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White Race Awakening Ritual For Imbolc

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all Our Satanic People and Warriors.

We have done this ritual again, and now, with the power of Imbolc, we will be repeating this Ritual to increase it's effectiveness. We will be taking steps during the year into this regard, in order to bolster the energy of this ritual.

For those that are oblivious, the White Race of Satan is being attempted to go extinct by species like the jews. Whites are walking into their death, without understanding the direness of this situation, however, with this pressure, also comes the ability to wake up and finally put an end to this mess.

Now it's the time to show power and defiance. We are here to stay. Permanently. We are going nowhere. Not only that, but we will destroy our enemies. The first step into this is for our people to wake up. Rather than all the misplaced compassion of the enemy, and their fakeness, one only needs to open their eyes to see the reality behind it all.

For those who are unaware of this fact, recently a photo was linked from the offices of the SPLC, which is a jewish organization in the USA that deals with "jewish advocacy". Proudly, they are keeping a countdown on the extinction of the White Race in America. As for Europe, one needs nothing else but to google two words: Kalergi Plan.


This has to be stopped, and these living excrements have to be punished, and ruined for all of their undeserved attacks to the major race that has made this planet better, empowered our existence, and made life in it worthwhile.

Due to the moon's position, we did not do the ritual exactly at the date given traditionally for Imbolc. Now, the planets will be favorable and great for this task. This Ritual is to be done for the next days, aside the daily Final RTR that we keep doing no matter what daily. Everyone can participate.

If you cannot carve the wood or do the Runes, vibrating them should be enough. Do not make the ritual difficult for yourself. Just do it.

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss


The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate eachRune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.

The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.

You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies: http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Raising_Energies.htm
Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah: http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf
Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah: http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zipJoS Webpage of the Runes: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Kabalah.html
For the audio zip file link, it redirects to the exposing xanity main page. For me at least.
Good, we really need this.
A few quiestions, can i write the prayer below the runes? it will be easier for me to read it and recite than to read on here and where is the audio? like it redirect me to exposing xianity site.
Thank you for posting this HP, I was looking forward to another Race Awakening ritual for Imbolc this year. Every Race Awakening ritual we do has great power especially with the Final RTRs paving the way, and so I hope everyone who reads this thread will participate.

Everyone remember to spam the Final RTR as well on Imbolc. 6 times would only take you an hour and ten minutes on average, and 11 times would take you 2 hours. As 11 is the number of destruction, it's perfect for tying in with the 9 times the letters must be vibrated so we have a reverse 9/11 that would be very powerful in reversing the curses the kikes have put on "Esav" and the White Race.

Happy Imbolc to all brothers and sisters!
Satanic imbolc to everyone!


Please download from here. It appears the Runic vibration videos are not on Youtube, or at least, I couldn't find them. Here is the package with the Runic vibrations:

The situation is as it appears the enemy is intensifying their BS against us, as all our material, even the simplest material, seems to be systematically purged. The runes used to be discoverable by the search function in Jewtube, now, they are not.

Also, results are ommitted from the search engines.

Then, Yahoo groups are also delaying the whole process of posting messages, and messages after approval can take many hours to post.

The enemy is simply terrified in this climate it seems. Their order is largely under fire, so they assume that by censoring and doing cheap warfare below the belt it's going to change anything.

Everyone must participate into this ritual. The last time this ritual was done it had cataclysmic effects. We have been doing this for years and we have reached levels of awakening that are globally unprecedented.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is as it appears the enemy is intensifying their BS against us, as all our material, even the simplest material, seems to be systematically purged. The runes used to be discoverable by the search function in Jewtube, now, they are not.

Also, results are ommitted from the search engines.

Then, Yahoo groups are also delaying the whole process of posting messages, and messages after approval can take many hours to post.

The enemy is simply terrified in this climate it seems. Their order is largely under fire, so they assume that by censoring and doing cheap warfare below the belt it's going to change anything.

Everyone must participate into this ritual. The last time this ritual was done it had cataclysmic effects. We have been doing this for years and we have reached levels of awakening that are globally unprecedented.
It seem that this link is broken too http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Raising_Energies.htm

HP i have a question, do we do the Ritual only on Imbolc or we have to keep doing for some days?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is as it appears the enemy is intensifying their BS against us, as all our material, even the simplest material, seems to be systematically purged. The runes used to be discoverable by the search function in Jewtube, now, they are not.

