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What To Do About Xian/Muslim Family Members

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
ValiantVance88 said:
What’s the best course of action if you’re Hell’s Army and you have Xtian family members? I trust father Satan and the Gods implicitly, and I don’t want to forsake family because I refuse to abide by the enemy in any way.

1. Understand that because they are your family it doesn't mean they are all evolved or must accept everything or whatever.

2. They don't necessarily pose a "hazard" because of these misplaced beliefs. Satan and the Gods have power and they are the Truth, so one must not focus on the deceptions these people might have.

3. Live your life in the most peaceful way with them, and don't get screwed over by their stupidity.

4. Try to help them improve insofar this doesn't ruin you, and treat the good people in your family goodly, and reserve yourself from the wrongdoings of the bad.

5. Understand you are your own person.

6. One must also understand that by opening disputes with your family who are likely programmed as anyone else out there, on what is centuries of indoctrination, and they never really read anything, won't really make them be like "Voila, Satan is right, Lucifer is awesome, it all makes sense now". One will likely never reach that outcome that way.

7. These "disputes" will likely have you as the loser, or even if they have them as the "losers", nobody really gains much from them. Certainly, the Gods don't receive anything from these disputes, only the ego does.

Nobody ever said in Spiritual Satanism to forsake your family or anything like this. If you do this, that's because of yourself and personal error.

Jesus Christ the jew said all these things, to forsake your family, give them up, damn them, for "they did not believe in him". That was to destroy the family unit and essentially give a wrong message that "loyalty" is proven, by ruining your own family.

Meanwhile, jews of the race of Rabbi Christ do anything in their power to not interbreed, help their family members, while the wise jews take a position to maybe even guard the stupidest people, while they also have 10 kids if they can, and they preach tolerance in couples even if the people involved are retarded or they borderline "defect" Judaism even.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for an excellent and insightful post, HPHC. You’re a divine champion as always :)
My family is Xian. And for the longest time this tugged at my heart, knowing what I know and knowing the love of Father Satan and that Gods a love that I wanted them to know, too.

But when I look in my sister's eyes I see that same spark of curiosity that was in mine as a child. And I thought to myself that she may not become a Satanist, but she will never be indoctrinated by that filth.

When I look at my Stepmom I see an intelligent, rational woman who believes these things because that was how she was raised. Even now, I can see those eyes drifting away from those beliefs, maybe not today, but a day that's not so far, she may leave that Xian filth behind her.

And when I look at my brother, I see a young man who could never be Xian. He always rejected those beliefs, always stood firm in his conviction. I cannot wait to see him grow up and have a family of his own.

When I look at my father, I see a man with struggles. Although he tends towards laziness, sometimes bordering neglect, he cares. He let's his anger get the better of him at times, and maybe he says things he does not mean, but he cares.

When I look at myself, I see a young woman who has her whole life ahead of her. And although I am currently restricted from delving deeper into my faith, this has not stopped me from doing all that I can. Aside from RTRs and meditation, this includes creating charts for my family members and letting them know when a problem may arise for them or, in my father's case, when they just need to sit down and take a breather.

I love my family, despite their flaws. I just need to remind myself that there is only so much I can do for them. I cannot bear their burdens or change who they are, but I can help them, when they ask for it and care for them, even when they don't.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Meanwhile, jews of the race of Rabbi Christ do anything in their power to not interbreed, help their family members, while the wise jews take a position to maybe even guard the stupidest people, while they also have 10 kids if they can, and they preach tolerance in couples even if the people involved are retarded or they borderline "defect" Judaism even.

This one is so true. While other nations and races procreate like rabbits, we are stuck with our own self-centrism. Of course, Jews advertised this "child-free awesome life" since 1970s and it was an official decree by World Bank.

One should also be aware that when people develop themselves spiritually, their difference among the other human beings hugely stands out. Thus you may see the truth while the others are totally blind. So we should not try to convince *every* people (Uncle Chuck example), even the ones we love. We should consider that our family may not be as awaken as us and it would not change immediately when we tell them the truth. But of course this does not mean that we should hate them, they are just unready for the red pill unfortunately.
I've had the displeasure of seeing my dads opinions on the state of the world be eroded over the past few years. Once he became retired he started watching a lot of mainstream news and has now practically become brainwashed, spouting everything they want him to think. He's not an unintelligent person as his views used to be completely reasonable.

It got bad enough to where he would constantly talk about how there needs to be less white people in X thing the media talks about that week. I was close to start yelling at him that his grandchildren he loves so much are white and he's practically wishing a worse life on them. Luckily he has started to go back to normal but it seems like slow progress.

The Jew media really fucks with andrapodas. I just hope my other immediate family members don't follow his example.

