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Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

Since so many are up for this ritual, I suggest some sort of talisman be specifically designed and catered for this momentous occasion.

In the past H.P Maxine organized a type of group destruction ritual which involved carving runes into wood with blood aiding in the charging of the runes. I say such a thing be done again!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
For "will no longer" denotes future tense. I've read from JoS that you want to make them present tense. So "does no longer" may be a better way.

-That could very well be true.

You all may curse me for this,

-I am a warrior for Satan but I don't really like those who overreact or are angry a lot of the time for several reasons I don't really think there is anyone in these groups like that in real life cause meditation brings balance its good to have a place to let out anger (the main reason I will admit I sometimes get a cringe when I see a really angry post is this it brings up bad memories, one is I had a roomate once who was like that and lived with me for three months fights all the time, cursing out people at random, she even told this one guy to "go commit suicide cause your worthless and spent 40 minutes cussing him out" I felt a firm conviction that that was not at all right. its a living nightmare in real life to hang out with those types), I myself in day to day life I am a kind and sensitive person, though there are people who are too far gone a destruction ritual against them is good such as priests or pastors or fundamentalists everyone should use their own intuition/guidance from Satan and his demons (if they are advanced enough to talk to them) when it comes to spiritual warfare. The feelings as we all have different personalities and are individuals (no one should ever curse a fellow Satanist).

but, is it Christians we are cursing, or the religion?
Their religion. We want to expose it to the world for the lie it is. Some of them will come to our side. I grew up in a Christian home and was Christian when I was younger. I got into new age stuff which opened my mind a little, and I came across a Satanic site looking up psychic development and it had a link to the JOS. I read that page and it felt very familar so I dedicated this was a few years ago I haven't looked back since.

My ethics say to curse someone whom on a personal level have done no harm to you is not necessary!

Totally agree with you there, the Jews and higher ups have done something bad to everybody so this doesn't apply to them.

They have made a choice on false facts. Christianity, the religion, has enslaved these poor souls so they may not make a CHOICE knowing the facts. Is that saying that Satan hates people whom are a little slower nor haven't been blessed with the opportunity yet to know the truth, even though he created them as well? Until I dedicate myself to Satan and ask him my own questions, I have hang ups that make me question the validity of any claims, including his.

I honestly don't know what Satans opinion on that is but from the things I have read on this and other websites I think you are correct to a point. I think many of them if they don't learn the truth are reincarnated for another chance. Maxine stated that in her conversations with Satan Here is Father Satans own words on the matter Father Satan (taken from here
http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Conversation.html ): "There are different planes of existence." "When you meditate, you elevate to a higher plane." "There are different levels and through meditation, you live on a higher plane than most others." "People who are on an already lower level can get tied into this vortex of negative energy and pulled in." "Those who [like atheists/non-believers] are on their own and are susceptible to anything." "The enemy* knows how to use these."

[When he mentioned the "enemy" I saw greys.]

[Then, he got this sort of sad look on his face and said] "I know, they equate that with me."

"There is a place here that we have for deceased souls." "you have seen it."

[This was the place I saw with the barroom and the people smoking].

"We protect whoever comes to us." "Some are [misguided] and we reincarnate them until they see the truth and are ready to come here." "Most people [those who are without as well] get reincarnated."

The leadership and strict Christians I don't have any problem with cursing if the opportunity arises whether I know them or not.
For one with Christian parents, are we supposed to curse and hate them now? That doesn't seem right.
I think it depends on how they treat you. If they kick you out for being Satanist or make your life miserable and make it hard to reach your goals then a curse might be warranted. Use your own intuition and ask Satan for guidance.

Why hate the humans, those created by Satan? At least the propaganda for Christianity teaches you to love your neighbor, parents, and enemies. Even though that potentially leaves you exposed; in theory "Jehovah" watches out and protects you.

I don't not all of them just the ones who are bent on taking our rights and freedoms away, and who make life difficult for us.

Also, I like Christmas music, even if everything was stolen from the original religion. Can I just sing the songs and substitute all words with "Christ, Mary, the virgin, etc"? I'm not into heavy metal depressing music. How am I supposed to advance myself to be the best I can be with that negativity?

Thats fine. I don't like heavy metal music that much either I am more into emo, hip hop and alternative rock. In fact I listen to a couple of Christian bands who have good music that I like still. I like songs such as silent night, etc Just not the Jesus stuff.
Also, as a creator, Satan should care about the well-being of animals and the environment and our health, right?

So isn't there promotion for things/spells to advance the chances of making this world and ourselves better/healthier?
Satanists don't only do curses, we can use white magic too and send healing energy and love. Some of the runes are used for that purpose.

