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Why Asians Don't Whine?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are many Asians and others in the US who do not whine about structural racism and all the other communist stuff.

Why? Because they are clearly achievers and they do not have the same mental hole created in their racial mind by jews.

Asians also do engage way less in criminality and the related attitudes. They live in their own communities and do not really care.

With Asians I was able to maintain conversations about race that others would have an instant meltdown. With Hindu people it's exactly the same, no meltdown whatsover. They are actually happy they are distinct of a people. But Blacks will act on these conversations as they were hit by electric shock.

This is clear as to why, the jew has not invested in corroding the racial mind of Asians or Hindus just yet and because they could not. They also cannot rally them to mass crime through this corrosion of soul and mind.

But they have invested two centuries of doing this programming to black people's minds to the point they have them under leash with this. You can call someone a "racist" and the jew lets the leash so they go for the throat, of even their OWN PEOPLE when they mention these subjects.

Blacks have been put by jews in a psychotic wheel where they are made to feel inferior constantly. This is in retaliation to what happened later in American history and the slaves were freed. The jews lost their slaves and the punishment here wss mental plague.

This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".

As for the argument of life conditions many Asians in the west and such do not have any dreamy life. I know many who just barely get by. They still do not complain the state doesn't give them iPhone X for free every 6 months for their whole family. And they are rarely if ever on state help.

They just grind their way through life. The belief of being entitled to anything I have not seen in any Chinese or Asian people. Nor they whine to be treated as your equals. This also makes them rise superior in many professional fields. Tens and tens of Asians come in Europe every year without any figment of any imaginary racism.

Racism is nothing threatening but only to jews. The jews were able to transplant this to other Gentiles to make them feel they share the same problem.

As the spawn ghoul of George Soros stated, they do this because in a society without minorities that are made to feel persecuted the jew cannot survive. Multiculturalism is where the jew can be as alien as they wish and never be found out.

The jews create socket categories to act as hatred absorbers. One example is Muslims and Arabs in Europe. They act as shock absorbers for what is ultimately a jewish plan. Schooled well by jewish Islam, they make the perfect decoy: a decoy that is actually dangerous.

Gentiles are put constantly as decoys so the alien jew canive without being noticed for their corrosion.

As of the slogans of the jewish military goes, Fight Through Deception.

Where there is clarity there can be no confusion.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.
Valontuoja said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.

They hate everyone.

Jews hate blacks because they cannot successfully blend into them in the ancient times. A jew could not just go to Congo and tell them to become their slave or they would be killed.

The blacks also never really attacked or chase the jews explicitly.

However this only goes to show that you do not have to do anything against the jews so they hate you to the depth of their guts.

Jews are afraid of blacks they keep them out of Israel to avoid being victims of crime or them waking up and kicking their ass if they wake up.

Israel does not take black people in. Even if their mother is jewish.
Valontuoja said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.

Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
Exactly, the other races tend more to just go along with it hoping that eventually someone else will come along and make everything better. Blacks are usually much more likely to stick up for themselves and demand justice now. This is something I greatly admire about them, I wish the other races had more of this quality.
HailMotherLilith said:
Valontuoja said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.

Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Good at agriculture because blacks have a certain endurance that favors physical labor. In studying the black race and their physiology, it points towards biological sufficiency. But any race can succeed at working the earth with growing things, etc.

The trait of blacks are that we have an earthy primordial and primal energy that represent the foundation of life. Embodiment of the earth element, of the material. This is seen in our biology and characteristics. Being the most physical of the races, in tuned to rhythm and dance, sexual, coarse and sensuous.

And interestingly, whites are similar to the Aether element, it appears.
The Japanese and South Korean's are in the space age of development. China would be but they have the Communist dictatorship like North Korea.... Which shows the difference between what Communism gives and what free societies can create. Japan unlike China actually builds really good products that last forever. But Japanese companies are run on NS style model which reflect traditional Japanese culture. Where China is run on the Jew model of greed so everything they built is total fucking junk.

