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Who is the demoted HP?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You're getting there, I think you have a full idea of what was going on. And yes, this petty creature was actually him, and there is more into this, and we know everything as well.

You should see the other comments where he pretended he was a random comment person named "Dionysus" that has "Never read the JoS" and it was literally him again.

These people must think we are all severely retarded, but this is what jews think of the Goyim. Jews also hate being destroyed in such a way.

Is his pawn banned as well? Because it seems to me that both of them were in on it, notice how he conveniently failed to blot out the letters even when it says to completely blot them out after EACH letter! Someone was obviously pulling his strings from behind the scenes, now we know who.
I knew something was fishy all along, but couldn't really put all together. Now it all makes sense.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.


I can't believe I missed your comment on that thread! That was a very smart observation, I'm impressed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zildarr was legitimate and she helped a lot. However, she had some personal problems that caused her to be unable to continue.

ChaosBringer666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

As far as I see it

Mageson= BANNED

Carlson = demoted/ banned (for Being lazy and causing problems)

Micama = he chose to leave because the work was too much/ personal problems.

Zildar = 90 percent sure this was the infiltrator Jew, Cobra was taking about.

Myla = still High Priestess.

Shannon = still High Priestess.

Ahh my bad I apologize, thank you For clarifying.
This is making sense. We instinctively dismiss things for a reason and with guidance by the Gods. Handling these infiltrators on the groups is just like handling them in real life.

These aren’t people we can always easily avoided (these aren’t people at all lol) but this whole situation serves to help wake us up to how we can fight more effectively. I’m finally realizing how not so simple this all really is. When the gods say jump we jump, when they say stay quiet we stay quiet. There are infiltrators on -both sides- and on -all levels-..There are many types. They existed in Germany, they existed in ancient egypt. ect. Awareness and listening to your gut is key.

The Jew at my work place was officially fired today. Muahaha. I didn’t have to say a word or make any direct moves.. Hail Satan!
HP Hoodedcobra666 please answer to me.

HP Hoodedcobra666, who was the ex HP slandering the RTR? Was it Mageson or Jake Carlson. Mageson from what I remember was pro doing RTR and encouraged it a lot. Though I do not remember Jake Carlson encouraging much RTR. The reason why i am asking this is because the stuff that mageson said made sense for most of time but many stuff Jake Carlson said makes no sense many times and caused a lot of speculation issues especially on hollow earth thing which HP HoodedCobra clarified further when asked. Or that Jake never addressed the transgenders having artificial hormone medications.
I do remember that ex-HP Jake Carlson himself was unclear on homosexuals and whether they should raise families.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad other people are also observant as this makes everything just easier. But yes, we have all the proof and way more.

Apparently these idiots think that everyone here must be entirely retarded or something.

We also have other resounding proof that this goes way deeper.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.

Wait so Loki88 is actually Mageson?
Wow I’m just continuing to be appalled. To think he would actually go through the trouble of replying to himself. Just wow :lol: hopefully I can improve on my judge of character, should not have been so trusting simply under the pretence of HP though I didn’t have much interaction with him and only read one or two posts that were possibly plagiarized, this has left a very poor taste in my mouth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zildarr was legitimate and she helped a lot. However, she had some personal problems that caused her to be unable to continue.

ChaosBringer666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

As far as I see it

Mageson= BANNED

Carlson = demoted/ banned (for Being lazy and causing problems)

Micama = he chose to leave because the work was too much/ personal problems.

Zildar = 90 percent sure this was the infiltrator Jew, Cobra was taking about.

Myla = still High Priestess.

Shannon = still High Priestess.

Is there any information on whether High Priest Lucius Oria is still around? From what I know he would be the only Asian HP and provided a few sermons on satanic elements/ spiritual information hidden in oriental knowledge.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am glad other people are also observant as this makes everything just easier. But yes, we have all the proof and way more.

Apparently these idiots think that everyone here must be entirely retarded or something.

We also have other resounding proof that this goes way deeper.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

That is unbelievable. I called it on the very RTR thread that those comments left on Loki’s video read exactly like one of his posts. He didn’t even try to pretend like he was someone else. Thank Satan for pattern recognition, I might as well have been reading one of his poorly written sermons it was so blatant.