Or do you as Satanists rely merely on yoga and stuff for health?
No. We are all individual so what one person does another may not.

I don't believe medicine is good at all! Powerful people are behind pharmaceutical plans to merely make a profit (and usually make people even MORE unhealthy in another area).
I agree with you. Eastern medicine is much better, and I try to use its wisdom when I can but if its an Emergency, I don't believe in ignoring modern medicine. I think we can do both.

Satan and his followers should know this. I don't think medicine, or any govt-mandated, or any large corporations (Walmart?) can be trusted!

The corporations brainwash people I agree just look at hip hop. I am more in favor of small independent businesses. My town of Ann Arbor has a lot of them and is very anti chain stores etc, many people here agree with your idea. At least people are starting to wake up to this.

Unless somehow Satan blocks all harm. Again, I don't know because I don't personally know any Satanists AND I haven't dedicated myself yet. Satan would want me to use my freewill to make an educated decision, right?

Satan has stopped harm in certain circumstances and healed people, but he prefers that we learn how to take care of ourselves
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ONIAL.html

Please respond. I need feedback! I will be a very important and powerful agent for the side I ultimately choose. If you're wise, you'll win me over. Thanks.

Good luck.
Hail Satan
On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:13 AM, b D <vgb464@... wrote:

Dont forget you can use this to make your sigil and the steps could be the same exactly
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/blood_dest ... igils.html

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: amayis@...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:42:04 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

So the prayer could be this:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and will no longer oppress us. Our energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/4290
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I'll be gladly to help. Just send me info on what we need to
do or if any prayer is involved.

Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!!! Hail the Gods of Duat!!!

Gladly. Finally help in their fucking destruction.

FUCK THE CHRISTIAN FILTH! FUCK THE FALSE GODS! Hail Enki! Hail Azazel! Hail the True Gods of Old!
Thoughts on this post from an H.P would be much appreciated, though thoughts from ANY Satanist on this means a lot as well :)

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P Vovim.

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am suggesting: http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... 1292543488

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo, visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING CHRISTIANITY TO THE POINT THERE AREN'T ASHES, IT'S BURNED OUT OF EXISTENCE! Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote this out rather quickly

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "camel_wrath" <camel_wrath@... wrote:

Since so many are up for this ritual, I suggest some sort of talisman be specifically designed and catered for this momentous occasion.

In the past H.P Maxine organized a type of group destruction ritual which involved carving runes into wood with blood aiding in the charging of the runes. I say such a thing be done again!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Michelle Onken <michelleonken@... wrote:
For "will no longer" denotes future tense. I've read from JoS that you want to make them present tense. So "does no longer" may be a better way.

You all may curse me for this, but, is it Christians we are cursing, or the religion? My ethics say to curse someone whom on a personal level have done no harm to you is not necessary! They have made a choice on false facts. Christianity, the religion, has enslaved these poor souls so they may not make a CHOICE knowing the facts. Is that saying that Satan hates people whom are a little slower nor haven't been blessed with the opportunity yet to know the truth, even though he created them as well? Until I dedicate myself to Satan and ask him my own questions, I have hang ups that make me question the validity of any claims, including his.

For one with Christian parents, are we supposed to curse and hate them now? That doesn't seem right. Why hate the humans, those created by Satan? At least the propaganda for Christianity teaches you to love your neighbor, parents, and enemies. Even though that potentially leaves you exposed; in theory "Jehovah" watches out and protects you. Also, I like Christmas music, even if everything was stolen from the original religion. Can I just sing the songs and substitute all words with "Christ, Mary, the virgin, etc"? I'm not into heavy metal depressing music. How am I supposed to advance myself to be the best I can be with that negativity?

Also, as a creator, Satan should care about the well-being of animals and the environment and our health, right? So isn't there promotion for things/spells to advance the chances of making this world and ourselves better/healthier? Or do you as Satanists rely merely on yoga and stuff for health? I don't believe medicine is good at all! Powerful people are behind pharmaceutical plans to merely make a profit (and usually make people even MORE unhealthy in another area). Satan and his followers should know this. I don't think medicine, or any govt-mandated, or any large corporations (Walmart?) can be trusted! Unless somehow Satan blocks all harm. Again, I don't know because I don't personally know any Satanists AND I haven't dedicated myself yet. Satan would want me to use my freewill to make an educated decision, right?

Please respond. I need feedback! I will be a very important and powerful agent for the side I ultimately choose. If you're wise, you'll win me over. Thanks.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:13 AM, b D <vgb464@... wrote:

Dont forget you can use this to make your sigil and the steps could be the same exactly
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/blood_dest ... igils.html

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: amayis@...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:42:04 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

So the prayer could be this:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and will no longer oppress us. Our energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/4290
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I'll be gladly to help. Just send me info on what we need to
do or if any prayer is involved.

Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!!! Hail the Gods of Duat!!!

Gladly. Finally help in their fucking destruction.

FUCK THE CHRISTIAN FILTH! FUCK THE FALSE GODS! Hail Enki! Hail Azazel! Hail the True Gods of Old!

RE You sound like a person who KNOWS the "Do" & "Dont s " in life
As you can gather: We mainly fight the christian INSTITUTION (S )
(As they have been fighting us the last 2000 years or so)
I sense serious interest in Satanism on your part & a few
"buts" ( mostly moral issues )
TRUE ;christianity DOES teach "love thy neighbour & love thine
ennemy ....ect) BUT do THEY practice what they preach ?????????????
SO isn't it just a hoax to "Put us to sleep" while they strike at us ??????
Satanism does NOT on any way avocate to hate your parents
(But in some individual cases some of our people simply are left with no
other option )
The "poor souls" who you refer to who have (Or simply WONT) not seen the
light & live in darkness (So to speak)
Well WE are NOT responsible for that . THAT is the
work of christianity !!!!!!!!!
As you may gather from the site WE are the ones showing them the light of Lucifer
Satanist ALWAYS seem to have to justify themselves , While
christians are free to commit ANY crime that suits them
without being doubted of their "good intentions"
As for my personal taste in music I LOVE the sixties & seventies
bands (Call me old fashioned)& Some classical composers
& SOMETIMES I even can enjoy Gregorian chants as well as Enya
(Depends what mood Im in )
I STILL love groups like Black sabath & on RARE occasions
some death metal
The reason Death metal appeals to our (Mostly younger )
brothers & sisters is because they are angry (With very
good reason ) & they have a creative way of expressing it
When I listen to death metal I look at it
as " A cry from the beast within"
You are quite RIGHT about medicine being untrustworthy !!!!!!
So you see we are NOT the monsters christianity makes us out to be
in the eyes of the world
But :I DO hope benedict VI has a WHOOPYYYYYYYYYYY christmas experience !!!!!!!!!
HS 88
Im new to Spiritual Satanism but have a bloodboiling hate toward their bullshit lies and false gods. I want to participate in a mass destruction ritual on their bullshit day.can someone give me a suggestion for something i can do ?post a link maybe                                                                                   HAIL LORD LUCIFER!!!!    FUCK THE FAKE ASSHOLES SPREADING THIER LIES AND HYPOCRISY!!!!DESTROY THE ENEMY!!!!!!!HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!! 

From: b D <vgb464@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 10:13:23 AM
Subject: RE: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

  Dont forget you can use this to make your sigil and the steps could be the same exactly
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/blood_dest ... igils.html

To: [email protected]
From: amayis@...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:42:04 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

So the prayer could be this:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and will no longer oppress us. Our energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/4290
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I'll be gladly to help. Just send me info on what we need to
do or if any prayer is involved.

Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!!! Hail the Gods of Duat!!!

Gladly. Finally help in their fucking destruction.

FUCK THE CHRISTIAN FILTH! FUCK THE FALSE GODS! Hail Enki! Hail Azazel! Hail the True Gods of Old!
We could do both, those that are able can do the niding pole and those that are not could chant the runes, at least then everyone could do the ritual that way it will make it even more powerful. Since its winter and some of us live in the places up north this may not be feasible for everyone especially since some are forced to participate in things having to do with what Christmas and your ritual requires more time and private space than they may be able to have on that day also not everyone will be advanced enough to do what you suggested. I agree its a wonderful idea though. It would be cool if an HP could speak on this ritual. Great Job on the illustration I like it.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "camel_wrath" <camel_wrath@... wrote:

Thoughts on this post from an H.P would be much appreciated, though thoughts from ANY Satanist on this means a lot as well :)

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P Vovim.

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am suggesting: http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... 1292543488

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo, visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING CHRISTIANITY TO THE POINT THERE AREN'T ASHES, IT'S BURNED OUT OF EXISTENCE! Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote this out rather quickly

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "camel_wrath" <camel_wrath@ wrote:

Since so many are up for this ritual, I suggest some sort of talisman be specifically designed and catered for this momentous occasion.