Also, results are ommitted from the search engines.

Then, Yahoo groups are also delaying the whole process of posting messages, and messages after approval can take many hours to post.

The enemy is simply terrified in this climate it seems. Their order is largely under fire, so they assume that by censoring and doing cheap warfare below the belt it's going to change anything.

Everyone must participate into this ritual. The last time this ritual was done it had cataclysmic effects. We have been doing this for years and we have reached levels of awakening that are globally unprecedented.

WILL DO COMMANDER!! I will NEVER stop at NOTHING to help Us WIN this WAR!! NOT even when it comes to the PHYSICAL(FINAL physical) STAGE!! THAT is why i write my (hopefully as MUCH as possible) INSPIRING posts in the FINAL RTR(as well as others when we get ´new` ones, such as this ritual to do again), to INSPIRE and keep my fellow Bretheren motivated and inspired to keep fighting NO MATTER WHAT(And inspiring myself in the process, knowing that i DO have inspired my fellow Bretheren to save more and more lives) and helping them REMEMBER, that the MORE we FIGHT for our Victories, the MORE closer we WILL be for Our FINAL VICTORY and Our Father Satan´s ETERNAL GOLDEN AGE REICH!!

Due to the moon's position, we did not do the ritual exactly at the date given traditionally for Imbolc. Now, the planets will be favorable and great for this task.

What do you mean by this Commander? That the Ritual did not get the same amount of power if we would have done it RIGHT on the given date for the Imbolc? That this years Imbolc(now for few days),the Ritual will be even more powerful to do than last years imbolc?
Here's the runes on youtube, I have them bookmarked as they are difficult to find searching through jewtube. Everyone, please make sure to download the files HP Hoodedcobra linked below. The runes are so important for advancement and improving your life, every SS should be familiar with them!


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please download from here. It appears the Runic vibration videos are not on Youtube, or at least, I couldn't find them. Here is the package with the Runic vibrations:

Weassel said:
Good, we really need this.
A few quiestions, can i write the prayer below the runes? it will be easier for me to read it and recite than to read on here and where is the audio? like it redirect me to exposing xianity site.

For your first question, yes you can. I have mine written nicely in my book of RTR's, and I keep my runes stained with blood with it. I find I can tune in better when reading from my own writing on paper, rather than from my computer.

The correct audio files have been posted in a previous reply in this thread :)
It's equally powerful even if English isn't my first language and I don't speak it really good?
This is insurmountably crucial. We are the biggest threat to the enemy and if we are systematically destroyed in entirety they will have very little to worry about. They know the damage we can do when all the whites are awakened to fight against them, they know such a day spells their complete and total doom so they are trying desperately to destroy us.

If we are driven to extinction then the enemy has as good as won, we can't allow this to happen. There is a very real possibility of losing everything to the enemy if we don't make an effort to stop them. This isn't some game or movie where 'oh the good guys always win just because they're the good guys', no that's not how it works. If we don't make a real effort then the enemy will become successful and Earth will become a true prison planet where gentiles are nothing but a food source that the enemy can torture and destroy however they please. This cannot happen.

We have an annoying amount of members that think this is just some virtual reality game we're playing here where there's no real consequences and this path is all just some 'pretend philosophical role-play'. Look around you, whites have officially become the minority out of no where when we once were a proud race, crime runs rampant where the jews are in full control, people and animals are being murdered and sacrificed to the repulsive jewish god, children who don't even get the chance to just be kids are being killed and 'eaten' by the enemy. They burn them alive, they gut them and they use the negative and death energy they beat out of their victims to attack us with.

It's so fucking simple to destroy the enemy, it's not rocket science and all the tools are here. So if you're not using them and are crying like a little bitch that 'oh it's hopeless, wahh, let's all just curl up and give in to eternal torment even though we can totally destroy the enemy and avoid all the suffering and attain true freedom and happiness if we actually bother to get off our asses and do it' then you can go flock to the rest of the cattle and just become another jews happy meal.