I've never read that comment until now and 100% looks like a 'sermon' of Mageson... There is no doubt it was him. This clear up everything, I remember he defended loki a lot (probabily to let this infiltrator in and open the mind of the members to trust what this guy said but it was useless as nobody trusted him even with mageson help), he even asked him to post info on how drinking piss made him feel better lol and he was not joking at all...
This is his replay lol https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42088&p=175347&hilit=drinking+piss#p175347
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
Let's not forget the "muh transgenderism was high priestz in the past"
Oh the nostalgia man.
Anche se Mageson é diventano un traditore, ha asservito allo scopo. Adesso il suo tempo é arrivato anche per lui. Fine della corsa. Forse implorerá anche lui lo sporco nazzareno quando dovrá confrontarsi con Satana.
Rambo said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There are some HPs that we hardly hear from. They appear every one in a while. Names that are so rare that some don't even know. So in my opinion it is impossible that any of the main HPs have problems. Cobra, Maxine, Shannon and Mageson have been way too involved in this movement and have helped a lot regardless of any slight misunderstandings.

We filtered 95% of the damage from reaching in the public, and therefore, yes, observed from a third party, it was "mostly fine". Most of the information was "Clear" and needed no cleaning, because we cleaned all of it. It was typical of us to point mistakes in topics and these were later corrected so they looked "correct" to the public.

If a dog is sedated when he is to attack all the time, or is restrained, it looks like a calm sleeping dog to someone else who doesn't know. The vets however know better on what is the real situation.

The main and actual High Priests, we never really even have an argument in over 10 years. Like, never ever, not even once. Disagreements were never in the case of serious people even remotely to be taken as arguments.

The things like promoting Anarchism, Socialism, dissuading people from wealth and branding money as "evil", promoting Lucifer Christos, and writing things like gay adoption, to observant people, promoting Satanism as "Universalism", things like UBI and how the "US ought go into socialism" under jews [both meant to enslave us and give us the last push into destruction], should in themselves be more than enough.

Again, this is nothing compared to what we know and have seen. Much of it however is bad conduct with other Clergy and just outright attacks. His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more. The situation goes even deeper than many things stated here. What they hoped by going to our Sister in the Clergy was hopes that they would get them to join forces with him for some sort of kike coup.

And all of this, is the tip of the whole iceberg. None of this is a "misunderstanding" simply because it cannot be properly fathomed. There is way more in the situation but we have chosen to not give this additional attention.
Ho capito! Ma come puó un HP nella sua conoscenza mettersi contro Satana se conosce L' Ira di !Satana

Brother, we are mostly speaking English here, although there is Italian subforum.

If you want to speak with us in this subforum, I would suggest you at least using Google translate if you don’t know English. Even though machine translation is usually not perfect, we will understand you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
Fucking weird. It’s hard to imagine that a clergy member could be against the RTR. If he was not a kike and had done the RTR (he was likely at least open enough to feel the effects) he would’ve known its power and how amazing it feels in the least. The RTR’s are a pure gift and the key to freedom from the nightmare our world is in. I feel kind of angry/betrayed. Thanks for the in depth explanations.

Yes but what about a jew that has started to feel the heat that this whole "RTR thing" is actually collapsing his chosen people, do you think such person would flip out or not?

Whomever has been doing the RTR knows that this destroys the enemy and is their end in literal form.

It's quite satisfying to realize the progressive fear this thing must have felt as it realized our methods to destroy them are oh so very real and effective beyond any measures taken against them since their inception. It's unfortunate this thing was around for as long as it was, however, the damage done by them was kept to a minimum and the satisfaction to see them exposed and totally destroyed as they are now is very pleasing.

Once again, thank you for your efforts over all these years to keep the forum and the JoS in line with Satan's tenets, preventing subversion and growing our credibility, knowledge and capability.

And above all, major thanks to all our Gods who have helped build this place and the immeasurable wealth of knowledge the JoS holds for us, to allow us to advance on this spiritual path and fight against the enemy.

Hail Satan!
Excellent job dealing with this, time to open the gates and swastika the kike out of everything.
slyscorpion said:
sonnenkraft said:

can we please make it clear who's Also no more longer (( trusted )) and Banned

High Priest Jake Carlson Banned
High Priest Don Danko (Mageson666) Banned
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma ?
High Priestess Zildar Raasi ?
High Priestess Myla Limlal ?
High Priestess Shannon ?