In the past H.P Maxine organized a type of group destruction ritual which involved carving runes into wood with blood aiding in the charging of the runes. I say such a thing be done again!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
I totally agree with "david" and also ask an HP to respond to this as they would know best.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

We could do both, those that are able can do the niding pole and those that are not could chant the runes, at least then everyone could do the ritual that way it will make it even more powerful. Since its winter and some of us live in the places up north this may not be feasible for everyone especially since some are forced to participate in things having to do with what Christmas and your ritual requires more time and private space than they may be able to have on that day also not everyone will be advanced enough to do what you suggested. I agree its a wonderful idea though. It would be cool if an HP could speak on this ritual. Great Job on the illustration I like it.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "camel_wrath" <camel_wrath@ wrote:

Thoughts on this post from an H.P would be much appreciated, though thoughts from ANY Satanist on this means a lot as well :)

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P Vovim.

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am suggesting: http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... 1292543488

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo, visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING CHRISTIANITY TO THE POINT THERE AREN'T ASHES, IT'S BURNED OUT OF EXISTENCE! Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote this out rather quickly

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "camel_wrath" <camel_wrath@ wrote:

Since so many are up for this ritual, I suggest some sort of talisman be specifically designed and catered for this momentous occasion.

In the past H.P Maxine organized a type of group destruction ritual which involved carving runes into wood with blood aiding in the charging of the runes. I say such a thing be done again!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
It has been some time since I was last on yahoo, but to see this post on my return made me somewhat excited and curious. If this will be done, I for one would certainly be there to take part. Hail Satan, my dark master, teacher and father. Your sister, Pixie. X

On Thu Dec 16th, 2010 5:06 PM EST camel_wrath wrote:

Since so many are up for this ritual, I suggest some sort of talisman be specifically designed and catered for this momentous occasion.

In the past H.P Maxine organized a type of group destruction ritual which involved carving runes into wood with blood aiding in the charging of the runes. I say such a thing be done again!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Michelle Onken <michelleonken@... wrote:
For "will no longer" denotes future tense. I've read from JoS that you want to make them present tense. So "does no longer" may be a better way.

You all may curse me for this, but, is it Christians we are cursing, or the religion? My ethics say to curse someone whom on a personal level have done no harm to you is not necessary! They have made a choice on false facts. Christianity, the religion, has enslaved these poor souls so they may not make a CHOICE knowing the facts. Is that saying that Satan hates people whom are a little slower nor haven't been blessed with the opportunity yet to know the truth, even though he created them as well? Until I dedicate myself to Satan and ask him my own questions, I have hang ups that make me question the validity of any claims, including his.

For one with Christian parents, are we supposed to curse and hate them now? That doesn't seem right. Why hate the humans, those created by Satan? At least the propaganda for Christianity teaches you to love your neighbor, parents, and enemies. Even though that potentially leaves you exposed; in theory "Jehovah" watches out and protects you. Also, I like Christmas music, even if everything was stolen from the original religion. Can I just sing the songs and substitute all words with "Christ, Mary, the virgin, etc"? I'm not into heavy metal depressing music. How am I supposed to advance myself to be the best I can be with that negativity?

Also, as a creator, Satan should care about the well-being of animals and the environment and our health, right? So isn't there promotion for things/spells to advance the chances of making this world and ourselves better/healthier? Or do you as Satanists rely merely on yoga and stuff for health? I don't believe medicine is good at all! Powerful people are behind pharmaceutical plans to merely make a profit (and usually make people even MORE unhealthy in another area). Satan and his followers should know this. I don't think medicine, or any govt-mandated, or any large corporations (Walmart?) can be trusted! Unless somehow Satan blocks all harm. Again, I don't know because I don't personally know any Satanists AND I haven't dedicated myself yet. Satan would want me to use my freewill to make an educated decision, right?

Please respond. I need feedback! I will be a very important and powerful agent for the side I ultimately choose. If you're wise, you'll win me over. Thanks.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:13 AM, b D <vgb464@... wrote:

Dont forget you can use this to make your sigil and the steps could be the same exactly
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/blood_dest ... igils.html

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: amayis@...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:42:04 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

So the prayer could be this:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and will no longer oppress us. Our energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/4290
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I'll be gladly to help. Just send me info on what we need to
do or if any prayer is involved.

Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!!! Hail the Gods of Duat!!!

Gladly. Finally help in their fucking destruction.

FUCK THE CHRISTIAN FILTH! FUCK THE FALSE GODS! Hail Enki! Hail Azazel! Hail the True Gods of Old!

i wish thair was a way we can get rid of them fuckin christians
im in when do we do it!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Michelle Onken <michelleonken@... wrote:

For "will no longer" denotes future tense. I've read from JoS that you want to make them present tense. So "does no longer" may be a better way.

