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Why Asians Don't Whine?

hailourtruegod said:
Since we're in the topic of anime as well, has any fan here seen people who are self proclaimed as the AnimeRight? It might sound silly but as it's being shown here a good amount of people who are racially aware or at least nationalistic are drawn to Japanese culture and it's NS ways. Some don't use that label but still fit into this. I've met western Europeans who are into anime that are nationalistic or against leftist/communistic agenda. If only there were more Americans who like Japanese culture that are like this. The majority of anime fans do seem to be liberal weirdos or losers but from experience there is a decent and noticeable amount of sane ones that are paying attention to what is going on and these people would probably be open to listening to the truth of Hitler, NS, anti-xian information and maybe eventually Spiritual Satanism.

I saw what that was all about and I find it legitimately terrifying for the fact that they are abusing the image of a wolf girl chibi that is closely looking like my avatar(An ns kitsune). After all, this website does give some good information in a hilarious way.

But this...holy heck, I think you might want to read this:

I laughed real hard at the first site of this: animeright.news << I believe this is where they came from.
Wildfire said:
But this...holy heck, I think you might want to read this:

I laughed real hard at the first site of this: animeright.news << I believe this is where they came from.

That anime director, Yaginuma Kazuyoshi, constantly posts redpills on his Twitter regarding the Jewish problem.

"In the comment section of a Japanese website I pasted a web address where people could investigate the lies about the Holocaust and Hitler. I posted under my real name, not yaginuma but 柳沼.

There are more and lies upon lies out there, but Hitler was a friend. World War II was a battle of Nazi Hitler (National Socialism) VS Allied Army (Jewish International Bankers). If the general population could somehow understand that, the situation around the war will change."
Wildfire said:
hailourtruegod said:
Since we're in the topic of anime as well, has any fan here seen people who are self proclaimed as the AnimeRight? It might sound silly but as it's being shown here a good amount of people who are racially aware or at least nationalistic are drawn to Japanese culture and it's NS ways. Some don't use that label but still fit into this. I've met western Europeans who are into anime that are nationalistic or against leftist/communistic agenda. If only there were more Americans who like Japanese culture that are like this. The majority of anime fans do seem to be liberal weirdos or losers but from experience there is a decent and noticeable amount of sane ones that are paying attention to what is going on and these people would probably be open to listening to the truth of Hitler, NS, anti-xian information and maybe eventually Spiritual Satanism.

I saw what that was all about and I find it legitimately terrifying for the fact that they are abusing the image of a wolf girl chibi that is closely looking like my avatar(An ns kitsune). After all, this website does give some good information in a hilarious way.

But this...holy heck, I think you might want to read this:

I laughed real hard at the first site of this: animeright.news << I believe this is where they came from.
There are both weirdo and more woke type of people that are actratted to anime and japanese culture. Before i was an SS i LOVED japanese culture for some reasons (that now i know) it seems too perfect. I think people that had past lifes in ancient civilization deep down know that this society is wrong and so they are actratted to the japanese culture becouse it's close to those ancient civilization's.

Not all anime are good, there are anime that promote incest and/or pedophilia, this is thanks to the jews of course. They have infiltrated enough to ruin them a little, so i think those weirdo are probabily actratted to that part of the "culture".
FancyMancy said:
Valontuoja said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.
[something to do with "pre-adamite man" being Black needing to be replaced (the truth being Blacks were created first, then Asians then Whites, but not to be replaced)
something else to do with xianity enslaving Blacks]

HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
Were Blacks used as sentries/guards? That would make sense if so.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
rather than jew produced feces which many people call 'movies'.

I am a lover of movies and reviews and such. I would take this as a career, same as directing, were this world cleaner. I feel disgusted to watch most mainstream new movies.
I saw After Earth with Will and Jaden Smith for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I didn't like Will in it. It didn't suit him, but I bet the fake criticisms of it and him said it was utterly fantabulistic and his best performance yet. In reality, it wasn't him. The criticisms are all SPB - sensationalist propaganda bullshit, to just sell the film to you, make you waste your money.