I chatted with Hp Shannon a long time ago once in the old messanger for maybe 20 minutes that was before she became hp. She seemed like a good person and stuck up for me in something on the old forums I remember i am very sure she's legit and trusted and I think she did a good job helping a lot of black members, but I do question the stuff about viruses not existing such as HIV and even cornavirus and some other stuff she said on health but people are entitled to their opinions. I believe she is a trusted HP and does a good Job.

Myla Limlal she does not speak English i dont believe and not sure what group she is from but I believe also she is legit.

Magesun666 and Jake Carlson were demoted.

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma
High Priestess Zildar Raasi

Those two have not been around in such a long time that I can't say for sure i dont fully remember but I do remember something coming out that they were demoted and most their stuff was deleted from the website.

For me its just hard to believe that anyone can mess up on this if chosen by the Gods. That doesnt make sense. Why wouldn't the Gods see this. I am confused on this.

If you were keeping up with some of my posts on the coronavirus I already explained and showed evidence that viruses are not what we have been told to believe. That they are material creatrd by the body. That viruses have never been shown to be isolated and have failed kochs postulates. Stating science and studying and thinking on my own is not something someone should judge on if I am to be trusted. I have my own opinion on the current medical paradigm and If I am questioned on my allegiance to Satan because of that, its quite ridiculous.

Doesnt matter though since I am clergy, inspirer and indebted to my race. I am clergy only to the black members here. The white members have Maxine and HC as their clergy to follow.

Anyway, everyone here should mind their own path and follow Satan and the gods first. HP HC already explained the situation with the clergy and why some members fell apart. Some of the clergy here are definitely meant to be here with our astrological yods and they all show a deeper purpose. All the other past clergy did some damage and were placeholders at the time.

We all must follow and go through Satan and the gods who are the true masters but clergy is important for a reason and we have our own paths to follow, like how HP HC is the clergy for the white gentiles here and you all follow him for good reason because he was given the authority by Satan to help inspire and lead you all for exanple, so clergy still stands for something. Satan and the gods work with clergy specifically on certain things. Dedicated clergy and dedicated members alike.

At the end of it all when many of us ultimately raise our kundalinis, the dynamic and heirarchal nature will change. All HPs in the old days were risen. At this point the HPs here are here to lead in their own way and provide certain information and a service.

It is a shame about Mageson, Carlson and the others who are not here but the JoS has been through stages and we are reaching a point where things are changing and new spiritual knowledge will change many things.
FancyMancy said:
Sledgehammer666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
What what’s happening hey did you guys know that it was traditional for men and woman to wear makeup from 4000 Bce to 1800s the exact time of our mortal enemies full attack on our people THE INQUISITION the Jews fucked us man they fucked us All them and there alien friends””” business partners I should say.MAn THeY FUCKED US the hatred of Jews needs to be magnified
That's irrelevant. Why not go to a beauty salon and talk about NASA?
N in its not irrelevant at all. In fact if you do a few thousand hours of study on history you’ll find that the inquisition marked a drastic change on the entire world....never seen before like....10s of thousands of years went by like pagan traditions, then the invasion...people are being mind controlled by greys and reptilians and shit.......they seem to want to imprison and damn the human mind and soul even , and if people with smart ass attitudes online keep taking every thing like a game we’re not going to win thes crucial battle days. So please let’s get back to business and what is at hand....We need to at least try to listen to Satan....he wants us all to unite....like if we’re all going to unite we all have to accept eachother, u gotta take this seriously the unification of satanists , it’s a family , satanists are family nearly, and we will all be alone and not accomplish anything worthy of Satan’s will if we don’t get together where ever you are we have to open up to each other trust each other , we have to obey Satan man he’s trying to help us and guide us to success and happiness if we obey him
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
Fucking weird. It’s hard to imagine that a clergy member could be against the RTR. If he was not a kike and had done the RTR (he was likely at least open enough to feel the effects) he would’ve known its power and how amazing it feels in the least. The RTR’s are a pure gift and the key to freedom from the nightmare our world is in. I feel kind of angry/betrayed. Thanks for the in depth explanations.