You all may curse me for this, but, is it Christians we are cursing, or the religion? My ethics say to curse someone whom on a personal level have done no harm to you is not necessary! They have made a choice on false facts. Christianity, the religion, has enslaved these poor souls so they may not make a CHOICE knowing the facts. Is that saying that Satan hates people whom are a little slower nor haven't been blessed with the opportunity yet to know the truth, even though he created them as well? Until I dedicate myself to Satan and ask him my own questions, I have hang ups that make me question the validity of any claims, including his.

For one with Christian parents, are we supposed to curse and hate them now? That doesn't seem right. Why hate the humans, those created by Satan? At least the propaganda for Christianity teaches you to love your neighbor, parents, and enemies. Even though that potentially leaves you exposed; in theory "Jehovah" watches out and protects you. Also, I like Christmas music, even if everything was stolen from the original religion. Can I just sing the songs and substitute all words with "Christ, Mary, the virgin, etc"? I'm not into heavy metal depressing music. How am I supposed to advance myself to be the best I can be with that negativity?

Also, as a creator, Satan should care about the well-being of animals and the environment and our health, right? So isn't there promotion for things/spells to advance the chances of making this world and ourselves better/healthier? Or do you as Satanists rely merely on yoga and stuff for health? I don't believe medicine is good at all! Powerful people are behind pharmaceutical plans to merely make a profit (and usually make people even MORE unhealthy in another area). Satan and his followers should know this. I don't think medicine, or any govt-mandated, or any large corporations (Walmart?) can be trusted! Unless somehow Satan blocks all harm. Again, I don't know because I don't personally know any Satanists AND I haven't dedicated myself yet. Satan would want me to use my freewill to make an educated decision, right?

Please respond. I need feedback! I will be a very important and powerful agent for the side I ultimately choose. If you're wise, you'll win me over. Thanks.


On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:13 AM, b D <vgb464@... wrote:

Dont forget you can use this to make your sigil and the steps could be the same exactly
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/blood_dest ... igils.html

To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
From: amayis@...
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 23:42:04 +0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

So the prayer could be this:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and will no longer oppress us. Our energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/4290
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tanya.azazel" <tanya.azazel@ wrote:

I'll be gladly to help. Just send me info on what we need to
do or if any prayer is involved.

Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!!! Hail the Gods of Duat!!!

Gladly. Finally help in their fucking destruction.

FUCK THE CHRISTIAN FILTH! FUCK THE FALSE GODS! Hail Enki! Hail Azazel! Hail the True Gods of Old!
when cuz im in!!

From: Love Sky <lovesky198666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 6:35:29 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

  Such a great idea! Count me in as well. I`m doing every ritual you post here!:)
I will post this to the other groups in case anyone else is interested in participating thats not in Hells Army egroup. Its cool to see so many people like my idea: We are doing this on December 25th for anyone that can participate
remember the more people who do, the more of a blow this will be to Chrisianiy.
Note the moon is void in some areas for a few hours on xmas day use Lunabar to determine that
you can download it here http://www.brothersoft.com/lunabar-6447.html
This ritual should be done on the hour of Saturn that hour can be calculated using chronosxp
that can be downloaded here http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

After the ritual is over meditate for a few minutes on a perfect world. Feel that this ritual has worked and Christianity is destroyed.

For those who cannot do the niding poll ritual do the runes ritual

The prayer is this: (note possibly not noting finaliy and we should continue doing riuals until the enemy is destroyed
but creating that feeling to enhance the effects of this ritual)

In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most
slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of
Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This
foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and no longer oppresses us. Our
energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy
Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the
nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world
enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods
of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own
destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to
fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and
exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to
close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

For those that can do the Niding pole: Use the same prayer and ritual format as above.
Idea created by camel_wrath

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending
it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution
should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information
already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I
derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with
instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P
Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am
http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... g?t=1&#92;
I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are
Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:
Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz
second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After
each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate
element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo
akasha and Hagl fire.
A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the
Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different
elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.
The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel
death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the
destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling
in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at
Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the
constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune
empowering it.
Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is
channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here
the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt
with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little
black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving
through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate
Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it
with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.
Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital
waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of
death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of
death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and
being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while
visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.
Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with
the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death
energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo,
visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in
harmony for the destruction of Christianity.
Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in
the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the
flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death
energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As
you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING
Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame
that shall bring about their destruction.
When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their
utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly
being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.
How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to
dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do
not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies
with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll
post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone
else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote
this out rather quickly

Note: similar affirmations to the above ritual can be used or you can use your own.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jose vasquez <jose9636@... wrote:

when cuz im in!!