I like some parts in that movie but I don't think it's will Smith fault. Jayden literally plays the weaked plague emotionally sad character in the movie. His posture and movement as being cohen is off. It throws the movie out of balance.

A great fantastic movie withl will Smith that is truly amazing. THE LEGEND OF BAGGER VANCE.
Egon said:
Wildfire said:
But this...holy heck, I think you might want to read this:

I laughed real hard at the first site of this: animeright.news << I believe this is where they came from.

That anime director, Yaginuma Kazuyoshi, constantly posts redpills on his Twitter regarding the Jewish problem.

"In the comment section of a Japanese website I pasted a web address where people could investigate the lies about the Holocaust and Hitler. I posted under my real name, not yaginuma but 柳沼.

There are more and lies upon lies out there, but Hitler was a friend. World War II was a battle of Nazi Hitler (National Socialism) VS Allied Army (Jewish International Bankers). If the general population could somehow understand that, the situation around the war will change."

That's why I'm shocked, cuz I was real happy at least that he's at least considered woke and to discover him too. I also read somewhere in there that he hates Xtianity too:

" Hitler was trying to kill Christianity. He knew it was a Jewish mind control weapon.

Christian mind control matches the fraud in big finance, military power and political power

It is painful for anti-semitic people that many of their allies are Christian


Is the part on when he said that it is painful for antisemitic to have xtian allies true? My answer, an absolute YES.

And he even quoted hating all the abrahamic religions too:

"Jehovah's religions created the idea of being a chosen people. With it, a discriminating consciousness is born out of this idea, different sides of the same coin, light and dark, yin and yang.

If you can eradicate Abrahamic religions, we can have world peace. Christians and Muslims, I want you to realize you're being deceived. You are a victim in a bad religion.

I wonder if speaking out against Christianity and Islam is more dangerous than speaking out against Judaism? But I think that's the most important thing here. I think because it will help us find a way to win."

No surprise, imagine if he starts mentioning the JoS, Satan and the gods as the true gods of mankind or when he finds out about us. What would that do? Get the world to red alert?
Without any further do, that guy is awesome.

luis said:
Not all anime are good, there are anime that promote incest and/or pedophilia, this is thanks to the jews of course. They have infiltrated enough to ruin them a little, so i think those weirdo are probabily actratted to that part of the "culture".

Real true, good I'm actually attracted to any kinds of fiction with great and an A okay plot that doesn't have joo influence and on the other hand to stuff like on hentei, I do draw those in private as long as it does not create mental problems for me or anyone. Remember what Japan said when EU cried about hentei.

I'm glad I developed a strong mind to brave shart like those. Jews wanna jew up everything but our final rtr keeps making their efforts backfire or fail totally.

What do we call a weeaboo Jew? A weeaJoo. :D
About Japan...
Where the (((Jesuits))) failed,(((Freemasonry))) succeeded.

(((They))) balance Asia, (((communism))) in China and (((capitalism))) in Japan. (((They))) even split Korea for the same purpose.

