On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 19:42, hibstjoseph@... [JoyofSatan666]<
[email protected] wrote: That's bullshit weed can be used as a tool, just don't allow your self to believe you NEED it to experience or reAch a heightened spiritual state. And this response IS from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. There was a time in my life I used to smoke all the time, it was bad and yes that is absolutely unhealthy, and in that form completely unhealy for your spiritual progress. If you are never sober and practicing then you will never truly learn anything except your potential but never achieved. So I redirect you to my opening statement. IT CAN BE USED as a tool. I went over three years without smoking. And during these three years I was developing a relationship with Lilith. I was having an extremely hard time bypassing my old thought patterns and Christian habits. It came to a point that something was screaming inside of me. It's time to smoke, for release, for clarity, for peace of mind. I was so strained I couldn't meditate properly.
One day I got ahold of some weed and smoked it. Just a couple drags as not to become useless or incoherent, I went to my quiet place and began to meditate. Mind you that what happened next was completely unprompted. I wanted to simply call on Lilith and enhance my connection with her and fall into a deep trance under her frequency... within 120 seconds she exploded into my room in a filial on ectoplasmic manifestation. And I nearly shit my pants because I had not invited her there ( though she was welcome and I had no desire or will for that level of contact), simply because I couldn't fathom it at the time.) she was speaking on her own, communicating with me on her own. This was absolutely not a thought form as it was sudden and caught me by surprise and I had no personal intention of the moment unfolding the way she decided it would. She sat beside me and touched me... and holy sheep shit her hands were real her breath was warm. Her ectoplasm was a mixture of a green and blue. You could tell it was her but her human shape was blurry but you could completely see how feminine she was. This hasn't happened since and I will say this I WILL NEVER BE CONVINCED THAT DEMONS, SATAN, OR LILITH are not real by anyone. This moment changed my life and severed any Christian mind warping that my mind may have been trying to cling to. In the rite place at the rite time weed is a useful tool. That is my only disagreement with that statement but I do 100% endorse the statement that if abused it can and will handicap your spiritual growth and power as a SS.