I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet where they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. And they need to make that Japanese guy who talks about how "The Jews fear the Samurai" the leader of their nation. The Japanese as a race have too much of a deep sense of honor its on the soul level with them to ever have the Jews control them. Where Whites problem is while as a race we have a spiritual concept of honor we have too much of a sense of individuality that the Jews corrupted us thought with cosmopolitan liberalism. That does not work on the Japanese......Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Without Christianity the Jews would be finished the world over. Its right in their Torah. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome all kicked their asses......They were all PAGANS. Then Christianity comes around and the jews are damn near ruling the planet. The Pagan Assyrians almost wiped out the entire Jew race in the jew book. They destroyed ten whole tribes of them.
The leader of Uganda stood up to the Jew World Order and even trained his army to invade Israel along with Arab nations in a future war with Israel. The guy even pulled out the Protocols on an interview with the western press and gave them a lecture on it being true. That took some back bone. And he also had a statue of Hitler in his government building. Of course the jews tell us he was an ebil psycho and all this mumbo jumbo he ate like six million African's or something.....Where have I heard a similar tale about that...… Funny however who is wise to the jews because a horror movie caricature in the jews lies.

HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
I doubt this claim that blacks can potentially be the most dangerous when it comes to retaliating against the jews. It
was whites that engaged in the most vicious pogroms against the jews. These included beatings to burnings. The roman-jewish wars was nothing but a huge pogrom, the roman empire literally raided the jewish homeland, far outnumbered and completely destroyed them murdering millions of kikes as an act of revenge.

The jewish modus operandi is to feign a smile and slowly gain institutionalized power while brainwashing the host community. So the question about bravery is irrelevant as white people dont even have a clue on what they are on to.
They know no one stands a chance on the battlefield against whites when the lines arent blurred.
People that think whites take shit from others need to get a grasp on the peculiar situation we are set in. The gangster mentality from blacks was artificially engineered by the jewish kikes, its a recent phenomena.
The Jews were the most dominate in numbers in White areas for thousands of years some of the most pogroms were in the Russian Empire where over ninety percent of the jewish race lived. They didn't move into Africa beyond Ethiopia which was Christian. Also in China the Jews were numerous enough to have pogroms by the Chinese against them.
HPS Shannon said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Valontuoja said:
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.

Probably because blacks are more connected to Mother Earth in the sense that they can succeed in agriculture, asians with technology, etc.

Just a thought. :)

Good at agriculture because blacks have a certain endurance that favors physical labor. In studying the black race and their physiology, it points towards biological sufficiency. But any race can succeed at working the earth with growing things, etc.

The trait of blacks are that we have an earthy primordial and primal energy that represent the foundation of life. Embodiment of the earth element, of the material. This is seen in our biology and characteristics. Being the most physical of the races, in tuned to rhythm and dance, sexual, coarse and sensuous.

And interestingly, whites are similar to the Aether element, it appears.

Interesting! :)
Bull Gotze said:
I doubt this claim that blacks can potentially be the most dangerous when it comes to retaliating against the jews. It
was whites that engaged in the most vicious pogroms against the jews. These included beatings to burnings. The roman-jewish wars was nothing but a huge pogrom, the roman empire literally raided the jewish homeland, far outnumbered and completely destroyed them murdering millions of kikes as an act of revenge.

The jewish modus operandi is to feign a smile and slowly gain institutionalized power while brainwashing the host community. So the question about bravery is irrelevant as white people dont even have a clue on what they are on to.
They know no one stands a chance on the battlefield against whites when the lines arent blurred.
People that think whites take shit from others need to get a grasp on the peculiar situation we are set in. The gangster mentality from blacks was artificially engineered by the jewish kikes, its a recent phenomena.

Now obviously we are talking about the current mental state and psychosis of today. No one said whites do not have these traits and just take shit just because. It's already been highlighted that because of the Jewish prograns we have the result of today. Everyone is clouded. The point is blacks have a more aggressive and outward kind of energy that can be channeled into aggression and initiative.

These hewosh prograns of aggression have succeeded in blacks because of their natural default. Now of the white race were bombarded with this same gangster mentally I'm sure they would be affected too but what you don't understand is that a certain psychology in these races manifest different. I know several blacks that do not follow the gangster mentally and still have a personality and mindset that can be explosive.

