Look at how the piano keys are tuned, how at light dispersion is as well. All of this corresponds. But your focus and intent defines more than the frequency itself where mantras are concerned, and then if you want, you can focus on the frequency separate from your vibrations, in the soul.
Vibration from speakers, bowls and so on can have a therapeutic effect but more psychological than anything. This is because the vibration must come and activate from the organic life force of within to the outer, or as a proportionate corresponding aspect of the inner to the outer.
For example you cannot see, move or raise anything outside that you cannot at least grasp inside. The process from "healing music" comes only from internalizing creatively the sounds in our mind, but without our conscious aspect, nothing has any positive power. Earthquakes produce a lot of extreme low frequencies that can be felt beforehand the event, with better compass than most advanced predictive technologies on the planet. Your gut feeling will give you dread if you are tuned and sensitive. This is a valid way to understand how certain very large frequencies affect you and to what extent from outside. If you lived near a club or something, you should know the feeling of unease when trying to sleep, even if the low base is almost unheard, but it still affects your body.