From: Love Sky <lovesky198666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 6:35:29 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on
Christmas day

Such a great idea! Count me in as well. I`m doing every ritual you post here!:)
What a great to celebrate Yule!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

I will post this to the other groups in case anyone else is interested in participating thats not in Hells Army egroup. Its cool to see so many people like my idea: We are doing this on December 25th for anyone that can participate
remember the more people who do, the more of a blow this will be to Chrisianiy.
Note the moon is void in some areas for a few hours on xmas day use Lunabar to determine that
you can download it here http://www.brothersoft.com/lunabar-6447.html
This ritual should be done on the hour of Saturn that hour can be calculated using chronosxp
that can be downloaded here http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

After the ritual is over meditate for a few minutes on a perfect world. Feel that this ritual has worked and Christianity is destroyed.

For those who cannot do the niding poll ritual do the runes ritual

The prayer is this: (note possibly not noting finaliy and we should continue doing riuals until the enemy is destroyed
but creating that feeling to enhance the effects of this ritual)

In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most
slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of
Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This
foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and no longer oppresses us. Our
energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy
Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the
nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world
enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods
of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own
destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to
fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and
exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to
close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

For those that can do the Niding pole: Use the same prayer and ritual format as above.
Idea created by camel_wrath

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending
it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution
should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information
already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I
derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with
instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am
http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... g?t=1&#92;

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are
Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz
second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After
each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate
element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo
akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the
Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different
elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel
death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the
destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling
in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at
Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the
constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune
empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is
channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here
the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt
with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little
black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving
through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate
Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it
with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital
waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of
death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of
death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and
being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while
visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with
the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death
energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo,
visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in
harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in
the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the
flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death
energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As
you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING
Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame
that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their
utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly
being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to
dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do
not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies
with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll
post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone
else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote
this out rather quickly

Note: similar affirmations to the above ritual can be used or you can use your own.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jose vasquez <jose9636@ wrote:

when cuz im in!!

From: Love Sky <lovesky198666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 6:35:29 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on
Christmas day

Such a great idea! Count me in as well. I`m doing every ritual you post here!:)
Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "DemonW" <satansgirl66@... wrote:

What a great to celebrate Yule!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

I will post this to the other groups in case anyone else is interested in participating thats not in Hells Army egroup. Its cool to see so many people like my idea: We are doing this on December 25th for anyone that can participate
remember the more people who do, the more of a blow this will be to Chrisianiy.
Note the moon is void in some areas for a few hours on xmas day use Lunabar to determine that
you can download it here http://www.brothersoft.com/lunabar-6447.html
This ritual should be done on the hour of Saturn that hour can be calculated using chronosxp
that can be downloaded here http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

After the ritual is over meditate for a few minutes on a perfect world. Feel that this ritual has worked and Christianity is destroyed.

For those who cannot do the niding poll ritual do the runes ritual

The prayer is this: (note possibly not noting finaliy and we should continue doing riuals until the enemy is destroyed
but creating that feeling to enhance the effects of this ritual)

In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most
slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of
Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This
foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and no longer oppresses us. Our
energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy
Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the
nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world
enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods
of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own
destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to
fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and
exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to
close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

For those that can do the Niding pole: Use the same prayer and ritual format as above.
Idea created by camel_wrath

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending
it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution
should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information
already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I
derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with
instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am
http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... g?t=1&#92;

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are
Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz
second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After
each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate
element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo
akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the
Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different
elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel
death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the
destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling
in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at
Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the
constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune
empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is
channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here
the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt
with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little
black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving
through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate
Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it
with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital
waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of
death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of
death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and
being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while
visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with
the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death
energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo,
visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in
harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in
the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the
flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death
energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As
you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING
Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame
that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their
utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly
being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to
dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do
not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies
with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll
post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone
else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote
this out rather quickly

Note: similar affirmations to the above ritual can be used or you can use your own.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jose vasquez <jose9636@ wrote:

when cuz im in!!

From: Love Sky <lovesky198666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 6:35:29 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on
Christmas day

Such a great idea! Count me in as well. I`m doing every ritual you post here!:)
The hour of Saturn is not the same for everyone, it depends on what time zone your in its about 57 minutes earlier for me, Anyway I did the ritual on the first hour of Saturn today. I noticed a few typos: The affirmation for Hagal is "The energies of Hagal (not Thurisaz) are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"

and in the prayer

May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the
nations of the earth shattering the chains (add of) oppression that have (not has) kept the world
enslaved for centuries.