Yes but what about a jew that has started to feel the heat that this whole "RTR thing" is actually collapsing his chosen people, do you think such person would flip out or not?

Whomever has been doing the RTR knows that this destroys the enemy and is their end in literal form.

So if I understood well Mageson was an (((infiltrator))) and Jake simply for being lazy and not doing his job as HP and also not doing his meditations and advancing spiritually.
it's that correct?
So since my post was not approved for some reason. Perhaps going slightly off-topic.

Is the information provided to us by both former-HP.Mageson and former-HP.Jake Carlson.


For example: HP.Jake Carlson has said some interesting things on his website but unfortunately I kinda get the feeling HP.Cobra might state: Sci-fi/Sci-fan stuff like the Maria Orsic thing or this whole Aldebaren-Sirius-Taurus thing. And what about Mageson? is everything he's done since early-mid 2000s pointless?(since when has Mageson been around since like 2004/2005?)

I don't understand infiltrators they state the truth to infiltrate then lie then get caught and then put us in the awkward position to wonder just how much of their information is truth or lies. It's interesting devoting large masses of your life to troll some website sounds like maybe someone with multiple people helping behind the scenes or someone with just a shitload of time. I mean at what point do you go "WTF am I doing going on these forums just to infiltrate and create shit is this my shitty life just be a cock-knocker".

So is the stuff they both said on these forums and on Jake's website, pointless, useless?

How much of their stuff should we even bother with now that both are basically out of the game so to speak?
I think HP Hooded already cleared more or less in the other posts here and the main thread.
Mageson: Plagiarized the sermons of HPS Maxine and HP HC changing a little bit to look like his own. The nonsense was either totally purged or cleaned the best they could from the approved sermons (he wronte plenty of repeated and useless mini-sermons to look "productive" honestly).

Jake: his sermons on christianity, christian identity and why it should be purged from National-Socialism were on spot. But then he mixed other things with his own dellusions and inability to hear the Gods, such as non-Whites not being of Satan or his over the top focus on Homosexuality as if it was almost like another race. These seem to have been cleared or deleted, mostly.

Gear88 said:
So since my post was not approved for some reason. Perhaps going slightly off-topic.

Is the information provided to us by both former-HP.Mageson and former-HP.Jake Carlson.


For example: HP.Jake Carlson has said some interesting things on his website but unfortunately I kinda get the feeling HP.Cobra might state: Sci-fi/Sci-fan stuff like the Maria Orsic thing or this whole Aldebaren-Sirius-Taurus thing. And what about Mageson? is everything he's done since early-mid 2000s pointless?(since when has Mageson been around since like 2004/2005?)

I don't understand infiltrators they state the truth to infiltrate then lie then get caught and then put us in the awkward position to wonder just how much of their information is truth or lies. It's interesting devoting large masses of your life to troll some website sounds like maybe someone with multiple people helping behind the scenes or someone with just a shitload of time. I mean at what point do you go "WTF am I doing going on these forums just to infiltrate and create shit is this my shitty life just be a cock-knocker".

So is the stuff they both said on these forums and on Jake's website, pointless, useless?

How much of their stuff should we even bother with now that both are basically out of the game so to speak?
Gear88 said:
So since my post was not approved for some reason. Perhaps going slightly off-topic.

Is the information provided to us by both former-HP.Mageson and former-HP.Jake Carlson.


For example: HP.Jake Carlson has said some interesting things on his website but unfortunately I kinda get the feeling HP.Cobra might state: Sci-fi/Sci-fan stuff like the Maria Orsic thing or this whole Aldebaren-Sirius-Taurus thing. And what about Mageson? is everything he's done since early-mid 2000s pointless?(since when has Mageson been around since like 2004/2005?)

I don't understand infiltrators they state the truth to infiltrate then lie then get caught and then put us in the awkward position to wonder just how much of their information is truth or lies. It's interesting devoting large masses of your life to troll some website sounds like maybe someone with multiple people helping behind the scenes or someone with just a shitload of time. I mean at what point do you go "WTF am I doing going on these forums just to infiltrate and create shit is this my shitty life just be a cock-knocker".

So is the stuff they both said on these forums and on Jake's website, pointless, useless?