At first o couldn't understand this but Azazel told me this when it comes to the black race and why we are also needed to win this war entirely. Blacks have a natural explosive energy, this is due to higher testosterone, etc.

All gentiles have a warrior like nature but given the situation now due to the Jewish programs, liberalism and xianity, this is going to happen. And so far blacks have shown more of a resistance when it comes to any wrong they feel and still will do things that whites would not. For better of for worst.

This is jot just in American blacks.

The issue with blacks is they need better leadership to channel these inherent energies through spiritual development like all races.
Also, there are alot of whites who don't take shit from others and this is seen in places in Europe, Russia and the like. This is a wonderful thing but now we are talking about the majority that are deluded with Liberalism and xianity that have weakened them and softened then up. Let's not forget the strong and warriof Viking culture and Roman culture as mentioned. We need to return to this state. Obviously it is in whites but the point today, in this current state is that the majority of then are not and they are taking this Jewish shit and feon other races which is not right.

Just how this system has weakened blacks mentally. But blacks still have the extroverted agressive spirit inside that Jews are afraid of currently. This is not a matter of which race is more brave, etc, etc, etc. All gentiles are brave but all gentiles have a different psychology. The black race can be too physical and lack proper forethought and altruism and these traits can manifest onto a certain nature. That's why Jews use them.
Muhamad, towards the end of his life, didn't he know what the game was? He spent his last days cursing the Jews.

HP Mageson666 said:
The leader of Uganda stood up to the Jew World Order and even trained his army to invade Israel along with Arab nations in a future war with Israel. The guy even pulled out the Protocols on an interview with the western press and gave them a lecture on it being true. That took some back bone. And he also had a statue of Hitler in his government building. Of course the jews tell us he was an ebil psycho and all this mumbo jumbo he ate like six million African's or something.....Where have I heard a similar tale about that...… Funny however who is wise to the jews because a horror movie caricature in the jews lies.

HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Japanese and South Korean's are in the space age of development. China would be but they have the Communist dictatorship like North Korea.... Which shows the difference between what Communism gives and what free societies can create. Japan unlike China actually builds really good products that last forever. But Japanese companies are run on NS style model which reflect traditional Japanese culture. Where China is run on the Jew model of greed so everything they built is total fucking junk.

I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet where they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. And they need to make that Japanese guy who talks about how "The Jews fear the Samurai" the leader of their nation. The Japanese as a race have too much of a deep sense of honor its on the soul level with them to ever have the Jews control them. Where Whites problem is while as a race we have a spiritual concept of honor we have too much of a sense of individuality that the Jews corrupted us thought with cosmopolitan liberalism. That does not work on the Japanese......Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Without Christianity the Jews would be finished the world over. Its right in their Torah. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome all kicked their asses......They were all PAGANS. Then Christianity comes around and the jews are damn near ruling the planet. The Pagan Assyrians almost wiped out the entire Jew race in the jew book. They destroyed ten whole tribes of them.
That's the thing with American weebo types waifu types they worship a Japan that does not exist they think its some cartoon convention with talking ponies and cosmopolitan liberal dweebs everywhere. Real Japan is a very different place its totally racialist with separate area's in Dojo's for foreigners, they have a strict Pagan religion based on spiritual and physical development and discipline. And they are a martial Fascist society by nature. And their own political leaders stand up in parliament and deride the Jews for being evil scum of the world and publish books on this that are best sellers. You don't have to tell a Japanese person anything they don't already know. Japan is woke.

The Japanese Political ambassador back in the day of the Third Reich one stated: "We Japanese are National Socialists we just call it by a different name." Basically them Germans are starting to turn Japanese.

This man is literally real Japan.

Aquarius said:
As Egon has shown..... You don't need to tell the Japanese anything they don't already know. They are woke. They are the one race that rejected Christianity hence the Jewish spell. Something interesting the Japanese even turned Mien Kampf into a manga book. They also way before the war had created a NS style economic system based on common sense and understanding real economics.