Hail Satan!
I say nothing about my Occult activities. Not family or friend. I am a loner. Always have been. Even when I left Christianity. ""And you came out alone"", a Psychic tells me. I might be getting more help from Fallen Angels/ Demons. Still working on my psychic sensitivity. So I cannot see or notice much yet. . The less family and friends know about my occult life, the better for me. I know a few nice spiritual christians. But, they would only call me a 'witch' ( I like that ), and want to ''cast the devil out of me''. Nah... I will let them be ignorant.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ValiantVance88 said:
What’s the best course of action if you’re Hell’s Army and you have Xtian family members? I trust father Satan and the Gods implicitly, and I don’t want to forsake family because I refuse to abide by the enemy in any way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very good answer!

Very many of the NPCs have a large number of false programs and even communication on some usual topics can cause misunderstanding and aggression in some of them.
angramainyu said:
I say nothing about my Occult activities. Not family or friend. I am a loner. Always have been. Even when I left Christianity. ""And you came out alone"", a Psychic tells me. I might be getting more help from Fallen Angels/ Demons. Still working on my psychic sensitivity. So I cannot see or notice much yet. . The less family and friends know about my occult life, the better for me. I know a few nice spiritual christians. But, they would only call me a 'witch' ( I like that ), and want to ''cast the devil out of me''. Nah... I will let them be ignorant.

Patience, and yes, that is a very good thing to do brother. Some psychics can sense witches and all of this. "Christians" are just "spiritual" by coincidence because they are Gentiles and as human beings they might have some abilities, which they destroy by being members of xianity and these come from our Pagan Ancestry where people actually developed these gifts.
Family. I know it's the foundation of our society, it's important and without family bonds many people would be lost, and would not give birth to kids in any way. So I know and repeat family must be kept alive and health as much as possible. I love to see a young couple walking hand in hand as I see them as a potential happy family to come, when I see two people with sufficient clean Auras, I feel happy! They are the mean of our survival in next decades.

I am not a good advisor about keeping strong in family unity, I had extremely bad experiences with my family as a kid, that ruined most of my life, so I decided to abandon my family and cut all ties and contact with any of them forever, I needed extra long meditation to detach Soul links. Too deeply ruined and heavily programmed to the point of pedophilia, borderline personality dissociation with amnesia, PTSD, manipulation and emotional enslavement and so on.

I did not know anything about this shit until memories started to come out, and I realized what a shit of childhood I lived. Everything was deeply masked under xian fake happines, family shined as "perfect" for outsiders - all the shit was swept under the carpet. To the point my mother after wanting to divorce with no success, unconsciously pushed herself so hard in smoking cigarettes so that she died by cancer quite early, and escaped the prison she was living in.

I was convinced my family was simply a "standard" xian family. When I found Satan and I openly refused xianity, I tried to let them understand my choiche (never disclosed I am with Satan, simply said that I left xian church as it's not good for me). What a mistake! Since then I experienced the hugest backlash I ever had in many years (I dedicated to Satan in 2007); relatives who had sexual intercourse with me when I was a kid started using their manipulative ways of handling me (emotions, words, blackmailing etc.) and created me any sort of problems. Mostly I have been unable to escape those manipulations for links and weakness caused to my Soul in the past (also past lives). Never have been Meditation, Spirituality and progress so hard to achieve like those years. Other relatives younger than me (pedophiled too by the older members) have been used in bullying me and in ego clashing of any sort to destroy my "mistake" - as a psychic I know they wanted to force me to return back to xianity with all possible means and my life got harder every day more.
I then engaged in a huge Spiritual fight to escape family enslavement, that I am slowly winning, I am much more free now, thinks got better, I felt cloiser to the Gods, I experiences glimpses of Spiritual freedom. I won't stop working for this.

What I want to say, is BE AWARE families that are heavily corrupted may have hidden problems and may cause you Spiritual harm, even if you do not perceive this as you are under their influence. Abused people are often completely unaware of this.
I do not want to discourage family unity, as I believe many family are programmed but overally healty (I do often desire I was born in one of those families). Only want to advise, think twice before being open to your family members, and repeat again and again never disclose your faith in Satan as this may cause many problems.
They will find Satan when they will be ready. They will fix their problems in this life or next lives.
In my case they only found enemy shit that devoured their Souls deeply, and wanted to devour mine, but I escaped.
I know try to work to build my own healtier family as much as I can.

Anyone who had similar problems, I will try to help on here, as I have studied this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody ever said in Spiritual Satanism to forsake your family or anything like this. If you do this, that's because of yourself and personal error.

