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Why am I not the best version of myself?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
I’ve discovered the JoS about 8 years ago. When I was in my very early teenage-hood years.

Since then, I’ve only been trying..
But amounting to nothing..

Sometimes I feel something’s seriously wrong with me.

I don’t know how to describe it best.
But I feel like I never amount to anything of substance.

Best I can do is try, but the ending is the same it seems?

I don’t know how I can be a good person, a wise and advanced SS, an ultra-successful entrepreneur, a fit, strong and healthy man.

I feel like I’m nothing, knowing I can be everything.

This hurts me deeply often, then I try again, and I fail again.

Is something wrong with me? Will I ever succeed? Or is this just a pipe dream and I’m actually as worthless as my mind used to tell me?
I’ve discovered the JoS about 8 years ago. When I was in my very early teenage-hood years.

Since then, I’ve only been trying..
But amounting to nothing..

Sometimes I feel something’s seriously wrong with me.

I don’t know how to describe it best.
But I feel like I never amount to anything of substance.

Best I can do is try, but the ending is the same it seems?

I don’t know how I can be a good person, a wise and advanced SS, an ultra-successful entrepreneur, a fit, strong and healthy man.

I feel like I’m nothing, knowing I can be everything.

This hurts me deeply often, then I try again, and I fail again.

Is something wrong with me? Will I ever succeed? Or is this just a pipe dream and I’m actually as worthless as my mind used to tell me?
Ana dilim İngilizce değil, bu nedenle cevabımda yazım hataları yaptıysam özür dilerim🙏🏻

Feeling worthless or getting stuck in a cycle of failure are very common and familiar emotions. However, remember, these are temporary feelings and do not fully reflect your reality. Deep inside, you know that you can achieve and become more, which shows that you have the potential to grow and develop further. It may take time to reach your goals, but the fact that it takes time is not a problem. In the process of development, every step brings you closer to gaining more experience, more knowledge, and, most importantly, becoming a stronger person.

Failures are actually some of our most valuable teachers. They help you find the right path and deepen our personal growth. Asking questions about how to become a "better" or "more developed" person is actually a sign that you’ve already made progress. These questions reflect your desire to create a better version of yourself.

And no, you are not worthless or a failure. The wise answers you provided help others, and this certainly doesn’t make you worthless. On the contrary, contributing to others demonstrates and showcases your value and potential. Feeling worthless is just an illusion. The truth is that your contributions and efforts are incredibly valuable.
I’ve discovered the JoS about 8 years ago. When I was in my very early teenage-hood years.

Since then, I’ve only been trying..
But amounting to nothing..

Sometimes I feel something’s seriously wrong with me.

I don’t know how to describe it best.
But I feel like I never amount to anything of substance.

Best I can do is try, but the ending is the same it seems?

I don’t know how I can be a good person, a wise and advanced SS, an ultra-successful entrepreneur, a fit, strong and healthy man.

I feel like I’m nothing, knowing I can be everything.

This hurts me deeply often, then I try again, and I fail again.

Is something wrong with me? Will I ever succeed? Or is this just a pipe dream and I’m actually as worthless as my mind used to tell me?

The time this process takes varies, and you need to be positive about all of this. I will share some of what I have dealt with and how this relates strongly to what you describe.

Despite quite a bit of years in the path, I have tried many, many times at alot of things. Failed alot of times more then I won. Succeeded in some ways.

The same concept and approach applies to basically everything. Especially with being an entrepreneur. I have observed multiple businesses and business models and paid close attention and worked really hard as an employee. Yet, I still am not a successful entrepreneur and have to find my nitch.

One job I crawled around on the wet ground in the cold like a worm, saturated in dirty water from janitorial work, failed some opportunities, worked until my hands literally bled everywhere and I walked away.... still was broke, and nothing to show for it materially. 😂

From there, I spent 4 months grinding out code and applying to computer programming jobs. Sent out hundreds and hundreds of applications. Nothing, and I had to just take the soul crushing defeat after years of building myself up as a self taught Linux Sys-Admin and Computer Engineer. Still take it now, and I have to walk and fight it until someone eventually hires me, while working regular jobs in manufacturing, and planning some endeavors and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Mind you now... this was also combined with alot of wealth and career workings. I had to take the L, all part of the process sometimes.

The good news though? All this struggling and suffering provided me with the knowledge and confidence to move forward in approaching these endeavors and not giving up no matter what happens.