To understand what White Europe looked like before Jewish Christianity think of Japan with all White People instead. Why can people forget their wallets in Japan and have them returned with all the money intact by a Japanese person..... Their culture was not corrupted by fucking jews that is why.
HP Mageson666 said:
I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet awhere they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. A.. :geek:
explain please? (in other words)
for a clearer meaning?
HP Mageson666 said:
Something interesting the Japanese even turned Mein Kampf into a manga book.
That was a cool unbiased manga adaptation.

HP Mageson666 said:
That's the thing with American weebo types waifu types they worship a Japan that does not exist
They haven't been paying attention the 2nd or 3rd more famous anime/manga of all times, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, in Part 2 portrayed the 'Nazis' as the good guys who were also into the Occult...

Not to mention Berserk which is considered the best manga of all times and the most anti-xtian story I've come across yet as I've mentioned here.

Hoodedcobra666 said:

I was taught this story years ago by a self-proclaimed priestess. While she sat on her fat ass and swallowed my Mother’s tithes, she told me the sin of Blacks. She said that we all once sat at the table of God, we were no different than our White brethren. White skin, silky hair and all. She then said we became greedy and began to take without asking permission (meaning the food at this table, I did mention she was rather large, so didn’t surprise me her story was about food). In turn, Yahweh picked our black asses up and dipped us into a pool of tar. From that, she said came our dark skin and nappy hair. Looking back on it, I still don’t understand how people could entertain her filth. This is the same woman who deprived me of the last time I could see my father alive. Damn her and every Jew under her armpits.
Don t get fooled kids. The blacks are stronger and have higher testosterone than whites at the moment due to the context. The imposed culture for whites is to drown in tens of years if useless school and beat the keyboard daily while blacks train themselves in the gym. Who ate all the shit chemicals and soy for years? Whites!

I ve seen white weight lifters that have a cataclysmic natural power compared to blacks in the same field. Those were the ones who choose this path in place of the intelectual nerd. And whites have the potential to make an art out of sex sooo... they shoul exploit theit potential more cause there s a lot to explore
Bull Gotze said:
I doubt this claim that blacks can potentially be the most dangerous when it comes to retaliating against the jews. It
was whites that engaged in the most vicious pogroms against the jews. These included beatings to burnings. The roman-jewish wars was nothing but a huge pogrom, the roman empire literally raided the jewish homeland, far outnumbered and completely destroyed them murdering millions of kikes as an act of revenge.

The jewish modus operandi is to feign a smile and slowly gain institutionalized power while brainwashing the host community. So the question about bravery is irrelevant as white people dont even have a clue on what they are on to.
They know no one stands a chance on the battlefield against whites when the lines arent blurred.
People that think whites take shit from others need to get a grasp on the peculiar situation we are set in. The gangster mentality from blacks was artificially engineered by the jewish kikes, its a recent phenomena.

The gangster mentality of the blacks is something that only works with them because of their African ancestry. Just look at some wild African animals making a kill. There are thousands of videos about it. The African landscape and wilderness are peculiar in a way that there is so much of land and so many animals. If you want to survive in that jungle, you need to adapt to its cruelty. When the Germans colonized Namibia, there were some merchants (probably many kikes among them) who made deals with the local Herero tribe and when the Herero didn't have currency to pay back, the merchants conficated their cattle. This lead to the Herero uprisings in which many German settlers were viciously killed. These settlers had nothing to do with the merchants. In revenge, the Prussian military drove the Herero into the desert where 6 million of them were starved to death according to the official jewish history of Namibia (Herero are still one of the biggest tribes there).

Anyhow there are many evidences of ancient civilisations in Africa. Just look at the ancient irrigation system near the Okawango delta. You can see it from space. Most of the lines are pretty neatly arranged from east to west and parallel to the earth's rotation, so that the plants had sun all day. There must have been a civilization that used the water of the Okawango to irrigate an area bigger than any European country. It must have been a fruitful garden until something destroyed it and make people forget about its function.