That’s how the Jews work. They have to keep the illusion of two opposing sides, so that they can get away with all the stolen “goods” unpunished.
They didn't split Korea in half as some long term plan. They attempted to grab control with the Korean war but lost. And Japan surrendered in time so the Red Army didn't have the chance to invade it as was the original plan. They also stabbed the Chinese Nationalist Forces in the back after they had defeated Mao, so they still win with Mao and turn the war around for Communism. The Jews lost a lot of power for their Communist agenda in America with the rise of the cold war and many of their agents where driven out of power. This is why the Jews attempted to sabotage American moral during Vietnam and use this to bring about an open Communist movement again in America. Ronald Regan was a neo-con but he still brought their USSR down. Regan also cracked the whip on Berkley and ordered them to stop promoting Communism.
HailMotherLilith said:
Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Agriculture hasn't really been that successful in Africa, but you're right about the other part. The deal is that Blacks have talents which are strong in immediacy and intuition, whereas Asians are talented in logic and long-range planning, and Whites have both to a less intense degree.
You can see this play out in sports and music - Blacks are the biggest fans of basketball, which is a very free-form, improvisational sport, Asians are the biggest fans of baseball, which emphasizes patience and restraint, and Whites are the biggest fans of American football and rugby, which requires both intelligent strategy-making and heavy physical action.
In music, Blacks are most famous for jazz sessions and rap battles, Whites for classic rock, which was inspired by jazz and blues but which gave it order and structure, and Asians for compositional music, making some of the best film scores and having greater respect for Classical music than most modern-day Whites do.
I'm convinced that magic is held back by our place in the Yuga cycle and by the psychic and material influence of Judeo-Christo-Islam. If both of those things were different, then I'm sure Black intuition talents would be very successful there.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
If Japan's financial and labour system was really based on NS standards, then why karoshi happens?

Because it is not. Not sure where this was mentioned, but when work is concerned, Asia is brutal. Extremely brutal.

It was mentioned here in the quote below. That's why I brought it up.

HP Mageson666 said:
They also way before the war had created a NS style economic system based on common sense and understanding real economics.
Stormblood said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
If Japan's financial and labour system was really based on NS standards, then why karoshi happens?

Because it is not. Not sure where this was mentioned, but when work is concerned, Asia is brutal. Extremely brutal.

It was mentioned here in the quote below. That's why I brought it up.

HP Mageson666 said:
They also way before the war had created a NS style economic system based on common sense and understanding real economics.

HP Mageson doesn't say here that they made it to that system. He just says they incorporated values and such long story short. And this shows since Japan is the most humane country out of all the Asiatic countries where work is concerned.

Why do we have to make a fancy term like Karoshi or such, there are people in the West brutally worked to death even to this day in countries where there are supposed rights. It happens.

Japan takes steps to free people from this with the development of tech now. Japan has also been the most humane of all Asian countries where work is concerned, because of what they tried to incorporate with the NS style working system.

As to if they succeeded or not well, they are doing very good, compared to China and others who never had such influences and they are working people literally to death and have them locked in in factories in order to work.

However the same thing happens in some top companies in London. You literally sleep in the office to wake up and continue working. You pop your benzos to feel happy and work for as long as until you collapse.

Abusing employees is a worldwide issue.
Karoshi which is people dying on the job from exhaustion. Japan is a nation where students go to school 12 hours a day in many cases and the grade average to get into their universities is high. A person who failed to make the grade could walk into any elite university over here. That is the Japanese they are strict and disciplined to the extreme. They will die with their boots on at the job it really makes sense if you understand Bushido. They are a warrior culture at heart. A lot of this comes from this sense of personal honor. This is also why the suicide rate can be high in Japan.

After the war the Japanese rebuilt their society from the ground up to rebuild their Empire in a new way which is economic global competitor and their corporation style as I stated is built on a NS model. Part of this is honor of the corporation is tried into a kind of national honor. The Japanese before the war also built their banking model on a English economic theorists model which created a NS style banking system.

