Everyone should see this account and notice how it takes random shots at HPHC, which are now deleted. These trolls follow a rule book of eroding trust and pushing lies that undermine our leaders. Here it stokes the flames of excessive greed and demands, like a mob which demands more free money before destroying the town.
Furthermore, is there also a benefit to having more meditations? How many people would truly benefit by another advanced meditation, despite of them already struggling with the basics? Similarly, is our Clergy not allowed to give guidance on external matters, in which our magick manifests? This is a higher level of advice, as it helps us define how and when, or for what purpose, we would use our magic.
In the same breath, such an account will demand new money meditations, without realizing that some of the insights gained from that or other workings had already been provided here. Therefore, do not let these trolls' demands for "more" be seen as reasonable, as it just appeals to the impatient monkey mind.