Aerial photograph of a farm in Namibia. In the background you can see how extremely long and wide these lines are:

Close up of these lines from space:

The Okawango delta with parallel lines to the south and west of it:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Japanese and South Korean's are in the space age of development. China would be but they have the Communist dictatorship like North Korea.... Which shows the difference between what Communism gives and what free societies can create. Japan unlike China actually builds really good products that last forever. But Japanese companies are run on NS style model which reflect traditional Japanese culture. Where China is run on the Jew model of greed so everything they built is total fucking junk.

I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet where they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. And they need to make that Japanese guy who talks about how "The Jews fear the Samurai" the leader of their nation. The Japanese as a race have too much of a deep sense of honor its on the soul level with them to ever have the Jews control them. Where Whites problem is while as a race we have a spiritual concept of honor we have too much of a sense of individuality that the Jews corrupted us thought with cosmopolitan liberalism. That does not work on the Japanese......Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Without Christianity the Jews would be finished the world over. Its right in their Torah. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome all kicked their asses......They were all PAGANS. Then Christianity comes around and the jews are damn near ruling the planet. The Pagan Assyrians almost wiped out the entire Jew race in the jew book. They destroyed ten whole tribes of them.

The "the jews fear the Samurai" guy is (or was?) called Zynkyoku Haku which seems to be a pseudonym. The last upload on his youtube channel was several years ago. I fear he might have died. He said in his videos though that the jews are Satanic and stuff like that so maybe not the best leader for us anyways.
I have seen this guy and he is really woke, but he is trying to mask these things in the own native Shinto cloak. He is saying the truths. The jews ARE from another world, or let's simply say aliens. And from another dimension of souls.

He had it all well laid out but he wasn't really that clear. Yet his understanding of the situation is impressive for someone who hasn't been around here or anything.

Egon said:
Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Japanese do not hate Whites, quite the contrary, they know to admire good things when they see them, incorporate them, and still maintain an iron self will in a decadent world where everyone is going to racial extinction mode.

Sometimes people send me e-mails about anime and I will make a sermon about it as the patterns in Anime are very strongly Satanic. I used to watch Dragon Ball Z in like 2003-4.

It was better than any jewish crap aired on TV. Even today if it ever happens I have free time to 'watch' anything (bleh, not anymore), I would rather watch one of these movies which have Gentile morality and values like friendship and heroism rather than jew produced feces which many people call 'movies'.

I am a lover of movies and reviews and such. I would take this as a career, same as directing, were this world cleaner. I feel disgusted to watch most mainstream new movies.

We in the West have also honored the Samurai culture and made it famous likewise since it's a very cool culture. Many kids now and for decades imagined they were Samurais for the same reason. Whites elite battalions and Samurais were similar. Since the jew prohibited us from celebrating the Roman legionnaires, we at least had the Samurai as a warrior thing to show kids.

These pics below are from an anime where this person here in the end of it 'saves the world' and becomes world savior. After they win into a global cataclysmic war against the powers of evil, humanity becomes separated in their own context of territories in 5 continents separated by element and race, and everyone lives in development and peace.

The center anime character is called savior literally. He came from the union of two white looking individuals a redhead white woman from a foreign place with a native blonde blue eyed. He rules the 'village of fire' and the 'nation of fire' which mostly consists of white looking individuals.


Japan can as a whole watch this anime like maniacs and still not feel inferior somehow.

This is where in this fantasia village they put the faces of their emperors and such. This is inspired clearly from the USA.

Unfortunately the Chinese are not yet woke enough to overthrow the Jews from China. They are still under the spell of Jewish Materialism and Consumerism. Perhaps when things get dire for the classes of China then something may be done about the CCP. But it is hard to say when this will happen as the Chinese people have kept the old dynastic thinking towards the Communist government despite the cultural revolution. To the Chinese, the CCP are just another dynasty with a different dressing and terminology, the Xi dynasty.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Japanese do not hate Whites, quite the contrary, they know to admire good things when they see them, incorporate them, and still maintain an iron self will in a decadent world where everyone is going to racial extinction mode.

Sometimes people send me e-mails about anime and I will make a sermon about it as the patterns in Anime are very strongly Satanic. I used to watch Dragon Ball Z in like 2003-4.