The prewar Japanese economic model was so successful Japan didn't suffer during the depression and the Jews in control of the US government used economic warfare to collapse Asian markets which caused major famine in China which helped to bring on the Communist revolution. This was designed to break Japan as the major economic power in the Far East. This is why they put the embargo's on Japan which forced them into the war. Today Japan for a small Island has one of the best economies on earth even a close competitor to America in this way.
RoyBatty91 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Agriculture hasn't really been that successful in Africa, but you're right about the other part. The deal is that Blacks have talents which are strong in immediacy and intuition, whereas Asians are talented in logic and long-range planning, and Whites have both to a less intense degree.
You can see this play out in sports and music - Blacks are the biggest fans of basketball, which is a very free-form, improvisational sport, Asians are the biggest fans of baseball, which emphasizes patience and restraint, and Whites are the biggest fans of American football and rugby, which requires both intelligent strategy-making and heavy physical action.
In music, Blacks are most famous for jazz sessions and rap battles, Whites for classic rock, which was inspired by jazz and blues but which gave it order and structure, and Asians for compositional music, making some of the best film scores and having greater respect for Classical music than most modern-day Whites do.
I'm convinced that magic is held back by our place in the Yuga cycle and by the psychic and material influence of Judeo-Christo-Islam. If both of those things were different, then I'm sure Black intuition talents would be very successful there.

The key is to stop thinking as talents as some sort of pie where everyone has to take a piece of so we call ourselves 'just' and good communists.

It's not like one pie that one takes let's say "Creativity" and none is left for anyone else. And another takes "emotion" so there is none for another race.

Whites are a very complete race. If Whites did not have earth element they wouldn't be caring to build physical megastructures and spend 2 years creating painting a ceiling of 25x25 in some palaces in Europe.
With Karoshi also remember the Imperial Japanese Army trained 13 hours a day seven days a week and for holidays went on war exercises. After the war they shifted that Samurai mentality into building a global business empire.

Lazy ass weeboo's who fap to ponies fear the Samurai...
Japanese anime created stuff like Dragon Ball Z about people who turn into Gods and fight across the universe. And America turns anime into a show for bronies to clop to.
HP Mageson666 said:
Japanese anime created stuff like Dragon Ball Z about people who turn into Gods and fight across the universe. And America turns anime into a show for bronies to clop to.

Dragon Ball is really Satanic.

Sayan (Satyan) is the race of Satan ♡
RoyBatty91 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Agriculture hasn't really been that successful in Africa, but you're right about the other part. The deal is that Blacks have talents which are strong in immediacy and intuition, whereas Asians are talented in logic and long-range planning, and Whites have both to a less intense degree.
You can see this play out in sports and music - Blacks are the biggest fans of basketball, which is a very free-form, improvisational sport, Asians are the biggest fans of baseball, which emphasizes patience and restraint, and Whites are the biggest fans of American football and rugby, which requires both intelligent strategy-making and heavy physical action.
In music, Blacks are most famous for jazz sessions and rap battles, Whites for classic rock, which was inspired by jazz and blues but which gave it order and structure, and Asians for compositional music, making some of the best film scores and having greater respect for Classical music than most modern-day Whites do.
I'm convinced that magic is held back by our place in the Yuga cycle and by the psychic and material influence of Judeo-Christo-Islam. If both of those things were different, then I'm sure Black intuition talents would be very successful there.
Those are just lazy conjectures on your part, or maybe you are really just biased. Regardless your empty observations and of so many others on the topic of race, are so devoid of any substance anyone shouldnt waste time debating you point by point. It seems people will do the most pathetic mental gymnastics to avoid making the honest recognition that whites absolutelly do hold mastery over the spiritual mental and physical. I've read on this forum that whites should be careful when they go to the sun because they are of the element of eather even, thats how touchy they get on the topic of race. They go that basic.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
The key is to stop thinking as talents as some sort of pie where everyone has to take a piece of so we call ourselves 'just' and good communists.

It's not like one pie that one takes let's say "Creativity" and none is left for anyone else. And another takes "emotion" so there is none for another race.

Whites are a very complete race. If Whites did not have earth element they wouldn't be caring to build physical megastructures and spend 2 years creating painting a ceiling of 25x25 in some palaces in Europe.

