christurd values (which makes them "bad" lol, I don't think so).
Hence why these kinds always feels more natural and right than let's say Superman (that was created by kikes) or other liberturd characters, who are heroes as long as they hold xtian turd values of weakness and repentance.

That's why I also fanboy a lot for Berserk lately and did that meme where Hitler is Guts and Griffith is Angela Merkel (I hope the author won't troll the fans in the end and go full xtian...). Griffith probably has a lot of fans because there are plenty of christurds and furries maybe.
The hindu assassin character Silat seems also to be one of the few in Berserk with some critical thinking.

Guess they were right that not all sources on the internet are correct or I just misunderstood things wrong like a jackass, I'm going to need some mercury square for this. Thanks for enlightening me on what anti heroes actually are Egon and Luis.
I'm a bit late but adding to what Sinistra said,

Anime does tend to have a lot of NS ideals. Which you have to work together to get far and those that do will overcome any powerful single foe. For example:

*SPOILER ALERT to dragon ball super

The tournament of power arc the only way to beat someone stronger was either fight together or the fact that they were fighting for their right to live and not just their lives but the lives of their friends and family made them surpass those stronger than them. Even a Vegeta which is mostly about singularity and being the strongest swallowed his huge pride to give his last bit of energy to Goku so he can recover from a fight against an incredibly strong opponent.
Egon said:
Why You Should Watch/ Read: Berserk

This actually came out the first of this year and I think it does an amazing job of telling the difference between Guts and Griffith:

Guts and Griffith - What Makes A True Hero?
RoyBatty91 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Agriculture hasn't really been that successful in Africa, but you're right about the other part. The deal is that Blacks have talents which are strong in immediacy and intuition, whereas Asians are talented in logic and long-range planning, and Whites have both to a less intense degree.
You can see this play out in sports and music - Blacks are the biggest fans of basketball, which is a very free-form, improvisational sport, Asians are the biggest fans of baseball, which emphasizes patience and restraint, and Whites are the biggest fans of American football and rugby, which requires both intelligent strategy-making and heavy physical action.
In music, Blacks are most famous for jazz sessions and rap battles, Whites for classic rock, which was inspired by jazz and blues but which gave it order and structure, and Asians for compositional music, making some of the best film scores and having greater respect for Classical music than most modern-day Whites do.
I'm convinced that magic is held back by our place in the Yuga cycle and by the psychic and material influence of Judeo-Christo-Islam. If both of those things were different, then I'm sure Black intuition talents would be very successful there.

I feel like White people are the most empathetic, social and good at seeing the bigger picture. It's interesting how almost everyone seems to be undermining their own race in this topic, because I'm not too fond of the Japanese. They slave away their people to a lifelong time of financial servitude and everyone runs on guilt and shame. Most Japanese have seemingly given up on living a happy life, but on a positive note, the youth seem to be rebelling against the current way of living so I'm hopeful for Japan. Btw, I'm not Japanese, I'm just a Mongolian who lived in Tokyo for a very long time. Also Tokyo might also be the reason for my dislike, since no one Japan truly likes Tokyo, even the Japanese themselves.
AsianStar said:
It's interesting how almost everyone seems to be undermining their own race in this topic
Most likely this is because people were around their own race the most for obvious reasons, and as such experienced all the shortcomings of people nowadays first-hand. While I dont think badly of my White race, I do think very badly of the overall people in my country. I think there are so many worthless garbage idiots here that it's insane. But this is just because I have been around them all my life and experienced firsthand how shitty most of them are.

I'm 100% sure that if I had grown up in a different country, I would be thinking only good things about it instead because I would've never actually been there. In fact one of my friends who visited here said they liked it a lot, including some of the things I just despise, lol. Personal perception and bad past experiences can influence people's view on things a lot.
It looks like a lot of our life goals are lining up. Im currently working to land myself in a position where I can learn more about making games and tell our ancient culture. Im hoping to create a game that is similar to Magica2 but with runes in it:D. So everything ''magic'' related you learn in the game is going to be transferable to real life.

When it becomes safe for our identities to come out we should def do a collab project.
Shael said:
AsianStar said:
It's interesting how almost everyone seems to be undermining their own race in this topic
Most likely this is because people were around their own race the most for obvious reasons, and as such experienced all the shortcomings of people nowadays first-hand. While I dont think badly of my White race, I do think very badly of the overall people in my country. I think there are so many worthless garbage idiots here that it's insane. But this is just because I have been around them all my life and experienced firsthand how shitty most of them are.

I'm 100% sure that if I had grown up in a different country, I would be thinking only good things about it instead because I would've never actually been there. In fact one of my friends who visited here said they liked it a lot, including some of the things I just despise, lol. Personal perception and bad past experiences can influence people's view on things a lot.
It’s true, so many people wanna come live in Italy and so many wanna get the fuck out of this system lol. Geographically it’s beautiful but the state is shit. But most of the time the people moving in are some lefties ecc Because in italy your salary is a joke.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