Jesus Christ the jew said all these things, to forsake your family, give them up, damn them, for "they did not believe in him". That was to destroy the family unit and essentially give a wrong message that "loyalty" is proven, by ruining your own family.

I've noticed this rhetoric amongst the extremist Christians, and I'm talking about the "really, really dedicated ones", how they've practically cut ties with their family just for being "too Gentile". One minute they'll complain that the libtards are destroying the family unit, and the next minute they'll bitch, rant and whine about how "dedicated Christians" need to cut ties with the family who aren't on the same level insane as the "dedicated Christian", when I mean "dedicated Christian" I'm not even referring to those who line up church pews (they tend to have acceptable levels of normality), I'm referring to those who literally try to apply the schizophrenic, suicidal and maniacal "spirituality" of the Bible. The Jehovah Witnesses I'm sure you know, is a perfect example who literally applies this lunatic lifestyle and enforces it onto their followers which has gotten them into lots of legal battles, and rightfully so.

Not even "normal Christians" are like this, I thank the Gods that my folks, although Christian, aren't like that, and don't feel the need to cut ties with family members who aren't Christians.
I have been going about things all wrong it seems. I hardly speak to most family members or am close to them bc we have nothing in common it feels like. It doesn’t really bother me because they don’t understand me or do anything for me & they are xian a lot of them so they make me mad with there way of thinking so I kinda just ignore them. I thought Satan doesn’t allow friendly association with Xian’s stated in the Al-jiwah so that’s why I am like this. Maybe I been to extreme?
I'm a moslem but I'm not happy with my condition because I wanted to be free so please show me how to become a member of this community because I wanted to change my religion.I wanted to change from moslem become a SATANIC.Because I'm falling in love with SATAN...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ValiantVance88 said:
What’s the best course of action if you’re Hell’s Army and you have Xtian family members? I trust father Satan and the Gods implicitly, and I don’t want to forsake family because I refuse to abide by the enemy in any way.

1. Understand that because they are your family it doesn't mean they are all evolved or must accept everything or whatever.

2. They don't necessarily pose a "hazard" because of these misplaced beliefs. Satan and the Gods have power and they are the Truth, so one must not focus on the deceptions these people might have.

3. Live your life in the most peaceful way with them, and don't get screwed over by their stupidity.

4. Try to help them improve insofar this doesn't ruin you, and treat the good people in your family goodly, and reserve yourself from the wrongdoings of the bad.

5. Understand you are your own person.

6. One must also understand that by opening disputes with your family who are likely programmed as anyone else out there, on what is centuries of indoctrination, and they never really read anything, won't really make them be like "Voila, Satan is right, Lucifer is awesome, it all makes sense now". One will likely never reach that outcome that way.

7. These "disputes" will likely have you as the loser, or even if they have them as the "losers", nobody really gains much from them. Certainly, the Gods don't receive anything from these disputes, only the ego does.

Nobody ever said in Spiritual Satanism to forsake your family or anything like this. If you do this, that's because of yourself and personal error.

Jesus Christ the jew said all these things, to forsake your family, give them up, damn them, for "they did not believe in him". That was to destroy the family unit and essentially give a wrong message that "loyalty" is proven, by ruining your own family.

Meanwhile, jews of the race of Rabbi Christ do anything in their power to not interbreed, help their family members, while the wise jews take a position to maybe even guard the stupidest people, while they also have 10 kids if they can, and they preach tolerance in couples even if the people involved are retarded or they borderline "defect" Judaism even.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There is a problem with exmuslim regarding this. I want to share an incidence of an exmuslim from Pakistan name - ex muslim spartacus, he blasphemed prophet mohammed infront of one of his friend(as he is very expressive in nature) and due to which he has been raped by pakistani fellows by the instruction of his mother!!! The reason behind this is very simple, a muslim must love his prophet more than his family. If a person reject islam and become a murtid, his relationship with his family and his property (from his family) will break and he deserves waajib ul katal penalty as per islamic laws. Killing punishment can be performed not only from islamic hukumat(muslim leader or khailfa) but also from any muslim civilians!!!, this is great. If you search indian and pakistani ex muslim youtube channel, you will find many of them don't show their real face(one of them also use voice changer) because they know they are waajib ul katal, they have also left their family for the same reason. They live like a nomads. This is the reality of Islam, and you know about the reality of democratic government they donot recognize the reality of islam because they are stupid. An ex muslim as a satanist will face many problems if he live with his family.
Read everything at: https://www.joyofsatan.org
then dedicate your soul to Satan following the procedure describred there.

reyserah said:
I'm a moslem but I'm not happy with my condition because I wanted to be free so please show me how to become a member of this community because I wanted to change my religion.I wanted to change from moslem become a SATANIC.Because I'm falling in love with SATAN...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