It was better than any jewish crap aired on TV. Even today if it ever happens I have free time to 'watch' anything (bleh, not anymore), I would rather watch one of these movies which have Gentile morality and values like friendship and heroism rather than jew produced feces which many people call 'movies'.

I am a lover of movies and reviews and such. I would take this as a career, same as directing, were this world cleaner. I feel disgusted to watch most mainstream new movies.

We in the West have also honored the Samurai culture and made it famous likewise since it's a very cool culture. Many kids now and for decades imagined they were Samurais for the same reason. Whites elite battalions and Samurais were similar. Since the jew prohibited us from celebrating the Roman legionnaires, we at least had the Samurai as a warrior thing to show kids.

These pics below are from an anime where this person here in the end of it 'saves the world' and becomes world savior. After they win into a global cataclysmic war against the powers of evil, humanity becomes separated in their own context of territories in 5 continents separated by element and race, and everyone lives in development and peace.

The center anime character is called savior literally. He came from the union of two white looking individuals a redhead white woman from a foreign place with a native blonde blue eyed. He rules the 'village of fire' and the 'nation of fire' which mostly consists of white looking individuals.


Japan can as a whole watch this anime like maniacs and still not feel inferior somehow.

This is where in this fantasia village they put the faces of their emperors and such. This is inspired clearly from the USA.

He litteraly become a God in the anime...the Kyubi or Nine-Tail Fox remaind me of the Kundalini a lot and with another character it show that he is the Sun and the other the Moon wich togheter are really powerful. Of course i have sintetized a lot but you get the general meaning. It's a cool anime better than any other jewish shit.
Are there any Asian translations of the JoS site or any under construction? It’s been on my mind for awhile that there should probably be a Chinese Mandarin version of the JoS site as the Chinese are currently the biggest ethnic group on this planet and Mandarin is one of the top 3 most common languages. There’s even been a Chinese member in the forums who doesn’t know English but translated every sentence one by one from JoS for themselves, that’s how determined they were...
Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Japanese and South Korean's are in the space age of development. China would be but they have the Communist dictatorship like North Korea.... Which shows the difference between what Communism gives and what free societies can create. Japan unlike China actually builds really good products that last forever. But Japanese companies are run on NS style model which reflect traditional Japanese culture. Where China is run on the Jew model of greed so everything they built is total fucking junk.

I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet where they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. And they need to make that Japanese guy who talks about how "The Jews fear the Samurai" the leader of their nation. The Japanese as a race have too much of a deep sense of honor its on the soul level with them to ever have the Jews control them. Where Whites problem is while as a race we have a spiritual concept of honor we have too much of a sense of individuality that the Jews corrupted us thought with cosmopolitan liberalism. That does not work on the Japanese......Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Without Christianity the Jews would be finished the world over. Its right in their Torah. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome all kicked their asses......They were all PAGANS. Then Christianity comes around and the jews are damn near ruling the planet. The Pagan Assyrians almost wiped out the entire Jew race in the jew book. They destroyed ten whole tribes of them.

That man's will is a tank. lmfao
When this came up, I just want to say something, no surprise that this is where I'm going to soon to learn advanced game developing since those are the stuff I love doingin my freetime, I have one shmup I tried making with pure java first time but when I saw unity player 2d, I felt like I had to start over...(Do you think working for platinumgames there is also wise decision?) while I'd be freelancing and earning through art by now. Anyone here may answer or leave this.
Since we're in the topic of anime as well, has any fan here seen people who are self proclaimed as the AnimeRight? It might sound silly but as it's being shown here a good amount of people who are racially aware or at least nationalistic are drawn to Japanese culture and it's NS ways. Some don't use that label but still fit into this. I've met western Europeans who are into anime that are nationalistic or against leftist/communistic agenda. If only there were more Americans who like Japanese culture that are like this. The majority of anime fans do seem to be liberal weirdos or losers but from experience there is a decent and noticeable amount of sane ones that are paying attention to what is going on and these people would probably be open to listening to the truth of Hitler, NS, anti-xian information and maybe eventually Spiritual Satanism.
Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Japanese and South Korean's are in the space age of development. China would be but they have the Communist dictatorship like North Korea.... Which shows the difference between what Communism gives and what free societies can create. Japan unlike China actually builds really good products that last forever. But Japanese companies are run on NS style model which reflect traditional Japanese culture. Where China is run on the Jew model of greed so everything they built is total fucking junk.