How much of their stuff should we even bother with now that both are basically out of the game so to speak?

I reckon he also created the kabbalahexposed.com website as well...

HPS Maxine Dietrich also vouched for him I recall this one time.

It is just a huge mess this situation. Like close to 20 years or so years on this path to be an infiltrator all along, it’s confusing as there are many of his posts in the library and other helpful things he posted in the past. But I now realize that Maxine’s posts have always surpassed his with usefulness and to the point information. It’s a shame.

Now all of his material is to be questioned, again we don’t have a full answer on this but I would like more details. Shouldn’t the community know more about this, more details, as without proper closure this just leaves unanswered questions confusion and ultimately frustration.

There’s is no doubt that help was provided by this character, I don’t know the full scope of the situation, but it seems he really fell and didn’t care about many things which spiralled downhill to this point.

A to the point answer would be that he commented on Loki88’s video bashing the RTR’s and the writing style was blatantly his own. Among other things mentioned by HP HC’s post on the matter(bad grammar, ban abuse, lack of spiritual ability etc.). I wonder if there’s anything else.

I’m just pretty pissed right now! The lack of closure makes me try to puzzle the pieces together, but having been around for some time it’s a little hard as trusting someone, only to find out they weren’t who you thought they were really makes me angry. He doesn’t even seem stand up enough to address this issue, must have been an agent all along, thus why his departure was sour.

He will pay severely, and to have played with this community the way he did I can only imagine the wrath he brought upon himself.

I know HP HC must have reasons to leave some things unsaid and that decision is his to make in line with Satan.
Sledgehammer666 said:
N in its not irrelevant at all. In fact if you do a few thousand hours of study on history you’ll find that the inquisition marked a drastic change on the entire world....never seen before like....10s of thousands of years went by like pagan traditions, then the invasion...people are being mind controlled by greys and reptilians and shit.......they seem to want to imprison and damn the human mind and soul even , and if people with smart ass attitudes online keep taking every thing like a game we’re not going to win thes crucial battle days. So please let’s get back to business and what is at hand....We need to at least try to listen to Satan....he wants us all to unite....like if we’re all going to unite we all have to accept eachother, u gotta take this seriously the unification of satanists , it’s a family , satanists are family nearly, and we will all be alone and not accomplish anything worthy of Satan’s will if we don’t get together where ever you are we have to open up to each other trust each other , we have to obey Satan man he’s trying to help us and guide us to success and happiness if we obey him

Yeah dude.. totally. Wanna hit my bong?
Is the stuff about doing more rtrs during mercury Retrograde cause its more effective correct that was mainly stated by magesun666.

I get a feeling that yes is it and that is what my intuition states but not sure since he wanted to malign the rtr apparently. Is it less effective during that time or something.
Gear88 said:
So since my post was not approved for some reason. Perhaps going slightly off-topic.

Is the information provided to us by both former-HP.Mageson and former-HP.Jake Carlson.


For example: HP.Jake Carlson has said some interesting things on his website but unfortunately I kinda get the feeling HP.Cobra might state: Sci-fi/Sci-fan stuff like the Maria Orsic thing or this whole Aldebaren-Sirius-Taurus thing. And what about Mageson? is everything he's done since early-mid 2000s pointless?(since when has Mageson been around since like 2004/2005?)

I don't understand infiltrators they state the truth to infiltrate then lie then get caught and then put us in the awkward position to wonder just how much of their information is truth or lies. It's interesting devoting large masses of your life to troll some website sounds like maybe someone with multiple people helping behind the scenes or someone with just a shitload of time. I mean at what point do you go "WTF am I doing going on these forums just to infiltrate and create shit is this my shitty life just be a cock-knocker".

So is the stuff they both said on these forums and on Jake's website, pointless, useless?

How much of their stuff should we even bother with now that both are basically out of the game so to speak?
They mix truth with lies and often do this by citing claims from sources that are just that, claims unbacked by evidence.
To make it this far they still had to post valuable information and there is good in what they wrote. For example Mageson once had an argument with Cobra and was right.
Gear88 said:
So since my post was not approved for some reason. Perhaps going slightly off-topic.

Is the information provided to us by both former-HP.Mageson and former-HP.Jake Carlson.