The answer here is you absolutely need to drop this mindset and these doubts. It's alright within reason to doubt, but you must affirm and understand that yes, you absolutely are going to succeed.

This is not a pipe dream insofar that progress is actually made. There is times in my life I've had to just work the job and completely set my dreams and plans aside for a period of time, this is normal and sometimes once we pick it back up in a month or two or a longer period of time, we find we have learned so much through study and experience we didn't know at the time, so then we can apply this to the entrepreneurial path for example.

Be strong in yourself, set things into motion, work hard and never give up and you'll sooner or later succeed.
Just keep walking the path and you will have everything you are after. Never give up and keep fighting no matter what happens.
If you did RTRs you are a Hero in a world of semi-automatic crazy people, you literally saved the world.That's the definition of Success :) now that we have less work to do you can focus more on other things, i guess.. but to think you're worthless? Defintely not worthless.
Try listening to the new seminar on self confidence if you haven't already.

In these years you've surely made some progress. Look at your situation as realistically as you can. It's practically impossible to be in the same place as before.

You are still young and that's an important factor to consider while evaluating yourself.

How much of what you learned here are you applying in your life and how? Be patient with yourself and a bit more positive in thoughts.

Fight, conquer the mind and persevere. The result is guaranteed to come. When? Well it depends on how much work you put in and many other things.

Chin up and carry on.
Have you read this series by Joy of Satan Guardian, Power of Justice?

I think it is highly relevant to how you feel.

Go into his bio after you are done this one.
But I feel like I never amount to anything of substance.

Hmm I don't want to give you a general answer. I don't think that's the helpful thing. But to give you a precise answer for your specific case I would need to at least know something. What you wrote is vague. Can you describe in more detail what processing you performed, how you performed it, and what the feedback was? Thank you.
One thing that I learned is that advice can only help so much, but it's all up to you in the end. No advice, no teaching, no realization will apply your will for you. You just have to consistently do what you have to do, it's that simple. The reason you're not where you want to be is because you're not willing to be disciplined, and you just have to change that. You must do what it takes to get there, every day. Action over words.

Now, one thing that I feel the need to warn you about, and particularly to young men in your situation, being in the prime of their life but lacking energy, ambition, willpower and luck, is to take into serious consideration excessive sexual activity, not just sex, but also masturbation. This must be moderated, as its effects are very damaging. Many people these days think that it's just the porn that causes these problems in young men, but excessive semen release is just brutal for men's health.

Nature has its laws, and those who engage excessively with sex, have a very steep price to pay. Semen contains tons of nutrients and proteins, it requires a very long process to be produced by the body, and it's been common knowledge for thousands of years that excessive wastage significantly makes one weaker all around. It makes one lazy, weak, confused, dumber and worse in every way. Spiritual energy is also released during sexual activity, the yogis who warn against this aren't just saying nonsense. Sure, one can argue that they are extreme in their ways, but there is an undeniable correlation between sexual excess and lower Vril levels. My own personal experience showed me this very clearly.

Therefore, there must be more balance. I do agree with German Occultist Karl Brandler-Pracht when he suggests that males who are interested in advancing spiritually and becoming capable individuals should not engage with sex or masturbation more than one time every 4/5 days. Once every day isn't 'balance' at all in my opinion, it's just excess, sure we're all different, but for most people the energy expenditure is just too much.

These are my opinions that stem from my own research and experience. Everybody is free to disagree.
I clicked this thread because I had recently been nagging myself about same sort of question. "Why can't I stay in my discipline?". I frustrate myself cyclicly and become overwhelmed and defeatist at any sense of failure, which is quick, as I am very much a bitter, cynical person deep down.

It sounds like your core belief is "destined to fail". It's hard to change that with mere willpower, but if you can manage to *remember to be kind to yourself* consistently, you will find yourself wanting to take the actions needed to reach your goals rather than feeling like you're dragging yourself through them.

We are probably very different people but I can sense you won't give up. Even if you want to sometimes. Keep Satan close to you. I recommend early morning meditation; it has been my lifesaver and sets a trajectory of gratitude, which makes the whole perseverance thing not only easy but enjoyable. You really just have to succeed long enough to give yourself credit, start by being grateful to yourself that you're reaching out to your community for help. That takes a lot.

Also, take care of your gut health.