Certainly, the biggest mistake that the "supremacist" types make is to assume that one group is completely one thing and another is completely the other. There's always overlap, though group patterns are still distinct. If the races didn't just randomly evolve, but were created or genetically influenced to be complementary to each other, then it makes sense that you would have one being the strongest in a Feminine/Intuitive mindset, another the strongest in a Masculine/Logical mindset, and a third to bridge the two (it's also interesting that the physical distinctions are the opposite of the mental ones - Blacks are the most physically masculine, Asians are the most physically feminine, and Whites are again a balance).
HPS Shannon said:
Also, there are alot of whites who don't take shit from others and this is seen in places in Europe, Russia and the like. This is a wonderful thing but now we are talking about the majority that are deluded with Liberalism and xianity that have weakened them and softened then up. Let's not forget the strong and warriof Viking culture and Roman culture as mentioned. We need to return to this state. Obviously it is in whites but the point today, in this current state is that the majority of then are not and they are taking this Jewish shit and feon other races which is not right.

Just how this system has weakened blacks mentally. But blacks still have the extroverted agressive spirit inside that Jews are afraid of currently. This is not a matter of which race is more brave, etc, etc, etc. All gentiles are brave but all gentiles have a different psychology. The black race can be too physical and lack proper forethought and altruism and these traits can manifest onto a certain nature. That's why Jews use them.

I do not believe Blacks naturally have higher testesterone. Those tests are based on todays soy boys. They have done tests on Aryan Men, Say from a certain organization that doesnt like to be mentioned online, so I wont to respect them. They found their testesterone was much Higher then Blacks.

There are two distinct groups here. White people do not back down because their ethereal or whatever. They back down because they have been beat down, Bound and cursed to the point of something unrecognizable to what they were.

As was mentioned in the roman era, they were loud boisterous, Held Orgies every week and litterally dominated the world with little effort.

I do not have any desire to argue this point. It is clearly common sense to almost everyone here. But for those that maybe falling away from this insight, I just wanted to prod a reminder nothing more.

Though Honestly it would be pretty laughable if now were going to be cautious about defending the Aryan Race, In a Nazi Organization. But I mean why not, we have done some pretty hilarious things already.
Also This is what happens when Aryan men living in the 30s go into an office to confront someone.


Go to 2 hours and 21 mins to 2 hours and 23 mins.
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.

A completely alien feeling? I guess if you are around nerdy teenagers with no desire for anything. I have worked some very hard jobs, warehouse, Rock Quarry, Construction, Concrete etc. You want to see some strong ass people then you need to go to where they are at. Where we work 12 hour days of non stop hard labor.

I have seen White people and Mexicans and the 1-2 black people on all of these jobs. Sometimes the occassional asian. The asians are hardworking but not usually physically like this. You wanna know who is usually the hardest working? The damn mexicans. They are some strong ass mother fuckers. But you dont hear much praise about them. I have seen them run circles around everyone else while having the mentality they are sipping pina coladas on the beach.

Some are very Beautiful. Usually the better looking they are, the more they are like this.
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.
Yes many are the 'never give up' type, i love that.
Most Asian's in America are middle class level people who come over to make money. If you go to Asia you will find millions of working class Asians who have to work 16 hour days in factories, doing construction and all kinds of intense labour jobs. This should be common sense also a lot of Mexican's have Asian genes they are from a common Asiatic race.

Korean and Japanese traditional culture is very macho style culture as well.
I read about that Karoshi HP, a few months ago it puts the Protestant work ethic to shame :D

I have never watched Dragon Ball z but i fancy having a look.
Aldrick Strickland said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, there are alot of whites who don't take shit from others and this is seen in places in Europe, Russia and the like. This is a wonderful thing but now we are talking about the majority that are deluded with Liberalism and xianity that have weakened them and softened then up. Let's not forget the strong and warriof Viking culture and Roman culture as mentioned. We need to return to this state. Obviously it is in whites but the point today, in this current state is that the majority of then are not and they are taking this Jewish shit and feon other races which is not right.

Just how this system has weakened blacks mentally. But blacks still have the extroverted agressive spirit inside that Jews are afraid of currently. This is not a matter of which race is more brave, etc, etc, etc. All gentiles are brave but all gentiles have a different psychology. The black race can be too physical and lack proper forethought and altruism and these traits can manifest onto a certain nature. That's why Jews use them.