I didn't notice anything else.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Christian" <avgfan@... wrote:

18:31 is the hour of Saturn people


--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Raven <samandugly@... wrote:
From: Raven <samandugly@...
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 2:07 AM

  Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
I preformed a destruction ritual last night, with little thought to timing as I had no way to get the hours.
It was a sucsess,
and maybe a second or 2 after I closed the ritual, all of the power in my block went out for a few seconds. hehe. I love shit like that.
Hail satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], rod crowley <yadevavhah@... wrote:


--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Raven <samandugly@... wrote:

From: Raven <samandugly@...
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 2:07 AM


Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
HAIL SATAN!! Love 666 88Sent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: "Merlin" <darkfury211@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:23:26 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
  I preformed a destruction ritual last night, with little thought to timing as I had no way to get the hours.
It was a sucsess,
and maybe a second or 2 after I closed the ritual, all of the power in my block went out for a few seconds. hehe. I love shit like that.
Hail satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], rod crowley <yadevavhah@... wrote:


--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Raven <samandugly@... wrote:

From: Raven <samandugly@...
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 2:07 AM


Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
I did it, and thought it went very well.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

HAIL SATAN!! Love 666 88
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Merlin" <darkfury211@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:23:26
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

I preformed a destruction ritual last night, with little thought to timing as I had no way to get the hours.
It was a sucsess,
and maybe a second or 2 after I closed the ritual, all of the power in my block went out for a few seconds. hehe. I love shit like that.
Hail satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], rod crowley <yadevavhah@ wrote:


--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Raven <samandugly@ wrote:

From: Raven <samandugly@
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 2:07 AM


Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:
I will post this to the other groups in case anyone else is interested in participating thats not in Hells Army egroup. Its cool to see so many people like my idea: We are doing this on December 25th for anyone that can participate
remember the more people who do, the more of a blow this will be to Chrisianiy.
Note the moon is void in some areas for a few hours on xmas day use Lunabar to determine that
you can download it here http://www.brothersoft.com/lunabar-6447.html
This ritual should be done on the hour of Saturn that hour can be calculated using chronosxp
that can be downloaded here http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

After the ritual is over meditate for a few minutes on a perfect world. Feel that this ritual has worked and Christianity is destroyed.

For those who cannot do the niding poll ritual do the runes ritual

The prayer is this: (note possibly not noting finaliy and we should continue doing riuals until the enemy is destroyed
but creating that feeling to enhance the effects of this ritual)

In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, on this most
slanderous and stolen day we declare As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of
Hell that Christianity is permanently and utterly exposed and destroyed. This
foul program of the kikes can exist no longer and no longer oppresses us. Our
energies combine tonight as brothers and sisters in Satan to destroy
Christianity. May the true light from this day forward shine upon all the
nations of the earth shattering the chains oppression that has kept the world
enslaved for centuries. Hail Freedom and Truth and Hail Satan and all the gods
of hell.

I came up with this and wrote it, this is similar to the prayer I use in my own
destruction rituals.
The Standard Satanic ritual can be used.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html

Runic vibration:
(I am copying part of this off of Novembers Destruction ritual and editing it to
fit the goal of Destruction of Christianity)
Here is the original ritual
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.

Affirm mentally "The energies of Thurisaz
are working to completely and permanently destroy and expose Christianity"
Visualizing the destruction of Christianity.

Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal not directing it at Christianity.

1- Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction and
exposing of Christianity for the lie that it is".

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to completely destroy and expose Christianity", to
close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

If you want to use ÜRUZ to help in sending the energy then do so.
The final step is sending the ball of energy created to its intended target.

If anyone has anything else to add or other suggestions that would be cool.

For those that can do the Niding pole: Use the same prayer and ritual format as above.
Idea created by camel_wrath

Rather than gathering energy, vibrating a few runes over it and then sending
it out for the destruction of Christianity, I think a more long time solution
should be done for a destruction ritual compiled from the beautiful information
already available to us. What I suggest be done for the destruction ritual I
derived from the ritual Cursing the Nazarene from the J.O.S, along with
instilling the elements and the sermon on the Earth's death energy from H.P

Here is a jpeg image that I made in paint that gives an idea of what I am
http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g44 ... g?t=1&#92;

I suggest a niding pole be made, and the runes I suggest to be put on it are
Gebo, Tiwaz, Thurisaz, Sovilo and Hagl. Here's how it works:

Each of the individual runes carved onto the pole. Gebo at the base, Tiwaz
second from the base, thurisaz third, sovilo fourth and Hagl at the top. After
each rune is carved in, each rune will be instilled with the appropriate
element. Gebo will be charged with Earth, Tiwaz air, Thurizar water, Sovilo
akasha and Hagl fire.