Satan be with you.
Read, learn new things, do new things, and gain experience...
I'm going to be honest, and this is just my opinion I feel as though way too many Satanists begin witchcraft way too early, they try and do workings to try and massively modify their life but with no real power to pull them off, this leads to disappointment and confusion and often times a pathological doubting of their abilities even as they do start developing which can further weaken their future workings.

I can't say this happened to you but my best advice would be this, learn to love the journey, stop focusing on the destination, the doing is the purpose, learn to love meditating, start studying energy and mantras like Darwin would alien lifeforms, turn it into your passion and yes make it a job, but a job you like, like being an artist.

Also don't mistake weakness for power, the feeling of a strong chakra and the feeling of a blocked chakra surrounded by strong chakras is actually very similar and I myself fell into that trap. You may have glaring weaknesses you havent yet solved, go back to the basics and make sure your foundation is solid.
I’ve discovered the JoS about 8 years ago. When I was in my very early teenage-hood years.

Since then, I’ve only been trying..
But amounting to nothing..

Sometimes I feel something’s seriously wrong with me.

I don’t know how to describe it best.
But I feel like I never amount to anything of substance.

Best I can do is try, but the ending is the same it seems?

I don’t know how I can be a good person, a wise and advanced SS, an ultra-successful entrepreneur, a fit, strong and healthy man.

I feel like I’m nothing, knowing I can be everything.

This hurts me deeply often, then I try again, and I fail again.

Is something wrong with me? Will I ever succeed? Or is this just a pipe dream and I’m actually as worthless as my mind used to tell me?
A big part of this is mental, deprogramming will fix this and set you up in a positive mentality.

You are worthy, you are a decorated SS, and you are setted up on the highest path here, with the work you do for the Gods.
Which is the most important thing in the world.

Just look at all the other forces in this world.

Read this:

There are billions of these worthless beings, and you are here as a working SS, to bring the light on the world once again, and to destroy all this filth.

In the link above you have examples of what a worthless person is like.

So never doubt your worth, you are doing good, you just need to rectify some aspects of yourself.

Then, about being phisically strong, it is a matter of cultivating inner power, not to compete with all other people to be the fittest, how gives a damn about that?

Just train a bit, eat and enjoy.
Since then, I’ve only been trying..
But amounting to nothing..
Trying what exactly?

Most people haven't even tried meditation or asanas. Or they try once and then quit when no instant miracle happens.
But consistent practice will bring consistent Joy and the realization of life itself being the miracle.
That's what JoS has meant for me at least, and I don't think it should be considered as "nothing". :)
One thing that I learned is that advice can only help so much, but it's all up to you in the end. No advice, no teaching, no realization will apply your will for you. You just have to consistently do what you have to do, it's that simple. The reason you're not where you want to be is because you're not willing to be disciplined, and you just have to change that. You must do what it takes to get there, every day. Action over words.

Now, one thing that I feel the need to warn you about, and particularly to young men in your situation, being in the prime of their life but lacking energy, ambition, willpower and luck, is to take into serious consideration excessive sexual activity, not just sex, but also masturbation. This must be moderated, as its effects are very damaging. Many people these days think that it's just the porn that causes these problems in young men, but excessive semen release is just brutal for men's health.

Nature has its laws, and those who engage excessively with sex, have a very steep price to pay. Semen contains tons of nutrients and proteins, it requires a very long process to be produced by the body, and it's been common knowledge for thousands of years that excessive wastage significantly makes one weaker all around. It makes one lazy, weak, confused, dumber and worse in every way. Spiritual energy is also released during sexual activity, the yogis who warn against this aren't just saying nonsense. Sure, one can argue that they are extreme in their ways, but there is an undeniable correlation between sexual excess and lower Vril levels. My own personal experience showed me this very clearly.

Therefore, there must be more balance. I do agree with German Occultist Karl Brandler-Pracht when he suggests that males who are interested in advancing spiritually and becoming capable individuals should not engage with sex or masturbation more than one time every 4/5 days. Once every day isn't 'balance' at all in my opinion, it's just excess, sure we're all different, but for most people the energy expenditure is just too much.

These are my opinions that stem from my own research and experience. Everybody is free to disagree.
As most know here orgasm is spiritual in nature and the sexual energy is vital for raising the serpent. But I recently heard that male masturbation regularly is essential to keeping the prostate gland healthy. When the orgasm occurs it flushes the prostate out of dead matter, guarding against infection (cancer) and the healthy secretions assist in other bodily functions.
20-60 years of age 3-4 times a week. Over 60 1-2 times a week, depending on general health.
I agree with you Aquarius, he can use hypnosis for this.