I do not believe Blacks naturally have higher testesterone. Those tests are based on todays soy boys. They have done tests on Aryan Men, Say from a certain organization that doesnt like to be mentioned online, so I wont to respect them. They found their testesterone was much Higher then Blacks.

There are two distinct groups here. White people do not back down because their ethereal or whatever. They back down because they have been beat down, Bound and cursed to the point of something unrecognizable to what they were.

As was mentioned in the roman era, they were loud boisterous, Held Orgies every week and litterally dominated the world with little effort.

I do not have any desire to argue this point. It is clearly common sense to almost everyone here. But for those that maybe falling away from this insight, I just wanted to prod a reminder nothing more.

Though Honestly it would be pretty laughable if now were going to be cautious about defending the Aryan Race, In a Nazi Organization. But I mean why not, we have done some pretty hilarious things already.

I have to agree 100% with you here. It's a complete lie when people say blacks are physically stronger than white people. There's a reason why white men AND women dominate the UFC area. Whites overall domimate in more sports than any other race. Polish people work just as hard in construction as Mexicans from my own experience. That's saying a lot since I agree Mexicans work very hard as well. The only "proof" that people have that blacks are stronger are anecdotes. The msm and popular anti white internet places like worldkikehiphop are biased when it comes to showing fights or examples of strength. Other anecdotes are schools that are mostly non white will have more examples of sronger whites for obvious reasons. I went to a racially balanced school and met white people who were as athletic and strong as other races there. And they didn't take shit from nonwhites if they got targeted for racial reasons.

White people have been the biggest target of pacifism. (((White culture))) is the complete opposite of (((black culture))) and that's why you see too many white soy boys. With all due respect if people want to talk about the base of each race and their traits then they should look into everything and leave the bias out.
Aldrick Strickland said:
A completely alien feeling? I guess if you are around nerdy teenagers with no desire for anything. I have worked some very hard jobs, warehouse, Rock Quarry, Construction, Concrete etc. You want to see some strong ass people then you need to go to where they are at. Where we work 12 hour days of non stop hard labor.

How old are you?

I believe a lot of the youth has little motivation mostly out of discontent for the trash economic system we're living in that is fucking us completely. There's a guy I've known since highschool who worked really hard to become a good programmer. And this is the kid who spent all his free time at home studying his ass off to be good at something while the rest of us were goofing around.

This guy is now working as a programmer making 600€ a month. That's 20€ more than the minimum wage in this country. I would be tying the noose and fucking ending it if I worked that hard for something and ended up not making enough to even have my own place. It's a joke. And this is what happens to hardworking young people and why lots of us have no motivation to do anything with their lives. This kid legitimately spent almost a decade working his ass off for this. He's a good goyim and is happy with getting bread crumbs for his hard work so I guess all is fine there.
HP Mageson666 said:
Most Asian's in America are middle class level people who come over to make money. If you go to Asia you will find millions of working class Asians who have to work 16 hour days in factories, doing construction and all kinds of intense labour jobs. This should be common sense also a lot of Mexican's have Asian genes they are from a common Asiatic race.

Korean and Japanese traditional culture is very macho style culture as well.

Yes it should be common sense but sense is no longer common and common is no longer sense.
Excuse me, I meant to say school that have mostly non whites will have more stronger non* whites for obvious reasons.

And if it's not obvious then what I meant is that there's a higher chance that a non white will be one of the strongest in the school since there's more of them.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Though Honestly it would be pretty laughable if now were going to be cautious about defending the Aryan Race, In a Nazi Organization. But I mean why not, we have done some pretty hilarious things already.
Because jews have both demonized and infiltrated (such as with xtianity and third sex hate) white nationalist platforms for so long, not to mention how much they have lied about Hitler and the nazis, it's good to not make too much waves. People coming here shouldn't feel like coming on some sort of stereotypical KKK platform or neonazi clan. A lot of people because of jewish brainwashing have a tendency to go into mental meltdown very easily this affects black people a lot. Among whites you can see this among the SJW youth. Let people have time to assimilate and understand complex realities. That's why things are as they are. Plus we want cooperation between gentile races anyway.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.