A poppet of the nazarene should be on top of the pole, just like in the
Cursing of the Nazarene ritual. After the pole is enchanted with the different
elements, it should be thrusted into the ground.

The first rune to be vibrated shall be Gebo. Gebo shall be used to channel
death energy from the Earth, into the pole so that it may be directed at the
destruction of Christianity. Visualize roots extending from the pole and pulling
in death energy from the Earth at a constant rate, have this energy collect at
Gebo in a little black ball of death. Vibrate Gebo, visualize the rune on the
constantly chanelled death energy from the Earth as you vibrate the rune
empowering it.

Next will be Tiwaz. This rune was enchanted with air, death energy is
channeled from the Earth through Gebo and is then channelled through Tiwaz. Here
the energy takes on the form of justice and swiftness; justice shall be dealt
with swift wings of air and their just dessert is DESTRUCTION! Move the little
black ball of death up into tiwaz, visualize the flow of death energy moving
through gebo, into Tiwaz collecting there as you empower this rune. Vibrate
Tiwaz and visualize the rule being filled destructive wind energy. Program it
with visions of justice being swiftly dealt and the lie being destroyed.

Next is thurisaz. Justice swift winds stirs water to the point of tital
waves, an awesome force that destroys all in its path. Move the little ball of
death even higher untill it is situated where thurisaz is. Visualize the flow of
death energy being channeled through gebo, up through tiwaz into thurisaz and
being gathered in the ball of death. Vibrate thurisaz and empower it while
visualize the destruction of the Christian lies in an all powerful tital wave.

Next will be will Sovilo. Sovilo is an amplifying rune, it is charged with
the akasha. Move the ball of death energy to sovilo, visualize the flow of death
energy being gathered at the ball in this area. Also, as you vibrate sovilo,
visualize all the in the pole being united, amplified and working together in
harmony for the destruction of Christianity.

Last is Hagl. Hagl is charged with fire and shall represents Hell's fury in
the form of a scorching flame. Moving the ball of death energy here, see the
flow of death energy meet and stop at this point within the ball of death
energy. Visualize the energy that meets here, converts into the form of fire. As
you vibrate hagl, visualize a mighty flame DECIMATING AND INCINERATING
Unleash your anger, Hell's army's wrath and fury shall be in the form of a flame
that shall bring about their destruction.

When this is done, unleash the energy onto Christianity! Visualize their
utter destruction. Before closing the ritual, make sure energy is constantly
being channeled through the pole. So even when your done, it's not.

How many times each rune should be vibrated I would like someone else to
dictate, for that's not my specialty. About the affirmations, I personally do
not use affirmations in most of my workings. More often than I program energies
with strong intention, but I'm sure there are many who prefer affirmations. I'll
post affirmations I feel appropriate if everyone is into this idea, or someone
else can post appropriate affirmations. It matters not. *Pardon any typos, wrote
this out rather quickly

Note: similar affirmations to the above ritual can be used or you can use your own.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], jose vasquez <jose9636@ wrote:

when cuz im in!!

From: Love Sky <lovesky198666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 6:35:29 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re:Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on
Christmas day

Such a great idea! Count me in as well. I`m doing every ritual you post here!:)

RE ; DONE !!!!
Before the ritual I downloaded a front vieuw of the Vatican
Painted the runes on it & burnt it during ritual
HS 88
Shame on me I only heard the truth just after Christmas. Well, good way to start the new year I suppose ^^

Darkest blessings.
This is brilliant!

It is so good to see Brothers and Sisters organizing together to fight our enemies. The Ritual done will have made some nice impact.

The Monthly Destruction Rituals are going to continue as usual from this Month. Anything else done and organized by Members is excellent. The more we hit them, the faster they will fall.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

HAIL SATAN!! Love 666 88
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Merlin" <darkfury211@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:23:26
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day

I preformed a destruction ritual last night, with little thought to timing as I had no way to get the hours.
It was a sucsess,
and maybe a second or 2 after I closed the ritual, all of the power in my block went out for a few seconds. hehe. I love shit like that.
Hail satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], rod crowley <yadevavhah@ wrote:


--- On Sat, 12/25/10, Raven <samandugly@ wrote:

From: Raven <samandugly@
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Whos down for a huge ritual against Christianity on Christmas day
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 2:07 AM


Im sooooo in! :3

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@ wrote:

Just an idea I had. I try to do at least three or four rituals against Christianity a month. Christmas is on the day of Saturn this year, I am excited about the idea myself. Also this day appears to be the time the most energy is put into their thoughtform. Maybe redirecting that energy somehow to help Satan or destroy israel instead of feed their thoughtform.
What do you guys think. Since they stole our holiday, payback time.
Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