But if becoming a true eternal warrior of Satan known forever in history as one of those who helped free the entire human race is more preferable, then you best hold your head up high and get done what needs to be done. You don't have to be a full-blown warrior to aid in this war, you don't have to focus primarily on just the actual fighting, but in addition wherever you excel, wherever you feel comfortable, work to master it and use it to provide in our efforts. Divination, astrology, healing, health, psychic abilities, the power of runes and gems, gathering information and sharing it with us, racial knowledge and capabilities, wisdom and experience, white magic, black magic, spiritual defense, wherever you like to excel or put effort towards as your mastery or individual favourite(s), advance in it and learn, share what you discover or gain knowledge of with the rest of us, help others who want to learn such skills, learn all you can and teach all you can.

There are so many ways to help this entire ministries as a whole in addition to daily workings, we are not a one-track mind, we are here to grow and advance and we are not supposed to do it alone as we are a family and as a family we must tighten bonds and assist one another.

We are all of Satan.
Lydia said:
Weassel said:
Good, we really need this.
A few quiestions, can i write the prayer below the runes? it will be easier for me to read it and recite than to read on here and where is the audio? like it redirect me to exposing xianity site.

For your first question, yes you can. I have mine written nicely in my book of RTR's, and I keep my runes stained with blood with it. I find I can tune in better when reading from my own writing on paper, rather than from my computer.

The correct audio files have been posted in a previous reply in this thread :)
Thx, you are a lifesaver, but.... when we will begin the ritual? tomorrow? And how many days we will do this ritual?
I feel so bad for not being able to perform this ritual....

I'm down with a terrible flu, have a high fever (guess my two aura of protections weren't enough...) and I can't speak because my throat is basically scarred from coughing so much....

I'll do this ritual on the next full moon or when I am able to talk, so I'm very deeply sorry...

Again, I apologize....
Happy Imbolc!

When they tell you that you might be stuck in another reincarnation with the Jews...
The raising energy link is also broken:

I´m to stupid to find the 666 raising energy side :oops: = 6xVu vibrate into sun chakra , 6xVa vibrate into hearth chakra, 6xVo vibrate into sixt chakra.

or for more advanced people Raum:


here you can find some realy helpfull gifs for this meditation:

Cyn666 said:
For the audio zip file link, it redirects to the exposing xanity main page. For me at least.

The Ruins are pronounced:


Ss-ooo-lll (vibrate in your cheeks while letting the air out through them)


With the Sol ruin, the sound of you breathing out through your cheeks should kind of remind you of static on an old TV or the crackling of electricity.
Please someone can tell me when is the correct time to start this ritual?

I live in Peru (South America), is there any specific day or time?

Thanks to all

P.S. In order to download the calendar I cant find Peru in the list (help me with this too please) Thanks
TopoftheAbyss said:
It's equally powerful even if English isn't my first language and I don't speak it really good?

Yes. Meaning is what counts.
Weassel said:
Lydia said:
Weassel said:
Good, we really need this.
A few quiestions, can i write the prayer below the runes? it will be easier for me to read it and recite than to read on here and where is the audio? like it redirect me to exposing xianity site.

For your first question, yes you can. I have mine written nicely in my book of RTR's, and I keep my runes stained with blood with it. I find I can tune in better when reading from my own writing on paper, rather than from my computer.

The correct audio files have been posted in a previous reply in this thread :)
Thx, you are a lifesaver, but.... when we will begin the ritual? tomorrow? And how many days we will do this ritual?

3rd of February, 4th of February, 5th of February.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I feel so bad for not being able to perform this ritual....

I'm down with a terrible flu, have a high fever (guess my two aura of protections weren't enough...) and I can't speak because my throat is basically scarred from coughing so much....

I'll do this ritual on the next full moon or when I am able to talk, so I'm very deeply sorry...

Again, I apologize....

Coughing makes the throat dehydrated. If you tilt back your head and hold some water in the top of your throat/back of your mouth, you can let the water sit and soak in for a minute or two. Do this a few times it will make you feel better. Then maybe you can do this ritual at least once :D and you'll be happy to know that the enemy was NOT able to stop you! :D
kenny.meza said:
Please someone can tell me when is the correct time to start this ritual?

I live in Peru (South America), is there any specific day or time?