I would also use affirmations with energetic hypnosis in the Solar chakra because the psychological complex of being a failure is registered in this chakra in particular.

Ask yourself why you feel like a failure, it could depend on the type of goals you want to achieve, self-esteem issues, self-confidence due to certain expectations
A good analogy to use is that we are like rough diamonds when we are without and don't know our true nature as created by Satan.
When we come to JoS and hear the truth about Satan all that changes. The spiritual process of cutting back that rough diamond of all the ignorance starts and eventually, with effort and dedication, a beautiful shining diamond appears - the Godhead.
We were all conditioned to think like losers when were without Satan. This is the enemy program to keep us always doubting, to be the goyim (non-jews), branded cattle by there enslavement programs.
I was a victim and left here for a while and then I started reading JoS again. What turned me around was LOVE for the Gods. It is one of the 4 pillers of Satanism and is the universal UNITING force. The Gods are bonded by a love that is far above what we have here on Earth. They communicate by psychic telepathy and function more closely than we can comprehend.
The left hand path to enlightenment (Godhead) leads to all of this, and is always our ultimate goal.
We are all precious to the Gods beyond anything you can imagine.

Hail Satan!
You need to apply the knowledge on Jos. Have you tried to fix your life? Once you are serious about fixing your life things will change but It may take time (even a lot), it depends on how many things you need to fix. You need to look at your life critically and see what needs to be done. If you cry all day while doing nothing, everything will keep being the same.

I understand the feeling of wanting everything fixed now but think about it in this way, not a lot of people on this planet can do what we can do here. Yes it may take some time and it may be frustrating to wait for things to change but If you do the spells and the physical part it will happen and your life will improve. Some problems may be just created by your mind, sometimes we tend to be pessimistic about our lives.
You feel the way you do because you have high standards, and that’s perfectly fine. However, when those standards aren’t met, we end up feeling the way we do now—and that, too, is okay. The first step towards growth is acknowledging where we are in the present. Those who don’t do this will only waste more time, but those who can admit, with maturity and wisdom, that they’re unhappy with their lives already have what it takes within them to take action. This is a process of reflection and introspection—one that we’re both going through, it seems.

You and I are around the same age, which means we have the advantage of time compared to others. But if we continue doing what we’ve always done, we’ll remain stuck in the same place. It’s time for change. We have to accept that what we’ve done so far hasn’t worked the way we planned or expected, so we need a new mindset and a new approach—both towards ourselves and towards life.

You are incredibly intelligent and capable, and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better—I mean it sincerely. I know you don’t need validation from others, and deep down, you know that what I’m saying is true. But we have to ask ourselves honestly: have we truly put in enough effort and sacrifice to reach the place we’ve always dreamed of? Personally, I can admit that I haven’t. If your answer is yes, then push even harder and change things for the better.

One last thing I want to say—science has literally proven that having a negative mindset will only make your life worse. It’s counterproductive. Have you ever seen a successful person drowning in negativity and self-pity? No. Even when they’re suffering inside, they still smile and push forward. We can’t turn back time, but we can make use of the time we still have. Are we going to keep repeating the same mistakes, or are we going to take action, be disciplined, and do whatever it takes to achieve what we truly want?
Ana dilim İngilizce değil, bu nedenle cevabımda yazım hataları yaptıysam özür dilerim🙏🏻

Feeling worthless or getting stuck in a cycle of failure are very common and familiar emotions. However, remember, these are temporary feelings and do not fully reflect your reality. Deep inside, you know that you can achieve and become more, which shows that you have the potential to grow and develop further. It may take time to reach your goals, but the fact that it takes time is not a problem. In the process of development, every step brings you closer to gaining more experience, more knowledge, and, most importantly, becoming a stronger person.

Failures are actually some of our most valuable teachers. They help you find the right path and deepen our personal growth. Asking questions about how to become a "better" or "more developed" person is actually a sign that you’ve already made progress. These questions reflect your desire to create a better version of yourself.

And no, you are not worthless or a failure. The wise answers you provided help others, and this certainly doesn’t make you worthless. On the contrary, contributing to others demonstrates and showcases your value and potential. Feeling worthless is just an illusion. The truth is that your contributions and efforts are incredibly valuable.
Thank you sister, for the kind words.