A completely alien feeling?

Yes. Let's face it. An overwhelming amount of the population has the defeated mindset of who has completely given up on their dreams and desires. The only exception would be the Spiritual Satanists who have worked out this hangup created by the Jewish programmes and the very few non-SS Gentiles who are actually successful in their lives. All the rest needs a wake-up call to get out of the death spiral they are into.
hailourtruegod said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HPS Shannon said:
Also, there are alot of whites who don't take shit from others and this is seen in places in Europe, Russia and the like. This is a wonderful thing but now we are talking about the majority that are deluded with Liberalism and xianity that have weakened them and softened then up. Let's not forget the strong and warriof Viking culture and Roman culture as mentioned. We need to return to this state. Obviously it is in whites but the point today, in this current state is that the majority of then are not and they are taking this Jewish shit and feon other races which is not right.

Just how this system has weakened blacks mentally. But blacks still have the extroverted agressive spirit inside that Jews are afraid of currently. This is not a matter of which race is more brave, etc, etc, etc. All gentiles are brave but all gentiles have a different psychology. The black race can be too physical and lack proper forethought and altruism and these traits can manifest onto a certain nature. That's why Jews use them.

I do not believe Blacks naturally have higher testesterone. Those tests are based on todays soy boys. They have done tests on Aryan Men, Say from a certain organization that doesnt like to be mentioned online, so I wont to respect them. They found their testesterone was much Higher then Blacks.

There are two distinct groups here. White people do not back down because their ethereal or whatever. They back down because they have been beat down, Bound and cursed to the point of something unrecognizable to what they were.

As was mentioned in the roman era, they were loud boisterous, Held Orgies every week and litterally dominated the world with little effort.

I do not have any desire to argue this point. It is clearly common sense to almost everyone here. But for those that maybe falling away from this insight, I just wanted to prod a reminder nothing more.

Though Honestly it would be pretty laughable if now were going to be cautious about defending the Aryan Race, In a Nazi Organization. But I mean why not, we have done some pretty hilarious things already.

I have to agree 100% with you here. It's a complete lie when people say blacks are physically stronger than white people. There's a reason why white men AND women dominate the UFC area. Whites overall domimate in more sports than any other race. Polish people work just as hard in construction as Mexicans from my own experience. That's saying a lot since I agree Mexicans work very hard as well. The only "proof" that people have that blacks are stronger are anecdotes. The msm and popular anti white internet places like worldkikehiphop are biased when it comes to showing fights or examples of strength. Other anecdotes are schools that are mostly non white will have more examples of sronger whites for obvious reasons. I went to a racially balanced school and met white people who were as athletic and strong as other races there. And they didn't take shit from nonwhites if they got targeted for racial reasons.

White people have been the biggest target of pacifism. (((White culture))) is the complete opposite of (((black culture))) and that's why you see too many white soy boys. With all due respect if people want to talk about the base of each race and their traits then they should look into everything and leave the bias out.

My comment on blacks having higher testosterone and different hormone levels are based off of racial studies on PDFs posted by members such as Egon, etc. Studies on the races that actually depict racial reality truthfully. Not those fake anti white ones. They depict racial reality without 'feelings' involved.

The hormones level is different from other races in that you can see this with bone and muscle structure. Not solely on the level of bravery or aggression. I never said that whites have significantly less. Actually alot of people, regardless of race, have less due to the tainted and chemical laden foods. Here I am just pointing out the physiology of blacks by itself.
HPS Shannon said:
hailourtruegod said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
I do not believe Blacks naturally have higher testesterone. Those tests are based on todays soy boys. They have done tests on Aryan Men, Say from a certain organization that doesnt like to be mentioned online, so I wont to respect them. They found their testesterone was much Higher then Blacks.