Thanks to all

P.S. In order to download the calendar I cant find Peru in the list (help me with this too please) Thanks

Correct time for this ritual is all day today and tomorrow (February 4th and 5th).

For the SS calender, Peru is located in UTC -5 timezone. Here is a link to the calender:

kenny.meza said:
Please someone can tell me when is the correct time to start this ritual?

I live in Peru (South America), is there any specific day or time?

Thanks to all

P.S. In order to download the calendar I cant find Peru in the list (help me with this too please) Thanks

3rd, 4th And 5th
Frinnis said:
Cyn666 said:
For the audio zip file link, it redirects to the exposing xanity main page. For me at least.

The Ruins are pronounced:


Ss-ooo-lll (vibrate in your cheeks while letting the air out through them)


With the Sol ruin, the sound of you breathing out through your cheeks should kind of remind you of static on an old TV or the crackling of electricity.
Odal is not pronounced oval its pronounced Ooo-thhh-aaaaa-llll
The th is mostly done with the dh sound, check the audios
Can we do this ritual multiple times per day or is it a once daily sort of ritual?
For mixed people I know the ones who are mostly genetically white should do it for the white race but I'm honestly still not convinced which race I really am since I feel I'm almost in between Asian and white. Would it be bad if I do it within the reason of "just in case I am mostly white"?
Satansdisciple666 said:
Is it effective/Does it count to do the ritual if I’m only half white?

I'm mixed black and white and I've decided to do both. The only difference is I've opted not to use my blood in the white ritual because obviously the blood is mixed.

I do one to awaken the black race after yoga and do the white one later in the day. I'm doing both because I have the time and energy.

If your situation is different you could do the white ritual alone or also do your other race if you can. For example if you are new and not used to doing alot of rituals do one really powerfully. Also don't skimp on RTR's and the usual Aop's.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I feel so bad for not being able to perform this ritual....

I'm down with a terrible flu, have a high fever (guess my two aura of protections weren't enough...) and I can't speak because my throat is basically scarred from coughing so much....

I'll do this ritual on the next full moon or when I am able to talk, so I'm very deeply sorry...

Again, I apologize....

It turns out that my vocal chords are inflamed and that is what is causing all this. Been to the doc today. Hopefully medicine helps fix this.
Growing up in southern Texas, I was surrounded by so many different races, I found it extremely hard to find my social group growing up. I didnt have a father and my family was not racially or even nationally proud. Damn Xianity fucked my childhood up so bad I remember running away from home one Sunday cuz I didnt want to go to church xD
It wasnt until I was 14 or 15 that I took my first step towards racial awareness, but how it changed my life!! Despite my family being torn apart, I became determined to find the secret to immortality, Sadly the enemy worked real hard to delay my advancement for years...
But I would not give up, I got tired of the fear and the weakness I said enough was enough, I got furious and demanded my freedoms. Ive fought so damn hard this past 3 years now that ive been dedicated. I have been awarded tremendously, I have the most wonderful Father now and he has made sure that I feel part of the family. I am rewarded daily with seeing the most wonderful smiles on peoples faces and I will never give up! Everyones hard work has made it possible for me to grow into an amazing Satanic Man and I am working in my own ways to ensure this war is completed as swiftly as possible.

Thanks yall! Happy Imbolc ^_^
Hail Satan
hailourtruegod said:
For mixed people I know the ones who are mostly genetically white should do it for the white race but I'm honestly still not convinced which race I really am since I feel I'm almost in between Asian and white. Would it be bad if I do it within the reason of "just in case I am mostly white"?
Im half Irish, half chinese. I’m pretty white looking, im half & half although I consider myself only 50% white because that’s the fact. I am proud to share some of Fathers blood. white DNA is powerful. Father Satan & Azazel told me to perform the white ritual anyways. Hail Azazel! Hail Satan!
hailourtruegod said:
For mixed people I know the ones who are mostly genetically white should do it for the white race but I'm honestly still not convinced which race I really am since I feel I'm almost in between Asian and white. Would it be bad if I do it within the reason of "just in case I am mostly white"?
Im half Irish, half chinese. I’m pretty white looking, im half & half although I consider myself only 50% white because that’s the fact. I am proud to share some of Fathers blood. white DNA is powerful. Father Satan & Azazel told me to perform the white ritual anyways. Hail Azazel! Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