Your English is perfect.
The time this process takes varies, and you need to be positive about all of this. I will share some of what I have dealt with and how this relates strongly to what you describe.

Despite quite a bit of years in the path, I have tried many, many times at alot of things. Failed alot of times more then I won. Succeeded in some ways.

The same concept and approach applies to basically everything. Especially with being an entrepreneur. I have observed multiple businesses and business models and paid close attention and worked really hard as an employee. Yet, I still am not a successful entrepreneur and have to find my nitch.

One job I crawled around on the wet ground in the cold like a worm, saturated in dirty water from janitorial work, failed some opportunities, worked until my hands literally bled everywhere and I walked away.... still was broke, and nothing to show for it materially. 😂

From there, I spent 4 months grinding out code and applying to computer programming jobs. Sent out hundreds and hundreds of applications. Nothing, and I had to just take the soul crushing defeat after years of building myself up as a self taught Linux Sys-Admin and Computer Engineer. Still take it now, and I have to walk and fight it until someone eventually hires me, while working regular jobs in manufacturing, and planning some endeavors and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Mind you now... this was also combined with alot of wealth and career workings. I had to take the L, all part of the process sometimes.

The good news though? All this struggling and suffering provided me with the knowledge and confidence to move forward in approaching these endeavors and not giving up no matter what happens.

The answer here is you absolutely need to drop this mindset and these doubts. It's alright within reason to doubt, but you must affirm and understand that yes, you absolutely are going to succeed.

This is not a pipe dream insofar that progress is actually made. There is times in my life I've had to just work the job and completely set my dreams and plans aside for a period of time, this is normal and sometimes once we pick it back up in a month or two or a longer period of time, we find we have learned so much through study and experience we didn't know at the time, so then we can apply this to the entrepreneurial path for example.

Be strong in yourself, set things into motion, work hard and never give up and you'll sooner or later succeed.
Thank you brother.

Sometimes I just feel like I’m wasted potential and this feeling hurts.

I was speaking with a friend of mine recently talking about how fast the time passed.

I remember when I was 16 and was doing some freelance marketing work, it was unheard of in my country at the time and especially my age as I was doing great money, that grown CEO men at 40 in my country would dream of.

I had big dreams and ambitions, and I told all my friends that in my 20s I would buy my dream home, would scale my work and turn it into a business that makes $10k/month instead of the $2k/month I was doing at the time, and I personally thought that I would be advanced spiritually since I was actually more consistent in my yoga practice and meditations back then.

Now I look at myself now, and I would be ashamed to speak to my younger self, I would be ashamed to tell him that he was actually my prime, when he had such high hopes for me and felt he wasn’t good enough.

I don’t even make nearly the same amount I was making at 16, don’t have my own home wouldn’t even dream of buying one atm, and even if I tried to get a full-time job I would make a measly $200/month, and I haven’t been as consistent or successful with meditations for years.

Sad thing is, I can do stuff now..
I have privacy now, I didn’t when I was younger.
My family situation is better.
I have an SS girlfriend that loves me.
I have nice and loyal friends. (Both SS and normies)
I really have no excuse.

But I’m tired, I’m withered, I don’t have the same fire I had when I was younger. That unstoppable, relentless fire feels unreachable and it hurts.

I feel humiliated that I feel that I don’t amount to anything.

I feel powerless that I’m not rich enough to go buy a house and get married and support the love of my life with all I have.

I feel powerless that I’m not rich enough to retire my mom if she wants to and buy gifts for my brothers and sisters and family and friends.

Back then when I was 16 I would feel all this and go destroy everything that would stop me and I was a go getter.
It was also because of pain, pain and lack of control motivated me back then. Now I’m stuck?

Now I don’t know if I can, I know I have it in me somewhere and I still try again.

I know I can, I really do, but I don’t know. I keep trying again.
If you did RTRs you are a Hero in a world of semi-automatic crazy people, you literally saved the world.That's the definition of Success :) now that we have less work to do you can focus more on other things, i guess.. but to think you're worthless? Defintely not worthless.
I clicked this thread because I had recently been nagging myself about same sort of question. "Why can't I stay in my discipline?". I frustrate myself cyclicly and become overwhelmed and defeatist at any sense of failure, which is quick, as I am very much a bitter, cynical person deep down.

