Meteor said:
It's a bit paradoxical; when I think logically about how everything follows from something else, it seems like everything would be set in stone. And yet, like everyone else, I'm always consciously and subconsciously changing and influencing what happens next.
You just inspired another thought or realisation for me. Regarding what Hitler said about the eternal struggle - first, I was thinking about Energy flowing in the blackness of space, and to put that into more understandable terms, water flowing down a river. The water keeps on coming and coming and coming... the river meanders, but the water chips away at the bank/land, so that it then makes the river more straight. (While I'm typing this, I am expanding on my initial thought a bit.) The river's chipping away at the bank/land is like us trying to overcome obstacles - given enough time, energy, effort, etc., we would be successful eventually. My initial thought was the reverse - stuff keeps happening against us - stuff keeps flowing to us, over us, around us... and we have to keep repairing the bank/land. In one form or another, this is a continual struggle. Maybe this is too simplistic, but you just inspired that in me.
Even if my actions are the consequences of my feelings, mindset and past, the things I do make such a difference.
I think that's what separates us from Animals - that we can choose and realise and understand things more than basic instinct of food, sleep, and reproduction. Even a guide dog for the blind obeys his/her owner/master/mistress (whichever term is preferred) so that s/he can eat and be warm, I think. Of course, higher pets (dogs; cats are too stuck-up and proud!, and rodents I think are too primitive) love us and show loyalty, etc., so they do protect us and look-after us - contrary to what I just said, I saw a video once of a dog coming for a toddler who was out front of their house, and the dog came up and attacked the toddler. With no thought of his/her own safety, the pet cat came to the Child's aid and saved him/her from the dog - but I wonder if they truly understand the consequences and pro-sequences of their actions; eventually, dogs learn that they'll never catch their own tail! Oh, and they're not embarrassed about that, lol. If they did understand, then I think surely they would be able to evolve more... Maybe?
Likewise, it must have been on TV or youtube, I saw a toddler Girl picking up toys and trying to put them in a basket she was carrying, but without realising, she kept missing, re-finding the same toy, and re-trying, repeatedly. Of course, now, she'd learn how to do that properly. She can grow-up to do great things, but pet dog can't. She can choose to do good things or turn to drugs and alcohol; the pet dog can't. We choose; lower Animals (because we're Animals, taxonomically-speaking) don't really. I think there is a lower amount of choice in Animals, but not very 'high', like us. Along the lines of the jew - it is trying to make us primitive lower Animals (again - the eternal struggle). Feelings don't have to influence actions (cognitive behavioural therapy alert!). Poor Animals, but speaking generally and on a much larger scale than merely guide dogs for the blind and companions for lonely people - they don't make a huge difference, despite their instincts of being loyal and non-alpha; we can and should, despite everything (
again - the eternal struggle, trying to hold us back but we keep going).
I know someone who chose the opposite, and always told herself that nothing she does matters anyway because it's all predetermined. I always thought her way of thinking is wrong; it was her very choice of believing her actions don't matter that led her to live an unfulfilling life. That, too, is free will; just not applied in the smartest way.
Again - we can choose; Animals can't, really. In a sense, it might potentially be dangerous that we have the ability to grow and choose, whereas dogs are limited to their maximum abilities as lower Animals. We can choose to slide down the right or the wrong side of the mountain towards this or that. Happiness, advancement, achieving Godhood, is a choice; lower Animals don't have that ability nor decision. (In millions of years, would they be able to? Given that it took Satanic genetic engineering to lift us out of our primitive unevolved state, I would say no, sadly (unless such things as 'insectoids' exist out in space somewhere, then 'caninoids' should, perhaps).)
That's why I believe the best thing to do if you really want something, is to just do it. In this life alone, I've done many things other people told me was impossible.
I'm going to take this from a different angle - the more I go on, the more and more I seem to be interested in, or seduced by, things which others here might, or definitely would, deem questionable, immoral, wrong, evil, whatever (depending on each individuals' opinions and whatevers). I can do what-the-fuck-ever I want - but... I can't - or can I? Maybe I can't? Beelzebul, Satan, Whomever, would punish me if this, that, or the other - or if I did it in this way instead of that way, then maybe not... yes? No? From what I have come to understand, the White Race is more Moral/Ethical and Spiritual (not that Blacks and Asians can't also be and exceed Whites' abilities, if they choose to), so with that, maybe I can't or I shouldn't - but I don't want to not do something questionable, immoral, wrong, evil, whatever just because I fear punishment.
Perhaps I lack empathy? I don't think so, or if feeling guilty for wronging others is empathy, then OK, but I don't think it is, because the guilt feeling would come
after the offence, whereas I think empathy would
preceed the act, which would be learnt and grown after feeling guilty when acting offensively previously. Maybe I could do wrong things for my own self, but also do good and helpful things for everyone. (I didn't expect this thread to turn into this, but I think it is quite good for the topic, actually.) OK - if I were to do questionable, immoral, wrong, evil, whatever things against the jew, then I might be applauded by everyone here!...but then on the other hand, a Gentile - and a White Gentile at that - performing such questionable, immoral, wrong, evil, whatever things against anyone, whether jew or NPC Gentile or useless Gentile, or not - might make anyone wonder and be concerned about me... Again - I refer to the thing I've mentioned numerous times about, in an example, inhabiting one's own Planet or Galaxy and being however you want. "Well, I don't like FancyMancy doing that, but he is not hurting any of our people, so OK, whatever." I think I actually should make a thread about that. I'd have to think about how I might word it...
If other people are so bad at understanding how this world works, then I shouldn't assume I know better. In other words, I won't know until I try; and even then, I won't know until I succeed.
Sorry for not replying directly-enough to your points, but... maybe I could do naughty things and then learn from that. (Yes, I am an adult...), then I might be reincarnated with chance to do better, or be punished by enforced dissipation into non-existence - "You should know better!". In my opinion, though, that wouldn't be a punishment, because if I ceased to exist then I wouldn't know about it, unless the conscious is un-murder-able, un-extinct-able, but the rest of the person ceases to exist. (This sounds a bit like christian hell, of course.)
After all, everything "just is" anyway, right?
I don't know!
Same. But perhaps someday we'll find out.
Some surely would say that we have enough other answers here now, so that we don't need to be bogged-down by these type of wonderings, musings, but again - while asking for myself, I tend to have the undercurrent of asking/posting for others, which might or might not happen in the future, with newbs coming and asking - or at least this could be a reference in someone's reply. At least that's good.