For example: HP.Jake Carlson has said some interesting things on his website but unfortunately I kinda get the feeling HP.Cobra might state: Sci-fi/Sci-fan stuff like the Maria Orsic thing or this whole Aldebaren-Sirius-Taurus thing. And what about Mageson? is everything he's done since early-mid 2000s pointless?(since when has Mageson been around since like 2004/2005?)

I don't understand infiltrators they state the truth to infiltrate then lie then get caught and then put us in the awkward position to wonder just how much of their information is truth or lies. It's interesting devoting large masses of your life to troll some website sounds like maybe someone with multiple people helping behind the scenes or someone with just a shitload of time. I mean at what point do you go "WTF am I doing going on these forums just to infiltrate and create shit is this my shitty life just be a cock-knocker".

So is the stuff they both said on these forums and on Jake's website, pointless, useless?

How much of their stuff should we even bother with now that both are basically out of the game so to speak?
Obviously I don’t know for sure, but I think Hp Mageson wasn’t a troll from day one. The gods oversee and watch these forums. If he was a troll from day one, this wouldn’t of gotten this far. I believe he simply lost his way. Which is horribly tragic. We have no proof presented to us showing he was an infiltrator all along.

Perhaps his own overstudying was his undoing. In a lot of his arguments against the rtr he seemed to of convinced himself in one way or another (through flawed logic obviously).

When studying jewish info all day or any corrupt info, you have to use Satanic discernment. I’m sure he did often, but must of been exposed to so much he just tied into it too hard maybe. Idk for sure obviously. But it’s hard for me to imagine he’s a jew and the gods allowed us to have a jew hp for all these years.

He definitely crossed lines that warrant his demotion and banning and we don’t need him around here. He’ll get what’s coming to him. It’s awful news either way but as cobra said, most of the dangerous stuff he may have posted is gone. Not all. But cobra pointed out the major stuff to be avoided. The socialism stuff, diet stuff, etc.
Wotanwarrior said:
So if I understood well Mageson was an (((infiltrator))) and Jake simply for being lazy and not doing his job as HP and also not doing his meditations and advancing spiritually.
it's that correct?
Yes, that's correct.
Braun666 said:
Gear88 said:

I reckon he also created the kabbalahexposed.com website as well...

HPS Maxine Dietrich also vouched for him I recall this one time.

No, I did make that site. This is what happens when you think emotionally instead of knowing the facts of a situation.

Braun666 said:
It is just a huge mess this situation. Like close to 20 years or so years on this path to be an infiltrator all along, it’s confusing as there are many of his posts in the library and other helpful things he posted in the past. But I now realize that Maxine’s posts have always surpassed his with usefulness and to the point information. It’s a shame.

Some of the enemy have worked 50 years to subvert things every single day. The posts remain because we had line checked each one of them. However, because some info is wrong, as we go, we will update with that is the correct information. There are also many blatant lies.

Braun666 said:
Now all of his material is to be questioned, again we don’t have a full answer on this but I would like more details. Shouldn’t the community know more about this, more details, as without proper closure this just leaves unanswered questions confusion and ultimately frustration.

You just feel "frustration" because you expected different things, but reality is different. I provided the answer necessary above.

Braun666 said:
There’s is no doubt that help was provided by this character, I don’t know the full scope of the situation, but it seems he really fell and didn’t care about many things which spiralled downhill to this point.

Many Rabbis in the past have considerably helped Satan, and so did many people of the enemy. Maybe they want a better deal, maybe they want to infiltrate, maybe they are uncertain in their position.

We know all of the situation and it would not be possible to say more. I have already said way more than necessary. We could just kick out and let it be, but I decided to say as much as possible without compromising any more information.

Braun666 said:
A to the point answer would be that he commented on Loki88’s video bashing the RTR’s and the writing style was blatantly his own. Among other things mentioned by HP HC’s post on the matter(bad grammar, ban abuse, lack of spiritual ability etc.). I wonder if there’s anything else.

So slandering the RTR does not reek of a jew...And the fact he is impersonating others in order to subvert and disinform. That in itself is reason enough for him to be kicked out, without any of the other reasons cited.