It sounds like your core belief is "destined to fail". It's hard to change that with mere willpower, but if you can manage to *remember to be kind to yourself* consistently, you will find yourself wanting to take the actions needed to reach your goals rather than feeling like you're dragging yourself through them.

We are probably very different people but I can sense you won't give up. Even if you want to sometimes. Keep Satan close to you. I recommend early morning meditation; it has been my lifesaver and sets a trajectory of gratitude, which makes the whole perseverance thing not only easy but enjoyable. You really just have to succeed long enough to give yourself credit, start by being grateful to yourself that you're reaching out to your community for help. That takes a lot.

Also, take care of your gut health.

Satan be with you.
Thank you
As most know here orgasm is spiritual in nature and the sexual energy is vital for raising the serpent. But I recently heard that male masturbation regularly is essential to keeping the prostate gland healthy. When the orgasm occurs it flushes the prostate out of dead matter, guarding against infection (cancer) and the healthy secretions assist in other bodily functions.
20-60 years of age 3-4 times a week. Over 60 1-2 times a week, depending on general health.
This is nothing proven, it's just a questionable theory. There are other studies that suggest that actually excessive sexual activity is what could cause cancer. In young men this is extremely rare anyway.

If you want my opinion, this simply enemy nonsense to keep men as weak as possible. Many men are struggling with porn, so this 'fear' that one will get prostate cancer if he was to reduce ejaculation frequency, works perfectly in their favor.
This is nothing proven, it's just a questionable theory. There are other studies that suggest that actually excessive sexual activity is what could cause cancer. In young men this is extremely rare anyway.

If you want my opinion, this simply enemy nonsense to keep men as weak as possible. Many men are struggling with porn, so this 'fear' that one will get prostate cancer if he was to reduce ejaculation frequency, works perfectly in their favor.

Excessive sexual activity seems to be more of an issue for those with constitutional weaknesses and bad health patterns like Blood, Qi and Yin Deficiency, as someone who is already deficient will be just depleted more by excessive sexual activity.

A healthy balance is important, and some people just have high sex drives naturally, so what you mention can certainly vary on a variety of factors and circumstances. I get your reasoning behind finding some balance, it's just important to be mindful not to overdo this as being overly strict on this inhibits the kundalini shakti, as this is about letting this circulate and manifest freely.
You feel the way you do because you have high standards, and that’s perfectly fine. However, when those standards aren’t met, we end up feeling the way we do now—and that, too, is okay. The first step towards growth is acknowledging where we are in the present. Those who don’t do this will only waste more time, but those who can admit, with maturity and wisdom, that they’re unhappy with their lives already have what it takes within them to take action. This is a process of reflection and introspection—one that we’re both going through, it seems.

You and I are around the same age, which means we have the advantage of time compared to others. But if we continue doing what we’ve always done, we’ll remain stuck in the same place. It’s time for change. We have to accept that what we’ve done so far hasn’t worked the way we planned or expected, so we need a new mindset and a new approach—both towards ourselves and towards life.

You are incredibly intelligent and capable, and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better—I mean it sincerely. I know you don’t need validation from others, and deep down, you know that what I’m saying is true. But we have to ask ourselves honestly: have we truly put in enough effort and sacrifice to reach the place we’ve always dreamed of? Personally, I can admit that I haven’t. If your answer is yes, then push even harder and change things for the better.

One last thing I want to say—science has literally proven that having a negative mindset will only make your life worse. It’s counterproductive. Have you ever seen a successful person drowning in negativity and self-pity? No. Even when they’re suffering inside, they still smile and push forward. We can’t turn back time, but we can make use of the time we still have. Are we going to keep repeating the same mistakes, or are we going to take action, be disciplined, and do whatever it takes to achieve what we truly want?
Thank you.
Love this profile pic btw
Is something wrong with me? Will I ever succeed? Or is this just a pipe dream and I’m actually as worthless as my mind used to tell me?
This is most often caused by traumas, leading to a mind "split" or at least internal conflicts.
From your previous posts it was almost evident you lived into a traumatic family even if it seems you often try to deny this. (Just my feeling, I may be wrong but...)
This is most often caused by chaildhood demeaning, or worst abusive, behaviors and lack of love received. So the person grows up with the inner push to fail and be miserable, because he/she has been treated this way and this is his/her self image. Reprogramming with munka, cleaning and empowering involved chakra, but first of all finding and elaborating traumtic events that caused this,
And no it's not your fault, and you are not "wrong". You may be like a computer with a injectecmvirus working against healthy apps.
This is nothing proven, it's just a questionable theory. There are other studies that suggest that actually excessive sexual activity is what could cause cancer. In young men this is extremely rare anyway.