There are two distinct groups here. White people do not back down because their ethereal or whatever. They back down because they have been beat down, Bound and cursed to the point of something unrecognizable to what they were.

As was mentioned in the roman era, they were loud boisterous, Held Orgies every week and litterally dominated the world with little effort.

I do not have any desire to argue this point. It is clearly common sense to almost everyone here. But for those that maybe falling away from this insight, I just wanted to prod a reminder nothing more.

Though Honestly it would be pretty laughable if now were going to be cautious about defending the Aryan Race, In a Nazi Organization. But I mean why not, we have done some pretty hilarious things already.

I have to agree 100% with you here. It's a complete lie when people say blacks are physically stronger than white people. There's a reason why white men AND women dominate the UFC area. Whites overall domimate in more sports than any other race. Polish people work just as hard in construction as Mexicans from my own experience. That's saying a lot since I agree Mexicans work very hard as well. The only "proof" that people have that blacks are stronger are anecdotes. The msm and popular anti white internet places like worldkikehiphop are biased when it comes to showing fights or examples of strength. Other anecdotes are schools that are mostly non white will have more examples of sronger whites for obvious reasons. I went to a racially balanced school and met white people who were as athletic and strong as other races there. And they didn't take shit from nonwhites if they got targeted for racial reasons.

White people have been the biggest target of pacifism. (((White culture))) is the complete opposite of (((black culture))) and that's why you see too many white soy boys. With all due respect if people want to talk about the base of each race and their traits then they should look into everything and leave the bias out.

My comment on blacks having higher testosterone and different hormone levels are based off of racial studies on PDFs posted by members such as Egon, etc. Studies on the races that actually depict racial reality truthfully. Not those fake anti white ones. They depict racial reality without 'feelings' involved.

The hormones level is different from other races in that you can see this with bone and muscle structure. Not solely on the level of bravery or aggression. I never said that whites have significantly less. Actually alot of people, regardless of race, have less due to the tainted and chemical laden foods. Here I am just pointing out the physiology of blacks by itself.
I have noticed blacks get muscle mass more easily, correct me if im wrong.
Stormblood said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Stormblood said:
Thank you for explaining some more things about Japan.

Many Japanese anime have deep spiritual allegories embedded into them and another thing to note is that the main character (if not most of the characters anyways) have a very strong, Scorpio-like willpower. The drive to succeed and to defend their personal code that trumps everything else, even tiredness, pain and seemingly impossible odds. This is a completely alien feeling in the West for most people, as is the meaning of comradeship.

A completely alien feeling?

Yes. Let's face it. An overwhelming amount of the population has the defeated mindset of who has completely given up on their dreams and desires. The only exception would be the Spiritual Satanists who have worked out this hangup created by the Jewish programmes and the very few non-SS Gentiles who are actually successful in their lives. All the rest needs a wake-up call to get out of the death spiral they are into.

Yeah youre probably right. Its a shit show.
I want the Japanese to make Slothz tales into a manga with that the "Jews fear the Samurai" guy on the cover eating Hitler ice cream sitting next to Billy Idol giving the Billy Idol fist salute to the swastika.
With the recent move against The Lard Queen Merkel by her own Party, Slothz tales has once again predicted the future.
HP Mageson666 said:
I want the Japanese to make Slothz tales into a manga with that the "Jews fear the Samurai" guy on the cover eating Hitler ice cream sitting next to Billy Idol giving the Billy Idol fist salute to the swastika.

Don't mind if I'd be allowed to try ;D
Please ignore what I said to hp mageson, I'll have to clean myself up.
Egon said:
I didn't knew about Merkel but I had made this meme earlier today


Nice bro!!


My meme now. \o/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