Braun666 said:
I’m just pretty pissed right now! The lack of closure makes me try to puzzle the pieces together, but having been around for some time it’s a little hard as trusting someone, only to find out they weren’t who you thought they were really makes me angry. He doesn’t even seem stand up enough to address this issue, must have been an agent all along, thus why his departure was sour.

The only way to deal with weeds is to uproot them.

Braun666 said:
He will pay severely, and to have played with this community the way he did I can only imagine the wrath he brought upon himself.

Experience says until now that every person who has done similar things does not fare well, ever.

Braun666 said:
I know HP HC must have reasons to leave some things unsaid and that decision is his to make in line with Satan.

I do, but I said many things because I believe people needed to know that this was not some sort of random decision.
Gear88 said:
I mean Mageson was active since Yahoo days and Prophp days and up to current A-F. When in recent times certain information was removed such as the SVRT Sorat/Saurasthra information or the breath holds that were removed.

He recently tried to post something about this again, extreme breath holding, which basically takes one step before death. This is in many Christian books, and xians are so dumb that they think that keeping their breath and almost dying, and therefore feeling suffocation, is some sort of divine practice. Church "fathers" have written about these abusive practices and more, another one being self whipping.

It is known in science that extreme holds do actually kill braincells for people. We obviously discarded this deadly garbage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
So slandering the RTR does not reek of a jew...And the fact he is impersonating others in order to subvert and disinform. That in itself is reason enough for him to be kicked out, without any of the other reasons cited.
That’s so mind blowing to me. That the gods would allow for some 10 years a jew Hp? Crazy..
Lol what’s in your bong I’m in Canada we’re even beginning the process to legalize psilocybin mushrooms and salvia and other naturally occurring plants That have hallucinogenic properties IGOpE at least...shrooms tho yeah Canada is trying to get ready to decriminalize which I totally Dig and am on board with anything that will keep clean,pure , doses substances legally available then kids huffing some propane to death or people resorting to crack and dirty low quality lab drugs mainly ...as anybody can bul a piLl presser , all the deaths are from dealers who lose there shit just once even and lace maybe a personal batch then forget and sell it or something .Ive seen it all I lived in a real like hood for 4years and almost didn’t survive literally.ive lives in million dollar house in suburbs like now I’m just gravy , but I have seen both sides ,And let me tell y u there’s way more subhuman jewholelicking ratfink fuck faced fucks out there then you think .theres so many.......humanity is devolving .but certain sects of types of people are evolving so...it’s gonna be a fun show to watch I guess let’s do this I’m Canadian of course I’m drunk and stoned holly fuck man .....any Canadians around here?
Coraxo said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His recent icing on the cake was when he went to pretend he was someone else in a website to slander the RTR, which he was foolish enough to reveal to another Clergy that he did, and we have the proof of this and way more.

So that was him all along? Those comments were very fishy and were obviously directed to the JoS members instead of to the general public, it was an obvious attempt to make SS doubt the RtRs, hence why I thought it was a rabbi. Turned out it was much worse.

I mean it was to be expected, he kinda always stalked that guy and kept consuming his content after all.
Where was this ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for the reply. Really do appreciate the details added, and clarifications provided. Just in response and in hopes that my initial post wasn't misread...

I apologize for jumping to conclusion, I was indeed assuming he made that site, with many of his sermon's on there(which seems almost foul to say now given the situation).

And it's true that answers you provided give enough detail on the overall situation. I've already drawn my conclusions based on this. It's just the feeling of being dumbfounded and feeling betrayed(not directly) for trusting someone in a place I believed had no taints in its midst. But that unfortunately was not the case sadly.

I'm far from opposed to his banning, the RTR's slander alone is a definitely a sole reason alone, the title and position etc. really points to his true identity, I realize there really is no need to elaborate on this at all. My inquiry for more info was because I believed there was more or perhaps wanted more details if there were any for more close. I know it's obviously far from my call to demand this, not going to state the obvious as to why, I know there's good reason and good measure needed in handling this.

Again sorry for the misunderstanding in the way I wrote. Would've liked to give him a piece of my mind to direct this frustration, but there's no need, he know what's coming and sealed his fate with these actions. Only need is more "Final RTR's for winz" as he used to say himself. Now the tables have turned now, or they were always turned and the "winz" he spoke of are to lead to his own demise, we know where the venom will strike first with his closeness to our efforts.