If you want my opinion, this simply enemy nonsense to keep men as weak as possible. Many men are struggling with porn, so this 'fear' that one will get prostate cancer if he was to reduce ejaculation frequency, works perfectly in their favor.
Yes, as I said I recently heard about it. I didn't say it was true, and you make a fair argument against it. But I did stipulate how many times a week, in my opinion, is healthy. Men are very confused about sex; it has been twisted into something "dirty" by xianity, and a lot of women use the male sex drive as a tool of manipulation.
It's an exchange of our different opinions, thanks😊
Sorry, do you mean that you have been meditating for eight years and haven't reached any spiritual progress? You haven't made any advancement in magic—haven't even succeeded in casting a simple love spell or communicating with demons? Honestly, if that's what you mean, it's quite disheartening for someone who has recently dedicated their life to Satan and is determined to meditate with commitment like me.....🫠
That’s what I’m talking about in this thread, trying to fix life. I don’t know where you got the impression that I’m crying doing nothing.
I'm sorry if I offended you with the crying all day part. It was just a way to say to say you need to do your best.

What I don't understand is what is your problem? I know magic can help fix problems, it takes time but it works. You are saying that you have used it but nothing was fixed? Or what exactly?

If you want you can describe what are the problems you need to fix right now in your life and we will help you with spells you can do.
Sorry, do you mean that you have been meditating for eight years and haven't reached any spiritual progress? You haven't made any advancement in magic—haven't even succeeded in casting a simple love spell or communicating with demons? Honestly, if that's what you mean, it's quite disheartening for someone who has recently dedicated their life to Satan and is determined to meditate with commitment like me.....🫠
No that’s not it I have been having troubles with consistency ever since I was young and had no privacy, so I have not been meditating for 8 years at all. That’s what I’m venting about, why am I not able to be consistent, not just with meditations, career too. Even if I know what’s right or wrong, and I no longer have any excuses.
I feel stuck or blocked.
I'm sorry if I offended you with the crying all day part. It was just a way to say to say you need to do your best.

What I don't understand is what is your problem? I know magic can help fix problems, it takes time but it works. You are saying that you have used it but nothing was fixed? Or what exactly?

If you want you can describe what are the problems you need to fix right now in your life and we will help you with spells you can do.
It’s okay.

Refer to my reply towards Serpentwalker to understand more of my problem.
Sorry, do you mean that you have been meditating for eight years and haven't reached any spiritual progress? You haven't made any advancement in magic—haven't even succeeded in casting a simple love spell or communicating with demons? Honestly, if that's what you mean, it's quite disheartening for someone who has recently dedicated their life to Satan and is determined to meditate with commitment like me.....🫠
This is different for everybody, as you can read he said he could not be consistent and didn't put effort into meditating.
Thank you brother.

Sometimes I just feel like I’m wasted potential and this feeling hurts.

I was speaking with a friend of mine recently talking about how fast the time passed.

I remember when I was 16 and was doing some freelance marketing work, it was unheard of in my country at the time and especially my age as I was doing great money, that grown CEO men at 40 in my country would dream of.

I had big dreams and ambitions, and I told all my friends that in my 20s I would buy my dream home, would scale my work and turn it into a business that makes $10k/month instead of the $2k/month I was doing at the time, and I personally thought that I would be advanced spiritually since I was actually more consistent in my yoga practice and meditations back then.

Now I look at myself now, and I would be ashamed to speak to my younger self, I would be ashamed to tell him that he was actually my prime, when he had such high hopes for me and felt he wasn’t good enough.

I don’t even make nearly the same amount I was making at 16, don’t have my own home wouldn’t even dream of buying one atm, and even if I tried to get a full-time job I would make a measly $200/month, and I haven’t been as consistent or successful with meditations for years.

Sad thing is, I can do stuff now..
I have privacy now, I didn’t when I was younger.
My family situation is better.
I have an SS girlfriend that loves me.
I have nice and loyal friends. (Both SS and normies)
I really have no excuse.

But I’m tired, I’m withered, I don’t have the same fire I had when I was younger. That unstoppable, relentless fire feels unreachable and it hurts.

I feel humiliated that I feel that I don’t amount to anything.