I do think however the Jews might try and overrun Japan after China and America collapse because the only thing a Jew will spend real shekels on is their favorite place the toilet where they do their most holy prayers. That is why jews spend thirty thousand dollars on a golden toilet seat. Japan has built space age toilets that is something a jew will naturally migrate towards. So the Japanese to save their society might need to just crap in a hole in the ground or a bucket. And they need to make that Japanese guy who talks about how "The Jews fear the Samurai" the leader of their nation. The Japanese as a race have too much of a deep sense of honor its on the soul level with them to ever have the Jews control them. Where Whites problem is while as a race we have a spiritual concept of honor we have too much of a sense of individuality that the Jews corrupted us thought with cosmopolitan liberalism. That does not work on the Japanese......Why I can guess the Japanese successfully resisted Christianity and thus maintained their actual cultural sense of self.

Without Christianity the Jews would be finished the world over. Its right in their Torah. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome all kicked their asses......They were all PAGANS. Then Christianity comes around and the jews are damn near ruling the planet. The Pagan Assyrians almost wiped out the entire Jew race in the jew book. They destroyed ten whole tribes of them.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP Mageson666 said:
The leader of Uganda stood up to the Jew World Order and even trained his army to invade Israel along with Arab nations in a future war with Israel. The guy even pulled out the Protocols on an interview with the western press and gave them a lecture on it being true. That took some back bone. And he also had a statue of Hitler in his government building. Of course the jews tell us he was an ebil psycho and all this mumbo jumbo he ate like six million African's or something.....Where have I heard a similar tale about that...… Funny however who is wise to the jews because a horror movie caricature in the jews lies.

HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.

I remember him HP

Sure there is a video of him on a boat getting interviewed.

I loved that ha ha
It's exemplary that some races are intact in their beliefs but no matter how much one praises them there is still something lacking, Spiritual Satanism. You have to be a spiritual satanist to win. The question is how long will Japan stay intact without spiritual satanism as regard the "human condition".
Valontuoja said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also a jewish curse highlighted as the Curses of Ham aimed at black people. The Talmud specifically talks on the subject that black skin is a curse by "god".
The book of Mormon states the exact same thing. According to it some sinning people (lamanites) were cursed into being Blacks when they sinned. Later the mormon church has censored and re-written their original writings in order to make it more politically correct... "God" really seems to hate Blacks.
[something to do with "pre-adamite man" being Black needing to be replaced (the truth being Blacks were created first, then Asians then Whites, but not to be replaced)
something else to do with xianity enslaving Blacks]

HPS Shannon said:
As was mentioned before most blacks will not stand for or take shit that other races might. Azazel mentioned this some time ago.

The Jew works to enrage the black gentile against whites. The Jews know that if blacks were to wake up to what they have done and much more, they'll be fucked majorly as now their will be no one to use as a tool to destroy. Blacks are more likely to retaliate in a way that Jews fear.

This trait needs to be channeled into something more positive.
Were Blacks used as sentries/guards? That would make sense if so.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
rather than jew produced feces which many people call 'movies'.

I am a lover of movies and reviews and such. I would take this as a career, same as directing, were this world cleaner. I feel disgusted to watch most mainstream new movies.
I saw After Earth with Will and Jaden Smith for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I didn't like Will in it. It didn't suit him, but I bet the fake criticisms of it and him said it was utterly fantabulistic and his best performance yet. In reality, it wasn't him. The criticisms are all SPB - sensationalist propaganda bullshit, to just sell the film to you, make you waste your money.
Stormblood said:
If Japan's financial and labour system was really based on NS standards, then why karoshi happens?

Because it is not. Not sure where this was mentioned, but when work is concerned, Asia is brutal. Extremely brutal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