It seems he knows this already as posts of the past relate to his awareness of this and more. As quotes from the al jilwah confirms the regret will come after the realization of the fault made and past RTR's will all tie in with the final RTR and he has close(being present throughout) links to our resolve to eradicate the jewish problem. Close to the point I can see a catastrophic fate but no need to detail this.

As water reacts to electricity, as magnets repel each other, he got too close and the heat must've been too high at this stage in our progress, for him to take. This is a lesson "for the books" as they say.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
Is there any information on whether High Priest Lucius Oria is still around? From what I know he would be the only Asian HP and provided a few sermons on satanic elements/ spiritual information hidden in oriental knowledge.

Unless I'm mistaking him for another HP, he's still around, but he's keeping a low profile for his own safety.
At first I wasn't gonna post this but upon reading a post by member: Jack(Jack the Good guy), I decided to ask here.

I made a previous account probably like 3-4 weeks before F-RTR. I was banned in a "ban wave" no idea why. I was wanting to post on F-RTR thread about a better affirmation. Nothing serious just some minor flaws I saw in the affirmation.

I guess it's safe to assume my account being banned was something to due with what members previously said on this forum post thread, ban and or ban wave over nothing serious.

I know some people get banned but I re-read all my post back when I was banned and did not witness one single error maybe it was something I replied or whatever.

Was the "ban wave" before F-RTR(about 1 week before release) was that Mageson's doing?(If the question can't be answered cause don't remember it's okay I'm just being curious on it, it doesn't have to be answered is what I'm saying).

Also another question if the previous account is deleted does that delete the posts done by that account? I'd like to give the previous account to a member who has the same name spelled with re-arranged letters.
I remember how distasteful in behaviour he was in the past, the slightest fault in someone he would devour with extreme immaturity of insults and aggression. I fell victim to this many, many years ago when I was a kid and asked a lot of questions about unorthodox things because I was still new and confused about everything back then.

I remember distinctly many other members would pick on me too just because he was doing it, people would never actually help me or answer my questions and just insult me instead. I tried to ignore it to the best of my abilities back then, but eventually I ended up quitting the communications entirely and deciding to advance quietly on my own in the background with just the main website. I missed out on a lot of help from others more experienced than me and if I'd had it I'd probably be further along even than I am now, but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I managed just fine.

Why such behaviour was consistently allowed back then to the extent it was even, I still don't know to this day. Perhaps that was warning number one, it all just seemed to just be one big meme to him.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
recently tried to post something about this again, extreme breath holding, which basically takes one step before death. This is in many Christian books, and xians are so dumb that they think that keeping their breath and almost dying, and therefore feeling suffocation, is some sort of divine practice. Church "fathers" have written about these abusive practices and more, another one being self whipping.

It is known in science that extreme holds do actually kill braincells for people. We obviously discarded this deadly garbage.
Why would he post something that is clearly stated on the JoS meditation page not to do? Was he trying to get banned?
Whatever the case. Stay the course. I don't care who is HP. The information is out there for all of us on the JoS website.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
I mean Mageson was active since Yahoo days and Prophp days and up to current A-F. When in recent times certain information was removed such as the SVRT Sorat/Saurasthra information or the breath holds that were removed.

He recently tried to post something about this again, extreme breath holding, which basically takes one step before death. This is in many Christian books, and xians are so dumb that they think that keeping their breath and almost dying, and therefore feeling suffocation, is some sort of divine practice. Church "fathers" have written about these abusive practices and more, another one being self whipping.

It is known in science that extreme holds do actually kill braincells for people. We obviously discarded this deadly garbage.

People are forced to do exactly the same thing with the slave masks nowadays. In some places, people are forced to wear them even in gyms when working out. This is extremely unhealthy.
So you guys are saying that Mageson was a Jew/Infiltrator? How would that even be possible since he was part of the clergy for so long? I remember sermons from Maxine that said several HPs worked on freeing the demons years ago. She even has the sermons on YouTube. Wasn't mageson one of those HPs? who was the HPs that worked on freeing the demons? Was Mageson a jew, or did he just get jealous of others and became unhinged because of it?
You'd think that if he was going to turn out to be an infiltrator then the gods would have seen that coming and he wouldn't have been a HP in the first place.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