I feel powerless that I’m not rich enough to go buy a house and get married and support the love of my life with all I have.

I feel powerless that I’m not rich enough to retire my mom if she wants to and buy gifts for my brothers and sisters and family and friends.

Back then when I was 16 I would feel all this and go destroy everything that would stop me and I was a go getter.
It was also because of pain, pain and lack of control motivated me back then. Now I’m stuck?

Now I don’t know if I can, I know I have it in me somewhere and I still try again.

I know I can, I really do, but I don’t know. I keep trying again.
I can relate, as you know, from conversations we had before.

You have alot of external things going for you and that's great, but it's obviously not the key, because you didn't have those things when you used to have drive. That says that the key is internal, and you need to find out what that is.

Ordinarily I would say look at your natal chart, because Saturn and other tough placements can be the gatekeepers to the other side of life, and you can always look into that more, but I'm thinking that there's an energetic or health component that's not right.

Could be a lack of jing, or things that Serpentwalker mentioned. You're healthy and virile when young but that energy and resilience doesn't last forever. Maybe it would be best to consult Centralforce. Get lab work done if you can, including a hormone panel.
I can relate, as you know, from conversations we had before.

You have alot of external things going for you and that's great, but it's obviously not the key, because you didn't have those things when you used to have drive. That says that the key is internal, and you need to find out what that is.

Ordinarily I would say look at your natal chart, because Saturn and other tough placements can be the gatekeepers to the other side of life, and you can always look into that more, but I'm thinking that there's an energetic or health component that's not right.

Could be a lack of jing, or things that Serpentwalker mentioned. You're healthy and virile when young but that energy and resilience doesn't last forever. Maybe it would be best to consult Centralforce. Get lab work done if you can, including a hormone panel.
This is a great advice, I was about to say and send a message.

Lately I become very fogy and doing loads of mistakes and I am very frustrated and my mind goes uhm..yea, then I check my current transits and was like " Well all makes sense now " .

Saturn is a fucker and it will influence in your mind and all levels , becoming more pessimistic and negative , therefore enforcing this energy , we got to keep the good mental and keep moving , awareness is good. Thanks for this Brother
I can relate, as you know, from conversations we had before.

You have alot of external things going for you and that's great, but it's obviously not the key, because you didn't have those things when you used to have drive. That says that the key is internal, and you need to find out what that is.

Ordinarily I would say look at your natal chart, because Saturn and other tough placements can be the gatekeepers to the other side of life, and you can always look into that more, but I'm thinking that there's an energetic or health component that's not right.

Could be a lack of jing, or things that Serpentwalker mentioned. You're healthy and virile when young but that energy and resilience doesn't last forever. Maybe it would be best to consult Centralforce. Get lab work done if you can, including a hormone panel.
Thank you brother.

Yeah I feel that my health is a part of this. My gut and stomach might be a reflection of this.

Lack of fire/solar energies, etc.
Thank you brother.

Yeah I feel that my health is a part of this. My gut and stomach might be a reflection of this.

Lack of fire/solar energies, etc.
This post by @Blitzkreig [JG] is pertinent.

If you're severely lacking fire then I think it doesn't even matter if you have earth, because there's not an impetus to move in the first place, and you don't have the drive to break through obstacles. Hence the feeling of being "stuck or blocked".

Or, maybe more accurately, your engine is stalled. You can get a rolling start from an outside push, but when your engine stalls again, it's dead until you get that push again.

That's why it was easier to do things during periods of stress. It puts energy in the system(for the purpose of metaphor. In reality it's probably inducing a release of finite reserve energy).
This post by @Blitzkreig [JG] is pertinent.

If you're severely lacking fire then I think it doesn't even matter if you have earth, because there's not an impetus to move in the first place, and you don't have the drive to break through obstacles. Hence the feeling of being "stuck or blocked".

Or, maybe more accurately, your engine is stalled. You can get a rolling start from an outside push, but when your engine stalls again, it's dead until you get that push again.

That's why it was easier to do things during periods of stress. It puts energy in the system(for the purpose of metaphor. In reality it's probably inducing a release of finite reserve energy).
Thank you!

Yeah I wondered if I have so much Earth, I should be a master in discipline and routine. But I’m actually very lost and haven’t been disciplined as I should be for quite a while. Making routines then failing, no energy, purpose or drive. Just bursts of this every now and then.

This is interesting what you mentioned thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
